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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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that ukraine needs to think about how to hold presidential elections, although the law prohibits this during martial law. let's listen to what zelensky said? the verkhovna rada must vote and give a mandate for elections. they should raise this issue and vote. they cannot do this because of the prohibition of the law, they cannot violate the law, and the situation is that we have elections, wartime. prohibited and the situation, if it could even be done, what to do with the occupied, temporarily occupied territories, and how to hold elections legitimate to be recognized by the world, if we have six, more than almost millions abroad, and they should have infrastructure, and we unfortunately do not have an online format of elections, and if you are for me... remember, i believe that we
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need to think how to do it, mr. maxim, how to think so to do it? well, i think it's pretty amazing that it's just now starting to think about, uh, our government, even though i don't believe they're just starting to think about it, it's, i think, a very... such an important idea around which all the time spins, so to speak, expertly the environment that serves the banking industry, and i think that this thought is always in the head of the president himself as well, because there is a certain fork of opportunities, on the one hand, there is a great temptation to hold elections. in this situation, when he
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, the president of a warring country, can take advantage of all the advantages of the legitimacy of this status, so to speak, on the other hand, of course, all the reservations that president zelenskyi just voiced are very significant, and they actually , well, they make this, such a decision impossible, if zelensky himself or his team had it... that’s why, that’s why there is this, so to speak, is a pass in the direction of the verkhovna rada, maybe some initiatives will appear there, how it can be done, well, putin found it, invented it, there, although there were also different options, that is, it seems to me that there is no solution, think , once again the presidential team will... more than once, and, in general,
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it seems to me that this topic, it sounds quite artificial in ukrainian society now, and uh, i didn’t see the whole plot, or is it the journalist asked zelensky himself about the likelihood of this election, whether he had initiated it himself, so to speak, president zelensky , a journalist asked, a journalist asked and... if a journalist, then that, then there is no news as such, as far as i am concerned, well, yes, he said of course, understandable things, and there is no solution as of today, well but in the conditions when there is a war, of course, there should not be elections, and there is no such possibility to hold these elections, on the one hand, and on the other hand, russia says that we will fight to the very last and... as medvedev said, whether it is 10 or 50 years,
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however long russia needs it in order to destroy ukraine, and how in this situation, mr. viktor, on the one hand there is the government elected in the 19th year, that is, 5 years ago, on the other hand there is this uncertain time of war, how long this war will last, does this mean that during this entire period , power will be... in the hands of one group of people, one party, in fact monopolies, and how will this generally correspond to the fact that somehow the political elites must change and democracy must work, eh well, on the one hand, i, uh, i claim that there is no way around parliament, because uh...
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both our parliament and the government are controlled from the president's office, yes, and the president himself admitted in his last speech that decisions are made by five or six people, well, very efficient managers who cooperate with. .. well, all decisions, assumptions, draft decisions, yes, this is still some kind of project, is adopted in a narrow circle, what should i say about the office of the president, they constantly monitor the situation in the country, and i can see it, by the way, in regions is better than in kyiv, in kyiv it is easier to get lost there, but here i am, for example, in sums, then here... it is clear that everyone who is close to sociology knows each other, and if they order some research from the office, i may not know the details, but actually, i don't see the whole sample, yes, if i knew there, i know that there is a sample of 60-70 people for the entire region,
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one day i can ask the hunters there, who are any questions, yes, there is something else there someday, but i assure you, that this issue is monitored all the time. and what they give us, then the part that is given as official, yes, for example, and maybe true, this is related to, well, to what extent you trust or do not trust president zelensky, including, they see that trust in him is falling, and that is why the president's office wants to hold elections while there is an electoral base, while it is possible to really win there even from one tour. well, if we especially eliminate the main competitor , about which we all guess, yes, who is the main competitor, and this is very cool during the war, yes, the generals fight like they are not good at, but here we choose the president, everything is very cool, that's why for now
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a group of people who really make decisions and who pinch the president, because he reigns, the fair rules, yes, let's put it this way, they are not a collective fair, right? they just want elections, they really want elections, but they want presidential elections, because they understand that there will not be a constitutional majority in the parliament itself, well , it is important for parliamentarians, they understand that many people will not get into the parliament, and that's why it's possible to keep your mandate longer, that 's why they have an equation with many unknown, but they really want to, but if the rating falls below a certain level, yes zelenskyi, then they... change the strategy by 180° and really, as a colleague says, they will further delay these elections there and on them for 50 years or at least 30 will be enough , the only thing is that all the bears
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who talk about it are ready to fight for 30 years, our kuleba is ready to fight with bad luck, but it all depends on whether the armies are ready to fight and whose army is the first? will fall, but i am sure that our motivations are more, yes that we will win, but the war may be prolonged later, well, at least there the war can be until the victorious end, and here we are at the borders of 1991, and there are three skirmishes an hour, this can also be declared as a war, well, yes, thank you, mr. viktor, mr. igor, if zelensky said, let's say, in the current situation, i don't want to. of the presidential term and the question is not in me at all, the question is in democracy, the question is in electability, the question is in the variables of political elites, the question is that the state should develop, so that we do not look like there russia, when the presidential elections
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turn into putin's elections, if he had said this and clearly emphasized it, would it have been clear to everyone both in the country and for the political elite that... the question is not personal interests or the interests of zelenskyi's team , yeermak, i don't know who podalyak, stefanchuk is, the question is that he, as the guarantor of the constitution, first of all takes care of the rights of citizens who can vote and are ready to vote? well, of course, if he said so, it is from such a moral and ethical point of view and to some extent from a political point of view. would be a very telling signal that we are really focused on victory, all election issues will be resolved without me after we win this victory, but you have to understand that he will not do it for two reasons, and by the way, one of these reasons is correct and objective, if there were no one to treat the current head of state, it is connected with the fact
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that if the current head of state makes such a statement, well, it leads to the disorganization of his team, many people lose any the desire to work, to do something, as the president says actually... that i'm going there, well, it's clear that it's an open date and we're at war, but it's going to be demotivating to a lot of those who are around the president right now, and the second thing, well, he won't say it. because i think that his environment is very actively forming and has already formed to a large extent such an image of the future for him, in which ukraine cannot cope and cope without zelensky, the justification here can be, for example, that there will be a second term, although they promised one, because we couldn't conduct the war properly the first time arranged on a large scale, accordingly, we did not do everything that we planned, so such statements will not be made now. will not be heard in the future, but as for whether the office is thinking about elections, i think they are thinking there every day, considering different
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scenarios, options, and there is one very important clarification, colleagues mentioned it in one form or another, all depends on the intensity of the war, on what will happen specifically at the front, if we imagine that in a year the war will enter there, well, for example, we take a pessimistic scenario, as much as possible, there is a kind of frozen stalemate, such a situation, when no one is moving anywhere, everything turns into only skirmishes there on the front line and there is no shelling of the territory of ukraine at all, well , believe me, they will return to the issue of elections very quickly, and they will return, including through statements, which will start pouring in from our colleagues, this is the first scenario. the second scenario, let 's imagine a situation where our western colleagues can start actively talking about the need for elections, because they will consider it necessary for ukraine to have the re-elected government, which will sign some kind of peace treaty with russia, which, to put it mildly, will not be very positive... accepted by the majority of ukrainian citizens, but nevertheless, which will end the war, which
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some of our partners may be interested in in the future, i’m not saying now, fortunately there is no such critical mass today, this option is also possible, and in the end there is a third option, even in this interview president zelensky said one interesting phrase, he said it in previous interviews, that we have no opportunities yet to conduct elections in an electronic format, and if such an opportunity arises , if they think about it for a long time, they will hold discussions again... even with our partners, they will say that yes, a normal system can work, yes, if there is a danger of this experiment, but difficult times, they give rise to difficult decisions, let's say, such elections are better than none at all, and the problem will be solved, they will conduct, i don't know, in action, not in action, in something else, this is recognized by our partners and they will put an end to it. thank you, gentlemen, for the first block of conversation, after a short break on our tv channel, we will return to the studio. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my
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the verdict program. my name is serhii rudenko, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watching us live there. please like this video, a also vote in our poll. today we ask you... about the following: do you support multiple citizenship in ukraine? yes no it's pretty easy on youtube if you have an opinion please comment if you're sitting in front of the tv watching us. on tv , pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you support multiple citizenship in ukraine (0800-211-381), no 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote , call let me remind you that today we have igor reiterovych,
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maksym rozumny and viktor boberenko as guests, we talk about what was said and heard from. of the president of ukraine and today zelenskyi spoke about the territories , the territories in which they live , as he said, historically, which are historically populated by ukrainians, today by his decree he instructed the government to develop an action plan to preserve the national identity of ukrainians in russia, it is about the territories of the current krasnodar krai, belgorod, bryansk. rostov regions of the russian federation. let's listen to what zelensky said. today, we must take steps not only to strengthen the unity of ukraine and our people, but also to act for the unity of rights and freedoms, the truth about ukrainians, the truth about us, and the truth
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about our history. and for this purpose, today i signed a decree on... the territories of the russian federation historically inhabited by ukrainians. mr. maksym, this thesis about the lands historically inhabited by us in the russian federation, it has been around for a long time, it is not the idea of ​​zelensky himself, but uh, these stories are constantly popping up either in social networks, or in some articles about these. regions, which are territories where a lot of ukrainians live , and maybe these territories are ukrainian, how do you assess the president's efforts to pump up this story now, or is it just such subtle trolling by putin and medvedev on the day
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of the conclave and in this way to annoy russians. well, in general, this, of course, er, topic , it, er, is worthy of attention, and worthy of state policy, er, at one time in early 2004, i was part of the delegation of the ukrainian world coordination council, which was then headed by mykhailo horyn, just all these lands actually traveled, that is, we were in belgorod, and in kursk, and in voronezh, in... in the rostov region and in the kuban, and met ukrainians there, met with communities, er, to be honest, of practical political consequences today, especially in conditions of great, well, great propagandist pressure on
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the population of these regions, the president's initiative will obviously not have, but... but this is such a very symbolic step, which in a symbolic war is expected, so to speak, and somewhere there is this elephant or horse or something clearly not a farce, but this one course, it was foreseen somewhere, so to speak, when we talk about trolling, i think it is appropriate, because just these days putin issued a decree on ... studying the issue of the property of the russian empire, the soviet union and the russian federation abroad, that is, in them the ambition, so to speak, is much greater, they are also there in bangladesh, by the way , they probably already planned to take something away, and we just mentioned the historical lands, but it is
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such a long way. which we are just beginning, and today it rather lies in the symbolic plane, if we speak at all on a down-to-earth level, i think that in the administration, in the office of the president, there was a meeting on how to celebrate the day of the cathedral of ukraine, well, what was found there, this is citizenship for ukrainians abroad, well , there was a mention of ukrainian lands, uh, here it is ... what they found, they gave out. thank you. mr. viktor, kuryan is already howling there next to you, they say that ukraine has territorial claims against the russian federation, well... the governor of kurshchyna has already spoken about the fact that it is correct that putin is conducting a special military operation, because you see,
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they are threatening us, that they are from the sumy region, what threats are coming in the direction of kurshchyna, well, i am not even in sumy, but even closer to the border, i am 20 km away in one of the communities in a hotel, so i am talking to you now, and here to... suja, well , give me your hand, and let's say this, suja is the hundredth town of the sumy regiment, and there they speak the same suzhi language as i do, one to one, we held there when there was still such a project euroregion yaroslavna, the europeans gave money to civilize russia, and we made exchanges, by the way, i took students there several times with my colleague folklore expeditions, so that we could research the name there. research of the ukrainian-russian borderland, in fact , we looked there on the one side , there were ukrainian villages in the russian federation,
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and on the other, already russian villages, they did not intermarry in any way until the 60s, and very clearly identified, what are we there, oh my god, it rained there, buy moonshine from you guys, don't even go there, they don't know how to cook there, we are like a bride from there. we are taking something terrible, but time is wasted, it was necessary what zelensky did now it had to be done there even under the early yushchenko, so uh, and it had to be theirs, even if self-identification was to be maintained, so what was it there 20 years ago, i tell you, i tell you what else there was, yes, ukrainian associations, what else, but simply at the everyday level in ukrainian villages we were closer to them than they were. guys with the zaseym, and this is clear, and this is not just in one village, but we saw this in every ukrainian village, and this was not one, not one trip, but many such trips, but on the other
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hand, there was already another in the kuban , i tell it as an anecdote, but this is not an anecdote, i was in kirch, when this incident with tuzla took place there, and some delegation of kuban cossacks arrived, kuban cossacks in their same... these things in cherkessk, yes, and i was a witness such a dialogue. the kuban cossacks, some grandfathers say, about kerch, about tuzla , about crimea in general, this is our russian land, watered with the blood of our ancestors, to which the ukrainian officer replies: this is our ukrainian land, like there, and for me it was like a paradox, in ukrainian they defend russia, in russian they defend ukraine with their language, this is not a joke, and somehow the identification of ukrainians began to be lost somewhere in the late 90s, early
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20s, why, because already the second generation went somewhere to kursk to belgorod, studied together, studied together in groups , and we have what we have , there are no ukrainian schools there, they speak ukrainian, they can, it’s already difficult for them to read, and that’s why the generation that i... still says somewhere: well, yes, we are khahls, there is khahllandia, here and there, they are still aware of their difference from the russians, but not the coat anymore, and this is what i can tell you as a usk specialist, however, at least you need to try to do it, and someone will also want to remember the language of their ancestors and customs and become ukrainians. in fact, it is not too late, the irish people forgot even their language at the beginning, and there the identifier, the ethnic code, was
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more faith than language, so come on , let's try, let's try, but again, this is now, how will we try, well, we can only say, that we will not extradite kubans back there, or those who prove their ukrainian ethnic, who will say the word polyanytsia. conditionally, well, that's all, well, those who can say the word polyanytsia in russia, according to preliminary calculations, are somewhere around a million, that is , the diaspora, or more than a million, this is the largest diaspora of ukrainians, by the way, abroad, which is in the russian federation, maksym, if i'm wrong, in my opinion it is, it's on eh, it, it's quite big, it's just very difficult to count there, you understand, that is, one thing is... the official data of russian population censuses, are they under pressure after 2004- oh, especially after 2014, i'm very... big
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the number of citizens of the russian federation stopped identifying themselves as ukrainians, because it is dangerous, because they are enemies, you understand, so it is very, very difficult to operate with some objective numbers, but in reality, it is millions, millions, mr. igor, what can ukraine do in order for these million ukrainians who... perhaps some of them do not identify or do not show that they are ukrainians, so that they are ukrainians in principle, so that we have a strong diaspora that could influence, including the russian government, or this million is not enough, even in order to influence some region there, well, there are actually more than a million of them, the last data i saw, this is up to the 14th year, it was 3.5 million people who identified themselves as ukrainians, this is a very important moment
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by ethnic origin, but i would like to draw attention to two points in this decree: it is clear that this is not a decree about territorial claims, they are not discussed there at all, the fact that russians are on fire, everyone wrote there , even medvedev came out with another message and wrote some of his own there post, well, it's actually not bad, let them tear the roof, or not only the roof, and they discuss these issues, there are two key points, the first point, it is related to maximum identification and collection of all the facts of crimes committed by russia. regarding, well, people who identify themselves as ukrainians, are citizens of the russian federation, this is very important, i do not rule out that these facts may be needed by us, well, in the distant future, but none the less, during various courts there, well, international ones, which will take place, and where can we cite it as an example of the colonial policy of the same russian federation in relation to its own citizens, who are simply ukrainians by ethnic origin,
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because the russians really liked to talk about some... conditional clashes of russian speakers directly in ukraine, well, you can beat them with their weapons only with real facts, because they could never provide such facts, they invented them, and there you can actually collect a lot of such facts, there starting from the closing of schools, the absence of in general, the total absence of kindergartens or simply the availability of books in ukrainian in local libraries, and the second point, again, that we did not do and in principle can start doing it... the creation of a certain system of conveying alternative , well, truthful information for them about what is happening in ukraine , what is the russian federation doing, and how does it , for example, engage in internal genocide against small nations, as they like to call them, including representatives of, well, not a small nation, but those who identify themselves as ukrainians, this is a very important moment, this is such an information campaign, it is mentioned in the decree, it
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is not known what the mechanisms will be, let's say, so smart. that the cabinet of ministers will now work on them, the main thing is that they do not delay it, but this idea is actually very good, because the war is informational, it continues, it has not gone anywhere, and it will only develop further, and we need to look for ways out directly on those people who have a passport of russia, or the russian federation, but have been identified, are being identified or could would identify themselves in a different way, because if we bring them a different point of view, well , maybe something will change directly inside their country. they will begin to ask the right question and behave in the right way. thank you. ihor reiterovych, maksym rozumny and viktor boberenko were guests of our program today. gentlemen, i thank you for participating in the program. during our hour we conducted surveys. we asked you about whether you support multiple citizenship in ukraine. so, 28%, 26% of those who watch us now on tv believe that that there can be multiple citizenship in ukraine.
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74 against us on youtube, we have a ratio of 29 yes, 71% - no, this is the verdict program today, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye. there are 20% discounts on eurofast in the pharmacies pszygnyk, pam and ochsad, there are discounts on psyk, 10% in the pharmacies pszygnyk, bam and ochsad. 93 separate mechanized brigade kholotny yar is in dire need of fp drones for effective
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hitting. on the enemy and increased casualties .


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