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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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was announced at the time of the search. the main purpose of the urgent search was to get the investigators access to the official computer belonging to the dnipro district court. as stated in the sbi, the search took place within the framework of criminal proceedings on the fact of alleged assistance to a criminal organization. security forces assure: investigative actions are not aimed at exerting pressure on the judge, interfering with the administration of justice and obstructing the judge's activity or execution. official duties. however, what happened was different than it is difficult to call it pressure. the head of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv appealed to the dnipro district prosecutor's office with a statement about the commission of a crime of abuse of power or official authority by employees of the law enforcement agency, but according to the response, the prosecutor's office forwarded the said appeal to the state investigation bureau. during the search , the investigator took a photo of the text of the still undeclared court order on his personal mobile phone. his
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decision and sent this photo to someone via messenger, to intervene and shoot the future the decision and transfer it somewhere else, this is already such a brazen interference in the administration of justice , which does not withstand any such criticism, and you must understand, and then how to evaluate all these actions, and this is, in principle, a crime and a crime provided for by article 365 of the criminal code, i.e. it is you. the authorities, that official who made the decision to conduct the search, she should be immediately dismissed, and a criminal case should be initiated against her. the sbi also seized data from video surveillance cameras, copies of timesheets and even judge vacation orders yulia ivanina for 2022 and 2023. these documents and videos are not at all related to saving property and should be. were
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obtained by employees of the state bureau of investigation in a legal manner, defined by the criminal procedure code of ukraine. in addition, copies of the search protocols in the specified premises were not signed and handed over to any authorized person of the dnipro district court of the city of kyiv. the supreme court immediately responded to the illegal actions of the sbi. there they declare the inadmissibility of pressure from the servants of themis and intervention of law enforcement agencies in activities. court the supreme court draws attention to the fact that the conduct of investigative actions, in particular searches in courts, itself carries significant threats to the independence of judges. cases of interference in the activity of a judge in connection with his adoption of court decisions and disagreement with the results of the judicial review of proceedings are inadmissible. the supreme court turned to the director of the dbr, who is directly responsible for the actions of his employees, and demands an explanation. meanwhile, the meeting of judges of dniprovskyi.
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the district court appealed to the supreme council justice, the council of judges of ukraine and the office of the prosecutor general with a statement about interference in the administration of justice. we emphasize that such illegal actions violate the basic principles of the legal system, the principles of criminal proceedings, undermine trust in legal institutions and have a potentially harmful effect on the work of the judicial branch of government. the meeting of judges of the obolon district court also stood up for colleagues. in the corresponding statement to you. councils of justice, they called on the vrp and the council of judges, in case of confirmation of the facts of violations by the sbi, to take measures to bring to justice persons who have violated guarantees of independence of judges. the authorities should not let this happen, if the prosecutor general's office considers that there are indeed signs of a crime, they turn to the prosecutor general, and prosecutor general andriy kostin must immediately enter the data into the edpr and show everyone.
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to initiate criminal proceedings for the whole of ukraine. on january 16 , the supreme council of justice was supposed to consider the appeal of the meeting of the dnipro district court regarding possible pressure from the sbi. however, the bureau did not provide an explanation of its actions, nor answers to the requested information. so the vrp was forced to postpone the review. we have turned to the state bureau of investigation for their explanation of the circumstances. carrying out such searches, urgent searches, in connection with the above, i consider it necessary to fully clarify these circumstances and make an objective decision based on the results of the appeal and meetings of judges and judges, to postpone consideration of this issue until receiving the requested information of the documents. we also sent information. request to
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the state bureau of investigation with a request to explain the actions of the bureau employees during the search, but like the supreme council of justice , we have not yet received an answer, so we will continue to monitor. according to this story and we will definitely tell more in the following programs. as of today, i have everything, you watched judicial control, i am tetyana shostrova. tell us about the facts of corruption in the judicial system that you know. write to the email you see on the screen or to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on hepargin, 10% in pharmacies plantain,
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of our favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the evil of the day
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every day on weekdays, from 20 to 22 for espresso. welcome to the espresso channel. today , our war and weapons program focuses on two interrelated topics, which some consider a challenge to our security, while others consider them new opportunities for the country's defense capability. so, the first topic is development. and using the potential of private military and defense consulting companies in ukraine as one of the tools for strengthening the country's defense forces. in ukraine, by the way, several draft laws on private military have been prepared companies, however, the work on them was never
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completed, so what experience and practices ukraine should take into account right now in the conditions of war, what pros and cons there might be. and the second topic for discussion. this is an expansion of the rights of citizens to own firearms. it seemed that after the 22nd year, the need for an adequate gun law would increase. percentage of gun owners in the state - these are things that were clearly understood, and society demanded some kind of liberal gun law. let me remind you, in the first reading the draft law on the right to civilian firearms in ukraine was adopted a day before the start of the active phase of the war on march 23, 2022, but now the second reading of this draft law is being prepared in the parliament and a significant number has appeared. amendments to this document, and in fact, in the eyes of the amendment, it can be regarded rather as
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a step towards undermining the defense capability of our state, we will also talk about this in our program. my name is serhiy zgurets, i am the director of the defense express company, which is currently working together with kanal espresso to highlight the most relevant events and topics in the life of our army and the defense-industrial complex. andriy kepkalo is joining us now, he is the founder and manager. of omega consulting group, mr. andriy, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear. greetings, mr. serhiy, thank you for the invitation. well, before the broadcast, we had such a certain discussion, so as not to repeat ourselves about the topics that we supposedly talked about before, but i looked and in fact we now talk very little about private military companies, and here you are a person who has considerable experience in creating such companies. and there is a certain number of people who believe that this step and this direction of movement in the state,
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towards private companies, is dangerous and irrational. unfortunately, we have not yet been able to find an opponent to your position today, so i will try to offer a little opinion on some things related to private companies. but first, based on your experience, i'd like you to tell us, tentatively, what is... is a private company in some standard sense, if at all this is the standard understanding of pvc or consulting companies, because the word consulting is in the name of your company, i think it did not appear for nothing, yes, well then, let's start from the beginning, unfortunately, we have private military companies, they are always associated with mercenaries. eh, this is very bad, i do not support such an opinion, but if
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we are already talking about mercenaries, then i want to tell you that mercenaries exist as long as there is war, for example, mercenary troops are even written in the bible, and there is a lot examples when mercenary troops were once used by someone, i even read machiavelli, machiavelli against... the use of mercenaries, but i have a different opinion on this matter, and there is the subject of both mercenaries and private military companies, it unfolded for a very long time during time where, somewhere before the beginning of the 2000s, and here in the 2000s the industry of private military companies, it grew up and became more regulated, why? because... uh, the united states of america, they started, they started hostilities, like in afghanistan, and er and
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on the territory of iraq, and i directly took part in these events, and i just want to remind you how since the beginning of the 2000s this has developed, we will not talk about the 90s, 80s, 70s - those and so on. i... this topic of pvc, it has grown up, in general. the united states of america decided to enter the territory of iraq. and i remember the secretary of defense at the time, if i'm not mistaken, was donald rumsfeld, and he, he went on television and he said, let's put it this way, he in my opinion, he tried to calm the population of the united states of america. and he said these things: the war in iraq, it will last maybe 5 days,
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maybe five weeks, maybe 5 months, but it won't last 5 years. and it turned out that they, the americans, counted on one thing, another turned out, and when the other turned out and they realized that it would be a war for years, and then the question arose, what are we going to do about it, and the american ... politicians, they decided to talk, think together, and what to do with it, and there were three options. again, it's not speculation on some facts, i directly participated in it. and there were three options. and the first option is to collect your things and leave, leave iraq, it was not immediately, well, they did not accept it. the second option was to declare mobilization, and then it was, well, political suicide. it doesn't fit either. and so they chose the third option:
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to create private military companies and use private military companies, as in the territory of iraq. as well as on the territory of afghanistan, that is, what we are getting to here in this such a short excursion into history, that the united states of america is the country that uses private military companies the most, the second country is probably the united arab emirates, for them a private military company was a support in a critical situation, unfortunately, in our country we look at private military companies as a caricature, you see, private military companies, there is a demand for them. all today use private military companies, governments use private military companies, multinational corporations such as exonmobil, shell, total, they all use, use the services of private military companies, non-governmental organizations, such as, for example, save the children or caritas, they
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use the services of private military companies, a little bit of other services, even there some kind of logistics or some other. but these are private military companies, guarding the vatican, who is engaged today ? the swiss, well, how did the swiss get into the vatican? you can say mercenaries, and i don't want to use that example, that's why that it's very bad, i don't want to use it, but i have to, even terrorists have their own private military companies, i can call you malgam tactical, it's based, if i'm not mistaken, in afghanistan, but... but it works in favor of terrorist organizations, that is, the whole world uses the services of private military companies, and here for some reason it is always taboo, and i do not understand why. and when we talk about a private military company, what are the signs or symptoms that are, well, the basic things that really you can say that this structure or this group
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of people is a private military company or a consulting company or a defense consulting company that... these are the unmasking signs of a private company, it is a company, it is very simple, it is a limited liability company that provides military services character, well, for example, we are engaged in training the armed forces, we were engaged, we are not engaged now, because we do not have the resources, we were engaged in the training of the armed forces of ukraine, we were training operators, for example, for example, atrk, manpads. we prepared sappers, we trained saboteurs and so on, that is, this kind of activity has the characteristics of military activity, well , for example, the characteristics of the pvc, fine, but if the company is involved in medical medicine, the training of medics there, is engaged in guarding airports, is engaged in gathering intelligence information in
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the interests of law enforcement agencies, are these also private military companies? no, but the last time you said intelligence gathering , it can already be considered a private military company, and by the way, on the market now has a very high demand for private, let's call it that, for private intelligence agencies, intelligence companies, if you want an example, let me give you this example bellingkat, well, it's a private company, well, you say that. the conclusions of this company are listened to, for example, by the haab court, well, then it means that the boundaries of private companies are still quite blurred, it is difficult to determine why i am asking this, because relatively speaking, we have had this for the 20th year, president zelenskyi talks about the fact that we really need to define
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private companies, two draft laws are being developed, they are hanging somewhere, zelenskyi says that... well , we need to make sure that they do not become the basis of certain oligarchic forces and so on, where does this threat come from or the caveat to private companies appears if it does not correspond to the essence of the pmcs themselves in view of what you said earlier, this is a very very relevant question that you have raised now, you know, in civilized countries i... i don't want anybody offend, but in civilized countries even there is no such thought that a private military company can be subordinated to some oligarch there and... work in the interests of some private individuals there and, god forbid , try to remove the government or something else, well , such a large private military company in
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the united states is black water, which does not exist today, and i know its head, rick prince, well, believe me, he does not even think of such an option that one day he can turn his private military company black water or some other, against against power and go there, well, i don’t know, put to sleep the government of whoever is currently joe biden and change it to trump, for example, well , such a very simple example, you understand, that is, the events that happened in ukraine before , for example, if i'm not mistaken, it was an incident in which mr. kolomoisky took part, when there were certain actions with... transnafta, well, there were some people in black, armed, unarmed, they entered the territory of the enterprise and so on , look, it's frankly not mine
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the problem is that our security forces allow some illegal armed formations to exist in ukraine, and they can enter some enterprises, close or open them, and so on and so forth , you understand, that is, a private military company it is registered somewhere , that is, it is a legal entity, it can no longer be considered an illegal group, because there is registration, of course, if there is a group, a group of people who have weapons available and some means of personal protection, and their there is a lot a lot, if i'm not mistaken under article 260 of the criminal code of ukraine, illegal weapons... or armed formations, but a private company, it, it is registered somewhere, you understand, this is the first, second, mentality, mentality, we looked,
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what events took place in the russian federation, when wagner's pmk went to storm, relatively speaking, moscow, i don't want to offend anyone, but people who have not done anything bad, they are not afraid of anything, you understand? that is, to be afraid that some pmcs will try there remove the government, look at the events of 2014. people, people did not like what was happening in the country, people rose up, they used force, that's when we lost this monopoly on force, the state lost its monopoly on force, people rose up and they removed the government, that is, yanukovych fled ukraine and we. .. this , how to say, was achieved, in the ukrainian language, i don’t remember, with the help of the population, and not with the help of the pmk, that is, i do not remember
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any cases in ukraine where the pmk, private military companies were involved in some illegal measures, that is, these fears that we have are completely unfounded, the pvc is an instrument of the state, not an instrument against the state. but for some reason people don't want to hear it, or they just don't hear it, you know? that is, as i understand it, the current attitude towards the pmc is rather a consequence of the fact that we are held hostage by our old mythologists, and because of this, relatively speaking, we do not want to see the potential that currently lies behind the pmc as an association of structured citizens, which can ensure, well, raising the standard or creating high-quality units of the armed forces or individual subdivisions there. in other law enforcement agencies, but then there is the issue of rationing , the law on private companies, britain, the united states, there are no such laws, although these
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companies are represented all over the world, in our country , then, which way to go this flirting with the law, the legislation should probably be limited, except for certain licensing of such activities and to create transparent mechanisms for registration and control of such structures. well it's like one of the options, well let's say this, license, licensing, yes, maybe you can get, but you understand, we have licenses for, for example, the transfer of knowledge, if we are talking about the transfer of knowledge, that is, we are limited only to training, that is, if a private military company, for example, it, conventionally ... say, goes on a mission to the congo , in order to train the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo there, it needs a knowledge transfer license. but we
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are restricting the pmc here because we, we are limiting the activities of the pmc, because we are talking exclusively about the activities of the pmc outside ukraine. if to return to the law of ukraine on pmcs, then the law of ukraine already answers the question. this is a law of ukraine that can only be applied on the territory of ukraine. the law of ukraine will not apply on the territory of mozambique, or on the territory of mali or burkina faso. that is, what is in ukraine? we regulate with such a law , unfortunately, when there was a debate on this issue, the author of this bill, mrs. vasylevska smaglyuk, she created a working group, but i don’t know how many times this working group met, but i was invited to one meeting, i was there spoke, and me more on this one was not invited to these meetings of the working group, because i was categorically
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against it. many clauses of this law , for example, i do not see why our ukrainian pmc should argue about some warehouses with ammunition, with weapons, with armored vehicles and so on, what we will do with it, that is , this law in the format in which it was written, it is absolutely counterproductive, but it will never pass in the verkhovna rada, the law in which it is written that a ukrainian private military company, well, i have a training ground, and what should i... do i drive to the range of 10 bters, put mortars there, put machine guns, weapons , ammunition and so on there, put security, the question arises, why do you need all this on the territory of ukraine, and therefore i believe that the law, the draft law that was written , it was written incorrectly, i
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expressed my opinion. i am so afraid of this from this working group, and when we are still talking about private military companies, then what is the mechanism of financial existence for such enterprises, relatively speaking, if we say that these companies perform tasks there for outside of ukraine, they really have contracts with potential foreign customers there, if they work in ukraine, why should they be paid and who will pay this money? yes, also a very interesting question, first of all, let's understand, if a ukrainian private military company has concluded a contract with a foreign customer, then this is the responsibility, the payment of services, this is the responsibility of the foreign customer exclusively. if a ukrainian private military
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company on... example, goes on a business trip, i call it a business trip, goes on a business trip, for example, to burkina faso, and she goes on a business trip in the interests of the state, then of course, first of all, such a business trip must be financed by the state, because we work in the interests of the state, after that there may be other financing options, but for that we have... abroad in the interests of the state, the state must pay for it, if we are talking now in the conditions of war, a full-scale war with russia, the use of private military companies in ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, yes, i understand that this is a very unpopular opinion, but it is should be financed by the state, you see, a private military company is not a beggar who should go around and beg for money.
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do you want us to do something, some specific action? well, i can't, i have people, i currently have people in ukraine whom i can use, and they want to work for us, but i personally do not have the resources to attract these specialists. the problem is that i have specialists, and these specialists are currently working on a contract with the armed forces of ukraine. but specialists work as stormtroopers, that is, they go and storm the trenches, i believe that this is an inappropriate use of resources, i have another proposal, i have already expressed this proposal, some people heard me, but there are no sanctions, you know, there are no sanctions, so that i can take these people.


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