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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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but you know, all these painful moments are connected with this draft law, i would like to hear your opinion, do we need such a law in the conditions of war? well, i want to say that the original idea of ​​the draft law was, accordingly, to allow citizens to have more opportunities to own weapons, and first of all , it is for self-defense. and secondly, again for the protection of the homeland in the conditions that exist today, but as a result of the work in the specialized committee, as a result of the work of the ministry of internal affairs, we have very strange such amendments, which are stricter than even russian legislation, and which are simply frankly, well, let's say, such knives in the back for today.
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moment of the ukrainian defense, here is the first thing that catches the eye, if , let's say directly, that according to this draft law, for example, you cannot take, as an instructor, you cannot take a sniper group to the training ground, even more so to the training ground in the neighboring region and so on, you have to submit to the ministry of internal affairs and so on, suddenly, it means that someone pretended that you this... was not done or something else, you are immediately imprisoned, of course, what is your position before the ministry of internal affairs, it is very easy to lose, and then the person is guilty. again, we see that, well, for example, you are as a sniper, for example, in the sumy region, yes, and you are, for example, part of the armed forces that fight and protect the border. but at night you
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are alarmed and thrown into another area, where you, accordingly, close the enemy's breakthrough, you fight heroically, then it turns out that once you did it with your personal sniper weapons, i would like to emphasize that a very significant part of snipers fight with their personal sniper weapons, we only gave 241 of the 244 rifles that we provided to... the defense of ukraine for personal use, here it turns out that you are already a violator of the law, and you must carry very strict responsibility for this, of course , which is absurd, because training becomes impossible, combat work becomes impossible, the fact that you, for example, are there because of combat comrades who have certificates of the same caliber is simply impossible.
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handing over to the guys, that means ammunition to the front, you already guilty, and here are such totalitarian tendencies, they are very strange to me, because ah, all this effort to make it impossible at all, actually in ukraine, for example, sniping, impossible constant training of the civilian population, all this of course undermines the defense capability very seriously, well and then the very...absurd requirements for owning short-barreled weapons. a lot of snipers can't carry with them for self-defense, respectively, well, i don't know, some kind of bow and something else, and they would like to have a glock 17, 19 or 45 with them, but, let's say yes, it is very difficult to get it, and very often people buy it, wait until... they
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are awarded a weapon, then they are either not awarded, or they are awarded with a weapon that they already had in their possession and so on, people do not have that weapons that they would like, for which they would have already paid money, and in the professionalism of these people, in the fact that they will not use these weapons right and left, it is clear that there is no doubt, at the same time , some people who i don't know... they are absolutely immature, they start there in chernivtsi, like the son of a judge, this is to shoot into the air, from an awarded weapon , and now it is proposed that such people be awarded, they have been there since the age of 18, in fact, to award a military person, then this, on the contrary, is made impossible, because there is supposed to be all kinds of cruel consolation, and all this is absurd, all this stupid, and by the way... this
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is systemic, because, for example, a few years ago we did a workshop for repairing weapons and ammunition, there were some requirements and... and let's say, then we saw that yes, this, let's say yes, well, it's very hard to pull, but you can. now, when it turned out that we are already doing it, we urgently need it in one of the regions of ukraine, and accordingly, it is really related to the military unit, to the combat brigade, here it turned out that there are strict requirements for what this workshop should be and so on, that is... not only is there an absurd law, but there are all sorts of various, bureaucratic prescriptions that are adopted at the bottom, they are also more brutal, and accordingly make it very often impossible to develop sniping, the development of the population’s ability to
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self-defense, this is absurd, if we look at bulgaria, when the law was passed that all people have the right to carry a gun, there are women, there, well, anyone. then , accordingly, crime immediately fell 10-12 times , that is, yes, there are excesses, of course, and so on, but the psychology of the population changes very immediately, and even i would say, well, we should have stopped being afraid a long time ago if the armed population in kyiv region met the russian federation, it would be a completely different war, and if we didn't have so much, let's say, on the first day... there are so many problems in the guest house and the like, that is, already here clearly, obviously, we realized in practice that we should have it like in texas, that everyone can own a weapon, and accordingly every responsible citizen, he really has
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the right to defend his own home and defend his homeland, including from his own weapons, while when we talk about these amendments to... the draft law , we can actually say that they carry systemic risks for our defense capability, because firstly, they limit our training systems, they minimize, relatively speaking, the readiness of the population fight the enemy various small arms, and then the question arises as to who in the parliament then, relatively speaking , is pushing this draft law, because a significant number of reports actually come from the ministry of internal affairs, it somehow does not look entirely logical and appropriate. because the ministry of internal affairs also forms brigades, fights on the front line, then why is there so many critical things in this draft law that are actually unacceptable from the point of view of defense capability, you have an understanding of why this is so in the parliament, well, it is clearly manifested now, well, it's completely incomprehensible to me, tim
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moreover, now is the anniversary of the death of denys monastyrskyi, and they are all very proud of the fact that he made the decision to distribute... automatic weapons from cars to anyone in kyiv, well, if, well, we remember, this is a controversial decision, when volunteers, the military came, let's say, to the territorial defense , like ours, and let's say, they didn't get these assault rifles, and it's unknown who took them there on the obolona, ​​and they needed something else for the picture there, i don't understand this shuffling with side to side, actually... respectively you have an extremely simple thing, yes, you have a conscious population, this population is a nation that protects itself, that's why it is clear that you are quite capable in today's informational world,
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let's say, to avoid such excesses, that weapons are a crime, we remember how one of the volunteers was shot there... by bandits, on the porches, respectively, with a weapon that the convict received, respectively, through your ministry of internal affairs, and accordingly, he used this weapon, a keltek 9 mm, and accordingly, with this carbine was shot by an azov volunteer, and here accordingly, well, an extremely very simple situation, if you could, bring it to yourself. the order , even according to the existing rules , let it work, and let people already train, let people, therefore, acquire professions and so on, and on the contrary, think through the system, how can you really liberalize, let's say, this whole
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situation of weapons, allow more people , and accordingly, so that people are really, well, responsible for... the future of the country not just in the way , let's say, well, at the moment they are responsible, but in the way that they in israel are responsible, that they know that or at home in they have weapons and they... immediately go to fight, or, let's say, they know where the nearest point is, where to get these weapons, and this is his rifle, he has shot it, with which he accordingly knows all its features, and he will fight with it , because you understand, at that time there were all these recipes for handing out machine guns, well , then they gave out machine guns, and what, and then in the quarry we went there, shot, because it was not even clear how he shoots, well... actually, it deflects right, left, up, down, all that, well, a gun, it's
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a precision tool you have to to be, you have to fix it so that it has no flaws, and accordingly, if , well, you have to use it, if there is a danger to your country, the more absurd all these corrections are, that if they are just... then will destroy the sniper business in ukraine, then, accordingly , for this alone, these edits should all be thrown into the trash, because snipers do a great job, accordingly, 12% of losses among russians are the work of snipers, and accordingly, at the moment, make a sniper , what he has no right to anything, accordingly, not a step to the right, not a step to the left, with nothing, not with... tivka, not with cartridges, and accordingly, well, some absurd situation, which i do not know
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, they copied it from some south korea, because even in russia there are no such absurd rules regarding the possession of weapons. sir , please, probably from north korea, we have literally two minutes, i would like you to tell us about what the funds are currently being collected for, what you are currently purchasing, where to donate, because the work that you are doing now for sniping, it's over. maybe say what are we collecting for, where to donate? well, we are now collecting for very good super rifles, as we managed to get long range rifles, this is a macmillen tak-50 in the cadex box, we managed to attract a few, each of them is a super rifle, and accordingly, before we had a record with the owner of the horizon, then this very rifle was the very first. world and , accordingly, 3.5 km once, accordingly, we got out of
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it, accordingly, we also got vitrix in the 375th caliber, tried the actual 408 caliber, well, we are still thinking about the 375th, and we will still drive, and we are also carrying a large batch of barats in 416 caliber of new parets, this is a very cool weapon, so everyone is enthusiastic. from her, because it is very penetrating, for the destruction of the enemy's manpower, there, respectively, 2.5 km and so on, from a cold barrel, from the first shot you can hit, and it is very cool, that's right, it really fascinates us, that's why that 375 caliber, as in 50 bmg caliber, turned out to be extremely accurate, accordingly we are also very satisfied with it, we are trying now ... sniper groups to give to those who can pull such
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long-range, high-precision rifles, and already , let's say, from the 338 caliber, he has extracted everything he could extract, we are trying to give these rifles, correspondingly of a larger caliber, and you can see that the come back alive fund is also collecting very correctly for whole groups there with machines , with everything, like us, of course. are doing and they are collecting there for 100 cadexes in the 375th caliber, it is not very clear to me what this bed will show later as a result, but at least these rifles will be, and if everything is bad, then it will be possible to remake them later, and accordingly we still pay a lot of attention to the fact that any sniper group is large, it is absolutely ... defensive, if it does not have its own drones, and accordingly it turns out such
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a proportion that from six to 10 snipers and accordingly four drone operators working , because the aerial reconnaissance is constant and the drone strikes, and it shows itself very well, that's exactly the combination, if the snipers now go out without drones, then it's extremely high risk, and it's not... productive, when they go out with drones, very thank you for these clear explanations about the bill, i think that we will be heard, this bill will not be adopted in the format as it is currently proposed. thank you very much for the work you are doing for our armed forces, i will remind the viewers that you can donate on facebook, there are the details of yuri chornomorets, which will be used to purchase rifles for our armed forces, i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was yuriy chornomorets, this is a theologian, a volunteer and a sniper,
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and then stay tuned to the espresso channel, where there will be a lot more new information. verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. i congratulate you. this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics objectively and meaningfully. there is
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no political season. exclusive interviews, reports. you draw your own conclusions, congratulations to everyone, this is a football format, it's time to sum up the results of the week and look a little into the next week, i, oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovsky, will do it, andriy, congratulations. good afternoon everyone, even though it's the offseason, we still have a very hot, very hot topic, which is the appointment of the uaf president, which will take place next week, even though we already for almost a year we have known that it will be andrii shevchenko, but for many it remains, well, an intrigue, so to speak. well, you said the appointment, you probably
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said it as precisely as possible, it will not be an election, because formally it is an election, but since there is only one candidate and he was until recently. didn't say anything about it, then it will be the appointment itself, and the fact is that now, in principle , you can only hear information through insiders, because officially, as always, we are waiting until the last, although insiders say that it has been a year was it is known that andriy shevchenko will lead our ukrainian football association, it was also known with serhiy robrov, who has already led the national team, and we understand. that now almost all issues are decided by the president's office, and if, for example, andriy yermak is a friend of serhiy rebro, then it was agreed in advance that serhiy rybrov would be the head coach of our national team, there is nothing wrong with the fact that serhiy rybrov is the head coach of the national team i don't see, but what is being decided, well, now almost everything is through the president's office and in including football, it is already becoming a certain trend, the same with andriy shevchenko,
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so that he is the main ukrainian leader even without alternative. football is made just for him and we can see right now a trio with pavelko with his best man, who is now andriy pavelko in prison, and to his left is mr. heninson, and it is mr. heninson who now again according to insider information looks like to him who should be his right hand. well, andriy shevchenko is not saying anything about the team or the program now, even though he was there in december he wrote a post on facebook, what are you waiting for, he will soon present the program, and now he is on his tour, which he went to lviv, kyiv. was supposed to go to odesa, but something didn't add up , he didn't go and summoned to himself, this is already alarming, he summoned to himself yes, odessans and , in principle, from well, let's say this, from the federation of the southern part of our country, and well, again, this kind of behind-the-scenes you can say
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backstage conversations, i talked with people who were at this meeting, but again they asked not to name names. because now almost nobody says anything extra, everyone they follow the official course, but now they do not see andrii shevchenko in his place, although again, it is possible at first glance, it is clear that this will be andrii shevchenko's first experience of such a real functionary, because he is definitely a legendary football player for ukraine, for the whole world, because he is the owner of the golden ball, he is again by world standards he is an average coach, he is no politician, this is again, these are absolute facts, we are now... citing what specifically concerns andrii shevchenko as a friend of the office the president and the president himself, this is us we already understand, he became a representative of united 24 a long time ago, he is oleksandr zinchenko and we know that... and the current president of the country, well, we see that he uses, let's say, the services of our famous football players, former and current, and
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in particular from andriy shevchenko has a constant presence, there is constant contact and constant conversations , he represents our country at all international sports forums, therefore, as a sign, andriy shevchenko is probably the best candidate for this very position of the ambassador representative of our country in the world, and he is definitely can remind everyone what is happening here, attention will be paid to him. as for such a responsible position as the president of the uaaf, only time will tell here, and again what the first, let's say, opinions are saying now, but these backstage ones may not completely correspond to what andriy shevchenko will demonstrate, so that definitely everything depends not on him, as on the brand, but on the team that will work on these processes, difficult processes even during our current war period, well, look, if you take such the leading european football federations and associations. then there, well, of the outstanding football players, there are just people working there, the functionaries are usually there spain, italy, england, in some federations we remember , lato worked there in poland, shuker worked in croatia, and
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what about us, we are still inclined to , that we trust such football stars more in people, and you see that again, here is the fact that there is no alternative, the only question, for sure , remains that there is no alternative to andriy shevchenko, and again, whether he will be able to leave if something goes wrong with him no... the same again summer, the same scumbag, they left, quietly left their post, and we understand that andriy shevchenko now has unlimited trust, well, like, for example, vitaliy klitschko, not everyone is satisfied with him as a mayor, a former super boxer, our, super a legendary athlete, but again he does not leave his position, he does not want to leave, he wants to stay there so that if things do not go up, on the contrary, andriy shevchenko will be able to admit it, like, for example , being the head coach of genoa. again under pressure, but admitted that he failed there and resigned from his position, from the position of the head coach of the ukrainian national team, he left because he tried to increase his
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salary several times without results, and then, after they did not agree, he again after consulting with the president's office , he decided to resign from his position, now is a new era for andrii shevchenko, he himself chose, let's say, this path and is fully supported by the president's office, well, we have such a tradition: that throughout the history of ukraine, presidents uaf, they are enough in some way one moment they look authoritarian, with no alternative, but then something seems to happen, and some kind of extraordinary election or something takes place, and the next one also becomes no alternative, and i associate all this with political preferences, because look, remember viktor bannikov there - it was kravchuk's man then changes to kuchma and becomes valery pustavoytenko, although later they decided to change something from valery postavoytenko because hryhoriy surkis gained weight. it was quite logical, the only president who, let's say, did not interfere, was viktor yushchenko, who continued not to break what was working, and hryhoriy surkis continued to remain in the euro 2012 organization, it is clear, viktor
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yanukovych is coming as president, it is clear that anatoliy konkov is becoming his man, and the same with poroshenko, well, pavelka was appointed, here you are do you understand that zelenskyi, his man, shevchenko, that if zelenskyi is not elected president, then we should expect another change of power and football? well, it turns out that it is, and absolutely this is a competent trend, absolutely this is what corresponds to what is happening in our country, football is always litmus, it's always an indicator , it's just that, it's probably better to notice what's happening in the country, and thanks to football you can understand, even economic indicators, they are completely identified with what 's happening in football, and even look at it, again the rise under grigoriy surkis, so... we got the euro and in the 12th year our country is one of the strongest, most promising in europe, that's for sure, and again, we understand that these years
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were probably the best in the country as well , and in our football, remember what competition there was in club football, which clubs did shakhtar win the uefa cup, the most prestigious trophy for ukrainians, probably a fan of the trophy, we still dream of the champions league, but the uefa cup is probably the maximum that our team could achieve, again, by itself the european championship, how powerfully it was held and everyone noted , the whole world noted how well the country prepared, that is, you know, after all, this is also an indicator, but again, in football and in the country , there is definitely such a balance, and therefore, we hope that with andrii shevchenko , peace will come, first of all, and peace on the football field in the best sense, look, this is the story of a quarrel between two best men. the two andriyivs, pavelko, shevchenko, as far as i'm concerned, she, well , the fact that now pavelko is in the pre-trial detention center, and for a year, you can say, in general, we fell out of the football life of ukraine, from such a political
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football life, it hurt a lot, because . .. we were still in the application to host the 2030 world cup, we dropped out, the process of not recognizing ukrainians as legionnaires in europe has stopped, likewise, this process about the pupils of ukrainian clubs, which are now a bunch of young guys in europe, these are all the same broadcast questions, they somehow paused and these are very urgent problems that need to be solved already, well, shevchenko, why doesn’t he declare all of this, you understand that andriy chinka is not quite on topic yet, i am not only speaking for myself, but also for those, well , directly, people who are currently in the process, who have been there for a long time, let's say, work in local federations, who were currently at the meeting with andrii shevchenko , andriy shevchenko, remember how the head coach, he always came well-dressed, always in a suit, always looked very stylish, very fashionable, and he had such, well, words, well,
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they are not parasites, but the opposite of words. who spoke again about his trends, he always said: we have a structure of the game, we are a structural team, there is a model, that is, nothing, he always said such general things, the same way now at the meeting he mostly said, we will have a new approach, there will be digitalization, he is told that there is no money there, people cannot go there from the region to the city, where the most important club is still there, but digitalization will be, well, that is andriy shevchenko, again they gave a few terms, there are a few good such fashionable words and... shevchenko is using them now at the meeting, he is still not in the topic, he is just for him, well, his ambitions now correspond precisely to his position, which on the 25th he will officially become the head of our ukrainian football, so at the moment andriy shevchenko is not immersed in affairs, the most important thing at the moment is to choose a team, again, general secretary, so very so important, so powerful position, and also a lot who decides, and now again... the number
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one is mr. geninson and ihor grishchenko, who now performs the duties of general secretary, this is, well, let's say this, the second candidate, he has been there for a long time, he has been there since the time of the fpu there, he was the legal department, he headed the department, and now he also has a very strong position, from which, from the head of which the future of our ukrainian football depends again, because they are fully, again, responsible and recruit the team and knowing more or less already . the process is the topic, but we, as a media, are the same for us it is very interesting about the interaction of the press there , maybe there will be a separate press of shevchenko of the national team of ukraine, and we understood among ourselves that it would probably be mykola vasylkov, my friend , well, the previous one was just shevchenko, but i typed mykola yesterday, he says i generally read the same in these matters how are you in the news, he is bluffing, do you think it is true? well, half, maybe a bluff, maybe not 100%, well, yes, yes.
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that this is also important, well, communication, because as we see, pr, communication in good affairs is very necessary, well, yes, we see that oleksandr glavynskyi is in his position, in his position, press officer, he has been the head of the media service, the federation, and now the association of ukrainian football for how many years, so oleksandr glavynskyi with any mentor, and even the head, i think he will stay there, because he in fact, he does his job to the maximum, it's always nice. he is a very responsible person to deal with, and as for andrii revchenko, i think that this is how mykola will return, well, at least it is possible on such an alternative basis, but before perform at least the duties of andrii shevchenko's consultant, look, there is the same problem in ukrainian football, which , of course, affects the leadership as much as possible, it is zelenskyi in the 22nd year who says that the championship must be restored, everyone will restore it in 22-23 clubs that want to go to foreign meetings, poland, as
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the leader said... the first league there organizes a charity tournament in turkey, the year 2024 is coming, the first or second leagues are not allowed to attend foreign meetings, and many football players, let's say, do not want to go for a walk, that's why that they can simply be sent to the ccc. well, this is definitely the most important problem in the country, in principle, and football players in particular, including, and yes, in fact, it is now very difficult for football players to leave the country ... to a large extent, there were no problems with the same policy, so they are in the principle did not even need to organize a tournament, just to indicate that they are going to participate in international competitions, that is, there is even an estonian team, if there is in this tournament, it was enough to be called international tournament, the same is the case with the lviv carpathians, in principle the situation is not easy, but as far as i know, the carpathians will still be able to leave the country, indicating that they will take part in the international...


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