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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 12:30am-1:00am EET

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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast , my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now and about the war let 's talk more, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is, now about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy, good evening, please, i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money. during war oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart people. those who care about espresso in the evening.
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events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live.
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we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00. glory for ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. russian missile terror continues, nine dead under the rubble of houses in kyiv, kharkiv and pavlograd, which will stop the terrorist putin. more weapons for ukraine, lavov's hypocritical statements at the un security council and new aid packages from allies at ramstein 18. elections during the war. zelensky suggests that the verkhovna rada consider them the organization that benefits from it.
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over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests: volodymyr ogrysko, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine serhii taran, political scientist and co-chairman of the public initiative right, dmytro snigerev. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, there will be a deputy studio, we will have iryna gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko and yulia klymenko as our guests. however, before starting our big conversation. i suggest watching the video of the consequences of another terrorist attack of the russian federation in peaceful cities of ukraine, at least ten people died, dozens were injured in kyiv, kharkiv and pavlograd. this is how the rescue operation took place in these cities today. let's see.
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the wife, too, is now being srenemated. it's warm in our house, it's warm in the car. he is alive.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you about whether you trust anti-corruption officials to law enforcement agencies, yes, no, if you are sitting in front of the tv and you have a phone or smartphone in your hands... you can call 0800 211 381, if you trust law enforcement anti-corruption agencies no 0800 211 382, ​​call, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote.
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we are in touch with a politician, diplomat, and minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9. volodymyr grysko. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, good health. sir volodymyr, let's start with the un security council , because the russian federation tried to shift the blame for what happened in donetsk to the ukrainians and called on the un security council and the countries of the united nations not to provide ukraine with weapons during the security council meeting un, sergey lavrov continued to deny. independence and sovereignty of ukraine, claiming that the ukrainian people are allegedly not interested in a war against russia, but the west is pushing ukraine to continue this war. let's hear what the newest rebentrop said.
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the reality is that, despite the complete failure of ukraine's armed forces on the battlefield, the western patrons of the kyiv regime continue to push it with maniacal persistence. despite the fact that the kyiv regime survives thanks to western handouts, and even their spokesmen admit this, the majority of ukrainians are beginning to understand who their real enemy is, and who has been confusing them for many years, scaring russia, planting lies about our country and canceling our common history . sir volodymyr, lavrov and and russia has once again wiped its feet on the advice of the un and on the organization of the united nations organization itself, and russia has violated most of the articles of the un charter, is waging a sufficiently
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cruel and aggressive war against ukraine, how long will the un tolerate russia and lavov? you know, i have to listen. all this propaganda delusion , well, since we have to know the enemy, as they say in the face, unfortunately, the answer to your question, mr. sergey, is negative, it will be, unfortunately, the organization of the united nations in the form in which it exists today, endure this in defiance of common sense, you see, you rightly called him a modern ribbentrop, but... there is one difference between the ribbentrop of that time, the nazi ribbentrop, the world did not listen, but today's, unfortunately, based on the structure of this organization, the world must listen, and must listen to his absolute lies, which
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already, you know, do not fit into any boundaries, but everyone watches and is forced to... pretend that they will think about something somewhere, consult, before his speech on behalf of the deputy secretary general of the un with issues of disarmament they talked about the fact that it was necessary to somehow end all this, well, of course, it was called that russia is an aggressor, well, not in the direct sense, but that it started... its own, its invasion, but there was no decisive condemnation of all this sounded, on the big one, this is today's organization of the united nations in action, return to its complete inactivity , therefore waiting for any changes, it seems to me, is
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a rather weak hope, there will be no changes, russia blocks everything it wants in the security council and not only in the radbez. therefore i am afraid that we will be forced gradually from this organization leave, except that it will remain as a platform for talking about one or another global problem, but no more. another fellow student of russia's war against ukraine, vladimir putin, dmitry medvedev said that russia will go to the victorious end, no matter how many 10 years or 50 years until this end, that there is no such state as ukraine, that ukrainians are the same russians, who for some reason decided that they are somehow different and... have the right to independence and sovereignty, one could of course be ironic about
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what medvedev said, but usually what in medvedev is on the tongue, putin is on the mind, and maybe all of them are on the mind, and in fact this is a rather serious statement that came from the mouth of medvedev, and obviously, not only the ukrainian side, not only ukrainians, but also the whole... world, because actually now it can prevent russia from doing this, from fighting for 10 or 50 years, well, except for the armed forces, of course, well, mr. sergey, the answer, it seems to me, lies on the surface, it is about the fact that this should be the position of a collective measure, which, well, it already happened with the hands of the armed forces must defeat this monster, another option for now, i'm being honest. i don't see, unfortunately, you see, because of what is happening in the united states of america,
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because we have become hostages of the internal party struggle, on exhaustion, unfortunately, we have a pause in aid now, and the representatives of the white are right home, in particular kirby, that these consequences could be catastrophic, well, but it is practically now becoming more and more almost impossible to thwart political ambitions, because what the republicans, that the democrats are splitting into different corners, and although it seems that there is some chance of reaching a compromise in the senate, this compromise in the house of representatives ... will be very difficult to achieve, it was not so long ago that
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i spoke with some americans who are close to those , who sits in the senate , and they expressed quite serious skepticism that this resolution in the house of representatives would be able to be reached quickly, which means that the situation on the front lines ... will become really threatening for us, unless they intensify now and dramatically will strengthen their help from european partners, as in particular great britain or germany does, but this does not at all remove that, does not reduce that role and does not remove the responsibility of the united states of america, which actually should have signed up to... to support ukraine until victory over russia . today, mr.
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volodymyr, the 18th meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine in the ramshtein format is taking place in virtual mode, it was dedicated, or is dedicated to the long-term needs of ukraine, and this was reported in the pentagon, the minister of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, at the opening of rammstein. 17 emphasized the importance of supporting kyiv in confronting full-scale russian aggression, let's listen to what lloyd austin said. ukrainian defenders continue to inflict significant losses on the kremlin forces. putin continues to sacrifice staggering numbers of russian troops in his reckless and reckless war. putin hopes that missiles and drones will demoralize the ukrainian people and break the morale of the ukrainian army, so i urge this group to dig deeper to provide ukraine has more vital ground-based
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air defense and interception systems. do i understand correctly, mr. volodymyr, that our allies were not ready for such a bloody, long-term war of russia against ukraine, and this means that what is happening in ukraine on the part of russia is... a surprise, including for western intelligence, well, judging by how the countries of the north atlantic alliance, and the same countries that are part of the ramstein group now. are trying to slow down and gain momentum in terms of providing their troops with weapons, or does this not indicate that the measure was miscalculated with regard to russia, with regard to their intentions, with regard to their plans? well, without a doubt, mr. serhiy, this is obvious, after the collapse of the ussr, the west lived in
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the illusions it had already created that russia is a friend, comrade and brother. well, we have seen it in everything that has happened during these last 30 years. russia was forgiven for everything, they forgave the genocide in chechnya, they forgave georgia, they forgave the 14th year in ukraine, they forgave the atrocities in syria and so on and so forth. that is, it was all on the surface, because they at the last moment, they believed that everything would be fine, and that they would be able, at the expense of smaller countries, such as ukraine, and so on , to come to an agreement with russia and play the same very often corrupt game with them, but putin perceived it differently, that if you retreat, then i will advance and i started to advance, well , what can i say if the germans themselves are talking about the fact that in the bundeswehr a very large part of the same
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tanks that we should have, do not start. but here is the fact that what is happening in the united states of america itself is obvious shows that the same trump is trying to play the situation that is developing in ukraine, the situation that is developing in europe, in general, in connection with russia's war against ukraine, and trump is trying to tell everyone that he will come to power and will definitely stop this war, because he knows putin very well, he knows zelenskyi very well, so he will need little time to stop this war. who is this rhetoric aimed at, mr. volodymyr, that is, who is the consumer of this information, or of these promises that are not supported by anything, that is, at whom
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does trump work for the voter, does the voter care, russia's war against ukraine, that trump can... play a decisive role in this war, well, you see, mr. serhiy, i think this is about such a phenomenon of democratic societies as populism , and trump is an outstanding populist of all times and peoples, that is , he is a person who lives in this, and that is why he likes it, because he offers absolutely, well , sorry for for for for... for such an assessment, senseless solutions to complex issues, well how it is possible to say that i will stop the war between ukraine and russia in 24 hours, unless he starts bomb the kremlin, and then the kremlin will understand that it is necessary to stop, but i doubt that he will do it, or does he think that ukraine will agree to stop,
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stop and give 20% of its land to its occupier and thus... to demonstrate that international law is not needed by anyone, including the civilized world, er, that is, these are things that definitely work exclusively for the voter, for the average voter, who understands little about world politics and does not understand what it is about at all, and when they tell him that i will quickly solve everything, you won't even have to think about it from... your pocket, not a single dollar will go to any help, so i definitely like it, especially when now there are some real problems with the same border, when there is a need to solve the issue of , in order to stop this flow of illegal migrants
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from the south to the united states of america, money is needed for this, then one can certainly calmly oppose... the need to allocate several tens of billions of dollars there for the construction of a wall with mexico, than for help to some ukraine, which for many americans is somewhere in the distance of the moon, so i think that this is typical and exceptional populism, and trump is the number one populist in the united states of america, to say the least. today , belarusian dictator oleksandr lukashenko called on his generals. to strengthen the protection of the state border and airspace of the republic, he once again emphasized the military threat to belarus, which allegedly exists both from the side of ukraine, and from the side of poland and other countries. baltic states, let's listen to what the self-proclaimed president of belarus said, today's decision to protect
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the state border has its own particularity precisely in the fact that we have a special situation: to the south there is a war, to the west poland-lithuania, the baltic states are even worse, i emphasize, moreover... the corresponding detachments of commanders are already being prepared there , we have them we know, mr. volodymyr, there is an impression that both alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin are preparing some second action with the participation of belarus, whether it will be the suvalsky corridor, whether it will be the baltic countries, whether it will be the baltic countries, whether it will be poland, or again there will still be a northern border. for ukraine , it is clear that there is no point in analyzing what lukashenko said, but still, to whom
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was this message directed, to the people of belarus or to the west, which he traditionally threatens with his shoe? you see, mr. serhiy, i will go back to... to the speech of the kremlin's chief propagandist lavrov, who said that the west is dropping, it is literally what he said, dropping all military junk to ukraine, but this junk itself is replacing it with the latest weapons, so if this with junk, as lavrov says, you can stop... the second army of the world, the question is, what is this army, excuse me, the army of the second army of the world can attack
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nato countries, if today our armed forces fire at the junk we have , as one viewer of svyat leningrad says, and there... they are cursing oil depots for several days in a row, the question is who and what putin and lukashenko can threaten together with him, well , unless there is a bunny in some forest somewhere in the north finland and nothing more, they really have nothing to oppose a collective event, a collective nato, and now that, by the way... the nato forces are conducting really huge maneuvers in terms of scale and in terms of the involvement of troops, gathered more than 90
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thousand people, these are really the largest maneuvers in recent years, if not decades, then this only in order to clearly show to these figures, lukashenko's type, lavov's type, putin's type, that this phrase by biden that we will defend every inch of nato territory is not for journalists, but for those in whose head has not yet dissipated a little fog, and for our own consumers of information, well, it is again the necessity to fight against this evil that has surrounded both russia and belarus, and therefore we must be vigilant, therefore we must hold on. therefore, one should not think about any democracy, this is not a necessary thing at all, but one should stand as much as possible together with lukashenka,
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putin and other dictators, because this is supposedly the only way to keep one's independence, so i think it is again purely internal political accent and nothing more. mr. volodymyr, you have already mentioned about the north atlantic alliance, about these maneuvers that have now started in europe, in parallel with this, we see ukraine signing agreements on security guarantees, or on cooperation, they are called, does this not mean that as long as the country , ukraine will not be in nato, but it is not known how many, how much, what path we will have ahead of us, what these agreements will be in effect, and if possible, what is the status of these interstate... agreements, if they are interstate, then obviously they have undergo ratification in the verkhovna rada, and accordingly in the parliaments of those countries on whose behalf prime ministers or
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presidents sign there. are there any conflicts regarding the status of these agreements as international, because all international agreements in our country must be ratified by the verkhovna rada according to the constitution. well , mr. sergey, regarding the substance of these agreements, well , let's now talk about the agreement with great britain, it is really unique and i think it is a very good example of how it is necessary to... formalize issues of interaction, cooperation in the field of security and defense, it is comprehensive, it covers a lot there are many areas that we need, and i believe that if it is implemented, it will definitely help us in the security area, and it will help quite significantly, whether it is a
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security agreement. in my opinion no, because the security agreement provides that in the event of an attack by one of the parties to the agreement, the other defends it in the same way and defends its own territory, nato is based on this. an attack on little estonia is an attack on the great united states of america. this is what is called guarantees. security for countries that do not have nuclear weapons, we gave up our nuclear weapons under pressure from the same russians and americans, well , everything is clear with the russians, and the americans must provide us with our security, just like the british, just like the french, who put their signatures at the same level not with someone, but with the presidents under the budapest memorandum, although it is not valid... in
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practical terms, but no one canceled it, that is, it is not valid, but the obligations remain, so now we need these are obliged to simply translate into the form that really is will become a guarantee of security for us, and this is the only way, this is joining nato, everything else, this, and this is actually what is said in this treaty itself, is temporary, it is said that when ukraine joins nato, the parties will change provisions of this agreement, because there will be no need for this anymore, so these are temporary agreements until ukraine joins nato. and so, let's be honest and let's tell the truth to our fellow citizens, these are not guarantees in the sense of guarantees for alliance members. these are beautiful
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multi-sided, multi-layered, multi-staged defense and security assistance agreements , that's true, and if we have such agreements with, say, most of the nato countries, that will certainly be a big positive for us, but again, it will not mean that these agreements will require that our ... the visas will defend ukraine in the event of an attack by russia today or tomorrow. see if the agreement has been signed or if british troops are helping us to get rid of the russians on ukrainian soil. they do not help and will not help, because this is not provided for in this agreement. therefore, about a guarantee in the sense that we
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imagine it. this agreement does not provide these guarantees. mr. volodymyr, thank you for the conversation, this was volodymyr ogrysko, politician, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9 . friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you watch us on youtube and facebook, please like this video, write a comment under this video and take part in our survey. today we ask you about that. such as: how are you, do you trust anti-corruption law enforcement agencies? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, choose either yes or no, write your comment, if your comment does not match the two answer options, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you trust anti-corruption mors.


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