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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings, it's news time in etheriso. kateryny shiropoyas works in the studio. at night, the enemy attacked ukraine with eight shaheds. our defenders of the sky destroyed all drones within mykolaiv, kherson, dnipropetrovsk and kirovohrad regions. it was announced. in the air force. the enemy launched drones from the primorsko-akhtarsk region in russia. russia will be responsible for all terror, the president said in his daily address. according to zelensky, it is important to bring russia to full and fair responsibility for at all levels, on an individual basis, so that every war criminal is accountable. and at the level of the entire terrorist state, its assets and capabilities.
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i am grateful to everyone who also believes now that the russian druro has to lose, as it was the year, and in the 22nd year, everything that strengthens ukraine and protects our people adds strength to everyone in europe, everyone in the world who appreciates international law, everything that weakens russia, brings the war home to russia, adds stability to international relations, saves the world from even bigger ones. another cyber attack on monobank happened this year night with a total load of 580 million service requests. this was reported by the co-owner of the bank oleg horohovskyi. the it department managed to repulse the massive assault. the data was not affected, so now the service is working as usual. and europe should step up. the british defense minister called for increased support for ukraine. according to grant shap. his country is now leading the way
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with a £2.5bn package and a security deal. french minister of foreign affairs stephane sejournay also said about aid for ukraine. in his opinion, the ukrainian issue is a long-term priority, and the ministry is preparing a series of statements for president macron during his visit to kyiv. an unexpected decision, florida governor rondesanti said. that withdrew his candidacy in the upcoming presidential elections in the united states in favor of donald trump. desantis was trump's main competitor in the internal party primaries of the republican party, so he decided to stop the race and give another chance to donald trump, because he considers him a better candidate compared to the current head of the state and competitor for the seat joe biden. if i could do anything for
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a favorable outcome, more meetings, more interviews, i would do it, but i can't ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don't have a clear path to victory, respectively, today i am ending my campaign. on january 22, the ukrainian people remember two equal days. in terms of importance, historical events, the declaration of independence of the ukrainian people's republic and the act of annexation of ukrainian lands. exactly until this date in the center of lviv the day before, they unfurled the largest blue-yellow flag with thousands of military signatures. before setting a national record, the longest blue-yellow flag covered thousands of kilometers across ukraine. he visited 30 brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and more than 20 cities. signatures were put on it. soldiers from
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the front line, children, volunteers, public and cultural figures, in particular, the flag visited the verkhovna rada, where it was signed by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny. this was the first step of unity, a chain of unity that we, from luka, he, well, named, and we tried, i am one of the organizers of the popular movement in my time, and we created. this chain is a double and important holiday for us. ukrainian evening in girona, the team of artem dovbyk and victor tsygankov met in the spanish championship with sevilla, and even missed the first, but soon artem dovbek completed a hat trick in just 6 minutes. then viktor tsygankov also scored a goal. in general, a convincing victory for girona - 5:1 and the first step in la liga. the ukrainian team is ahead of the formidable
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real and barcelona. the team of the tv channel espresso continues to help. our army together, we prepared another batch of vitamin mixtures for defenders of ukraine. how does this usually happen? see further. twice a month, saturday mornings start for espresso employees with volunteering, because in the cold period of the year, our military needs warm drinks that can warm and give strength. such situations arise when the guys in the trenches don't even have hot water, when the guys in the... trenches don't even have a way to eat or even how to go to the toilet, i'm sorry, to wash, if they have a jar of our mixture that we prepared like this one, after they have already eaten a spoonful of that mixture, they can warm themselves with that ginger, gain at least some minimal vitamins. for the second winter in a row
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, such a volunteer kitchen has been working in lviv, but in the near future our colleagues in kyiv will join the cause. in kyiv, we also want to organize the same event, the same volunteer event. the kitchen, because there is also our team, our journalists, our group, which will be happy to join, and we will increase it just in time production, the director of the tv channel kateryna yarmalovych rallied the team to a charitable cause, the war is not over with us, it continues, so if the guys don't get tired, we shouldn't get tired either, that's why it's a seasonal product, so i think that depending on the weather, somewhere until march . in april we will work, someone peels ginger or cuts citrus fruits, someone sorts cranberries, now we have almost finished cutting the ginger and it will go into the mixture, very cool, very tasty, and why are we doing this, i personally think that today there cannot be such , who is not
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help, you don't have money, help with your hands, you can't help with your hands, i help with my mind, i help with my work, but just people who sit and the war passes by them, such... cannot be in ukraine. the owner of the hotel, irena svitlana pantsak, kindly volunteered to help, provided premises and convenient conditions for cooking. of course, kanal approached us with this initiative, but since these are almost native people who have lived with us for a long time, and we decided that we provide this location for your good deeds. thanks to the team and the audience, we bought the necessary ones products, but there is always a need for... customs mixtures at the front, so we invite you, if you wish and are able to join the collection, you can help by making any donation, and we as a whole team will prepare more warming teas for our defenders . and in order for the losses of the occupiers to be even
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greater, the spresso tv channel is asking you to join our gathering to the soldiers of the legendary 95th separate airborne unit. the language brigade needs a freight bus. the defenders use the car to deliver ammunition to settlements that are being destroyed as quickly as possible russian invaders and their armored vehicles. in general, our goal is uah 2,000. we have already collected almost uah 170,000. there is very little left. get involved, your help is extremely important. you can now see all the details on your screens. it's autumn now. to learn more, stay tuned on our website and on our social networks, like, comment and share. my colleagues lesya vokolyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso.
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what did i do yesterday morning? what did i do? did in the evening, worked out, what will i do... today, tomorrow, later work out, work out, work out. i dreamed of sports since childhood, but my destiny was to become just another gymnast. i
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should not have become a champion. my physique did not allow me to be better, and i felt it. if i had stayed in gymnastics, the national championship would have been the pinnacle of my achievements. when i already wanted to run away from home, i tried to speak. it was wonderful, the growth of all my parameters started, and so i started on the path where success became a powerful reality support of ferrekpo. later, i... got to know mykola ivanovych, the first big victories followed, many
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said that nothing would come of it, but i believed in myself and the coach. i have been taking care of the mining club girnyk-ferestvo for more than 15 years. with the help of the company, many athletes rose to the highest levels and reached the whole world. but when i saw lyudmila, i understood in our team. a new star, tough, loyal, and i felt that a girl with that character should become a champion. victory at the championship of ukraine was important 2020. "it was a whirlwind of emotions, like in the good old
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days, let's say this, a very happy lyudmila luzan receives congratulations, and finally the olympics, it is incomparable to anything, the medals from the olympics are the culmination of everything, tokyo in 2020."
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2021 was rich in achievements at the european and world championships. lyudmila set a historic achievement for ukrainian broadcasting. winning all the medals. the next big goal is the 2024 olympics in paris. our people are fighting for independence, for the flag of ukraine to fly all over our land. i dream in... to hear the anthem of ukraine, to see our flag from the pedestal and to feel that i am training for nothing, that
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we are together, glory to ukraine. good morning, dear friends , we wake up, turn on the espresso, brew coffee, tea, cocoa or whoever likes to drink in the morning and watch our marathon, well, muscals pour vodka in the morning, well, that's understandable, well, to your health, the more they drink it they will drink, the better, the worse their health will be, dear friends, today is january 22, the day of zluka or the day of... sobornost, as it is called, in 1919 ukraine finally
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united, the moskals here tell us , once again, that stalin united ukraine, if not for stalin, what would have happened to that ukraine, this is all a lie, and theirs is an eternal lie and an attempt to rewrite our history, 105 years ago , it was on this day that the ukrainian people's republic and the people's republic of ukraine united, two republics, united into one ukraine, which was divided for several centuries and was in different countries. in the russian and austro-hungarian empires , it was a little easier in the austro-hungarian empire, so most of the ukrainian was kept there. in the russian empire , it was worse and destroyed in every way. ukrainian culture, ukrainian history was crumbling, basically ukrainian approaches to life were crumbling, because they were significantly different from russian ones, you know what is most interesting, by the way, in this history of unification more than 100 years ago, and already 105, 105 years ago, and this the fact that in reality this is not a strong unification, even the politicians of the time, the leaders of the unr or
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the zunr, well, that is, they had a lot of doubts, there were. some negotiations with the poles, there is something else, the polish position was the poles, of course, they were also against it, but that was very the people wanted, the people really wanted, the ordinary citizens of this western ukrainian people's republic, the ukrainian people's republic, and they, they wanted this unification, and because of that it happened, that is, it was the desire of the people, and they actually wanted this unification after that , when the war started, and it so happened that ukrainians against ukrainians... because they were actually divided into different empires, but actually as a result of this first world war, they saw that in principle they speak the same language, have the same traditions, and then they had a question, and why are they in different countries in different empires, why are they divided, so dear friends, if some russian or pro-russian people
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try to convince you that there would not have been a united ukraine without stalin, then remind them of ukrainian history and remind us that it should not be rewritten with the help of russian propaganda and altered, all this happened in 1919 on january 22, so this is a holiday for all ukrainians, both in the west and in the east, in the south and in the north, and we now we are doing a roll call and actually let's start it from the afternoon, valentina shultz , a deputy of the odesa district council and a volunteer , joins us, mrs. valentina, good morning, good. good morning, well, first of all, i wanted to congratulate all ukrainians on such a holiday, it now acquires such sacredness during the war, i want us to remain united, right now, more than ever, keep our cossack spirit and cheerfulness, and we will win. how did the afternoon sleep, mrs. valentino?
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i will say that it is more or less calm, although there was a setback. air alarm, which sounded on throughout ukraine, and then in odesa literally 20 minutes later, the air alarm sounded again, it was due to the fact that there was a threat of uavs, but it was some kind of blocking mine, which is now most likely thanks to our beer at the bottom of the black sea, please tell me what... news with the grain corridor, is it still functioning? yes, the grain corridor continues to function, but, as i said, every time, alternative ways of transporting our agricultural products, well, in general, the products that we export to
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countries of europe, as well as to other countries of the world. well, literally yesterday, by the way , seven large ships left the ports of... these are bulkers, new spirit, rose, y, glorious sea, also, well, in a word, many different tankers and bulkers that carry, in particular, grain, so this is good news, of course, that the export of ukrainian grain is working, despite the russians' attempt to set up a naval blockade, which they failed. that's what happened, ms. valentina, but remembering today's date, i think that there are still people in odessa who convince about the fact that odessa is not like, for example, the west of ukraine, it is a different, different city with different traditions, and russian was always spoken in odessa, what would you
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say to these people, and how many of them are still left for the second year of the war and... on the 105th anniversary of the unification of ukraine, yes, they really do exist, i think that there are such people in every corner of ukraine, but they are also not many, because odessans who switched to the ukrainian language are such, you know , such a powerful force, and that's why such people hide, and they don't talk about it publicly, but there really are such people, and i i advise... switch to the ukrainian language and unite for our victory, because russian rockets do not choose ukrainians who speak ukrainian. language or russian, they hit everyone's homes in the same way. in your opinion, what should unite the east, west, south, and north
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of ukraine in addition to language, because language is good, but in fact you can easily imagine a completely non-european country, i don't know, the autocracy, wherever everyone spoke ukrainian, i don't know which one was easier, maybe a few ukrainians philologists who would say, well, it will be fine. in addition to language, our country can be united by culture, education, and this national identity, we must remember who we are and also carry out information work, and this must be from kindergarten, there must be such an identity that i am ukrainian, well, thank you, ms. valentina, valentina shuts, a deputy of the odesa district council, a volunteer was with us, thank you for this. conspiracy, we are going now for a very short break, then we will have yuriy sobalevskyi, the first deputy chairman kherson regional council, let's talk about the current situation in kherson oblast, which the russians really dream of capturing by the end of the year, if you believe
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it. dear friends, stay with us, we will be back very soon and continue. nothing has come out yet, not yet, croak, oh, normalect, dear, take normalect, norm. lact eliminates constipation, normalizes bowel function, restores the amount of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. everything worked out! normolact and everything will work out! on january 22, at 7:30 p.m., the vinyl agency will present taras chubai and songs sung by all of ukraine on the stage of the lviv opera. the special guest of the concert is the lviv men's academic choir chapel dudaryk. karabask tickets. live sound. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama, in ukrainian with
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project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. unity, today we defend it again, we, ukrainians from different regions, fight and pray, volunteer and save, communicate,
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work, today we have to return the torn parts of united ukraine again, together, and together we will win, happy unity day to us. love, passion, physicality, sexuality, provocation, every dress of ours is about it, sex can be dangerous, without responsibility and without knowledge, yes, including regarding will, there is a rule n = n, it is not defined, so it is not transmitted, a person knows'. who takes modern antiretroviral therapy regularly and continuously for several months, cannot infect anyone. modern medicine allows you not to limit your
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sexuality. your sexuality is limited only by your imagination. knowing about complex things is important. knowledge about the ox saves lives. well, dear friends, we return to the aether, let's continue our roll call. again in the south, we will talk with yuriy sobolevsky, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council , about how the night passed in the kherson region, mr. yuriy, congratulations, tell me, please, was this night without shelling? i congratulate you, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, it was very loud both in kherson itself and in other communities. if as of the evening we had no appeals for the wounded, then at night, now information will be entered, there may be clarifications, but our counter-battery fight was also heard and,
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unfortunately, there were flights, including over kherson, they also worked for our air force, anti-aircraft, shot down drones, there, as far as i know, they also have positive results, but they themselves will tell about it already, whether it continues evacuation from the city, how much has the population decreased now? it is minimally decreasing , in fact, because i cannot say that now there is a large number of people who want to leave, that is , everyone who... was ready, who is ready to make such a decision, they have already mostly left, people are leaving, but well so minimal in fact, but what is the current situation in the temporarily occupied territories, i read to you that there is no electricity again in the genichevsky district, the balance itself reports about this, the situation with electricity is difficult there, now the information that there is no electricity supply
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is completely partial. 226 settlements, and the occupation administration was able to organize only three brigades so that they were engaged in the now emergency restored works, well, we understand how long it can take to completely restore the network, why this is the situation during the entire occupation . in fact, due to your investigation, the proper repair of the energy infrastructure... was not carried out, if the goal is only to rob, yes, not to support, not to develop , then of course we have such results, they also write about the fact that in the occupied in the territories, bread is somehow very expensive now , do you know something about it, you know, it is amazing, of course, because kherson region is a region where wheat is grown, and now bread is expensive there, why did such a situation develop, well, it is actually bread
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there is, yes another problem, they also failed the so-called social bread program, when it was supposed to distribute it partly partly for free, partly there at minimum prices for the category of people who need it, but in most of the territories they could not implement it, that is why the situation is that everyone is forced to buy it already at market prices, and the prices are at the tipstock. on the territory they are at the same level as those in the crimea, that is, they are completely inhumane there. 133 rubles, a loaf costs 133 rubles, that's how much for our hryvnias, if transfer, i don’t know what it is, what it is , andriy, you won’t tell me how much 133 rubles is, how much it is already somewhere in a ruble somewhere, probably hryvnias 60, yes 70, loaves of bread, and while reading this news, you know, on who paid attention to the fact that the occupiers
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turned out to be our ukrainian convoy, and they were looking for tsuryupinsk on the maps, that is, they were driving around oleshok, they could not find where they were going, and the locals also helped them a lot, constantly turning them to the left , then to the right, they said there, how to get where they need to go, that's why they actually lost a certain amount of time there, but how is life in our oleshki now?


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