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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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together we will win, happy day of unity to us. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, 2 hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become silent to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the armed forces of ukraine repulsed 17 enemy attacks in the avdiyivsk direction during the day of 68 battles, the ukrainian general staff reports, so the enemy attacked in the kupyansk, lymansk, bakhmutsky, avdiivsk, marinsk, and zaporizhzhya directions in the area of ​​responsibility of the axis in severnaya. volynskyi
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and polis directions, the operational situation remains without significant changes, well, in the area of ​​responsibility of osuv khortytsia in the kupinsky direction, our defenders repelled seven enemy attacks near simkivka, kharkiv region, five attacks were repelled in the lymansky direction , seven enemy attacks were repelled in the bakhmutsky area, hryhorivka, bohdanivka further east , ivanivskyi and klishchiivka, donetsk region, and extremely heavy fighting continues in the avdiivka area, he asks. the situation in the kupinsko-lymansk direction, now we will talk with ivan shevtsov, the chief the press service of the steel border assault brigade , lieutenant colonel. glory to ukraine, mr. lieutenant colonel, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, the situation in the area of ​​krokhmalne settlement in the kupyansk direction. there were heavy battles, yes, it is possible to share operational data now. compared to the previous day, the situation there is nothing. has not
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changed, the enemy remains in this settlement, but i want to emphasize that this settlement is unimportant for us, since we protect our personnel, it was tactically advantageous to withdraw literally 150 had the most advantageous positions, from where it is better to conduct hostilities, this settlement, it is difficult to call it a settlement, because there were only a few houses there and people did not... did not live in it, that is why there were such significant, significant changes on the front line thanks to did not happen to this settlement, i would like to ask you something in general about the situation in the kupyan region, in the liman region, what is happening there now, whether the enemy is really now moving into offensive, tougher conditions for waging war, because we understand that he never did not stop its aggressive... actions, but
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is there a certain intensification now, because analysts from the west are also talking about it, and actually we would like you to clarify this question, how much has their behavior changed and has it changed at all? the behavior of the enemy has not changed significantly, as before, he conducts active assault actions both in the lyman and kupinsky directions, after the new year, the enemy has really moved in the direction in the lyman direction, in the direction. serebryansk forestry, but he also does not stop trying to seize it kupyansk. the main target at the moment in the direction of kupyansk is senkivka, because it is through senkivka that the best and fastest way to kupyansk runs, therefore, in principle , there are no significant changes in the battleground. and what resources is the enemy using now, if we have already talked about the kupyan region , what is concentrated there now, has the enemy started there...
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to use armored vehicles and use drones more, what can you actually say and describe about its resources, some such there are no significant changes, but indeed the enemy continues to carry out actively artillery shelling positions of the defense forces and border settlements and the number of artillery shells in our country is increasing every day, if we go by the trend, then in the past day alone in the lemano-kupinsky direction, the enemy fired 810 shells on our territory by units of the defense forces, well, in principle, if on average it is 500-600, then 800 per day is... a significant increase, the enemy is also actively using kamikaze drones, over the past day , the enemy sent 54 drones to our positions, some of them we shoot down, some of them fall without exploding, but some still still get hit from the positions of the defense forces, so we do not
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neglect this either, we are actively fighting against such drones, and we are also conducting our drone attack. kamikaze and shelling their positions. mr. lieutenant-colonel, well , information was received that the enemy has somewhat shifted his offensive activities on the lyman-kupinsk arc, yes, that is, from kupinsk itself rather to the limansk direction. is this information relevant, and in general, well, if we compare, for example, the dynamics of shelling from the enemy and the dynamics of attempts to advance in the kupin region. the front line is constantly changing. it is dynamic, it is a war, and to say that the enemy has thrown all his forces in the direction of limansk, i would not say that, as on lymansk, as well as on kupinsky, the enemy continues to carry out its assault actions and continues to carry out shelling, so the intensity increased precisely
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on lymansk direction, but still in the direction of kupyansk, the enemy launched seven attacks in the past day alone, that is, we do not feel any such decrease. and i still wanted to. i have a question for you, mr. ivan, about replenishment reserves, regarding the reinforcement, we understand that discussions are ongoing in the state regarding the bill on mobilization, but in the meantime , the mobilization does not stop, it continues, and we understand that it needs to be replenished, and the military has already talked about this more than once, is there a certain rotation now, is there a certain replenishment of units, maybe your unit, maybe the units of your brothers. of your acquaintances who are now fighting, well, because we understand that in reality now is always and now and always was there is a need for people, yes, but i would like to understand whether it is somehow possible to replenish and what specialties you need right now? replenishment is always necessary, you need to have a reserve, in principle
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, our brigade is almost one hundred percent manned, the losses we had are insignificant, we have already replenished, servicemen are already undergoing training and... arriving at their new positions, the same in other brigades certain reserves are created, the brigades, after a certain time of being in the combat zone, go to the rear areas for recovery, replenishment, and just in this period, when the brigades advance to the rear areas, that's when these mopresources are needed in order to replenish the personnel who were wounded or who were lost, these are small losses, once again... i want to say, however, personnel, new people , they are constantly needed, and i want to say that various specialties are needed in the war, including drivers, and radio engineering specialists, and cooks, and medics, that is, anyone can find
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a position in any which division thank you, mr. lieutenant colonel, ivan shevtsov, chief the press service of the steel border assault brigade, lieutenant colonel, so about the situation in liman. in the pinsk direction, well, we are going further, informing about all the most important things, so poland joined the g7 declaration on security guarantees for ukraine. this was announced by polish prime minister donald tusk during his visit to kyiv. yes, i am quoting: i am quoting the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. after meeting with donald tusk. we discussed poland's accession to the g7 declaration, i am grateful for your willingness to start work on a security agreement between our countries. the president of ukraine called the talks with donald tusk very effective. according to our president, it was also about financial support for poland for the purchase of weapons for ukraine and joint production of weapons. and about another high-profile case, which we mentioned on our air today with
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the communications advisor of the state bureau of investigation, the actual case of businessman mazepa, and tonight it became known about the fire in his house. well, actually, already the police in the chernihiv region. gave preliminary conclusions about what happened there. actually, it is about the fact that criminal proceedings have been initiated in connection with the fire in the house of the businessman and founder of concord capital igor mazepa. and they say that the likely cause of the fire was a structural flaw, violation of installation rules, heating furnaces and chimneys, the police say with reference to the previous conclusions of the state emergency service, and the investigative and operational team and the pre-trial investigation in this case actually worked on the spot the case is ongoing, whether it has anything to do with the actual declaration of suspicion businessman, we don't know, and in principle , law enforcement agencies don't say anything about it either, but here... such a situation, we suspect on january 18, and in fact, a few days later , such a situation occurred that the house of businessman
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ihor mazepa burned at night. these are the cases. now we're going to take a little break and then we're going back to our studio, so stay off the express for a few minutes and we'll be back. oh, and we got wet, can you have some tea? mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3? and the main one is quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule. four components together. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin immuno. there are discounts on psyk. 10% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. vinyl agency represents. january 22 at 19:30 on the stage of the lviv opera. taras. dubai and songs that all ukraine sings along to. the special guest
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, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lacto and bifidobacteria, everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, 93 separate mechanized brigade holotny yar, in dire need of fivi drones, for effective hitting against... the enemy and increasing the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, for the approach of victory, which the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. congregationalism today we are again we defend it. we, ukrainians from different regions. we fight and pray, volunteer and save, communicate, work. today, we must once again return the detached parts of united ukraine, together, and together we will win, happy day
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is important. knowledge about the ox saves lives. well, the information day of the tv channel is in full swing at 15:5. well, now we offer you to watch a small plot, right? marta, don't you mind? no, i don't mind, i wanted to ask you if you know how many ukrainians are currently working in poland, you don't know, but i 'll tell you, yes, every second company in poland has a ukrainian, and in general more than 70%. refugees who were forced to move to poland, they have already found work there, and investigated polish experts, the actual labor market, as it currently looks, is increasing and the number of ukrainians who have started their own business on the territory of poland, how all this affects the economy of our neighboring country, i suggest you look now in our story. marina,
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repair and tailoring master from the city of dnipro. at the beginning of a full -scale invasion, a woman with two children is forced to... from the very beginning i was completely lost, because i was not going to go anywhere, i didn't even have a foreign passport, not me , not the children, because we didn't think of going anywhere, i worked in ukraine, after coming to warsaw, marina tried to work in a sewing shop as an employee, but later decided to start her own business, this car came to me from ukraine, my mother sent it to me by bus as a parcel , my overlock was also disassembled... the same from ukraine, that was the beginning, then i've been here a little bit, my polish friends helped me a lot, and they helped me with furniture, different lockers, whatever you want. marina started running a business a year ago, and already has many clients, mostly poles. it was easy to arrange everything, it is possible do online, says the woman. the most difficult thing is to find
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a suitable room. for 10 square meters , marina pays 2,600 zlotys per month, that's... go the entrepreneurial way in poland while tax benefits help, at the moment, until i earn 30,000 zlotys in a year, i don't pay taxes, at the moment i only pay narrow and healthy, then it works out to 620 zlotys per month, such as the marina of entrepreneurs from ukraine here every year more, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of requests to start entrepreneurial activities from ukrainians... already in poland more than 41,000. in the second half of 2023 , about 4,000 entrepreneurial activities were registered every month. in the first half of the year, there were 200 registrations every month. so we have a jump during the year almost twice. it makes an impression. every tenth company in
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poland is opened by ukrainians - says the expert. in addition to the fact that our fellow citizens are actively engaged in business, they also... jobs, ukrainians here not only earn, but also spend a lot, in particular, rent and buy housing. as a result of admission to polish of the budget are constantly increasing. in 2022, from the taxes and contributions of the social insurance institution to the budget, of course, i mean the citizens of ukraine, 4 billion zlotys went to the budget of poland, this is significant. if we talk about the year 2023, then it is already 5.5 zlotys, we have growth here as well. there are also changes in the spheres of activity of ukrainians in poland. traditionally, our citizens actively work in the field of construction, logistics, transport, and trade. however, due to the fact that there are now many women from ukraine on the polish labor market, there is concern active development of business activities in the field of beauty and health, gastronomy, cooking, hotel business. ukrainians are also
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opening translation companies and the number of it companies is growing. they became much more than usual, which is not surprising, because ukraine has a huge potential in this field and highly qualified specialists. interesting dynamics are observed in the field of employment. ukrainians who arrived after the start of the full-scale invasion are less and less willing to work below their skill level, as it was at the beginning of the great war. it can be seen that people remain here who... made an internal decision for themselves to stay for a while and want to work according to their education, according to their profession, that is, for me these are positive changes, because this is a little bit of dispelling the myths that ukrainians are not just working strength, and we also show our
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competences, knowledge, skills to a slightly different market, the polish international market. companies increasingly notice that there are many highly qualified professionals among ukrainians. you can come calmly, show your competences, skill, and nobody pays much attention to who you are by nationality. if you are a good competent worker, great, you have many roads open to you. to start working in polish companies, it is enough for ukrainians to know the language at the b1, b2 level, - says the expert. in general, numerous studies indicate that... the labor market needs workers and employers are interested in ukrainians. maria chernyakhivska ihor antoniuk for a tv channel from warsaw. to analyze the data. we would like to add vasyl vaskoboynyk, the president, to the problems of the all-ukrainian association of international employment companies, congratulations to ukraine, mr. vasyl, congratulations to you, congratulations to the
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heroes, congratulations, studio, well, we would like to start with a more complex problem or story, in particular, that is, as far as we understand, poland is currently the leader in employment ukrainians, yes, well, at least on the european continent, for sure, or are we mistaken, and in general, how many ukrainians are currently working in poland? today , there are approximately 900-950,000 ukrainians in poland, and almost 70% of them have already found themselves jobs, and in terms of the total number , germany is in first place in our country, there are approximately 1,200,000 ukrainians, but they do not yet fully enter the labor market, and this is precisely due to the fact that germany puts forward sufficiently strict conditions for employment. although in this year 2024, they will very significantly soften the conditions for employment, because they really want those ukrainians who came to
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germany to actively enter the labor market, specifically the german labor market. mr. vasyl, i wanted to clarify, if we are talking about certain criteria, you have already mentioned them somewhere, well, if we are talking about a language barrier, for example, yes, then we understand that ukrainians, who cannot know german well. or the polish language, they can still get a job somewhere more in some factories, yes, farms, where they do not need to know the language, and if we are talking about some kind of percentage ratio, how many ukrainians have already found a job where it is necessary to know the polish language well , there in particular, for example, it specialists, yes, people who work in the service sector, well, in general, even in ukraine, not all ukrainians work in it companies, despite the fact that they know very well... the ukrainian language, it is not related in no way with the possibility of employment, especially since in the field of it the working language is english, not polish. if we talk in general about
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the number of people who are employed, for example, in the service sector or some areas where you need to communicate, well , imagine if you are not an accountant, if you it is not necessary to work with reporting documents, it is not necessary to know polish at a fairly high level, if... you work as an ordinary physical worker somewhere on a conveyor or in a factory, you usually need a small amount of the language, which you can learn even in two -three months, and if we are talking about poland in particular, if we are talking about germany, then of course the language barrier is much greater there, and people who have come to germany now, or will come as early as 2022 , actively turn to language courses and i know that there were huge queues and i know cases when people waited for nine and sometimes even 12 months to get into these language courses, but unlike poland, germany
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provides people with money, gives enough money so that people can at least provide for themselves at a minimum level with their physical needs. this does not happen in poland, poland has been working with the ukrainian workforce for a long time. and poland is doing everything to ensure that ukrainians enter the labor market as soon as possible, work, earn and not be dependents, not be a burden on the polish people, at polish expense. mr. vasyl, look and i would like to ask you whether there is any , i don't know, analysis or observation or monitoring of what is called specific discrimination of certain ukrainians who work, for example, in germany or poland, that is, if they... are, then how can it be diversified there, i don't know? this is a very good question, but i want to draw your attention to the fact that, unfortunately,
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we also face cases of discrimination in ukraine, when even our employers do not always behave as they should, of course, this also happens in poland, this it also happens in other countries of the world, but the most important thing is that poland, germany, and other european countries are states governed by the rule of law, and if a person feels that... uh, there is some kind of bullying or something similar, a person can turn first to the ukrainian consulate, because who will protect the ukrainians, except the ukrainians themselves, then she can turn to the labor inspectorate, she can turn to the representatives of the police or the court, but it is necessary to understand that in europe in general there is a very serious problem of a demographic nature, they not there are enough workers, and those employers who want to... keep workers, who want their production processes not to stop or slow down, they will really do everything so that a person does not feel the difference where he works, yes.
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there is a barrier, but if there is a desire, it can always be overcome. no, if we are talking , for example, not about bullying, i did not mean that, not exactly that, i meant, for example , that they pay 20, 30% less, we understand, private business, so to speak, it is extremely difficult to adjust such things, they, of course, will not fit into one or the other, i don't know whether the agreements or contracts are working, but perhaps there is such a trend. again, a very good question, because everything that concerns ukrainians, their protection, it should constantly rise to the front pages and newspapers, including, and look, in any country there is a labor inspectorate, and its main task is to make the conditions , when foreigners will not compete with the local, with the local population, if ukrainians are paid 20 to 30% less, without work, without workers
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seats will remain local. population and that in turn will lead to dissatisfaction of the local population, then these are democratic countries, this will affect the authorities , including that, and that is why i have acquaintances who hire ukrainians to work in poland, they say that the inspection labor comes once a quarter, where they check contracts, where people are asked what their salary is, and even more if you hired a foreigner and a ukrainian, in particular, representatives of the inspectorate can even come and see under what conditions these people live, if an employer provides them with housing, these are really democratic, european countries that care, and here i want to make a remark again, they do not care about ukrainians, they care that there is no dumping and that their own citizens are not left without workplaces. mr. vasyl, i would like to clarify, if we are talking about post-war ukraine, then we are talking about the return of ukrainians, it is already known
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that six out of 10 ukrainians. plan to return back to ukraine and we understand that the countries in which they currently live will are interested in them staying there , or can they, let's say, try to deter them in some way, offering possible better conditions, better salaries, so that the number of ukrainians who want to return here will still stay with them, i i want to draw your attention to the story that preceded my inclusion, in my opinion it... just demonstrated that ukrainians who want to find a job in their field can do it, who want to start their own business , they have the opportunity to do this, these are the factors that will keep ukrainians there, imagine this woman who has built up regular customers, who works in a country where she sees a future for herself and her children, what is required of her to influenced her to return to ukraine and
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start from scratch with... to start her own business again, most likely she will stay there abroad, if you look at germany, germany is already changing its legislation on receiving so much in the near future citizenship, that ukrainians will be able to obtain german citizenship in the near future, well, imagine, with all the benefits, let's say, with a pension, with a predicted future, with a clear understanding of how they will live, these economic and social things. these factors will influence the non-return of ukrainians to ukraine. thank you, for your opinion, vasyl voskoboynyk, president of the all-ukrainian association of international employment companies, was in touch with us, and in fact we raised important topics that concern ukrainians, in particular, those who are currently watching our broadcast, but you will hear more news very soon from anna eva melnyk, who, together with the news editors, has already managed to prepare a fresh issue for you, so we will pass on the word,
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well, actually. tells what this issue will be about. thank you, colleagues, for your work , i will wait for you tomorrow, as well as our viewers, and the news team will still work, i will start this issue with how the occupiers carry out forced passporting under the guise of treatment. another 17 small ukrainians were taken out of temporarily occupied donetsk region to russia. all children have diseases of the nervous system and locomotor system - said shoemaker dmytro lubinets. he noted that despite the occupiers' claims about the so-called rehabilitation, this is just the next step.


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