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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EET

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when all of ukraine remembers those of our fellow citizens whose lives were taken by russian aggression, with a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings to everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this morning's stream we talk about the following topics: russian forces struck kharkov three times in one day, rockets were fired from belgorod late in the evening. 300 in the kyiv district of the city, among the victims of the attacks are both children and adults, which is currently happening in city ​​and whether the search for people under the rubble is still ongoing. western partners are looking for ways to finance ukraine at the expense of seized russian assets, because in brussels, due to hungary's blockade, they cannot yet provide kyiv with a multi-year support package of more than 50 billion euros. and with washington's support this year, nothing is clear yet. the wall street journal writes that if the money comes from the eu and the us. will not arrive, ukraine
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will run out of money within a few months. what margin of safety does kyiv have and where to look for financing? ex-president of the usa and republican donald trump defeated his fellow party member nikki haley in the new hampshire primary. joe biden won from the democratic party in this state. therefore, the chances that these candidates will compete for the seat of the us president already this fall are increasing. however, can everything go according to another scenario and which scenario is more profitable for ukraine? watch us on youtube on the radio svoboda channel, every weekday from 9:00 a.m., as well as on the espresso tv channel. ask your questions to the speakers in this stream in the comments below this video. russian forces kharkiv was again shelled late in the evening from russian belgorod, s-300 missiles were fired at the kyiv district of the city. there were three hits - so says the head of the kharkiv regional military administration oleg seniguv. eight people were injured, this is... the third
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shelling in kharkiv and the kyiv region in a day, in particular , the regional police also say that there was a hit in the kholodnohirskyi region of the city. meanwhile , the body of an eight-year-old girl was found from under the rubble of the house, which was shelled yesterday morning. she is the eighth victim of the tragedy, the number of injured has increased to 57 people. before employees of the state emergency service rescued a man from under the rubble. the search for people is still ongoing. this is konstantin, this is our friend, the son of our godfathers , a boy, there is also a girl, his future wife, she is also there under the rubble, let me remind you that the day before, russian forces shelled kharkiv, according to the police, there were 12 hits, they attacked the city with rockets. s-300 and x-22. in
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the kyiv district , the entrance to the house was completely destroyed. in addition, several dozen other houses were damaged. hanna chernenko, a correspondent of radio liberty in kharkiv, joins our broadcast. anna, welcome to our air. thank you for joining. tell me, please, how this night went, what are the consequences after yesterday's russian attacks on the city. congratulations. i want to say, first of all, that we are now at the place of that morning hit, and here it continues. the searchers resumed their work in the morning , they were stopped only at 10 p.m., after 15 hours of searching, they literally stopped the bricklayers by hand, not because it was dark and frosty, but only because there was a threat of the wall collapsing, and today the work was resumed already with special equipment, why so? it is important to continue these works, because there is information from local people, from neighbors , from the residents of the house that
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there are still... people under the rubble, now we are talking about two possible local people who may be there, i want to believe, really in a miracle, to hope that there will be no people there, and that they were that time they were somewhere and now they are not in touch, that's it, i'm sorry for the emotional retreat, today special equipment has already been involved in the analysis of these rubbles and in the future it will probably be from the state emergency service had such information, that the collapse of the special wall, which is now a threat, after all that the cleaning up of all the consequences of the rubble will begin, i want to say separately that the communal services, volunteers, local people just did an extraordinary job yesterday, because here... they closed all the windows, all the facades that were beaten, damaged, because it is very cold outside and some houses are partly without communications, now such complex work is underway to restore and to disassemble and to restore as much as possible and also to clean up the damaged,
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because near this house there is a local the market, its explosive wave simply crumpled, simply demolished, and local entrepreneurs are now working to somehow remove all this as much as possible. and so, unfortunately, we have eight victims from all morning combined strikes at four o'clock yesterday morning and at seven o'clock in the morning, and i hope that this number will not increase, will not grow, only 57 wounded and some of them are still in the hospital, help them doctors i propose to listen to the locals who survived this blow yesterday, some of them were in neighboring houses, and this is literally fifty meters from the place of the blow rockets my wife was getting ready for work , dyed in the corridor, she was not so affected, i was sitting in the kitchen, just at the moment of arrival, that’s how it was, they already went to the hospital , stitched up, now we are being treated, the apartment was badly damaged, well, here is the first floor, i i think
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it will be uninhabitable in the near future, thank god we were in the corridor, thank god we were in the corridor, because our windows were blown out, we had a bed in the children's room with... falling, that is, if there was a child, god forbid, something would have happened, it was very scary, then we quickly got dressed, tried to get out of the entrance from the apartment, the fact is that the neighboring door was uprooted, we are on the fifth floor, and they kicked our door, we barely opened it, ran downstairs, here people were screaming, asking for help , here the door was blocked, i want to say that this house was not destroyed by the s-300, previously the experts already yesterday according to the nature of the destruction and the debris found said that it could be an kh-22 or standerf, we are waiting for today, maybe after all , they will establish it more precisely, and i can’t help but remember yesterday evening for the third time, indeed kharkiv were fired at, it was already s300 rockets that were in the center and in the kholodnohirsky district,
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nine of us were injured by this attack, several people are in the hospital, and the least injured is a child of four years old, dear, thank you for joining the broadcast. keeping our viewers informed, keep it up. hanna chernenko, rfe/rl correspondent from kharkiv , spoke about the consequences of the russian attacks. put aside the panic, such a message was distributed by the ukrainian ministry of defense following the results of another meeting in the reimstein format, addressed to all those who signal the loss of support of ukraine on the international front, stressing that they have heard enough statements from partners, in particular regarding long-range weapons, which testify. assistance will continue. pentagon officials, talking about the results of the meeting, at the same time admitted that they are hearing confirmation from the ukrainian side that there is a shortage of ammunition. radio liberty correspondent zoryana stepanenko will tell how and who will get out of this situation. the 18th
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meeting according to lik ramstein, but the first this year, which many in the west consider to be decisive for ukraine, was held online. head of the pentagon got in touch from home, essentially appearing in public after. for the first time, he said, he feels good and can't wait to return to his office, the ukrainian military noted that they continue to inflict considerable losses on the russians, and vladimir putin - to sacrifice them, lloyd austin commented on the attempts to demoralize the ukrainians with missiles and drones, as he said, so he called on the participants ramstein dig deeper to provide ukraine with more ground-based air defense systems and interceptors. the united states noted adjust to further help her in the fight against russian aggression and mentioned the $250 million package allocated at the end of last year. the latter, as noted in the white house, if congress does not move forward with the approval of more than 60 billion in financing military aid to ukraine this year, and no unintended
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use of american equipment on this axis, ramstein emphasized for the first time, has not been recorded. ukraine uses given us opportunities to defend against russian aggression if we lose our nerve, if we flinch and fail to deter other potential aggressors, we will cause even more bloodshed and chaos, so a sovereign and secure ukraine is critical to global security, and our support for it must not waver. after the chairman's opening speech, the press traditionally left the meeting. rustem umyerov introduced his colleague to the course of affairs, what is currently happening on the battlefield behind closed doors. later, his speech was published by the ministry of defense. there were, as it follows from it, in particular, mathematical calculations based on the results of what happened in order to seize... a kilometer of ukrainian land russia, he said, was spending 400 soldiers,
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the ratio of ammunition was one to six, at the same time, the capture of bakhmut and mariyanka in the russian federation, umerov noted, took a year. for 2024 , he added clear tasks and goals to the military leadership of ukraine and called for ensuring technological progress as a key to success. the enemy also understands the importance of technologies and improves them, imitating ukrainian ones. an example of the use of drones russia has invested in the production of fpv drones, and recently russia's fpv drone potential has slightly exceeded ukraine's capabilities in this field. we we can outsmart the enemy by taking an asymmetric approach through technology integration, training, precision decision-making , and coordination. umerov emphasized that innovation is needed for a breakthrough, to maintain the front line with enough equipment and ammunition , and repairs. by the way, the day before at the nato headquarters. the alliance signed contracts for the purchase of more than 220,000 155 mm caliber shells, which are considered
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scarce for ukraine. secretary general stoltenberg emphasized that it is important for allies to replenish supplies, because aid to ukraine continues in two or three years, they will get to their warehouses, shells, contracts for production. ramstein, the meeting traditionally ended with new announcements of aid to ukraine. germany, in particular, will hand over six retired soldiers for the first time. helicopters, canada, inflatable boats, and canadian instructors will join the training of ukrainian pilots on the f-16. the united states is also involved in this training mission. in the pentagon, summing up the 18th ramstein , they emphasized that previous projects are working, pilots continue to be trained in international initiatives, maintain leadership. at the same time, it was noted that the participation of the congress in ensuring further financing of military support to ukraine would be valuable. zoryana stepanenko, marek. radio svoboda. the national security and defense council decided
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to introduce a moratorium on procedural actions against businesses, such as inspections, searches, that could block their work. the ban will be in effect for three months. the president announced this in his evening address. volodymyr zelenskyy said that changes will be made to the work of the bureau of economic security in order to limit the possibility of pressure on business. for this, the government should work out changes in the legislation. in addition, zelenskyi. as well as the creation of a council to support entrepreneurship. as government officials and business representatives have agreed, a council for supporting entrepreneurship will be formed, and business representatives will be included in its composition. these are well-known names, well-known heads of ukrainian companies. a business that works for millions of people, technology business, finance, services and other industries, different industries, there were different views, but one of the... the task of strengthening our economy, our society. at the same time
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, the president called on businesses to keep their part of the agreements, pay taxes, work legally and in good faith. later , economy minister yulia swaredenku explained that the entrepreneurship support council will respond to business complaints and resolve urgent issues. but the moratorium on business inspections will apply to virtually all law enforcement agencies of the prosecutor general's office. state bureau of investigation, national police of ukraine, security service of ukraine and bureau of economic security. well, a while the authorities in ukraine are improving the microclimate for business, europe is thinking about where to get money for ukraine. european officials have still not reached an agreement, but what to do with the seized russian assets? this would ease the pressure on western countries, which have to seek funding for ukraine's resistance to russian aggression, but there are also legal risks. in particular, the reuters agency writes about this with reference to an unnamed official. but luxembourg foreign minister xavier bettel
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said in an interview with reuters that even after a political decision about the transfer, the court can prohibit it, instead of confiscation, the eu governments probably support the proposal of the european commission from december to transfer to ukraine only the profits received from the principal amount. in general, the eu, the usa, japan and canada have frozen about 300 billion dollars of russian assets, 200 of which are kept in the european union. conversation. about the possible transfer of russian money to ukraine are heard against the background of negotiations in the european union and the united states regarding further support for kyiv. brussels is trying to agree a multi-year support package of more than 50 billion. in washington negotiations are also ongoing regarding the financing of ukrainian defense this year. the wall street journal writes that if money from the eu and the us does not arrive, ukraine will run out of money within a few months. according to the prime minister of ukraine denys shmyhal, ukraine needs about 42 billion dollars of financial support to close the budget deficit. oleg
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ustenko, adviser to the president of ukraine on economic issues, joins our broadcast. olezhe, i welcome you to our broadcast, thank you for joining. i congratulate you. your listeners, volodymyr zelensky announced changes: the nsdc will introduce a three-month moratorium on procedural actions regarding business, the creation of a council to support entrepreneurship, the president announced, and whether these are effective actions, whether the government will be able to improve the microclimate for business with such actions, or whether a separate special council is needed in the country in which it is carried out laws and the justice system works honestly? well, listen, right here we are not talking about, just improving global investments. business climate, or business climate, whatever you want to call it, because you have to work, well, in this case, it just a response to what is happening with business, to the problems that business is currently having, and business would like the state to respond to them quickly, and the state would like to see what exactly these problems are in order to , in order to make quick
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decisions, but if we talk about the country's business climate in general, then it is clear... that the country's business climate is not just communication between the government and business, or an opportunity for business to convey to the government what business would like . business climate in the country is macroeconomic stability, business climate in the country, this is the protection of property rights, by the way, which was talked about so much even before february 24, 2022, this is the judicial system, again, this was number two in the ranking in... problems regarding the possibility of increasing investment in country until february 24, 2022, and the problems associated with high administrative barriers to doing business, these were problems, and by the way, what concerns corruption there, it was not at the top, in the first places, it was there in the first five, closing this
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first five, but corruption - it was the problem is already, if you want, which yes... made it possible for an inefficient, inefficient business climate to function in the country at all, because you cannot take away property, unless you then turn to the courts, in the courts you do not get the decision that you need to, without, without smearing it all over there with opportunities for corruption, huh? you cannot accept, reduce administrative barriers to doing business, if there is again an official who can decide what conditions he can grant you, and which he can provide there to your competitor, conditionally, or there to another representative of the same business, and therefore, by the way, the axes that relate to such a general, general agenda,
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and first of all, these three general problems are repeated once again, which simply must solve. in order to say that, in principle , the issue from the point of view of the quality of the business climate in the country has been fundamentally resolved, the first, the first, in the first place is everything related to the protection of property rights, the second is the judicial reform and the third is the reduction of the bar' drivers for driving business, and all this is spelled out in all documents, including, by the way, in our cooperation with the international monetary fund, and this is the agenda of approximately such a plan. goes with the european union from the point of view of joining the european union. olezhe, this is not connected with such decisions of the president, such proposals with the detention of businessman mazepa. let me remind you that he is suspected of organizing a plot to expropriate land, the critical infrastructure of the kyiv cso, but the entrepreneur here denies his involvement? still, i would, i would think that
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this is a continuation of those meetings that were earlier with the business. including before and before the great war, but it is also true that they follow such a sinusoid, in certain periods of time it all becomes more active, this dialogue becomes more active, they try to solve some issues quickly, then there is such a system work, or business believes , that either the state believes that at this stage it is not a priority, then again some... problems, then again the sinusoid raises this issue, it is difficult for me to say what it is connected with now, but i believe that there is such an urgent need as in... but these actions, you say that this is a response to what is happening with the business, to react there more promptly, well, the moratorium on renboo for three months, there is even such an end date, is this enough, and the fact that
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there will be individual business representatives in a separate council, will this not create a situation in which individual business representatives will be inviolable, let's say so, and their interests will be protected, for example, and how to be in general for all businessmen in ukrainian, well, i would think that for sure... when, well, each of the businessmen who is a member of this or that council, he of course tries to lobby for his own company, his own interests, but it is also true that the own interests of this company , of this business, they are in many cases, they coincide with the general interests in the principle of business, you can't, and it's clear, you can't solve the issue related to the protection of property in only one taken company, you can't do it. judicial reform there in one separate region or in to one individual shevchenko court or pechersk court, it does not work like that, that is
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, every businessman and every government official understands this, and therefore even if in even if it is considered that, first of all, one's own interests are closer to one's body, and the shirt is closer to the body, and there certain businessmen who will... join the council will push primarily what concerns them, and this is understandable from a human point of view, but it is also true that, well, it is, as it were, its own, it is , it is also expressed in the global interests of everything in general business, and many times already ukrainian society and ukrainian governmental and business structures of such a plan, they have proven that in the end they are not... affected from the point of view of interests, the allocation of some interests into a separate privileged group, it definitely does not work in a country called ukraine,
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no, it won't work, i think. well, here i will add the following information, the public movement manifesto announced a warning strike, manifesto 42 announced such a warning strike on february 1, and the action provides for such demands to decide the problem of pressure on business and the arbitrariness of the rear security forces against the rear. business, that is, this is the anticipatory answer of the president. well, again, and it's hard for me to comment on this, but i think that everything about business and even, even if you think about communication right now, for that matter, still, we're talking about, well, complex military right now times, they are difficult, military for everyone, including for the ukrainian budget, every government official understands that... if business does not work, if there is pressure on business there, then potential risks for of the budget are simply growing enormously, now
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ukraine itself earns about 40 billion dollars and these 40 billion dollars of our revenue part of the state budget is completely spent on the military, on security and defense entirely at the expense of those taxes and fees that go to ukraine from... it is clear , everything else, everything else, and this is still about 40 billion dollars of items of additional non-security and non-military expenses, they are financed at the expense of our allies and partners, that is, it is completely clear that if you will, if problems are created for business, if business does not work the way even he imagines, he could or can work in these difficult... military conditions, they are, well, business are the same representatives of society as anyone, here even this rally shows not that there are difficult military conditions there, that is why
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there are problems with business, but that there is a certain pressure, so they say, but let's see if it is true, well, what will happen and whether this action will take place , regarding money and replenishment of the budget, on the one hand, we had a people's deputy there on the air, mr. zhelezniak, who said that there is no plan to raise taxes there, because it is not a measure that can close. a rock hole, he mentioned that in this sense , the regulation of illegal markets, tobacco, smuggling, etc., would bring tens, maybe even times more benefit in this sense, yes, that is , in his opinion, it is more like this, well, an adequate way to get this money , what internal resources are there and whether the president's office is thinking about how to really set up the internal work, so as not only to wait from partners, where there is also uncertainty situation, reuters reports that the seizure of russian assets there is not a fact that will happen, because europe is afraid of the consequences. regarding this, what are the options to find this money in ukraine? well, first of all, if we are talking about the possibilities of financing the state budget.
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in general, in the short-term perspective, not only for ukraine, for any country, but for ukraine in particular, because we are still in the midst of a war, if you want to reduce the hole in the state budget in the short-term perspective, which arises, that is, in our in the event of a war, you basically have only one way to go, try to cut costs, all that concerns additional illusions about the possibility of rapid increase. revenue part of the state budget, it does not work in the short-term perspective, this rule, well, anyone can think as they like, but this is exactly how it works in the world in the short-term perspective, the only way to reduce the deficit of the state budget is to reduce expenses, in our case , this is not an option if it applies additionally to all measures with regard to the possibility of raising
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the state budget revenues to... yes, we really need to think about the fact that the ukrainian economy is also and, like any economy in the world, it has a partly shadowy character, it is a shadow , which is in the economy, let's say, including the illegal turnover of tobacco products or, i don't know, alcoholic products. this also has a very negative effect on the budget, because the budget simply does not receive funds. to believe that it will simply completely change the income to the state budget and completely provide an opportunity to cover it there, or even to significantly close the deficit of the state budget, this is not true, it does not mean that it should not be done, it should be done, but you definitely should not live in illusions that this will completely solve the issue of closing the state
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budget. mr. oleg, but i will clarify. well, to summarize, because the war didn't end, the war didn't actually start yesterday, so globally the war will be 10 years old, the big war will be two years old, and you say that it can't be solved in the short term, but it was possible to lay down some things obviously even earlier yes, but now we see that precisely when the west has problems with supporting ukraine, and here the big question is already before how the budget of ukraine will be formed, now these long-term perspectives are being laid on this in general with the president and the government of the pra... well the government is also working on this, and the government has talked about it many times, and it is also true that even the meeting you are talking about, or there is again a dialogue with business, is part of the same story, but it is also necessary to understand what's more, we're talking to you about plan b, which should be applied, well just now, if the problem is with financing, with financing the
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state deficit. of the budget, it is not something that should be done in 3-4 months, it is something that should be done already in a week, yes, such measures should be taken in relation to the long-term perspective, well, the short-term perspective as well, if we are talking about the short-term perspective, there, since december , the ministry of finance began to accumulate such, if you want , an airbag that would give the opportunity to pass. january and february are more or less normal , even if there is no money coming in from the european union and the united states of america took measures regarding the possibility of entering the domestic capital borrowing market, this is what the ministry of finance was already doing, placing its domestic state loan bonds in december and,
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by the way, in january. this year, well, again , well, we are talking to you about the deficit of the state budget, 40 billion dollars, 40 billion dollars to our gdp, well, this is about 20% of gdp, just imagine that 20% of gdp in comparison there, let's say , with the gdp deficit, which was predicted for the 22nd year at the level of, well about three of the gross domestic product, if there was no war, the war changed everything there, but it's just... incomparable things, just also, so that your viewers and listeners understand when the speech, when someone talks about it, let's have it anyway there is a possible chance, it is the inclusion of a printing press there, it is not a chance when ukraine had a deficit of the state budget in the early 90s of approximately 30%, and now it is 20%.


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