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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EET

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greetings, time of news at eter spresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. at the site of a rocket attack on a high-rise building in kharkiv, which occurred on... the day before , rescuers resumed search operations. they had to be stopped the night before due to the threat of the walls being destroyed. before that , the employees of the state emergency service managed to pull out the body of an eight-year-old girl from under the rubble. so, in general, the number of people killed as a result of the morning attack by russians on kharkiv on january 23 reached eight. it is also known about more than 60 wounded. currently, there is a possibility that under there may be blockages.
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people, today the work has already been resumed with special equipment , why is it so important to continue this work, because there is information from local people, from neighbors, from residents of the house that there may still be people under the rubble, now we are talking about two possible local people who are there can be in kharkiv, due to russian shelling, dozens of private houses were left without gas, the ministry of energy reports. in the city , three houses were damaged, they were disconnected from the gas supply, and in order to avoid due to the leakage of blue fuel, the pipe was blocked for two dozen houses, the department notes. in addition, russian shells hit high and medium pressure gas pipelines in the region, as a result of which there is no heating in two settlements. 14 enemy shellings were recorded in donetsk during the day.
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pokrovsky, kramatorsk and bakhmutsky districts were targeted by the invaders, said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. in the chasovoyarsk community, the russians damaged six high-rise buildings and four private houses, two residences in stara mykolaivka and lviv community were completely destroyed. there are 17 more in nivychyna. there is also destruction of houses in siversk and krasnohorivka. there was no information about the victims. at the same time , it was possible to evacuate almost a hundred civilians, including 26 children, from the front line within the region. russian sabotage and intelligence groups are trying to cross the ukrainian border. our border guards are trying to avoid this, so they recorded several such attempts by the enemy. the commander of the united forces, serhii naev, told about it. he noted that to counteract... the armed forces of ukraine
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created counter-sabotage reserves for the occupiers. if necessary, fighters must arrive in the area of ​​detection of the enemy within a few minutes and destroy it. for this purpose, the military constantly trains and is on duty near the demarcation line. state border of ukraine, northern operational zone. border guards, reinforced by fighters, are guarding the state border 24 hours a day. of territorial defense, countersabotage reserves constantly train and increase their level of training and readiness for response in case of enemy attempts to use hostile force. we are doing everything to ensure that the state border of ukraine is strong. there will be no road, in the village of granitne in donetsk region, the occupiers have flown to the area of ​​construction of a railway connection. which
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should have connected the capture of mariupol, volnovakha and donetsk, five units of engineering equipment and the remains of a railway bridge were destroyed, the adviser to the mayor of mariupol , petro andryushchenko, said. he noted that this is not just a dot, but a fat cross on the potential of the railway from russia, at least for this year. ukraine will receive the first f-16 fighters already this year. this is stated in a statement on the website. detachment, the necessary infrastructure and spare parts for aircraft will also arrive in kyiv, all thanks to the international coalition, which is engaged in training ukrainian pilots on f-16 aircraft. it also recently became known that the first group of ukrainian pilots has already completed the basic training program in britain and started training on fighter jets in denmark. they start in poland.
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farmers' protests. polish farmers will demand to protect their business from imports from third countries, in particular from ukraine. this was reported by the local edition of the tractor actions. and other equipment on the roads are planned in more than 150 places throughout the country, the protests will take place not in the form of a blockade, but in the form of a slow movement of a convoy or a demonstration along the road. among other things, farmers call for preparing a strategy for ukraine's accession to the eu in the field of agriculture, which will not threaten poland. they awarded the most responsible. public organizations were recognized in the capital for their responsible partnership. he founded this award bohdan gavrylyshyn's family foundation, what was the award ceremony like, see below.
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the mariupol orchestra is on stage. to the sounds of cult classics in the capital , public organizations are awarded for their responsible partners. celebrate those whose projects implemented in cooperation have become an example of ukrainian unity and strength. together, we are stronger, and we will definitely show it in this time of war, that only together we are stronger, there is a lot of creativity here, a lot of wisdom here, a lot of strength, a lot, a big dream, and very important actions are being taken here. in 2014, bohdan gavrylyshyn, an economist, public figure and philanthropist, created a declaration of human responsibility. a 15-point document on responsibility at all levels. it was he who became the valuable basis of the award. this year , stories were celebrated that correspond to the 13th
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point: to the country, help your country within the limits of your own capabilities. the key focus of this year's award is the actual interaction and how we unite. and first of all, as today... volunteer organizations, the public sector unites with other sectors, i.e. with business, with the media, with power, and thus gain that synergy in order to support extremely important initiatives in communities and in ukraine in general. the organizers received 168 applications from organizations from all over ukraine, 50 of them entered the long list. at the ceremony , a short list of ten finalists was announced, among which three became honorary laureates in three categories. it is these projects that inspire and demonstrate the strength of the unity of ukrainian society. one sunflower seed that falls into the ground grows into a large flower and produces hundreds of seeds more. accordingly, they are, it is, you know, how
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one action is responsible, it inspires other people to create, create, act, be active in the same way. the laureate in the first nomination is the story of the community's responsible partnership with... in the tt shelter project of the public organization zaloga chornomortsi. this is a tourist shelter built in honor of plastun and military man taras havrylyshyn, who died on november 1, 2022 during the liberation of kherson oblast. this is what taras dreamed of even before the war, and this is what became his last will. during the 23rd year, since he died on november 1, 22. in the 23rd year, we fulfilled his last will because we... we felt responsible to fulfill what he wanted so much because he laid down his life for us. the winner among the national partner projects was brave cities from ukrainer, stories of ukrainian settlements that heroically resist the enemy, just like all the ukrainians who
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live in them. brave cities is such a multi-layered project, it consists of several components, it is a video, songs on support for temporarily occupied cities and... already de-occupied ones, such as kherson, this is a big charity festival and concert in support of idps and local residents as well, and this is a film that actually recorded everything that happened and the reflections of local residents. in the nomination "interaction without borders ukraine to the world", the war archive of the non-governmental organization dokudays took the honorable mention. this is a war chronicle, which is recorded for the fair presentation of events in legal and public discourses, because every frame of it. every war a picture, every voice message is a part of a new story that is being created here and now. we unite various organizations , which we call partners, these are human rights organizations, journalists, journalists, media people, researchers who give us their
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materials, as well as ukrainian men and women who upload their materials to the war archive. all award winners. received a financial reward in the amount of uah 100,000, as well as symbolic statuettes created by ukrainian architect, designer and military officer andrii matviychuk, and 10 finalists from short. the awards will take part in a special media project that will promote the dissemination of the best stories of responsible partnerships. kateryna galko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. espresso calls to join the gathering for the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade. our defenders need night vision binoculars, because our boys and girls perform their combat tasks mainly at night, so the device is absolutely necessary for them. good vision in the dark. he not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy. in general, our goal is 170,000
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uah we already have more than uah 90,000 in our account. it would be very good if we could close this collection by the end of the week. you can now see all the details on your screens. donate and remember that the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. for now, that's all the news for this hour. later, my colleagues lesya are waiting for you on the air. and andrii saichuk, well, dear friends, we are coming back and continuing our marathon, this is our final hour for today with andrii saichuk, with lasia vakulyuk, we remind you that our gathering continues for a little while, it goes slowly, dear friends, for today... morning, you and i collected 13,000, 13,000, a good number, but it would be better if
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those thousand uah were more, especially since we need to collect as much as 1 million of them, we are collecting for all kinds of equipment for the military, which they don't need just to defend our country, now you see qr codes and card numbers on your screens, there are two card numbers 53 75 41. 12 14 06 69 09 and another card number 5168 74 50 22 26 24 94 we need money for walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detection detectors drones and many other equally important things at the front, the espresso tv channel is conducting this collection together with the charity foundation. iryny koval, this is our presenter, whom you know well, and at the same time a person who volunteers. so
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please join the collection, let's make this collection close as soon as possible. yesterday, by the way, you and i collected 38 hryvnias, if at this pace, if we keep this pace every day until the end of the week of 38 weeks of collecting thousands of hryvnias every day, then by the end of the week we will have almost 2,000 hryvnias, and 2,000 uah is already a fifth of the required amount. sums, well, dear friends, dear friends, there is a message that, by the way, i said today that let's transfer 24 hryvnias each, if you can't afford large amounts, you can still transfer 76 hryvnias, they say that in belgorod oblast a military the russian plane fell, the russian authorities have not yet confirmed it, but there are already such shots of it little by little... going to land a little, then it lands with a crash and then such a pillar of fire and smoke.
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uh, we'll keep an eye on what kind of plane it is, why it fell and how it all happened, well, in the meantime you can transfer uah 76 on this occasion using this qr code. however, there are also some strange russian messages. the public, well, but again, these are telegram channels that do not spread some confirmed information, maybe they are specially dispersing this information, they say that it seems that this il was transporting prisoners for exchange, well, we will find out, and of course to it would be better if he brought our prisoners, well, at the moment we know that the belgorod leader of that russian region is not directly confirmed that the il-76 fell is a large transport plane,
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we don't know more about it yet, well, but we see that it fell and it's obvious that this one also fell, by the way, it happened after the missile threat was announced , huh, so with a high probability it should have shot down their own anti-aircraft defense, but we know that their anti-aircraft defense, it’s like that, is indecipherable when it shoots at its own, well, now we’ll talk about the fact that a slovak prime minister arrived in ukraine for a visit the prime minister, mr. fitso, did not arrive in kyiv, although he said he did in kiev. everything is so safe and, in principle , kyiv is no different from life in kyiv , no different from life in other cities, for example in europe, that everything is quiet and calm there, but for some reason he came to uzhgorod, you know that upon his return he will already be given a title a participant in hostilities, because he was in uzhgorod, ukraine, with
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a lifetime pension, dmytro tuzhansky is joining us, director of the institute of central european strategy from before ukrainian-hungarian relations, mr. dmytro. good day to you, good day, mr. dmitry, what should this visit mean robert fite, a person who is not too sympathetic to ukraine, at least according to the statements that were made, then he said that ukraine should give up the occupied territories, then he says now that everything is calm in kyiv, especially precisely against the background of how rockets flew in kyiv and there are injured people, there are destroyed houses and cars. what can we expect from this visit? well, look, very, very good and correct question, so something is wrong with you. the connection is interrupted, we
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probably have to redial you or try to repair what is happening now. in the meantime, i will say that the first primary took place in the united states, everything is still being counted for its results, but according to preliminary data, biden won in new hampshire by a large margin, with a huge gap, he almost twice surpassed his nearest rivals in total, even about them let's not mention much, it's not that important, because he looks like an option with no alternative, but what about trump. let's say he won new hampshire in the primaries, but what's interesting, nikki haley, while trump scored according to the latest calculations somewhere around, by the way, he has this percentage decreasing a little all the time, counting continues, 54.5 somewhere percent, while nikki haley scored 43.1 as of
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now, which means that it is already a little more than 10 % there's a rift between them, nikki haley has said that she 's not going to... have her candidacy and she's going to run, and her main message right now, i understand, is that she's saying that everybody knows that the democrats know, that the only republican candidate that biden can beat is trump, so if you want to vote for biden, then support trump, well, this is her logic, and here she believes, she says, she reminds that she entered the election race with two percent and for... now she already has quite strong dynamics and 43% , and they hope that she will still be able to defeat trump, trump , nevertheless, is also a little worried, he even said that he threatened haley, began eating, if she does not withdraw in his support, then when he becomes president, there will be very loud investigations,
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about which haley does not want to talk about now, he began to threaten her, which means that trump is afraid, so what? gentlemen, we are coming back in the meantime, dmytro tuzhansky is with us, mr. dmytro, i hope our connection is better now, let's check, yes, i hope so, so the key point is that it is very important for us to look a little deeper at this visit of robert fitso, than these media, media scandals, clearly fitso didn't want them, but he said what he said, that is, it's not the case that fitso is pro-ukrainian, we somehow misunderstood him, it's just... got into and is, to be honest, in epicenters this, you know, classic populist trap, in which viktor orbán has actually been for a long time and still is, and you know it, so maneuvers, what it consists in is that the core of your voters are very marginalized , out
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-of-system voters who believe in conspiracies, and you you have to feed them with such simple, conspiratorial solutions. well, in the case of robert filts, it is about the nazis in kyiv, who were killing russians in the donbas there in the 14th year, and they say that this was the beginning of russian aggression, that we almost provoked the russians, and the united states provoked, well, and so on and so on, what he said in that saturday interview, public radio, that is, you know, an interview, who listens to state radio, that is, this... such a rural paternalistic population that they are actually voting, he told them that ukraine is completely controlled by the united states, that it is impossible to defeat russia there either. you see, it was reported in the media that he said that ukraine should give up the territory, literally he did not say that in principle, he said, you know, such a typical populist thing that, well that you expect the russians to leave donbass and
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crimea, it is unrealistic, this is an almost verbatim quote, now for an example, with the fact that life is normal in kyiv, uh, well, again , there are both torn and not torn from context , what was the whole conversation, i.e. fitso went to the press conference to the journalists, with whom he really, you know, such a... if there was a political war, he was with them, if he was arguing during the press conference, now he was arguing with a journalist, the journalist asks him why you are not going to kyiv, but going to uzhgorod, the physio answers, well, what is it for a question, i don't want to answer it at all, what's the difference, where to go, i'm going to ukraine, then the journalist tells him, well , he says meaningfully, so in kyiv you will feel what war is like, russian aggression, which you seem to deny , yes, because he has this rhetoric that russia... was provoked and so on and so on, he says: i don't want to answer this question, have you been to kyiv yourself? the journalist says: i wasn’t there, well he says: well, like, i don’t want to answer this question, because you
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will write something there, and it will be a scandal, and then went that there is no war in kyiv at all , that life is normal there or so on and so on, and he said this on the day when there were new arrivals, that is, you understand, well, here i am saying, i do not want to make physical excuses, but you have to understand , that he is making mistakes now, he... fell into this trap, he tries to maneuver, he doesn't succeed, but here are the important things, for phyzo this is the third foreign visit, only the third, that is, first he went to prague, and this is the most important slovakia's ally is the czech republic, then he went to budapest, and this is an important ideological point a tactical ally for the world, because both budapest and bratislava are preparing today for the fact that the european union will block them, if not funds, then it can initiate against them under the seventh article for... defeating the right to vote, and both countries will be able to each other, let's put it this way, to insure, because there you need 26 votes in favor, that's right, friendship was built
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between budapest and warsaw during pisso, and the third visit is to ukraine, where the fizo must show that he can show not so much to ukraine, but just brussels, that's okay, c he has problems inside the country, he initiates a lot of changes to the legislation there, so that anti-corruption eyes all the infrastructure of slovakia. well, to actually undermine it, yes to paralyze it, because there are a lot of criminal cases against his whole group, and this risks for him that this procedure will be violated against him on the basis of the rule of law and funds will be frozen, that is, he is trying to show through ukraine that he not hopeless, here are the agreements to agree on some very pragmatic such issues, not political issues, that is why the actual meeting is not in kyiv, you know, well, ukraine, well, these applications must be accepted in kyiv. i apologize , no one is ready, the pragmatic issues are the development of the border, the uzhgorod checkpoint, which, you know, is eternal, there, to be honest, even before the invasion, and after the invasion i had the opportunity to leave,
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there, this repair, this, this something crazy, eh, then the question of the d1 highway is the northern branch of the fifth pan-european corridor, that is, it is one of the key export corridors, the highway is already there under the baskets, well, it is literally there 100 km to... to uzhgorod is on the border with ukraine, it is important for us, and there are a lot of other things there, the railway, for example, we do not have a direct passenger connection with slovakia, not a narrow one, well, there is a direct one through mukach, i mean, but uzhhorod is literally a station and there to the border, there is infrastructure nearby, there it is necessary to complete either the 11 km long line or to convert the wide line, also the measures of slovakia, we use, that is... interact, very pragmatically for both countries, this is exactly what denys shmyhal and robert should talk about fitso, well, what will they talk about
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now, it is difficult to say, because robert fizo has spoken so much, so many scandals, but one more thing is very important to understand, now robert fito is making mistakes, we cannot make mistakes in response, because i will remind you, a meeting with fito is a meeting with fito , but in a week there will be a big, important vote in the eu council on 50 billion for ukraine. and there the voice of slovakia is needed, you understand, any démarche from the ukrainian side, cancellation at the last moment can give a trump card in the hands, so that something there, you know, is blocked and so on and so forth similar, this is exactly what we had with the hungarians, they used for 5-6 years even the issue of the rights of the hungarian national minority, for them it was simply a subtext, a context to apply this right to veto, that is, it is very important for us to also act pragmatically, my advice is to focus on the czech republic and prague, it was understood, robert fiitsogy organized his first visit to the czech republic in such a way that he completely broke the schedule of peter pavel and the leader of the czech parliament, he briefly agreed in parallel. about
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meetings with andrey babish, with the key an oppositionist, that's how he organized his visit when the czech side really wanted to cancel it, but then they think, well, the first visit, the first meeting, it's not a good way to start relations like that, so we , frankly, have to act pragmatically here, diplomatically, and media-wise, again, not to condemn our politicians, you see, now we have such a dilemma that we have to negotiate with very toxic people, from the hungarian side. this is petr sigerto, who goes to moscow and belarus more often than to kyiv after the invasion, and with robert fitso, but this is the reality of politics, we need to join the european union and nato. there will be another meeting in uzhhorod on january 29 between our minister of foreign affairs and the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, mr. sziarto, and yarmak, the head of the president's office, said that a meeting between zelenskyi and
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orban is being prepared, as far as it is realistic. well , realistically, of course, but it won’t be easy, really, it ’s such, you know, an interesting meeting, because the format is interesting, the involvement of yermak is interesting, from the point of view of the result, no matter how anyone feels about office and in general to this diplomatic portfolio there, the office of the president as opposed to our ministry of foreign affairs, now there is a joint team here, well, i say once again that... that there will be a lot of important things on the sidelines, a lot of things that we will not know, because, well, peter siyar is a very toxic person, but he is the only one from the hungarian side who at least understands something in ukraine, and you see, it is important here that orban, until now, his team, understands the ukrainian track in the context of russian, gray then again , this is russia
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first. a person, i.e. in him, he in general the minister of sub-russia, yes, that is, for western countries, for other countries, there are other informal minister of foreign affairs of orbán, this is president katalin novak, this is balazs orbán, this is leventte moder, actually, that is why, you know, this is such a meeting with an open program, both the parties said that they are ready to talk , to communicate as long as necessary , that is, look, you need to have restrained optimism, but again you need to find arguments for both sides, so that the hungarian side finally understands very simple , obvious things that it still does not understands: the first is that russia is our common enemy, because for the hungarians russia is so far, you know, such a very interesting ally, i don't know what to call it, to be honest, but they don't see russia as a threat at all, although, well
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this is a direct threat... obviously hungary has already felt it many times, they are so blinded, you know, and it is not just a question of gas, in general, well, it is difficult to say here, secondly, that ukraine will strengthen both the eu and nato, and actually hungary, as a neighbor of ukraine due to joining these alliances, hungary must also understand, yes, then there is the question of investment, economic, logistical, security, and the third one is that, you know, these relations... sons, the hungarians still have this illusion that they think they can agree on something constructive with kyiv at the same time, and almost after the meeting in ukraine to go to russia and agree on something there, in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the russians, a genocidal war and so on and the like, that is, some strange illusions on the part of the hungarian side, i really hope that at least they will gradually, well if they get rid of them, a meeting with volodymyr
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zelenskyi and... orban, here again we need to find this common agenda, on which our relations should be built, there will remain the issue of the rights of the national minority, how this new ukrainian legislation will be implemented, but this is still not enough, we need to look for it there, there is the issue of the operation of the oil pipeline is friendship, and again this, if i am not mistaken , contracts until 2030, but something else is needed, that is, it is too little for the russians, the more cunning they are, the more they are in... well, in hungary everything actually worked out for them, they did so on all of them gas, financial matters, despite the sanctions, whether hungary wants it or not, whether there is any compromising material on orbán or not, but hungary must act pro-russian, because they perceive it as their national interest, we need to show that this, well, it is absurd , this is a dead end, the european union and nato, for their part , are already showing it, they are working.


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