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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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meeting with volodymyr zelenskyi and viktor orban, here again we need to find this common agenda, what our relations should be based on, there will remain the issue of the rights of the national minority, how this new ukrainian legislation will be implemented, but what is still not enough, we need to look for it there, there is the issue of the operation of the druzhba oil pipeline, and again this, if i am not mistaken , contracts until 2030, but something else is needed, that is, it is too little in russia... how cunning they are, and well, with hungary, everything really worked out for them, they did this, on all these gas and financial matters, despite the sanctions, whether hungary wants it or not, whether there are any incriminating documents on orbán or not, but hungary must act pro-russian, because they perceive it as their national interest, we need to show , that it is, well, it is senseless, it is a dead end, the european union and nato, for their part, are already showing it. we need to look for
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these arguments from our side. mr. dmytro, in short, peter sierto, actually on the eve, as soon as it became known that there would be a meeting with dmytro kuleva, received by e-mail ukrainian-language letter with threats , which reads as follows: hungarians, we hate your government, which continues to do everything to make us lose the war, do you think that after the attacks on ukraine , your minister will come to us so easily, we do not think so 20. january 9, his expect an explosive reception, an armored train will not save, we recommend that you place an order with the funeral home, so that they start making a coffin for sierto, and that it corresponds to his height. god forgives, but ukrainians don't, that's what this e-mail says. who could stand for the authorship of this letter? look, no matter who, peter sito received such letters with personal threats again through the embassy in 2021, nothing new here. and
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similar letters are sent there in the form of esoks, letters to anyone, but on this ukrainian-mountainous topic, i don’t know how many years, to be honest, there they threatened to poison the water supply to the riverbank, you know, horror , but i would did not take it lightly, because, well, it is already traditional that before any such, before any more or less meaningful, but... a normal meeting of the ukrainian -hungarian side, such letters are exchanged, and unfortunately we already have a whole portfolio of very serious such special operations against the ukrainian -hungarian side, when such meetings take place, let me remind you that the offices of the society of hungarian culture in uzhhorod, almost in the center, were already set on fire and blown up, and they did it there, well, it’s the russian special services, at first they hired polish right-wing radicals through their german counterparts there, then
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there were even ukrainian car drivers involved, although they were as if they were fellow students or something there, they were drivers, someone made purchases there, the executors were other there, that is, you have to take care of security, that's why, well, you have to understand that the real enemy, and this is what i mentioned, are the russians, and the russians will not be ashamed of any -what methods to provoke the ukrainian or hungarian side, to create a picture of some kind of inter-ethnic conflict. in transcarpathia, again , sociologically we do not have this, they will talk about some hungarian separatism and hungarian disloyalty, i mean ethnic hungarians from transcarpathia to ukraine, this again, it is not true, we checked it sociologically, so we must be ready and counter it, because i say the russians have serious plans for hungary, yes, to undermine the unity of the eu, to provoke ukraine, to block the accession of ukraine and ukraine's accession to the eu and nato, it's not a safe game, and the russians know how
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to use google translate, although they don't always do it well, we also know that. thank you, mr. dmytro, for the conversation, dmytro tuzhanskyi, director of the institute of central european strategy, expert in ukrainian-hungarian relations. he was in touch with us, now we are going for a short break, then we will return and continue, we have another interesting guest for you. everyday. life is full of stress and anxiety now, melamach b6 will help you cope with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium, and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and restore strength to b6 melamahs, full sleep, and recovery from bhfz. there are discounts on strength detox, 15% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lakalut active. lakalut active active. but overcomes
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judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. the luxurious life of an ex-reserve. heads of the dnipro district court of kherson. what happened is an exclusively positive moment. there are mass exonerations of evaders in the judge in odesa region. we actually discovered what exactly four judges made all these decisions. on thursday, january 25, 6:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatiana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics. even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict
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with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. hello, olena kryvets is with you, i hope that you are safe despite the wartime and regularly do the ox test. yes, you didn't hear it, it should be done at least once a year, it's scary, maybe, but it's scarier not to know your status, to give the disease, to cause hunger and to infect loved ones, so the hiv test is about love. to yourself and to others, about the possibility of saving their lives and your own, because with modern medicine, the disease is not contagious and is not scary, knowledge about complex things is important, and knowledge about the disease saves lives, so dear friends, we
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we are coming back, ours have already confirmed. armed forces, that the downing of a russian il-76 military plane in the belgorod region is their fault, and what i want to tell you about it, i want to say that it is not uah 76 that even needs to be transferred on this occasion, but uah 300, and why uah 300, and because this plane was carrying missiles for zerk s300. so, dear friends, i remind you about our qr code collection . in addition, from time to time we make announcements on our air, where there are card numbers, on such an occasion it is not a sin to transfer this money, actually for our military , in order to say thank you for a good fall and a good burn , if we can show this video again, it
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will at least lift our spirits a little for all the troubles that russia does to us every day because of yesterday's shelling, it should somehow cheer us up . our citizens, because there will be a little less of those missiles that fly in the direction of ukraine, that's it, the plane goes to land little by little, and then lands and lands with such a characteristic, beautiful flaming mushroom, which indicates that that plane has already reached hook kudos to our armed forces for making it happen. well, gentlemen , let's talk a little about multiple citizenship, what it is and what it means, how many citizenships we will have now, how we will live, we will talk about it all with andrii magero, an expert at the center for political and legal reforms, deputy chairman of the central election commission of ukraine in the years 7-18, mr. andrii , good morning, i congratulate you, let
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's hope that it is still morning, and by the way, if i may, we would like to congratulate you on your birthday, which was two days ago the past thank you for the congratulations, by the way, on the occasion of the anniversary, i posted a request on facebook to everyone who would like to congratulate, to join the fundraising. on the monobank for e.e. actually a generator for purchases , a generator for the ukrainian military, that is , if someone wants, they can also join the facebook page, there is such an opportunity, i was already there on your page, although i haven’t dropped the money yet, i’m just waiting for a salary, but but, but i hope that this is a good, good opportunity to congratulate you, and not only with words, so to speak, with some penny and armed forces of ukraine, i was personally comforted that mr. andrii wrote that... at 50 , it is about the same as in 49, this is kind of good news,
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because i also have absolutely nothing left until 50, but it makes me happy, mr. andrii , what i wanted to say, her center, the head of the center for political and legal reforms, just before that, an hour ago , i joined, i am talking about ihor kulyvushka, joined our colleagues also on the same espresso channel, but to colleagues from radio svoboda, and i literally. .. i heard such a passage in the last minute there, when they were saying it too visavi, who speaks in support of the presidential bill, and let 's talk now about female citizenship, such is mrs. mezyntseva, mezyntseva, and from the servants of the people, kolyushko recalls how in 1996, when the constitution was adopted, how the communists tried for any what is the price of stretching the norm about what such citizenship can be, for obvious reasons. would have russian citizenship, yes, he just says it, she hears it, and cannot agree with it, and in the end says, it didn’t
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happen, he doesn’t even have time to answer, because this farewell is already on its way, he just smiles so sadly in response, and i think mezentseva was seven years old, in 96, well, she definitely knows better than kuliushko, who voted for this constitution and joined its articles , to its formulations, who is one of the most prominent constitutionalists. experts, lawyers in ukraine, well , this is a matter of attitude to, i don't know, some inheritance, which is the constitution, well, this is just such an introduction, to emotional, maybe a little, for which i apologize, to this one conversations, regarding the analysis of the draft law proposed by the president, whether there are those threats that the deputies feared in 1996, really igor bory. kolyushko is right in this regard, that when the constitution was adopted
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, based on the provisions of the fourth article, it was drafted, and as they drafted not only the fourth article, but also 106, paragraph 26 in terms of the powers of the president of ukraine, then all they understood it so that in ukraine there can be not only citizenship, conditionally speaking, of the autonomous republic of crimea or ternopil area, which is in itself nonsense for not even in every federal state its subjects have citizenship, this is rather an exception than a general rule, there are such exceptions, in particular there was the soviet union, which had, albeit such a fictitious, very formal, citizenship of the ukrainian ssr on paper, and in fact it did not exist, because none of us had separate passports of citizens of the ukrainian ssr, so really in 1996... only ukrainian citizenship was meant as a single one,
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which means that ukrainians could not, could not citizens have any citizenship or citizenship of a foreign state. such was the logic. and by the way, if we compare the current constitution with the constitution of 1978, which was in effect for 5 years after the declaration of ukraine's independence, there was such a 31st article. in ukraine, there is a single citizenship , but on the basis of bilateral international treaties, dual citizenship is allowed , that was the case, and at that time the powers of the president were not to terminate powers in the broad sense of the word, quite broad powers, as it is now, and it was only to satisfy the request for withdrawal from the citizenship of ukraine. this means that then the president could not issue a decree on the loss of ukrainian citizenship, for example, in the case of voluntary... acquisition of foreign citizenship, why? because the then article 31 of the 1978 constitution allowed dual
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citizenship, and it was logical. currently , the current constitution of ukraine does not contain such exceptions to the principle of single citizenship. this means that the president issues decrees on termination of ukrainian citizenship not only due to withdrawal, but also due to loss of citizenship of ukraine. now regarding the draft law, frankly speaking, i was surprised. what immediately caught my eye was that the draft law itself, its name, does not correspond to the essence, it says about changes to some legislative acts on migration, but eh... the lion's share of the text of the draft law concerns the new version of the law of ukraine on the citizenship of ukraine, and citizenship immigration, well, these are not the same thing, to put it mildly, although they are, of course , quite tangential topics, but they are not the same thing, and when this draft law proposes a list of states whose citizens
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can acquire the citizenship of ukraine and they do not need to terminate their previous citizenship, for example there. united states, australia, japan and so on. then the question arises, will we have equal and more equal citizens? well, in what form is it all, what forms does it take. therefore, quite succinctly, three points regarding this draft law: firstly, it is not constitutional, it does not correspond to the fourth article of the constitution of ukraine. secondly, in today's time, he does not help, actually with these. of the ukrainian nation, which is only still, i would say so, outlines his choices, the process of forming the ukrainian nation as a political one has not yet been completed, and the third point, this, excuse me, is a great pass to russian propaganda, which has been saying for years that ukraine has sold out or will sell out its land
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to foreigners, who will come here and take it away, well, good luck to russian propaganda. i couldn't make it up under the circumstances. mr. andrii, there are literally two minutes left, the father is a threat, because actually for the countries of the european union and for the united states, for example, to acquire ukrainian citizenship, as it is plural, in fact it is enough to simply declare such intentions. accordingly, isn't there a danger that in such a case, what mykola knyazhytskyi writes about, for example, that you can imagine. a situation when russia organizes mass bots , relatively speaking, with the citizenship of other countries, which participate, for example, in elections directly, influencing the results of the vote, well , relatively speaking, i don’t know, 2 million hungarians receive ukrainian citizenship in parallel, just imagine , it's far away
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no, you don't even have to go, remember germany with the voters of this populist alternative. the backbone of the party is emigrants from the former soviet union, primarily russians from kazakhstan, ethnic germans, plus some neo-nazis in various accounts, so imagine, they will all take the call of the russian federation, which they love so much, take a ukrainian passport and they will elect us a parliament that will be needed by the aggressor state, well, that's the truth. these are real threats, and over which we must also think. personally, i'm not against that citizens of these states acquired ukrainian citizenship, but in this case they must be on equal terms with all others, i.e. within two years, terminate the citizenship of the previous state, study the history of ukraine, learn the ukrainian language, pass an exam, all must be on equal terms. well, thank you
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very much for this comment, andriy magera, an expert of the center for political and legal reforms, deputy chairman of the central election commission of ukraine, was with us in 7-18 years, they talked about the draft law on multiple citizenship, which suggests president zelensky to consider and adopt, in the opinion of our expert and constitutionalist andrii maghera, the law has anti-constitutional norms. yes, the air alert that started literally a few minutes ago continues. dear friends, please stay in shelters, do not ignore this announcement, literally. almost as revenge for the fact that our armed forces replaced the il-76 , which, according to our armed forces, carried missiles for the s-300 air defense system, our assembly also continues, precisely for this one, to take revenge on the muscovites for this air alarm and to thank our military, you can transfer either uah 76 , for example, or uah 300, well, or as much as you want,
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the size of your donation does not matter, what matters is that this donation is there, thank you, friends, for being with us, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk , worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 7:10, and eterespresso continues, so stay. attention, total sale from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable boots alaska style with a discount. your perfect solution for the cold season is here. only from uah 699, perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth, even in 30-degree frost, alaska style boots are universal. design and practical black color and will fit both men and women, sizes 36 to 46, so get two pairs for you and your husband, they are so comfortable and
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a fractured knee joint, renal failure and repair failure. it was still possible to operate on her, although it was a huge risk, but thank god everything was successful, we were able to remove the pain in this joint, now we saw her running, recently during another round of shelling she hit the bars, got a concussion, in which, of course, all the rehabilitation went back a little, but now the condition. saw her improving, i hope we can restore her to a stage where she can live a happy life. and this is tosh the porcupine. all his life he entertained the circus audience, and when he retired, the trainer transferred him to the center. due to the fact that she had to live in a small box, now tosha has a habit of walking in the enclosure in circles when an animal is wild, they... should
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live in the wild under normal circumstances, but when they are put in a small cage, they are there, it is quite a big stress for them, they spend a lot of money there, and then, unfortunately, such behavior, when you plant a large aviary, they still walk in a circle like that, another resident of the shelter, venus from poltava region, the owners took her in when she was still small and thought she was a dog, but... when the animal grew up, it turned out that venus - a she-wolf, and it became very difficult to get along with her. in the center, the animal was treated and a trip awaits her very soon. she will soon go to greece, they found good conditions for her, together with another animal, together with another she-wolf, which we rescued earlier from under the belarusian border. they will go together soon. among all the animals,
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swans live in the center. they were rescued mainly from weather conditions, some birds are injured, others have an infection, recently six have already been released, another 11 are undergoing treatment, they were found by caring people, they were mainly rescued by the kyiv karkh animal rescue team, they rescue ordinary animals situations, some were there who died in flight, they got them, beat them. at the wild animal rescue center, animals are not hoarded, they are provided. help and released into nature or looking for new homes, in the west of ukraine or abroad. the resettlement procedure is complex and long-lasting, at least three months. in addition, the animal must be healthy, because in europe diseases are indicators for euthanasia. we do not transfer animals to zoos, except abroad, where there are, we transfer animals where there are large enclosures, because, in principle, a zoo -
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it's a zoo, right? take it there in europe, there is an enclosure for a bear there that is 2 hectares or more, the same for a tiger, it is customary to consider a zoo in our country, it is some kind of small enclosure. you can support these wild animals in any way, with donations, food, building materials, and you can also arrange guardianship, that is, help a specific animal and receive an honorary certificate. currently, the center has 27 residents, in total, during the great war, it was possible to help more than a thousand animals, more than two hundred were placed abroad, in addition, there are five ambulances working here, if you see an animal in need of rescue, call 303. kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, espresso tv channel.
12:00 pm


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