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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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under martial law for the past two years, president zelenskyi has had extraordinary powers that essentially allow him to rule by decree and order. in the conditions of martial law , he has almost complete control over mass media in ukraine, which is not easy to give up. this will determine what kind of ukraine we will have after the war, will it continue to be a democratic country? that's what really matters. and about the end of the war. as we have already said, no one's eyes. that it will last so long. you are still sure that ukraine can get through it and win? i think so. a lot of pessimism, unfortunately, overshadows where it all started. russia started a war with the aim of capturing the entire country and removing zelensky, they clearly failed. ukraine has held out, and therefore russia has failed in its original objectives, but i also think that ukraine's ability to sustain this war, even in the face of declining western support, is largely... underestimated, they are working
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through contingencies, developing different strategies to continue fight and push back the russians, the main one is to increase their own domestic weapons production, and they are doing great, especially when it comes to drones. we see them attacking russian territories, last year they even reached the kremlin, so the ukrainians are moving forward thanks to weapons of their own production, and the idea that the west can turn the switch and ... a senior correspondent for the magazine talked about his book showman inside the invasion, which shook the world and made volodymyr zelenskyi the leader. thank you again.
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greetings to all viewers of espresso throughout ukraine, an air alert has been announced, take care, stay in safe places and for your attention current events at the moment: a 70-year-old resident of kherson. did not die as a result of
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an enemy attack on the shipping area of ​​kherson. the russians killed him right at the entrance of his own house - informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. the occupiers also attacked the village of kindiyka. a 74-year-old woman was injured there. a medical team is already on its way to her. in the morning, the russians attacked kyiv with various types of missiles. in several neighborhoods capital, there are victims and... our correspondent dmytro didora will tell you in detail about the terrorist attack. he is with us live. dmitry, my congratulations and tell you everything you know at this moment. i congratulate anya, and i also congratulate our viewers. we are now near the shelter, as it is absolutely impossible to communicate in the basement , to inform you what happened with...
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this morning, the russians also attacked the capital, in particular, we are now in the svyatoshyn district, here a house was damaged due to falling debris , there were debris. fell into one from the floors, a wall broke through and several apartments caught fire, as people say, it happened around 7, at 7:15 in the morning, they only saw a huge flash, after that there was already a fire, utility workers are still working on the site, they are interrupted on the air alarm, but overcome the consequences of this morning's attack on the capital, help people... cut balconies or clean the apartment and also install temporary windows, tighten with film, or block with wood. what exactly and how happened in the morning, let's go let's listen i get there to the intersection, there are
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no pine trees and pine trees, and then i see this flame. one thing, two, and then i come closer, i see black smoke, and my heart sank right next to my house, as of 11:30 in the capital, 22 people were injured, 13 were hospitalized, in addition to the svyatoshyn district, the debris also fell in darnytskyi district in five different locations, as they say in the kyiv city military administration, without negative consequences, in svyatoshensky district, where we are now, suffered a total of 10 locations in pechersk, on five objects falling debris was recorded, in solomyansk three locations,
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a residential building was damaged by the blast wave, the destruction of a two-story non-residential building on an area of ​​300 m2, as we already know from the latest news in luch debris . fell on the sports complex and in the shevchenkivskyi district the windows of a residential building were damaged by an explosive wave, the consequences of this morning attack are already being overcome by all utility workers, and now the air alarm is sounding again in the capital, and we are now at the shelter and we see how children are also taken to shelters, since this is an institution, an educational institution, and they moved the educational process, we saw that there were also shelters. so far, this is all the information i have and manage to tell anya. thank you, colleague, until the next meeting on the air , zpresso correspondent dmytro didora. details about the attack by muscovites on our capital, on our kyiv. also, in the otoshinsky district of the capital , the warhead of the kha-101 missile was found. it
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was removed by the pyrotechnicians of the state emergency service during the liquidation of the consequences of the rocket attack on the capital. projectile safely removed. further away from the residential buildings at another address, the sappers removed the fragments of the rocket, which did not pose a threat. kyiv region is also recovering from the russian missile attack. three people were injured as a result of falling debris, they are being assisted, the head of the regional military administration, ruslan kravchenko, announced. in the buchanskyi and obukhivskyi districts, private houses, three high-rise buildings, farm buildings and a cafe were partially destroyed. 10 cars were also damaged. cars near one of the residential buildings, firefighters extinguished the fire. 62 people were injured as a result of the terrorist attack on kharkiv, the ministry of internal affairs reports. the russians killed five people, among
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the injured were eight children and three police officers, a man was rescued from the rubble of the house, he claims that his wife and child are still there. the rescuers are continuing... the search was reported by oleg synigubov, the head of the region. in the morning , muscovites fired kh32 missiles into the city . t-300 iskanders hit a high-rise building and 30 residential buildings were damaged. because of light, heating and gas supply disappeared during the shelling. emergency services are on site. two people were injured in balaklia , kharkiv region, an 88-year-old man and a 78-year-old woman. enemy after. at night targeted the city with two s-300 missiles, the head of the regional police, serhiy bolvinov, said. damage to an educational institution, a health camp, an administrative building and two residential buildings. four hits were also recorded in the suburbs of kharkiv, where private houses were partially destroyed, several
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people were injured by debris. more than 600 consumers in power supply was restored to kharkiv after the missile strikes, this is reported in the press service of the ministry of energy. almost 5,000 more kharkiv residents are still without electricity, work is complicated by the fact that part of the energy equipment is covered with debris. from destroyed buildings, the department adds. in the morning , transformer substations, a distribution point and cable lines were damaged due to the russian attack. i have everything right now, i'll see you at 4 p.m., read more about important things on our website espresso tv, subscribe to our channels on social networks, we are on youtube, telegram, instagram, twitter, stay close and my colleagues will continue to work for you.
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of russian migs, mig 31k, they took off from the savasliyka airfield in the nizhny novgorod region, well, we urge you to stay in a certain shelter, yes, well, we will inform you about everything important in the bunker studio espresso marta olyarnyk, and antin borkovskyi, we add our correspondent tetyana vysotska, which... is now in the european institutions, we welcome you on the air, and actually, we ask you to inform us and our viewers about what is currently happening at the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, or? what can you brag about let's say, what are the results already in advance, we ask you to report and tell everything, congratulations marto, congratulations antine, greetings from strasbourg, yes, the closer we get to the date of february 1, 2024, when the extraordinary summit of eu leaders will be held, at which
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they will decide the main issues for ukraine are financing and providing military aid, the more interesting news comes. europe, here in paz in strasbourg has its own agenda, but there are also interesting news from brussels, which we can also talk about, now regarding the session, the main ukrainian day scheduled for thursday, under an extraordinary procedure , the issue of the situation with ukrainian children was added to the agenda, the corresponding resolution will be voted on, of course, we are talking about children who were illegally transferred. displacement from ukrainian territory to the territory of russia and belarus, and the council of europe is looking for mechanisms to bring them home, the voting resolution in the first half of the day on thursday will be dedicated to this, the topic will also be interesting tomorrow, the damage register will be presented when it finally starts working , how is it the first step in the formation of a real mechanism
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of compensation, in which way ukrainians, and ordinary ukrainians, natural persons, will be able to receive monetary compensation from the russian federation after... to start work and will accept applications from ukrainians, this is such interesting news that we may talk about in more detail tomorrow, and the question of where to get money in order to once again compensate the losses to ukrainians, on monday in brussels. something interesting happened meeting of the eu council on foreign affairs with the participation of the ministers of foreign affairs of all eu member states, and today it became known that the ministers made a political decision that, after all, a percentage of the income from frozen russian assets on the territory of the european union will still be
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transferred to ukraine . this is good news, because it has been talked about for a very long time, but real action from the side. the eu did not exist yet, let me remind you that on the territory of the european union , about 200 billion euros of the money of the russian central bank have been frozen and for more than 15 billions of euros of income from this money are accumulated in separate accounts in the same belgium, and this money is actually planned to be transferred to ukraine, this is good news, i just wanted to clarify right away that we are talking about tax on income from frozen goods. but it is not about the transfer of the assets themselves, if we understand correctly, unfortunately, unfortunately, the issue of confiscation is also there, but the europeans are afraid to rush with it, because even the imf and other respected structures are against it, because it can lead to the collapse of the financial markets and the weakening of the euro currency, and therefore if
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talks are ongoing, but a decision was made only on the income for frozen assets. the situation is not yet on time, not on the agenda now. and if we are talking about a new package of sanctions against russia for next month, are there any preliminary plans for what these sanctions will be, what they will look like and what these sanctions will be imposed on. and just today here in strasbourg , an out-of-session event was held, organized by our ukrainian parliamentary delegation with the participation of the kyiv school of economics, where they talked about sanctions against russia and why they... not are working as planned, and the president of the kyiv school of economics, the former minister of economy of ukraine, tymofiy mylovanov spoke, who said that, unfortunately, since russia reformatted its budget on military rails, this allowed it to prevent the fall of the economy, which was actually planned as a result of
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sanctions , and therefore the very format of the sanctions must be changed, and this is how it is being prepared... the 13th package of sanctions against russia, and it is already known that, for example, one of the points will be russian aluminum, finally, this has also been discussed for a long time it was said, but still aluminum will appear in the 13th package, and also the europeans are going to shift the emphasis in the new package of sanctions against russia to russian imports to prevent russia from buying, including dual-purpose goods that russia... use in in its military sphere, but there are no big details of this new package yet, the previous package was approved only in december, so it is not yet... less than a month before the new package will be discussed. thank you, unfortunately we have very limited time. tetyana vysotska, the correspondent of espress in the european institutions was in touch with us and
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we are ready to add yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilniy kharkiv to our ater. actually, we will talk about kharkiv, about the situation in kharkiv together with yevhen bilov. in the meantime, while we wait for it to be turned on, i would like to add that according to the ministry of internal affairs on... it is known in general about more than 60 victims in kharkiv as a result of a rocket attack on january 23, that is , this morning, it is about what, according to law enforcement officers, among the injured are eight children, three police officers who were clearing rubble were also injured, and previously the prosecutor general's office also reported an increase in the number of dead to five people, according to the mayor of the city igor terekhov, at the moment, as a result of the russian attack in kharkiv , 30 houses were damaged. about a thousand windows and in 20 houses had to turn off the heating. this is such operational information, well, we will ask
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our guest more, we hope that soon we can add him to our ether. yes, well meanwhile, the sykhiv housing estate in lviv was left without hot water and heating as a result of a hacker attack on the utility company lviv teploenergo. this is reported on the company's website, i quote. as a result the hacker attack disrupted the heat supply control system, work is ongoing to restore heating and hot water supply in the sikhiv residential area. the city council reported that a failure in the heat supply system occurred last night, and as a result, 324 individual heating points in the sykhiv residential area stopped arrays so far, 170 points have been restored and by the end of the day they plan to fully restore the supply of heat and hot water. well, kharkiv is in touch with us. yevhen bilov, head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv. glory to ukraine, mr. yevgeny, congratulations. cheers, glory. well, we would like to ask you now to share the operational situation in
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kharkiv. yes, we see ruins behind you, what kind of ruins are these? tell me in more detail. this morning, i think that the whole country knows about it, russian rockets flew over kharkiv, over residential buildings, there are none nearby no. there is no military unit, no equipment , nothing, just people lived here, just in peaceful houses, but unfortunately, russian aggression is such that, unfortunately, it kills the civilian population itself, now we are in the same place with the arrivals, where were , the utility workers are working, the state emergency service is working, you can see behind me that it is not yet... there is another fire, and it has not yet been extinguished, many volunteer organizations are working, and to provide hot food, nutrition and psychological help, our
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organization and our partners close the windows, and here you can see from the back, this is one of the houses that we are closing now, here, well, for now, this is the situation, if we talk about the victims, yes, what is the situation now with stretch marks. blockages, in general, what, what is possibly lacking in city hospitals? i don’t have complete information, unfortunately, but everything that is needed is being done, there is heavy equipment for raking out the jaws, the desensniks are working, they are doing well with these moments, the volunteers also have the equipment, but now they are just pulling out some of the burned cars, and therefore by technology everything is there, volunteers provide... with everything necessary, so it is also a great support for communal services and emergency services, and in the whole council, according to the victims, unfortunately, there are deaths,
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from today's arrivals, there are many victims, more there 40 people, all of them received the help they needed, so all services and volunteers are working to curb the consequences of such arrivals as soon as possible. mr. yevgeny, can they still stay? people under the rubble? unfortunately, no, well, i don’t have such information, i hope not, but dsnsniki work, relentlessly, they are trying to clear the debris, as possible, maybe someone is still there, but there is no such information yet. thank you for the prompt information, yevhen bilov, the head of the volunteer organization rukh vilny kharkiv, was in touch with us and actually informed us about the situation that is currently happening in kharkiv. now we will have a break, literally a few minutes. we will inform in operational mode on the situation in the east. oles melyarevych is in touch with us, a sergeant of anti-strike unmanned aviation complexes achilles, 92nd separate assault
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brigade and so oles malyarevich will join us from minute to minute, and in the meantime we will inform about the most important things, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskii are working in the bunker, and there is a certain personnel appointment, we do not know if it is already official, but at least the deputy oleksiy goncharenko reports that the cabinet of ministers approved the appointment of the mayor of occupied melitopol as the head of the zaporizhia regional military administration. actually it is about ivan fedorov, the mayor of melitopol, who, i will remind you, was also in captivity occupiers at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, it was managed to be returned within the framework of one of the exchanges, well, actually, currently the position of the head of zaporizhia uva is held by yury malashko, and we understand that obviously ivan fedorov will occupy this position instead of malashko, we will actually try to invite the newly appointed head of zaporizhia of the regional
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military administration to our aters. in particular, we can congratulate ivan fedorov on his appointment. yes, well, we are informing you about the most important thing, right now there is an air alert throughout the country, the enemy has raised the air, mich. 31k. well, today there were two waves of missile attacks on the cities of our country. well, oles melyarevych will be with us any minute now, a sergeant of the shock drone company of the 92nd separate assault unit. brigade named after koshovoy otamin ivan sirk. we are waiting, we are waiting for oles malyarevich, and we will inform accordingly about all the most important things. well , let's remind you that a meeting in the ramstein format will soon take place. this is no longer, not the first, yes, this is already i don't know, which will soon be the 10th, probably there will be a meeting with kronshtein, yes. well, actually, but we approach this meeting with not very positive news, because the pentagon, unfortunately, says that they are not in a position to offer
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financial support to ukraine. in the short term, we understand that this is due to the processes that are currently taking place in the united states, they cannot reach a certain agreement on the package of support for immigration policy, so we already hope that this issue will be resolved in the near future, but nevertheless, for now the united states the states will expect help from allies to finance ukraine's military needs, while the congress will decide on money issues, and thus the meeting on tuesday, that is, today will focus on the long-term needs of ukraine, deputy press secretary of the pentagon sabrina singh told reporters on monday. even we can't provide security assistance right now. our partners continue to do this - said singh and the meeting. let me remind you that it will be virtual, as austin is still recovering at home from complications of prostate cancer treatment. this is actually operational information. but there are also good signals, in particular, it turns on, so to speak
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to say, well, on... some kind of gear revs up. italy, so italy will use the g7 presidency to demonstrate its loyalty to kyiv , many people write about it, and the reuters agency, and we also trust the reuters agency, let me quote: rome intends to counter the rhetoric that russia is winning in ukraine and that the west got tired yes, and italy will preside over the j7, which also, let me remind you, includes connections. japan, germany, great britain, france and canada during the 24th year, during the current year and will receive respectively summit in june, and russia's war against ukraine will be one of the main topics of the meeting, and the leaders of the group of seven intend to demonstrate that they remain fully committed to kyiv and cannot even risk showing some weakness. so let's hope that our european friends and allies and the g7 in general from... can
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support the united states, particularly, well, in terms of helping you and me. so. well, by the way, just a few minutes ago we talked with our european institutions correspondent tatiana vysotskaya, and she already informed us that , unfortunately, it is not about the confiscation of russian assets, but a tax on profits from frozen russian assets will be introduced, and in fact information from bloomberg also appeared that germany was against confiscation of frozen. of russian assets, the countries of the european union previously agreed on such an initiative, but there are countries of the european union, including, for example, germany, which strongly oppose the confiscation, quoting bloomberg's statement, and for according to the sources of the agency, the ministers of foreign affairs of the countries of the european union at a meeting on monday, that is, yesterday, gave the so-called political consent to the introduction of this tax.


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