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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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because after all i am a journalist, i can only publish the opinions of different people, and now the opinions of our newsroom editor will help you find out what she thinks and what is happening in the world. iryna koval, and i say goodbye to you, all is well. 20:00 in ukraine, in the studio of iryna koval, and for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. 31-year-old man. died
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as a result of enemy shelling of korakhovo in donetsk region. another person was seriously injured. this was announced by the head of the region , vadym filashkin. the russians hit with hailstones residential quarters of the city. as a result of the attack , several private houses caught fire. the kindergarten was also damaged. the russians hit residential buildings in nikopol in the dnipropetrovsk region, attacked with strike drones and artillery. this was reported by the head of the region. at the same time, the shelling damaged two high-rise buildings and six private houses, and also damaged three farm buildings, a gas company and power lines. fortunately, no one was hurt. russia took two frigates with calibers into the sea. the forces are informed about this defense of the south. currently, there are two enemy ships in the black sea, the total volley of which reaches 16 missiles. simultaneously. mediterranean
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sea and one ship each. the attack of ukrainian drones suspended the work of the russian plant novatek. it processes gas condensate into oil, and also ships petroleum products to foreign markets and is located in the coastal zone, next to a specialized terminal where products are stored. let me remind you that drones attacked the luzi plant at night. there was a large-scale fire, which could not be extinguished. for 10 hours. do not be silent, captivity kills. an action in support of prisoners of war was held in kyiv. more than a hundred people came out to remind ukraine about defenders who are in russian captivity. actions were also held in odesa, vinnytsia, khmelnytskyi, kharkiv, pavlograd, dnipro, chernivtsi and kremenchuk. let me remind you that, according to the ministry of internal affairs , more than three are in russian captivity. ukrainian
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defenders. europe must step up. the british defense minister called for an increase support of ukraine. according to grant shabbs, his country is now leading the way with a £2.5bn package and a security deal. the minister of foreign affairs of france, stephane sejournay, also announced aid for ukraine. in his opinion, there is a ukrainian issue. a long-term priority, and the ministry is preparing a number of statements for president macron during his visit to kyiv. the bloodiest day in the gas. 178 people died in the last 24 hours, the palestinian ministry of health reported. in general, yes more than three months of war, initially israeli strikes on the territory of the enclave killed more than 25,000 palestinians, more than. 60 thousand were
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wounded. a mass action in brussels, thousands of demonstrators marched through the central streets demanding an end to military operations in the gas sector. protesters carried palestinian flags and anti-war banners and chanted. there were no riots, so the police did not intervene. let me remind you that the governing institutions of the european union are located in brussels. crowded rallies called for protection democracies took place on sunday in berlin, munich, cologne and other german cities. germans were disturbed by information about a secret meeting between the leaders of the far-right afd party and neo-nazis. they seem to be hatching plans for the large-scale deportation of migrants and germans of migrant origin. more than 200,000 demonstrators took to the streets in munich alone.
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so the police had to stop the march as it started to pose a security threat. ukrainian people remember january 22. two historical events of equal importance: the declaration of ukrainian independence of the people's republic and the act of annexation of ukrainian lands. it was before this date that the largest blue-yellow flag with thousands of military signatures was unfurled in the center of lviv. before setting the national record, the longest blue-yellow covered thousands of kilometers across ukraine. he visited 30 brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and more than 20 cities. it was signed by soldiers from the front line. volunteers, public and cultural figures. in particular, the flag visited the verkhovna rada, where it was signed by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny. it was the first step of unity, a chain of unity that we, from luka, it was called, and we
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tried, i was one of the organizers of the people's movement in my time, and we created this chain, and this is for us, which doubled. to the day of the cathedral of ukraine, the national house of music presented a big concert performed by the lyatoshinsky classical music ensemble in sofia kyivska. the liturgy of john chrysostom, the prelude and the dudarik by the outstanding ukrainian composer mykola leontovych echoed in the walls of the cathedral. other compositions were also played, including taras kravtsov's cantata and hail mary mykola stetsyuna. people who come to our concerts, we want to unite with them, so at this, at this time, in that feeling that we are one, and it is impossible
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to intimidate us, it is impossible to change our opinion about ukraine, we feel ourselves by ukrainians and in no other way, hallelujah, hallelujah. in kyiv, the first fallen heroes of the heavenly hundred were honored. in their honor, the families of the fallen, as well as caring citizens, held a memorial procession. 10 years ago, january 22 , 2019. in 2014, the first protesters were killed in the center of kyiv: 20-year-old serhiy nigoyan from dnipropetrovsk region and 25-year-old belarusian mykhailo zhiznevskyi. roman senyk, a 45-year-old man from lviv, who was also wounded that day, died a few days later in the hospital. the participants of the traditional
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annual procession lit lamps and placed flowers at the memorial plaques dedicated to the fallen participants of the revolution of dignity. for the 10th year in a row, in any weather, this is already a tradition, and it is from here, from the lykykh gate, from here, where the third hundred of the maidan stood, in which serhiy was, and it was he, 10 years ago, throwing a rubber band on his shoulders, a rubber band skat, went towards the european square to his own the last way, i believe that every year we should gather, remember, because these are our heroes of our country, we are all grateful to them, grateful to those who died on the maidan, who are fighting now, this is the only way we can express our gratitude. and yuri
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verbytsky was honored in lviv. on january 21, 2014, he was kidnapped from the kyiv hospital, where he was lying after being wounded on the maidan. his tortured body was found within a day. at the meeting, they remembered what yuri was like, talked about his enthusiasm, work, and participation in the maidan. visitors were able to see personal items, in particular a unique cinema box for underwater filming, made by verbytsky himself. yuri's relatives showed his photos, including those digitized from old slides and videos. with yura, i switched to ukrainian so easily, that is, i fell in love with it, fell in love with the language and simply absorbed it into myself, and a completely different world opened up to me. that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also a summary of
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the highlights on our social networks and of course watch us on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i wish you a quiet evening, sunday and take care of yourself. greetings, friends, we are continuing the information broadcast of the espresso tv channel, the politclub program is on the air, vitaly portnikov is with you. over the next two hours, we'll talk about the most pressing trends this week and what to expect in the future. our first interlocutor, mykhailo samos, military expert, director. geopolitics research network, expert of the center for army, conversion and disarmament research. congratulations, sir
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mykhailo. i congratulate you. so, you know, let's start with the most sensitive topic. this is how russian propaganda is now spreading the story with strikes on donetsk. because ukrainian media practically do not comment on this event. you, if you open our online edition, we, you just. almost no information about it there, meanwhile, practically all, not only russian, but also international media, bring this situation with the shelling of donetsk to the front pages, russian propaganda already emphasizes that this will be the main topic on meeting of the security council of the united nations organization, which will take place tomorrow, we only have information that the ukrainian armed forces were able to eliminate the radars of the russian invaders, which they place on da. residential buildings in donetsk, and what to do with this situation, how would you recommend covering it in general?
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well, in fact, of course, in such situations it is best to have facts that prove the reality or unreality of a particular situation, there are only russian reports, there are no facts, so we have, well, on the other hand, i i am sure that there is objective information, that is , the results of information from, let's say , objective tools that can... provide us with information and american intelligence, i think that the ukrainians also have their own radars and their own capabilities that can be still use it in order to provide information that this, for example, was shelling from the russian side or from the occupied territories, and the ukrainian side has nothing to do with it, that is, in principle, i think that , again, really you absolutely right, a vacuum cannot be allowed in this situation information vacuum, well, that's why i decided to start with this, because now any ukrainian... will start watching our program and think: for some reason they
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don't talk about donest, they're probably hiding something, we're not hiding anything, we we want to have real information , not a message from tas, so absolutely, that is, we , we are still with such a situation, in principle , we met when there was preparation for the ukrainian counteroffensive, when the ukrainian side tried to limit information as much as possible... from certain areas, while this is not offering nothing, although one could offer one's own, let's say, information , which would be a substitute, which would replace what the russians dispersed, and the russians took advantage of this vacuum and introduced their own agenda, which then influenced the audience and, in principle, even then on the ukrainian armed forces, the same can happen in this situation, so ukraine really needs to fill the informational diplomatic vacuum with its information as much as possible. it needs to be worked out urgently, the laws of information dissemination are not going anywhere
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and in the conditions of war, of course, all this is much, let's say, faster and often more tragic in terms of information. and tell me, please, let's now talk about what happened with the drone attacks on these four regions of russia, in particular, about the story with the service, where one of the... base terminals has been on fire for a day, how is it that the russian anti-aircraft system defense cannot cope with ukrainian drones, we can say that such a turning point in the war has already taken place, when the russians simply miss sensitive strikes on their infrastructure object, well, of course, ukrainian intelligence also worked here, which determines where there are clusters, concentrations of russian air defense assets, and exactly where there are gaps, strikes are carried out, in principle it is no secret that even under sovietsky... it would not be possible to close the entire territory of this huge empire, and now it's the same, russia actually, if you look at
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the root, has much more problems with infrastructure with infrastructure cover than ukraine, because ukraine has already managed to close most of our important infrastructure facilities with the help of our partners, with the help of important efforts, we actually worked on this for two years, and the russians, they dragged the maximum of their air defense forces into... then along the front line, and it is obvious that they cannot close, well, maybe moscow, maybe st. petersburg, but even the leningrad region, we see that they cannot completely close the sweat system. especially since drones are not a typical target for soviet or post-soviet air defense systems, they are more focused on missiles, on airplanes, that is, on more traditional ones for the soviet school of air defense targets, and therefore it is possible to pass through, and it is possible to strike such important centers and objects, and i think that it will continue
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to increase, that is, if the plans are implemented, which were talked about by the ministry of strategic industry and the ministry of digital, and. .. defenses about 1,000 drones with a range of more than 100 km, 1,000 drones is not bad, that is, you can really create conditions for 1,000 km, and maybe even more , draw such a radius and, in principle , walk along it, there is something to walk, there there are also airfields, there are really refineries there, there are others infrastructural objects that affect the army, on the military machine of russia, and clean it up. her, because i am sure there are no air defense systems that would completely cover, for example, the european part of russia with such a large dome, it is simply physically impossible. well, the question always arises here, to what extent it is possible with the help of drones to really deliver such sensitive strikes on the russian infrastructure, which would radically reduce its capabilities. well, again, it depends on the actual
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size of the ammunition, the ammunition that is there reaches every object, but well , for example, the infrastructure with the gas terminal worked, that is , the ammunition in this ukrainian drone was obviously small, but it worked and they can no longer put out the fire, i think that this plant will not be able to work in in the near future, and the same was the case with the refinery, of course, if it is some kind of factory, then something more powerful is needed to destroy the shop, and here we are obviously talking about missiles, missiles are being developed here. a lot is said about them, and it was tested in in principle, a long -range, long-range cruise missile, a kind of improved neptune, but of course it would be good for us to have our own ballistic missiles, unfortunately, russia has such allies, for example, as north korea, which will obviously supply, including using russian technologies to strengthen
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their missile potential, but they can supply ballistic missiles of their type to russia as well. iskander or other copies of soviet missiles, which are obviously very easy under the totalitarian regime in north korea to set up production, if there is financing from russia and a raw material base from china and assembling from china, it will all be possible to do it very, very quickly, unfortunately, we do not have such allies yet, and we have to somehow make do with what we have there is, and what we have is actually drones, what we can do ourselves without our partners, tell me, in principle, what if... what can we say about what our response to war should look like, attrition, in fact, this is russia's tactic, so that it is a war of attrition, and we can in response create opportunities for a war to exhaust the russian infrastructure potential, well, we can already see the first such attempts, and of course this is a systemic problem, because
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war is not expulsion - it is a systemic problem, obviously we will not pull it out ourselves, that's why we say that we. .. the support of europe is needed, the support of the united states is needed, well, in any case, even russia itself cannot, in fact, if there was help from iran, they would not have shaheds, there would be no help from china, there would not be many components, in including drones, but it wouldn't be now aid to north korea, they now had a huge shortage of ammunition on the battlefield, that is, russia itself did not drag out, did not drag out this war, and ukraine's allies seem to be several dozen times stronger, if you take s... then the mathematical model there of gdp and so on, but on the other hand, political determination and, let's say, the speed of passing decisions to implementation, well, for now, of course, we lose to russia in this, that is, everything seems to be on our side, but so far we cannot respond as quickly as totalitarian regimes in russia, china, north korea, iran, here
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we are really, really lagging behind, well, on the other hand , fat north korea does not ban russia. on the sovereign territory of ukraine, you see, there is another point right here, well, that’s what they say , we didn’t supply anything at all, but recently a representative of iran literally said, we don’t know what you’re talking about, we don’t supply any drones to russia, we don’t supply anything in ukraine, and they immediately blamed ukraine, ukraine did not provide any facts that there are any iranian drones there, well, that is, we are dealing with very cynical people, and therefore here really it is difficult to expect from them. there are some games by the rules, but tell me, please, let 's try to discuss this situation with the loss of krokhmalnogo, this is already such a specific issue and it has been confirmed, krokhmalnogo is a village. kharkiv region, how does it change the situation at the front, specifically in relation to the plans of the russians to capture another part of kharkiv region? well, this is a tactic of the russians, they are actually burning the territory, this is the same thing we
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saw in bakhmut, now we are observing the same thing in avdiivka, and in many areas they artillery simply demolishes everything that is, roughly speaking, above the surface of the earth, and you cannot be there, that is , ukrainian soldiers cannot stand there and simply die under the prevailing artillery fire. this again brings us back to the fact that ukraine now really has a shortage of artillery ammunition, because neither europe nor the united states have fulfilled their promises of a million, each side promised us back in the 23rd year, but we know that although would transfer a third and we have a deficit. the russians outnumber us in artillery, we outnumber them we are still superior in the effectiveness of fpv drones, but the destruction of territories, this is the burning of territories, the russians succeed and... when we talk about the loss of a specific village, it is obvious that the ukrainian army cannot simply be there physically, and they move to new frontiers in order to continue
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to defend there, that is , there is absolutely no problem with krokhmalny, in fact , the ukrainian soldiers have left this very small village, and there are more, it seems to me, that russian propaganda is still working, i will spin up this situation as a kind of a great victory, again i don't want to say that... everything is fine, everything is great , actually no, the russians are pressing in all directions, we have been talking about this since october, that they will intensify their pressure, they will throw in all the resources that they have, because they have the so-called elections of putin, he needs to show something, you noticed that putin is not under the christmas tree, not on his direct line, not in any communications with his subjects, not at all about the war speaks specifics, he speaks in some general phrases, he has... sanitary losses under slurs, but in fact he has nothing to say about the front, maybe he will now talk about crumbly things, about the great success of the russian
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army, russian weapons and so on, they really need to push propaganda now, because military propaganda is very, very lame, they have nothing to talk about say, or maybe they just don't want to make the war the theme of his election campaign, because he doesn't look like a winner, they'd rather make the war the theme of their diplomatic ones. propaganda attacks there at the un security council, somewhere else, and putin will speak with the russians about peace, friendship and chewing gum about how they will live wonderfully without the west, well, absolutely, if they had, if they had taken avdiivka in october, and now had some other successes, he would be on a horse and talking would talk about some militaristic things, but as he has no success, he will talk about something completely different, he says that the ukrainian idiots did not surrender on time in march of the 22nd year. everything would have ended by now, everything would have been cleaned up there and we would have lived in peace by now, that is, he is this, he talks about this, but he really does not says something concrete about the front, and
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it is obvious that if there are no successes now, he will raise a completely different agenda in his election campaign, it sometimes seems to me that it is not putin himself who wants some victories, for example, the same shaigu , who wants to prove and stay in some prominent place, he wants to throw in the maximum number of resources to show that he is really doing everything possible and supports putin in his continued rule. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo samos, a military expert, was with us communication in the first part of this program. now let's talk about journalism and its problems in ukraine. we are in touch with journalist roman. congratulations roman. good evening. so, let's start with all these strange events of this week and the penultimate days. when we learned about this
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wiretapping and inspection from the journalists of the biguzinfo company. the president said to control it, but, unfortunately, he did not say a single word about the threat to journalist nikolov, who is considered to be the main such... participants in this process, stories about corruption abuses around of the ministry of defense of ukraine, we remember this famous story about eggs there for 17 hryvnias, and the question arises as to how this generally reflects on the internal situation in the country, on the country's reputation abroad, because we already see articles in the western media where about ukraine is being talked about as a state where pressure is exerted on journalism. well, the trend is sad, there is an impression that the war is over with us, or the audio girl is not interested in anyone, because when we talk about eavesdropping and spying
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on the bir team. well, how do they respond to it, this a lot of people were involved in this, and i wonder who did it, because i can't believe something that we have a pass yard in our country now, that anyone can hold such events, and if anyone can hold them, then it becomes sad in general, because at the same time, agents of the fsb and the main intelligence agency, they can still create some trouble here, that is... it seems to me that the authorities, and our authorities are concentrated in the office of the president, nevertheless , one must draw conclusions from this, because in in the final case, it affects their authority and the state in general, that's what i think about it i think, and i would probably like to hear some personnel decisions, not only in the bigus team on
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this matter, it seems to me... the president, he stated that it is unacceptable to put pressure on journalists, but who did it, there is no answer yet. well, i 've been waiting for almost two years for the results of the investigation on the former maid, who i found in my own apartment, completely by accident. and by the way, i keep thinking what would have happened if i hadn't found it, that is, the same equipment in this hotel where the bugose party was, it was taken away, and mine... this the so-called wiretapping, not so-called, it was a listening device, i removed it myself, and it is also a question for me, to what extent it is possible to forget about such episodes to our authorities and the relevant competent authorities, and not give an answer, but what was it after all, so your wiretapping remained a memory for you, i understand correctly, no, certainly not a memory, i handed her over to the security service of ukraine, wrote a corresponding statement, and they
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took her away. experts, i went to interrogations, yes, that is, where it is, because all the material means, they are usually, a description, a card file, number, that is, where it should be, everything is complete and nothing is lost, no, nothing is lost, i’m eavesdropping on this, the device is novel, there was a number, don’t worry, the number was pasted, that is, after all, my experience suggests, that somehow it is not accidental in this. let 's once again talk about the political consequences of this story, they really hit the authority of the current ruling team, and if we didn't have martial law, well, we said, everyone has their own political happiness, well, the same unhappiness , but in this case in a situation when we depend on the west and finance and weapons,
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and... how will this story be used by some circles in the west, they will say that this is the same russia, only smaller, where there is no freedom of speech and so on and so forth. we need it, i think we don't need it, and most importantly, we always want to ask why these stories about who can really interfere with the real fight of journalists against corruption abuses, the authorities themselves should be interested in this. if she wants to win the war, and then the election after the war, and then the elections after the war , logically, everything is clear, only one thing is not clear, who gives such instructions, because it seems to me, again, that he is deprived of this profit, well, almost like cotton or negative growth, from any point of view, and from the point of view of political...
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prospects for the future, well, first of all, from the point of view of war prospects, because when people who are now not in kyiv, like me, in akop , they watch it, many people do not like such a story, well, it’s sad, let’s hope that there will be answers, i want to talk about what is happening in russia, now about this story with protests in bashkortostan, so that you and i can understand what is really happening, well, you and i worked in russia, let's say, in different periods when we worked you, all these russian regions, were already driven under the plinth when i was working, well, in the first period, i would say in the stage, i could even write a collective political portrait of the leaders of the russian republics, because everyone was an active player, each republic had its own political processes, society, national


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