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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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greetings, it's news time on espresso. an air alert has been declared across the country due to migu flight. we are working from shelters and you are also urged to stay in shelters until the end of the air alert. losses of enemy aircraft. a military transport plane ill-76 crashed in russia. the accident happened in the korochan district of the belgorod region - they report. people in social networks also publish videos of plane wrecks. the footage shows how a huge flame broke out immediately after the fall. local governor vyacheslav gladkov wrote in the telegram channel that an accident has occurred and that rescuers are on their way to the scene of the incident. in the meantime , information appeared in the propaganda media of the aggressor country that 74 people were on board. all died beforehand. meanwhile , the ukrainian media with reference to... sources in
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the general staff report that the plane was shot down by the armed forces of ukraine, the plane was carrying s-300 missiles. and to the situation in the regions of ukraine, people may be under the rubble of high-rise buildings in kharkiv. there, rescuers resumed search operations, which had to be suspended the previous evening due to the threat of destruction of the walls. before that , the employees of the state emergency service managed to pull out the bodies of eight people from under the rubble of the building. one-year-old girl, so the total number of dead as a result of the morning attack by russians on kharkiv on january 23 reached eight. it is also known about more than 60 wounded. and today, the work was resumed with special equipment. why is it so important to continue these works? because there is information from local people, from neighbors and residents of the building, that there may still be people under the rubble. now it's about two. and
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kherson oblast suffers from enemy attacks, there five civilians were killed, six more were injured. during the day, the occupiers fired more than half a thousand shells in the region, almost 100 of them were aimed at kherson and communities. the russians targeted the residential quarters of the populated areas of the region, as well as the kindergarten and the territory of the plant in beryslav. and in donetsk region, 14 enemy shellings were recorded during the day, the pokrovsky, kramatorsk and bakhmutsky districts were targeted by the invaders, - said the head of the region, vadym filashkin. russians injured six in the chasovoyarsk community high-rise buildings and four private houses, two residences in the old mykolaivka and liniv communities were completely destroyed, and another 17 in nivychyna. there is also destruction. houses in
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siversk and krasnohorivka, information about the victims has not yet been received. at the same time , it was possible to evacuate almost a hundred civilians, including 26 children, from the front line within the region. there will be no road. in the village of granitne in donetsk region, the occupiers flew to the area of ​​the construction of a railway connection, which should connect the temporarily captured mariupol, volnovakha and donetsk. five units of engineering equipment and the remains of a railway bridge were destroyed - said petro andryushchenko, adviser to the mayor of mariupol. he noted that this is not just a dot, it is a fat cross on the potential of the railway from russia, at least for this year. and the sbu detained the gunner of the russian strikes, a resident of mirnograd in donetsk region worked for the russian fsb and prepared a series of rocket and artillery attacks. our positions near avdiivka. in
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the area of ​​his special responsibility there were heimer anti-aircraft systems, tanks leopard and bradley infantry fighting vehicles. also , its curators were interested in the possible routes of movement of heavy weapons of the ukrainian troops. the russian agent passed the coordinates to the enemy through social networks, and the law enforcement officers detained him in his own apartment. the man faces life imprisonment. russian sabotage and intelligence groups are trying to cross the ukrainian border. our border guards recorded several such attempts by the enemy. the commander of the united forces told about it. sergey naev. he noted that the armed forces of ukraine opposed the occupiers created counter-sabotage reserves. if necessary, fighters must arrive in the area of ​​detection of the enemy within a few minutes and destroy it. for this purpose, the military constantly trains and is on duty near the
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demarcation line. the state border of ukraine is the northern operational zone. round-the-clock protection of the state border. there are border guards who are reinforced by territorial defense fighters. counterinsurgency reserves constantly train and increase their level of training and readiness to react in case of enemy attempts apply hostile force. we are doing everything to ensure that the state border of ukraine is strong. well, let the losses of the enemy only increase, the espresso tv channel calls. you join the gathering for the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade, our defenders need night vision binoculars, because our defenders perform combat tasks mainly at night, so the device is very necessary for them, good vision in temliv not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy .
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in general, our goal is uah 170,000. we already have more than uah 90,000 in our account. you have all the details now see on your screens. and remember, the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. ukraine will receive the first f-16 fighter jets already this year, the pentagon is counting on this, they will also prepare the necessary infrastructure and transfer spare parts for the planes. all thanks to the international coalition, which is engaged in training ukrainian pilots on f-16 aircraft. also, something. recently it became known that the first group of ukrainian aviators has already completed the basic training program in britain and started training on fighters in denmark. and canada will provide ukraine with 10 zodiaak harrican
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technologies multi-purpose boats, canadian defense minister bill blair said. the boat party costs 20 million canadian dollars. these are multi-engine rigid-hull inflatable boats. will perform maritime tasks in ukraine, in particular help in search and rescue operations, transportation of troops and cargo, surveillance and reconnaissance. each boat will be equipped with a complex system of sensors, navigation and communication. it is expected that their delivery will be completed by the end of spring. also the minister added that starting next month, ottawa will provide civilian instructors, aircraft and personnel to train ukrainian pilots at american airports. chakh f-16. training will begin next month. an important visit against the backdrop of tense relations, slovak prime minister robert fico arrived in uzhgorod and already met with his
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ukrainian counterpart denys shmegal. the prime minister of ukraine himself announced this on social media. he noted that the discussion of bilateral relations is on the agenda. states and support for european initiatives. myhal also added that he expects a constructive and practical dialogue. and in poland, large farmers' protests are starting. polish farmers will demand protection of their business from imports from third countries, in particular from ukraine. this is reported by local publications. actions with tractors and other machinery on the roads, planned in more than 150 places throughout the territory. country, protests will take place not in the form of a blockade, but in the form of a slow movement of a convoy or demonstrations along the road. among other things, farmers are calling for an entry strategy of ukraine in the eu in the field of agriculture, which will not threaten poland. in the next
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issues, we will include our correspondent from poland, who will tell about the progress of the protests. stay with espresso. as for sports victories, ukrainian tennis player dayana yastremska reached the semi-finals of the astralian open for the first time in her career. our athlete is in melbourne. beat the czech linda noskova with a score of 6-3-6-4. in addition to her personal record , yastramska became the first female tennis player in the last 46 years to reach the semifinals astralian open through qualifying. diana also became the first ukrainian to reach the semi-finals in melbourne. that's all the news for now, take care and stay sheltered.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. russian rocket. terror continues, nine dead under the rubble of houses in kyiv, kharkiv and pavlograd, what will stop the terrorist putin? more weapons for ukraine, hypocritical statements by lavov at the un security council and new aid packages from the allies at randstein 18. elections during the war. zelensky suggests that the verkhovna rada consider their organization, who benefits from it. about this and about another? for the next hour, we will be talking with our guests: volodymyr ogrysko, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine,
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serhiy taran, political scientist and co-chairman of the public initiative right, dmytro snigiryov. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, there will be a deputy studio, we will have iryna as a guest gerashchenko, oleksiy kucherenko and yulia klymenko. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch the video of the consequences of cheros. terrorist attack by the russian federation on peaceful cities of ukraine, at least ten people died, dozens were injured in kyiv, kharkiv and pavlograd. this is how the rescue operation took place in these cities today. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video and vote in our poll. today we ask you about this do you trust anti-corruption law enforcement agencies? yes no. if you are sitting in front of the tv and you have a phone or smartphone in your hands, you can call 0800-211-381, if you trust the law enforcement anti-corruption agencies, no (0800-211-382). call, all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we have a politician on the line. diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007-9, volodymyr gryzko. mr.
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volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you with us today i congratulate you, mr. serhiy, good health. mr. volodymyr, let 's start with the un security council, because the russian federation tried to shift the blame for what happened in donetsk to the ukrainians, and called on the un security council and the countries that are part of the organization. the united nations should not provide weapons to ukraine, during the meeting of the un security council, sergey lavrov continued to deny the independence and sovereignty of ukraine. not claiming that the ukrainian people are allegedly not interested in a war against russia, but the west pushes ukraine to continue this war. let's listen to what the newest rebentrop said. the reality is that, despite the complete failure of the armed forces of ukraine on the battlefield, the western patrons of the kyiv regime
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continue to push it with maniacal persistence into a senseless military confrontation. despite the fact that the kyiv regime survives thanks to western handouts, and even their spokesmen admit it. most ukrainians are beginning to understand who their real enemy is, and who has been fooling them for many years head, scaring russia, planting lies about our country and canceling our common history. mr. volodymyr, lavrov and russia are on duty. karlanogi about the security council of the united nations and about the organization of the united nations organization itself. and russia has violated most of the articles of the un charter, it is waging a fairly brutal and aggressive war against ukraine. how long will the un tolerate russia and lavrov? you know, i have to listen to all this
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propaganda nonsense. er, well, since we have to know the enemy, as they say, in the face, unfortunately, the answer to your question, mr. sergey, the negative will, unfortunately, for the organization of the united nations in the form in which it exists today, endure this mockery of common sense, you see, you rightly called him a modern ribentrop, but there is one difference from then. the world did not listen to ribbentrop, the nazi reibbentrop, but to today's, unfortunately , based on the structures of this organization, the world must listen, and must listen to his absolute lies, which you already know, do not penetrate any eternal boundaries, but everyone is watching and
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forced to pretend that they are talking about something... somewhere they will think and consult. before his speech on behalf of the un deputy secretary general for disarmament affairs, they talked about the fact that it was necessary to end all this somehow, of course it was mentioned that russia is an aggressor, well not in the literal sense, but that it had started its own invasion, but... but there was no strong condemnation of all this, this is today's united nations organizations in action, return to their complete inactivity, so waiting for any changes, it seems to me, is a rather weak hope, changes will not
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will be, russia blocks everything it wants in the security council and not only in the security council, so i am afraid that we... will be forced to gradually withdraw from this organization, unless it remains as a platform for talking about certain global problems , but no more. another fellow student of russia's war against ukraine, vladimir putin, dmitry medvedev said that russia will go to the victorious end, no matter how many 10 years until that end. 50 years that such a state as ukraine does not exist, that ukrainians are the same russians who for some reason decided that they some others, and have the right to independence and sovereignty, one could of course be ironic about what medvedev said, but usually what is on medvedev's tongue is
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on putin's mind, and maybe all of them are on their minds, and in fact it is quite serious . the statement that came out of medvedev's mouth, and obviously, not only the ukrainian side, not only ukrainians, but also the whole world should react to this statement, because now, in fact, it can prevent russia from doing this, from fighting for 10 or 50 years, well besides the armed forces, of course, well, mr. serhiu, the answer, it seems to me, lies on the surface, it is about the fact that it should be a position of collective action. which, well, it already happened at the hands of the armed forces of ukraine, must defeat this monster, i honestly don't see another option yet, unfortunately,... you see, because of what is happening in the united states of america, because of the fact that we have become hostages to infighting, to exhaustion, to the great
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regret, now we have a pause in aid, and the white house representatives, in particular kirby, are right to say that these consequences can to be catastrophic, well, but to kill... political ambitions practically now become more and more, well, almost impossible, because the republicans and the democrats are diverging in different corners, and although it seems that there is some chance of reaching a compromise in the senate, this it will be very difficult to reach a compromise in the house of representatives. i spoke not long ago with some americans who are close to those who sit in the senate, and they
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expressed quite serious skepticism that this resolution in the house of representatives would be reached quickly, and that means that the situation on the fronts will become truly threatening for us, unless the european partners step up and at the same time sharply increase their assistance, as in particular great britain or germany is doing, but this does not at all remove that, does not reduce that role and does not remove responsibility of the united states of america, and which, actually , should have signed up to support ukraine until... victory over russia. today, mr. volodymyr, the 18th meeting of the contact group on defense of ukraine in the ramshtein format is taking place in virtual mode.
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it was, or is, devoted to the long-term needs of ukraine. and this was reported in the pentagon, the secretary of defense of the united states of america lloyd austin, during the opening of ramstein 18, emphasized the importance. kyiv's strongholds in the face of full-scale russian aggression. let's hear what lloyd austin said. ukrainian defenders continue to inflict significant losses on the kremlin forces. putin continues to sacrifice staggering numbers of russian troops in his reckless and reckless war. putin hopes that missiles and drones demoralize the ukrainian people and break the morale of the ukrainian army. that's why i call this group. dig deeper to provide ukraine with more vital ground-based air defense and interception systems. do i understand correctly,
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mr. volodymyr, that our allies were not ready for such a bloody, long-term war of russia against ukraine, and this means that what is happening in ukraine on the part of russia is a surprise, including for... . of western intelligence, well, judging by the way the countries of the north atlantic alliance, and the same countries, who are part of the ramstein group are now trying to recover and gain momentum in terms of providing their troops with weapons, does this not indicate that the event was miscalculated, regarding russia, regarding their intentions, regarding their plans? well, no doubt, mr. serhiy, that, that's obvious. he west after the collapse of the ussr lived in the illusions it had already created that russia is a friend, comrade and brother. well, we have seen it
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in everything that has happened during these last 30 years. russia was forgiven for everything, the genocide in chechnya was forgiven, georgia was forgiven, they forgave, for the 14th year in ukraine, they forgave the atrocity in syria and so on and so forth. that is, it was all on the surface. because they believed until the last moment that everything would be fine and that they would be able, at the expense of smaller countries such as ukraine, georgia and so on, to negotiate with russia and play the same very often corrupt game with them, but putin is perceived in a different way that if you retreat, then i will advance and began to advance, well, what can i say if the germans themselves are talking about the fact that... in the bundeswehr, a very large part of the same tanks, which, as it were, should be with us, do not start, but
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what, what... what is happening in the united states of america itself clearly indicates that the same trump is trying to play the situation that is developing in ukraine and the situation that is developing in europe, in general , in connection with russia's war against ukraine, and trump is trying to tell everyone that he will come to power and will definitely stop this war, because he knows putin very well, he knows zelensky very well, he ... so it will take little time to stop this war, who is this rhetoric aimed at, mr. volodymyr, that is, who is the consumer of this information or these promises that are not supported by anything, that is, who does trump work for? on the voter, or does the voter care, russia's war against ukraine, that trump can
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play a decisive role in this war? well, you see, mr. seria, i think that we are talking about such a phenomenon of democratic societies as populism, and trump is an outstanding populist of all times and nations, that is, he is a person who lives in it, and that is why he likes it, because which offers absolutely, well, sorry for for for for such an assessment is ridiculous. solutions to complex issues, well, how can you say that i will stop the war between ukraine and russia in 24 hours, well, unless he starts bombing the kremlin, and then the kremlin will understand that it is necessary to stop, but i doubt that he will do it, or he thinks that ukraine will agree to stop, stop and give 20% of its land to the occupier and thus demonstrate that international law
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is not needed by anyone, including the civilized world, that is, these are things that definitely work exclusively for the voter , for the average voter, who understands little in world politics, does not understand what it is about at all, and when he is told that i will quickly solve everything, you will not even need to think about it, and from your pocket, not a single dollar will go to... any help, then i definitely like it, especially when now, well, there are some real problems with the same border, when there is a need to solve the issue of stopping, this flow of illegal migrants from half a day to the united states of america, for that money is needed, then you can definitely oppose the necessity of allocating
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a few dozen there. dollars to build a wall with mexico than to help some ukraine, which for many americans is somewhere a month away, so i think that this is typical and exceptional populism, and trump is the number one populist in the united states of america, to say the least. today, the belarusian dictator oleksandr lukashenko called on his generals to strengthen the protection of the state border and... the airspace of the republic, he once again emphasized the military threat to belarus, which allegedly exists both from the side of ukraine and from the side of poland and the baltic states. let's listen to what the self-proclaimed president of belarus said. today's decision to protect the state border has its own particularity precisely in the fact that we have a special situation. war in the south. to
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the west, poland-lithuania, the baltic states are even worse, i emphasize even worse , the appropriate detachments are being prepared there, the commanders are determined, we know them, well, this is the impression, mr. volodymyr, that oleksandr lukashenko and vladimir putin is preparing some second action with the participation of belarus, or it will be. kovalsky this corridor, whether it will be a baltic country, whether it will be the baltic countries, whether it will be poland, or again , it will be the northern border for ukraine. it is clear that there is no point in analyzing what lukashenka said, but still, to whom was this message directed, to the people of belarus, or to the west, how?


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