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tv   [untitled]    January 23, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EET

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soon we will return to the air, from where the foreign-made microchips are in the missiles with which russia hits ukraine, this is the broadcast of bbc news ukraine, in the studio of jafer umerov. not for the first time in russian rockets. find foreign-made microchips, how does russia circumvent western sanctions to build up its arsenals? in the morning, the russian army attacked kyiv, kharkiv and pavlodar, there are dead and injured, destroyed houses in dnipropetrovsk region. this time it was a combined russian... strikes
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using various missiles, including cruise missiles, ballistic, aviation and anti-aircraft guided missiles, as reported by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, russia launched 41 missiles, and according to him, ukrainian air defense managed to destroy half of them, 21 missiles. but russia is shelling ukraine with missiles in which foreign- made spare parts are found. for example, in the attack on january 2 , the ukrainian military found components of western brands in russian cruise missiles, and this is an indicator not only that russia is circumventing sanctions, but also adapting to them and stockpiling weapons. but first, what are they? components? military personnel examining these fragments discover, for example, foreign dual-purpose microchips, some of which may have come from pre-war stockpiles of the russian federation, and some of which probably ended up in russia. already
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during a large-scale invasion of the hopid of sanctions. russia still does not have its own production of high-quality microchips, so it relies on western countries, which have greater resources and experience in these extremely difficult technologies. we will talk about how russia gets western components a little later, but from which countries do these come microchips? and here are the research data. of the ukrainian school of economics, 95% of foreign components of russian weapons used by russia against ukraine were produced by companies from partner countries of ukraine, all of them imposed sanctions against the russian federation, and 72% of these components were produced by american companies. 6% are components from switzerland, a little less from japan, germany, the netherlands and other countries.
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at the same time, except for china, which does not support sanctions against russia, all other countries do not export military goods or dual- purpose goods to russia, which is both political and legally they recognized him as an aggressor. you can read more about this topic on our website the fate of zhannybezpyatchuk, fresh missiles with which russia fires at ukraine, where do the deficits come from? microchips, you can also find a link to this article in the comments to our release on youtube. russia has been intensifying attacks on ukraine, launching combined missile attacks since the end of december. usually uses cruise missiles, gyro-ballistic daggers, ballistic s-300 and iskanders. but in general, what is happening at the front, what does the new one look like 2024 in terms of military strategy.
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the following bbc article is about this. in ukraine , the new year did not come to the sounds of festive fireworks, to explosions from deadly shelling, rockets and drones. this war is not in the headlines as often as it used to be, but it is ongoing, so as the world enters the year 2024, at what stage is the russian-ukrainian war. the front line may not be changing much, but that doesn't mean it's a stalemate. exhaustion level. forces and the speed with which both sides will be able to restore their offensive combat potential, will set the tone for how the events of 2024 will unfold, so both sides are competing to inflict the most damage to wear down the enemy while rebuilding their own strength. whichever side wins this process now will have a significant advantage later in the conflict, so the lack of movement doesn't mean i won't change things. in 2023, ukraine launched
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a long-awaited counteroffensive, there were talks that the military forces would cut off crimea, but the front line almost did not change, the offensive... had already begun by russian troops. so what are we now? we see: the russians are again preparing to attack in at least three directions: kharkiv region in the east, chernihiv region and sumy region in the north, and mykolayiv region with odesa region in the south. recently, russia has intensified its bombardment of ukraine with hundreds of missile and drone strikes across the country. such a campaign is aimed at breaking the will and resistance of the ukrainians, and also at destroying the air defense arsenals, because if the russians succeed in exhausting the existing air defenses, then the russian air force will have access to average height above the front line, and this will already
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lead to a tactical advantage on the battlefield. one of the great hopes of ukraine is western military aircraft. and it seems that american f-16s will fly over ukraine soon. hopes are high for them, but what impact exactly will they have on the battlefield. f-16 will cover the troops at the front from the sky. they will also give ukrainian forces the ability to go to a much greater range and launch airstrikes against russian military targets. in addition, they have excellent defensive capabilities. so ukrainians can do a lot with f-16s when they get them. but they will not be a panacea for war. victory will depend on the events on the battlefield. this is also in fact a struggle of societies in their political will and industrial capabilities. ukraine is making
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significant efforts to expand domestic production, and it is bearing fruit, but the country does not control the financing and does not have access to its s... supply chains to be able to scale up production massively. on the other hand, russia is not under such a threat missile attacks, has lower restrictions and significantly more resources. russia controls many of the supply chains involved. therefore, the russian defense industry is ready and rapidly accelerating production. if ukraine, which is heavily dependent on the support of the west, is left alone, then... it will lose this war, and due to crises in other parts of the world , there are fears that the determination of the west may waver. the loss of ukraine could be a big historical mistake for the eu and our allies if they stop their
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support. the russians decided they could to survive the political will of the west, and that's why they think. that they can win, and the fact that they think so means that they are willing to press on because they believe that their prospects will improve over time, and whether they are wrong in their calculations is up to us. about the missiles with which russia fires at ukraine, where western microchips come from, we will talk about this topic with my colleague zhanna bespyatchuk, who researched it. greetings, zhanna, here i am... how does russia, despite sanctions, get access to modern electronics, to chips, so that make rockets? i congratulate you, there are several main methods, the most common, as it turned out, is effective, even under conditions when sanctions are introduced by many countries of the world,
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it is the purchase of electronics, electronics very often of western brands, with the help of intermediary firms, so-called... firms spacers, one-day firms, which are often created for a short period of time, and work in those countries that have not implemented sanctions or have implemented them only partially. this is the first way, the second way is to buy electronics directly from those countries that have not introduced any restrictions on russia continue to do business, and in particular sell components critical to the military-industrial complex there. and another way is to use reserves, stocks, which are obviously from russia itself. there are also attempts in russia to set up its own production as the equipment needed to produce microchips, microprocessors, and to develop chips
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of its own production, but so far there are no results, and in general, what should be understood about this whole topic, electronics. by the complexity of the technology, it can be compared with the exploration of space, that is, it is very, very difficult, it takes many years to establish its own production, but here is what i am interested in... i wonder if there is a probability that these third countries will also fall under under the sanctions of western countries? yes, the answer to this question is as follows: the probability that the country itself will fall under sanctions? no, but what about legal entities, that is, businesses operating in this country, and individuals involved in these supply schemes. them components of microprocessors to russia will be subject to sanctions, and one more very important point,
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banks that work in third countries, in so-called third countries that have not introduced sanctions against russia, but serve companies, intermediaries, overnight companies, then they may fall under sanctions, these are so -called secondary sanctions, and the united states of america has already adopted rules that allow it. to do this before, literally a year ago, i know what they said, it is impossible, it is very difficult to sanction banks, but it turns out that this is possible, it is a big step forward, well, there are american companies from great britain among the manufacturers, but can the manufacturers themselves somehow stop the export of products to russia in this way through third countries? yes, definitely. it is worth starting with the fact that for the manufacturers themselves, at least for some, you see yourself on the list of those companies
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from which electronics, despite these sanctions, despite export controls, despite restrictions, certain ethical moments of this history, all the same end up in russia, everything one thing, here in kyiv, in other cities of ukraine, it is snowing now in the literal sense, they raise the wreckage, where the microprocessors find the wire. american electronics manufacturers, for them this is a problem in any case, you need to understand this, and in order to counteract this, it is necessary to warn and limit the trade in electronics with sanctioned russia, they are definitely these manufacturers can change their own rules of operation, that is, more carefully check who they trade with in... countries like turkey, like china, certainly reports about 80% of western
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electronics, electronics, other manufacturers come to russia, and these are also the countries of central asia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, some arab countries, and experts, for example, pay attention to the fact that see who are the founders, owners of specific business structures, are there russian citizens there, these are simple markers by which you can strengthen the so-called corporate responsibility for decisions regarding trade with this or that company, and there are, of course, other ways that countries that have introduced sanctions can also further strengthen export control, well, these are examples of what can really be done here and now in order to limit it further, and in short, we don't have much time left, is it possible to completely block the access of foreign components to russia? in fact, this is such a global issue, there are two
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aspects to it: first, as long as russia has enough funds to pay for circumventing sanctions, because sanctioned products are always more expensive, and intermediary firms need to pay extra, until it is completely restricted it will not succeed, because in general the global economic system is a free market system, and completely shut down everyone are possible no way in a free economy, a free economic system is impossible. thank you, zhanna, bbc correspondent zhanna bespyatchuk was in direct contact with us. that's all for today, subscribe to our youtube channel, leave comments, we carefully read all comments. well, as always, on the air at 9:00 tomorrow, take care.
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greetings, friends, the verdict program is live on the espresso tv channel. our second part will be dedicated to the elections in ukraine, and let's see what our announcement is about. we will talk power without elections. from the termination of the election campaign requires agreements, is zelenskyy ready to share power with the opposition? business: the government faced resistance from entrepreneurs due to the arbitrariness of law enforcement officers, will the government listen to businessmen? the sbi is at the center of scandals, trust in anti-corruption law enforcement agencies of ukraine is declining, how to restore it? we are live on the channel and on
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our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on social media, please like this video. and also take part in our voting, today we ask you about the following: do you trust the anti-corruption authorities of ukraine? yes, no, please vote on youtube with the button either yes or no, if you have a special opinion, please write it in the comments, if you are sitting in front of the tv, you can pick up your phone and vote, if you trust the anti-corruption law enforcement agencies, 0800 211 381, no 08021. 382 call, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like to introduce our guests today program, these are people's deputies of ukraine, yulia klymenko, the voice faction. ms. yulia, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening. iryna gerashchenko, european
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solidarity faction. ms. irina, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. you are welcome, good evening. oleksiy kucherenko, batkivshchyna faction. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. thank you for the invitation. ladies and gentlemen, let's start with a quick question, just a very short one if possible. because we ask our viewers if they trust anti-corruption authorities, i will also ask you whether you trust anti-corruption authorities. ms. yulia, you have the floor. i trust anti-corruption, law enforcement - no. thank you, mr. oleksiy, not really, i have reasons, i watched the development of events in certain processes, and i have justified claims. thank you, ms. iryna, certainly more than bep and dbr, but i would very much
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like the authorities to prevent anti-corruption agencies from being involved in politics, politics. why do we ask, because sociology appeared, according to the results of the foundation's social research democratic initiatives, as of december 23, the level of trust of ukrainians in anti-corruption bodies, sap, nabu, nazk, was at the level of 51% or 52%, well, we, the first tvs, those who vote for us on youtube , there was a ratio, the tv audience trusts 5%. 95 don't trust and 10% were on youtube and 90% don't don't trust, well, that's the ratio. however, let's start our conversation with the elections, because volodymyr zelenskyy started talking about them again, that is , not the opposition, not journalists, not experts, but in zelensky was asked if he was thinking about
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holding elections in ukraine, and he gave an interview to the british. tv channel to the fourth news tv channel, and we will hear what zelensky answered. the verkhovna rada must vote and give a mandate for elections, they must raise this issue and vote, they cannot because of the prohibition of the law, they cannot violate the law, and the situation is that elections are prohibited in our wartime, and the situation. this, if it could even be done, what to do with the occupied territories, temporarily occupied, and how to conduct legitimate elections so that they are recognized by the world, if we have six, more than almost millions abroad, and they must have infrastructure, and
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unfortunately we do not have an online format of elections, and if you ask me, i believe ... that we need to think how to do it. mrs. irina, how can you think like that to do this? it seems to me that today the authorities need to think more, really about how to hold the country, and hold it primarily in terms of security, because the war is not over, and it is important that the elections, when they are held, take place on everyone the territory of ukraine, on a large territory of ukraine, and you don't know that we have there, russia will continue to tear our territories apart, and we need to focus on this, obviously, for the authorities. which is losing ratings today , objectively, she would be interested in holding these elections as soon as possible and extending her time in institutions, in chairs, in
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positions, etc., but in this case, president zelenskyy is right in saying that elections during martial law are impossible to hold as legitimate, they will not be recognized by society or the world, not only because impossibility to fully apply. their right to vote, by refugees abroad , internally displaced persons who also live in such dangerous areas, in kharkiv region, in kherson region, the impossibility of taking military officers in the elections, because they are fighting today, and at this time in the country there is a great demand for for the military to be represented in power, for them to enter both the new parliament and the new government, and who knows what positions the military will hold, the actual election process should ensure this right, both active and passive for all levels of society, and this is impossible during the war, at the same time, indeed, the parliamentary
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powers of de jure ended in november last year, and it is obvious that the president and his team are discussing how the world and society will perceive this year's herbs and so on , and it seems to me that in this answer, which... obviously, what the government is looking for, how to strengthen the legitimacy of the government, there is one recipe, it is a government of national salvation, it is a reformation of the parliamentary majority, which is supposed to create a new government of technocrats, and this government must be professional, be in dialogue with journalists, with business, ah, give, well, very, you know, the right answers to these challenges that ukraine is facing today, otherwise, we really... today have very huge risks from a decrease in support for all institutions of government, because society is obviously entering such a period of depression,
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don't forgive, the war continues, it's all very difficult, and at this time to watch how business is a nightmare and what is happening with journalists, and the absolute inability of the authorities society is not ready to respond to economic and other challenges there, and that is why our position is our political power. that should strengthen the legitimacy of the government in the conditions of martial law through reformatting the majority in the parliament and create the creation of a government of national salvation, and this is not about chairs, there is absolutely nothing to share, it is about responsibility and professionalism. thank you, ms. irina, mr. oleksiy, the government without elections, because martial law does not allow elections to be held, and martial law in the country can last a year or two, may. martial law can last 5 years, and maybe 10 years, no one knows exactly how long martial law can last, whether in such conditions it is possible to talk about the conclusion of some kind
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of conceptual agreement between the monomajority and political forces, in particular those represented in the supreme for the sake of some kind of agreement on how the government operates in these conditions, i would like to remind you that in 1995, when the constitutional process in ukraine was quite difficult, a constitutional treaty was signed that, in principle, resolved many issues until the new constitution is approved by the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and in this way, kuchma and the representatives of the parliament managed to remove the existing tension. is it possible to calculate or... can we talk about such a conceptual agreement? thank you, well, i will remind you that during viktor andriy chyushchenko’s time , he really loved, loved this business,
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station wagons, he constantly suggested critical moments to arrange a station wagon, it even seems like they were arranged there, yes, but practice has shown that with regionals, well, who can be versatile therefore, to be honest, i don't really trust it in this situation, the more so i can't agree with mrs. irina completely, or rather i can't completely agree, in part i can, that the creation of the government, i don't know how to call it correctly , national trust or some other technocratic one, it will replace the delegitimization of the same president, well, first of all, i will remind you, and mrs. iryna said about this, that the legitimacy of the deputies is also in question, yes, well, relatively speaking, for four years. passed, if not now, then after a certain time, but the same goes for you and me, colleagues, dear deputies, eh, apparently, well, the same
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claims, well, not that claims, but... there may be certain doubts and so on, so the situation really looks like a dead end, the only thing i would like is that we do not get confused different things, because maybe i assume, i don’t consider myself an in-depth expert there, an expert in the constitutional law of the process and others, but it is possible, perhaps with certain changes in certain laws , to make appropriate changes so that during the wartime... categorically the country was not left without president, no matter what we want, no matter what we have to do with him, but according to according to our constitution, the cabinet of ministers under this future possible coalition, he cannot completely transfer all the powers of the president to himself without special changes to the constitution and laws. i have no doubts that this government absolutely does not meet the challenges
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of today, it is not... professional, it is not adequate in the situation, we, i and our faction have been talking about this for a long time, and in any way we must definitely try, make an attempt to bring down this technocratic government, and the last thing is the question of legitimacy it is necessary to consider both the president and the verkhovna rada, both in the internal aspect and in the external aspect, you understand, because today this factor is external for us, it is... a matter of survival, you understand that the issue of supporting a specific resource, financial armed forces, this is a question of ukraine's survival today. from an internal point of view, i think that the ukrainian people will somehow perceive this illegitimacy as temporary, i don’t think that there will be any outrage, especially since certain ratings of zelenskyi, i don’t completely distrust them, but nevertheless they show that he has a certain amount of trust, significant , let's say, this is an obvious fact, but here is the question
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of the external... internal legitimacy of our president, who today, by the way, pay attention, he finally concentrated on his main duties, he does not really get into government issues, he deals with the external vector, he is constantly communicating now, well , that’s already not bad, you understand, but he may really lack legitimacy after the end of his term, it will be a problem for ukraine as well, so i’ll be honest, i would expect from of the president... proposals, how and what should be done in this situation, including changes to the laws, and not, well, excuse me, it is naive to somehow say, well, there are deputies, let them be determined there, well, this is absolutely not the case, this counterproductive and ineffective in this situation, we are waiting for the president's innovative initiatives, thank you, mr. oleksiy, ms. yulia, obviously the legitimacy of both the president and...
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the supreme council will last until the next president of ukraine is elected and until the next verkhovna rada is elected , well, at least in in 2005, kuchma was the president of ukraine until 2005, although his term of office, if i am not mistaken, ended at the end of october 2004, but since there was a third round of presidential elections, in november, in november, in november, in november. but, but, he remained in office until the arrival of the next president of ukraine, and the verkhovna rada also remains legitimate until the successors come and take over these powers, but here we are not even talking about the legitimacy of the verkhovna rada council and the president, and we are talking about its changeability and about democracy in ukraine, or whether it is even necessary to talk about the fact that
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people... should exercise their right to choose during the war, and again, if this war will continue one year and not two and not three , but more, in your opinion , is zelensky ready to share power with the opposition, because in principle, both the monopoly power and the power that is in the verkhovna rada, for the citizens, there is a power that they choose, come on let's say that elections are always the result of politics. of the process in ukraine, well, this is the end, as it were of the political process, these are elections , at the moment there is no political process in ukraine , and in principle it cannot be, that is, parties, new, old, candidates, cannot implement their, they do not hold meetings with voters, de facto, they do not can fly...


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