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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EET

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mechanized brigade of the cold ravine has an urgent need for drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier in order to bring closer the victory that all of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, heroes glory. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. i'm here
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temporarily, i'll be back home soon, live now where you are. we return and now we are adding to our conversation ihor reiterovych, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. we welcome you, mr. igor, to our airwaves. congratulations. mr. igor, you know, i am among people who, having little imagination, then spend a couple of hryvnias, go to a bookstore and buy such a book, called zbirnyk khtostiv. so i wanted to talk to you about the collection.
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guests, it was recently released, very good, i was able to get to the original, i read it for all the good things, and the measure is in full measure, it’s called ukrainian formula of peace, 10 good toasts, in this case i ask you, why do we spend so much effort on the outside world with those ten toasts for all good things, if none of the points of the formula of peace. ukraine does not show mechanisms for forcing the russian aggressor to comply with at least one of these points. well, it seems to me that this is work, so to speak , for the future, and the desire to demonstrate to various countries, which are primarily our partners and allies, that we are ready to consider various options, we have such strategic vision, how the russian-ukrainian issue should not even be resolved.
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because i agree here, in this formula there are very few concrete mechanisms for how to do this, it is more about the further regulation of the entire system of international relations on the principles of those that are directly stated in this formula, they are also not new, by the way, it's just that they are comprehensively evaluated, analyzed and presented in the context of these 10 points, well , to a certain extent, it seems to me that the key task is an additional platform that allows us to communicate with different countries to show that we are ready, well, to listen to their positions, it is possible to compromise on some issues in the future, although there are issues of compromise, which are simply impossible a priori, and ukraine, as it were, sets the tone and sets the pace in general of all negotiations related to the settlement of new international relations, well, in the system that the russian federation has largely destroyed, ukraine is asking, if, for example, the largest in terms of potential and power. resources of the countries
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of the global south such as china and india they just really ignore this ukrainian peace formula, and demonstratively, in the direction of beijing, it is also quite scandalous and... and completely unprofessional on the part of political kyiv, so what is the problem, well, look, not only is the whole world in a wedge on india and china, that's right, there are many others, there are many other countries that are included in this formula, included quite seriously, i will say even more, i am convinced that india will join it at some stage, well, at least on those points, which for her represent interest, china's situation is more complicated, china can be involved. i also, by the way, do not really understand the efforts to actively involve him in this story for one simple reason: china will agree to participate in such negotiations and discussions if it takes its own initiative and this initiative is taken as a basis. well, china simply considers itself to be more equal than others, and in
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this context they have to come up with something of their own. currently, they do not have such a vision of their own, how to do this, and accordingly, they are not involved in this formula in any way. but with from the point of view of an additional site for those. countries that already support ukraine, but which are ready to discuss these things, well, this is a good option, although it is strange to me, i have said this more than once on other broadcasts, why are people engaged in promoting this formula in general in our country, who their functional duties and in general by position, well, this is not, well, this does not belong to the sphere of their competence, that is, in principle , the president should deal with this, and not the person who is now following him there, yes, which we can see on the screen, it... can engage the minister of foreign affairs, and then it would be logical, yes, but since it is clear that the president's office pays a lot of attention to this and believes that it can become a certain substitute for, you know, other steps and an opportunity to draw attention to yourself
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to remind, well, that is precisely why there is so much talk about it, mr. igor, and you, too, in fact , from what we also started, that is, not illegitimate from the point of view of the state power structure, not elected to the... body, the office of the president is an auxiliary body, which the president is entitled to create, he can make a thousand of such offices a month, and change the institution, change the constitution to an office presidential republic, in which yermak's collection of toasts, in which there is not a single word in any of the clauses about the implementation of the constitution of ukraine, that is, the entry of ukraine into nato, and only such a single one, is a collective recipe. security, well , it won't last that long, there are still enough homo-sapiens and professional diplomats in the world who know exactly what yermak has come, but where is kuleba? and kuleba did not come. well, they are actually paying attention to this, and not only you and i are talking about it, they are
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also talking about it in the western media, well, for a long enough period of time they did not focus on this , because they understood that, in principle , there are certain in ukraine, other issues were perceived. as it should be, and now there are questions , well, more are starting to be added, asked, and so on , well, their number will only grow, although i , well, maybe it seemed to me, maybe you will not agree with me, but in switzerland the president has at least somewhat regained his leadership in on this issue, well, at least he spoke according to this formula, he said that there will be a summit of leaders, that is, after all, not advisers, but leaders, and he will at least be able to speak about those things, well, for which he is authorized, including ukrainian the people speak. on the other hand, in a negative scenario, we can get from this peace formula the same as we got with the crimean platform, and it is still far before the beginning of a large-scale invasion, the idea is good, but because it was implemented through incomprehensible people and incomprehensible
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the mechanisms, i say, are unclear from the point of view of their institutional affiliation, as you rightly noted, but according to the constitution there are laws, well, this led to certain consequences, here, after all, there are still more prospects, and in fact there are. a chance to turn this story correctly, by and large, well, in the direction that is necessary for us, but for this, well, the banking sector must first of all understand that it must be done a little differently and return to the standard procedures accepted by western diplomats , and in the context of which western diplomats are ready to discuss these issues. mr. igor, we are trying to attract as many countries as possible to our vision of peace, to get involved with the support of a large number. countries, they are developing their vision, but there is another small nuance here, that , unfortunately, our peace is impossible without the participation of russia, that is , it would be good if there was no participation of them in our life, then we can have peace, and accordingly, all our programs, concepts, we can write, we can
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strive for it, but as long as they shoot at us, as long as they have any military power, then we... will all depend equally, peace in our country will all equally depend on what they do, on the other hand, to involve russia in any negotiations now, in general to say that we would meet somewhere there and they talked about something , it is not discussed, and it is certainly impossible , the swiss say that we will meet, then we will definitely sue putin, this is what the swiss say, this is their formula for peace from the center of europe, and they are far away, it is easier for them to talk about it, we have a border here what are the russians trying to do, how do you see it, how do you see the possibility of any agreements at all, can it happen, on what, on what basis can this peace happen? well, look, we have an official vision today, it is just
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partially included in the peace formula we are talking about, and this vision is supported by the citizens of ukraine and is implemented to the best of its ability and by the authorities, what other countries are there they say that it will be necessary to invite the russian federation, well, they are actually right, but here the question is why, that it is necessary to invite her to the negotiations when we will have the appropriate international support for our initiatives and our vision, i.e. then when ukraine will not be the only one to say, let's sit down , a huge number of countries will stand behind us, including directly or indirectly the countries belonging to the so-called global south, which may or may not directly say to russia, let's sit down, finish, but they will somehow hint through their channels there that, in principle, well, the war is enough, it causes colossal damage there not only to ukraine, and russia, well, russia is of little interest to us there, yes, that is, they started it themselves and will be responsible for it, but it generally affects the entire system of global economic , political... and other relations there, and that means that something needs to be completed there, and then, in this format, russia, no matter how
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much it talks about ultimatums and so on, it will probably be forced to either sit down and talk, or if it rejects this proposal, it will emphasize and confirm for the whole world its inadequacy there , the question is when it will be, that is, you understand, well, according to the idea of ​​the ukrainian authorities , it should happen this year, well, i am looking at the separate statements that are currently among the representatives there. there is a banking one, they somehow became more active in this context, again they started talking a lot about negotiations, well, they are trying to form such a position that ukraine does not come out alone with as many countries as possible and try , as it were, to seize the initiative and seat russia at this negotiating table, but the final version these, well, these negotiations, what will be discussed there, we do not know to this day, and i am afraid that there may be things that, for example, for not even a significant part, and there for , well, practically for the entire ukrainian society be even unacceptable. ugh, do you think that we can have such a strong foundation, such a strong
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position for negotiations this year, because it seems to me that i do not yet know whether ukrainian troops will not be in moscow or near moscow, or even behind moscow, then about any adequacy and an adequate perception of the situation by the russian authorities is probably not possible, only my vision is this, and not only that, putin said so, these are conquered lands, there is no formula. the return of the occupied lands cannot even be, that is how he reacted to the peace formula, i.e. there is no readiness, what exactly is oksana talking about? look, this is as of today, well, the situation may change, there may be factors that will affect, i am talking now about an optimistic scenario that may involve some negotiations there, the beginning is there, be careful the beginning of some negotiations this year, it is clear that not even in the first half, that is, we are talking more about the second half, and on the other hand, the situation can really go to the one that was described in the last articles that appeared in the western media, about a war that can last for two years, about a war that can
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last for five years, the only question is the intensity of this war, and how will everything happen directly at the front, then of course, there will be no negotiations, but we will have to make other then decisions if it will drag on for such a period of time, questions, well, some that are related to the modernization of the government and other things, well, they will simply become urgent, because they will also be asked by society, this is a risk. but you have to be ready for this risk and think about what to do with it. mr. igor, we have seen that within the framework of solidarity and support for ukraine, quite often our partners from the g7 and not only from america, well, at least they did not officially testify to certain things that they knew well, saw, i mean certain undemocratic practices, certain personnel decisions and so on, but since the process of european integration has begun, now there is already such a point of silence for couples. today we see how they reacted to certain personnel decisions, at least to the same option as
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in the chamber of accounts, well, when the big seven and all the ambassadors were demonstratively sent along the well-known russian sea route, we also see a very interesting study, i honestly made the move, this is a very good thing, already a part of ukrainians, probably they are tired of watching tv, i don't know, but they think that the influence of the office is too great the president on... on state institutions, it is so well formulated, so according to your suggestion, we are approaching this moment when the institutions and the state will be replaced by a few convenient persons... and they will have to be sacrificed either by yanukovych's former mints or former partners with the opzhmetovskys or maybe even other very useful uncles who supervised all the stalls in the city of hero kyiv. well, i think that a victim in the form of an opzh will satisfy few people, and
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sooner or later it will happen, but by and large no one will pay attention to it. regarding others. some changes, i think we are approaching this period, and in the 24th year we will definitely see, well, i don’t know, with a 90% probability, we will most likely see a new cabinet of ministers, that is, they will try to hang a part of all the failures , problems and so on there to the current cabinet, to change it, especially since it does not require any elections, and we will see the new office, look, this will be the first stage, further depending on the development of the situation and, for example, the lack of reaction to ... the support of our partners and on the increase certain, well, look, i wanted to say protestors, this is not a slightly wrong word , the people will not go out into the streets, but indignation will grow, and sociologists will record this, and the growth of these attitudes, i think that force will force, including the head of state to make decisions about his own office, and you know, i will say something again, this can be controversial, knowing and
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seeing just the previous actions of volodymyr oleksandrovich in relation to his entourage, i have no... doubt that if necessary, he will be able to donate very easily all those people with whom he is now very comfortable to work and find a suitable replacement for them, if there is a question whether he or someone else, well here the choice is in principle obvious, no, here your words can be 100% verified by taking at least a photo of of the election headquarters of 2019, and on the photo to cross out everyone with a felt-tip pen and see about proud loneliness, well, and the fidelity of your words and... can definitely confirm, it’s just difficult for us to call him now, thank you for the conversation, well, actually, we will do a little pause, we already have the last one, the last one, the last chords, yes, goodbye to the games, ihor reiterovych was with us, the head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, thank you for the interesting conversation, in
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part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, eneble me ukraine. we are coming back and now we have a special guest, a lieutenant colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, roman kovalev on... in connection with our studio, mr. roman, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glad to see you. mr. roman , thanks to you we learned this story, although we have known our colleague, former journalist tetyana chornovola, now an officer, for a long time, and many cases, but it was thanks to you that we learned that a person who is on the front line, a person who does what the majority of ukrainians should do now, simply. naboo was interested in her, but we didn't quite understand why, and we ask you to explain to us. what can be done on
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front to generate such interest, will naboo come to the trenches mad? yes , you asked me this question a lot, i would like tatyana to answer more, because she knows the essence of the matter better, the only thing i saw on her page was an announcement that... nabu was interested in her, and it caused me indignation, surprise, then indignation , i still don't have the stage of acceptance, the fact is that i have known tatyana personally as her commander, since the 22nd year, precisely in the unit in which i am, as i am commanded, tatyana performed tasks, let's say, for the destruction of enemy heavy equipment, with its mortars, it terrorized the enemy there, it had about 20 units of various destroyed in my unit alone, and its unit was always characterized by high
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discipline and courage, and i was honestly surprised by it. at first, when she came to our unit, i was surprised and thought, well , there will be some problems, but the most executive disciplinary serviceman, i wrote about this in my post, i have never seen and... or fate, fate in the release of khersonskaya region is definitely on tetyana's shoulders, and that's why i turned to her about a week ago, as a battalion commander, trying to lure her to me, because you know, we are unit commanders, battalion commanders already understand from the actions of the authorities and from the actions of the ukrainians that rescue yes the affairs of the drowning are in the hands of the drowning themselves, and that is why now the commanding officer. commanders of brigades and battalions are trying to find people who are lacking in the armed forces, there is a catastrophic lack of them, and here we are beginning to resort, you know, like the edisons to some
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new innovations, everyone mentions, invents, and therefore i thought that it would be good for me to have such a subordinate as the titanic chernobyl, and therefore for about a week we talked with her on this topic, she said that she, let's say, she was pleased that i... am trying to attract her to me, but she doesn't want to listen to her boyfriends, i can't attract everyone, and here i am surprised already today, seeing her post yesterday that not only i am also interested in her, but also nauvoo, i feel, you know, jealousy, competition, well, of course, mr. roman, a tell me, please, nabu, we will simply remind this national anti-corruption bureau, dismissing kherson, that tetyana chornovta... sold, i don't know, the balance to collaborators or what, that's what kind of corruption things can be invented for a combat officer, well, it's interesting.
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as far as i saw something there about the 14th year, i understood briefly from tatyana's post, do you remember this, kurchenko fuel, so-called, when rosneft tried, yes, to take its fuel from ukraine, and thanks to that, including first of all , tatiana, i remember this case, it was fuel was transferred specifically to the armed forces, and it seemed to me, for example, that they were looking for her to present her with an order, and you see. this is a traitor under sanctions, a kinder surprise kurchenko, stolen oil, and she went to defend the country, for that they give orders and medals, yes, well, you see how it is, and moreover, you understand, we have another on-screen case with tatyana , you also remember her, about the party of regions, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and so it turned out that when we met for the first time in the kherson region,
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i have a criminal case, she has... a criminal case, then she thought that some kind of fine bat was being formed by the authorities, so she, being at one of the courts, after returning from kyiv, she said that the judge told her that you should fight for now, and if you survive, then we will continue to judge you, you understand , i think it 's just such a vivid illustration of what's going on, you know, when you look back at the past 14 years, 10 years later in... a time when every bayonet is for gold, and we see these scandals brewing in that army, yes, crazy funds, and me it would seem that they should now focus on what is today, that is the most important thing, they raise some issues, and to me, honestly, this is my simple feeling, let's say, human, that this is definitely some kind of political issue that does not aim at any there is a real
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investigation of some kind... from the truth of some circumstances, it must be that tatyana says that her friends there are constantly discovering some corruption scandals right now in the ministry of defense, and tatyana believes that this is an attempt to put pressure on her and her friends, for them to stop this anti-corruption investigation, maybe yes, i do not ready, you know, to give an assessment , emotionally, i support tatyana, but at the same time i don't want people to think that if the military, if... to the country, then, well, then it 's an indulgence for you, no, but now for sure this is not the time to take such an experienced and wonderful commander as tatyana away from combat operations, if she has questions for her, then wait, as some prominent judge said, so that she survives, first of all, god bless her, they will be there later, and one in a word, mr. roman, you, you, you, as they say, have gone lame when that's all found out, but what about your fellow officers
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and soldiers? how do they read such stories, if you can briefly 20 seconds bye? well, they also have a reaction, it seems to us, there are jobs in nabu in kyiv, there are a lot of them in any way budget, well, we feel that way, go to a state institution and you will find a job there, but they go to us, but you see , they don't even go to the trenches to us, they call us there, that 's interesting, the next time you call them, let them come, mr. roman, thank you for... but i'm sure nothing surprises me anymore, surprises me the only thing is that we cannot raise uah 5 million for kamikaze drones for our defenders, so we count on you and your donations, on this, roman and i say goodbye to you, we wish you a peaceful and safe sunday evening, but the fact that we saying goodbye does not mean that you have to say goodbye to espresso,
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it remains on our... tv channels, there will be news on the air later, and once again i remind you about the support of our defenders. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. russians attacked kirovohrad region. people and civilian objects were not injured - said the head of the regional military administration, andriy rajkovich. well, in the meantime, 10 hours cannot extinguish the flames at the terminal in ustluga port. fire at the oil terminal in leningradsky.


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