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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 11:30am-11:48am EET

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these documents, help him, he found funds, he wants to invest here, that is more than enough, it is your job to help him with the documents, and we, by the way, by the way, we, the citizens of ukraine, pay you taxes for this, to words, the antimonopoly committee was headed by olha pishchanska, whose sister managed the business of the zelenskyi family for a long time, and this olga pishchanska herself worked. in a very representative, let's say so, in okay, in business, in the business of renat akhmetov, who in one way or another has some relation to monopolies in the ukrainian economy, and it is interesting that she was appointed now as the head of the chamber of accounts, appointed with violations against the already public protests of even the big seven ambassadors against even some comments there, then pritzker , who was sent from america to see how things are here... these are american funds, this also some
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such signal, well, is it so important to somehow control or put your person in this accounting chamber, how can this be explained? it is always explained, my friend, by what, if, well, there is nothing strange here, that is, any the government takes what it can take, here, you need to have very strong internal safeguards, which... in this case they refuse, and partly it is possible under the stress of martial law, here, but another safeguard is civil society, er, by the way, in this appointment of this lady to the accounting chamber, there are, unfortunately, the votes of parties that are not part of the coalition, and the votes, for example, of the supporters of liberalism.
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anti-corruption, here, that is, look, these are signals that society will not forget, here, and it is known who voted for it, and there are already questions, and they will be raised, and they are raised not only by internationalism, we see this in ukraine as well, and we also raise this issue to these specific people as well, why you you vote, thank you very much, pavlo sheremeto, he was with us, we discussed such acute issues of the last week, which... are happening in the economy and around economic processes in ukraine, the founder of the business school and the ex-minister of economic development and trade of ukraine . thank you, we are going to take a short break now. and then we will come back, and we will have volodymyr vitrovich, historian, publicist and people 's deputy of ukraine, we will talk about what significance today, the day of unity, the day of reconciliation, had on what is happening in ukraine now and on what ukraine is now yes, well , let's also talk about modern events that...
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10% discounts on citramon darnytsia in travel pharmacies for you and economically. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. the project is for the smart and the sane. in the evening, the verdict with serhiy rudenko is from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback,
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you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20. until the 22nd on espresso. congregationalism today we defend it again. we, ukrainians from different regions, fight and pray, volunteer and save, communicate, work. today, we have to return the detached parts of united ukraine again. together, and together we will win. happy anniversary of us, i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon,
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live now where you are. dear friends , we are returning to the ether, and before we start a conversation with volodymyr yatrovych, i would like to reassure our viewers a little, because i see that under our youtube broadcast in the comments, in the chat, a huge dispute has flared up around our congregation itself, and we, i remind you, we are collecting for... the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, we are collecting on dronakim kadze, and here are the picky spectators, it is very good, by the way, that you are actually looking at where and to whom you are transferring funds, because of course, and in our at the moment, there are many people who are dishonest and take advantage of the fact that we have a war, take advantage
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of the fact that people want to help the army, and in this way try to take advantage of the trust of the people. i want to tell you, friends, that the espresso tv channel, when announcing any fee always first of all also checks this fee, whether everything is honest, whether the money will reach those to whom it is addressed, and actually, the private card that you see on your screens during the announcement, the fee itself, is a private card, is mono, private card, it is really issued for a person, the last name is highlighted there when you transfer funds, yuriy glinyanskyi, and this is a person who has already initiated several... collections, this is a deputy from ivano-frankivsk region from the eu, he has already initiated a collection for a car, and for the needs of the tankmen of the offensive guard, and then he received, and we showed you, not only he
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received reports from the military that everything that was planned for, they also received everything, so don't worry, the fact that the name and surname are highlighted yuriy nyansky, it means that this is really the gathering that is currently going on espresso tv channel, we need to collect uah 5 million, and we are collecting, i remind you of the kamikaze drones, which help our military to destroy moskal and protect, at the same time, the lives of our military, the muscovites now have a lot of drones, they are literally just like a black cloud looming over our military, so our military also needs these drones, we are with you today. in the morning we have already collected almost, wait, because already mathematics, mathematics, we need it for the second year , 812,953 hryvnias 41 kopecks are already in our account, we started today with you with 793 00
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hryvnias, so we already have 1,900 hryvnias, we need a few thousand hryvnias so that there is an average average... for today i said that if we collect 28 thousand in a day, then in principle we will close this collection by the end of the week , i already know, our editor tells me that at this time we will announce this collection, scans the qr code and our next interlocutor is volodymyr vetrovych, a historian, publicist and people's deputy of ukraine. that's it, mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. hello, uh, let's not say how much you transferred, v in principle, everyone can list as much as they can, this is important. i just want to clarify that we are probably talking about yuriy glynskyi. glynsky, and i, what did i say? glynskyi is, this, this is my good friend and from his side. i recommend him as a person you can really trust, because he has really done a lot and i am sure
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he will do a lot more just to help the military. you see, dear friends, another proof that your money, which you transfer to this collection, will not go to waste, but will end up where we collect it. by the way, i already said today that, for example, i did not say something, that akhtem cheygos received compensation for the fact that the russians arrested him in the crimea and transferred uah 350,000, and he also bought it for them drones and luck, well, it’s just that we work, well, there are people who are trustworthy, and there are people who may not be trustworthy, but we definitely do not recommend them to you, by the way, i trust, they do not trust ukrainian deputies from the opposition , mr. stefanchuk and other people who arranged certain, some even call it i dictate these are not my words, the words of the editor of european pravda, serhii sedorenko, regarding
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foreign business trips, we learned that viktoria syumar, a member of parliament, was invited to speak at a conference on the prevention of corruption in strasbourg, the european council invited and fully paid for her round- trip travel, but her they didn't let us in today, these are inadmissible steps from the side. of the parliament, which are already systematically destroying international support for ukraine, because the fact that for several months, directly on the instructions of the speaker stefanchuk's parliament , the opportunity for people's deputies to take part in very important for the country projects abroad, which are absolutely aimed at supporting ukraine, at focusing this international support on ukraine, is completely unjustifiably limited, this is of course, well, it is very difficult to call it orientalism, and unfortunately, we see that even this
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reaction, which is on the part of the ukrainian public, and the reaction, which is on the part of the foreign public, so far does not in any way affect the behavior of mr. stepanchuk, who continues systematically to reduce the opportunities for ukraine to receive support from the whole world, those theses that sound from the side of the same stefanchuk, indicate or at least a misunderstanding of what a parliament is... you know, when he talked about the fact that the parliament should use some kind of one voice policy, well, one voice in the parliament , well, it's probably russia after all, it's this it's definitely not the verkhovna rada, it's this it's definitely some kind of thought, because the parliament is really a place for discussions, the parliament is a place where decisions are made actual discussions that are important decision, all the more so since we saw very well that two years after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the deputy from the opposition on international platforms. they really did a lot to ensure that ukraine received support, and
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there was never any question of clarifying political relations there abroad, and it seems to me that the steps taken by the leadership of the parliament to prevent deputies from foreign trips, they actually hint at some misunderstandings that exist within ukrainian politicians for our foreign partners, i imagine people who say , come to think of it, they didn't let me go abroad, but i don't have anything to go abroad for... and how to go abroad in general, when there is a war in the country, or, for example, last week's scandals surrounding journalists , let's say, yuriy nikolov, to whom some unknown people came to the door and shouted, why is he, why is he not fighting, and then all this was dispersed by some anonymous telegram channels, which are said to be close to the president's office, about , who said, how could it be? why is he not in the forefront, this is the person, i will remind you who made an investigation about uah 17 eggs for
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the army, or about the services of journalists, well, you think, well, don’t let these journalists be listened to, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person about that , what about the journalists, well, you think , well, let them listen to these journalists, or about... the detention of the businessman mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person that, well, what about the malists, well, what about her well , you think, well, let them... listen to these people journalists, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person that, well , the malists, well, if you think about it, don’t let them listen to these journalists, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to
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davoz, today i even saw a comment by a person about the fact that the nalists, well , you think about it, let them hear about... these journalists, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person about that , what about journalists, if you think about it, don't let it these journalists are being eavesdropped, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person that, well, journalists, well , you will think about it, well, let them hear about... these journalists, or about the businessman's detention mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person about the fact that journalists, well, let them listen to these journalists, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to
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davos, today i even saw a comment by a person about what about journalists, well, hers you think, well, let them hear about... these journalists, or about the detention of the businessman mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person that, well, journalists, well, you think, well, don't let these journalists be listened to, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment by a person that, well, journalists, well , if you think about it, let them hear about... these journalists, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going in davos, today i even saw a person's comment about what, well, that's it journalists, well, you'll think about it, well, don't let them listen to these journalists, or about the detention of businessman mazepa, who was going to
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davos, today i even saw a comment by a person that, well, the malists, well, you'll think about it, well, let's talk about.. .. they are hearing about these journalists, or about the detention of businessman mazep, who was going to davos, today i even saw a comment from a person that, well...


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