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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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that is, they were preparing for a month, and as a result, when it became clear that such a meeting would take place, that it would take place, that lavrov was already flying there and received permission, then this shelling happened, not earlier, it did not happen on the 17th, 16th , it did not happen after lavrov had already flown home from there, no, it happened neatly before lavov's arrival, so that literally, well... after about 5 hours after his arrival , lavrov could come out and say something on this very topic, and it is interesting that this story of lavrov was prepared, again, they were preparing for the supply of weapons to ukraine, that is why we heard these cries that these are cluster munitions, and then whoop, when there is no way to confirm this, suddenly they turned out to be no longer cluster, and it is not known what kind, and no one knows where he does not have any ula. well, because somehow
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it turned out like this, you know, there is nothing to confirm, it didn’t even happen, they were in a hurry, because , because the permission itself was given to lavrov very late, well, that is, there was not enough time to spread all this around podonetska, so somehow, but there was enough time to fly lavrov and start talking about the fact that you should not give weapons to ukraine, because it seems to be shooting at civilians, and it must be said that now it is... the main foreign operation of russia is constant stories about how ukraine somehow he doesn't use weapons like that, which is a lie of course, but this lie is exactly what lavrov is carrying to the masses. the west is actually pumping the country with weapons without control , sergey lavrov said at the opening of the meeting. at the same time, this weapon is often used to strike residential neighborhood guards with death it is not at all disconcerting that their weapons, including cluster munitions and shells... with
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combined uranus, methodically, mercilessly and deliberately, knowingly, they hit purely civilian objects, as was the case when striking residential quarters of belgorod on december 30, and yesterday in the market and shops of donetsk, the blood of dozens of dead civilians is on the hands and conscience of those who are arming the zelenskyi regime, and at the same time officially. declares that the kyiv regions themselves can choose targets for strikes, i would say that the last phrase is the most important here that the ukrainian authorities can choose targets for strikes, because in reality lavrov is still trying, and the entire russian propaganda company is trying to ensure that ukraine is not given the opportunity to shoot. military purposes
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on the territory of russia, and it was for this that all this happened, because of course, if you look at what was there before that, and before that there was an impression of a large terminal serving the leningrad region, before that there was an impression of russian airfields, before that there was a lot of impression and you know for some reason, there were no civilians who died en masse, there were none, there simply were none, there was nothing to say at the un meeting, even after all these... these fabrications of theirs, even after that, they , in fact, all well, most of the representatives of other countries in the un security council said, well , let's not manipulate, and in general we do not, well, we do not recognize these manipulations of yours and we believe that you are trying to mislead, but that is what is now, you know, the main thing the main theme of all russian propaganda in general, to connect ukraine's hands as much as possible. because he suddenly
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for some reason ran into french president macron. they showed, in particular, a conversation with macron, and how macron says that their main task is to prevent russia from winning, right? listen, you french scoundrel. are you satisfied with how your customers shelled the market in donetsk today? do you like looking at the torn bodies of grandmothers? are you proud of the fact that you kill russian children of different nationalities? macron, you are happy. this is what you call preventing russia from winning. when russia demilitarizes ukraine, striking on military facilities, something
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the next day there are no reports about how many civilians, grandmothers, women, children died. here are your scoundrels, on sunday they hit the market, a civilian object, you can see the bodies of no military personnel, you are satisfied, scumbag, french squire, with pitiful insignificance, it seemed, where is the market in donetsk, and where is macron, why suddenly macron, this is an interesting question. to which we also have an answer, and it is, let's remember, in kharkiv on january 17, let's even look at the footage in which the consequences of the russian attack on kharkiv on the night of january 16-17, when the occupiers fired two s-300 missiles from the russian side
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of belgorod, one missile hit the three-story building of the medical facility, a fire broke out there, as the spokesman of the regional prosecutor's office said, this is a private clinic that .. was not working at the time of the missile strike, the facades of 20 multi-apartment residential buildings were also damaged, 14 cars were destroyed , 17 civilians were injured. for every russian attack there are reports of dead and injured civilians, including children, if russian propaganda lives in a parallel world. then the rest of the world doesn't live there, and he knows it very well, and that's why all of salov's conversations are, well, just nonsense, you know, but why did i mention this, because it was precisely in relation to this attack that suddenly on january 21
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, some kind of, well, simply, you know, even a little earlier, on friday, january 19 , such an onslaught of russian propaganda on french women began. on monday, the french ambassador to russia pierre levy arrived at the high-rise building of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation on smolensk square in moscow. he was summoned there literally the night before for an urgent reason to document that the russian army had launched a high-precision missile attack on a building near kharkiv where foreign mercenaries, most of them french, had gathered. as a result, for... there were 60 dead, 20 wounded, survivors, but still alive frenchmen were sent to the hospital for treatment, we needed a reprimand so unexpected for the ambassador after public objections from on the part of the ministry of foreign affairs, france, the participation of the french in the battles
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against the russian troops on the side of zelenskyi's government. well, all this is complete delusion , moreover, of course, immediately after that, the french began to look for some... claims they did not find them, that is, they even included some of their journalists from ukraine, who contacted those people who are there or of nationalities of the french, or former fighters of the french legion, who told them: no, not a single one of our fighters has been injured recently , in general, in principle, but of course it’s not it does not confuse the russian propaganda, which , even showing these facts, well, it has its own footage, says: well, this is probably not true, yes... but what matters are the actual intentions of france, which, which announced them last week, let's also find out about these intentions, because this is a painful fact for the russians. france is also in a hurry to help the armed forces, as tv channel tf-1 reports, paris plans to increase the production
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of weapons to help kyiv. new weapons will begin to be sent to the front next week. the armed forces will immediately receive 40 scalp missiles, 50 air-to-ground missiles. with an increased amount of ammunition. at the beginning of the conflict , about a thousand shells were sent to kyiv from france every month. from january, deliveries will be tripled. for this, military factories will have to work twice as intensively, or even move an equipment repair enterprise to the territory of ukraine. and it is very timely. well, this is very timely indeed. because... this is precisely the moment when the russians are trying to tell everyone how everyone is tired of ukraine and has stopped supplying everything. here it turns out not. france, you see, not only is not tired, is going to triple the number of shells. and in general, macron is going to come to ukraine, to sign an agreement
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on cooperation in the security sphere, according to the british, he is going to do it, he is going to, well , actually, that's why, that's why he's attacking the french, and that's why he's actually mad, eh... it's all a propaganda party, well , let's see separately how maria zakharova from the ministry of foreign affairs of russia is fighting. the other day, our country announced the presence of french mercenaries on the territory of ukraine. yes, now they are not there, indeed, because the ministry of defense worked out this point, but these same people were there, and their presence there is denied by the ministry of foreign affairs of france and the ministry of defense, even of france, do you understand? to what abomination they have reached, but unlike this event itself, which for
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a year and a half cannot present a single name , not a single name, of the so-called deceased or deceased, and endlessly exploiting this topic, turning it into a meme or a symbol. in our russian segment, there is information about the names of french mercenaries, who they are presence denied. well, it's all logical, because it's just fiction, when something appears in the russian segment at all, you have to somehow understand right away that it's just stupid fiction, that is, any lists, stories, fairy tales, these are all fictions, they just make up some goals, you see, stories are like that now, and it's not easy, again, let's go back to lavrov. why did he go to the council right now, why was it so important
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to go there right now, why was it important for lavrov to arrange this provocation, so that then give some of your satellites around the world the opportunity to say: don't give weapons to ukraine, because as you can see, they fall on some peaceful people. why now? well , because in reality something very interesting is happening in the world. history: you know, only here we have people who have swallowed russian propaganda, talk about how the whole world is tired of us and how weak the west is, in reality, nato conducts such exercises, which have not been held for decades, and the russians they are terribly afraid. nato starts the biggest military training. the theater of military operations, from
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the arctic to the black sea, declared by nato as a group of 90,000 military personnel, the last time such a large-scale training of the alliance took place in 1988. today , we have unprecedented, multifaceted exercises, the most important thing is that the scenario of real military operations involves the joining of the united armed forces of the north atlantic alliance, and also quietly joined the operation of the alliance against the russian armed forces in formally neutral sweden. in connection with the crisis in ukraine, training on
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on the ground, in the air, at sea, under water, in cyberspace and even in space, because nato is preparing to destroy russian groups of satellites in space, is training to destroy them, and, but the most interesting thing is not even that, but the way they tell, well, what scarecrows the nuclear forces arrange, actually, for their own people there, russian propagandists, let's see, a training scenario that... nato foresees a number of operations. first, it is the delivery of tactical nuclear strikes against entire objects in the north-west of the russian federation, as well as against the central regions of russia, including the moscow region. then there are operations to search for and destroy russian multi-purpose nuclear submarines in the north atlantic, striking the russian airfield network. as well as the involvement of the alliance's special operations forces to
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carry out sabotage and terrorist attacks, respectively, in the space from the arctic seas to the black sea, that is, nato is preparing to repulse the blow of russia, moreover, they consider it as such a threat that it is possible that it is even necessary to anticipate, rather than waiting. and this is a strong change that happened recently, moreover, recently, this trend, which was essential for the 23rd, has completely broken. year, when something got out of balance there, ukraine is not advancing somewhere, no, now everyone is not talking about it, the world media is talking about how to unite and respond to russia, and this is exactly what scares russia, that's why it everything happened, and it happened because of that, that's why this whole provocation happened, see you soon.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events
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of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening. espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. putin's election. who in kherson oblast prepares pseudo-announcements? we are already quite ready to conducting elections. and also the names and stories of traitors who became fake deputies. by. support of the united russia party and our senator kostyukevich. greetings, i'm olena kononenko , and this is a collaborator program about traitors who, following the call of their hearts and wallets, went to serve the rashi occupiers. on september 30, 2022 , putin signed a decree on the accession to russia of the captured donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia , and kherson regions. and not long after
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, the local occupation-military-civilian administrations began massive preparations for conducting the so-called elections. to the fake authorities, they say, it is necessary to elect those who will lead in the captured territories. russian parties have formed lists of those who seek to serve the kremlin loyally. local collaborators entered there, as well as those who specially came from russia in the hope of getting at least some kind of mandate, even if it is not valid, even if it is illegal, but still a mandate. the two-headed chicken launched a large propaganda campaign in the illegally annexed territories, millions of rubles for propaganda. bribery of the local population, involvement of athletes for intimidation and promises of a better future, methods to achieve the main goal, to attract as many people as possible to fake voting would... were different, but equally dirty. so our today's issue is about those who helped organize the so-called pseudo-elections last fall, who
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agitated people to vote, who became a candidate himself, betraying ukraine. she organized a pseudo-referendum on the 22nd, local elections on the 23rd, and now there will be presidential elections on the 24th, the head of the fake election committee on kherson region, zakharova marina yuriv. kherson is russia, indeed russia will not give its lands to anyone and will fight for them to the last. this traitor, 38, originally from donetsk, is married and has a son. in 2008, she graduated from donetsk national university , majoring in political science. when russia captured part of the donetsk region in the 14th, zakharova supported the occupation and remained in donetsk. at that time , she exhibited on her page in social networks. a photo with the terrorist symbol of the dpr. she is under a russian rag worked in various positions, led work with the team in the so-called ministry of labor and social policy of the donetsk people's
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republic and in the administration of the head of the dnr. she sat in donetsk under the supervision of zakharova's guards until the start of the full-scale invasion. when the russian army occupied part of the kherson region, marina decided that her love for all things putin could come in handy and finally lift her up. to the dream peak, well, it's not for nothing that for so many years she took her son to all the parades of the spineless regiment, wore the gogriv ribbon. so in 2022 in 2008, the traitor moved to kherson region, where she took part in the creation of fake authorities, later received a new task from the kremlin, headed the election commission of the occupied part of the region. the question of the ballot will sound like this: are you in favor of kherson oblast leaving ukraine? the creation of an independent state by the kherson region and its inclusion in the russian federation with the rights of a subject of the russian federation. we are ready to organize a referendum on the entire
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territory of kherson region. zakharova became the face of a fake referendum in kherson region propaganda media broke her speeches into quotes, in which she reported on the organization of the referendum, people's interest in voting and high turnout at the polling stations. already us. they inform that queues even form at some stations. 497 51 participants in the referendum answered yes to the question of a visa to leave ukraine , which was more than 50% of the number of participants in the referendum? zakharova was involved in the creation of territorial election commissions, the formation of voter lists, arrangement of premises and other organizational issues. for... such fruitful work gauleiter volodymyr saldo awarded the traitor with the order of honor. thank you very much for the greetings. thank you for the award. i will justify
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the trust that you have placed in me, that the leadership of the kherson region in the person of volodymyr vasyliovych has placed in me, and of course i will justify the trust of all residents of the kherson region. the security service of ukraine has already informed the traitor about the suspicion of encroaching on the territorial integrity and inviolability of ukraine. operational activity. zakharova's property was seized, and she herself faces up to 12 years in prison. the kherson regional prosecutor's office has already sent an indictment to the court. the case is being considered by the malinovsky district court of the city of odesa. but one criminal case was not enough for zakharova. she diligently worked for another one. when this zaprodanka was appointed as the head of the elections in the kherson region, she understood. if you intimidate people and force them. to vote, if you throw in the ballots and falsify the results, the bunker grandfather will be very pleased, and what can she do in this life be more important? we are already fully ready for
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elections in september 2023. in september, the security service of ukraine informed her about the second suspicion. the law enforcement officers established that this traitor, on the instructions of curators from the kremlin, created the appearance of an election process in the kherson region and falsified the so-called... plebiscite in favor of russian puppets. she also organized a process in which representatives of fake election commissions , accompanied by armed militants, carried out yard visits of residents of temporarily occupied districts of the kherson region and forced them to participate in voting at gunpoint. all this in order to later report on the camera with a smile about the high turnout and sky-high ratings. the political party became the leader according to the voting results. now, with two suspicions, zakharova is preparing for the next presidential election, which is to be held from march 15 to 17, 2024. maybe. for their
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organization and conduct, this sales pike will receive a third suspicion, sit in prison on a comfortable bed and finally calm down on many years, let's hope. rubin yevgenia romanivna, born in 1995, runs with a russian mandate from the united russia party. until february 24, she worked as the deputy director for administrative and technical issues, partner of bc kherson building. yevgenia is known to the people of kherson as a fan of skryabi's work. during the election campaign in the fall of 2020 , with the participation of volodymyr salda, she revealed the morality of the image of the musician and held a concert in his memory. i am a fan of kuzma's work. we wanted to implement this idea for probably four more years ago and accordingly searched around the city where this mural could be placed. when kherson was occupied by the rashists, evgenia exchanged scriabin's work for russian songs. she sat down in the chair of the head of the land
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relations department. in the occupation ministry of agriculture and fisheries of the kherson region, after which she was promoted to become the director of the institute of livestock breeding askania nova. apparently, the occupiers really liked the work of this traitor, because later they included her in the list of candidates for deputies from the united russia party. after holding the semblance of elections, yevgenia not only received a mandate, but became the leader of the faction. i am the head of the united russia faction in the kherson regional duma. as befits an important official, she created a telegram channel for herself, which currently has 31 subscribers, in which rubin glorifies the russian swamps, putin, tries to tell people that russia helps, liberates and saves, but for some reason no one understands or hears her, well, except for herself traitors like her. i really hope that our law enforcement agencies will soon clip the wings of this angelochka. i congratulate you on one
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from'. the most honorable holidays of our state, the day of the constitution of the russian federation. this is another traitor with a mandate, andriy mykolayovych kharitonov, born in 1969, from the city of kherson. he is the former head of the watercraft section of the kherson shipbuilding plant. in 2015, he ran for the kherson city council from the our land party and was unable to realize his political ambitions, but now the occupiers helped, who lured him with candy in the form of candy. mandate, he ran to the council, but about everything in order. when kherson was captured, andriy kharitonov betrayed ukraine and one of the first to rush to help the rashists. they thanked him with the chair of the director of the kherson sea and trade port. according to the information of our law enforcement agencies, it was kharitonov who ensured the transfer of military equipment and ammunition of the russian federation from the left bank to the right bank of the dnieper. kharitonov proved that he is an obedient dog, so he was made a
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fake deputy. which regional duma. with the support of the united russia party and our senator ihor yuriyovych kostyukevich, we will not forget him either, we thank him. kharitonov already received suspicion from the sbu. his case is currently being considered by the kherson city court of the kherson region. a traitor faces up to 15 years in prison or life imprisonment with confiscation of property. we very much hope that he will receive a severe punishment for his actions against ukraine. it. was the collaborators program and i am olena kononenko, if you have information about the kremlin masterminds, write to us at this email address or just on facebook, together we will send all the traitors after the russian ship. see you in a week ether espresso.
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the rescue operation in kyiv has been completed, how many people were injured, where they were targeted and what muscovites destroyed. in kharkiv, unfortunately, the number of victims increased, and eight children were among the victims. and the largest simultaneous loss in the army of israel. greetings to everyone from espresso. i am anna eva melnyk and the news team summarizes today's day. the death toll from the missile attack on kharkiv increased by seven. rescuers blocked the body of a dead woman from under the rubble of a destroyed high-rise building, informs in ministry of internal affairs. 62 people were injured, including eight children and three police officers. rescuers continue their search. one of the men who was rescued from the rubble of the house claims that his wife and child were still there. in the morning muscovites fired rockets over the city.
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