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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EET

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a pole, who is very well versed in what is happening in ukraine, and he is also an expert on russian issues, which is no less important, tusk announced that such an appointment will take place, what this person will do, it will be something like an obligation are ms. pritzkar's connections in the united states or something else? i think that these will be similar duties, but the role of poland and the role of the united states are different. uh, and it is obvious that poland can be a leader in order to stimulate the arrival of european investment for reconstruction in ukraine, together with as we understand it, polish companies are interested in taking part in the reconstruction, plus pavlo koval is that he knows the ukrainian domestic political situation, the ukrainian economy very well, he is a historian, he has published many books about ukraine, and therefore i think that his work here will be successful, but for us...
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it is very important to move on to this reconstruction, so it is very important for us to stop and defeat the enemy, because the war, unfortunately, continues, and unfortunately, ukraine continues to crumble now, it is not means that you don't need to rebuild now, you need to and it is happening, and here cooperation with poland would be very important for us, because the fact that pawel kowal, who heads the commission on international affairs of the polish parliament, will be the government representative on this issue, is very important, because kowal is an influential politician, he has... a very good european background, because he was the head of the ukraine european union commission in the european parliament when there was a revolution, when there were all the maidans, koval came here, took part in it, either as deputy minister of foreign affairs or as a member of the european parliament, which was responsible for relations with ukraine, er, that is , he is a person who knows both ukraine and europe very deeply, and can help ukraine a lot personally, including attracting investments for the reconstruction of ukraine not only from poland, but from others country, and does this
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appointment indicate that perhaps the poles somewhere there do not trust us a little less , they trust us less, there is more mistrust, they would like to control these processes, or on the contrary it will be a person who will be such a small town that bring closer, no, they wanted to take part in the conquest, it's just that we very often ignore the poles, it's completely unfair, and this is our neighbor who wants to help, and we have to do everything to ensure that polish entrepreneurs and polish companies come to the ukrainian market and prose. conditions, took part in the reconstruction of ukraine, if there is any international funding for these projects. i think koval was entrusted with this, precisely because he knows ukraine very well, not because there is distrust, but rather on the contrary, in order to build much more trust than other countries can afford. it will be a collaboration in which spheres, we have already talked with you about the military, what else is possible and when can this cooperation, this work of the commissioner for the reconstruction of ukraine, do we have to wait for the end of the war or not?
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you can already take some small steps , well, obviously you need to work now, and in poland there are already a lot of exhibitions on the restoration of ukraine, all the largest international exhibitions are held in poland, all companies come there, they present their products, their capabilities, other the fact is that ukraine is not very active in them invites, and this is partly due to the fact that we simply do not have the funds for this, and therefore it is very important for us to build a democratic country in principle, to do everything to make western allies partners. gave us funds for both weapons and reconstruction, and to involve our best partners, the poles, in this reconstruction. if we can pull off that combination, i think we'll start to pick up our economy pretty quickly. and how actively we participate in those exhibitions held in poland. i'm talking about delegations, me i'm talking about presence, both informationally and physically. well, ukrainian government officials took part in the last exhibition, i was there, i saw them. but uh, obviously this is not enough,
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because we have limited travel for many people, deputies cannot go to conduct negotiations, and this is artificially blocked, artificially blocked international contacts by ukrainian, ukrainian authorities, i would say so, of course, i believe that this is a very big mistake of the ukrainian authorities, and everything must be done to finally change it, because inter-parliamentary diplomacy and cooperation between the governments, and kovel, despite the fact that he is the government commissioner for reconstruction, he is the chairman of the parliamentary committee. and in order for these investments, these funds to come to us, we just need to communicate with them, for this we need to go to poland, for this we need to participate in the exhibitions we talked about, for this we need to be present in the polish media , talk about what poland can do to help us, in one word, when we have fico and orban next to us, we must pray for the poles, for the polish power and the tusk government, for the fact that we still have such a strong ally, and i am absolutely convinced... that they will
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play one of the key roles in the european union together with the germans and the french, but since the poles are closer to us , as this danger is for them too, as he said about it today. tusk is absolutely right, since they understand us , i think they could defend our interests much better in front of other european countries, especially against the background of the fact that we are very worried about what will happen in the united states, that's why the polish vector is the most important for us now, and it seems that putin is somehow not very comfortable morally, i'm talking now about this new decree on territories inhabited by ukrainians in russia, right cuba? starodubshchyna, krasnodar krai, we have a lot of everything, here is the whole north, voronezh, kursk, bryansk and so on, can this decree really have any real effects in the future, or does it just sound beautiful, looks beautiful, i think
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it is festive step i think is a festive step to get people talking about the holiday and we saw what a patriot our president is , he certainly raised an important topic, indeed , all ukrainians are everywhere in the world, they need... help, we should not forget about them, but when we talk about ukrainians in the territory of the russian federation, why do we forget about beristei region, for example, which is on the territory of belarus, why do we forget about our other lands, which are on the territory of our neighbors, who are now our friends, so we must remember everyone, but we must remember the principle of non-violence borders, and to develop and support ukrainian culture everywhere and in ukraine first of all, our main task now is to win back our lands. which were, unfortunately, still occupied, i would stop at this, everything else is important, beautiful, it is necessary, but these are more symbolic gestures than real politics. thank you, mr. mykola, mykola knyazhytskyi was with us, people's deputy of ukraine, we were talking about the visit of the polish prime minister to ukraine, it
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seems to be his first foreign visit, apart from brussels, since he was appointed to the post. next, we will talk about the war, what is happening at... the front, and serhiy sgurets will talk about today's military results. mr. serhiy, we welcome you to our airwaves and ask you to summarize what happened today from north to south along the entire front line. today we're going to really talk about the frontline talking to our military, but first we're going to talk about the technology stuff that goes into strengthening our military and more on that in a moment. i will start with the fact that ukraine is starting to counter the enemy's means of air attack apply new developments in the field of electronic warfare. today, a number of
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news agencies with reference to the representative of the main department of radio-electronic and cyber ​​warfare of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine began to tell. about a new domestic system of reb called pokrova. according to general staff officer andriy starikov, this pokrov system interferes with the guidance of cruise missiles and drones of the shachet type, and due to this, the effectiveness of the use of such weapons by the russian federation decreases. technical characteristics of the cover in the public there is no access, and that's good. however, our soldiers are starting to remember everything about her. more often as a matter of fact, the deployment of a nationwide system of the reb pokrov was first mentioned by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhnyi, in that well-known article entitled modern positional war, and how to win in it.
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even, despite the fact that the information about the new reb system is extremely limited, representatives of the main department of radio-electronic and cyber warfare of the general staff reported that the task of the pokrov system. there is oppression in the required time of satellite navigation signals along the entire line of battle and the largest part of the territory of ukraine and the replacement of the satellite radio signal. actually, this means that, first of all, we can talk about the fact that such unmanned systems as shakhet, which use a satellite navigation system, and an inertial system, are used. will actually feel a significant impact from the constant operation of the repo cover system if they are in the air under the influence of this system at the time, because according to the military estimates there at a distance of about 100 km, the same shahed deviates from the target by almost 5 km, so
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it is believed that the effectiveness of these shaheds will be significantly reduced, also this repocover system should help reduce that... the use of cruise missiles by the enemy, but probably not as effective as in the case of rockets, because cruise missiles use a combination of different systems for... guidance, but even without satellite navigation, actually the same kha-101 missiles will have less accuracy, but this news about the cover, of course it is positive, although i am sure that there are a number of technical, technological and practical nuances that will need to be solved there and the system refined, but the main conclusion is that we are now at an important stage. confrontation with the russian federation, where we have to
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bet primarily on technological solutions that will allow us to compensate for the enemy's superiority in numbers. and now we are waiting for a guest to join us, now the commander of the unit in the third separate assault brigade, mykola, should join us volokhov with the call sign abdula, on... before starting our conversation, i would like to remind our viewers that it is important that the terra unit continues to collect funds for the rep mobile complex, this is not the pokrov system, this is another ukrainian development, but it should become a shield for fighters of the unit and protect them already from enemy fpv drones and other means of influence on ours. divisions, such a system, which is now being assembled by the tera division, costs $500 per
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complex, 10 such complexes are needed, that is , for a total of $50,00, and these reb complexes have to cover our soldiers during missions on the battlefield, the link to this collection is on the telegram channel of the unit, the channel is called terra intelligence, and there is a lot of it. demonstration videos of exactly how these fpv drones are used for combat operations in confrontation with the enemy. let me remind you that now there is a certain dynamic with the creation of new fpv drones. usually, for a certain time, fpv drones were in limited quantity, they were used mainly for fighting against armored vehicles in daytime conditions, now there is such a certain technological pursuit on both sides. where, relatively speaking, both ukraine and the russian federation are trying, on the one hand
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, to increase the number of fpv drones, and on the other hand, to make them more technological. the technology lies in the fact that these fpv drones can already perform a number of functions in night conditions, these fpi drones are currently being discussed, well, technical solutions related to machine vision are being discussed in order, relatively speaking, to ensure the possibility of these eupivodrones. carry out attacks on objects with minimal operator involvement, this is just about the final section of the flight, where the enemy tries to use different reb systems, but now , by the way, we will see a video with a russian tank and a reb system, which is installed on this model of equipment, the russians are now flaunting the fact that such samples are more or less similar. are effectively countering ukrainian fpv drones, now we're going to see this video, it's a video from a russian
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propaganda channel there, where they show how they're trying to counter ukrainian drones, but how well, how effectively does it work, now we're just going to talk to our guest, bye the commander joins us unit as part of the third separate assault brigade mykola voloho. with the call sign abdula , mr. mykola, i congratulate you, glad to see and hear , congratulations, mutual, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes , we have already told you that your unit carries out a large collection for mobile complexes reb, so that your fighters can feel protected myself in the conditions of hostilities, i mentioned that there is a link on your telegram channel where the training camp takes place, these means, reb, and i would like to talk with you, as with the unit commander, who now combines such new technological solutions
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with the practice of their use on the battlefield, but now the third assault brigade has withdrawn for recovery, and it was said that at this time the brigade will be equipped with innovative weapons, so that the brigade itself came out on top in terms of technology, so it was wanted would, on the basis of your unit , convey to ours... how these technological changes are taking place, what happened yesterday, what happened today, what is needed tomorrow based on the use and in the semi-drone, possibly of other systems, understanding that without delving too much into details but to show positive dynamics, how our divisions become stronger precisely due to the use of technological solutions. well, first of all, i will reveal a little secret, one company under the baknut remained, just a company of shock active drones and a small component of reconnaissance wings, we also left, because these are the elements that are very easily
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integrated into any other karnilian systems, they work under the commander . and quite effectively perform their combat tasks there, and for us it is always an opportunity for the newest technologies, which we research for ourselves there and implement, check in the conditions of real hostilities. and as for the re-equipment of the brigade, well, i'm not going to , you know, tell you in great detail, because some of it is a little secret, some of it is a big secret, but... it's night drones, kamikaze, night drones for dropping ammunition, and this ground robotic systems, it seems to have already become clear that these are not unmanned aircraft systems, but simply unmanned systems, bps, now it is called, it used to be called bpa,
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again, means of radio-electronic intelligence and of electronic warfare, because... unfortunately, it also develops technologies, and how effectively we use them, theoretically, the enemy can use them as effectively, so we have to ensure the security of our calculations, again, so that they effectively carry out their combat tasks, the overall vision looks like this, also in the third separate curtain brigade, we formed , well... not quite yet, but almost, a battalion of unmanned systems, before we had two companies, now a whole battalion, respectively, of all means of development and means we will have more damage, and we are constantly working on improving the elements, you know how it is done, first a minimum
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working sample is made, that is, let's imagine such a pyvidron that has a minimum potential, well... the theoretical potential to fly to the target, and then we break it it is divided into individual elements , each antenna, each transmitter, each receiver and we improve it, we do this constantly , we have implemented such a structure, which is probably unique for armed forces throughout ukraine, as an r&d center, where people are actually engaged in the search and development of such technologies that will help us be more efficient. to be more technological and win, and when we talk about the work of this r&d center, as i understand it, it is such an initiative structure, where, as i understand it, guys from different divisions generate ideas and practically implement them, is there any help from above there from the side there are certain scientific structures, as the guys say, this is such a cool idea, but try or try horizontally there, well, the fifth
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brigade, which worked something out there next to you, says, check how it works for you. as this interaction with others, others knowledge that can be integrated into these solutions that are then needed on the battlefield? well , first of all, these are horizontal connections, the field is very innovative, and to be honest, putting your hand on your heart, there is no such seriously adjusted system yet, it is being developed in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, methodical ones are being developed now. but in fact , these methodological materials are a description of what we are doing now, that is, the most innovative solutions, both material and tactical, are now with those who are fighting at the front, ah, communication is carried out horizontally, in principle, we also know in the sector which collectives, which teams
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we have that work effectively, who has something to learn from, they know about us, in principle, in other directions, such zaporizhia direction we also accept communication, and so on this is how it looks now, but literally half an hour ago i left a meeting where the commander had set the task of regulating this very aspect and clearly prescribing how communication will take place in the rental center, here even if you don’t go far and don’t talk about communication with by adjacent units, at least in... the brigade, so that the brigade knows what initiatives, what innovations each battalion implements, and each battalion knows what initiatives, innovations are in the brigade. which they can take into service, and when we talk structurally speaking, because there are several unmanned units that worked and are working for the interests of the third
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brigade there, they all become battalions or they all merge into a battalion and experience and practice and facilities become shared within this new battalion, how will it be? and no is going under control, not only the battalion at the brigade level. but also individual platoons, and larger than standard infantry platoons, in assault and mechanized battalions, ah, there is an understanding that fpv drones are a weapon of the future, a weapon that allows you to take less risks with human lives, and i can cite such a personal positive example, you know, probably one of the few, maybe the only thing that i'm ... really proud of this war, in the ter unit for two years of war, not a single loss, and in two companies of unmanned systems and unmanned strike
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systems, for a year of fighting in the bakhmat direction , no loss either, that is, it is a tool that allows safety to work, it also allows you to destroy the enemy very efficiently, and the results are fixed, and you know exactly what this one is... so, for example, in in the case of artillery, it is not always possible to carry out objective control and confirm what happened, that is why we are multiplying, now we are recruiting people from this battalion and recruiting people in separate from water to mechanized and curtain battalions, and i personally see, here is my goal in this , not what it's called do not cannibalize the personnel within the brigade, try to attract new people, either from other units who have already implemented themselves, or people from the civilian population, but those who will be
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proactive, because we understand the technology, material support and tactics, we can teach them, and also i will ask about reb means in conclusion, does this not mean that... that when you receive reb complexes in the format of your battalion, it means that , relatively speaking, you need to combine intelligence, radio reconnaissance and reb in one hands, so that, relatively speaking, the reb's means would not interfere with their own drone, there was some joint plan for the use of these forces and means on the battlefield, this must surely affect the structure of these battalions that are being created now, or i'm wrong, and you know, you're right in ten, two two. from the questions you asked, this is the problem that was discussed today, at the level of the brigade we understand, and the company that remains under
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bakhnut confirms our hypotheses that it is effective to use unmanned technologies without coordination with the means of the reb now it is not possible, since everyone has these devices, probably soon it will be already... almost not every infantryman is fixed in some way, which means that control at the brigade level takes place through this, now it is called a group, changes to the staff are planned , i don’t know exactly which ones yet, but there is a brigade-level coordination body that is engaged in providing everything necessary for the effective performance of their tasks by combat units, here and reb here and coordination with artillery, here and coordination with joint fire support, all in one complex, and from the last experience
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, before the brigade left near bakhmut, leaving one company, in principle we succeeded, we created horizontal communication tools, within the brigade we have overcome such problems for a long time, we have very... a strong chief of brigade communications, call sign silver, class specialist, civilian, with specialized education and worked in communications in civilian life. and in the brigade, we have full coordination, an understanding of which unit has what number of means of electronic warfare is present, and accordingly, if we need to get a corridor, then we get it and everything works, there really is a problem. communication with adjacent departments, because everything is different for everyone, what is organized, there is someone who is only at the beginning of the path
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of awareness of these problems. and you know a lot of people now, and anyone can take care of him , but not all communications chiefs of brigades or other units control such processes in their units, and it is worth doing. mr. mykola, thank you very much for these explanations, because these are important elements strengthening our combat potential, and these experiences that your brigade is now gaining, i hope, will then be spread to other brigades with maximum... efficiency, these are extremely important things. i will remind our viewers that my interlocutor was mykola volokhov, he is the unit commander of the third separate assault brigade, and i will also remind you that there is a collection of weapons for this unit, the link to the collection is on the tera channel. and then we will talk about another topic, which is also related to increasing combat capability, because usually they talk about that fpv drones can replace artillery
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is just that. part of the solution, because fpv drones can only complement artillery and mortars, and mortars and means of received artillery of a more powerful level, and how exactly mortars and mines are currently manufactured at our defense enterprises, in particular , the enterprise ukrainian armored vehicles delivered more than a thousand last year mortars of various calibers for our armed forces, and what about... is the company doing now, is the order increasing, are there any problems, ivan, ilya sikan join us now, this is the deputy head of the department of foreign cooperation and equipment of the ukrainian armored vehicle company, mr. ilya, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, at the beginning i mentioned that the ukrainian armored vehicle company supplied the armed forces and defense forces with more than
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1,000 mortars. while in the army, when you talk to the soldiers, everyone says that they need more, more mortars and mines for them. does this mean that now you have more orders, more work specifically in the production of mortars of various calibers? yes of course, the contagion gives an order for the production of this of our troops, and the order. now, but we faced the problem of localization of these capacities during the aggression of the russian federation on the 22nd year, and now we are renewing our efforts, increasing them, and trying to supply the armed forces with as much equipment and ammunition as possible. and when we talk
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about mortars, the company manufactures mortars caliber 60, 82 mm, 120 mm, which of them is the most in demand and is there feedback with the users of your weapons and the manufacturers themselves? probably not now on the 120th caliber, due to the fact that this is a weapon that can inflict damage on the greatest enemy force, but at the same time... we have orders for both the 82nd caliber and the 60th caliber, all the calibers that our enterprise can produce, there is an order for this weapon, the 120 caliber, as i said, is not used, but at the same time it is the most difficult to manufacture, because it is heavy and there are complex parts, complex nodes,
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our enterprise. in order to pass state tests and master the production of this product, state tests were passed for two years, and it seems like a simple enough product, but the individual parts of it are quite complex to manufacture, and when we talk about manufacturing, how many companies are there in total involved in making this mortar, are all of these… the company is ukrainian, or do you have to involve foreign partners so that this product in a high-quality format gets to the armed forces of ukraine. for the manufacture of products in ukraine , 10 enterprises are involved, which help us with the components, and we also use optical devices.


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