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tv   [untitled]    January 22, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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is added to the j7 declaration of security guarantees, what does this mean, that's it, that's it, i understand, it's only intentions so far, the security itself is some kind of agreement, it still has to be written, agreed and signed, well, yes, it's really, this statement has been made so far, but until now poland neither at the level of the president nor at the level of the previous government made such statements and such confirmations, and now after the statement. the head of the polish government, the time will come to prepare such a security, bilateral agreement, which ukraine signed with great britain and intends to sign with several other countries, and work in this direction is already underway, but here it should, of course, be noted that in the case of poland, we have, if we are talking about issues of security and support for ukraine. position, quite
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favorable and the same position, both at the level of the government and at the level of the polish president, despite the fact that inside the country there is some friction between them, so i think that such a security agreement will be supported by the polish president and the polish government and the polish parliament, and one more thing? the announcement, which was also made by the polish prime minister, is that the polish government will appoint a commissioner for the restoration of ukraine, he will be a member of the diet , pavel koval, who is the head of the foreign affairs committee, what can you say about this appointment and why it is for poland and what will it give to ukraine, in the end? well, first of all, poland had such a commissioner in the previous government, and it's very good that... uh, donald
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tusk's government decided to continue uh, this tradition of, uh, coordinating aid to ukraine, not just wartime aid and military assistance humanitarian, but also the participation of polish companies in the reconstruction of ukraine is very important, because it builds the perspective of our relations for the future, and what will actually become of this, this structure, or that department pavel koval will become, is very positive, positive and the right decision, because pavel koval knows ukraine very well, he knows the middle ukraine very well, he knows ukrainian history very well, he is very well versed in ukrainian-polish relations, and he is a great supporter of ukrainian cooperation.
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ukrainian polish and ukraine's membership in nato and the eu, and if we add to that the fact that he will coordinate the participation of polish companies in the reconstruction and assistance to poland in the reconstruction of ukraine, it means that we have a very good expert and professional in this position. i think that such coordination, and this is not only an example of poland, but in many other countries, the european union, the government appointed, after all, such persons were appointed in the united states of america, and because this coordination of such activities in the direction of reconstruction is important for more efficient use those sources and those means we have for reconstruction. well, you yourself noted at the beginning that recently, recently , between ukraine and poland, many
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different disputes have accumulated, i will only list them, you can add, this is also a dispute over the export of ukrainian products, ukrainian grain and regarding international freight transportation, blocking border, historical disputes have remained somewhere behind, but have not disappeared, or how right the polish and ukrainian experts are, who claim that no matter how the two sides want leave all these disputes behind, but at the moment there is no clear picture of the future of the two relations. a picture that would satisfy both countries, do you agree with it, well, look, in fact there are interests of poland's own interests and ukraine's own interests, and when it comes to business, the export of ukrainian products, the entry of ukrainian manufacturers into the market... of course
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there will be some friction here, well, it seems a natural phenomenon that poland will protect its market, we... will also protect our market, but we will also protect our exporters, but what is important in this situation is that such discussions take place in a friendly atmosphere without any cover for any of its third interests, and the most important thing is that, taking into account the fact that ukraine is also joining the european union and will to implement european law in itself, so that these disputes are resolved on the basis of european law, because this law will be equally important and will be
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applied to polish producers as well as to ukrainian producers, so i think that. .. of course we need to first agree and resolve everything as much as possible, understanding in the future that we will have approximately the same legislation, which is based on the legislation of the european union. and it is possible, as of now, to reach some kind of decision, to some kind of agreement between ukraine and poland, so that their economic interests converge, because this is how i quoted a polish publicist earlier today. journalist witold yuraš, he believes that no breakthrough will be tolerated, because tusk's visit, because poland supports ukraine in the fight against russia, but the economic interests of poland and ukraine are very different and currently there is no way out, how to somehow reconcile them? well, look,
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in fact, i believe that there will already be an effect of this visit, because this effect of this visit is at least the very fact of stopping these protests. the polish government managed to negotiate with the transporters , with the farmers, to suspend these protests , suspend but not stop, suspend , yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but i agree, suspend but not solve, because there are so many issues that have accumulated that were not resolved for a long time, and the previous government did not deal with it, then the election campaign began, then there were interim governments, and there were none in poland either. serious approach and desire to solve these problems, but now we see an opportunity, there is a chance to solve them, and they can be solved, again, at the negotiating table and with each other's cards open, and in the same way
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, the polish government must work with by these protestors who were in poland, we have to work... our government has to work with our exporters and truckers and find common ground touch, but it should be conversations and negotiations , and if there were none, then these problems accumulated more and more, so i think that whether there is an opportunity to solve the issue, yes, there are these problematic issues, yes, but this requires constant work, persistent, firm, and the main, actually ... desire to find a joint compromise solution, and i have one last question, it is not related to donald tusk's visit, president volodymyr zelenskyi announced today that he is submitting a draft law to the verkhovna rada, which in the future will help in running the institute multiple citizenship, do you or do you consider
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it a breakthrough idea and what consequences in the near or more distant future may this initiative have? well, i know that very... many citizens of other countries who are of ukrainian origin, or have ukrainian roots, would also like to be citizens of ukraine, and of course, the example of other countries shows that this is a normal practice and it can be applied, because moreover, being a ukrainian now, being a citizen of ukraine is considered prestigious in the world, and ukraine itself is an example of the struggle for independence, sovereignty, european democratic values, and this is attractive to others, and this is an attractive element that
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citizens of other countries would like to have and be associated with, so i think it will help us to increase the representation and our... well, let's put it this way, ambassadors, ambassadors who would represent ukraine positively in the world. obviously, this should not apply, and such rules cannot be over. to the citizens of the aggressor country that is trying to seize and destroy ukraine, but these countries that support us, that favor us, of course, citizens of these countries, having the appropriate documents and roots, can become citizens of ukraine, thank you very much, andriy deshchytsia, extraordinary honorable ambassador of ukraine to poland, 14-22 years. and finally we will show you the report of the fighters of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade, who are currently fighting in
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the zaporozhye region, who told radio liberty journalists about how they managed to capture a russian howitzer during the liberation of kherson region. take a look. guns 9 tons. soviet howitzer gun. that's it. type 2a36 hyacinth b, everything was left absolutely. under what conditions did you win it? huh? i don't remember that village , we were already on the offensive and we were going fast, that there were already destroyed systems, even hurricanes were standing, there were completely burned landings, and here we came, we were literally marching behind the infantry, we were constantly moving so that to keep a distance from their enemy artillery, so we drove in, stopped and... we look at the embrasures, there are guns in the embrasures, a fight has already started there,
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because there are adjacent units, everyone wants and we only have beacons, there is a bk, there a bk is lying , there is a full gun turret of the bk, we just sent the cars, we had time for it, here are some of the guns that were already standing in the firing positions, working, and some were sent so that the guys were loaded, were caught and taken to the rear, since the summer we have knocked out a large amount of artillery weapons here. their equipment , and now it has become a little quieter, it’s next door , they’ve already connected the beam, and it’s time to go every day, it’s a counter-battery, it ’s battles and specifically orta, it’s our predator, as they say there in transcarpathia, although i am a zaporozhian, but pass by, predator, and the boys, the boys’ armor is... that’s how we live, a small but good, good dugout, cozy, warm, oh,
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we are a little bit harassed here by skunks, big skunks , such as how cats run, there was a problem with flies, they ate everything, from chargers to data in the walkie-talkie, show the walkie-talkie, yes, it's just that everything was eaten, eaten, they eat everything, get rid of them, the cat was not introduced. but they don't help, you kill 100 of them, 300 of these mice come, the rats are fighting them now, we don't touch them, but it's big, fluffy , scary, like cats, like rats, they live here, we've already named one, he always drinks tea here, his name is boris, but no one touches him, he's known personally , a fat man climbs on these guys, he already licks the poor thing, and they specifically, this is advice to all military personnel, get rats, destroy the mice, they were stupid here, they climbed into the bedroom on
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the head, otutshina grabova, this is just boris coming out and his gang, they start catching them here, fights are going on, i was shining on the phone, they cut that mouse in half and they are fighting for it, one is sitting on the muzzle of my machine gun , so it is attached and won't get off, it is waiting from below, fed up, in the 15th year i joined this brigade, this unit, and so i am here in this unit. i was the commander of the gun and now they officially have it, for now i am already performing more serious duties, and that 's all for us, see more materials on radio liberty's youtube channels, we are on instagram, telegram, facebook , choose, subscribe to the pages of radio liberty, your remarks, wishes, comments you can leave under this video, support us in this way, like this video, and svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. there are
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discounts on deflu of 20% in the pharmacies psylanskyk, bam and oskad. there are discounts on tosmay, 15% in drugstores, plantain, bam and savings. there are discounts on akvaamaris, 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's great ether, this is the great ether, my name is vasylmy. we have, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, and now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please , i have two hours to keep up with the economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka with
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us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of loved ones. according to the weather, those who will come for the day, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's election. who is preparing a pseudo-voting in kherson region? we are fully ready for the elections. and also the names and stories of traitors who became fake deputies. with the support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. on
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tuesday, january 23 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the tv channel espresso. unity , today we defend it again, we, ukrainians from different regions, fight and pray, volunteer and save, communicate, work, today we have to return the torn parts of united ukraine again, together, and together we will win, happy unity day to us. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut.
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we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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15-year-old ksenia zelena, 17-year-old dmytro gorbunov and 16-year-old anastasia pokhylyuk. all these children disappeared in the temporarily occupied territories of donetsk region and for a long time it has not been possible to find out where they are. that is why i really hope for your help, and of course... i appeal more to the residents of the territories of the donetsk region that are not controlled by ukraine. i know that you do not have ukrainian tv channels, but maybe you are watching this program on social networks. therefore , i am asking you to look carefully at the faces of the children. ksenia zelena looks 15 years old. in she has dark hair and the girl was last seen
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in donetsk. dmytro gorbunov, he turned 17 relatively recently, but the guy looks, perhaps, a little older than his age. he has light blond hair and gray-blue eyes. dmytro was last seen in donetsk region in the volnovatsky district in the village of krasna polyana. and this... this is anastasia pokhylyuk. the girl turned 16 on september 23. she is thin, has light blond hair and looks her age. official information about nastya's disappearance came in the summer of last year, but completely it is possible that the connection with her was broken much earlier. but this is not surprising, because the child disappeared in the bakhmut district, where the situation has been too tense for a long time. if suddenly someone has information about a possible place. stay of ksenia, dmytro or nastya, or maybe you just saw these children somewhere, let us know right away. even a small piece of news can become very important.
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you can call the magnolia child tracing service at any time of the day by dialing the short number 11630. calls from all ukrainian mobile operators free of charge if suddenly you are in the temporarily occupied territory and you do not have the opportunity to call, write. to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram, or look for us on facebook. i have told you the stories of just three children who disappeared due to a full-scale russian invasion. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have already received several thousand appeals for help in the search. of course, the vast majority of children were found and now everything is fine with them. but, unfortunately, the fate of many still remains unknown, and help them everyone can find it. believe me, just a minute of your time can be decisive. go to the website of the magnolia children's search service in the missing children of ukraine section. here you can
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view all the photos of the missing. perhaps you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. at the same time, unfortunately, children are also disappearing in the territories controlled by ukraine. and, as the experience of the children's search service shows, the vast majority of them are teenagers, who are the most frequent. resort to escape because of their experiences and some unresolved problems. we talked about this topic with psychologist and collected a lot of advice for parents that can prevent a child from suddenly running away from home. according to experts, it often happens that the problems of teenagers mirror the problems of the adults around them. therefore, psychologists advise first of all to establish their own emotional comfort, then it will be much easier for an adult to help his child. take care of your psychological well-being, be attentive to yourself, because often the problems of children and teenagers are a reflection of the problems of the adults around them, and if you feel tired and
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exhausted, if nothing pleases you, something worries and scares you, if you notice that you have become less productive, that you are more often annoyed, that you have some problems with memory, for example, with attention, with concentration, this is all an excuse for you to contact for help, get this help, fix your life, fix... your own psychological comfort and then help your child from a healthy, prosperous position. and maybe, at that moment, this help will no longer be needed.
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congratulations, the voice of america is on the air in ukrainian and our program time time. my name is ostap yarysh. florida governor ron desantis dropped out of the presidential race and endorsed donald trump. desantis announced the end of his company before the republican party elections in the state of new hampshire. now there are two candidates left in this race. donald trump and nikki haley. let's talk more about this with tetyana voroshko, who followed this topic. and we can add it to our broadcast now. tanya, i congratulate you. congratulations. taño, so what was ronadas' campaign like and why did he decide to quit race at this stage, because he was considered to be the strongest, perhaps, competitor of donald trump in this race? indeed, for a time, very briefly , ronadas was considered the new face of the republican party after he won the
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election. in the state of florida, he was elected governor with a fairly good result , while in the november 2022 election , those candidates supported by donald trump did not show a very good result, and ron desantis positioned himself as a candidate who divides and supports everyone values ​​and goals of donald trump, but is a little more moderate, younger, more disciplined, and without the negative baggage that donald trump has. however , viewers point to several problems. with rone desantis's company, and firstly, his campaign was somewhat disorganized, with many layoffs, hiring of new executives, hostile infighting, which does not indicate that he is an effective manager, and rondesantis focused too much on cultural and social issues such as the fight against abortion or the fight to ban certain books from school, even though his constituents and conservative constituents supported those ideas,
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they didn't... see them as the most important thing, also, which was evident in the debates, he has this certain arrogance, no, he lacks a bit charisma, which has also been talked about here a lot, and the main thing is that if he's this, you know, watered-down version of donald trump, then donald trump remains very popular among conservative voters who don't need another version of donald trump when they have the real donald trump. well and aron desanti was expected to get 6-8% of the vote in the new hampshire election, according to the poll, which is... would be a pretty bad result for him and could threaten his future career, and sources in his own headquarters tell reporters, that this was the main reason why rondisantis decided not to continue the election race. tanya, how his exit from this campaign can affect the further campaign program, and in particular in new hampshire, and whether nikki haley now has a chance to overtake donald trump after the statement that posted by ron desantis. and actually, after ron desantis announced that he had finished
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his... campaign, he not only supported donald trump, but also harshly criticized nicky gale. let's listen. it's clear to me that the majority of gop voters want to give donald trump another chance. i signed a pledge to support the republican nominee, and i will keep that pledge. he has my support because we cannot go back to the old republican guard of yesteryear. years of the reworked form of warmed-up corporatism represented by nicky haley. it is expected that the votes of ronald santis will go mainly to donald trump, as before, the votes of viva karamaswamy also came to him. however, the state of new hampshire is quite such a demonstrative , profitable state precisely for nikigeli, because this state, which is liberal, the republicans are more moderate there, besides that , independents can also vote for her, and
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also... according to the laws of this state, they can vote for her vote and those voters who are not registered as democrats or republicans, but even so, polls show donald trump getting 11 to 18 more votes than nikki haley, so now if she does poorly in that state, she's going to have to decide whether to continue the campaign further, this situation is absolutely interesting, tanya, you know, i am also interested in the exit of desantis from the race and for... now, in fact , donald trump, there are only two left, what can this mean for the general dynamics of the presidential elections this year? the most important will show the results in the state new hampshire, and nikki gehl, she 's the top scorer, she's the best scorer of all the republican primary candidates, if she were to run as the only republican candidate, she's ahead in such and such a race, fantasy race, if
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she were to run against joe biden. by 10 and maybe less or somewhere close.


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