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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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ron desant, one of the main opponents of donald trump among the republicans, left the race. how will this affect the position of the former president on the way to the upcoming american elections? this is a bbc broadcast. ukraine in the dzaferov studio. florida governor ron desantis has dropped out of the race for the republican presidential nomination and has endorsed donald trump. so in the second party primary, trump will compete with nikki haley, what are her chances? the american presidential election is scheduled for... november, we're talking about now
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priymaries, when the parties decide their presidential candidates, while the incumbent joe biden is called the most likely candidate of the democratic party, trump leads among republicans. moreover, two days before the new hampshire primary, republican nominee ron desantis withdrew his candidacy. he supported ex-president donald trump and even quoted winston churchill with the words "success is not final." failures are not fatal, but why now, when the primaries have only just started? at the beginning of his campaign, on which he spent the most money and resources among republicans, ron desantis promised a great american comeback, and some already called him trump 2.0 and a political rock star, but according to observers, the reason for his failure is not desantis himself and his political figure, and his main rival, express... us president donald trump. and at
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the first republican caucuses in the state of iowa , trump won by a record margin. let me remind you, then 51% of party voters voted for ex-president, but the second place was taken by ron desantes. 21% of voters in iowa voted for him, but haley, who has now become donald trump's main competitor, had a narrow margin of only 2%. then... the only female republican candidate received 19% of the vote. nicky haley, by the way, has already reacted to desantis' exit, wished him all the best and added that there is currently one man and one woman left. may the best woman win, haley said. however, most opinion polls show that the majority voters who support desantis see trump as the next best candidate. and
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it suggests that voters who would like to vote for desantis may cast their ballots for donald trump rather than nikki haley. and now desantis himself in his video, which he published on x, says that he supports donald trump, but listen to how he explained his decision to leave the race. if i could do something for a better result, more election campaigns, more interviews, i would do it, but i can't ask our supporters. to voluntarily donate your time and your resources if we don't have a clear path to victory, today i am suspending my campaign, and so far, the leader of the republican race , donald trump, has also already reacted to desantis' exit, he congratulated his former opponent and thanked him for his support. before we get started, i'd like to say hello to ron desantis, and of course, a really great man. his wife
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casey, aaron ran a really great presidential campaign, a really, i'll tell you a really good campaign, and it's not easy, although many people think it's easy, it's true, it's not easy, and as you know, he dropped out of the race, he did it very kindly and supported me, i appreciate it. ron desantis' withdrawal from the race for the republican presidential nomination. party, this is a rather unusual situation in an american election race. bbc correspondent sarah smith says his campaign was not strong enough, strong, the similarity of ideas with trump's ideas, on the contrary, played against him. this is a very unusual and truly extraordinary situation, when one of the leading candidates drops out of the race so early. only one state, iowa, has voted so far. and ron desantis came in second there, getting 30% less than.
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trump. the vote here in new hampshire is on tuesday, and it will be a race between just two candidates, donald trump and nikki haley. it is interesting to remember what was passed at this time last year. that ron desantis has every chance to win the republican nomination, but then he ran a not-so-successful campaign in which he looked very tense, awkward and not very attractive to voters. his political promises were very similar to what trump offered, but voters don't want someone like trump, they want trump, as donald trump himself pointed out during a campaign speech here in new hampshire, and he knows that now the fight will be between him and... haley, who, although showing good results here in new hampshire, is very much behind trump, and is unlikely to be able to attract any of the supporters of desantis. so now the main question is how soon donald trump will be able to receive this nomination and become the official candidate of the republicans. oleksandr kraev, expert of the council
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of foreign policy ukrainian prism is in touch with us. congratulations, alexander. why did the paratrooper decide not to continue? compete for the republican nomination at this early stage of the primaries? there are obviously several factors for this: well, firstly , the fact that he spent a large part of his campaign finances on the vaiou caucus, we saw that the relocation of vaiou's headquarters and active advertising specifically in this state indicated that desantis would like to at least not lose in this state and made his bet on him, but the fact that trump was ahead of him so powerfully and that he did not ... remained in principle not having the time or resources to work with other states, in my opinion, is exactly what prompted his refusal to continue the race. we also saw that the main part of the republican donors was divided between nikiheli and trump, and therefore, in principle, desantis did not even have a potential opportunity to tilt in his favor
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side some more republican money. you relate it to finances, but what will nicky haley gain from this, will she be able to win over the pro-desantis side? unfortunately , we saw that a significant portion of desantis' supporters in principle support trump, and they supported desantis mainly because he was a younger version of trump, not as radical as vivi kromoswami, but completely in line with the general conservative the policy pursued by donald trump corresponds to that isolationism, which trump also fights. at the same time, some part, well, about a quarter of those who voted, or are ready to vote. according to desantis, are still anti-trump. they voted for any republican who wasn't trump. desantis was popular in the first wave of the prairies. he's popular with them, and so obviously a small, very tiny part, the desantis tower may
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still go to haley, but a large part of it, of course, will stay with donald trump. but in general, there are still more than 40 ahead election, what are haley's chances of beating trump? now leading the race in the polls? hale's main chance to get around trump is, of course, the supreme court's decision, because despite all the rather pessimistic predictions about that decision, there remains a small chance that the supreme court will still keep trump out of the election, or in a significant number of states, by decision donald trump's chief justices of these particular states will also be barred from even primary elections in those states. so that's actually the main argument. thanks to which nikki haley can become the republican candidate, if everything develops along the same trajectory as it is developing now, despite the fact that donald trump has good percentages and, in principle, everyone is provoking him to win, we see that haley has a significant financial resource , we see that it is supported by the party's largest donors, including
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the military-industrial complex. we can see that haley has been running a very active media campaign. and let's say, despite the fact that the landing party spent the most, heli him did not yield in fact. she's spent almost $68 million on tv ads alone, so really she's obviously going to fight to the end, even with the results in iowa and today's results in new hampshire. alexander, stay tuned, here's a little more focus on how nikki haley's position has changed, she is now trump's main rival in the race for the republican nomination, and as professor larry gerson of san jose university says, the next state primaries new hampshire will. for it is extremely important. nikki haley's best chance on tuesday is that 45% of voters in new hampshire are independents, and most of those independents will likely vote for her, and most former desantis voters
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will now vote for trump. i think there will be a difference of about 5-7%, and everyone will be satisfied. trump, because he will win, haley, because he will take second place according to the result. but after this vote it will be more difficult for her. south carolina is a state where trump was very influential and popular, and most likely, in in the end he wins there, because as you know, victory. whoever gets the most votes gets it all, so her most successful moment is likely right now in new hampshire, and she'll no doubt be thinking about 2028. and oleksandr kraev, an expert of the foreign policy council of ukrainian prism, is in touch with us. oleksandr, you linked the success of the upcoming primaries to the decision of the supreme court, but as some observers say, iron, desantis and niki gelli, they are already starting... and about the next elections on the 28th year, but what about this one, if trump and biden
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compete for the presidency, how will it differ from previous elections and what are the chances of who? in fact, here i rather see that it was not much different from the 20th year for one simple reason: in fact , doctrinally and base on some foundations, neither trump's nor biden's policies have changed since then. and in fact trump continues to stand on the same utilitarian doctrine he preached before. biden, as we saw in his first term, only entrenched in its policy, america has returned to the policy of global leadership and leadership by example. that is , it seems to me that this will be a repeat of the 20th year, just taking into account the new circumstances, taking into account the crisis international situation, taking into account all the challenges that are thrown at the united states, this confrontation will be even more important. both from the point of view of foreign policy and domestic policy, and it will be even more
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aggressive, because all those court cases that are being conducted against donald trump, they still stirred up his electoral base, and we see that they are determined enough . you mentioned, you mentioned the supreme court, and if trump becomes the republican nominee, how might he be affected by these numerous lawsuits that are brought against him. there are several options here, we see that as soon as a new trial begins against trump, as soon as this trial becomes relatively public, it actually gives him new percentages of support, that is, these courts make him popular, he becomes visible and he becomes part of the news again narrative, however a significant portion of trump voters, as shown, are ready to withdraw their support for the candidate if... it is introduced that he really tried to overthrow the government in the united
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states on january 6, 2021, so on the one hand the courts give trump visibility, they give trump the opportunity to be heard and seen, but on the other hand, they are the ones who can bring down his popularity, because the conservative voter does not like criminals, the conservative voter does not like those who break the law, and trump can be recognized as such by the court, so for now the courts give him in plus, but... not everything can change in a very radical way. thank you, oleksandr krayv for treason of foreign policy ukrainian prism was in touch with us. so, florida governor and donald trump's main rival among republicans, frondesanti, announced that he is withdrawing from the presidential race and supporting trump. therefore , trump's main and only opponent from the republicans became the ex-governor of south carolina, nikki haley. what went wrong in the campaign. santis and is there any chance of victory for gail who calls the support of kyiv is an important interest of america and
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declares that the states should provide ukraine with more weapons, read about it in this article on our website subscribe to our channel, leave comments there, and we'll be back on the air tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., take care. greetings, friends, the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. we continue our broadcast, today in the program. the president suggests that the verkhovna rada consider how to organize elections, does ukraine need
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an election campaign during the war? lands historically inhabited by ukrainians. ukraine is taking over to protect the rights of compatriots in the kuban, starodubshchyna and other regions of russia. multiple citizenship in ukraine. why is zelensky initiating it and what does it mean for the future of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there now, please vote in our poll, because today we ask you this, will you support... do you have multiple citizenships in ukraine, yes, no, if you watch us on tv, pick up your phone and vote if you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, 0800-211381, no, 0800 211382, call, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the broadcast we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce
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the guests of today's program, they are the best ukrainian political analysts. ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. maksym rozumny, ukrainian political scientist, philosopher, doctor of political sciences. sir maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. viktor, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good health to you. yes, before starting our conversation, gentlemen, we will include our correspondent dmytro didora, later , yes, in 5 minutes we will include our correspondent dmytro didora, he monitors what is happening in the pechersk district court of the capital, there they choose, choose, or rather , preventive measure for hrynkevich's son, igor
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hrynkevich, lviv businessman roman hrynkevich, and the prosecutor's office is asking. a deposit of half a billion hryvnias, so gentlemen, since we are asking our tv viewers and viewers whether they support multiple citizenship in ukraine, i will also ask you whether you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, since today zelenskyy once again announced that he is submitting to the verkhovna rada the bill of ukraine on pluralism. citizenship, that this multiple citizenship is necessary for ukraine. mr. maxim, you have the floor. in general, this topic has existed in the public space for quite some time now, although it was mostly still yes, there was a debate in narrow expert circles, or among people who deal with
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the affairs of the ukrainian diaspora. that is, this idea , so to speak, is not new. and even the status of a ukrainian abroad, which operates today, of course, did not satisfy many interests, needs and willingness of representatives of ukrainian communities to become more full-fledged members of the ukrainian community, the ukrainian political nation, that is, this step, it is expected, in general, logical , to the holiday, besides, something like that was needed. do but it is clear that there will be many more disputes around this initiative, this idea, because next to the fact that someone who wanted to get ukrainian citizenship in america, canada, france, great britain, er, there is
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such a new collision when eh, well, we all know how much ours burned down. officials and , so to speak, negative characters of ukrainian public policy, they found foreign passports, but now, if this law is adopted, it is allegedly aimed at granting citizenship to these representatives of ukrainian communities, but the law is the same for everyone, and in this case, dual citizenship will cease to be, well, not even a crime , it will cease to be a reason for any claims against such people. thank you, mr. viktor, does it mean that multiple citizenship, in principle, will open the way home for hennadiy korban, whose ukrainian citizenship was taken away, he cannot enter the territory of the ukrainian state. well, ihor valeriyovych will feel at ease with
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five passports or however many passports he has, because he always boasts that in he has a lot of passports. yes, yes, yes. i also believe that the law should have one status for everyone, yes, and therefore, it will return, putting everyone in the same status, and therefore this, this is already a subject for abuse, but if i say very, very briefly, what i am against, against , if only because it is not possible in all countries, and it is possible in the countries of the allies, which means we will... well, it is a little unclear to place them there, i am not an expert here, but like any resident, non-resident, where a person has to pay taxes, there are also nuances here, yes, but most of all, i... do not trust the fact that this government cannot be trusted at all, they have no communication with the citizens of ukraine, absolutely none, they are playing with them in
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childhood, they are trying to breed divorce like a lokhov, people are hiding, but this is the regime if there were discussions and communications in ukraine, who told you that they would want to communicate with the ukrainians there, especially if they... are patriotic and want to take citizenship and be citizens, well, well, in russian, that let's protect it, yes, it went down, it's like a stop, which is possible one of us will like it, because right now nightingales and scabies are on fire over there, it 's cool, yes, if the enemy is on fire, literally or figuratively, that's good for us, but i wouldn't trust this government, because it might end... through voting, where it will turn out that abroad we have ten times more compatriots who voted for zelenskyi, well, conditionally half of bangladesh
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will vote, so not with this government for communications with ukrainian patriots from other countries, with citizens of other countries, but no no with our, not with our happiness, and without bangladesh, i understood that at least the citizenship of ukraine and the citizenship of bangladesh should not coincide, a joke of course, mr. igor , please, well, you know, here it rests on what is specifically written in this law, such a strange story, the president announced it, but so far we have not seen, well , the draft law itself, but we know that the devil is always in the details, you know, for some distant perspective, i can admit in principle the need to introduce something similar, for example, when we become a member of the european union, it will open additional prospects for our citizens who will... work there in european countries, but at the same time will regularly live there in ukraine, visit ukraine, open some joint business there, and so on. this is one story when ukraine is a member of the eu. if we are talking now
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about the introduction of such a procedure, there are two simple questions. first question, it has to be reconciled somehow with the constitution, and i honestly don't really see how that can be done under the legal regime of martial law , since it is expressly prohibited, well to make changes to the constitution, although i saw already today that there was an interpretation that the relevant article should be read in a different way, it does not seem to prohibit anything, and so on and so forth, and the second point, it is the most important, it connected with such a concept, somewhat ephemeral, but very important in our conditions, we mentioned it very often when we talked about the draft law on mobilization, this concept of justice, what will this multiple citizenship mean, it will mean the granting of rights to all or, accordingly duties, and will this mean that, for example, some duties of citizens of ukraine, well, regarding service, let's say in the armed forces. of ukraine will also be distributed to those people who will have two, three, five and there, i don't know how many passports, including one of these passports will be a passport of ukraine. so it seemed to me more that it was such,
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you know, such a statement of the president, aimed at our compatriots who are currently abroad, who went there, so that they would not think that the country is forgetting about them, if they even manage their lives there, they were in no hurry to give up their ukrainian passport, but this, you know, cannot be solved tomorrow, it will stretch for a very long period of time. let's say, programs to stimulate the return of our citizens, as of today, would be a better initiative, specifically specific programs that would promote, well , their desire to return to ukraine, start working, receive certain support there, and so on, rather than the statements we hear from certain representatives of the office that western countries should stop helping our refugees and almost to wipe them back to our country, with such statements it will definitely not work an interview with the swiss german-language newspaper taga. ansaiger told serhiy leshchenko that europe should stop aid to ukrainian refugees and return them to ukraine, it's good that he didn't say to return them by force, well
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, that's how it turned out because we have dmytro didora in contact, he is in in the pechersk district court of the capital, where a preventive measure is chosen for roman hrynkevich, the son of the well-known lviv businessman ihor hrynkevich, who... not according to the intended purpose, or at least they earned these 15 billion hryvnias. dmitry, i congratulate you, tell me, please, what is the current situation with the case, i am looking at what is this, is this a court corridor, is this a court session, what is happening now in the pechersk court? i congratulate sergey, and i also congratulate the audience. in fact , i am right now in the corridor of the court, because the court session is ongoing, it has not ended yet, the debates between the defense and the prosecution are still going on. and
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i want to note that the hrynkevichs are suspected of creating a criminal organization that took possession of the funds and are suspected of substandard supplies of clothes for the armed forces of ukraine. regarding this, there was interesting information, it was heard in court today by lawyer roman hrenkevych, they say that now... but it is not written in the contract that if the clothes were of poor quality, they should be replaced, but the lawyer notes that he is not from the ministry of defense there were complaints about poor-quality clothing, and this is what the defense is appealing for, while the prosecutors are asking roman hrenkevich for a preventive measure in the form of detention with an alternative bail
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of uah 500 million, and here, as you just saw both on the live broadcast and on our air, the judge most likely went to the conference room to choose this preventive measure, so i think that most likely closer to 10 p.m., by 10:30 p.m. we will already know what exactly what precautionary measure will be chosen for roman hrenkevich , who, i will remind you, was detained this morning... in odesa, the head of the dbr says that he tried to find a way to cross the state border and hide in one of the countries of the european union, roman hrenkevich himself does not comment, we he was asked to comment before the meeting, did he really want to cross the state border, hide there, and said that we will hear everything at the meeting, and he
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does not give separate comments, and the lawyers tried to... move the meeting from the pechersk court to the shevchenkiv district court, appealing it by saying that the investigations took place precisely in the shevchenkiv district of the capital, not in pochersk, that is why and in this way they wanted to move the hearing to that district, the prosecutors say that they consider this a delay in the case and will prove the involvement of roman khrenkevych in the creation of a criminal group, i let me remind you that his father is igor. already in custody since the end of december 2023, he was then detained for trying to bribe one of the officials of the state security bureau, we see now that the journalists are most likely communicating with roman hrenkevych, so serhiy, i give you etera too, i have to run and listen to what is happening , thank you, thank you dmytro, it was
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dmytro didora from the pechersk district court. of the capital, they choose a preventive measure for roman hrynkevich, the son of the famous lviv businessman ihor hrynkevich, who had contracts with the ministry of defense of ukraine and we know about this case, well, at least for the last month, this case has been heard. i will remind you once again that ihor reiterovych, maksym rozumny and viktor boberenko are on the air, and gentlemen, let's start our big conversation, i hope that... roman grenkevych will not be given a preventive measure so quickly and dmytro didora will be included a little later on our broadcast from zelenskyi's statement about the elections, again about the elections, it seems that zelenskyi has put all the dots in two, that the elections will take place only after the martial law in ukraine is ended, here in in an interview with the british fourth tv channel , he said that ukraine should think about how
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to conduct presidential elections, although the law prohibits this during martial law. let's listen to what zelensky said. the verkhovna rada must vote and give a mandate for elections. they should raise this issue and vote. they cannot do this because of the prohibition of the law, they cannot not break the law. and the situation is that elections are prohibited in our country during wartime. and the situation. if it could even be done, what to do with the territories occupied, temporarily occupied, and how to conduct legitimate elections so that they are recognized by the world, if we have six, more than almost millions abroad, and they must have infrastructure, and unfortunately we do not have an online format of elections, and if you are with me.. .


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