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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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it would be additional, additional pressure and additional burden, but there is such a reality, in fact, from the recommendations of the ukrainian authorities, they remain unchanged, do not enter into collaboration, do not enter into work with the occupation authorities, and how not to enter even into work in the so-called budgetary organizations, because all these things, they are actually related to the occupation regime and the help of the occupation regime, so there is a gradation there depending on whether he occupies an administrative position or simply occupies a worker's position. position, however, if possible this work should be avoided, but in the meantime , i see that medical services in the occupied territories are very bad, because the occupiers are already bringing their doctors somewhere from st. petersburg, because there are not enough of those who are , this is one time, and secondly , those that are there, they mostly serve only military people, and civilian people, unfortunately... they refuse them, well, this is
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a widespread situation, it actually spread there from the first days of the occupation, when more part of the doctors left temporarily, as well as the teachers occupied territories, and of course, they have a deficit, taking into account the growing number of wounded russian soldiers, but they very aptly use it, including for their propaganda, that they seem to take care of the residents of the temporarily occupied territory, bring some doctors there from karelia or from some buryatias and some distant republics, but we... understand that the quality of these doctors, well , it is much lower there than the general level of medicine that existed before the war in the temporarily occupied territory, and we understand the tasks with which these doctors come, first of all, the first and most important task is the treatment of russian soldiers, so any propaganda, the local population, they understand very clearly what is happening there, and from the communication that we have , and people clearly understand the problems with medicine and the fact that they do not have access to medicine there, if they are not connected to the occupation regime. therefore
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, all these propaganda pictures, to a greater extent, are aimed simply at such general informational propaganda, and what happens in schools, in addition to the fact that there children are forced to weave camouflage nets, and in general, we have a conversation about having so-called folk drones, about people collecting these drones in their homes or schoolchildren in classes, or occupiers do they resort to something like this, do you have information, and well... the occupiers actually, again, from the first days of the occupation chose for themselves a priority, this is control over the consciousness of schoolchildren, and in fact they implement a large number of such so-called national some patriotic events related to russian the world and related to russian values, i mean military, youth associations and other things that they actually implement in the temporarily occupied territory, and they announce some kind of help there, which seems to be... that they are collecting,
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however, to a greater extent today, all such enemy activity related to schoolchildren is related precisely to changes in worldview and, in fact, to the preparation of these people so that in the future they could join the ranks of the russian armed forces, that is, they actually prepare people who will loyal to the russian regime, and why they have so much, in general, a lot of pressure on schoolchildren as well, why these chatbots to report schoolchildren to each other, because they understand that schoolchildren are the most difficult group, because they are... young, they have their world-hungry values ​​there, and on the other hand, for them , this is the most promising group, because they understand that this will be the basis for replenishing their troops in the future, so here again, and for us, for the controlled part, it is important for the state of ukraine to continue fighting for the consciousness of these young people people who for one reason or another remained in the temporarily occupied territories. the occupiers report that in berdyansk they allegedly found, exposed and neutralized, quoting about...
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just a polish-ukrainian center that conducted anti-russian activities, who corrupted minor members of the unit with the units of azov and the right sector, well, i quote literally, instilled russophobia and carried out peace initiatives, excuse me, i am translating from russian the events on ideological processing and classes on tactical medicine, the polish-ukrainian center was exposed thanks to... residents of the city, who informed the law enforcement officers about the forbidden, about the forbidden symbols that were seen there, well, in a word, well, i understand, it's all ridiculous, but i understand that maybe some people are really behind this, who were accused, sent to some prisons somewhere , well, in fact, the local population is the victim of such stories, but the situation is as follows, there is a change in the rotation of the dew.
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military, and each of them needs to give some indicators to the mountain, how they are used to work in russia, and they begin to come up with some cases for which they can to report and receive an award or some certificate, thanks or recognition there. in fact such things, they happen precisely because of such a subjective factor, but, of course, then the real local residents who are imprisoned suffer, but for us it is still important, i think, the fact, the factor that in fact after 2 years occupation, they report about some azov training centers and so on, this is actually also us, first of all, it also hits on their propaganda, which means that they, despite the fact that they are setting up some video cameras, total control, total tracking of messengers, in general , the searches of people leave the possibility of working in such centers, they probably still do not fully understand the meaning of this propaganda, but in fact they show that there is a resistance movement there in one way or another, i think , that this is also positive news that we should also, let's say, play to support the local population in other territories and show
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that there is resistance, at least in such formats. thank you, mr. skuda, skata shurbekova, mp zaporizhia regional council, was with us, they talked about the situation in the city of zaporizhia, as well as in the region in general. in the occupied territories , let's continue, we will ask what we have now, in fact, we will ask that in vinnytsia, in the meantime, there is a report from kharkiv that there are gas furnaces on fire and injured children, this is reported by the investigative department of the national police in kharkiv, kharkiv oblast and also vitaliy klitschko reports that cars are on fire in the svyatoshyn district of kyiv. calls to emergency services have already arrived from this sviatoshyn district. the air alert is on dear friends, so please be careful, as you can see the russians have decided to give us another rough morning, do not ignore the warnings,
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please take shelter. in the meantime, we are moving to vinnytsia, we will ask if everything is calm there. olena verlan kulchenko, a deputy of the vinnytsia city council, is already in touch with us, mrs. olena, congratulations. "as in vinnytsia, you can't hear explosions, glory to ukraine, strength and endurance to all, vinnytsia is in shelters, our forces the air defense forces are on the defensive, and for now we can say that it is quiet so far, but it is clear that we sympathize with those who are currently in more dangerous conditions, and we are doing everything possible to ensure that the population of vinnytsia now... " was also in shelters and protected himself , please tell me what the latest news from the city is, what is the life of the city? well, i will start not only from the city, i will also start from the region itself, we have a number of such high-profile cases, which were opened
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on our territory in the vinnytsia region, this and the case and indictment of mayor tulchyn vesnyany regarding embezzlement. land in the range of uah 3 million and accusations against the deputy mayor of gnivani, also regarding the fact that funds of about 5 million were appropriated with the help of entrepreneurs, at the moment there are inquiries and appeals of the state bureau of investigation regarding the prosecution of the deputy of the regional council from opz, who was considered in the armed forces received at the same time. money and worked, but there is a check regarding one of the deputy heads of the administration, the same regarding that he is in military service in one of the subdivisions of the vinnytsia region and at the same time performs the functions of the regional administration.
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well, as for vinnytsia itself, i will say that at the beginning of january, the city council went to a tender for bidding in order to purchase equipment for the military. among them, bandera power was purchased for 1,300 of the six goods offered for purchase, only two were auctioned, and this is just for bandera power and lamps, and these were won, my colleague in the city council won these bids from the servant of the people mykhailo hanchuk, who is the head of the company and the company itself. he owns promavtomatika, but the other auctions did not take place, and the conditions for some reason were that, in fact, there are no certificates, then there are no certificates, but one of the participants in these auctions on october 23rd, without certificates,
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already took part in the auction and successfully bid for 19 million hryvnias, but in january it turned out to be irrelevant, so somehow , you know, on the one hand it is good that they started working on it, on the other hand... somehow in october there was one policy, in january another. i read still in vinnytsia, the trial in the case of metropolitan tulchen is ongoing. denial of the armed aggression of the russian federation against ukraine , glorification of its participants and determined the punishment in the form of 5 years of imprisonment . in... on this case, she came, the judge came to the point that she returned
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the case to the investigation, but i believe that the materials of this case are insufficient, although it must be said that the activity of this metropolitan is known in the circles of vinnytsia, and his pro-russian ideas are also quite well known among the residents of the region, besides, we have rare cases of the institution. were, and for, let’s say, no, not so much for support , but for such a process of waiting, you know, zhduns, those who were waiting for the arrival of a new government, who distributed literature of a russian direction, a pro-russian direction, why did the judge admit that all this is not enough, it is unclear, but at the moment, yes, it turned out that the case went on the second round, so there are many questions here. actually, although the court is unbiased, it is independent, but again, if we work like this all the time,
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how objectively will it be possible to talk about this case, although you know, there are still a number of issues before the court, for example, the prosecutor's office appealed according to the same mayor of tulchyn in the spring in order to determine the amount for, let's say , ensuring his release, or 54 days of arrest, the amount is 3 million. the judge came to a decision of 800,000, we perfectly understand that 800 thousand will be collected, and the person will be himself absolutely to be free, that is why there are questions for the judges, and they are not alone. and how many such representatives of the russian orthodox church are there in vinnytsia, and in general, do people transfer to the communities of the ukrainian orthodox church, is there any desire, or is there any hindrance, after all? them to carry it out, this process, let's say, has already become systematic, and
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if we are talking at the beginning of the moment when tomos was adopted and when vinnychyna was going through difficult court cases, numerous, and we have one, then the situation in mileshkivska meadow is quite well known, this is one of the villages vinnytsia, where for a long time the laity had to defend their own religious building, which was occupied by the moscow ones. leaders, at the moment this process has already acquired a system, and having the opportunity to hear it from the head of the church, we are actually proud of the fact that we have our bishop simion, whom we call, yes, the state secretary of the local ukrainian church, here we see how communities are changing, how they are transitioning, how the voting process is going, and a number of clergymen are already speaking themselves. initiators of the transition, so this process is already irreversible, and this speaks of a change
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in the awareness of citizens, well, i will say this, that due to my work, i have the opportunity to drive by the church that belongs to the moscow patriarchate, i watched how on january 19, at the water baptism, there was no longer a crowd of people near it, but let's say such a minimal number of supporters. er, god forbid that they should not exist at all, and people would understand that what is the connection with this, let me say this, structure that calls itself a church, in fact there is, its ministers are servants of another structure, for example, in latvia, it's good we understand, as a matter of fact, the authorities understand well and are now expelling all those priests and they say that, they directly say that... they are just agents, enemy agents, agents of russia, yes, this is an ideological service. in fact, so that the residents
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of vinnytsia did not understand this, and those churches of the russian patriarchate, the moscow patriarchate no longer existed, in fact , the russian orthodox church did not exist, and no one else managed to engage people in being on the side of the enemy. thank you, ms. elena, may you rest in peace. day, olena verlan kulshenko, deputy of the vinnytsia city council, was with us, in the meantime there are reports that in the solomyanskyi district of kyiv, where there was a car fire, as well as several residential buildings, as well as damage to a kindergarten, the injured, the victim is now being hospitalized by doctors, it is also reported that that there is a hit in a non-residential building in the pechersk district, units of emergency services are already on their way there,
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the mayor of kyiv, vitaliy, informed about this. dear friends, please stay in hiding, we are going on a short break, we will return and continue our roll call and our marathon. oh, and got wet. would you like some tea? mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and, most importantly, quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule. four components together, so simple, one capsule a day, so convenient, quertin immuno, there are discounts on europst, 20% in pharmacies plantain, pam and save. hello, woman, what to do when the liver wakes up, you need to take allochol, but what about bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gallbladder. natural components of alochol contribute to normalization work of the liver and gall bladder. alohol with
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uah, with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, powerful... what you need, call! hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion
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abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express s... your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends, we return to the ether, continue our roll call, now we will try to connect with kharkiv, although kharkiv is under attack... there is a message from the mayor of the city of terikhov that as a result of the morning shelling there is complete destruction of the entrance of an apartment building in kharkiv, rescuers are now trying to... dismantle the rubble in order to find people under them, as well as in kharkiv in one of the most affected parts of the kyiv district, there is no electricity and partly no water,
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the relevant services have already gone there, so the air alert continues, please be careful, stay in shelters, do not neglect with these messages, we can see that the enemy has decided to launch a real air attack on us, and not... just scare us with miga flights, so please be careful. well , in the meantime, we are trying to get in touch with kharkiv, and we can say that we are currently unable to do so, and in the meantime, there is a message from kyiv, so there is a building and cars on fire in the svyatoshyn district, and there is also information about a fall . fragments of rockets on a kindergarten, in the solomyansk district , the blast wave blew out windows in an apartment building, it is known about hospitalization of one person and an outbreak in
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several apartments, and in the pechersk district , a hit was recorded in non-residential premises. this is the information so far about the consequences of this morning's attack. well, it is not over yet, the attack itself continues, all areas remain red on the map. so we remain in shelter, which we advise in principle to everyone now in ukraine, since there are no unreachable or absolutely safe territories, at the moment throughout the territory of ukraine, we understand this, and therefore we are ready for any, to any situations, in kharkiv, in fact, at least eight explosions were heard and it was known that gas was burning. there are wounded among the children, this is the news, unfortunately, from kharkov, here, well, we will also wait, but
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for this inclusion, we will be able to announce it for the time being, probably the collection, by the way, regarding the collection, dear friends, uh, we really want some kind of miracle right now, especially this morning, when we are all in shelters with you, or in... between two walls, when the russians are shooting missiles en masse across our country, miracles happen, we still yesterday yesterday i urged you to contribute more actively, i calculated how many thousand hryvnias we would have to collect per day in order to collect a million by the end of the week, this was information about the collection on one card, but as i recall, we had two cards , we collected for both, and actually... what happened yesterday, so on another card we managed to collect uah 1,249,235 on a private card, this was as
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of lunch time, at our monobank we collected more than 800 thousand with you, and now i will say more precisely, as of this morning it was 826 thousands, now or has it updated there now. 827,313 hryvnias and 41 kopecks, and in addition, people also donated cash, ah, and together it turned out to be more than 2,267 thousand, i think that this amount has increased a little more. let me remind you that we collected uah 5 million for kamikaze drones for the 93rd separate assault brigade kholodny yar. these nakamikadze drones are very necessary on the front lines, the guys need them in order to destroy moskal and protect the lives of our soldiers, and actually this
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brigade defends ukraine and has been in the hottest spots since the beginning of russian aggression in 2014 year, and actually we had to collect 5 million hryvnias, as you can see, we got half of this amount of 2 million over 260 thousand, and we... say stop the collection, start the next one, why do we say that, and because it turned out, that petro poroshenko's fund promised to double this collected amount and actually purchase drones for the remaining amount, that is, for the rest that is needed in order to have 5 million, so we, dear friends, thank you for being active, because you, your activism, pushed you to... to have this gathering it is possible that 5 million have already been collected and that all kamikaji drones are on the front lines where they should be in the first place, so
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thank you. but we already have the next collection and will announce it later, this is the time when you and i are under russian attack, this is the time to donate, now you see a new qr code on your screens. meanwhile, bohdan tkachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, joins us, we join him in the conversation by phone, because kharkiv is under fire, mr. bohdan, we welcome you, i welcome you, can you hear me me? we hear you very well, mr. bohdan, are you in a safe place, relatively. we are all in a safe place, but it's all relatively so , about, about the shelling, so look, at four in the morning there were, there were six explosions, judging by the sounds, what i can say is the shevchenkiv and kyiv districts of the city of kharkiv , ah, then already at 7:15 in the morning, the next wave, about eight explosions, i
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personally counted eight, and... because it was also quite loud, the same districts are also confirmed by messages from the mayor of the city igor terikhova, the kyiv district was affected, one of the buildings was destroyed, there are several entrances, now the services are trying to organize the search for people, the dismantling of structures and attempts to get people out of the rubble , how many people are there, who is it all... it is unknown, no more information is provided, what else can i add, the destroyed building was damaged in the balaklay, a two-story building was also hit by rockets, well, in short , this is what this morning looks like today, oh, a difficult morning in kharkiv and in the kharkiv region, mr. bohdan, thank you for finding an opportunity in such circumstances to join us and talk about
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the situation. we hope that there will be no more explosions in kharkiv and that our enemy will stop there, and there will be no more victims or destruction. thank you, we wish you a peaceful day, this was bohdan tkachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, as we can see , the situation in kharkiv is very, very difficult, the missile attack continues, the threat continues, so please stay in shelters, stay with us, watch our marathon, we'll keep you updated on what's happening in... and now there's a news release, we'll have more fresh information, stay with us, hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, who is visiting every day, this is the ship district of kherson, live streaming, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut.
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we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's election. who is preparing a pseudo- voting in kherson region? we are fully ready for the elections. and also the names and stories of traitors who became fake deputies. with the support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. watch on tuesday the 23rd january at 17:45 the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to be
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informed. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day i will come, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, big broadcast. vasyl zema, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. greetings, it's news time on spresso.


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