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tv   [untitled]    January 21, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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watch all the seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription, turn on the aristocratic on mego there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia 10% in pharmacies psyllium, bam and oskad. congratulations, this is a joint project of the espresso tv channel and the tv channel. together, beraber, in which we talk about the situation in the currently occupied crimea. my name is khrystyna yatskiv, and i congratulate my co-host in this project, ayder muzhdabaev. salam alaikum. alaykum salaam. we will certainly talk in this program about what is happening directly in crimea. why half or completely sunken russian, in particular , military vessels continue to be found there, which happens with due diligence. and violations of human rights
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, why the blackout that happened with the balaclava theses is purely potential, but let's start with the security situation and a very unusual event that happened literally these days, and as for me, they have already talked about it in all the broadcasts, but we will look specifically in section of the crimea for this. the sea of ​​azov and the south of our country in general, the downing of a long-range, long-range a50 radar plane and a shoot-down. command control point il-22. according to some military analysis, this became possible thanks to the active work of the defense forces of ukraine in the crimea in the first days of january, when the radar systems, radio electronic warfare systems were affected, in general it was broken, sorry, i already said it, i hope the occupier will understand, because he watches our broadcasts. proryena, was created in the system against. air defense of crimea, and of course,
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this provided a certain basis for the defense forces to carry out a special operation to destroy these important aircraft, at least disable one of them for a certain time for sure, i am now happy to welcome you to the call, literally in a few moments our distinguished guest will appear, with whom we will be... about the situation of control over the occupied crimea so far, does this control really remain completely in the hands of the russian occupier ben godges, retired united states army lieutenant general, former commander of united states forces in europe. mr. ben, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. thank you for the invitation, congratulations. in one
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of your comments you very aptly noted that whoever controls crimea can win the war after the episode with the a50 and il-22 planes, can we talk about the fact that those who do not completely control crimea cannot, in fact, claim a complete victory in this war, and are we one step closer to deoccupation. island with, in particular, the destruction of these important flying objects. crimea is indeed the largest part of ukraine that is still under temporary occupation. and all russian logistics, their air and naval forces are really concentrated there. and from there they attack mainland ukraine. accordingly, it is very important for ukraine to return. despite the
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what you say is now very difficult for the russian air force to carry out air raids and attack ukraine from the air. ukrainian air defense systems are working, we can see that the means of radio-electronic warfare also justify themselves, if there were systems in ukraine. long range, they could really hit targets in the territories currently occupied by russia, and then she would have no choice but to withdraw her troops from crimea. ayder, your question, dear mr. general, i want to ask for your professional opinion in general, what are the minimum military conditions on our side, on the ukrainian side, necessary in order to
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start an operation to liberate crimea, first of all, to cut off crimea. from the rest of the occupied territories, which, in principle, is the beginning of the operation to liberate the peninsula, which requires minimal military, precisely from a military point of view. i think that there are three main conditions: firstly, ukraine needs stability, so that russians cannot actually live on the crimean peninsula, and the military cannot.' to act, it is very important, in fact, to continue special operations there in order to undermine the activities of the russians, including in donbas. it is very important to cut off crimea so that the russians do not have access to it. secondly, it is very important to ensure that crimea is
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completely isolated. there are only two ways for us to isolate crimea. it is about the destruction of the crimean bridge, including from the side. it is very important to do this with the help of the air force, with the help of long-range missiles, then crimea will become isolated, and this is very important. thirdly, it is necessary to pass those fortifications and defense structures which was built by russia. this is necessary in order to proceed to the assault of the headquarters of the russians, as well as to eliminate their artillery. it is necessary to destroy the headquarters, it is necessary to destroy the logistics, it is necessary to destroy the personnel. mr. godges, we understand how politically sacred the crimean peninsula is for putin and for russia, as a concept, as an empire, so to imagine that they simply flee from there, because it became
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inconvenient for them in terms of logistics or supplies to be there, we, as residents until recently , literally, the peninsula could barely afford itself imagine. what to do in a situation when we have a potential partisan war against the same russian occupiers in crimea who can hide in the mountains, in the terrain and in other, let's say, suitable opportunities of crimea. yes , the kremlin and president putin, for them, crimea is really something sacred, which has great... weight and value, they say that this is their historical territory, and they see this as a strategy, actually in keeping crimea, they believe, that russia has the right to crimea, they don't care ukrainian sovereignty, they do not care about any internationally recognized borders, and
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of course, this cannot be accepted, the west cannot swallow it, because it is a complete leveling of the supreme law and international law, respectively. but the russians gradually began to understand that ukraine will gradually win back its crimea, it will not surrender. accordingly, there have already been attacks on the crimean bridge, there have been specific actions by the general staff of ukraine. of course, there were certain combat missions that were successful and those that were not. the most important goal is the actual isolation of crimea in order not to leave crimea to russia. of course, such a scenario is unacceptable for putin's regime, it... would be such a powerful blow to the kremlin regime, because russians who live far from moscow, who swallow this propaganda fed to them by the kremlin, for them, the fact that crimea has become russian - this is a huge victory for putin, so he will hold on to this achievement. we know
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how serious the problem is inside russia, but they don't care as long as they keep crimea. if crimea is withdrawn, it will inevitably lead to the fall of the kremlin regime, the regime. mr. general, if you allow me, i will ask you a political question, all this that we are talking about with you now is possible and depends directly on the solution of the political crisis in the american congress, which is still ongoing, because without the support of the united states, the advance on crimea and in general advancement is unlikely and... and the united states, they should set an example to other nato countries and generally to other countries of the world, as a signal that they support ukraine and let's you also be with us. some positive signals were yesterday, the day before yesterday, president biden expressed
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hope that the crisis can be overcome. he said that the majority of congressmen are in favor of support. country, but there are nuances, and the speaker of the house of representatives also said that we discussed some positions there, but there is still no final decision, which ones? your, personally, your forecast, when and in what way and whether this issue will be resolved at all with military aid to ukraine, and, accordingly, to israel and taiwan. thank you. thank you, an extremely good question, a very important question. unfortunately, disappointing such is the domestic political situation in the usa. it is very upsetting that the united states, which should... set an example for others, has such internal contradictions regarding aid to ukraine and
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israel. this problem really needs an immediate solution. support from both democrats and republicans was and is very important. but unfortunately, this is the kind of political friction that will also be caused by the efforts of trump, who rejects such statements about what he would do if he became president. i really hope that this crisis will be resolved soon. the future, because it everything plays into the hands of the kremlin. we understand the importance of providing such assistance. i also want to say that president biden needs to explain to the people of the united states that it is in our interest to support ukraine. why is it politically beneficial for us? why is it beneficial from the point of view of our security if ukraine wins this war. unfortunately, this message does not get as much publicity from our leader, but it is very important. actually, it is important for us americans to understand why this is so necessary, so you are right, and other countries should
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look at what we are doing, what we can do. you can see, for example , the same situation in germany, because the german leadership does not really want to provide taurus systems to ukraine, as do other countries that could strain to provide weapons to ukraine, so i think that pressure should also be placed on germany. thank you i have another question, recently in one of the comments you noted that the countries of the west, which have the appropriate potential, could already take steps that would help ukraine, first of all, to preserve the expensive and scarce missiles we already have for our protection of the sky, anti-aircraft defense, maybe they could cover a part of ukraine with their systems so that it does not... wait for russian missile attacks. i have a clarifying question: which part of ukraine
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in such a case should and could be covered so that none of the parties consider it as an escalation. i have been following the operations of the united states navy, particularly the situation in the... red sea. you saw what the preconditions were and ultimately what the consequences could be, that is, how we explained it. we struck these blows because we understood the increasing dynamics of the situation. that is, we could theoretically and practically strike with missiles. how does russia do it in ukraine, in the ukrainian population, in ukrainian cities. of course, i know there will be those who criticize the possibility of such a thing. chanya, they will say: don't do it, don't wake the beast, it will escalate. of course, russia will
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talk about it, but you know, i think that such a decision would be correct on the part of ukrainian friends, on the part of america, on the part of of great britain, in order for them to curtail their efforts to completely cover the skies of nato, as well as the skies and parts of ukraine, because we have seen that parts of russian missiles have already hit the territory. it is about poland and romania. yes, there was no intention, there was no intention, they talked about it, but such a reaction is wrong, it only increases our tolerance for what putin is capable of. he sees that we are not acting adequately. he can choose how to proceed. of course, there are perfectly reasonable ways to protect civilians population and not resort to escalation. i am sure that all this... rests on the shoulders of the political establishment, mr. hodges, we are very
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grateful to you for joining our airwaves, thank you, your opinion is very important in the context of your vision of prospects in crimea , both for the defense forces of ukraine and for the occupiers. i'll just remind you that we had the opportunity to speak now with ben godges, the former commander of united states forces in europe. and i think now is the time to take a short break in our broadcast, and ayder and i will return for a few moments. there are 20% discounts on bronkhi pred in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. we continue the joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, together, veraber,
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a program in which we talk about the temporarily occupied crimea, and now i want to give a word. muzhdabayev , who will once again remind and actually confirm the thesis that control over the occupied crimea must be returned, brought closer, circumstances must be created so that our troops can reach the occupied crimea, and for this they, our troops, must be supported. ayder. thank you, thank you to everyone who watches us, thank you to everyone who helps the armed forces of ukraine. i just want to remind you that... no matter what we say here, or listen to each other there, or give interviews, it will not help the liberation of crimea if we are not together and constantly helped. for example, i think that all the viewers of our joint program atp and espresso, beraber, together strive for the liberation
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of crimea, and if so, of which i am sure, then ... each of you should directly help the only separate crimean battalion named after naman cherijakhan, that is 48- and the battalion is separate assault rifle of the armed forces of ukraine. here in the corner you can see the monobank qr code. the collection is very important, the collection has been going on for the third week, but unfortunately it has slowed down. collected so far, well, even. 10 drones with thermal imaging cameras have not yet been collected, and the fighters asked us for 50 such drones, which are extremely needed right now, because, you know, the nights are long, the space there is large, the steppe, it is very difficult to fight there, so i am asking all of you who sees, join, scan the qr code and throw
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as much as you can on the drones, and if you throw on one plus a drone. then there is such an option, you can write to me personally on telegram or sorry on instagram or on twitter i will sign this drone or the fighters will sign this drone by hand with the message you say thank you very much to everyone who helps i hope by the end of the program or after you will all watch the recording and make your donation, it is very necessary, thank you, and let's go... little by little we will try to summarize the topic that we discussed, in particular with the retired lieutenant general of the united states armed forces ben godge, what happened in these the other day in the water area of the sea of ​​azov, in general in the ukrainian south, which is still occupied, and can this be considered some kind of fundamental shift. bohdan dolin is in touch with us, he is an aviation
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expert, manager of the aviation sector. bohdan, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations to the heroes of the word, well. according to various estimates , the russians have seven, maybe eight of these big planes with old women on their heads, as they say, and these are long-range radar reconnaissance planes, every time such a plane takes off, the ukrainians, to be honest, are already expecting a missile attack, yes was before, we were used to it, but at the same time, the question of why exactly this expensive, quite rare, even for russians, plane ended up... in the range of action of some special operation of the defense forces of ukraine, remains an open question, we can only leave from the banal logic written there, i don't know, in all military textbooks, probably, probably, they needed to find out what was happening deep inside our
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territories, but their facilities, which were hit in early january in crimea. well, in fact , they were not allowed to do it safely without engagement of these planes, therefore flew too close, therefore were hit, so bye-bye. and please tell me, mr. bohdan, can this be considered a truly revolutionary, to some extent, event of the russian-ukrainian confrontation, someone even compares it with the destruction of the moscow cruiser? yes, well, look, it is clear that this is, in principle, a very important victory. and it goes beyond a purely military victory, if only because previously these planes were already flying in these areas, but there was no means to get them or to destroy, that is, we see that there have been certain... changes from the point of view of strengthening the anti-surface defense system or the supply of certain means that allowed in the current configuration in the current conditions to get these
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aircraft and destroy not even one, in fact two units of quite valuable equipment, because if we are talking about the 50th marketability of such an aircraft, according to various estimates, it is from 300 to 330 million dollars, if we are talking about a destroyed or partially well-damaged il 22m, then its value only starts. himself an aircraft from 30 million dollars, and in addition , it can cost from 50 to 100 million dollars, that is, this economic loss is very tangible, we understand that it is not only of a military nature, okay, but then there is a question about the situation with russian aviation, in particular, on the occupied territories, well, i think that for those who know at least a little about crimea, for whom it is no secret that there are airports there, which were generally built as civilian objects, planes once flew there, both ukrainians and people from other countries could come, could fly to simferopol, actually and not only
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, nevertheless, now the mode of operation of these objects remains under great question, you know that people are still registered there, some even work, receive salaries, but no planes land there, except perhaps as a military destination, in addition, since the beginning of the so-called svo... the krasnodar airport itself was closed and still has not resumed its work, no matter how the russians announced it. mr. bohdan, what is happening to them with these objects and with civil aviation in general? yes if we talk about civil aviation in the border or temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, then these airports remain closed, in fact, since february 22, the airports in bryansk, bilgardsky and others. regions, including the krasnodar territory, restrictions have been imposed on civilian aircraft flights to these airports, i.e. they do not accept civilian aircraft, but they remain open for
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military transport and military aviation. in addition, we remember that from time immemorial in the soviet union, a large number of airports were so-called dual- purpose airfields, that is, they were built from the point of view of being able to serve both military and civilian tasks, that's what it's all about. including airports on the territory of the russian federation, these infrastructures are currently used exclusively for waging war and landing or servicing certain aircraft, but at the same time there is a certain procedure, that is, in principle, it currently operates in civilians airports of ukraine, when aerop airports are transferred to the so-called regime of forced idle time, i.e. the staff receives 2/3 of the basic salary rate, that is in principle supported. carries out conditional maintenance of the infrastructure itself so that the airport does not fall into disrepair and keeps certain certificates, but at the same time this infrastructure somehow does not
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perform active commercial activities, and i have a question that relates, well, in principle, also to the air topic, well, in general , last year , well, the beginning of this year became such a period, well, of significant improvement... situation for ukraine at sea and in the air, it's obvious, everyone emphasizes it in the west, and it 's the same for us, uh, but we haven't received a single f-16 from any of our partners in the west yet. in your professional opinion, how exactly, actually an expert on air military matters, including, uh, what can drastically change, ah... uh, change when these f-16s appear in the air in any number , that there will be such an increase in addition, what
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it will lead to, and how it will change the course of the war. yes, if we talk about the appearance of f-16s in ukrainian airspace, it will have several important key changes. the first major key change is that these aircraft are part of a system. complex air defense according to the nato concept , that is, these aircraft are quite effectively integrated with western air defense platforms, including those that have already been transferred to ukraine, that is, the aircraft can receive information from the ground air defense system itself, which detects the target and can this target to be destroyed both by the anti-aircraft battery on the ground and directly by the aircraft in the air, a rocket will be launched, which will further destroy either the dwarf rocket or this or that drone. the second important component is the plane. itself can also be a suitable radar, which actually flies at high speed, detects targets, transmits this information to ground systems, and then they can work on targets, that is, it is such a
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command. work that significantly increases the effectiveness of the entire air defense system, it cannot be said that the shcherodyan migs themselves were not integrated into such a system, but the capabilities and range radar surveillance and weapons , including air-to-air missiles, which are on board the f16, they have a longer range, in fact, almost twice, than, for example, the main list of missiles used on the same mig 29, that is, we are talking about the range of the detected target at a distance of 160 km or more, we are talking about hitting air targets at a range of 160 km or more, depending on what types of air-to-air missiles will be delivered, because even in the conditions of this single air defense system, the aircraft can only see 160 km with its radar , upgraded, but at the same time, if there is a ground installation that can see several hundred kilometers further there, usually we are talking about modern systems like nasams, like patriot
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, etc., which are capable under certain conditions to see the target even up to 300 km, that is, the plane can lower the missile, i can’t even see the target, but the ground complexes allow this missile to find and destroy this target, here, but if we talk specifically about the supply in the 16th, then the key factor will be e except the very delivery of the aircraft in a certain clear number, and this is at least a few squadrons at the first stage, the second important component is the supply of the appropriate types of ammunition for the aircraft, because the aircraft itself is without weapons, it is actually just an aircraft of a certain platform, but of course it must be supplied with air bomb control, guided air bombs, air-to-air or air -to-ground missiles, including cruise missiles, at least of medium range, of course , it will really depend on the quantity of these weapons that will be supplied the efficiency of the use of the aircraft, if they are large batches that will be continuously supplied, will actually not allow these
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aircraft to be at least... 12-16 hours in the air, this will be a very significant factor, in fact, i would say, a turning point for a certain direction of the front , or, for example, for the situation on this or that battlefield. at the same time, if, unfortunately, such supplies will be limited, as, for example, it is currently happening with artillery, then, unfortunately, we will see some point improvement, but about some cardinal it will be difficult to talk about the changes, because we see even during the corresponding strikes that the troops carried out in the last few weeks in the middle east on the khosyts, we were talking about the launch of hundreds of cruise missiles and the simultaneous destruction of dozens of powerful objects. and tell me, please , mr. bohdan, again, the destruction of the a50 led to the idea of ​​whether ukraine will need such long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft in order to essentially control and report everything that needs to be scouted for the f-16 , which we have they can
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appear, will we need such planes as well, that is, should we think about it now? yes, look, if we talk about the possibility of ukraine obtaining such types of aircraft, indeed, several units of such aircraft would have a very serious effect, from the point of view of supporting both ground-based radar detection means, including directly the aircraft-16 themselves, because they allow so just like the russian a50u dopo... to help fighter jets detect targets in advance and effectively destroy them, i.e. such an aircraft, it can be a language command center, it can help increase the efficiency and speed of information exchange, it can help detect ground and air targets at a greater distance, that is, we are talking about hundreds of kilometers, but at the same time we understand that really in the case receiving such an aircraft, it will be a very, very important target of the enemy, that is, in fact , the infrastructure of the airfield where this aircraft can
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be based or. let's face it, after all, she will quite often try to succumb to one or another missile attacks, or, for example, strikes, drones, chemikaze, therefore , of course, it will be necessary to ensure proper protection of such an aircraft, on the other hand, currently ukraine partially has access to certain data obtained from such anti-aircraft aircraft, partner countries, but we understand that after all having your own aircraft and operating at the right time in the right volume by one or another means is a completely different story than... periodically with a certain delay to receive some limited amount of information from partner countries, or, for example, as we see, it took place in including, for example, satellite communication by the stalin system, when in certain areas it is provided by the decision of one or another owner, in other areas where it would be very useful for the ukrainian defense forces, or , for example, for a sabotage and intelligence group, this unfortunately , there is no signal and this access. mr. bohdan, if i
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understood you correctly, and... despite the fact that i am in the 16th -


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