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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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now there is a certain technological race going on on both sides, where, relatively speaking, both ukraine and the russian federation are trying, on the one hand, to increase the number of fpv drones, and on the other hand, to make them more technological. the technology is that these fpv drones can already perform a number of functions in night conditions. these fpv drones are now, well, technical solutions related to the machine are being discussed. vision, in order, relatively speaking, to ensure the possibility of these drone offices to carry out attacks on objects with minimal operator involvement, this is just refers to the final part of the flight, where the enemy tries to use various reb systems, but now we will, by the way, see a video with a russian tank with a reb system, which is installed on this model of equipment, the russians are now... flaunting the fact that such models
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seem to be more or less effectively counter ukrainian fpv drones, now we're going to see this video, it's a video from a russian propaganda channel there, where they show how they try to counter ukrainian drones, but how effective it is, now we'll talk with our guest, the expedition commander joins us. zoloterra as a part of the third separate assault brigade mykola volokhov with his companion abdula, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, i congratulate you, in return, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we have already told you that your unit carries out a large collection for mobile complexes rep, in order for your fighters to feel protected in the conditions of hostilities, i mentioned that there is a link on your telegram channel, where... there is
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a collection for these means, reb, and i would like to join you to talk to the commander of the unit, who is now combining such new technological solutions with the practice of their use on the battlefield, but now the third assault brigade has withdrawn for recovery, and it was said that at this time the brigade will be equipped with innovative weapons, so that the brigade itself will go out on the first place in terms of technology, we would like to, on the basis of your division, convey to our viewers how these technological changes are taking place, what happened yesterday, what happened today, what is needed tomorrow based on the use and fp possibly other systems, understanding that without delving too deeply into the details, but to show the positive dynamics of how our divisions become stronger precisely due to the use of technological solutions. well, first of all, i will reveal a secret to a newbie, there is one mouth left under the baknut.
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we also left a company of strike active drones and a small component of the reconnaissance wings, because these are the elements that are very easily integrated into any other armament systems, work when assigned and perform their combat tasks quite effectively the task is there, and for us it is always an opportunity for the newest technologies, which we research and implement there for ourselves, and to check in... the conditions of real combat operations, and if we talk about the re-equipment of the brigade, well, i will not know how to tell you in great detail, because where some of this is a little secret, some of it is a big secret, but it's night drones, kamikaze, night ichvidrones for dropping ammunition, and these are ground robotic systems, it's kind of become clear that a... these
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are not unmanned aerial systems, but simply unmanned systems. bps, now it is called, used to be called bipak. again, means of electronic intelligence and electronic warfare, because, unfortunately, technology is also developing, and how effectively we use them, theoretically, the enemy can use them just as effectively, so we have to ensure. the security of our calculations, again, in order for them to effectively carry out their combat tasks, and somehow the general vision looks like this, also in the third separate curtain brigade we formed, well, not yet to the end, but already almost a battalion of unmanned systems, before we had two companies, now a whole battalion, respectively, of all means of reconnaissance and means of hur. we will have
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more, and we are constantly working on improving the elements, you know how it is done, first a minimal working sample is made, that is, let's imagine. has the minimum potential, well, the theoretical potential to reach the price, and then we break it down into separate elements, each antenna, each transmitter, each receiver and improve it, we are constantly engaged in this, we have implemented such, apparently unique for the armed forces of ukraine, a structure like an r&d center, where people are actually engaged in research and development. such technologies that will help us to be more efficient, to be more technological and to win. and when we talk about the work of this r&d center, as i understand it, it is such an initiative structure, where , as i understand it, guys from different divisions generate ideas and practically implement them,
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is there any help from above there and from certain scientific structures there , as they say, guys, this is a cool idea, try it, or try horizontally, when there is, in other words, the fifth brigade, which is nearby. have you worked something out there, he says, check how it works for you, how this interaction with others, other knowledge that can be integrated into these solutions, which are then needed on the battlefield? er, well, first of all, these are horizontal connections, er, the field is very innovative, and to be honest, putting my hand on my heart, there is no such seriously adjusted system yet, it is being developed, being developed in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine now methodical materials, but in fact these are methodical materials - this is a description of what we are doing now, the most innovative solutions, both material and tactical, they are now with those who are fighting at the front, ah, communication
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is conducted horizontally, in principle, we know, and the sector , what collectives, what teams work effectively with us, who has them, why should they learn from us, uh, they know about us, in principle, from other directions, which as zaporizhia direction, we also accept communication, and somehow it looks like it now, but eh, literally half an hour ago i left the meeting where it was set the task of the commander is to regulate precisely this aspect and clearly prescribe how communication will take place in the rental center, here even if you do not go far, and do not talk about communication with adjacent units, at least in the brigade, so that the brigade knows what initiatives and innovations each battalion implements, and each battalion knew what initiatives and innovations the brigade had, which they
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could adopt. and when we say structurally speaking, because there are several unmanned units that worked and are working for the interests of the third there brigades, they all become a battalion. or they all merge into a battalion and experience and and and practice and means become common within the framework of this new battalion, how will it be? and no , it is being harnessed, not only the battalion at the brigade level, but also individual platoons, and larger than standard infantry platoons, in assault and mechanized battalions, ah, there is an understanding that fpv drones are... weapons of the future, this a weapon that allows you to risk less human life can give such a personal positive example, you know, probably one of the few, or maybe the only thing i am really proud of for this war, in
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the tera unit for two years of war, not a single loss, and in two companies of unmanned systems and unmanned strike systems for ... a year of fighting in the bakhmut direction, also not a single loss, so this is a means, which allows you to work safely, it also allows you to destroy the enemy very efficiently, and the results are fixed, and you know exactly what this result is, for example, in the case of artillery, it is not always possible to carry out objective control and confirm what happened, so we multiply, now we are recruiting... er people of this battalion and we are recruiting people from water to mechanized and infantry battalions, and i personally see that my goal in this is not as it is called not to cannibalize the personnel within the brigade,
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to try to attract new people, or from other units, who has already been implemented, or people from e citizens, but such... who will be proactive, because we understand the technology, material support and tactics, we can teach them, and from... once again, all the same, in conclusion , i will ask about the reb's means, whether does not mean that when you get reb complexes in the format of your battalion, this means that , relatively speaking, you need to combine both intelligence and radio intelligence and reb in the same hands, so that, relatively speaking, the reb means do not interfere with their own drone, there was some common plan of use, application of these forces and assets on the battlefield, this must surely affect the structure of these battalions that are now being created, or am i mistaken. you know, you are right in the top ten, here are two of the questions
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you asked, these are the issues that were discussed today, at the brigade level we we understand, and the company that remains with us under bakhmunt confirms our hypotheses that it is currently not possible to effectively use unmanned technologies without coordination with the means of reb, because a... everyone has these means, probably soon it will already almost not every infantryman is fixed in some way, which means that management at the brigade level takes place through this, now it is called a group, changes are planned to the staff, i do not know exactly which ones yet, but there is a coordinating body at the brigade level, which is engaged in providing everything necessary for the effective performance by combat units of their tasks, here and rep, here
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and coordination with artillery, here and coordination with joint fire support, all in one complex, and from the last experience, and before the brigade left from bakhmut, leaving one company, in principle we succeeded, we created horizontal communication tools, inside the brigade we have... such problems have been overcome for a long time, we have a very strong chief of brigade communications, call sign tilver, a class specialist, a civilian, with a specialized education and worked in communication in civilian life, and in the brigade we have full coordination, understanding which unit has what number of means of radio-electronic warfare is present, and accordingly, if we need to get a corridor, then we get it... and everything works, and it really exists the problem
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of communication with adjacent units, because everything is different for everyone, what is organized, there is someone who is only at the beginning of the path of awareness of these problems, and you know, there are a lot of rebuses now, and anyone can buy it , so and not all communications chiefs brigades or other units control... such processes in their units, and it is worth doing, mr. mykola, thank you very much for these explanations, because these are important elements of strengthening our combat potential, and these experiences, which your brigade is currently acquiring, i hope it will then be extended to other brigades with maximum efficiency, these are extremely important things, i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was mykola volokhov, he is the commander of a unit in the third separate assault brigade, i will also remind that... there is a collection for means of raids for this subdivision, the link to the collection is on the
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tera channel. and then we will talk about another topic, which is also related to increasing combat capability, because it is usually said that fpv drones can replace artillery, this is only part of the solution, because fpv drones can only complement artillery and mortars mortars and means received artillery more powerful. level and how exactly the production of mortars and mines is going on at our defense enterprises, in particular , the enterprise of ukrainian armored vehicles delivered more than 1,000 mortars last year of different calibers for our armed forces, and what is the company doing now, is the order increasing, are there any problems, now ivan ilya sikan is joining us, he is the deputy head of the external department. cooperation and equipment of the ukrainian armored vehicles company , mr. ilya, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear,
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at the beginning i mentioned that the ukrainian armored vehicles company supplied more than 100 mortars to the armed forces, defense forces, at a time when in the troops, when you talk to the soldiers, everyone says that more, more is needed mortars and mines to them, does this mean that now you have more orders, more work specifically in manufacturing. tents of various calibers, of course, the contagion gives an order for the manufacture of this one. of our troops, and the orders are there, the orders are now, but we faced the problem of localization of their capacities during the aggression of the russian federation on the 22nd year, and now we are restoring the forces, increasing them and
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trying as many means as possible. and ammunition for them to be supplied to the armed forces, and when we talk about mortars, the company manufactures mortars caliber 60, 82 mm, 120 mm, which of them is the most in demand and is there feedback from the users of your weapons and the manufacturers themselves, probably now on the 120th caliber, due to the fact that it is a weapon that. .. to inflict damage on the enemy's greatest strength, but at the same time we are placing orders for 82- caliber and 60-caliber, all the calibers that our company can produce, there is an order for this weapon, 120-caliber, as i said, they don't use it, but at the same time
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it is the most difficult to make, because it great weight and there are complex details, complex nodes. our enterprise, in order to pass state tests and master the production of this product, state tests were held for two years, and it seems that this is a fairly simple product, but its individual elements are quite difficult to manufacture. and when we talk about manufacturing, how many enterprises are there in general? involved in making this mortar, are all these enterprises ukrainian, or do you have to involve foreign partners so that this product in a high-quality format gets to the armed forces of ukraine. for the manufacture of products in ukraine , 10 enterprises are involved, which help us
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with the components, as well as you. we have optical devices of imported production, so there are, so to speak , restrictions on imports, as well as on some unique components, this is also in our country, but now we see on video the mines for mortars, and i know that the company supplies significant volumes to the armed forces forces, and in cooperation with foreign partners, the question arises: should we strive for a complete closed cycle of mine production, or is it so a complex product that in certain areas cooperation is simply necessary? unfortunately, now the full cycle of serial production of shots in ukraine is impossible due to
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the powder factories that... were on the territory of our state, they were not in demand, so to speak, these capacities were lost, and it is precisely these computers that are needed abroad , but at the same time, ukraine has the ability to produce most of the mortar rounds and it is definitely necessary to try to localize any weapons it has. to the state due to the fact that it is statehood and of independence, mr. ilya, thank you very much for these explanations, i hope that your company will have more orders for mortars, mines, and other models, i will remind our viewers that this is the most important thing, i will remind our viewers that this was ilya sikan
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, deputy head of the department of foreign cooperation and equipment of the ukrainian armored vehicle company, which... is engaged in the production of mortars, armored vehicles and mines, we manufacture mines in cooperation with foreign partners, now the order for this segment of weapons is very large, and we are talking about , that there is established cooperation with a number of eastern european countries, which provide us with the supply of those components that we cannot yet manufacture in ukraine, but we understand that the prime minister of poland, who visited our country, who led... takes a lot participation in helping in the production of a number of weapons samples, including ammunition, is a positive impetus for the production of this weapon technology to be greater for ours. these were the main military results of this day, then more international and economic news, then on air, so stay tuned to espresso.
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serhii zgurets saw such 698 days of full-scale war. good evening, we are from ukraine. the speaker of the diet of latvia, ms. daiga mierinja, made her first official visit to ukraine. in addition to the capital, she also visited chernihiv oblast, a region with which her country cooperates fruitfully and is helping to restore it with all its might. the region that the russians tried to capture and destroy at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. life was here for 30 years, then it suddenly disappeared, disappeared. and human life is here material goods were also lost , so we did not hope for it, but thank you for telling us
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that there is such a country that can help, this is ms. olena, a resident of yagidny, which is 18 km south of chernigov, her husband died at the hands of the occupiers, and the house was destroyed by russian shells. she admits that she no longer believed in rebuilding her home, but thanks to the help of the latvians... there will be housing. mrs. daiga, who visited the construction, promised to come again, to stay in the already restored building. and then the delegation of the republic of latvia went to chernihiv for the opening of the day center. the whole city, it is affected by people, stress disorders in women and men, combat aggression, and it is precisely such centers that are now appearing in chernihiv, such as our center, this is the first. psychological help screening is help for children who have suffered psychological injuries. st. olga's women's hub is a center that will take care of women and children affected by
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the war. its creation was made possible thanks to the donor support of the ministry of foreign affairs of latvia and the latvian organization center marta. here, everyone who wants to can not only get help from specialists, but also do sports, leave the child for a few hours or consult about... before employment. the next stop of the delegation is kindergarten number 19, which was seriously damaged by aerial bombardment and artillery hits, and it is being rebuilt. it was very important for us to do a lot of work as quickly as possible in order for children to return, families to return, parents to be able to go to work, which means kindergartens must function. partially works this institution was financed by the state. and the city, but from the spring, with the support of the latvian government in cooperation with undp, a full comprehensive reconstruction of the building, roof repair, facade insulation, and internal work should begin here.
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in general , 80% of the entire educational infrastructure was damaged in the city during active hostilities. it is she who is the priority in the restoration, - noted the speaker of the latvian parliament, and she was not the only one who spoke with the leader of chernihiv. and also assured that they will not stop at schools and kindergartens. we with the latvian side and ms. daigo today discussed the issue of restoring shelters. another thing that must be said is demining, a very, very important issue, and today latvian partners, including latvian organizations , are working on humanitarian demining in chernihiv oblast. the republic of latvia is one of the first countries to recognize the russian federation as a terrorist country. the first in the european union to pass a decision on the confiscation of russian property and recently adopted a resolution condemning the deportation of ukrainian children. and
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latvia's military and humanitarian aid relative to gdp is one of the largest in the world. if all countries, our partners and allies allocated as much percentage of gdp as zarasvia allocates for aid, believe me, we would have won this war a long time ago. became very thorough. what i saw and heard once again convinced me of the value of help from latvians, and also left no doubt that he was not the first for mrs. daiga, we definitely need such support. in nayama, we visited the village of yagidne today, and although i confess that the latvian people very closely and carefully followed what was happening in this place in the news, in the stories. pass it on anyway. it's impossible, what we saw, saw these people's eyes and heard these living stories, it cannot be compared to what we only saw on tv. blica will continue
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to provide us with a strong, friendly shoulder. in particular , 5 million euros are provided for the reconstruction of ukraine in the state budget of latvia for 2024. glory of ukraine. glory. thank you. there are discounts on deflation. 20% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals. scheming. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on the aristocratic namego. there are 15% discounts on optimal at podorozhnyk pam and oschad pharmacies. 93 separate mechanized brigade
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cold yar. has an urgent need for fivi drones to effectively hit the enemy and increase the losses of living and non-living forces of the occupier, to bring closer the victory that the whole of ukraine is waiting for. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. congregationalism today we defend it again. we ukrainians come from different backgrounds regions, we are fighting. and we pray, volunteer and save, communicate, work, today we have to return the torn parts of united ukraine again, together, and together we will win, happy day of unity to us. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics. even
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more top guests - foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western people. intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and, in fact, who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, unequivocally, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17 :10 on espresso.
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nato begins the largest military exercises in more than 30 years. in poland , an commissioner was appointed for the restoration of ukraine, and president volodymyr zelenskyy signed a decree on the territories of russia historically inhabited by ukrainians. what does it mean? i congratulate you. this is svoboda live, my name is vlasta lazur. we begin. nato begins its largest training. of the cold war, which will last until the end of may, as noted by the german edition of bilt, the last time nato conducted such large-scale exercises was in 1988, when 125,000 military personnel participated. according to the financial times, the training will take place in germany, poland and the baltic states. the scenario assumes that nato troops repel russian aggression against one of the members.


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