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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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suspicions last week, thank you, unfortunately we're running out of airtime, tetyana sepyan, communications advisor of the state bureau of investigation was with us and actually reported important details of high-profile cases. in the meantime, we are already giving the floor to anya eva melnyk, who is ready to share with us and you, our viewers, relevant and fresh information, so we are giving the floor, and we actually want to ask what will be in this issue. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work. this issue will be about the most relevant events, and i will start it with what happened in the port of mykolaiv leakage of oil products, details and how dangerous it is, in a few washes.
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the leakage of petroleum products occurred in the port of mykolaiv, where a technical vessel sank, the state environmental inspection reported. the agency noted that the ship sank on january 15. after that, state environmental protection inspectors took water samples at the contaminated site twice. in the samples taken on january 19 , experts found a 16-fold increase in the content of oil products. currently, the inspection... has made the necessary inquiries regarding elimination of pollution. the occupiers were hit by two aerial bombs near the elektromonteri base in the kupyan district, the oblenergo press service informed. the event happened the previous evening. as a result , they destroyed the equipment, tools, as well as the brigade car standing in the garage. none of the workers were injured. the oblenergo base served for operational restoration of light in the area after. for
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enemy attacks. a 49-year-old man was killed, his 31-year-old daughter was injured as a result of an early morning strike in kramatorsk, donetsk region, the head of the region vadym filashkin informed. the occupiers shelled the city on the 10th. at present, the military is investigating what weapons the enemy used to attack the city. russians killed a man in beryslav, kherson region. the occupiers were dropped from the drone. resident explosive object. at that moment, he was riding a moped on the street - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the man died on the spot from his injuries. 800 consumers in kherson were left without electricity due to shelling by the occupiers. in general , more than 4,000 people are without power in the city apartments and houses, and another 26,000 homes were destroyed in the region - the ministry of energy reports. last night
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, the dnipro district of kherson came under attack from the enemy. the building of the educational institution was damaged, windows were blown out in high-rise buildings. poland joined the declaration of support for ukraine, which was agreed by the g7 countries last july at the nato summit in vilnius. this was announced by polish prime minister donald tusk. today, for the first time in his new position, he came to kyiv for a visit. tusk added that poland and ukraine are creating. joint arms enterprises and projects, as well as will invest in defense complexes. and the polish prime minister announced the provision of a new military package to ukraine. i would like to note that since june of last year, poland has not publicly announced the transfer of weapons to ukraine. and i will remind you that it will help to expel the russian invaders from the ukrainian land. collection of the espresso tv channel is underway. we are asking you to help the soldiers of the legendary 95th separate amphibious assault
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brigade, they need a cargo bus mercedes sprinter. defenders use the car for the fastest delivery of ammunition to the settlements that destroy the russian invaders and their armored vehicles. our goal is uah 2,000. we collected almost the entire necessary amount, only 500 hryvnias remained. you can see all the details on the screen, the best investment in our freedom is donat nazisu. there can be no question of any territorial compromises, this is how the ukrainian foreign ministry reacted to the scandalous statement of the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico. the department emphasized: ukraine and its partners are making efforts to remove russians from their territories so that they do not leave further, in particular to slovakia. the diplomats also added that without security in ukraine, there will be no security in the whole of europe. former prime minister. slovakia said that
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ukraine should give up its territories, in particular crimea and donbass, in order to end the war. fico also confirmed his position to block ukraine's accession to nato and for... stated that ukraine is not an independent and sovereign state and one of the most corrupt in the world. they won't give it back. the czech republic will not send conscripted ukrainians who are currently in the republic back to ukraine. this was stated by the czech minister of foreign affairs jan lepavskyi. according to him, there are no such mechanisms in the czech republic, because it would not comply with international law and obligations. that the czech republic has in the international arena - noted lipavsky. filippo grandi, the un high commissioner for refugees, arrived in kharkiv. he visited buildings damaged by russian rockets, talked with local residents, and also visited
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school facilities set up at metro stations. the commissar noted his visit demonstrates that ukrainian cities are a priority for the work of the united nations. also promised that the un will participate in the reconstruction of the city and will continue to financially support the citizens and refugees affected by the russian terror. according to official statistics, there are about 200,000 internally displaced persons in kharkiv. ukrainian law enforcement officers together with their czech colleagues detained nine cyber fraudsters. criminals created phishing messages in czech. online shopping sites. theirs accomplices behind fraudulent call centers in kyiv convinced foreigners to follow these fake links to pay for goods or services. after people entered their payment information, this information was sent to the perpetrators.
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in general, cyber fraudsters defrauded dozens of foreigners in the amount of about 3 million hryvnias. this is the second stage of the special operation. the first took place in september last year. it was thanks to the analysis of the information contained in the seized equipment that the police managed to identify another organizer of the scheme and eight of his accomplices they were notified of suspicion under several articles of the criminal code of ukraine, namely under the fourth and fifth part of article 190, i.e. fraud, under the first and second parts of article 255, i.e. the creation of the leadership of a criminal organization, as well as participation in it and the second part of the article 361. in other words, the suspect faces a penalty of up to 12 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property for unauthorized interference in the work of information and communication systems of electronic communication networks. metropolitan drug baron. the police blocked it
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an international channel for the supply of cocaine to kyiv. the organizer was a 37-year-old local resident. he arranged the supply of cocaine from abroad. to develop such a business, he involved three more people. they were engaged in the sale of drugs, and in the apartment of one of the participants, they equipped a drug laboratory for growing hemp plants. during the search, the police seized 2 kg of cocaine, about 5 kg of cannabis, equipment for its cultivation, weapons and money. the three persons involved were notified of suspicion under the second part of article 307, the leader of the group reported the suspicion under the third part of article 307, which is illegal storage and sale of drugs, and the first part of article 263, which is illegal handling of weapons of the criminal code of ukraine. the sanction of the most serious article provides imprisonment for up to 12 years with confiscation of property. in kharkiv, a man
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picked up and detonated an airsoft grenade in a store, the regional police said. the intruder came to the roommate, who worked there during the time. from a conflict based on jealousy, he did not hold back and quit ammunition law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings under the article of hooliganism. the man faces up to seven years in prison. historical justice. volodymyr zelenskyy signed a decree on russian territories inhabited by ukrainians. it obliges the government to submit to the nsdc for consideration an action plan on preserving the national identity of ukrainians in russia. federation, in particular in the lands historically inhabited by them, in kuban, starodubshchyna, within the krasnodar territory, belgorod, bryansk, voronytsk, kursk and rostov oblasts. chapter of the state, commenting on his decree, emphasized that this means returning the truth about the historical
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past for the sake of ukraine's future. the yellow-blue flag of the majority over the occupied makiivka in donetsk region. activists of the yellow ribbon movement raised the flag in... for the day of the cathedral near the sonyachny microdistrict. it rises on a terekon, from which the road from donetsk to the border with russia is visible - say the partisans. thousands. the occupiers passing this road will be seen every day, even in the ten-year occupation, ukrainians continue their struggle, activists add. here are these business for the moment, i'll see you at 5 p.m., my colleagues, marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskiy, will work for you later. the information day of the tv channel continues, well
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, there are a lot of events today, first of all, the younger grynkevich was detained in the odesa region, this was done by the sbi, as far as i understand, together with the national police, and accordingly, the key story is the visit of polish prime minister donald tuska to kyiv. let me remind you that this is the first visit of the head of the polish government outside the country after the victory in elections and appointment to the position, well, it has already sounded. several extremely optimistic and resonant statements by donald tusk and volodymyr zelenskyi. yes, but in the meantime, we are adding valery rryabykh, a military expert and director of development of the information and colossalting company defense express, to our team. mr. valery, welcome to espresso. congratulations, happy glory to ukraine. as a hero of glory, we congratulate you on the holiday. mr. valery, look, so we see successful work, i don't know if it is ours. sbu, about what the public speaks, or that of our other special services on the territory of the russian federation
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deep into the enemy's rear, and we understand that the analysts of the institute for the study of war are already thinking about the fact that in the leningrad region russian air defense is not so serious, and we understand that such actions of our special services can encourage our enemy to relocate, perhaps some part of the anti-aircraft defense to strategic objects further behind their own. territory, and actually, as it may be reflected in your opinion, the situation on the battlefield, because we understand that they will have to, therefore, from where to move this anti-aircraft defense, and whether the enemy can take this step, whether he will change the actual deployment of his air defense, taking into account such successful actions of our special services, and i will throw another five cents into the question of march, look, well, it still has to fly to the leningrad region, and the key story, i don’t know what trajectory was chosen there, but it doesn’t matter, either it is the territory of the russian federation, or by the way, the airspace
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of the republic of belarus, where there are also systems air defense, that is, ours, maybe the finns launched it, of course, who knows who launched those uavs, well , they flew, well, from ukraine to the leningrad region - somewhere 800-900 kilometers, probably, tell me, yes, yes, of course, this is exactly what a series of such... combat is talking about strikes and the fact that, for example, several strikes were carried out on infrastructure facilities near st. petersburg in a few days, this indicates that the armed forces of ukraine and other components of the defense forces of ukraine have effective long-range weapons at their disposal, and here it should be said that, well, next to the fact that there is somewhere in a straight line the distance is from... 800 to 900 km, however, it should be said that in order to bypass
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air defense nodes and various threatening directions, at least such a trajectory should be about 1200 km, and this suggests that we have such long-range means, the fact that they can effectively bypass air defense systems, the fact that they can hit... the enemy's planned objects, namely the objects of the energy infrastructure, which is used by the enemy, both to supply their occupation and invasion troops, exactly fuel and fuel materials, and of course, to carry out economic activity, the results of which are to be used precisely to build up an aggressive war against. of ukraine and its opportunities in it, so from all sides
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it shows that we have found ourselves at a different stage of hostilities, and that some of the very strikes that the russians, who so adore the führer who sowed the kremlin and its policies, as it takes over other territories, they can now watch. directly as a result of this policy from their windows, and far from the front line, they managed to bring this blessed fire to them, if we... really reject the version of the provins, well, in what way, in this way, do they not only have hollow heads, but also the air defense system , well, the leningrad region, you see, holy of holies, where putin graduated from the kgb school, and here is, you see, an international slap, there are two aspects of this, it is precisely the inability
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of the air defense of the occupiers to resist the threats of the modern... battlefield , which is, and of course, on the other hand, it is a significant increase in the technological capabilities of our manufacturers and our armed forces, for , let's say, in order to have such a high-tech means of defeat that can bypass the enemy's anti-aircraft defense system, and of course, the enemy cannot concentrate a large amount of anti-aircraft. of defense precisely to protect such objects, because at the moment , in connection with the beginning of this aggressive large-scale war against ukraine, it is forced to withdraw most of its air defense systems precisely in the area of ​​the front line in order to to cover his intervention forces
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, while his facilities on his territory are more and more... able to be hit precisely because of the fact that we got long-range means, and this trend, well, it's not can be overturned on the part of the russian federation, because the enemy's capabilities for overturning anti-aircraft defense systems are almost exhausted, because we saw that the enemy overturned anti-aircraft systems from the far east, he overturned them from beyond the polar region, too. on the lilac front, now the only thing he can weaken some directions from where it can be removed and transferred, but it is still such a very effective and very short blanket that cannot be stretched unambiguously over the entire territory of the russian federation, this is actually important to understand, and
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as for the actual potential of the enemy, not in the context of anti-aircraft. of defense , in the context of its resources, including armored vehicles, and including human resources, somewhere with human resources we understand that there is a lot of it, but with capacities and means, because the same institute for the study of war has already recorded the advancement of russian troops through the streets of avdiyivka, i emphasize that officially the general staff of ukraine did not comment on this, but nevertheless, if we understand that there are certain attempts by the enemy to advance and there is... some certain potential of the enemy to advance, then mr. valery , in your opinion, how much is this potential enough to start some serious offensive actions along the entire front, because many western media have also talked about some possible such scenarios, when the enemy starts to advance from everywhere? well, the enemy is strong, and he has more left
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sufficient potential to wage this war of aggression, but no longer... in such ways as he hoped at the beginning of this large-scale aggression, and here it should be noted that if you are guided, well, even by what ukrainian intelligence says, then at the moment, the enemy still has an exhaustive potential and, for example, his ability to restore the same lost equipment, they are limited, and at the moment the enemy's equipment, the enemy does not have time for one thing. that equipment and other means, including the same artillery systems, according to the rates of their destruction on the fronts of the ukrainian war , as far as personnel are concerned, according to ukrainian intelligence, the enemy currently has just that potential for hidden mobilization and stimulation there in the form of a constant increase in the amount of money
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they are allegedly trying to achieve. to find new human resources, nevertheless , the enemy does not have enough opportunities to significantly increase human potential, because the enemy is practically losing human potential on the fields of the ukrainian-russian war at the same rate that it is gaining, perhaps a significant situation can change from open. possibilities of already open mobilization , where some other factors will be involved, however, it should not be ruled out that just the transition to open mobilization... may, among other things, hit the russian leadership itself with the other end of its reality, so in principle until now we
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did not see the possibility of returning exactly to what we saw in the second half of the 22nd year. mr. valeria, the president of france, emmanuel macron, once again made us happy when he informed us all that... soon we receive an additional portion of scalp missiles and will accordingly be able to transfer them to the address of the russian interventionists. the british storm shadow missiles have proven themselves extremely well, and accordingly, the key task is the fulfillment of certain military tasks that will be assigned. yes, we understand that this is not just, so to speak, a tactical weapon, this weapon must solve operational tasks. weights on one or another direction of the front, well and accordingly, would like to ask you, perhaps, what quantity we can get from france, and in general, what are the prospects of what we
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will be able to inflict, i don't know , irreparable damage to the enemy there, but at the operational level, so that there would be extremely important consequences, well , just what is the trend that is being observed, that precisely european countries, in particular france... and also great britain, they are beginning to compete with each other in their ability to supply the armed forces with effective means, you and i saw that after great britain announced the transfer of an additional batch of stormshadow missiles , we heard the same thing from france, and in an expanded option, the french have also promised to provide up to 100 units of bombs, and here it is possible... we are talking, let's say, about guided bombs, and in addition, just in time for the visit of president macron, some
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other decisions are being prepared, in particular, regarding the implementation of those agreements , which were achieved last year, in terms of increasing the possibilities of military-technical cooperation between ukraine and france, and this is a very positive signal. and of course, at this stage it is known that the french are ready to hand over about 40 units of scalp missiles, and here whether it is a lot or a little, well, these are rhetorical questions, and at this time, in principle, it can just correspond to the amount that has already been transferred and, most likely, a part of it. the larger one has already been used on objects, and we saw that just the majority of these missiles were used on objects in
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crimea to suppress various and damage various objects on the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, and among them these missiles played a big role in the fact that the russian fleet accepted for itself. the decision to relocate away from such missiles strikes, well, and the continuation of just such targeted, very powerful strikes on precisely the territory of the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine, first of all, it will be crimea, this will mean further preparation of the battlefield for the further liberation of the territory of temporarily occupied crimea, which, well, it is quite likely that this will happen. .. already during the spring-summer-autumn campaign of 2024, and these missiles are western and scalp and stormshed, they will be very effective and they will
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also be helped by the constant supply of planning bombs, which was also announced by france. ugh. thank you to you, mr. valery, we still have a moment and i would like your short reply, perhaps regarding the polish defense package, which zelenskyi spoke about today. with tusk , what means can we talk about in general , we understand that poland has certain means that we need, and what could hypothetically be the means that we would need, that poland could provide us now, if we are talking about some kind of defense package, well, here we should talk about the fact that poland has been supporting ukraine for a long time, and of course, one of such means of action, which transmitted poland and which is also working on further production, these are the same krap artillery systems that have proven themselves to be very effective on the...
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battlefield and it really can be uh more ammunition for these systems, in addition, well, polish industry supplies and modern drones and reconnaissance and kamikaze drones, which also show their effectiveness in destroying, including anti-aircraft missile systems of the enemy. despite the fact that it is precisely these anti-aircraft missile systems that should oppose such drones, in addition we also received, and i think that there are further prospects for receiving samples of armored vehicles from poland, and here it should be noted that there is also a sufficiently large range of equipment that
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can... significantly increase the capabilities of the ukrainian army, and this is exactly what can help poland and the polish defense industry. we thank you. mr. valery eryabykh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express, was in touch with us traditionally in our studio. now we will go for a short break, after which we will return to of our studio, so stay with espresso. everyday life is now full of stress and anxiety. melamamah b6 will help to cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and restore strength to b6 melams. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are 10% discounts on lactial at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. kratal contains a natural component.
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