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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EET

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russian forces fired 41 projectiles of various types into ukraine. thank you for watching this broadcast with us, see you soon. greetings, it's news time in eter espresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. kyiv region suffered from the rocket attack. three people were injured as a result of falling debris, they are being helped, said the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko. in several communities, three high-rise buildings, private houses, farm buildings, 10 cars and a cafe were damaged. near one of the residential buildings fire fighter extinguish the fire,
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clarify all information. 18 people were injured in the rocket attack in the capital, 13 more were hospitalized, three of them were children, kyiv mayor vitaliy klitschko said. in sitoshyn district , balconies and four apartments were damaged in a residential building, and a non-residential two-story building was occupied. an explosive wave in the solomyan district. windows in an apartment building, another fire occurred in the pechersk district, where an enemy rocket hit a non-residential building, and some debris fell in the darna district, in particular, on the roof of a nine-story residential building. kateryna galko can join us now, we can ask her what she sees now in the city of vluchan and what are the consequences of the missile attack on... katya, congratulations,
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i have the floor. greetings, katya, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel. we work in the solomyansk district of the capital, here a non-residential two-story building was damaged due to falling debris , and the houses nearby were also damaged. in the house right here. according to labor. officials of the state emergency service, the fire here has obviously been extinguished , however, work continues, as far as we know, according to the state emergency service, the fire has already been extinguished at all places where soldiers fell in the capital , however, work continues there, they are investigating places, looking for wreckage, they will also investigate these wreckage, and also there they disassemble the remains of what, unfortunately, the rockets damaged, to communicate from the house. nearby we
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have not yet succeeded, however, as you can see, there is glass everywhere, and many different services work here, here both emergency medical assistance and emergency services workers are working. actually, i would like to point out that today's attack on the capital was combined, flying, flying weapons of various arsenals, at first they were cruise missiles of the x101 x555 type. x55 , and later ballistics also flew , air defense forces and means managed to hit almost two dozen targets, however, as we can see , so far all the information, let's stop for now, katya, so you have a word. thank you, katya, that was our kateryna galko is from kyiv, she said. about the consequences
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of the morning attack in the city. and two people died, another 38 people were injured, among them two children. the russians hit kharkiv with kh-22 missiles. this was reported by the mayor of the city igor terikhov. hits were recorded in two high-rise buildings. there are people under the rubble. a search and rescue operation is currently underway. in ruins, as the deputies say. there are still people, that's why a lot of destruction is going on, and i want to say that this is also the disconnection of the electricity supply to the north saltovka, this disconnection of the heat supply is also to the northern part of saltyka, in addition to this, there is a gas leak , several microdistricts are disconnected, as for the gas supply, one person died, another... is in serious condition as a result of a rocket
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attack on pavlograd in the dnipropetrovsk region. this was reported by the head of the region, serhii lysak. information about the consequences of the attack is currently being clarified. for the sake of protection, poland raised aviation in the sky during the morning missile attack on ukraine. on its page in social networks, the operational command of the armed forces poland warned its citizens about aviation activity in the southeast of the country in order to control airspace safety. another meeting of allies in ukraine will be held today in the rammstein format. a new meeting. the contact group was announced the day before in the pentagon. in particular, us defense minister lloyd austin discussed the details by phone with his ukrainian counterpart rustem umerov. the meeting will be held online, it will be the 18th meeting of the military coalition with the participation of representatives
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of about 50 countries. detention until march 17, or a deposit of more than uah 500 million. the pecherskyi court of the capital chose zapobi. west to roman horynkevych. he is the fifth, suspected of participation in a criminal group and fraud in purchases for the ministry of defense. roman grenkevich rejects the accusations and assures that he did not intend to leave the territory of ukraine. the suspect's defense said it would file an appeal. let me remind you that yesterday law enforcement officers detained roman grankevich in odesa. i am interested in this meeting to prove to everyone. that my family was just covered in dirt, that we are not deserved, because all the accusations that are being made in our direction, i think are completely unfounded, i think that they are absolutely not supported by anything, moreover , i think that this is an order, and it is some kind of a very powerful order, because as before it sounded like we are considered one of
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the largest suppliers of the ministry of defense there , which i want to emphasize, there was not a single broken contract, there is not a single court case with the ministry of defense, this is resonant and interesting to everyone, but you must understand that as of today, everyone possible participants in in the specified criminal proceedings, including officials of the ministry of defense of ukraine, they were not informed of the suspicion, but in order to obtain complete, proper and admissible evidence, it is necessary to perform certain investigative and procedural actions, the pre-trial investigation is ongoing, modern ukraine is the legal successor of the ukrainian people's republic and kyivan rus, historians and lawyers. wrote a draft of an appeal to the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi to document it legally. according to volodymyr ogrysk, diplomat and ex-minister of foreign affairs, this will help to restore the historical heritage of ukrainian statehood and sobrality. it will also reduce russian
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manipulation of history and encroachment on our territory through their own interpretations of history. we have. the continuity of our state-building, and not only from the time of the ukrainian people's republic, but from the time of russia, because in my opinion, in my deep conviction, we should not cut off our real history from ourselves, otherwise it will be taken away by others, and these others do it, they do it very brazenly , very simply defiant, erecting in... in moscow a monument to prince volodymyr of kyiv, declaring him his own after 1900, we had a period of occupation until 1991, if then, then the question arises, again, from whom we receive,
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no matter why this period is not recognized as the occupation of ukraine, because if we recognized it as a period of occupation, then everything becomes clear, who is for us? and the enemy the espresso tv channel opens a new collection of soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade need night vision binoculars. our defenders perform combat tasks mainly at night, so the device is extremely necessary for them. good vision in the dark not only saves, but also helps to destroy the enemy our goal is uah 170. we already have uah 37 in our account. you can now see all the details on... your screens, remember, the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. for now, this is all the news, for this hour, you will find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, put your
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preferences. next, my colleagues lesya vakolyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air, don't switch, stay with espresso. see you well, dear friends, we we return to the air, continue our work. marathon, leysa vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working for you in this studio today, we are working for another two hours, we have an interesting list of interlocutors, i want to remind you once again that we are collecting money, we are helping the espresso tv channel, together with the iryna koval charity fund, this our presenter, whom you know well, we are collecting now for the defenders of the 141st brigade, who are currently performing tasks in the orichiv direction, we are collecting for everything... we need all kinds of necessary military equipment, military equipment, scopes,
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drone detection detectors, rangefinders, binoculars, binoculars and a long list of everything that we want to collect and that iryna wants to transfer, 1 million uah must be collected for this, for today, dear friends, we have collected a little more than 700 uah , this is not enough, i understand that you have relaxed, that we thank... you for the previous collection, which was doubled, because you and i collected 2,260,000,000, and this amount was doubled by the petro poroshenko foundation, so that it was 5 million hryvnias, and thus kamikaze drones will already be transferred to the 93rd to a separate mechanized brigade of kholodny yar, but there is a new collection, a new challenge, and 1 million for us and you is actually not much, we have already made sure of this, so we will... we are grateful to everyone who will contribute their hryvnia, remember , that it doesn't have to be a huge sum, it just has to be many,
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many sums, many of you who will transfer funds for our military, and we already have andrii ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the company sonata and deputy chief of staff of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine in 2004-2020, mr. andriy, we congratulate you, and good afternoon, it's just me. i don't hear any questions from you , there were no questions, i just said hello, can you hear us well, so far it was good, so great, it is reported that today we survived an air attack, ukraine, 41 was launched, and 41 means of air damage, that's how the air force officially comments, ukrainian anti-aircraft forces managed to shoot down 21 enemy missiles, the russians, in particular... confirm that kh-22 missiles were also used, these are still soviet supersonic missiles
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production, i remember what mr. yurii nad, the spokesman, showed against the ukrainian military forces, that we do not have the ability to shoot down these missiles, or at least they are limited, and there are also reports that it is possible that kha-22s were used against kharkiv, where today they were heard explosions, unfortunately, mr. andrew, what is your assessment of this morning? well, really, you see, this year the russians, taking into account our increased capabilities in the air defense system, they use a different such combined method, that is, they dilute these missiles are kh101, kh555, and other missiles, which we really have a hard time working on, they can be shot down. but for this you need the patriot system, unfortunately, we still do not have enough of these systems for all cities, i
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think that just today i am watching that all the x missiles, 101 x555, 15 units, were shot down, they were launched from strategic , strategic aviation planes, five iskander ballistic missiles were shot down, this is also a very fast missile, i think that this happened... in the kyiv area, out of 12 iskanders, five were shot down, one was shot down the kh59 missile, well, it is such a missile, it is a subsonic aircraft-based one, it was shot down somewhere, but we have a problem with the kh-22 missiles that you mentioned, and missiles, and s-300, s-400, because , well, these missiles very fast, but the c300, c400 , they accelerate to... well, they are processed there so that they can hit
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targets on land, well, the kh22 missile is also very fast, and in general, well, i think the patriot with i would have coped with it, but they use it, well, in the direction of kharkiv region and sumy region, they are still so modern there, not that we don't have modern and very capable systems like patriot, they just throw them across borders and hit objects, unfortunately, unfortunately, we can't work with that yet. k-22 is quite an old missile, and it. has a rather limited range, it is anti-ship , there is something like 600 km in total, well, that ’s enough, you see, that’s quite enough, yes, it was a missile, and for this missile , this tu-22 aircraft was developed, its task was to destroy aircraft carriers groups, aircraft carriers,
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it really was supersonic, and just right for breakthrough of air defense systems. contemporary it was made back in the 60th year, and in general, well, you see , unfortunately, now almost all of these missiles are used against us, these missiles, now technologies allow to modify it so that, well, its homing head, so that it did not fire on the radio of a contrasting target, which is a ship on the background of water. well, by the coordinates, they do it and apply them, and john kirby said that in ukraine, the next months of the war will be critical, what does this really mean? well, you know, i have this phrase, decisive, critical, i hear from the beginning, well
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, from the beginning of the war, from the month of february, so the next month will be decisive. no, well, you see, well, first of all, of course, this person , she, she is worried about what is happening in ukraine, it is good, let's put it this way, well, what is critical in what you see is now the european union, and the united states, they are like that, there was a pause in the provision of our, well, let's say, there , our life activities, both military and non-military, during this war, because, well , we... we already feel the consequences front, well, it has already flowed in general, well, we see that both the european union and, in principle, the united states, there is a prospect of overcoming this, but perhaps the european union is doing it a little faster, but we see that in this period of time,
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individual countries , they show solidarity with us, and not only, let's say, that kind, but also ... germany makes serious statements, we see, that means the polish leader also came to us with an aid package, we see that individual countries, so, well they supply either weapons or funds, even switzerland. me maybe it's a matter of quantity, because it also joined recently, that is, it really costs a lot, and so i hope that this issue will be resolved, because without the help of the united states, it will be very, very difficult for us , but it is very
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difficult to overcome the enemy and achieve... well, although i see it in this context, cnn predicts, actually quoting various representatives of the american government, that the war in ukraine will last at least two years, and it is assumed that it will be five years as it is realistic predictions in your opinion? well, again, a lot of people assume that, but this is also possible. you see, the war has been going on for two years already , frankly speaking, at the beginning of the war in the 22nd year, there was a feeling that this was not a very quick event, especially after we held back the first rush, but in general, it was the idea that the 23rd year will be victorious, i remember that when we met
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that new year, i had this feeling, well, you see, there are such things... there can be such assumptions, but well, we see that well, in principle, there are problems in ukraine as well, the problem is in the russian federation, and we see that if they are now so critically dependent on argherian shells and north korea, then this is already a serious indicator, we see the amount of equipment that is disabled by our military, this... is also a very serious indicator, because they supposedly put some industry there on these rails, well , let's say during the war, but well... the amount of weapons does not satisfy their needs and doesn't even cover their losses, here so i think that, well, i don't think that russia
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will be ready to fight there for more than two more years, and i think that, well, especially since you know that the national welfare fund, that one that they have there, it is already half in general something effusion. but there are no funds, and to continue to cover these troubles that are connected with sanctions, with falling oil prices, they are becoming more and more difficult, and this is happening against the background of the fact that the americans, well, they are gradually increasing the pressure precisely on so that these sanctions are carried out exactly, that is because the first time there was such a thing... sanctions were announced, but everyone thought about themselves, they bought oil there, and they smuggled these chips and other spare
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parts into the russian federation, they used them to collect missiles with which they fired at us , well, you see, now there is less shelling, and by the way , today there were no calibers, this is also a very interesting fact for me, because there were ships in the sea, and there were no hummingbirds, which means that, well... what would have been indicators of that , that there are problems with their assembly, i hope so well, these are indicators, they are confirmed in some way, so i don’t think that russia will be able to wage such a war for more than two years, well, our opportunity, it depends entirely on the help of our partners, can russia... open another front? well, i think not, i think not, because you see,
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well, well, in fact, well, if you take those weapons systems, the most, well, let's say, that give success, according to her concept of warfare, and this is the concentration of combat, firepower on... the front area, then no, because, well, they need artillery, and they need armored vehicles, they need aviation, they need an air defense system, you see that they, well, as it were , were withdrawing the occupied territories in the crimea there, since last year the air defense system is there with, i don’t know, everything is there, with different corners of russia, including the far east, even on snake island there were panzer systems that were brought from the far east, that is why i think that they
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simply do not have weapons, of course they can recruit people, but it will be a variant of that stalingrad battle, when three soldiers there was one rifle, that is, well, me i don't think it's possible, among the very different... are not accurate, but there is also the analogy of the iran-iraq war, which lasted seven years and killed about a million on both sides, and the similarities indicate that it was also a war that had such a definite challenge because it was believed that these are super important historical territories that make up the nation. so to speak, a part of self-awareness, and this is what the war was about, it was not for life, death, what kind, or is it not according to such patterns that the war is going on in our country now, and
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what lessons can we learn from the early iraq war, well, you see, i also see certain, maybe such common, well, common positions on these wars, but i still think that there the intensity was not that high and... this is how it continues now in so, well, on the front line of the war between russia and ukraine, although there are also many things there, you see, one, one, one side, it received the support of the west, the other side, iran received the support of the soviet union, in principle also, in general -then. and the bet was placed on technology, although in principle, well, it is difficult
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to say, but intense. now much higher, and well, although, well, again, i agree that there are certain such positions, they are, well, let's say, tangential, well, here in our case the story is a little different in that in the case, let's say, defeat of ukraine , russia's war with nato is becoming very relevant, or rather, an attack on countries that... even members of the alliance, well, in recent years, let's say, after 1997, here in principle it is already being demonstrated, openly , this is what the russian federation needs, that's what they say here are paranoid ideas about the restoration of the empire, about there historical territories and so on, that's why here it differs very
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seriously, because... just the west understands that ah in general, well, just a victory in ukraine, it can , let's say, to act as a catalyst for further military actions on the territory of the baltic states and poland, other countries there in order to seize this, and this is already much more serious, let's say so, because there is a statute of the organization there. of the north atlantic alliance, which basically says that in this case all the forces of the alliance, which are preparing for this, are already being used. mr. andriy, thank you, andriy eryzhenko, captain of the first rank reserve of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company and deputy chief of staff of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine was with us in 2004-2020, and now we are going on a short break,
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then we will return. and we will talk about what is happening in israel and why the eu has not been able to convince israel to change its position on a palestinian state, stay with us, business as usual becomes unreal, hard bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream, dolgit cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and cuts... feel the mobility of the joints with dolgid cream what do you want i will lift doolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain buy with a discount 15% dolgit cream 100 g in pharmacies, pharmacy anz, pharmacy kopyka and pharmacy shar. there are discounts on lactial of 10% in the psyllanyk pam and oskad pharmacies. bleeding and inflammation of the ashes - my advice. lakalut active. lakalut aktiv actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lakal
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