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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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services are already local fake , these occupying authorities advise people that they can go to crimea, if there are no medical services here, and there are none on the left bank, they are now normal, they can go to crimea to specialized specialists in the occupied region, and receive services there, people went, and there... it turned out that in order to get medical help there, you need to have crimean registration, and again people are left without help, how and when they, how they will solve this issue, i think that it is unlikely will decide someday, because everyone is in mine, of course, the doctors left the occupied territory, or returned to
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... the territory of ukraine that is not occupied, or went abroad, there is nothing left, the staff, the russian medical staff have no desire to move to the occupied kherson region, that is why this situation and how long it has been, i think it will be like this before the liberation of kherson oblast. is it also possible to somehow go to the territory controlled by ukraine through the crimea? many people resort to this, or is this way too expensive for them? well, yes, he is too precious, of course, all people who were able to leave, they have already left, the situation here is probably the same, it is very similar to the right bank , in that people, despite the shelling, despite the danger, and even those who... remain, they do not
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want to leave anywhere, i think it is the same there the situation itself, those people who are more active, er , young, including, they have already left a long time ago, and there are still people who are retired, who do not want to leave their homes, ah, are afraid to go somewhere, or have never gone at all outside the region, and therefore they are waiting for release. of ukraine in their homes. mr. alexander, the adviser to the head of the president's office, serhiy leshchenko, told the foreign press that refugees from ukraine, who fled the war and fled abroad, should return, should work here, should leave money here and thus support the ukrainian economy, because... that shelling in ukraine is not
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so dangerous for residents of kherson region who remain in kherson region, for residents of kherson region who have left kherson region, how to hear and interpret such words in general, how, for example, people return to i do not know, to kherson, the same kherson, which is constantly under fire, well, one hundred percent here is the question, well, how about me, how about a person. then i would not want my family, yes, there, which, if they went abroad, ah, i would not want them to return there, of course, children, women, here, especially i am one hundred percent against that they came back, and they must come back when we are freed, and i think most of them will come back when they are freed in this territory, because... we all, if we talk
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about men, we all work and do everything for to protect our families, mothers, women, children, and it is really safer there now outside of ukraine, and such decisions are logical here, and of course, there is no need to return to kherson itself, and there is no need to return to the kherson region, for now. because if in other regions here you can at least respond to an air alert, then here shells arrive every three minutes, if we say throughout the territory of the liberated right-bank kherson region, then statistically , a shell arrives there every three minutes, what , thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr was with
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us, the head of the press office of kherson ova spoke about the situation in kherson , kherson oblast, as well as on the occupied left bank, and we did not speak so much. about the situation on the bridgehead on the left bank under krynkami, we recently learned that one of those russian drone operators, who was also a blogger with a fairly large number of followers, died there, his last post there was that there is hell, hell in krynkami , now he's making his own blogs from hell, but hey the situation is not easy there, here the balance tells us that ours tried to do the same landing and what losses were incurred, true or false, we do not know, we still have a regime where we do not report the number of dead, it is very strong, by the way, it contrasts with what we see in israel, where the dead are reported every day, yesterday we learned
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that, for example, the son of one of the ministers died, they were hiding him, the children of almost all members of the government are now fighting there, so it's not an easy situation. but everyone at least understands what it is there is a joint war, and everyone feels it as their own war, so what, gentlemen, now we will talk about what is happening in the occupied berdyansk, viktor dudukalo, the deputy chairman of the berdyansk district council is already in touch with us, mr. viktor , we welcome you, congratulations, congratulations, somehow there is very little news, maybe you have more news from occupied berdyansk, do you have any... its sources, tell us what is the life of the occupied city now? well, real estate and its new attempts remain the number one issue on the agenda, new ways of wringing out this real estate, the occupiers are now in trouble, replacement
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of meters, verification of meters, well , they are trying to ostensibly bring all the communal services to some kind of accounting, so that they can be checked again. people for their availability , well for their availability in the apartments where they live, where they live, go around these apartments, force people to do all this accordingly and pay for the funds for the meters and so on, well, that is, today they are trying to extend the total checking real estate and squeezing it out frighteningly people's nationalization or the so-called nationalization through the courts, through their own punitive bodies , the next moment is that, you know, the locals report that the last bookstore has closed, the occupiers bring in tons of their propaganda literature, which no one reads, no one cares about necessary, they are in preparation for the presidential elections, or
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putin's elections, or rather, they are trying everywhere there, well, to control everything and everyone, as they say, and in preparation for these elections , today they are very... armed on our territory, they are afraid of all kinds, so to speak say, provocations, as they say, terrorist attacks , well, in general , life under occupation simply because the infrastructure does not work, because medicine does not work, there is no education, there is only propaganda and there is only the military, well, you know, it just in constant mode, this is a complete disaster, and this is, well, this is survival for the local residents, unfortunately, do you know if there are any... a count of how many people left berdyansk and the berdyansk district for the unoccupied part of ukraine, how many people generally left from the beginning of the full-scale invasion from the berdyansk district outside
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ukraine, escaping from the war, is there any such calculation? there are no official statistics , it is impossible to enter and establish it at all, because migration... constantly and as of today, people sometimes even return there, but when already, yes indeed, but when we already tracked that mass people left the occupied territory, according to very rough estimates, about 40% of the residents remained there, remained in place, and the residents of donetsk were added to them very seriously regions from cities that were completely or partially destroyed. mariupol, vugdodar bahmud and others, that is , residents of ukraine, not only russia, were added to berdyansk, and then all the russians, fesbeshniks, guardsmen, or rather, all the police and the public there, and so on, and
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these immigrants from the donetsk region became the basis and in the leadership of many occupation authorities, but local residents today, well, i don't know if. either fortunately or unfortunately, but today local residents in berdyansk are in the minority, their opinion is in the minority, their number is in the minority, and their mentality is in the minority, because they are ukrainians, because they... despite their obtaining passports, re-registration of vehicles with occupation numbers, despite the fact that they interact with the occupiers in this way, in any way , they still hate them, and today there are more and more people who get a passport, but even more, more people who have a passport of the russian federation hate, knowing that it they really hate russian federation, that's why we have such a situation, do they return, people return because they squeeze housing, really? this is a problem and it scares many people, because this is the only
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place that people have at all, and they go back there, see this, this ghetto, live according to incomprehensible rules and could get into the basement any day and go through total filtering when traveling there, but people go, sometimes return and leave as of today and leave including, so the migration is unclear, it is not tracked in any way. but i exaggerated the plus-minus statistics , the main news, in fact, if you look at all the russian and occupying publications and the so-called mass media, that is, the media, that from january 25, in connection with the celebration of the day of russian studentship , a complete ban on the sale of goods is prohibited alcoholic products, then there is a recalculation, strong alcohol, beer bars, drinks, cider and even mead, fines up to 3000 rubles, 150,
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100, almost 150 00 hryvnias, what is going on, but they like to constantly change curfews, constantly change dry laws , ago that i am no longer me in them, i have always and everywhere said that they have such a principle. apparently, so that people do not know and do not understand what the rules are in force today, and that it is possible to be fined at any time, and where until january 9, the occupiers had a day off, and they celebrated the new year there, moving swiftly into the it's called christmas there, and until january 9, on the eve of the new year, after canceling the dry law, they carried out incredible simple checks... of entrepreneurs, fining them 200 or more thousand rubles, well that is, quite huge funds, today
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they are again introducing another rule to fill the budget, to fill the coffers, yesterday, yesterday, statistics were published by our berdyan journalists that the russian budget for the occupied territories is allocated not less than twice as much, and because of this , the occupiers have serious money problems, and they fill the coffers in any... way. student's day, tatiana's day, is no exception, including mead and other strong drinks, please pay into the budget, pay into the treasury, that's all the money. well, their symbolism, i am already silent, because they , i think, talked about the fact that they were seriously celebrating the birthday of the refrigerator, the day of the taxi driver and so on, that is , they have holidays there, symbolism, it is very serious, they are not so long ago told what? a very serious man came to berdyansk, they showed how he
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dives into the sea and comes out, as if for the epiphany, they smeared his face and that's all, that is , i don't know what they have there, they just don't know what to tell people, that's why that's how they feed them all kinds of nonsense, well, they feed them with new rules, from which they really want to make more money. i hope that ukrainian students will forget about this soviet tradition, moreover, we now have a new calendar, so i don't know... and tatiana's name day has probably also moved in time, not, for sure, but i googled it , when the world celebrates the day of the student , it turns out to be an international holiday, november 17, the international day of the student as a reminder to ukrainian students as part of the fact that decommunization, de-russification is taking place in our country, think with whom you want to celebrate this day together or with the muscovites, for one calendar, or at least with the civilized world, actually. well, to forbid everyone to drink in a word is such a soviet
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story, moreover, their bans always mean that people start to drink even more, and i am still watching, you know, what is also now on all those channels the collaborators are promoting there and the balance, and those zaporizhia , all kinds of heathens, horns, and so on, which is everywhere now, that it is the day of the family, families with many children. and there putin meets, shows how good it is when many children are born, especially give birth to boys, more, more, women, that's simple. i see that this is the main topic for them now: hit the women and sweat the men, these are two topics now in russia, because they are determined for a long war with the whole world, they are worried about the gene pool, because they are trying to subjugate the children in the occupied territory , well, they continue to mentally stitch them up, or at least, well, by force
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, some kind of coercion, driving them to... to their camps there in sunny chuvash or somewhere else, well, they try to turn them into russians, indeed, and moreover, again , i return to the news of the past, last year and the year before last, we already had cases when russian soldiers, russian occupiers came to schools, offered children to interact with a machine gun and climb with a bat, take pictures, then they wrote down who wants to wet ukronats when they become adults. they, well, they also have such a moment, which is simply a red thread running through this propaganda everywhere, this is childhood and youth, and they are full, i don’t know, like followers, maybe it is correct to say hitler, because they also had a topic with the hitler youth and with a separate
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firmware for children, and it seems that from the age of 16 they had the fact that they are practically full. they became full-fledged soldiers, but even before that , there was a serious moral preparation, which is exactly what the russians are trying to do today in the occupied territory, i am not talking about the children from mainland russia at all, because it seems that they are ready to really go and die there by the age of 16 for their father the king, but luckily they don't manage to do it, they do not succeed in reframing our children , because the glory of ukraine and the glory of the heroes is so embedded in... you know, in the basis of human perception, the human mind that it really cannot be squeezed out, fortunately, but time, time goes by and more, more consequences irreversible, and it is happening with children and youth, so that’s all, it’s all in the perspective of reintegration, i don’t know how our society will turn out, crimea is generally silent about donetsk region, luhansk region, but we already feel
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that really there are consequences, none the less ours society is still holding on somehow. how it holds up is a general question, for almost two years our civilian heroes are still there in the occupied territory and recognize themselves as ukrainians, and we thank these people that in such conditions they remember who they are and where they are from and do something for of ukraine, of course, we urge these people not to risk their lives and the safety of their families, but we are grateful for everything they do. mr. viktor, thank you, viktor dudukalu, deputy chairman. first, let's continue our roll call, because we will putinsky was to talk about what is happening in chernihiv, and secondly, there was another interesting moment at that family forum, how an oilman from the tundra came and decided to praise putin, but
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he praised in the tundra style, as we will tell about it later. oh and they got wet, can you have some tea , mom, dad, what to do not to get sick, vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main thing, quercitin to strengthen blood vessels, just take quertin immuno, all in one package, in one capsule, four components together , so simple, one capsule a day, so convenient, quertin immuno, there are discounts on deflu, 20% in travel pharmacies, bamba and ochadnik. hello, hello, woman, what to do when the liver hurts? alohol should be taken, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. natural components of alochol contribute to the normalization of the liver and gall bladder, alochol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. there are discounts on amicitron of 20% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. attention, total sale on rozpaka tv, dutyk and
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7:52 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is koravelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion. abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and
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turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. well, dear friends, we are coming back and promised to tell you some interesting facts from... this strange family forum in the all-russian, all-russian, which took place in russia, chatter, we need meat, and well, with the participation of putin himself, of course, where would it go without putin, and was at this forum a reindeer herder whose name is pyakyak, this is what this man looks like, very colorful, he also spoke colorfully, but... he spoke russian with such a noticeable accent, by the way, he looks like putin, maybe - one face, and that man says , enksepyak, this reindeer herder, says
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that the children in the tundra are just crazy about putin, everyone loves him terribly, there are portraits of putin everywhere, moreover, they love putin, because they also receive putin's money, and so he says, this reindeer herder penk enksy pyak tells a story, says, they say. the child goes to his mother and says: mother, v i have putin's money, let 's buy me something, let's buy me, for example, milk, and my mother says to him: and where can we buy you that milk, there is no milk in the tundra, and in conclusion, this man says to putin: there is really no store , there is no store, there is milk, she says, where, where can we buy milk, there is no store in the tundra, well, if there is no store, how is there milk in the tundra? well, it's made from deer, deer milk. and deer's milk, then why would this child want to buy milk if she wanted to taste cow's milk for poutine from them money, so he doesn’t have a cow, in short, it sounded like a joke, i had the impression that
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this oilman was just stupidly trolling this mr. putin, by the way, about reindeer herders, about reindeer herders and yakuts, there are mass riots in yakutia, by the way, the reason was , that at night there was a fight in a night club, and a tajik stabbed yakut. went to very serious rallies, their governor of yakutia, aisen nikolayev , appealed to the residents not to respond to calls, to go to illegal rallies, well, in a word, this is what it is, but in russia something like this is starting little by little, you the yakuts could live just like saudi arabia, well, we understand that there are incredible deposits of everything, reserves and so on, but they will be burned on a rock with cheap vodka, that's the way it is. maslov, a journalist from chernihiv is with us. mr. oleksiy, good morning. good morning, i greet you. tell us about the news from chernihiv oblast. if we talk
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about the security situation, then... let's take , for example, the previous three days, on january 21 , the border of chernihiv oblast, the border with the russian federation was shelled and the enemy also used drones to attack border communities, and on the 22nd and 23rd, that is , the previous two days, he no longer used drones, but there were mortar attacks. 120-caliber mortars, several forces were fired upon, it's a few dozen explosions, about 30 explosions, so in general, in general, compared to those, those days, which were much more dangerous, the shelling has subsided somewhat, but it's here you can't relax, of course in this case, also, if we talk about human sacrifices, then january 10. there was
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a case when a person died, a man died, it was close to the border, he he was a resident of one of the border villages in the semenivsk community, the village of kostobobriv, and when he was returning from the center of the community, having taken his child to the bus, when he was returning, the road there runs very close to the state border, somewhere around 500 m, probably about that, that is , there is not even a kilometer and... his car was fired upon, that is, this proves once again that the russian troops are simply resorting to frankly terrorist attacks, they could not help but see, not observe, because there are almost always drones hanging there , of which they are all this they looked, observed, they saw that it was a civilian car, a civilian driver, and by the way, he was a driver by profession, a driver of a rural bus, including taking children to school, so this man died
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and... for several hours his body people could not take it from there, because they continued the shelling, that is, again, it was obviously calculated that someone else would go to collect the body of a dead person and also come under this shelling, this, i say, once again testifies to the terrorist nature of these shellings, mostly terrorist, well, i will ask very briefly what else is happening in chernihiv, the city council has not been meeting for three months, as far as i understand, is it... the problem, actually, is decisions, decisions are being made , the ones that are needed, because the city military administration is functioning, another thing is that in the context of the interaction of these authorities, the city council as such and the city military administration, there is usually a confrontation between local political forces, but on the other hand, purely formally, those decisions that are urgent
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were supposed to be taken, they were under... the orders of the head of the city military administration, another thing is how they are taken, that is, we learn, the general public learns about these decisions simply as a fact, for the most part, although the echo of that confrontation, it is of course always indicated , including in social networks , they write about it, but nevertheless, here is the decision on the adoption of the local budget, it was made exactly like that not at a session of the city council, not by deputies, but by the order of the head of the city military administration, although agreed with, for example, the financial management, the financial department of the city council and other specialists, in this decision the city budget for the 24th year was somewhat redistributed with the aim of allocating more, more funds to support defense and support the armed forces of ukraine . obviously , thank you very much, mr. oleksiy, oleksiy maslov
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from... chernihiv joined us, told us about the situation in the city, the region, as well as the situation with russian shelling, which does not stop in the ukrainian region bordering russia. dear friends, well, eight o'clock is approaching, which means that we will now watch the news, kateryna shirokopes will tell you about it, katya, congratulations, i have a word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the results of ramshtein and about the sustainability centers that will appear in five regions of ukraine. greetings, it's news time at spresso. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at least nine people were injured as a result of the russian attack on kharkiv in the evening, among them a four-year-old child - reported the head of the regional prosecutor's office oleksandr filchakov.
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close. in the evening, the occupiers at three in the morning.


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