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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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in principle, he is not a very good person, since during the war these topics should not be raised, but again zelensky was asked about the elections, what he thought, by the british from the fourth news channel, and he said that in ukraine we need to think about how to hold presidential elections elections, although the law prohibits it during martial law, still someone is thinking about elections and still someone is trying... to think about how to conduct these elections. in your opinion, how likely are these elections to be held in ukraine in some form? well, it means, well, for example, through an action where a part of people who are abroad can join by voting, or a part of people who left their permanent place of residence because of the war and live as internally displaced persons, how realistic is this? well
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, in your question, they are really thinking about the election, but it is actually impossible, neither legally nor politically, to hold it during the war. why do they think about elections, because if we talk about elections immediately after hostilities, it is very difficult to even roughly imagine their results, because these the results will directly depend on what the combat will end with. the war will end, or at least some phase of the war, and if there is a question of whether it will end with the restoration of the full restoration of the '91 borders, then the question becomes, and what other questions will voters have during this election campaign, who will be responsible not only for victories, but also for those failures that occurred in ukraine, for example, before the war during the preparation, and it will be very difficult to answer all these questions, so of course it is logical and safe for the authorities it would be to hold these elections
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during a military campaign, during a war, but here another question arises, how it can be done legally, and therefore, of course, i have no idea how it can be held, although i understand why it is someone thinks , but i want to warn that even if it is theoretically possible to imagine that these elections can be held during the war, the questions that voters will have about the various political forces will not disappear anywhere, for the end of hostilities, there will be, i predict, after war will be an extremely difficult political period, when there will be a lot of questions , there will be a lot of scandals, there will be a lot of investigations, and it will be very painful for everyone, because it will be very painful to go through all that happened during the war, and this political tension, it will still drive politics to new elections, to be held, i emphasize new early elections.
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in that case, if the elections before that are held during hostilities, then the problem will not disappear anywhere, well, of course, the big question of legitimacy, well, if there are elections during the war, what will be the question of the legitimacy of these elections, how can we guarantee the integrity of the vote count , about which observers can we even talk about international ones, and the most important thing, well, listen, how will the military participate in the election campaign, but they can still theoretically vote through action, but it will be wrong , if we...constitutionally limit their ability to directly participate in the election campaign, and therefore there will be a lot of questions here, and that is why, taking into account all these questions , we have a situation where elections during the war it is impossible to carry out the state, but they are being thought about and will certainly be thought about in the future, because the problems that exist now, they will not disappear anywhere, and it must be said once again that president zelenskyy is talking about this, so that it does not look like serhiy taran and serhiy rudenko are sitting on... on
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the espresso tv channel and rocking this boat and trying to promote the idea of ​​holding elections there, no, friends, that is what president zelensky is saying, but on the other hand, mr. serhii, if there are no elections on time of martial law, a this state can continue for several years or five years, does this mean that ukraine has to live with those elected deputies, with that... elected president, with those elected deputies of local councils, where, by the way, 4 thousand opz representatives remain, and they are active deputies in local self-government bodies, so what to do with this martial law, and how long this martial law lasts, and what to do with these people, and how to ensure democracy, if at all. it is appropriate to speak
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during the war, well, i would suggest at least restoring faith and freedom of speech in ukraine, that would relieve the tension that arises, in particular , because of... what you just said and because of the existence of the psg in power, in some local authorities, and because of the scandals that occasionally arise in ukrainian politicians due to corruption, the full return of freedom of speech, i emphasize, which do not touch freedom of speech on military issues, but purely on socio-political issues, would to some extent compensate for the political tension that is currently present in society, which cannot be hidden by a single telethon, you know, if we... we often talk now about the example of israel, i want to remind you that in israel democracy did not disappear during the war, and freedom of speech is also there. yes, there is censorship, but it touches on military issues. i believe that there should be censorship in ukraine in the future as well, which touches on military issues. as for non-military issues,
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there could be some kind of discussion here, there could be different positions, different points of view, and this would to a certain extent compensate for all the difficult questions to which there are no answers. i want to emphasize that... these questions arise, they arise in such a way that they then appear , for example, in foreign mass media, so now , paradoxically, during the war, foreign media are now very popular in ukraine, because their own media, well, they started, with a small exception , actually did not they write freely about politics, or it appears in their telegram channels, and there is another problem that the information that appears in telegram channels is anonymous, there is no signature under it, so you can put anything you want, there is none. and it's bad, especially in times of war, so i think that kind of political discussion, of course , with observance, i emphasize, with observance of the principles of national unity, must be held in ukrainian society, and perhaps the desire to hold elections there or not to hold elections will disappear altogether,
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because at least under the conditions of observance of the principles of national unity, perhaps even under the conditions of creating a single coalition government, this would also be another issue, by the way, it would be very important to speak now in ukraine. perhaps it would remove all these issues that exist in ukraine. by the way, it is the coalition government for me seems like it would definitely be a good alternative to snap elections in wartime. a coalition government - this would mean that all ukrainian political forces would join it, take joint responsibility for what is happening in the country, accordingly , no one would have grounds for political speculation, and this would be correct, and this it would be very, by the way, good for our international partners to see such unity of ukraine, and this is... it would be better than elections during the war, you mentioned journalists, and two stories that are literally unfolding on our eyes, this is the story of journalist yurii nikolov, to whom unknown persons came,
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began to bang on the door there and plastered his apartment with stickers of evasions and the fact that he is afraid of something there, the person who wrote about who. in the ministry of defense, this story with eggs for 17 hryvnias, this is the story of yuri nikolov, on the one hand, on the other hand, monitoring over a long period of time those who work for denys bigus, in the team of journalists, investigators, well, we see how in in principle , all this happens, how it all is presented, how everything is developing, we see a not very quick action by the authorities, because for several days they thought about doing something about it, then, after all, zelenskyi said that journalists should be protected, and the sbu announced that they will now investigate who well, these scoundrels who put pressure on journalists, but here are the bells, they
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say that obviously, obviously, the president's office, which invites to its... meetings uh, managers or journalists of anonymous telegram channels, sees it in a completely different way democracy and freedom of speech in ukraine, i already not to mention, i'm not talking about the three channels that were also sanctioned, completely incomprehensible when they were kicked out of that 2 espresso, the fifth channel and direct, what do you think zelensky's team is trying to do, that is... they want to curtail freedom of speech
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. i don't know, and so on, that is, many, many things they write about journalists, and they allow themselves to do it, again, these... anonymous telegram channels, which, uh, are very, let's say, respected by the representatives of the office of the president of ukraine. well, this is an example , they cited, for me, they are an illustration of how difficult it is to suppress freedoms for journalists even in wartime, so any such attack remains even more attention to what journalists do and to themselves, and of course this is not good for anyone it will not happen, neither to journalists, nor to those who try to suppress this freedom of speech, and if that there is no sense, so why do it, impersonating ukraine. indeed, in the west , what is happening in ukraine is being watched very carefully, and considering that
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the ukrainian issue is now, well, on the number one agenda in many political discussions in the west, well, for example, in the united states, this is one of the first issues during the election campaign, any scandal is perceived very acutely there, it immediately becomes widespread in the mass media, it is constantly talked about by politicians, and politicians who criticize power which supports aid to ukraine, uh, they immediately say, who do you support, look, they have corruption there, they suppress even freedom of speech there, so it's very bad when such cases happen, and of course, in the west, it's very they take it seriously, very badly, because for them it is still freedom of speech, it does not disappear anywhere, even during war, especially if journalists write about some troubles in the government, i will emphasize the position once again, well, this is my position, and in in principle, it is generally supported in the west. of course, during the war they are possible restrictions on freedom of speech, but if they
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touch on matters of military security, the movement of armed forces, information about shelling, i think it is absolutely right when there is a requirement not to publish, for example, the work of air defense, these are completely understandable things, i think that no one cares no one should have any doubts about this, but if it touches on some other issues related to corruption, with the transparency of the government, then no one... receives restrictions, because on the contrary, it only worsens the situation with the security of ukraine. therefore on west looks like this. i think that i would like it if, of course, there were more reasons in ukraine to talk about the fact that democracy has not gone anywhere and post-war actions will not take place. because it is precisely for values, precisely for values ​​that ukraine is now fighting for, this is what makes the values ​​of both the west and ukraine common. and we need to think about this, because anyone who violates such values ​​in ukraine is thereby undermining unity. between the west and ukraine, undermines the possibility of assistance from the west to ukraine and clearly
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does not work for ukrainian victory. against the background of that is happening to journalists, ihor mazepa was arrested, and the concord capital investment company was raided, and now we are watching how public organizations and businessmen begin to speak about... this out loud and say that it is unfair, in particular, public the manifesto 42 business movement announced a warning action in the event of further ignoring by the authorities of the arbitrariness of the rear security forces. on february 1 , business owners will suspend their businesses for an hour. we are waiting for the state leadership until 12:00 on february 1, 24 of the following year steps to solve the problem that threatens national security. the head of state, the president of ukraine and the government to develop and submit to the verkhovna rada for consideration legislative
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initiatives developed by the public movement manifesto 42 and the involvement of leading lawyers, aimed at limiting the abuse of power by turning in the shoulder straps, during searches, arrests, accounts and property. another story, mr. serhiu, the government and business, that is , the government and journalists, the government and business, and the government and the opposition. there is, but we are already during this broadcast let's not talk about it, because danilov said that there is no opposition, well, that is, the impression that he got into the days of yanukovych, when there was no opposition, all the people of donetsk were around, in terms of business, what do you think about all this? i think that now it is necessary to make every effort to keep business in ukraine, i think that those people who are currently doing business in ukraine, well... really heroic, well, for sure, well, definitely second only to the armed forces, because now in in the current conditions, to somehow
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keep something, to somehow try to keep it jobs, to somehow pay taxes, which , by the way, the country now lives and works for, and in particular the armed forces of ukraine are supported, well, you have to know how to do it, you have to respect it , it seems to me that instead of twisting the fence, it would be better to completely liberalize business now, give him the opportunity to develop, remove all. of course, funds are needed, taxes are needed, but this can be discussed with western partners, because ukraine now protects them as well, and therefore our western partners can help economically. now in ukraine needs to be told about this, of course , the news of the negotiations, we need to work on this with our diplomats, insist on this, but for ukrainian business , all barriers must be removed now, well, we understand that if there is also pressure on business now, then it will simply stop working, from which the ukrainian economy will develop, so i think that it
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looks very ugly now, when any kind of pressure is applied to the business, even if you imagine that in some business. there are possibly some irregularities there, so i think that at least as long as this business pays taxes, it must develop, and then after the war we will figure it out. all the more, you know, now because we don't have such a free discussion, any such event as the arrest of a businessman will still cause some speculation or some hypotheses, the same is true around the arrest or detention of a mazepa, now there are also a lot of theories, versions, i think... that this is wrong, at least in view of the fact that now in ukraine we need trust, and when one businessman is arrested and the second is not arrested, it immediately arises the question is why, why can we have a theoretically selective type of justice, i really would not like this to be the history of ukraine, and therefore now the most important thing would be to remove all issues with business, just give
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it the opportunity to work, because they pay taxes , as much as they can, let them work, then after the war we will sort it out, we... we say that in ukraine we must put a pause on politics with politics, and deal with everything after the war, we can and we will do the same with business, of course, until as long as he pays taxes and gets armed strength, thank you mr. serhiy, it was serhiy taran, a political scientist, a person who knows about ukrainian politics, well, practically everything. friends, we are live on the channel and also on our platforms on youtube and facebook, for those who are watching us live on youtube and facebook now, please like us. in this video and also vote in our poll because today we're asking you : do you trust anti-corruption law enforcement agencies yes no if you watch us on tv take your hand smartphone and vote: yes 0800 211381, no 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free. next we have dmytro snighir, military expert, co-chairman of the civil
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rights initiative, mr. dmytro, i congratulate you and thank you for being here today. with us today, congratulations, mr. dmitry, on the night of january 23 , russia launched a combined missile attack on ukraine, air defense managed to destroy 21 of more than 40 enemy missiles, including 15 cruise missiles, according to the ministry of internal affairs, 10 people died as a result of the attack, more at least 40 injured, about what, sir dmytro, recent massive strikes testify. russians in the capital and other cities, how the current nature of these massive attacks differs from the previous ones. well, it is worth mentioning that the nature of the attacks by the russian occupiers was primarily aimed at residential civilian infrastructure, which distinguishes it from previous attacks. explains forty missiles, about 30%
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are missiles that have. a certain radius of deviation from the target (x-22) is several hundred meters, c300 - anti-aircraft guided missiles, respectively, which were used for strikes according to kharkiv, they have a radius of deviation from the target of about 50 m, that is, we can talk about the fact that they hit with indiscriminate types of weapons, which, accordingly, lead to numerical facts, to numerical facts of the death of the civilian population, in addition, it is worth talking about that there was a combined nature of the attack with the use of both cruise ballistic missiles and, accordingly, anti-aircraft guided missiles, it is also worth noting that
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it was not by chance that the attack on civilian cities of ukraine was actually considered by the russian federation as a response to the provocations actually created by the russian special services in donetsk, by the way, piskov stated that, in fact, the missile attack should not be considered as a response to the strike on donetsk, but when such statements are heard, it should be clearly understood that, accordingly, the missile attack itself donetsk with numerous facts of victims among the civilian population, and strikes on kyiv, kharkiv and other ukrainian cities that led to... numerous human casualties, this is the planned nature of the special operation of the russian federation, which was aimed, i emphasize once again, at terror against of the civilian population, eh... mr. dmytro, the situation at the front remains quite tense in the avdiyivka area, as reported by oleksandr syrskyi, the commander of the ground
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forces of the armed forces of ukraine, the situation in the siverskyi and bakhmutskyi directions remains extremely tense and is characterized by the intensive use of fire, artillery, mortars, attack drones and conducting assault operations. eh, what do you say? about the course of the latest events at the front and whether the forecasts of the analysts of the institute for the study of war come true of the united states of america that the russians will go on a wider offensive in donbas? well, let's start with the fact that the institute for the study of war is an information error that should not be commented on at all. in addition, according to sources close to the ukrainian special services, the infamous anton yuriyovych gerashchenko, a person prone to so-called hype in his activities, is related to the so-called institute for the study of war
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. i am repeatedly on the air and your tv channel for simple information, the so-called institute for the study of war, and it is worth saying that the nature of disinformation is permanent, let's say permanent. character, regarding the actual attack on kharkiv, well, if the institute for the study of war refers in its forecasts to the opinion of a russian literary critic, then it is worth talking about, well, at the very least, either disinformation or the planned nature of informational and psychological operations, directed primarily against ukraine . agree if the literary critic suggests that there may be frosts in january. and accordingly, the russian federation is waiting for the right moment when the ground freezes, at this time in the east of ukraine, the temperature is below 20°, then this is evidence of
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the complete lack of information of the so-called institute for the study of war, but unfortunately, this information is massively disseminated by the ukrainian mass media, without even checking the weather forecasts, not to mention the operational situation directly on the front line , about... everything is worth talking about, unfortunately, i repeat once again, we have a complete insecurity in the information space of ukraine, in which such dubious information institutions can operate, which openly misinform about the nature of the fighting actions i will remind you of the previous notification of the institute for the study of war about the possibility of conducting amphibious operations in the operational rear of the armed forces of ukraine. i'm sorry, i just didn't refute him. it is not the 22nd year, even the events of february 22nd, namely the landing of the airborne troops in gostomel, led to the complete liquidation of the personnel
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of the airborne troops of the russian federation. currently, the saturation of the combat lines with short-, medium- and long -range anti-aircraft means is sufficient to neutralize any threat of large-scale amphibious operations, and what does large-scale mean? a transport helicopter can take on board no more than 20 personnel, so let's imagine the scale of this operation, conducting amphibious operations in the operational rear of the armed forces of ukraine, this is an outright stupidity, but i emphasize this stupidity once again, it is picked up, what is happening currently in the kupyan direction, the situation is extremely difficult in the senkivka area, the occupiers are trying to break through... the positions of the armed forces of ukraine. control over the dominant heights in this area allows the armed forces of ukraine to keep the situation under control.
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but after the occupiers captured krokhmalnyi, this was confirmed by the armed forces of ukraine. currently, unfortunately, there is further pressure on the tabaivka region, with an attempt to flank the armed forces of ukraine. but it is worth noting that i emphasize once again, it will not be under attack. the occupiers are primarily interested in the ukrainian cities of sloviansk and kramatorsk, which are located in the donetsk region. in my opinion, according to the information that is currently available from the scene of events, the occupiers are preparing a breakthrough on the city of izyum in order to create strike group, which will hang over the flanks of the ukrainian forces concentrated in the donetsk region. and it is no coincidence that last week syrskyi announced that the plans... first of all to capture the donetsk region and the most difficult situation precisely in the directions that are concentrated in the donetsk region,
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it is no coincidence that he also names... the lemansky direction, by the way it is worth mentioning that the possibility of an offensive by the occupiers in the lemano area, we reported on your broadcasts six months ago, but why was this information openly ignored by the ukrainian security forces, then it was said that personnel and heavy armored vehicles were being accumulated, respectively, in order to create an operational environment. ukrainian troops in the siversk region. currently, syrsky this week says that the goal of the occupiers appears to be an attempt to break into the siversk region and create an operational encirclement. so, i apologize, if the legal system gives information, igur, sorry, does not respond for six months, then this is a matter for the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense regarding without...
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activities, or activities, but at least there are more than enough questions, and in fact, regarding the events that are currently taking place in the lymansky direction, and accordingly those events that are also taking place in the avdeivskyi direction, because the breakthrough of the occupiers in the area of ​​the tsar's village, about which at the moment , the armed forces of ukraine themselves are reporting and confirming this, respectively, well, it is difficult to give ... comments should be given by the relevant services regarding the nature of this offensive, thank you, mr. dmytro, for the conversation, it was dmytro snighir, military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative of the right to the right, friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us on social networks, please do not be stingy, but give us a like in
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tv viewers, on our youtube page, 10% trust, 90% do not trust , that is, the level of distrust in anti-corruption bodies, among viewers of the tv channel is quite high, we will continue to conduct the same survey during the second part of our program, which will begin after the bbc release, literally 15 minutes after the end of our first program. people's deputies of ukraine, iryna gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko and yulia klymenko will be on our broadcast. let's talk about possible elections in ukraine, about how, in the absence of elections, the government and the opposition should work together with the people, of course, on the future of ukraine, so stay tuned, we 'll be back on the air soon.
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where do the foreign-made microchips come from in the missiles with which russia is hitting ukraine, this is the broadcast of bbc news ukraine, in the studio of jafer umerov. this is not the first time that foreign-made microchips have been found in russian rockets, how does russia circumvent western sanctions in order to build up its own? in the morning, the russian army struck kiev, kharkiv and pavlodar , there are dead and injured, destroyed houses in dnipropetrovsk region, this time it was a combined russian...


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