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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EET

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approach, create circumstances so that our troops can reach the occupied crimea, and for this they, our troops, need to be supported, ayder, and thank you, thank you to everyone who is watching us, thank you to everyone who helps the armed forces of ukraine, i i just want to remind you that no matter what we say here, or listen to each other there, or give interviews, it will not help the liberation of crimea, if we are not together and constantly began to help, for example, i think that all the viewers of our joint programs atp and espresso beraber together seek liberation crimea, and if so, of which i am sure, then each of you should directly help a single, separate crimean battalion named. manachikhana, this is the 48th separate
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assault battalion of the armed forces of ukraine. here in the corner you can see the monobank qr code. the collection is very important, the collection has been going on for the third week, but unfortunately it has slowed down, they have collected so far, well, they have not collected even 10 drones with thermal imaging cameras yet, and the fighters asked us for 50 such drones. which are extremely needed right now, because you know, the nights are long, space there is a big, steppe, it is very difficult to fight there, so i ask all of you who see, join, scan the qr code and throw as much as you can on the drones, and if you throw on one plus a drone, then there is such an option, you can write to me personally in telegram or, sorry, in instagram or twitter.
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i will sign this drone, or the fighters will personally sign this drone with the message you say, thank you very much to everyone who helps, i hope that by the end of the program, or after the recording, you will all watch and make your donation, this is very cool necessary, thank you, and let 's try to summarize the topic that we discussed, in particular, with the retired lieutenant general of the united states armed forces, ben hodge. what has happened these days in the waters of the sea of ​​azov, in general in the south of ukraine, which is still occupied, and can this be considered some kind of fundamental shift? bohdan dolin is in touch with us, he is an aviation expert, manager of the aviation sector. bohdan, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, glory to the heroes. well, according to various estimates, the russians still have seven, maybe eight here are big planes with old women, as they say, on their heads.
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these are long-range radar reconnaissance planes, every time such a plane takes off, ukrainians, to be honest, are already expecting a missile attack, it was like that before, we are used to it, at the same time, the question is why exactly this expensive, quite rare, even for the russians, the plane was within the range of some special operation of the defense forces of ukraine, this question is also open, we can only proceed from the banal logic written there, i don’t know, in all military textbooks, probably probably they needed to find out what was happening deep inside our territories, but their capabilities, which were hit in early january in the crimea, well, in fact, did not allow them to do it safely, without the involvement of these planes, so they flew too close. therefore they were
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afflicted, therefore trials come. and tell me, please, mr. bohdan, can this be considered a real, revolutionary, to some extent, event of the russian-ukrainian confrontation, someone even compares it with the destruction of the moscow cruiser? yes, well, look, it's clear that it's in in principle, it is a very significant victory, and it goes beyond the boundaries of a purely military victory, if only because these planes had already flown in these zones before, but there was no such thing. the means to get them or destroy them, that is, we see that there have been certain changes in terms of strengthening the anti-behavioral defense system or supplying some or other means that allowed in the current configuration in the current conditions to get these aircraft and destroy not even one, in fact two units of quite valuable equipment, because if we are talking about the 50th, the cost of such an aircraft with different estimates is from 300 to 330 million dollars, if we are talking about a destroyed or partially... well
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damaged il 22m, then its cost starts only from the aircraft itself from 30 million dollars, and additional equipment can cost from 50 to 100 million dollars. that is, this economic loss is very tangible, we understand that it is not only of a military nature. okay, then the question about the situation with russian aviation, in particular in the occupied territories, well, i think that for those who know, at least a little crimea, for whom it is no secret that there are airports there, which were generally built as civilian objects, planes once flew there, and ukrainians and people from other countries could come, fly to simferopol, actually and not only. nevertheless, the mode of functioning of these objects remains under great question, you know that people are still registered there, some even work, receive salaries, but no planes land there, except perhaps for military
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purposes. in addition, since the beginning of the so -called svo, it was actually closed krasnodar airport has not yet resumed its work, no matter how much the russians complained, mr. bohdan, what is happening to them with these facilities and with civil aviation in general? yes , if we talk about civil aviation in the border or temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, then these airports remain closed, in fact, since february 22, airports in bryansk, bilhorsk and other regions, including krasnodar krai, have been restricted flights of civil aircraft to these airports, i.e. they do not perform direct... maintenance of civilian planes, at the same time, they remain open for military transport and military aviation. in addition, we remember that since the time of the soviet union, a large number of airports were so-called dual -purpose airfields, that is, they were built from the point of view of being able to serve both military and
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civilian tasks, and this also applies to airports on the territory of the russian federation, these infrastructures are currently used exclusively for maintenance. war and the landing or servicing of certain aircraft, but at the same time, there is a certain procedure, i.e., in principle, it currently operates in civilian airports of ukraine, when aeroports are transferred to the so-called mode of forced downtime, i.e. the staff receives 2/3 from the basic salary rate, in principle , it supports and performs conditional maintenance of the infrastructure itself so that the airport does not fall into disrepair and preserves certain certificates, but at the same time... somehow this infrastructure does not have an active commercial activity executes, and i have a question that concerns , well, in principle also the air topic, well, in general , last year, well, and the beginning of this year became
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such a period, well, a significant improvement of the situation for ukraine at sea and in the air, it is obvious, everyone emphasizes this and in the west, and it's the same here. but we have not yet received any f-16 from any of our partners in the west. in your professional opinion, as an air force expert , including what can dramatically change, change when these f-16s appear in the air in any number, what... more in addition, there will be such an increase, what it will lead to, and how it will change the course of the war. yes, if we talk about the appearance of the f-16 in ukrainian airspace, then it will have several important key changes. the first important key
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change is that these aircraft are an element of the complex air defense system according to the nato concept, that is, these aircraft are quite effectively integrated with western platforms. including those that were already transmitted in ukraine, here, that is, the plane can receive information from the system itself, er ground-based air defense that detects a target, and this target can be destroyed both by an anti-aircraft battery on the ground and directly by an aircraft in the air, a missile is released, which will then destroy either a short-range missile or one or another drone. the second important component of the aircraft itself can also be a suitable radar, which actually flies at high speed, detects targets, and transmits this information to the ground. complexes and further they can work towards goals, i.e. this is teamwork that significantly increases the efficiency of the entire system air defense, it cannot be said that the soviet migs themselves were not integrated into such a system, but the capabilities and range of radar inspection and
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weapons, including missiles, air-to-air, which are on board the f16, they have more, in fact, almost twice range than, for example, the main list of missiles used on that... in mig 29, that is, we are talking about the detection range of a gun at a distance of 160 kilometers and more, we are talking about hitting air targets at a range of 160 and more. kilometers, depending on what types of air-to-air missiles will be delivered , because even under the conditions of this single air defense system, the aircraft can see only 160 km with its updated radar, but at the same time, if there is a ground installation that can see there for several hundred kilometers further, as a rule, we are talking about such modern systems as nassams, as patriot, etc., which are able, under certain conditions, to see targets at a distance of even up to 300 km, that is, the plane can launch a missile, not even ... yet a target, but ground complexes allow this rocket this find and destroy the target, here, but if
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we talk specifically about the supply in the 16th, then the key factor will be, in addition to the supply of the aircraft itself in a certain understandable number, which is at least a few squadrons in the first stage, the second important warehouse - it will be precisely supplying the appropriate types of ammunition to the aircraft, because the aircraft itself is unarmed, it is actually just an aircraft, a certain platform, but of course it must be supplied to it guided. air bombs, guided air bombs, air-to-air or air- to-ground missiles, including cruise missiles, at least medium-range, of course , the effectiveness of the use of the aircraft will depend on the quantity of these weapons, if they are large batches that will be constantly supplied, they will actually allow these aircraft to be in the air for at least 12-16 hours, it will be a very significant factor, in fact, i would say, a turning point for a certain direction. front, or, for example, for the situation on one or another battlefield. here together with that,
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if, unfortunately, such supplies, they will be limited, as, for example , it is currently happening with artillery, then, unfortunately, we will see some point improvement, but it will be difficult to talk about any drastic changes, because we see even during the corresponding strikes, which nato troops inflicted on in the last few weeks in the near east in the khosyts, it was about the launch of hundreds of cruise missiles and... the simultaneous destruction of dozens of powerful objects, and tell me, please, mr. bohdan, once again, the destruction of the a50 led to the idea of whether ukraine will need such long-range radar reconnaissance aircraft in order to, well, in fact, control and report everything that needs to be scouted for the f-16s that we may have, whether we will also need such aircraft, that is, should think about it now? yes, look, if... we talk about the possibility of ukraine obtaining such types of aircraft, indeed several units of such
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aircraft would have a very serious effect from the point of view of supporting both ground-based radar detection means, including directly of the 16 aircraft themselves, because they allow, just like the russian a50u , to help fighter jets identify targets in advance and effectively destroy them, that is, such an aircraft can be a linguistically command center. can help increase the efficiency and speed of information exchange, it can help to detect ground and air targets at a greater distance, that is , we are talking about hundreds of kilometers, but at the same time we understand that if we actually get such an aircraft, it will be a very, very important target the enemy, i.e. actually and the infrastructure of the airfield, where this aircraft can be based or will be based, it will quite often try to be exposed to one or another missile attack, or, for example, strikes, drones, kemikaze, therefore, of course, it will be necessary to ensure adequate protection of such an aircraft. on the other hand
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, as of today, ukraine partially has access to certain data obtained from such anti-aircraft defense aircraft, partner countries, but we understand that having our own aircraft and operating at the right time, in the right volume with those or by other means, it's a completely different story than periodically with a certain delay to receive some limited amount of information from partner countries, or, for example, as we see, it happened including on... for example, the satellite communication of the stalin system, when in certain areas, it is provided by the decision of one or another owner, in other areas, where it would be very useful for the ukrainian defense forces, or, for example, for sabotage and reconnaissance groups, this signal and this access, unfortunately, is not available. mr. bohdan, if i understood you correctly, ah, no looking at the fact that in 16th it is quite an old, old model, but, with all that. the equipment that you mentioned today, it is actually
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significantly ahead of any russian aircraft, well, which is in mass armament, of the enemy's air force, yes or no? well, look, you can’t say that there is a big difference, but on the other hand, we understand that the aviation fleet that ukraine currently has and operates with is... it’s about fourth- generation aircraft that have to face russian aircraft of the so-called 4+ generation, that is, these are the fifth and older models, of course, from the point of view of the range from... from the point of view of the quality of the electronics, from the point of view of the capabilities of the target detection and destruction systems, such as the soviet mig2, they are weaker, they have a shorter range and less efficiency, here, as a rule, they have to fly for quite a long time in the area of ​​​​the enemy's means of expression in order to get to the distance from which you can express the enemy's aircraft. if we are talking about
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the f16, in this modification of myla, which is planned to be transferred to ukraine, then in fact ukraine will also receive for... such so-called four plus generations, that is, we will be talking about parity in the air, and perhaps even in some cases slightly better indicators, because we remember that russia often likes to overestimate e its characteristics of weapons, e -er, theoretical and in numbers than those real indicators that can be on the battlefield, so we can talk about the fact that even such a rather stale modification, i would say, the f-16, it will allow a vortex... this imbalance forces, including that it is more effective to counter more modern russian aircraft, that is, this one su-35, su-30-ti, including, perhaps , even the su-57, here, but of course, it is impossible to compare with fifth-generation aircraft, that is, f-22 and f-35, today. mr. bohdan, thank you for this inclusion, for the professional analysis, bohdan dolin, an aviation
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expert, manager of the aviation sector, was in touch with us at the end of ours. program, we can't help but talk about the main events related to crimea this week. well, first of all, the blackout in many crimean cities is connected with the failure of a certain part of the equipment of the valaklava theses. the occupiers have repeatedly stated that ukraine is trying to attack, either with missiles or drones. this object, obviously, it has a certain strategic, strategic importance for... the energy sector of occupied crimea, but less so it seems that the occupiers themselves are well advised not to provide the elementary benefits of civilization to the inhabitants of the peninsula even without involving any, well, i don't know, assets and tools from the defense forces of ukraine. well ayder, i want
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you and i to comment on one more thing important topic, it, in my opinion, is very... relevant and resonates, as we can see, with the indigenous people of crimea. we are talking about the events in bashkartostan, the fact is that there were meetings, rallies and riots, which, i have no doubt, will be suppressed, but we hope that they will make some invisible beginning of some real process. on january 17, alsynov, this is an activist who talked about the consequences of gold mining. in the region, he used the expression karakhalyk, in turkic languages ​​it is used to denote ordinary people, the examination determined this in the plan translation, as a word that i won't say on the air now, because it's not, it's not possible in any way, the council won't praise us for it, the word was translated in any way, due to one's own lack of knowledge,
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the person was actually put to play. the residents of bashkortostan did not like it, the rallies were extremely active, people gathered near the court in the city of baymak, after the activist was sentenced to four years in prison for inciting this alleged international enmity, and the head of the medjalis of the crimean tatar people published a video on his telegram channel, calling on the residents bashrtstan to face the russian punisher, refet chubarov said: today you are showing the whole world your devotion to your land. even closer to each other, unite with other enslaved peoples of russia. your main enemy, moscow, the kremlin, putin and his local subjects like khabirov in bashkortostan. well, chubarov calls on the soldiers of bashkortostan, who were driven to war by putin , to go to the side of ukraine in order not to commit war crimes. ayder, what is
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this story about for you? well, really, these are quite ancient turkic languages. the people and even a little of it crimeans understood the language, but the problem there is that all these events are taking place on the edge of bashkortostan, it is not in fay, it is very far from ufa, it is the eastern, eastern border already with no borders, i don’t know what region there is, but there really the majority, i’m just in front of our... state national movement, which is abroad, he said that this is a settlement, it is... there, the vast majority of the population are bashkorts, exactly bashkorts, that’s the right way to call this people, and bashkorts are very possessive in themselves, that is, we know
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only about solovat yulaev, who there with yemilyan pohachev raised an uprising against catherine ii once so, and there, in fact, every generation of bashkortostan raised an uprising against the russian empire, that is, there is no need to be surprised, but that is, they were before that... absolutely suitable for protests , but in the last putin's russia, they did everything possible to erase any national features, to destroy any identity, and even 20 years ago , many more people in bashkortostan spoke their native language, now, unfortunately, they hardly speak, especially in big cities, that is, putin did his work and he did his work in... there are only two bashkortostan-speaking schools in ufa, that is, the people are very, very dissolved by the occupiers in such a mental
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sense, but still there is hope because this a political prisoner, he was put there not for that, not for the inaccurate translation, it is a formality, a formal reason, yes, in fact, he was a participant in the movement. their people, well , they are called nationalists there, well, in a bad sense, but well, that is, who is not, who is not russian, is a nationalist, i do not know whether most likely, these protests will be suppressed, but you know, such a grain will still remain, and one day it will explode under certain circumstances, we will count on it, too, because we need it. to defeat russia from the inside as well, then ukraine is an example for the peoples of the russian empire, let
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's hope that the beginning has been made, and finally, i can't help but remark that we all need to be as careful as possible, there are not many russians left in new russia ships, a lot of ships are actually retired. in the water area of the black sea, we record and continue to monitor the nature of the behavior of the naval group, namely the black sea fleet, at the same time, it is worth noting that a tarantula-type patrol ship sank in sevastopol, this is reported by us, our movement of resistance to atesh. agents of atesh discovered a sunken border guard ship of the project during the reconnaissance of ships in sevastopol. 205p tarantul, it is located at the pier of gravska bay, it was probably shot down during the attack by naval drones on the military facilities of the occupiers for several weeks
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therefore, well, we understand that preliminary intelligence very often takes several weeks, and the occupier never admits or admits how bad his affairs are so far in the occupied crimea. ayder, thank you, i will add, they would still call this ship a hamster. he is drawn to the ground, he is an animal and absolutely not of the sea, i apologize , oh, well, i don’t know if there is any logic, i will immediately announce that in our next issue of the joint project of tv channel uso and atr, together with veraber, we will talk about the situation that has arisen around a single, relocated, po the essence of a higher educational institution from the crimea, mine is the alma mater of the tavriy... university and why now the ministry of education has the idea to actually incorporate the tavriy national university into the kyiv-mohyla academy and whether
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this means the complete liquidation of the university, about this and not only in the next program, and now i thank ayder muzhdabaev and the entire team of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel for the fact that we can do this project together. my name is khrystyna yatskiv, see you soon. we are looking for three-year-old esfir pavlovska. the girl lived on the left bank of the kherson region in in the city of oleshka. this settlement was occupied from the first days of the war and the situation there is still very tense. i hope that the connection with the child disappeared precisely because of the occupation with the girl. everything is fine, unfortunately, it is not known whether the child is still on the left bank of the kherson region, maybe esfir was taken somewhere, that is why it is important for us to know any
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information about the child. if you have it, immediately call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the child search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, also from the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about the girl's disappearance. imagine, a woman has not known anything for almost a year... she knows about the fate of her daughter, i have turned to wherever i can, i am already screaming as much as i can, this is how they tied my hands and told me to swim, at the moment i am in such a situation, yes it happened that karina's parents had separated long before the war started and lived separately, the girl permanently lived with her mother, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she was with her father, and when the russians entered, she found herself in the occupied territory, from time to time,
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she says... she corresponded with her daughter on social networks, but in april 2023, the connection with karina mysteriously broke off. the girl stopped logging into her accounts and no one knows where she is now. i have already written everywhere, even here on this territory to search for a child, because i don’t know where to shout, how to find a child, i can’t, i am an adequate mother, for me a child was my life. the girl's mother. is now also in the occupied territory, but continues to do everything in her power to find her daughter. i want to appeal to everyone who saw or who knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023, this is karina igorevna konevets, the date of birth is 08/09/2007. if someone has seen
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karina kanivets, or? at least something about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and contact the child tracing service immediately magnolia by the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, if suddenly there is no way to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. she will see, hear me, so that she responds, i am really looking forward to it, thanks to everyone who can. to help i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. especially this specifically concerns the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed, from where it is impossible to leave, and there are problems with communication. help find.
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anyone can find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all the photos of missing children, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, in any time, just go to the site and... let us know, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua.
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greetings, it's news time on espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. all over ukraine, air alert, we work with shelter. and we urge you to stay in the shelter until the alarm is over. in the morning, russia launched cruise missiles from tu-95 strategic bombers. this is reported by the air force. currently, enemy missiles are maneuvering in the regions of ukraine. we urge you not to neglect air safety. at night the russians hit the civilian infrastructure of kharkiv. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov. damaged private houses, information about the victims.


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