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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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er, the chancellor of germany who said that germany is ready to join the gas lawsuit that was filed by, you know, the republic of south africa against israel, germany is ready to join on the side of israel, that is a huge diplomatic activity, and every day we see statements by prime ministers - the minister of israel, well... it is probably worth concluding the information on this week with a loud statement by the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation lavrov, who went to new york to take part in the council of europe, and emphasized that they are interested in peace in on territory of israel palestine and also speaks for the creation.
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er of an independent palestinian state, well er certainly the cynicism here is extraordinary because it is not usually the level of er foreign minister, and er after the visit of er hamas political er leadership to moscow this week, it sounds especially cynical and simply not worth it. to pay attention to it or does it cause some disgust in the israeli politicians? mr. yevgeny, you have already mentioned and loud statements were made by both the prime minister and the minister of foreign affairs lavrov, however, the information that spread on the network that the war in israel will not end this year, the military operation in the gas sector, this week told the prime minister of israel, what is currently happening in the same. in the gas sector, and
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in your opinion, is it really possible for the war to start already starting in 2024, we have just started, we are already predicting that it will continue next year, well , this war is profitable for a certain stratum of the israeli political community, i carefully follow the military-political analytics on place, according to the statements of the israeli military... er - the operation is about its third stage, it is conventionally divided into four, that is, er now the israeli military command controls approximately er almost 2/3 of the territory of the gas sector, and er one of the divisions has already been withdrawn from the four from the gas sector last week, that is, it can be said that the hostilities in the territory of the gas area have subsided to a certain extent. unfortunately, losses among
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the civilian population are increasing, of course, there are currently figures of 24,000 dead and about 60,000 wounded, but in my opinion, actually the military operation may end much earlier, in the future it is questionable whether the military operation will begin in the north of the territory. lebanon on the part of hezbollah, but we see the great diplomatic activity of the united states of america, its diplomatic representatives are actually in lebanon, they are constantly, trying to persuade, to stop hostilities, at the same time, the shelling from lebanon continues, and i want to say that today i am in eilat, just
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met with the ukrainian community and was extremely impressed by the fact that everyone's people of the week continue to gather in the central square with ukrainian flags, and today i see that the hotels are full of temporary displaced people, about 200 thousand israeli citizens from the north and from the regions close to the gas sector are living in hotels from away from the hostilities, it is usually at the expense of the government, and of course it confuses the citizens, people want to return to their homes, but it is impossible, especially from the territory of lebanon, the threat continues to remain, and frankly, it is impossible to predict now when the confrontation will end. i think, answering your question, that in the territory of the gas sector, most likely, the cleaning will end. well, we can assume in
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a month or two, and the big question is whether a large-scale war will start in the north from the side of livonia, no one can predict this now. well, you can also add rockets and drones sent by the kussid from yemen and they fly here to the south, as well as shelling from the territory of syria, well, that is, it is fun here, and unfortunately, the situation is far from the end of the conflict, well, when you say that, he is growing rather when, say , secretary of state antony blinkin said during his trip to israel that there will be metastases, so what we are... watching now, you have already mentioned the houthis, but also about lebanon, but there was an exchange of missile strikes between iran and pakistan, this is not part of these metastases, unfortunately , look, i am the ambassador to israel, i will comment on what is happening here, we
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have other diplomats responsible for pakistan, i see the big picture, and as i understand it for myself that, unfortunately, iran is gradually retracts hostilities himself, that is, before he acted through his proxies, whom he finances on the territory of those states that we mentioned, and now he is finally starting to act independently, but this is already a heavyweight, it is not the houthis, it is not hezbollah with hamas, it 's a powerful country that, despite 30 years of sanctions, you can see that it's producing quite sophisticated missiles, drones, and er... i see the efforts of the united states, primarily, to try to stop iran's actions, related with its tightening into a larger scale military aggression in the region. thank you, mr. yevhen, yevhen korniychuk, the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine in israel was
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on our air, we talked about what is happening in the middle east, how israeli models can help ukraine from the point of view of security guarantees, we will now break for a few minutes of news . switch, we still have an hour of communication ahead of us.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. we continue the saturday political club, dmytro
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didorov and vitaly portnikov. this is the second part of our program, where mr. vitaliy will analyze the issues that were the most relevant and hot this week. and today, mr. vitaly, we already talked about the forms for the meeting, the forum, the economic forum in davos, and i propose to start with it then: volodymyr zelenskyi urged partners not to experiment with delaying aid to ukraine, but held a series of meetings with ursula funderlein, with blinken, with the general secretary nato, and they all assured that they will provide this assistance, and they say that there is no such thesis. to freeze the conflict, whether she will still be present, or whether she gave confidence that there is no such thesis for ukraine. it seems to me that in order to freeze the conflict , both sides must agree to it, and i do not see a desire to freeze the conflict either on the ukrainian
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side or on the russian side, because we have already discussed this thesis of the former president of russia dmytro medveyev, who said that the very existence of the ukrainian state will cause further wars on our territory. and this is such a holy truth, i think that someone should have illusions until we can create an effective system of deterring the russian federation, the territory of ukraine will be an arena for. for wars , such a training ground for russia, i think that not only ukraine, other former soviet republics as well, it’s just that their turn has not yet come, and it is simply necessary to realize and think about how to create such a security system, and by and large these meetings in davosi, they are a part efforts to create such a security system, because even if we suddenly want to freeze the conflicts, the west wants to freeze the conflict, the russian federation will not give it to us, and therefore i think it is absolutely right that we have this peace formula with 10 points many say, you know, but these points can never be fully implemented. of course, it can be
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considered so. i do not currently see any mechanisms to force russia to withdraw its troops from the occupied territories without the use of force, to force it to agree to territorial integrity of ukraine in order to punish russian war criminals, who are the leaders of a nuclear state and themselves are ready to punish everyone they can get, as we know, not only with words, but also... with actions, because they send their agents to different countries poison, are engaged in sabotage, murder and are completely protected by their own, their state, their special services from any punishment for their crimes, and there are a lot of such points, but this is a program at most, even if you imagine that once after hostilities, at the time of finalization of the war. whenever he was, now saying that the war may last two years, five years, i don't know how long it will last, but in
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any case, if you imagine that there will be some kind of meeting between russia and ukraine, because only russia and ukraine can end the war, no one else, then there must be our formula, and there can be a russian formula that will be completely opposite, we also know it, it is also maximalist, the recognition of territorial realities, that is, our recognition that the that we have occupied - it is theirs, and what is not... because it is also theirs, zaporizhzhia, kherson, they still want it. yes of course. i think that they want more, they also want kharkiv, they also want kyiv. they generally want everything they can bite into. denazification, that is , the destruction of the very ukrainian character of the state, if, if it will continue to exist at all from the russian point of view, demilitarization is to have no army, well, this is also a program that no one will ever agree with, but russia knows for sure that if even she will have to talk about something. should require maximum, when two maxims meet, then of course there may be some
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opportunity for negotiations, although i will tell you honestly, i am not one of those people who believes in the possibility of negotiating with the russian federation, i generally believe that if this war ends with the following for years, well , even now, experts are talking about the 20s as the time of this war, well, up to and including 2029, it can also be, it is necessary to understand this clearly and not cry any additional illusions, then it may end without an agreement from russia by what will be created strong a security perimeter, air defense , a strong army, something that will force russia to stop hostilities, but not a war, no, i can't even imagine such a thing, but it has happened so many times, well, let's talk, we have repeatedly talked about the korean peninsula, that a korean peninsula is possible scenario, but one must understand a simple thing, south korea absolutely did not want to sign. you of peace with north korea, because it believed that it should
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liberate the entire territory of the korean peninsula from the communists. as much as the united states wanted an end to the war, they did not further confrontation with the soviet union. north korea also wanted the war to end because it didn't want to lose that territory, and the people's republic of china wanted to continue the war because it hoped to get revenge and try to occupy something further south. so it was a rather strange situation, the goals of washington. and pyongyang did not coincide with the goals of saul and beijing and moscow until the death of joseph stalin, although they were on different sides of the barricade, and as a result , south korea never signed this peace agreement, so there is this line of confrontation, on it as if the troops are standing in compliance with a certain agreement, under which there is no signature of the president of the republic of korea, and no korean dignitary, so there may be different options, but many say that wars end at the negotiating table, not all and forever. there may be a war that will be suspended without any agreements, simply de facto, as it is now de facto, the transportation
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of grain across the black sea, you do not have an agreement with russia, it formally does not agree with the fact that this grain is moved, it now can mine the black sea to blow up the courts, and turkey, bulgaria, romania can mine the black sea to pass the courts, but there is no agreement, and the russian-ukrainian war, believe me, can end, stop. yes, without any meetings of the presidents, without any negotiations of the delegations, just like that, there will be a period while the parties are gathering strength for something new. confrontation, or look for opportunities for political agreements that will come five or 10 years after the actual cessation of hostilities actions, but we have to be clear about how we envision this agreement perimeter, even if these agreements are reached in 200 there 37 or 2045, how old will you be? oh,
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i didn't count the 45th, but we'll count plus 20, somewhere around 20, 45-46 years old, well, you'll be there in this already. and you will see what this political settlement will look like, and there may not be a war at this time for a long time, and by the way, thanks to the fact that we will take this position in defense of international law, we can win it as a result, because nothing happens static, and the least static is russia itself, we have already seen it, it is static, static, static, and then bang, and everything changes, as in some, you know, accelerated scenario, we are already dealing with absolutely. another state body, and with regard to aid , well, aid should not be talked about lightly, because the people who are dealing with aid now are in washington and they are in brussels, in the european capitals, and there are two formulas that have already become familiar to me absolutely understood: there is an american aid formula,
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that president joseph biden is trying to get... congress to vote for aid to ukraine, so he's making concessions on the border, and former president donald trump wants congress not to vote for aid, so he's asking his supporters to do everything they can to to say that biden does not make insufficient concessions and not to vote for help. officially, the republicans say that it is not a matter of helping ukraine, but actually of... that is why they do not vote on a compromise on the border, so that there is no money for us, and that's it. there is a reality, because now that the senators in the republican party are saying: listen, we have reached a historic agreement with the democrats, we will not have the same chance to solve our problems as we have now with the border. trump says no, don't vote, no, don't vote, and now
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a lot will depend on house speaker mike johnson. but this agreement, this... i want to point out that this is a migration agreement that they want, joe biden made concessions, this is because biden wants to help ukraine or raise his rating, because 60% of the citizens of the united states the states of america are not happy with his migration policy, of course, but the fact is that these concessions that biden made are contrary to his political visa, which he stood for 40 years on migration policy, so he can make such concessions only to help. ukraine, i say that there are completely opposite intentions here, biden is ready to change his political course in favor of the republicans in order to help ukraine, and the republicans are ready, first of all, president trump is ready to give up such an opportunity not to help ukraine. i i'm just insisting, it's not about the border here.
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the issue is this vote in ukraine. and here are the mailers ... one of the most ardent supporters of donald trump, she has already warned speaker johnson that if he puts this package to a vote in the house of representatives, the question of his resignation will be raised. and now there will be such a moment of truth, because when this temporary extension of the budget was voted on, 106 republicans, as far as i remember , voted for it, 105 against it, so that's it. as if there is a majority in one voice to to keep a position is a very, very risky thing. the fragile summer that you can, how much he will be willing to reside with his career, for the sake of helping ukraine, i don't know, because his predecessor who risked deals with the democrats, kevin mccarthy, he not only
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got rid of the position of speaker of the house of representatives, he got rid of political career, he was forced to leave the house of representatives. former president mike pence, who did not support donald trump, then during the storming of the capitol inaugurated, in fact, the results of the election allowed joseph biden to become the president of the united states according to the procedure, he actually lost popularity in the republican party, there are many such examples now, people who are not supported by donald trump have no chance to make a political career in the ranks of the republican party, donald trump actually wanted . this party, and now all congressmen, republicans are forced, contrary to their political position, to orientate themselves on his views, this is the reality, and therefore, in principle, the issues are allocated to us to... i can honestly say, it is very doubtful, we may have chance, but with each new week of these negotiations we are losing it, remember, they said that there would be a vote on the eve of the new year,
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uh, then that there would be a vote after the holidays, already on january 20, there is no satisfactory result, in the senate it comes to some compromises, there is no smell of compromise in the house of representatives, and most importantly, i think that after ... this speech by trump, the senators can change their line. newt gringrich, one of trump's supporters in the senate, made it clear that mikey johnson should hold his line and not put this package on voting. here's the answer to the question, so that's the problem. republicans have even been asked by biden's aides, they say that the situation is critical, let's vote. it is strange, incomprehensible to all ukrainians, i understand their current state. to the united states of america, even though they have given a very large , large aid package, and we keep hearing trump in our conversation with you, and this week
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he won kokusiv, what could that mean, as you have to consider these first, in some states they are called caucuses, in some primaries, which means that after all, trump will return to the presidential chair before... the presidential chair, we do not know that it is necessary to win the presidential elections, but he has every chance, if he is not stopped by some courts, to become a candidate for the post of president from the republicans, it is no longer known, we cannot somehow predict the results of the presidential elections in the usa with you, because they are not predicted, because they do not depend on the general rating of the candidates, but on the voting in the so-called problem states, and that is also enough now is changing because all of a sudden it turns out that states that are considered traditionally democratic are traditionally. republicans are changing their favorites against the background of this tough confrontation between the two parties, so that in principle the results of the presidential elections are not predicted and will depend, i would
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say, on chance. i will remind you that when trump became the president of the united states, he lost the presidential election by the total number of voters, he seems to be one million citizens, one million more people voted for hillary clinton, which is not prevented donald trump from getting a great victory. in the presidential race, because he received more electoral votes, this is such a feature of the electoral federal state system, this is one point, i think that all these scandals help him, even in the eyes of his electorate, this is the second point, if there will be any a court verdict on some criminal case, it may hinder him, but we still don't know. how then to understand what trump wants. look, if we don't get money from the united states this year, i don't i think that this will have a significant impact on
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the front line, on this whole situation, because 2024 is a year for russia and ukraine to gather some efforts and opportunities. in principle, i think that a situation may arise where at the end of 2024, we will be in the same situation as in 2023. but there will still be 2025, and in principle trump can believe that if he is elected president, he will immediately start consultations with vladimir putin regarding the settlement situation, ukraine should understand then that it does not have the strength to fight, because in it will not have additional resources, it will not have money specifically for 2025 and... they will expect some real mediation from donald trump and ukraine will not be able to deny him, according to his own formula of the plague,
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trump is expected to have these 24 hours, which he is forever talking about says, he won in iowa and immediately reminded about it, in 24 hours he promised to stop the war in ukraine again. and i will tell you what will happen in 24 hours, in 24 hours it will not turn out that putin has it in his nose, so to speak, that there are no real agreements with the president of russia on any compromise conditions, he cannot achieve that putin will clearly tell his advisers that he wants all of ukraine and immediately an apology and the lifting of sanctions from the whole world, and trump will go crazy, as it always happens with him, and will start not only to help ukraine, but to try destabilize the situation in some in other regions important for russia and most likely not only there will be an increase in the scale of the russian-ukrainian war, because a person like trump can be completely calm
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after being disappointed by putin, yes. permission to fire missiles at the territory of russia, as well as in basically a big war. in principle, i think that the election of donald trump as president may be a prelude to a direct confrontation between the west and the russian federation with completely unforeseen consequences. in principle, we should understand that the election of trump as the president of the united states in november is a prelude to the great war. because trump, unlike biden, will not calculate the consequences of his actions. he is a politician who strikes first and then strikes. agrees and when he does not see this respect for himself, on which he counts, he rages and begins to think about how to destroy someone who treated him without much respect, and it must be said that trump's ego is not the same as putin's ego or siezenpin's ego, because trump, absolutely logically, is the president of the united states ,
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putin's ego exaggerates. the meaning of his state, in principle, his trump corresponds to the meaning of his state, yes, he is a self-centered person, but he definitely understands what he rules, and putin does not understand what he rules, he does not rule something that can be compared to america, so that trump can think that putin realizes this, but putin considers himself equal to trump, not having the opportunity of trump, here are the perfect conditions for the third world war, for hitting moscow with a nuclear missile and a nuclear missile at washington. there is no putin, there is no trump, there are no 10-20 million people there, and you and i, if we survive, write excellent reports about this whole story, well, or if there is television, then we tell, and if there is not, then some rats will be studied instead of us talk and tell, tell i will tell other people about trump and putin, what to tell about this this week, very high-profile events with ukrainian
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journalists happened, president volodymyr zelenskyi. who instructed the security service of ukraine to find out about the circumstances of the illegal surveillance of bigusinfo journalists, in particular , and it was already reported on the bigusinfo portal that 30 people did all this, established all this. mr. vitaly, who do you think is doing this, why, or is this some kind of return to the fact that the magazine is run on journalists persecution? well, it’s not even persecution, it’s just illegal interference in personal life and pressure, but again, you are asking who it is, let it be the ukrainian special services, they will be able to answer this question to president zelenskyi, he gave the corresponding order, that would be it is very good to know when, at the beginning of this great war, i found in my apartment in lviv
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under... i also said that in my opinion, the security service of ukraine, which, by the way, is continuing this investigation, and somehow it disappeared somewhere, and i don't know anything about its consequences, and i don't know whether i was reclassified from a witness to a victim, although i submitted such a request to the investigator in the appropriate form, why i thought it was necessary to find out who did it and what it was, because i thought that the lack of reaction to this case, whoever did it, the russian special services, what? private offices or the ukrainian state in itself, this creates a feeling of impunity, and the feeling of impunity gives the opportunity to take new steps in this direction, and as a result, we all we fall into the abyss, because people who feel this sense of impunity in a state that is completely dependent on the democratic world, sooner or later some actions are carried out that come to light, and our allies say to us: god, how is it so,
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we we help because you are a democratic state, you have freedom of the press, and it turns out , as the zabinfo investigator writes , that you book hotel rooms in order to place the equipment there and take it away, what kind of delusion is it now that western newspapers are publishing about this story with a portrait zelensky, as before, these publications were about russia with a portrait of president putin, we absolutely do not need our president and our state to speak. such a dubious role, you just know, then there will be a war between two russias, and a war between two russias is exactly what putin needs, and not what we need, because i absolutely understand, it is clear that if it is two russias, then one big russia is better , controls this small incomprehensible, and then there will be one zone of stability, and one sanctions against everyone, there will be no need for any new to invent, so it's definitely not in our interests, it's definitely in the interests of ukrainian society, because in the conditions...


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