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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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the occupiers turn out to be our ukrainian oleshkas , the famous oleshki sands, actually this such a desert is located in ukraine, they call it alyoshki, there is such a thing, it’s actually, well, they either call it alyoshki, they put it that way, or the post of the old name tyurupinsky , there was actually, well, if you can say so, curious. this was when there was an invasion, and the column was moving, and they were looking for tsuryupinsk on the maps, that is, they were driving around oleshki, but they could not find where they were going, and the locals were very they helped, constantly turned them left and right, told them how to get where they needed to go, so they actually lost a certain amount of time there, but how is life in our villages now? terrible, there are practically
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no people there, well, very few people, i can’t say that there are not, but there are very big problems with communications, and the security situation is just as terrible, because there are a lot of occupation contingents, their observation points, their positions, of course it is very dangerous for people to live in such conditions, when the enemy is nearby, in fact, you are talking about the fact that the number of russians, immigrants from... this is the first time i see this name, unfortunately, yes, yes, i can’t say that now they are coming en masse, they would like to organize it, but there are no people willing , they cannot find enough motivation to populate the currently temporarily occupied territories en masse, they offer anything, from positions and money to preferential mortgage lending programs there in those... occupied territories
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there at very minimal interest, but people they do not go, because they understand very well that they are going to the occupation, they are going to a region that is hostile to them, and the attitude of the population is appropriate, so the vast majority of those who come, they are actually on a business trip, they worked for two months and went home , it’s interesting what the situation is, of course, now on the left bank in the krynyk area, where... ukrainian troops have been holding a small bridgehead for a long time, for example, i saw that one of the russian soldiers, the so-called moisei, died just the other day , the other day there, literally three days ago, his last post was in his telegram channel in krynkah ad, and then there was an inscription of the connection, eduard's wife, his wife, very sad news, very sad news, moses is gone. moses
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was killed, well, that’s it, 10,000 likes, no more , even , one by one . just hunted for watercraft in our defense force and laid out nets, there were. he has several productive, let's say so, he flew out, so , well, it will be a little safer for our guys, and you know, i want a little bit of this for the end, here the viewer asks where we got such news about bread and about light in russia, excuse me, but the occupied kherson region - this is not russia, this is ukraine, temporarily there is a russian boot, but this, but this is for now, i want to say about kherson and about that, i don’t know how with... how these people, as athletes,
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maybe they evacuated from kherson and continue their sports career, training elsewhere, for example, a figure skater from kherson won the international volvo tournament open cap, in the capital of latvia, rezi held this tournament, and in men's single katana among juniors, a 19-year-old sportsman from kherson scored the most points in total. of the two programs, this is kyrylo marsak, i don’t know , mr. yuriy, do you know how the athletes are now, whether they continue to train in kherson, or whether they still had to evacuate in order to somehow continue their sports activities, which, in addition to everything, is also a reminder of what is happening in ukraine, that there is a war going on in ukraine, unfortunately, they do not have the opportunity to train now in... dreams, because first of all it is very
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dangerous, and secondly, the material and technical base, the heel has been destroyed and partial material damage, that is, even in the educational institutions, sports institutions, on the basis of which they trained, it is now impossible, unfortunately, but we have a lot of cool athletes from many sports who are constantly winning at various levels in sports competitions. well, just for the rest , i went to telegram in the balance and he can always lift the mood with his, but somehow a person has... this talent of a comedian, he has the last two posts, the first about the fact that, well, the last one is about the fact that they do not have electricity in the honichevsky district, because of the weather conditions again, and before that about the fact that lenin will soon be 100 years old, and the quote is not from lenin, but from the immortal vice-president of the kherson oblast regional state administration
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kyril strymousov in the restoration of the lenin monuments, this will be the restoration of historical justice, they quote. immortal, well, this is a common phrase for me, immortal deputy chairman, deputy chairman, i understand, something like that, and the penultimate one, that’s where he exhibited a bunch of cats, homeless and dogs, and wrote: the city cats and dogs of the henicheskogo district feel at ease, they are not starving, i see that he did not manage to find satisfied people, so they are all already homeless. wanted to take pictures, in short, saldo, a very funny blogger, we are waiting for his wife to finally write some good ones, also collect 10,000 likes, and when she finally joins strymousov, yes, yes, there will be two immortal lenins, maybe they will be together there in
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the end, mr. yurii, calm down, would have been put somewhere in a quiet place day, we wish kherson oblast, thank you for the story about what is happening now in kherson and in the occupied parts of kherson oblast, because... our people also live, and we have to tell about what their life looks like. we will now move to the north-east and we will move to sumy. the chief news editor of suspilne sumy, andriy kremchenkov , is in touch with us. mr. andriy, we congratulate you. greetings from unconquered sumy region. how did unconquered sumyshchina sleep? i don't know, reports from the military haven't arrived yet, but... not in sums was ringing, at least not loud enough to wake me up, and that's good, it means you got enough sleep, and that's why you can connect to us in the ether, mr. andriy, today is january 22, the day of separation or the day of communion, who likes which word better, that he
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chooses it for himself, what sumyshchyna is similar to, for example , to bukovyna. well, i'll tell you this, ukraine exists where it is defended by armed means, and if at one time the war for the independence of ukraine was waged by the western regions, now the eastern regions are leading it, and, let's say, ukrainian nationalism freed, he lives on the border, and now this border has moved east, and here we see how the ukrainian identity woke up in zaporizhzhia, it woke up long ago in sumy, and how it woke up even in kharkiv during the full-scale invasion, which apparently few people i was waiting there in temporary ternopil, but i woke up, people are defending their country , and those who yesterday were civilians, and it
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seems to me that the fact that now people from different regions are fighting for ukraine, volunteering for it, unites us and gives us a chance build. together one, independent ukraine, just a few days ago i managed to talk with ms. natalia ligachova, a well-known media expert and the founder of media detector, and she said very well, i think the phrase she is saying is that she does not want us to fight for the territories, she wants , so that we fight for some values, and that's why it seems to me that this is also, is this also, or is that also what should unite people in... the country not only the territory of value, it seems to me that this is a very relevant question , she said this, just talking about the difficulty the situation with the persecution of journalists, or instead of the atmosphere, let's say , which has recently developed around journalists, investigators and so on, do you
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also feel it, i am not persecuted, if you are worried about me and i do not know of any such story among my environment , but times were different. there were also threats, there were times when i worked in the investigative team, we were threatened with weapons, that is, everything happened, this is also, let's say, a kind of struggle for ukraine, so everyone... who is engaged in such in a dangerous business like an investigation, one can only wish to protect oneself, be careful and continue digging further, because if a journalist is threatened, then he is probably digging in the right direction for some kind of story that is worth it. in relation to the values ​​that should be united by the east and the west, or, relatively speaking, today, god. today we talked about what should be united by the ukrainian language, but for me, for example, it is always important - i don't know, there is
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belgium, where people partly speak, for example, two, well, there is, there is flemish language, and flemish is a french language, but it is still one country, because it has something else to unify, even though they have different cultures , even the same, could the same be the case with ukraine, could ukraine be , conventionally speaking, and bilingual, but... united by the values ​​of democracy, freedom, er, liberal order in the state, well, i do not pretend to be a philosopher, but it seems to me that our basic value is freedom, moreover, personal freedom, freedom of entrepreneurship, and this is something that is in our blood, and they would not try to build it here dictatorship, well, we all saw that it does not grow here, eh... when i see the footage, when in russia , people who were protesting something against
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something, were put in a van, and then the van stalled and they pushed it to get to this police station, well , i cannot imagine such an absurdity in our country, that is, we used to fight, turn this truck over, they would try to somehow repel these detainees, but they certainly would not push, like the ruffians on the volga, they would not push this truck to the places of detention. it's just some kind of absurdity for us, when they are protesting there, i have already forgotten what they are against, they throw snowballs at the police, well, the truth is, we would not throw snowballs at all in such a situation, and this is simply what protects us from the dictatorship, from the arbitrariness of the authorities and is such a safeguard from the fact that our state does not slide into some, let's say, bad things, did you remember? avtozak, i remembered that on the maidan, 10 years ago,
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yes, it was already 10 years ago, just in those days, there was a baptism of water, that famous, notorious one, and then on january 22 actually there were the first victims of the maidan, nihoyan and zhiznevskyi, were shot on the same day, and they were actually ukrainians. demonstrated a completely different behavior than the russians, eh, but the maidan happened then because, because the government at that time thought that it would be able to subdue everyone , it is clear that now the maidan is also happening in ukraine, too, what is going on this great war with russia is also a war for free will and freedom, but there are also temptations, we see that there are temptations to act
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as yanukovych or yanukovych's government did, to take everything under their control, or now ukraine will be able to being in a great war, to defend that freedom, not only external, but also internal? well, you see, a war against some external enemy always leads to consolidation. society, and it seems to me that any revolutionary events in ukraine are absolutely impossible now, because an active part of society is involved in the war, in volunteering, and it seems to me that it will not work for a split, no matter how many internal contradictions accumulate in us, but alarm bells there really is, for example, the centralization of the media machine - that's what putin's rule and its consolidation began. authorities, let's say, we see signs of this in ukraine now, but i continue to believe that
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the dictatorship is not growing here, and well, everyone will fight for their freedom, and the media will also fight for theirs, so i am calm in this regard, but really there are alarming signs, well, actually, journalists are always the first to feel when something is going wrong in the country, and then it starts... to spread to other citizens of other professions or other types of activity, that's why we are the first we start talking about what something can do. not so, mr. andriy, thank you for the conversation, andriy kremchenkov, editor-in-chief of the social sum, was with us on the sumam connection, we wish you a peaceful day, from luka, now we are going for a short break, then we will move to dnipropetrovsk region and ask about how was the night there, how is the morning there, stay with us, cratal contains natural components
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7:49 am
hello, this is svoboda. morning information project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine. society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. well, dear friends,
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we are back on the air, continuing our roll call. now let's move to dnipropetrovsk region and how the night passed there, how is the morning, let's ask kateryna nemchenko , a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council , she is already in touch with us, ms. kateryna, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, in fact, mrs. kateryna, how was the night, how is this morning, tell me, please, night in dnipropetrovsk region, as in principle all the last nights of our region have passed restlessly, we have, as always, shelling of the nikopol district, but a plus today, glory to... mppo shot down three shaheds over the territory of our region, over dnipro district, debris shahedov also fell when falling. a commercial building and enterprises, there was a fire , well, but the rescuers basically extinguished everything during the night and there were no victims, well, but
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there will be more official information about the localization of this later, please tell me what other news there is, what is happening in general in the city, what is his social life like? well, if we are talking about the dnipro. then, in principle, the city holds on, lives in, well, tries to live in a more or less normal mode, as far as it is possible now, the enterprises are local, there local, everyone is working, some very loud or interesting political or social news, basically the last. sometimes there is no, if people talk about, if we talk about the business community, do they discuss the high-profile arrest of ihor ihor mazepa, an investment investor,
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a ukrainian celebrity, who was detained when he tried to go to tavos for the economic forum, and well, you know exactly this story, did you hear her? and yes, i know this story, but frankly speaking, in society, well, not the everyday one. levels of people who were not personally acquainted there, or people who were not there met somehow on business, well , frankly speaking, this is not a very discussed situation, so, well, it cannot be said that it is so popular in the publicity of society there in the region or in the city, uh, well, the investor was detained, god is with him, well , frankly yes, well, precisely in society. yes, but the surveillance of journalists or threats to journalists is mentioned, do you
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mean specific cases or, look, last week we learned that 30 employees of the ukrainian special services have been in hiding for several months, most likely, they installed tracking devices to monitor bigus' team, the girls. those who work there for specially settled hotels in advance, then they were during this revelry in the hotel, then after the revelry to collect their equipment, it cost, for example, nixon the presidency, the fact that they were not following journalists, there would they would have destroyed the whole party then, for sure, and the fact that they were watching their opponents during the elections, here are investigative journalists who expose corruption and... turned out to be healthy men, young, conscripted, turns out to be watching girls who are engaged in journalistic investigations,
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installing cameras in their bedrooms. well, if we talk about the dnipro, then this situation, i believe, should be on a more national discussion and level, so i can't talk about the dnipro or the region here locally. in my opinion, this situation is not normal, it is nonsense in general, but, well, unfortunately, unfortunately, this is what is happening with us now, but it would really be better to deal with more strategic matters, which are definitely more relevant to martial law than to such things. well, but you see, if there was a president now, for example... i don't know some andriy sadovy there, well, i say conditionally, or night, who, who, who is a comedian from lviv, a comedian from lviv, and eh, gapachilo, yes, you know
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, romana gapachilo, a super comedian, is much better than zelensky, our bezrashis, yes, and see for yourself that gapachilo is now the president of ukraine, and some such a little disgrace is happening, he is watching journalists, gapachilo, who is against democracy, it just doesn't fit in my head, but less so a person who, by the way, is not... has already driven several hundred cars to ukraine for military personnel, they armor them, that is , they put armored letters on cars, put machine guns and send them to the front, this is done by the comedian from lviv, roman gapachilo, well less of it, he is still a simpleton, very cool, has his own company, the information does not sound right, not in the direction of advertising, but i am talking about something else, tell yourself that he is the president and all kinds of things are happening, and you say such things, listen, but you have there this comedian is from lviv, who became... the president, what is going on, well, you are generally discussing all this inconsistency there in lviv, but i will remind you that president zelensky is actually from dnipropetrovsk region, and he is almost completely out of... mouths
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from all that, from this situation , so i say , maybe in his homeland they are talking about it, the people are buzzing, collecting signatures for the defense of democracy, no, nothing like that, well , i think we will come to it, we are going to it, i think that people now, you know , when there are some wiretapping of journalists or searches are there any terrible revelations that journalists are looking for some kind of grass somewhere, these operators, who have already been fired from bigus-info, people... say, well, those journalists should, but i just want to remind you, yes that investment banker needs it, there is no need to have such money in front of the maidan, when yanukovych said, i don’t care about you, to one journalist, who later became a politician, who wrote that take a good mood, warm tea, dress warmly, come on the maidan, it was 10 years ago, and then serhiy nigoyan, a resident of dnipropetrovsk region, was shot on the square, it happened
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that day, and he was not a journalist. he was going to be an actor, as far as i remember , moreover, both of his parents are of armenian origin, and he died for ukraine, and he died because one president, at first, was not jealous, did not care for journalists, and then decided to take away freedom in general from everyone citizens of ukraine, regardless of their professions or their dreams for the future, do they remember? nigoyan these days in dnipropetrovsk region, i don't know if there will be any commemorative events? yes, yes, if we talk about this, then, frankly speaking, this is how they are remembered, not only on this day, because this person is often mentioned when it comes to real democracy now and in general the situation that is happening now, especially not for military reasons , and on the political... critical
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processes of our country, so really, well, you can't say that only in dnipro, because we all understand that people like serhiy, who really did what they did then, they they will always be heard of and always talked about to remember their actions of those times, that is why it is really important, well, if we talk about serhiy today in the dnipro, then he basically... well, when commemoration is commemorated, it happens in general, well, you can't say that today i will honor his memory separately, in general, all other people are also, in principle, commemorated together, even though today's date is there, and it is more related to him, if we talk about dates in the dnipro in general, then today is also it's the day of consecration,
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that's why today is... well, so symbolic solemn dates from the day of the cathedral in well in the city , let's say in dnipro, it is very interesting to actually communicate with people on the topic of the day of the cathedral, because our team did surveys on the street yesterday on the eve of the day of the cathedral, and it was very interesting to listen to the answers of people that it is for them unity during the war, what exactly... what sense do they attach to the day of conciliar unity and how , in principle, every ukrainian can join in making ukraine more united and united. 30 seconds, can you somehow describe in general summarize what people answered? briefly, very briefly, yes, people answered very patriotically and unitedly, you know, it's very cool that both young people and people of middle,
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older age are there. understand the importance now of this holiday and, well, not even the holiday itself as a day, in principle of such a topic as the unity and integrity of ukraine, that is why everyone, everyone, everyone is waiting for our victory and is ready to do everything for it, and more and more people understand that the unity of ukraine is really important. thank you, ms. kateryna, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was with us, and now another one, kateryna, will be with us, and she will tell you the news, katya, i congratulate you. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will talk about russia's objections to the attack on ukraine and military humanitarian aid to latvia. greetings, news in etheriso. he works in the studio.


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