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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 2:30am-3:00am EET

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testing and mastering the production of this product, state tests were held for two years, and it seems that this is a fairly simple product, but its individual elements are quite difficult to manufacture. and when we talk about manufacturing, how many enterprises are involved in making this mortar, are all these enterprises ukrainian, or do you have to... involve foreign partners so that this product in a high-quality format gets to the armed forces of ukraine? 10 enterprises were involved in the production of products in ukraine, who help us with the component parts, and also we use optical instruments from an imported factory, so here it is. say restrictions on imports,
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as well as on some unique components in our country, but now we see on video mines for mortars, and i know that the company supplies significant volumes to the armed forces, and in cooperation with foreign partners, the question arises whether we need to strive for a complete closed cycle of mine production, or is it such a... complex product that cooperation is simply necessary in certain directions. on unfortunately, now a full cycle of serial production, shots in ukraine, is impossible because of the powder factories that were on the territory of our state, they were, they are not... these
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capacities have been lost, and we need exactly these countries abroad, but at the same time, ukraine has the ability to produce most of the mortar shots and you definitely need to try to localize any weapon in your state, due to the fact that it is statehood and independence, mr. ilya. thank you very much for these explanations, i hope that your company will have more orders and on mortars, and mines and other samples. and i will remind our viewers, the most important thing - i will remind our viewers that it was ilyasikan, the deputy head of the department of foreign cooperation and equipment of the company ukrainian armored vehicles, which is engaged in the production of mortars, armored vehicles and mines, we manufacture mines in cooperation abroad.
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partners, now the order for this segment of weapons is very large, and we are talking about the fact that there is established cooperation with a number of eastern european countries, which provide us with the supply of those components that we have so far we cannot manufacture in ukraine, but we understand that the visit of our country, the prime minister of poland, which takes a significant part in helping in the production of a number of weapons samples, including ammunition, are positive. an impetus for the production of this weapon technology to be greater for our armed forces. these were the main military results of the day, then more international and economic news later on the big air, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. thus 698 days of full-scale serhii zgurets saw the war. and we go further, further in. in the second part of our broadcast
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, there is a lot of international news, news from the world of sports, and of course we will talk about money, and above all, a selection of the latest information. in dnipropetrovsk region, sappers destroyed the warhead of the g-59 air missile. she was found near the regional center on the territory of the local cemetery, the state emergency service was informed. the shell fell directly on the grave and damaged the tombstone. he was taken to a special landfill. and neutralized. two aviation the occupiers hit with bombs near the base of electricians in the kupyan district. this was reported in the press service of oblenergo. the event happened the night before, as a result , equipment, tools, and the brigade car parked in the garage were destroyed. none of the workers were injured. the oblenergo base served to quickly restore light in the area after enemy attacks. a 49-year-old man was killed, his
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31-year-old daughter was injured as a result of an early morning attack on kramatorsk in donetsk region, the head of the region vadim informs filashkin. occupant. fired at the city 1:10, currently the military is finding out with which weapon the enemy attacked the city. in the meantime, the pechersk court will choose a preventive measure for roman hrenkevich, i remind you, he was detained in odesa, what is known for the moment will be told by our correspondent dmytro didora, he already knows everything in detail. dmytro, you have a word. i congratulate oksana and i also congratulate our... viewers, so according to the information of espress, as the prosecutor in this case told us, the meeting should start at 19:30, my colleagues and i have been waiting here for more than an hour exactly at the beginning of the session, but at first they said that they were appointing a judge in the case, now
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it is already known the exact time of the beginning of this session will start at 19:30 and today they have to choose a preventive measure for the son of lviv businessman igor. i will remind roman that he was detained in odessa this morning, the director of the state bureau of investigation oleksiy sukhachev has already commented on this detention and says that according to operational information he tried, roman tried to solve the issue of illegally crossing the state border into ukraine and hiding in one of the countries of the european union, but today everyone saw these photos of the detention of roman grenke. and as the director of the sbi reported that today they will choose a preventive measure, and he has already been sent from odesa to kyiv, it is currently unknown whether roman grenkovich is already in the court building, but in half an hour the meeting will begin, i will remind you that he is
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a suspect y, he is one of the five suspects in the criminal proceedings on the purchase of clothing for the armed forces, according to ... the investigation, the amount of purchases reached almost uah 1 billion, so we will expect meeting and we will inform you about operational information in the case. thank you dmitry for the fresh information, we will monitor this case and report further. and let's move on to other news. russians killed a man in boryslav, kherson region. the occupiers dropped an explosive object on a local resident from a drone. at that moment, he was riding a moped on the street, - announced the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. died on the spot from his injuries. the oil spill occurred in the port of mykolaiv. a technical vessel sank there, the state environmental inspection reported. the department noted that the ship went under water on january 15, after that state
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environmental protection inspectors already took water samples at the place of pollution twice. in the samples taken on january 19, experts found a 16-fold increase in the content of petroleum products. so far, the inspectorate has submitted the necessary requests regarding the elimination of pollution. they gave their lives for their homeland. in lviv, for the sixth time , servicemen who have defended the independence of ukraine since 2014 were awarded. 25 were posthumously awarded the st. yuri badge of honor defenders from 24 80th, 28th and 103rd separate mechanized brigades. they came to receive the award. relatives, and since may 2023 , the city council has awarded 145 lviv residents, we waited a whole year for the body, well, three fragments of the burnt body were brought a year later, he was born
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in may, died in may, what is remembered is pleasant, of course, there is already a lot about him wrote a book, and a book was written in sweden, and comics were published here. is the main character, he, it is important to remember each of our heroes, and we do it at a very high level, because this moment, it is imprinted in the life of every family, woman, parents, children, it is important, because memory is the foundation on which you and i stand. the most responsible are rewarded, the responsibility award has started in the capital, awards will be given to proactive people. and organizations that strengthen ukraine with their cooperation in times of full-scale war. our correspondent kateryna galko also came to the award. katya, i congratulate you, tell me who will be awarded today and do you already know the winners. greetings, colleagues, greetings to the audience
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espress tv channel. actually, the award has only just started, so the names of the winners are still a big secret, however... today the award will definitely honor organizations and people who are proactive and very responsible and work in cooperation for the sake of ukraine, even in times of such great and a terrible war remained. a strong country, in fact, in general we know that 168 applications were received, a long list of finalists was formed from them, of 50 organizations, it is already known, and very soon we will hear a short list of 10 organizations, from which they will then choose, and we will find out three laureates of this award in three categories, these will be such categories on different topics, this is interaction in communities, interaction on the national level. levels, as well as interaction at the international level.
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a moment of silence has just begun, which, unfortunately, we have to break, the winners of the award will receive financial assistance in the amount of uah 100,00, and also receive special statuettes that symbolize unity, also these 10 organizations that will be included in the long list, they will become part of a special project. which will highlight their work. now let's hear a little more about the award. the key focus of this year's award is the actual interaction and how we unite. and first of all, like today 's volunteer organizations, the public sector unites with other sectors, that is, with business, with the media, with the government, and in this way they gain that synergy in order to support extremely important initiatives in communities and in ukraine in general. one sunflower seed that falls. into the ground, it grows into a large flower, and gives hundreds of seeds more,
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accordingly, they are yes, this is so, you know how one action is responsible, it inspires other people, so do create, create, act, be active, the artistic partner of today's action performed, the value basis of the award is the declaration of human responsibility, created by bohdan gavrylyshyn in 2014 . this is a document with 15 points about responsibility at its various levels, and this year organizations are recognized precisely for their responsibility for the 13th point of this declaration - it is to the country, help your country within the framework of your responsibilities and their capabilities, so for now we are all waiting for the results, also before that the mariupol orchestra played the prayer for ukraine, which is very symbolic, so we are waiting. katya, thank you
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for such detailed and interesting information , we are moving on, and there is good news, which at least personally pleased me, the turkish parliament can already this week vote on sweden's membership in nato, at least this is what bloomberg writes, and this means that in nato will already have 30 members, we claim, let me remind you, the 31st place in this organization. and about more international news, what is happening in the world , my colleague yuri fizer knows, we are now including him in our conversation, yura, congratulations, congratulations, thank you for your work, today i will really talk about what happened in the world, and there, in particular in the european union is discussing the support of ukraine, even if hungary implements the veto, nato is preparing to repel a real attack from the side. russia, well, russia was on fire, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine.
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well, let me start with this: ukrainians can be confident that no other world problems will divert europe's attention from helping them. this was announced today before the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the member states of the european union. said the head of european diplomacy, josep borel. according to him , the two main topics today will be the continuation of support for ukraine and the search for a peaceful solution to the problem in the middle east. after all, these issues were discussed today, but the ukrainian issue, as the chief european diplomat said, was the first next, a quote from josep borel. the fact that we are currently involved in finding solutions in the middle east. does not mean that we do not continue to support ukraine, so do not worry, ukraine should not worry.
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european aid will continue, it will be as powerful as ever. these are really very important words for ukraine, especially considering the fact that it is still not clear what will happen with the american aid. we are all waiting for it to be unblocked in the senate, in the congress, sorry, but for now there is information. there is no information about this help therefore, the european union, through the mouth of its head of european diplomacy, made a very good promise to us that the european union will always be with us, and for the words... josep borel, the head of the ministries of foreign affairs of the member states of the european community, also discussed the preparation for the next eu summit, which is scheduled to take place on february 1 of this year, and at this summit the leaders of the eu member states are to discuss another aid to ukraine, the allocation of a long-term
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program in the amount of €50 billion. and the allocation of this aid is now, unfortunately, blocked hungary, but josé borel once again emphasized that it is a priority for brussels. well, thank you very much. well, during today 's meeting in brussels, the ministers also tried to prepare the basis for reaching an agreement at the upcoming extraordinary eu summit, which i already mentioned on february 1, regarding long-term... financial support for ukraine, the minister of foreign affairs of belgium said this before the start of the meeting , adja lyabib, followed by a short quote from the minister: we must show more determination, particularly from a military point of view. ukrainians are waiting for such help, which is not
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coming fast enough. in fact, you should. mechanisms to create so that this aid is not only on paper, but also in reality, and so that this real aid reaches us as quickly as possible, we, in turn, must promise europe that we will report for every euro that will come in the form of financial as well as military assistance to us. well, there is another interesting point that the prime minister of slovakia, robert fico , said on saturday: about the fact that this aid, which the european union wants to allocate to us, the only way to end russia's war against ukraine is, further, attention, quote, this is what the prime minister of slovakia, our neighbor, says , is for kyiv to give part of the territory that is already occupied to russia, while he again
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opposed membership of ukraine in nato, and he said this in an interview with a slovak tv channel. sun. next, a quote from robert fitzo. why do they expect the russians to leave crimea, donbas, luhansk. it is not real. agree to hear such words from the head of the government of our neighbor, it is confusing, to say the least. well, and us let's go further. well, it is quite possible that hungary, which is constantly blocking the allocation of aid to us, will still, er,... be left behind in the decision-making process about this aid. the european external action service is considering the creation of a fund to provide aid to ukraine to circumvent a veto that hungary might impose. this was reported by the wall street journal, whose journalists saw the package, the draft of this document. according
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to the information released, the structure of the new fund will help avoid a spin-off. tranches that hungary blocks or uses as leverage to make their demands instead. well, it is expected, this is again according to the information of the journalists of the wall street journal, that this fund will enable the countries of the european union, which have a small amount of ammunition, to combine resources in joint purchases, well and against. to our great regret, hungary has spoken again, and its prime minister, the minister of foreign affairs of this country, peter szijjártó, has said that no, no, no, budapest will in no case discuss any issues that related to the allocation of aid to ukraine, because it is military aid, because it will not
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stop the war, moreover, you are about the allocation of aid from the european peace fund. it's not worth talking at all - said peter sijarto today. well, i will say two more words about hungary. in december 2023, on the 14th and 15th, the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán , introduced a veto within the framework of the decision regarding the long-term aid program for ukraine in the amount of €50 billion. well, in january , sources informed politicians that budapest would cancel this veto if given the opportunity annually... review aid to kyiv, and according to the euroacts publication, the eu has promised to provide aid to ukraine no later than march, we are very much looking forward to it. we are very much waiting for a decision on this aid, because any money we receive from the european union, from washington, will help us in our fight against russian aggression, and
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this week, i must tell you, it may become a little clearer whether we will receive the nearest sometimes aid from the united states of america, will the us congress unblock by allocating almost 61 billion. dollars of financial support for our countries. the fact is that the majority in the senate is held by democrats, who are supposed to meet this week, and last week, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, made some concessions to the republicans on the issue of strengthening immigration legislation. moreover, on her page for the publication zehil, the special representative of the usa for the economic recovery of ukraine, peni pritska. admitted that the united states of america benefits from aid to kyiv, according to her,
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the american military-industrial complex is being modernized with this money, and additional jobs are being created, so we hope, well at least i hope, to have very good news from the united states of america in the near future. and let me remind you once again, the senate is supposed to meet this week. this is the upper house of the american congress, but the democrats have a majority there, so i think that a decision will be made there, there may be more problems with the lower house, this is the house of representatives, where the republicans have a majority and where this republican majority is pressured by donald's minority trump, although i still very much i hope that joe biden made real concessions to this minority regarding the southern border, he sent. and changes to migration legislation and aid will be unblocked, but we will wait, there are still a few days left before the decision of the senate, as for
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the house of representatives, we will probably have to wait. the north atlantic treaty organization has launched the largest military exercise in a decade, called resilient defender. the main goal is coordination. collective defense, according to the plot of the exercises, the allies will learn repel russia's attack on one of the countries that are part of the bloc, the maneuvers, which will last until the end of may 24, will cover the territory from norway to romania, about 90 thousand soldiers from the 31st country of the alliance and candidate country sweden will take part in them, over... 50 ships from aircraft carriers to destroyers, over 80 fighters, helicopters and drones, and at least 1100 combat vehicles, including 133 and
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533 infantry fighting vehicles, a real threat and real preparation for that threat, well, that's it i have everything in the world about section ukraine, that's all only for today, tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our future. so do not switch, thank you to yuri fizer , meanwhile , officials gathered in brussels for the first meeting of the council of foreign ministers of the eu this year, they talked about support for ukraine and the gas situation, and now we will listen live to josep borel, the high representative of the eu from of foreign policy, about the results of this. 100 days, i want to say that this conflict brings more death, more
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destruction, more suffering for the palestinians, for the israelis, we know what ideology hamas carries, all this does not give any, all ideology of hamas, it does not help in the security segment, on the contrary. we see that it is a matter of mortal resistance, and a decision must be made here. we discussed the situation on the west bank, on the border with lebanon. we also spoke with representatives of jordan, saudi arabia, arabia, it is very important that we help. that was our message, we will. support and we do not agree with the criticism expressed by certain israelis and others
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jere who criticize the work of the government, and so i want to say that a lot of officials have died in gaza. of course, we are talking about our joint efforts to restore the political process. we are talking about the preparatory work for the peace conference, and we also had a conversation with with the palestinian foreign minister, we emphasize that we will help the palestinian government, we have contributed, we have contributed to support the roma, the work of the palestinian authority, and we are a donor, an international donor
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to the palestinians, and we will continue. such to be, and also, i shared with the participating countries, with such a comprehensive approach to rebuilding, implementing the peace process, which builds on the efforts that we already directed in september in new york a few weeks before october 7, it was such... successful meetings, we worked on this initiative, i proposed the steps that were necessary to be able to hold this peace security conference, and therefore we now understand what the priorities are, we now understand what we should invest in, as well as in our energy, as well as in the humanitarian sector. we see
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what is happening and... this is unacceptable, because there are many eu countries, they are asking our ministers to provide quick access, humanitarian access to those in need, in particular in the gas strip, there are almost a hundred trucks with aid, which are just blocked for almost 100 days, that's it. what is urgent now, when we talk about the future, it doesn't mean that we don't understand what the current priorities are, we have to help people now, people who are in great need, we have to stop what is happening, we have to stop the bombings, the military actions in order to provide humanitarian aid in order to release those who have been imprisoned, and therefore... we
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emphasize this again to all our interlocutors, including me, in the conversation with the minister of israel, that is, our messages are unanimous, but again, we have to work further in the medium and long term, we are preparing for the peace conference which... the council of europe, we have to understand what are the key reasons and also what are the permanent we will make decisions based on what we have as a priority. it is very important to think about the future, to think about how to solve urgent issues. i repeat once again, if we do not make such decisions, history will repeat itself. from
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generation to generation, and therefore we now have very important tasks on the agenda, now we have the initial development of a peace plan, we have to provide security guarantees, both for israel and for the future of palestine. we will continue to sanction, work on sanctions against extremists, at the level of the european union, work. in progress, there are certain technical working groups, which i hope will be confirmed by all participating countries. the red sea region was also at the epicenter of our discussions and we agreed to launch a maritime security operation.


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