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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EET

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in this regard, the author of this bill , ms. vasylevska smaglyuk, she created a working group, but i don't know how many times this working group met, but i was invited to one meeting, i spoke there, and i was more than at these working group meetings i was not invited, because i was, well, categorically against many points of this law, for example, i don’t see why... our ukrainian pmc should create some warehouses there with ammunition, with weapons, with armored vehicles and so on, that we will be with it to do, that is, this this law in the format in which it was written is absolutely counterproductive, but it will never pass in the verkhovna rada , a law that says that a ukrainian private military company, i have a training ground, and what should i do now, i drive 10 bats to the training ground, put mortars there. to bring machine guns
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, weapons, ammunition and so on there, to set up security, the question arises, why in the territory of ukraine, you need all this, and therefore i believe that the law, the bill that was written, it was written incorrectly, i expressed my opinion, i think so from this, from this working group, and when we are still talking about private military companies, what is the mechanism of financial existence for such enterprises, relatively speaking, if we say that these companies perform tasks there outside of ukraine, they really have contracts with potential foreign customers there, if they work in ukraine, what should they be paid for and who will pay this money, and so on. also a very interesting question,
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first of all, let's understand if a ukrainian private military company, concluded a contract with a foreign customer, then this is the responsibility, payment of services, this is the responsibility of the foreign customer exclusively. if a ukrainian private military company, for example, goes on a business trip, i call it a business trip, going on a business trip. and she goes on a business trip in the interests of the state , then of course, first of all, such a business trip must be financed by the state, because we work in the interests of the state, after that there may be other financing options, but in order for us to have a start abroad in interests of the state, the state must pay for it. if we are talking now in the conditions
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of a war, a full-scale war with russia, the use of private military companies in ukraine on the territory of ukraine. yes, i understand that this is a very unpopular opinion, but eh, it should be funded by the state, you see, a private military company is not a beggar who should go around begging for money. do you want us to do something, some specific action? well, i can't. i have people, i have people in ukraine now that i can use, and they want to work for us, but i personally do not have the resources to attract these specialists. the problem is that i have specialists, and these specialists are currently working on a contract with the armed forces of ukraine, but the specialists work as stormtroopers, that is, they go and storm the trenches. and i believe that this is
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an inappropriate use of its resources. i have another proposal, i have already expressed this proposal. some people heard me, but there are no sanctions, you know, there are no sanctions so that i can take these people and use them somewhere in some other way. i have no money, no funding, no authority to take these people and where. use as intended, this is the problem, i want to tell you that this is not the first case, because i watched, i saw how we use, this is not a criticism, maybe some experts or experienced people will say that andrei, you are not right and so on, but this is my personal opinion, i saw how we use, use ssso operators on assaults of the same trenches, and here i have the question arises, if...
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both an ssso operator from our side and a banal mobilized member of the russian federation die in a frontal attack, how much time and money do we need - it is very important to prepare another ssso operator who accidentally died in a frontal contact with the mobilized from the russian federation, and how much time and money is needed to restore this mobilized from the russian federation at the front in ukraine, you understand, we need to train sso operators for at least six months, and the russians. will replace this one mobilized tomorrow, what am i talking about, we use our resources, sometimes, sometimes, i am not criticizing, again, this is a statement of facts, we use our resources inappropriately, i have people now who are sitting in ukraine, i can use them on other
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directions, but they just go and storm the trenches, these are people who have 20 years of combat experience, well, you're actually talking about what if these people who... who have significant experience were used according to the complexity tasks, it would be a lot more effective than simply using them as stormtroopers who repelled one forest plantation near avdiivka, and we understand that then this does not correspond at all to the potential that is embedded in these people, which has accumulated over the years, acquired filigree capabilities for combat operations, then the question arises how find, i'm 100%. how to find a way out of such a labyrinth so that, relatively speaking, the heads of private companies have more opportunities to interact with the military leadership, to obtain some tasks that they solve comprehensively, relying on their capabilities, and not dispersed among
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the storming units of the existing brigades. you see, with us, you and i talked for a long time about this. occasion, i talked with mr. bodrak and with other people, and we always talk about problems, problems, these are such problems, we have problems, we need to ask the question in a different way, what should be done in order to solve these problems, and in order to solve these problems, the authorities need to hear us, i myself, you understand, because i don't have... no leverage, none, no contacts, and so on. i also wrote a letter to the president , the former poroshenko, and i addressed to president zelenskyi, i have a letter, a reply, and they are writing to me from the office of the president
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of ukraine: we inform you that your application with a proposal regarding the possible use of private military companies, in particular a limited company the responsibility of megaconsulting groups for the performance of tasks that he... relate to the sphere of national security and defense of the state was sent to the apparatus of the council of national security and defense of ukraine and the ministry of defense of ukraine with a request to consider and inform you about the results, that is the end of it, that is , we do not have a lobbyist who can come, i apologize, and say that this is what needs to be done, and then we need to assemble a working group, but for this the working group must be filled with specialists, you understand, we must invite someone from the nsdc, we must be invited, we must be invited , someone from the general staff, from the ministry of defense, as it is called, the profile, profile committee, if i am not mistaken, of the verkhovna rada of ukraine , and discuss, we have
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urgent matter, we need to discuss together whether it is appropriate, and if it is appropriate, how can we use private military companies, if it is not... appropriate, then some arguments are needed, but it should be decided collegially, not as in us in ukraine , some analyst said, i am against it, because the state should have a monopoly on force, and we listened to him and said: well, he is against it, and so on, all this talk about the fact that private military companies are prohibited in ukraine , they are absolutely groundless, there is no law of ukraine prohibiting private ones military companies. we now have a full-scale war. if we have such an urgent issue, in my opinion, we should assemble a working group, talk, and i am sure that we could find, find a solution, but i do not know how to do it, because i wrote to zelenskyi, i wrote to umerov, i
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i wrote to zaluzhny, i wrote to kuleba, i wrote in reality , there are no answers to my letters, that is , someone needs to come and say: we need to consider this, i want you to have such a very good example, if there is still time to give it, it is very important, to me . i was lucky to work and be personally acquainted with the american general of the armed forces of the united states of america, david petraeus, from america. and when hostilities began in afghanistan and iraq , the united states of america realized that they were losing. david petraeus came to the president of the united states and he said this phrase. he said, "mr. president, we can't..." just raise the stakes partly there today a little bit, tomorrow a little bit,
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the day after tomorrow a little bit, we have to put everything on the line, in english it's called all in, because if we don't put everything on the line , we're going to lose this war, she was a very brave person because she just came to the president and expressed her opinion, i want to tell you about this that there is even such a book, she that's what olin is called... here she is, i took her with me, the author, general david petraeus, that's what they called olyn, all bets are on, and it turns out that we have a war now, and we all bets on the horse are not we bet, and the americans bet only because someone attacked the pentagon and the voltry center, not to them people came into the country on tanks and armored personnel carriers , they did not torture, destroy, or rape the population, it was just that the world trade center and... the pentagon were attacked in samabelanden, and they said that it was necessary to place all bets on the line, that is, to use all forces
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, the means that we have are available, and if we do not have these forces and means, then we need to create them, and they created the pvc, but we hesitate, mr. andriy, thank you very much for the inclusion, i have information resources and analytical resources at my disposal resources, this is what i try to contribute to the promotion of the idea associated with'. private companies, i hope that we will continue to do this and find like-minded people in the government, in order to come to an understanding of whether or not it is necessary to put an end to dee and form a new strategy after that, but the fact that everything must be put on horse in these harsh conditions, it is absolutely true. thank you very much for the inclusion, for your explanation, i will remind our viewers that it was andrii kepkalo, the founder and head of the private military company omega consulting group. and then we will talk about weapons, more precisely. on the draft law on the right to civilian firearms, there are many comments on this bill, and we
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will talk about it in the context of how it positively or rather negatively affects the training of our military, in particular, the training of our snipers, but about that after the advertising and information block. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to... keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening.
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we continue our the program on war and weapons, and further on we will talk about how we train our professional snipers, but
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still, in the context of the discussion of the draft law on weapons, which now has to be discussed in the second reading in our parliament, there are many nuances that are unpleasant, as for me nuances, and we will talk about this now with our next guest, we are joined by yuriy chornomorets, doctor of philosophical sciences, volunteer and sniper, mr. yuri, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear. good day everyone, i was going to talk about sniping, but i think that this will be the second part of our conversation, because first, after all, the history of the draft law. about firearms, it bothers me a little to say the least, because it can't be in a situation where there is a war, we are trying, aren't we there, the government is trying to screw the nuts in terms of the fact that the use of weapons becomes so complicated, i know that you have read this bill in detail, but you know all the points painful points related to this
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bill, i would like to hear your opinion whether we need such a law in the conditions of war. i want to say that the original intention of the draft law was, accordingly , to allow citizens to have wider opportunities to own weapons, and first of all it is for self-defense, and secondly, again for the protection of the homeland in the conditions that today there is, but as a result of work in the profile. aunty, as a result of the work of the ministry of internal affairs, we have very strange such amendments that are tougher than even the russian legislation and which are quite frankly, well, let's say such knives in the back at the moment of the ukrainian defense, here is the first thing that catches the eye, if we were
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to say directly that according to this law. project, for example, you can’t take out, as an instructor, you can’t take out a sniper group to a training ground, even more so there to a training ground in a neighboring region and so on, you have to put to a loyal mia and so on, suddenly, then someone pretended , that you didn't do it or something else, you will be immediately seated, of course, what is your notification to the ministry of internal affairs is very easy to lose and then people... to blame. again, we see that, well , for example, you are a sniper, for example, in the sumy region, yes, and you are, for example, a part of the armed forces that fights and protects the border, but at night they
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pick you up and drop you to another area, where you, accordingly, close the enemy's breakthrough, you ... fight heroically, then it turns out that since you did it with your personal sniper weapon, i will emphasize that a very large part of the snipers fight with their personal sniper weapon weapons, we only gave 241 of the 244 rifles that we provided to the defense forces of ukraine for personal use, here it turns out that you are already a violator of the law, and you must bear a very... strict responsibility for this, of course, which is absurd, so that training becomes impossible , combat work becomes impossible, the fact that you , for example, because of your comrades-in-arms who have certificates of the same caliber, simply hand them over to the boys, means ammunition to the front, you
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are already to blame, and here are such totalitarian tendencies, they are very strange to me, therefore what... ah, all this effort to make it impossible in ukraine itself, for example, sniping, impossible constant training of the civilian population, all this of course undermines the defense capability very seriously, and then there are very absurd requirements for the possession of short-barreled weapons, a lot snipers cannot be carried with them for self-defense. er, respectively, well, i don't know, some kind of arch and something else, and we would like to have a glock 17, 19 or 45 with us, but, let's say, it's very difficult to get it, and very often people buy it , wait until they are awarded with this weapon, then they are either not awarded, or they are awarded there with a weapon
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that they already had, and so on, people... do not have the weapons that they would like, for which they would have already paid money, well, in the professionalism of these people, in the fact that they will not use these weapons right-left, it is clear that there is no doubt, at the same time, some people who, i don't know, are absolutely immature, they start there in chernivtsi , as the son of a judge, this is to shoot into the air from an awarded... weapon, and now it is proposed that such people be awarded , they have been there since the age of 18, in fact, in order to award a military man, then this, on the contrary, becomes impossible, because there before... all kinds of tightening will begin, and all this is absurd, all this is stupid, and by the way, it is systemic , because, for example, a few years ago we made
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a workshop for repairing weapons from ammunition, there were some requirements, and let's say, then we saw that yes, it is, let's say, well, very difficult to pull, but it is possible, now that it turned out that... we are already doing it, we urgently need it in one of the regions of ukraine, and accordingly, it is really related to the military unit, to the combat brigade, here it turned out that there are such strict requirements for what this workshop should be like and so on, that is, not only is there an absurd law, but there are all kinds of prescriptions of the most diverse, bureaucratic , which are accepted at the bottom, they too... become crueler and, accordingly, very often make the development of sniping, the development of the population's ability to self-defense impossible, this is absurd. if we
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look at bulgaria, when the law was passed that all people have the right to wear a gun there, women, there, well, anyone, then , accordingly, immediately crime fell 10-12 times, that is, yes, excesses happen, of course, and so on, but very immediately. the psychology of the population is changing, and even , i would say, well, we should have stopped being afraid a long time ago, if the armed population of the kyiv region met the russian federation, it would be a completely different war, and no matter how much we would have, say, on the first day in gostomel there are so many problems and the like, that is , it is already clear here, obviously, we understood in practice, that we should have like in texas, that everyone can... children with weapons, and accordingly, every responsible citizen, he really has the right to defend his own home and
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defend his homeland, including his own weapons. then, when we talk about these amendments to the draft law, we can actually claim that they carry systemic risks for our defense capability, because firstly , they limit our training system, they minimize, relatively speaking, the readiness of the population to fight the enemy in different ways small arms, and then the question arises, who then in the parliament, relatively speaking, pushes this draft law, because a significant number of reports actually come from the ministry of internal affairs, it somehow does not look entirely logical and appropriate, because the ministry of internal affairs also forms brigades , is fighting on the front line, then why are there so many critical things in this draft law that are actually unacceptable from the point of view of defense capability? do you have an understanding of why this is so evident in the parliament now? well, for me it is completely incomprehensible, even more so
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now is the anniversary of the death of denys monastyrskyi and they are all very proud of the fact that he made the decision to hand out machine guns from cars to anyone in kyiv, well, if only, well, we remember this controversial decision, then, when the volunteers, the military come... do , let's say, in the territorial defense, as in ours, and let's say, they didn't get these machine guns, and it is not known who took them there on the shell, and they needed something else for the picture there, i don't understand this shuffling from the side in side, actually, and accordingly, you have extremely simple thing, yes you have a conscious population, this population is a nation that protects. yourself, it is clear that you are quite capable in the modern informational world, let's say, to avoid such excesses that the weapon
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was there in crime, we remember how one of the volunteers was shot there by bandits, ee on the porch, according to the weapon , which the convict received, respectively through... your ministry of internal affairs, and accordingly he used this keltek 9 mm weapon and accordingly shot a volunteer from azov with this carbine and here , accordingly, well, it is extremely, very simple the situation, if you would put it in order even according to the existing rules, let it work and let people already train, let people mean to gain. wah and so on and vice versa, think through the system, how can you really liberalize, let's say this whole situation weapons, allow people more.
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and accordingly, so that people are really, well, responsible for the future of the country, not just as, say, well, at the moment they are responsible, but as they in israel are responsible, that they know that they either have weapons at home and they will immediately go to war, or, let's say, they know where the nearest point is, where to get this weapon, and it's his rifle, shot by him. how he knows all its features and he will fight with it, because you understand, then there were all these recipes for handing out machine guns, well , then they gave out machine guns and what, and then in the quarry there we went and shot, because it was not clear even how he shoots, well, actually he deviates to the right, left, up, down, all this, well, a weapon is a high-precision tool,
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which... you must have it, you must have it fix it so that it does not have any flaws, and accordingly, if, well, you have to use it, if there is a danger for your country, all the more absurd are all these amendments, that if they are just going to destroy the sniper business in ukraine, then accordingly at the same time, these edits should all be thrown in the trash. basket , because snipers do a huge job, accordingly, 12% of losses among russians are the work of snipers, and accordingly, at the moment, to make a sniper that he has no right to do anything, accordingly, not a step to the right, no step to the left, with nothing, neither a rifle, nor cartridges, and accordingly, well, some absurd situation, i don't know, they copied it from some south korea, because
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even... there are not so many absurd norms regarding the possession of weapons. mr. yuri, rather, probably from north korea, we have literally two minutes, i would like you to tell us about what you are currently raising funds for, what you are currently purchasing, where to donate, because the work that you are doing now for for sniping, it is extremely important, tell me what we are collecting for, where to donate, well, we are collecting now on very good super rifles as we managed. become long-range rifles , this is a macmilen so 50 in the cadex box, we managed to attract several pieces, each of them is a super rifle, and according to how we had a record with the owner of the horizon, this very rifle was the first in the world and accordingly 3 ,5 km once, we got out of it, accordingly, we also got vitrix in 370.
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in the 5th caliber, we tried the actual 408 caliber, well , we still think, in the 375th, we will still drive, and we are also transporting a large batch of barats in 416 caliber, new parrets, this is a very cool weapon, everyone is fascinated by it, because it is very effective in destroying the enemy's manpower, there, respectively, 2.5 km and so on, from a cold barrel, from the first... shot you can hit , and it's very cool, as well, it really excites us, because the vitrix 375 caliber, as in the caliber 50 bmg, turned out to be extremely compact, accordingly, we are also very satisfied with it, we are trying to give sniper groups now to those who can pull here are such long-range, high-precision rifles and already, say, from 330. the eighth
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calibre, he wrung out everything that he could wretch out, we are trying to give these rifles, correspondingly of a larger caliber, and you see that the come back alive fund also collects very correctly on whole groups there with machines, with everything, as we usually do, and they 100 cadexes in 375 caliber are being assembled there, it is not very clear to me what this magazine will show, then as a result, but at least these rifles will be there, and if everything is bad, then it will be possible to rework them later, and accordingly, we are still allocating huge attention to the fact that any sniper group is large, it completely defenseless if she has no friends of her own.


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