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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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are they pushing for as many victims as possible, as much destruction as possible, as much damage as possible for ukraine? today's attack, it is not the most massive, because kharkiv has seen more shelling, but today's attack, it is the most cynical, because it is repeated in the same place, as it was in the kyiv region this time, when about the fourth... a rocket flew in the area of ​​proskura street, and then, when the emergency services, medical services, rescue services began to arrive there again at seven o'clock, another blow was delivered, this indicates that the terrorists have taken to the practice of harsh terrorist attacks, with which they want to intimidate not only the population of the city of kharkiv, but also our heroic
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saviors, who are famous for the fact that, despite everything, in the first minutes after their arrival, arrived, they are always doing their job, clearing debris, rescuing people and doing everything so that the consequences of shelling are leveled as soon as possible, and i think in order to intimidate them as well, because we also have police officers injured, because they have already arrived at the place and... where then a second attack was made on these places, this is to intimidate our glorious rescuers, who, honestly, are the heroes of our city, who, despite everything, do everything to protect, try to dismantle the rubble as quickly as possible, as quickly as possible to save those people who remain there under the rubble. well,
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the situation, you know, it's so critical there, very, it's, it's a straight broken block, and it looks very terrible. yes, we have seen these motor footage, and at the same time i would like to ask you, mr. alexander, about the situation with the gas stove, the enemy hit the medium-capacity gas distribution system in kharkiv, work is ongoing, the flames were extinguished, this is important, there was no explosion, this is even more important, but the key story is how strong. the enemy unleashed and destroyed this gas distribution station , and when can we expect gas supply to the residents? naftogaz already reported that this was the largest hit since the beginning of winter to the gas pipeline itself, because it was not the first time they had hit, but it was not so severe yet, i do not have such accurate information as of today regarding the gas burner, what is the situation, regarding the light we have 90% recovery, recovery. of those
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subscribers who were disconnected in connection with the arrivals and damage in the area, regarding the gas pipeline, there are 12 houses that do not have gas supply today, but as far as i understand, this is not related to the explosion itself on the gas line, and this is due to the fact that the houses to which there are flights, they were simply disconnected from the gas supply. and also around them those houses that were also connected to the gas supply in their network, the fire was extinguished, locations, well, where, the location is clear, the gas pipeline is clear , what will happen next, i can't tell you today, there is no information yet, i thank you, thank you, oleksandr skoryk was in touch with us, a deputy of the kharkiv city council. council, well, what, we
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are going further now, yes, well, well-known military expert, representative of the defense express company, serhii zgurets, is preparing to join us now. yes, glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, congratulations. greetings to you, greetings to our viewers. today, in our military column, we will talk about individual details of the market of an enemy attack on ukraine, and we will also talk with an expert from poland about what bilateral defense projects are. get a boost after the visit of the polish prime minister to kyiv, more on that in a moment. today, january 23, russia launched another such combined missile attack on our country. in total, according to the air force report, vogrug used 41 missiles, of which 15 were. winged x-type x-101,
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two more are guided x-59s, all the others were ballistic missiles for the iskander trk, anti-aircraft missiles for the s300 and s-400. and high-speed x-22, for the destruction of which powerful sams of the patriot type are required. in general, all cruise missiles, one guided kh-59, as well as five ballistic missiles to the oterk eskander were shot down, that is, half of all the enemy's means of attack. the missile attack was indeed comprehensive, there were two waves of kha-101 missile launches from tu-95 bombers, cruise missiles. were aimed squarely at the capital, and between these two waves the enemy used more ballistic missiles from ground launchers along with supersonic x-22 launches from bombers tu-22 m3. after enemy attacks
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, residential and non-residential premises were damaged in kyiv and in the vicinity of the capital, in pavgograd and kharkiv, there were deaths and injuries as a result of this morning's missile attack on ukraine. five people died, at least 40 more were injured, but a couple of hours ago, from our own sources, our defense express agency learned new details about this enemy missile attack in addition to the information previously reported by the general staff, in particular , it is about , that for strikes on the capital together with cruise missiles used a 48n6dm missile or missiles for the s4 400 complex , their first use was recorded in kyiv back in january 2023 and, if i am not mistaken, this is already the fourth use of these missiles in the capital, this 48n6dm missile is relatively new a missile with an estimated flight range
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along a ballistic trajectory of about 250 km, the warhead of the missile weighs 180 kg, it is fragmentary, it is not accurate, but its fragments... were found precisely in the solomyansk district, and it can be assumed that the most bloodthirsty target the enemy in this area could be the railway station of the capital, but this missile, importantly, was shot down by our air defense means. as for the kha-101 cruise missiles, already modified missiles were used for strikes, that is, with those systems that provide for ejection. thermal or relaxation traps in order to make it difficult to shoot down these missiles, but our air force command reported that all the kha-101 missiles were shot down, the debris was analyzed, and it is possible to talk about the fact that these missiles were manufactured in the fourth quarter of 23- th year
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that is, in fact, the enemy from the wheels uses for strikes those missiles that were just manufactured at the russian defense industrial complex, which can lead to the conclusion: if... the s-400 complex uses ballistic missiles, then the question is not only to strengthen our anti-aircraft defense defense, but to ask questions to our partners so that foreign long-range systems can strike the enemy's territory, using the means of attack that the enemy maintains on its territory. and then we will talk about another topic, it is also related to strengthening our defense capability. yesterday, the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, visited ukraine, it was announced that poland is joining the g7 declaration of security commitments for ukraine, and a number of defense initiatives were also announced, and this is what we now let's talk with our guest, we are now joined by a polish
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expert on international and security issues, head of the poland-ukraine research center, dariusz matryniak, mr. dariusz, congratulations, glad to see and hear you, congratulations. now in polish the press, i watched the results there, everyone is talking about a certain reset of relations with ukraine, poland provided a significant amount of weapons, and during the press conference new things were said, in addition to the package, the new package of military aid was said about that the joint purchases of weapons and about financial loans for weapons projects that will be implemented are foreseen. ukraine, is it possible to say which projects are now getting a boost after the visit of the prime minister of poland to ukraine, and what these new financial mechanisms provide to speed up bilateral cooperation? thank you, in fact, i think, as far as we know
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, as far as it is discussed in our press, also in the expert environment, we can say that, first of all, it is about the fact that the most...
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ukraine, i think that this is a very interesting perspective and very it would be useful both for poland and ukraine, because there is such a thing at the
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moment we have such a plan that these tanks must be, production must be organized as well, also for poland. sir yes, i will re-ask this second part of my question anyway, sort of poland is ready to give financial loans to ukraine so that we can buy polish things with polish money. armament. we have never used such a mechanism before, and even poland did not use such a mechanism, because she herself wanted to receive certain financial loans from south korea for the projects implemented by the industry of this country for poland. does this mean that a new financial mechanism will be introduced in relations with ukraine? in fact, it will probably concern this one in the first place.
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for the purchase of weapons also in other countries, not only in poland. thank you, and it is not possible to ask about the question, the question that concerns last week, when there were reports that due to... the action of russian systems from the kaliningrad region , the work of gps
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over the whole of poland was blocked or complicated, there were various data on this topic , that in particular, the entire sowal corridor was blocked due to the impossibility of using gps, now we will see an infographic showing the density of the alleged work of the russian reb on the territory of poland, explain what actually happened, whether the enemy is really capable of such influence. in your space, what conclusions were drawn, what is true, what is not true, in fact yes, in fact this is such a situation, it actually happened, and it lasted for at least several days, we know that it was primarily due to the navigation system of civilian, passenger planes that were over the territory at that time exactly as we see on the map.
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systemy jakimi wołoduje polska armia ta zbrojne sylky inszych kraj na to jak i takoż przysutne w co rejony wony majja buty zachiszczeny typu co typu głuszenia systemami radio elektronisknej borotwy, chocia tak czy inak pozyelyoby w umowach somehow silniejszych kryzy co pozyelyoby zwisno takoze pewne problemy jak dla... users, primarily civilians. the armed forces at this moment, as far as we know, they will also be able to advise themselves in such a situation, even if there is such and such an announcement. mr. dartar, poland is currently implementing a number of ambitious projects to rearm its army, powerful programs are being implemented, but other than that, changes are
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approaches to mobilization, what actions is being taken now? the ministry of defense of poland in order to have a more combat-ready reserve, in particular, there were reports, and we wrote about it, that the ministry of defense of poland updated the requirements for conscripts during mobilization, what do these requirements entail and how does society react to such decisions of the ministry of defense? yes, there actually changed the laws regarding when in what, for what time a person who is required to serve in the military.
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which can be participated by people who want to do it, and these people have priority, these people who want to participate in it, and not those who would have to be forced by force in the event of a crisis. the question arises, how to stimulate these people who are ready to be reservists, to serve in the territorial defense there, are there additional financial
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incentives there, some career promotions, some other things there that really allow you to increase the number of... people who will , reliable allies of the armed forces during hostilities, yes , of course there are, there are opportunities, there are also financial incentives, that is, for every day, if someone is in military service, or studies, he receives a salary, he has the opportunity, has the opportunity to do, for example, let's say, if he is, let's say a driver, then he can do within the framework of his service.
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were in the actions of the leadership of the ministry of defense of poland, but today, it seems, for the first time, planes, military planes of the polish air force were raised to probably
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intercept russian missiles that attacked ukraine, probably taking into account the negative experience when russian missiles flew and fell on the territory of poland , and then these or other military leaders said that well in it happened to the principle, does it mean? the fact that the new leadership of the ministry of defense of poland is determined to take tougher actions against such unexpected or calculated actions of the russian federation, and we will see such, well, more decisive measures in countering the russian way of influencing nato countries, in particular poland. well, it must be said here that the new leadership of the ministry of defense decided to change two main things, first of all.
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in ukraine, if there are missiles in the airspace of ukraine, we have to raise the planes, then every time there is a corresponding communication from
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of the ministry of defense and the general staff of the armed forces of poland, that there is such a situation, that there are such things to raise and that there are certain things to ensure our regional space for such a case, and this is as if the first thing, the second thing is exactly that there are planes, there are planes and our
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or villages, that is, it will definitely depend on which decision will be more, more or less risky, whether to shoot down this missile or wait, for example, whether it will leave the surface space of poland or not, and finally i would like to ask about powerful exercises, this such exercises of nato countries began last week, 90,000 personnel participates in them and they will continue, it seems. until march , the question arises as to what role belongs to poland in these exercises, how it is related to the risks of the actions of the russian federation, what are the goals...
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fortunately, this time we had more time to talk and we learned a lot of interesting details for our viewers let me remind you that it was
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dariusz materniak of the poland-ukraine research center. and those were the main results of the day, and more international and economic news later on our big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. this is how serhiy zgurets saw the 699th day of the full-scale invasion of the full-scale resistance of our people against the russians. and in the meantime, we are moving on, and in the second part of our broadcast we will talk about money during the war, about international affairs, but now it is time for a selection of the latest information, and unfortunately, we have disappointing news from kharkiv, the eighth victim was found there, the eighth the dead person after today's attack by the russians on the city, the mayor of the city igor terekhonf reported, the body of a child was found under the rubble and there is also
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the number of victims. unfortunately, the number of victims will also increase by 62 people. let's move on and talk about other events, three enemy drones were destroyed by the police in the dnipropetrovsk region. one of them tried to attack the investigative team. law enforcement officers were on their way to the site of the shelling near the village of illinka in the marganets community, where two children were injured as a result of a russian drone hitting a civilian car. the kamikade drone chasing the police car got caught in the tops of the trees, and since... there were residential buildings nearby, an explosive device was taken to the field and destroyed that day, the police eliminated two more russian drones filled with explosives. the investigative team was dropped ammunition from the drone, which did not explode, but the tbh-7b thermal fuse ammunition, which was recycled, was not found.


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