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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 4:00am-4:30am EET

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er attacks, not achieving the success he hoped for, but our problem is that, er, unfortunately, the russians still have enough internal potential to again accumulate, recruit, equip units, equip them with equipment and send in order to continue offensive actions, that is why the situation is complicated, it can change both in one direction and in the other, eh... it is very important to simply understand that, well, our realities are such, we live during a war, and in this war, sometimes we have to retreat, and sometimes we have to save, to accumulate strength in order to move forward, easy battles and or there for victories tomorrow after lunch, well, it won't happen, you need to stop believing in this and realize that it is difficult and impossible. direction and in the area of ​​kupyansk is difficult
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, and it is difficult in liman, and there are also battles in the south, so everyone should be aware and prepare for the fact that we still need a lot of our own forces to fight, because the enemy has these there are still forces, about own forces, mr. major, the government is currently finalizing the bill on mobilization, the first option the law or the draft law was rejected in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, meanwhile, zelenskyi said in an interview with a british tv channel that he does not see the need to mobilize 500,000 ukrainians. let's listen to what the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine said. personally, i do not see the need to mobilize today. half a million people
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, i'll tell you yes, yes, uh, i think so, not because i want to somehow answer now and please someone, it's just people who, it's not only life, life number one, but life number two the story is there are appropriate actions, there are appropriate operations, and that's why i haven't seen so far today... enough clear details to say that half a million has to be mobilized, that's the second, the third, i'd just like to tell you that it's more money, ugh, and if anyone didn’t mind, all these finances, they definitely don’t come from partners, mr. major, you can explain why the figure of 5,000 mobilized people is constantly being used... although the head of
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the armed forces of ukraine said that , that it's not a one-time thing, but it's over the course of a year or so during the longer period, that it is necessary to attract more conscripts to the armed forces of ukraine, it is necessary to change those who are at the front. you, being at the front and on the front line, you, you, you understand the logic of what is happening now with mobilization, which is not enough to simply... tell people: there will be mobilization, otherwise there will be mobilization into the army of the russian federation , if the russian federation goes further into ukraine? this is the main problem of mobilization is that it is completely normal, completely logical in the process of creating a show, this show is quite effective. by the way,
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the russian federation is also taking part, which likes it very much while we are here discussing, quarreling, sorting out and everything else, the question of mobilization is mandatory, it is inseparable, er, and er, nothing unusual about this there is absolutely no process, the process of mobilization must take place constantly, uh, we just need to stop this hysteria, stop all these... informational show programs around this issue, because well, we have to put everyone, at least all men, on the record , to understand how many we have, in what condition they are, and then to call into the army exactly those who are needed in the army today, and not to recruit those who were caught or who remained, the question of mobilization is enough... complex and it
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is not only there in the problem in the tcc or in the statements, it is the issue of mobilization, well, it is necessary to change the systemic approach to this in general . includes the training of personnel, informing the population, and working with the population in terms of preparing them for the new conditions and realities of life in which we where we are, today a lot of attention is paid to this question of the unnecessary in general, although in fact there is nothing unusual or strange about this process. we have a war and it is absolutely clear that we need to conduct mobilization in order to replenish the army, in order to really give someone a rest, but someone is taking advantage of it by simply manipulating the number, which is still unclear, where it came from, and
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that's just it create hysteria in society, although there are no reasons for this, as a year ago there was a mobilization in the country yes. it is happening now and will continue to happen as long as we are at war. mr. major, russia articulates its position and says that there is no ukraine, there are no ukrainians, it is all russia, medvedev, if he were not treated ironically in ukraine, but he says what putin has in mind , that we will go to the end and no matter how long... whether it is 10 or 50 years, we will fight and we will destroy ukraine and ukrainians, what do you think should change now in ukraine with approaches to war so that this war
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is not only a war for those who are at the front or those who are in the armed forces of ukraine, because this awareness should be universal and this... this plan, how to confront russia, and not one year, but 10-20 or 50 years in order for ukraine to get used to living in war and to understand that there is an obnoxious neighbor next to us who at any moment can enter our territory and start doing what they began to do in the 14th-22nd years. first of all, all ukrainians should stop living dreams, hopes. with memories, the way it used to be, the way it was before will no longer be, the world has changed a lot and it has changed first of all , but today it is us, therefore there is no point in waiting for it to be as it was before, there is
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no point in dreaming about the way we wanted b, or how it could possibly be, is, as it is, there is a reality in which we all find ourselves, and therefore the only correct way out today... the first is to prepare for the conditions and realities in which we are today day we are, and the second is to join the joint work for victory, only here in this case, the nation will unite, it will become monolithic again, because at the moment i do not think that we have preserved this monolith, which was at the very beginning, we again began to be distracted by absolute delusion, which today is nothing... it is not worth it, that is why unification, awareness of reality, acceptance of this reality, preparation for it and mobilization of everyone for these processes, mobilization is not meant for the army, but mobilization is internal, of absolutely everyone, no matter where they are, if
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you work you work to win if you serve in the army, then you serve and fight for victory, and this is how every ukrainian should determine his place. on which he approaches victory. thank you, mr. major, for the conversation, this was maksym zhorin, deputy commander of the third separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, major of the armed forces of ukraine. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who watch us on youtube and facebook, please like this video and take it in our vote. today we we ask you about this, whether you support plural citizens. in ukraine, yes, no , vote on youtube, vote on tv, if you watch us on tv, you can pick up a smartphone and vote, if you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all
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calls to these numbers are free. pavlo klimkin, a politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19, joins our program. mr. pavle, i congratulate you. visited kyiv and said that poland joins the joint declaration of the great seven on supporting ukraine, and also promised to facilitate ukraine's entry into the european union as soon as possible. let's listen to what donald tusk said while in kyiv. we came to an understanding with mr. president.
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at the nato summit in vilnius, this declaration should mobilize the democratic states of the free world to support ukraine and maximize ukraine's security. mr. pavle, this declaration, which was announced at the summit in vilnius and is now being talked about by all our western partners. does n't this mean that at the washington summit ukraine... well, apart from this declaration, which was in vilnius, nothing else awaits, well, that does not
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mean that we should stop, say, even tusk joined the declaration, and if so, even poland is not planning anything more , - first, we are in reality, and in general the reality of this year, when there will be a lot of... unpredictable and completely surprising things that will fall on our heads when we have cleaner elections there than once a week in different countries, secondly, the fact that the poles started the logic of security obligations, this is an important story, we need to talk with them, we need to talk about the supply of weapons, about logistics, because... without them, in fact, there is no way and about many other things, but as they say in odessa, these are two
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big differences, security obligations are one thing, security guarantees are quite another, by the way, i am also somewhat skeptical about what may happen at the washington summit, and i say this, reading something like this... the mood in the states, and in many european countries, and reading the mood that until the end of the war, what is the end, this of course, it is a separate issue, it is unlikely that our partners are ready to talk about the fact that we are actually becoming allies, but one does not negate and in no way negates the other, what... will happen in the process of such a transformative transition to nato
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is critically important for us, but this in no way cancels or denies the need to work on security guarantees, and here i see only two options, or bilateral guarantees, as such a temporary transition, it can be american guarantees, by the way, it can be european guarantees or their... nation now there is a lot of talk about it, or nato directly without the stage of bilateral or multilateral guarantees, but i emphasize that these are two different stories: the security obligations that donald tusk talks about in the context of joining the seven declaration and the actual security guarantees, and there and there it's about security, but a completely different quality of security, the washington summit, what i'm hearing, i'm very
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skeptical, unfortunately, but as you know, i'm a real fan of our membership in nato, and i don't see any options that would be a membership, in fact, they can be replaced today, i participate in many discussions, and so far i have not heard a single conscious proposal that would actually, even, even... indirectly reach the level of our participation in nato, moreover, not that of nato can't not hear but fitz is very actively heard against, now robert fitz, prime minister of slovakia, he spoke out against ukraine joining nato, he said that the only way to end the war is to give part of the ukrainian territories to the russians. let's hear what he said. ukraine is not sovereign and not an independent country. ukraine is under the full influence
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of the united states of america. there has to be some compromise. what are they waiting for, the russians. will leave crimea, donbas and luhansk, it is unrealistic. frankly speaking, i cannot understand that neither the prime minister of slovakia nor the prime minister of hungary, countries that at one time suffered from the soviet military boot from the soviet army, constantly talk about the fact that we are under someone's influence , that we have no chance in this war, and in general, is there any? logical explanation of behavior and robert fico and viktor orban, what is this position related to? and i can understand, i do not see , unfortunately, in this position anything unusual or unexpected, and i would actually share
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the position of orbán, who plays a strategic game, who knows what he is doing, who... started a struggle not only for money, but for his positions, for positions in brussels, and most importantly for, as he believes, the leader of the conservative european movement, some new right-wing forces, which he believes will certainly appear and now strengthen, which are partners of the republicans, or read trump, who were ready and could... talk with china, but also with putin, that is , orbán is playing a strategic game, he has been preparing for it for a long time. is fitz playing a strategy game? i don't see it yet, fitz has his own complicated internal politics. slovakia, once again, unfortunately, is the most pro-russian country
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in central europe, so as to maintain its position in the domestic market. politics, so he plays a completely clear, understandable story, but it is not the orban story, the fact that they have a situational coalition today, not means that they will be playing a strategic joint game as of today, i think it's a tactical coalition, however, fice, when he says he's against aid, well he 's not saying that... we can't to buy weapons from slovakia, and especially to take something from today's slovakia, well , it's difficult to say here in principle, since we took a lot in the initial stages of the war. slovakia is very, very grateful to her and all slovaks for this and we have to talk about it, so that orban and
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fitz are not the last problems in... the union and in nato, we have to reckon with the fact that they will have other situational coalitions, let's see how the elections to the european parliament will go, but we also have to understand that our logic, since we are ukrainians, and for us ukraine above all else, is completely different logic than the same person has the same fitz, and to count on the fact that they are fans of... ukraine and, unfortunately, even in europe, everyone is a fan of ukraine, this is to be, well, i won't say naive, but not less to be in some positive bubble. unfortunately, there are those in the european union with which we will have to conduct a very long and difficult conversation both at the stage of joining the european
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union and at the stage of joining nato. that is, this road, it... will not be some kind of super positive, pink, painted in the best colors, it will be very, very difficult, and they will try to put sticks in our wheels and work according to the opinion of the same putin, or other countries that would very much wanted to destroy our european integration, euro-atlantic integration, how putin wants to show that ukraine as a state... did not happen, this is how he wants to show european integration, which is not took place, and in this way show us show the event, actually we are informally already part of the... event, so don't think that there is fundamental support and solidarity in the event, and not a willingness to help us in everything as we want, and when we
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, we need it, we see it from the help with which the discussions are not easy right now, and in the same united states, so the struggle continues, and we don't have to fight it with rose-colored glasses, that is... that's the story , which is sometimes perceived by us with pain, well, such emotional pain, agree, but nevertheless, the world must be understood as it is, and i believe that today's west and today's europe, it has fundamentally changed in the sense of the position of just people in favor of ukraine, i am like that in europe, in germany, france, italy, well , well,... i have seen all these years, and i have been engaged in foreign policy there plus or minus there for 30 years, even more, and as for me, the politicians of these countries now, of course, i do not want
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to throw any stones at them, they are less pro-ukrainian than people, so what, but, as they say, in the family, remember, our famous ukrainian proverb, not without the one who, where it actually interferes, interferes with living. but we have to live with them, since we have to live with them both in the future of the eu and in the future of nato. mr. pavle, a global peace summit is planned to be held in switzerland. last week, zelenskyi met with swiss president amgert, and in principle, they agreed there that this summit would take place, in principle, that is how it is from switzerland, but then a message appeared that the swiss president was looking. opportunities to invite russia to this global summit, because without russia, they say , there will be no such peace and no talk of
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peace in general, what do you think this position of switzerland is connected with, in fact, you need to understand what they want to delay, i have not actually seen the president's statements or statements , i saw the statement. the foreign minister of switzerland about it, who said that it will be difficult to move forward without russia, i looked at the phrase he said, maybe it wasn't a perfect translation, i didn't hear it in the original, i'm always a fan of the originals, as you know , so one thing - this is a movement within the framework of the site, where the west and the non-west meet, and here we certainly need a sharp edge'. and what will be the result of future meetings, especially high-level meetings, because declaring commitment
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to the fundamental principles of the un is certainly a good story, but nevertheless it is not enough, because we have declared, you hear what putin also says all the time, i am here i seem to respect the principles of the un, although russia is a member of the security council. moved, in my opinion, well, if not half, yes, if, i once counted, well this is how it turns out there are about half of all the articles that are in the charter, that is, she destroyed this charter, so we really need from any measures to at least have a way, to form a political will, and how do we fulfill and return the un , we return... to the world to fundamental uon principles, and as for what the minister of foreign affairs of switzerland ignatius is saying, it seems to
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me that he means a completely different format when he wants to somehow talk with russia, and here the question arises , and why us? do you need it? it's one thing when we talk about humanitarian issues, and geneva itself is... such a cradle of international humanitarian law, that is, we have to talk about the exchange of prisoners, we have, once they talked about the grain turner, a complex story, complex, but critically important for ukrainian business, that is, it is one side, but i do not see an opportunity in today's reality, and i did not see it in any sense , emotionally, morally, politically, that's how it is... from any side, from which dimension to start some conversations with today's by the russian regime about the status and so on
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and so on, for me it's... a mystery what the swiss mean, well let's hope that they will explain it in the near future, so i think it's about two or even three different stories that the swiss have in mind, they really want to become mediators again, will they be better mediators than rordan, i will put three dots here, and a smiley, well a smiley in our sense, well, you understand me perfectly, thank you. mr. pavle, thank you for the conversation, it was pavlo klimkin, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2014-19 . friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, and during the program we conduct polls, we ask you whether you support multiple citizenship in ukraine. now we will look at the intermediate results of our vote in the tv audience: 33% yes, 67% no. congratulations,
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this. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you do it yourself. greetings, friends, the verdict program is live on telekanaluso. we continue our broadcast, today in the program. the president suggests that the verkhovna rada consider how to organize elections, whether ukraine needs one.
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election campaign during the war, lands historically inhabited by ukrainians. ukraine undertakes to protect the rights of compatriots in kuban, starodubshchyna and other regions of russia. multiple citizenship in ukraine. why is zelensky initiating it and what does it mean for him the future of ukraine. friends, we are working live on the channel and also on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us there on... please vote in our poll, because today we ask you this, do you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, yes, no, if you watch us on tv, pick up the phone and vote, if you support multiple citizenship in ukraine, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​call, all calls to these numbers are free , at the end of the broadcast, we will sum up the results of this
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vote, i want to present... today's program of ours, these are the best ukrainian political analysts. ihor reiterovych, political scientist, head of political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development. mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. maxim the smart, ukrainian political scientist, philosopher, doctor of political sciences. mr. maxim, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations. viktor boberenko, political scientist, expert of the bureau of policy analysis. mr. victor. i welcome you and thank you for being with us today , good health to you, yes, before we start our conversation, gentlemen, we will turn on our correspondent dmitry didora, later, yes, in 5 minutes we will turn on our correspondent dmitry didora, he is watching according to what is happening in the pechersk district court of the capital, there they choose, choose, or rather, a preventive
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measure for the son of hrynkevich, igor... lviv businessman roman gurinkevich.


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