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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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to conduct political activity, they do not have access to the media for the most part, they cannot convey their party programs, nor how they want, they see ukraine in development and during the war, that is , there is no political process as such in ukraine, so elections should be held accordingly without a political process - this is a very dubious matter, and the legitimacy of this process, honestly, it will cause, i think, even more questions than such a frozen one. the situation that exists at the moment, i am not talking about technical details, for example, observers in the trenches and observers should to be, including represented by international organizations, international observers, i want to see which of the international observers will go to alkiivka or kupyansk in order to see whether our military and local residents vote correctly there, i think there are no such people willing, maximum that do not reach kyiv.
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at least until uzhhorod, well, that is, this whole process raises more questions than answers, but democracy can be ensured without, or rather, cannot be ensured without elections, but during martial law, the war that we have full-scale, uh, apparently , democratic steps can be taken that will remove all issues of legitimization, because in fact the legislation clearly defines what happens to the parliament during war, the legislation does not define what happens to the president, and, that is, whether it is necessary to hold presidential elections or not, therefore, if we were to shift all responsibility to the parliament, as i support mr. kucharenko, it is unfair, so let's put it this way, i would say that it is necessary to start with the democracies. processes which
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can be done during the war, namely: allow journalists, for example, into the verkhovna rada, open tv channels there and stop engaging in the marathon, which is completely ineffective, and take any other steps that are democratic, both within society and on the international arena , at least to start with this, and in fact, i think that if citizens and international partners will... see what is happening here, and, for example, there, i don't know, the opposition deputies will not be slowed down at customs and will not be allowed to cross the border , then maybe it will start to improve the situation of the perception of democracy in ukraine , that is why there are many steps that can be taken without such a change of the constitution, and because in order to hold elections or not to hold elections, it is necessary to change the constitution, and this is a very difficult job, and in fact it is, you know, panda box which can be opened and
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you can get something completely different as a result, changing the constitution during the war is probably wrong and not necessary, so the actual question is that if the authorities had the will, then i think that it is possible to find an understanding with the opposition , can be found and joint affairs that will benefit ukrainians, because our only goal, both the government and the opposition, is... victory, so in order for us to win, we all need to take democratic steps and make joint efforts to victory, and then already to hold elections, and in fact, this should be our main goal, if the government really wants to, i don't know, the knowledge of anyone, including the opposition , helped this victory, it does not need anything, except to listen to the opinion. the opposition to take it into account,
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unfortunately, the situation has now developed that the ruling party does not really need the votes of the opposition in the parliament, nor to listen to the opposition, because they are blocking, they have de facto formed a coalition with the opz, well, that is, with the former regionals and their votes, they are actually pulling out almost all bills that cause doubts in the opposition and which one the position criticizes or tries to improve, so here the question consists only in political will and in the political process, i would say so. thank you, i will tell our viewers what president zelensky said about the elections, about the possibility of holding elections, not our guests and presenters today, that is why we are talking about it, because i see that in social networks there are comments about the elections you are talking about, in principle, we are talking about what president zelensky is talking about, but ...
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zelensky also talks about business, since the issue is quite relevant now in ukraine, what is happening to businessmen, volodymyr zelensky instructed to deal with the problem. that have arisen recently between government officials, business and law enforcement, and present relevant developments for the national security and defense council. let's listen to what zelensky said. the discussion is not easy, there are serious questions, there are real difficulties. i got acquainted with the details, asked to do the necessary work so that all difficulties between government officials, businesses, and law enforcement officers were removed. everyone can have it. your point of view, yes, but in times of war we must all be united by one task, the strength of ukraine, the strength of our society, our economy. mrs. iryna, what problems is zelensky talking about, why the national security council and
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defense should consider the relationship between business, government and law enforcement. it seems to me that it is obvious to everyone that the time of words will pass. there was such a fascination with beautiful words, it came, and it is very important that they realize this at the banks and stop producing these endless conflicts with everyone, then they quarreled only there with poroshenko on european solidarity, then they started quarreling with our western partners , then they turned into journalists, now the business is not like that, then ukrainians will not be like that, refugees... like that you understand, well, this is not normal, in fact , zelenskyi began to communicate correctly after the start of the war, about the fact that, well, at least in words, yes, that only unity saves us, but unity is not words, but actions, and today we see that unity does not exist , and
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on the contrary, every day there are new and new conflicts, and already business, which is very difficult to survive today, at the same time, keeps jobs, pays taxes, i want to remind you, for your intelligent viewers, who are absolutely right to say what the election is about today you can talk, but not about which, we need to survive today as a state and preserve statehood, and this is the task of politicians, statesmen, and to preserve statehood, and the armed forces of ukraine work primarily to help with this, but according to the situation, we can only receive armed forces from our internal taxes forces of ukraine, our partners provide weapons, but they cannot pay salaries with... this is what business does, every ukrainian who pays taxes does this, so we need to focus on this, and my colleague ms. yulia klymenko absolutely rightly pointed out that the president tries to avoid all unpleasant topics , there is such a, well, unpleasant topic, a difficult topic, and
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what will happen in may regarding legitimacy, let's translate it to the parliament, there is a difficult topic, and we have repeatedly discussed it on your broadcast, mr. serhiy, mobilization , and it is also wild when... the commander-in-chief, he does not find time to meet with the leaders of the parliamentary factions and talk about how he sees, as the head of the supreme, the commander-in-chief, how he sees the solution of this issue systematically, systematically and what will be the cushion for this economic mobilization, and you know, i always have this feeling of déjà vu, a return in the atmosphere to the times of yanukovych, when it was also very... such a serious concentration of power in one party, in one hand, then it there was a party of regions, and some kind of redistribution of business was taking place, and whoever did not have his own businessman, these businesses were taken from him, all were bad, only kurchenko and arbuzov were good, and there is no doubt in anyone's mind that we now have these young oligarchs , and which have already
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formed an ichpool for banking there somewhere in the middle listening to the people, that’s all they do instead of the other way around... just help business to survive, survive and develop the economy so that we can survive as a state, and in this context , on the contrary, it seems to me that zelenskyi’s key task as the supreme commander -in-chief, who really should not interfere in the economy and government issues, there should still be one economic priority - this is the military industry, what is happening in our military industry today, as it so happened that in two years... we are not were able to rebuild our economy, what it did now russia, which unfortunately, unfortunately, has some progress there, both in slaves, and in drones, and in other stories there, and we also need to work on this, and therefore, to be honest, i listened, you know, if you gave a quote
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to the president about the elections, well, he tries to transfer everything to the parliament, but there the logic is absolute, yes, that elections cannot be held during the war, then here is the second quote about business. well, first of all, no one will dream of any business without the approval of the office of the president, well, excuse me, please, this is an absolute failure of the office of the president, you nightmares the opposition, you make business a nightmare, but the time for words has passed: if you want to make decisions, drive out those who make business a nightmare, and just give everyone normal work rules, stop making nightmares. thank you, ms. irina, mr. oleksiy, you had a lot of experience working in commercial structures, and you, you know how the authorities know how to work with business, this is the story with igor mazepa, because i understand that now everyone from ... driven by this story, what can you say about how the current government works with business and even more so
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during the war, should there be such a job , let me quickly, yes, because the topic of action is very relevant, and the president, if he already spoke about it, then he understood all the dangers, i absolutely agree with irina that, well, in fact, law enforcement officers in we are subordinated exclusively to the office of the president, that is, they are definitely not under the prime minister, it is not necessary to be... naive like that, and therefore i want to say right away that the president indicated that there is such a problem, government officials met yesterday with our businessmen from the employers' federation and by others, businessmen are absolutely three of them specific proposals were given, legislative changes, to completely stop eye masks, show masks and some other, well, three simple things, i fully support, now, now i explain on my fingers, so let's start with bigus. yes, i, i am not a fan of journalists smoking or not smoking, that is a separate article.
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30 law enforcement officers, spent a week of time and budget money of you and me, taxes of these very businessmen to organize this trap there, well, this filming is illegal, by the way, i’m saying, friends, but here is a ready unit, yes, a ready platoon there already on front. of all the law enforcement officers that exist today, i am convinced that two or three brigades can be staffed very quickly, the guys are military, healthy, familiar with weapons, wear epaulettes, this is who should be the first in this process, there are a lot of them, i already no, i don't know who is responsible for what, who is arresting whom, who arranges the mask show, the incas have two or three organizations per businessman, now mazefa, he is not a yangal. but look, he works for a legal, very powerful structure, concord capital, it's
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an investment fund, yes, he's being arrested, they are detained for some alleged crime, that the land was incorrectly issued or registered 11 years ago, and he built something on it, but i have a question, well, they put seals there, accepted this construction without state bodies, without... without others, it could not if you want to show something, then you should calmly deal with him, do not fall for him, well, he has a lot of jobs in investment projects, because you can really see how significant this arrest turned out to be, by the way , the appeals court today, which appointed there bail, 21 million, so you started with 1.5 billion, billions of bail for an alleged crime is 7 million, well, that's money, it's full. what kind of trust can there be in them, i'm sure , look, now it's a very important case
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, powerful structures were squeezed from the so-called oligarchs, there is ukrainian oil, ukrainian oil drilling, gas, others there , what do you think, the state is capable of coping with this task now, they managed to having taken from those rich people, the ukrainians, they managed to stop the deposits, and a billion cubic meters of gas will not fail. you and i do not observe the vice because of what they took away permission, from which i conclude that they simply cannot share who should next take these confiscated assets. i know for a fact that in kyiv there are offices of businessmen who once a week, like clockwork, show masks, dents and so on and the like, and you know, well, definitely in this situation, it seems to me that they do not understand that they they do and... that's why i consider it, well, it's just
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that today it carries such negativity for ukraine, both internal and external, and who is it now, how to calm it down in this situation, it's even hard to imagine, another huge mistake. thank you ladies and gentlemen, after a short break on our channel, we will return to our conversation. what didn't work, not yet, constipation, oh, normolact, my dear, take normolact, normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes the work of the intestines, restores the amount of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, everything worked out... normolect and everything will work out, there are 15% discounts on strength detox in in pharmacies, plantain pam and save bleeding and inflammation of the gums, my advice lakakalactivative actively overcomes bleeding gums and protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums lakalut active - the action you feel immediately new lakat active plus with two-phase technology and plus
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for the liver and gallbladder. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. the luxurious life of an ex-deputy chairman of the dnipro district court of kherson. what happened is an exclusively positive moment. there are mass exonerations of evaders in the court in odesa. we actually found that four judges made all these decisions. on thursday, january 25, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova. on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and more feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone
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survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. daily. everyday from 20 to 22 for espresso. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko. we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us there now, please don't be shy, like this video, and also take part in our vote. today we ask you about this, whether you trust you to the anti-corruption authorities. yes, no, please vote. on youtube with the appropriate buttons, if you sit and watch our telecast on tv, then pick up your smartphone and vote, if you trust the anti-corruption authorities, 0800-211 381, no, 0800-211382, all calls to these numbers are free. i would like to remind you that today on the air we have people's deputies of ukraine, iryna
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gerashchenko, yulia klymenko and oleksiy kucherenko. mrs. yulia, the question is for you, you are for sure. you understand what and how happens between the state and business, you were an intercessor minister of economic development and obviously understand that what is happening recently and what zelensky is talking about requires special attention, the state's attention to business, business that pays taxes to the state budget, during the war, no one needs to explain this , as important as you see the current one. the situation, and whether it is so threatening that the national security and defense council needs to develop some additional measures in order to protect the business from some e- officers, werewolves or law enforcement officers bodies that make business a nightmare? well, i myself
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am leaving the business and spent 20 years there, i will tell you honestly, i know all the people who... and mzpu, i know people who are now looking at all this, big businesses and small businesses, average, to be honest, the situation is very threatening, and business, well, to say the least, shocks, but, let's say, i don't know how now it is possible to return the confidence of business to continue investing in ukraine, paying taxes, or, let's say, developing investments , overall and generally, regardless of... business is very disappointed, business did not expect this and believes that this is a stab in the back, because... let 's be honest, those who made a lot of money in ukraine probably had the opportunity to leave before the war and live in european
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countries, and not to invest and not paying taxes for two years, but they did it, they stayed in ukraine, they moreover, many invested, and the first year 2022 is very difficult, continued to pay salaries actually to the employees who left during the... during the big invasion, who were abroad, and many companies continued to support them and pay taxes. therefore, what happened with mazepa is this, and the form in which it is not the essence of whether mazepa is guilty or not mazepa is going to be decided by the court, and - i hope there will be a fair decision, but the form is, how it was done, why it was done demonstrably at the border instead of if there were. some problems and accusations, why it could not be done, i don't know, in kyiv, for example, and in his office, where he is constantly staying, or why it was not done, let's say, in 10 years, why
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accusations from ten years ago and mazep , who is a secondary, attention, secondary buyer, he did not privatize the land, he did not, he rebought the land and built there, i do not know that there is a cottage town there, and... 10 years later, someone remembered, that it turns out that this land was allocated incorrectly by officials and businessmen , well, that is, it is absurd, for any businessman, it is absurd, and unfortunately, if there are any deeper accusations against mazepa, then they should have been made public on the first day, so that people understand what is happening and how well, that is, for businessman, what mazepa is accused of is... just a testimony to the fact that this is a premeditated, absolutely premeditated accusation, you know, 10 years have been remembered, so i think that
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, unfortunately, what happened will have serious consequences, in the sense investments, in the sense of support, and we can see that already in january, not depending on this, but such, you know, the bell started falling already in january. tax collections, because the border was closed by the poles, business was reduced, there were shellings, and with such situations as happened in relation to business, they will decrease, because businessmen will transfer their businesses as much as possible to outside the territory of ukraine, because they understand that there is no rule of law here, and that it is impossible to hope for law enforcement agencies and find justice here. i want to say that the economy is the basis for the economy , it is the system of justice, first of all law enforcement and judicial bodies, if it
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is absent, if someone, even in the high offices of the president's office, can order the arrest of a businessman, then the investments end, moreover, the money begins flow out of the country, and you cannot stop it, that is, money is in this, let's say, in our civilization. it is impossible to put borders and a customs officer to stop them, and this is a very bad sign for those who wanted or thought to invest in ukraine, as well as invest in the reconstruction of ukraine, that is, i do not understand why, why do this, actually shooting myself in step, and having long-term consequences, the economy for us is also 50%. as well as the security and defense sector, because if there are no revenues in the budget, then there are none
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not being able to pay salaries, not to buy weapons, not to keep defenses, it has to go hand in hand, it has to go hand in hand with each other, so, unfortunately, these are huge mistakes, and to fix them, honestly, i don't believe that it's possible fix already, if... looking back, i think it will have serious consequences, unfortunately, for a long time and for this year. mrs. irina, in your opinion, what is this whole story connected with, what is connected with igor mazepa, that is, the authorities are still trying to find those who will be, when the elections are held, to find favorable businessmen who will work with her, or ihor mazepa's business after all, his opportunity. what, what did they want, did they want to squeeze money from him, get some concessions from him? i see a more
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systemic problem here, you know. you know, there is a real feeling that in some government offices they only watch the marathon, but we are already drinking coffee in the crimea or tea on the yalta embankment, and they forget about avdiivka, about the kupyan direction, about orihovo, about kherson, which they have nightmares about and they are shelling every day, and in fact it is too early, too early for someone to start politics, then this is it the absolute closedness of the government, when it, well... really works today in opaque conditions during the war, it gave birth to such autocratic demons, which break out today in very different directions. i'm sorry if we in the parliament can't see the government for more than six months and ask questions there about the use of state funds for security and defense, where are the drones and so on, well, in such gray conditions it's very easy to intensify.
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authoritarian tendencies, believing that you can do anything, you will not get anything for it. i want to remind you, it was mentioned here, yes there vigos, other journalists, investigators , you remember, sergey, that four years ago they went on public broadcasting, with their investigations, their investigations mainly concerned representatives of the authorities there, and this is obvious, because the authorities there have greater access there to and decision-making and resources, and today they... are doing their investigation on the internet, the social marathon is going on in our country, and in such conditions it is really very easy to believe the authorities that you can do various things with impunity, and as for the pressure on business, i really see several things here, firstly, the power structures today, instead of focusing, well, a certain part of the power structures, yes, first of all, on the victory is engaged in treating business,
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returning to worse times. this is the first , the second, maybe it is a redistribution of business as well, because the country's resources are narrowing, we are becoming a poorer country because of the war, because of an absolutely short-term economic policy, and the appetites of the authorities are growing, and this is also abnormal, and the third is again politics, when 5 years ago, the government there was a seizure of businessmen, they believed that new opportunities are opening up, today it's rose-colored glasses, someone has fallen asleep, and therefore everyone there who dares to call a spade a spade, just criticize unprofessionalism, they are called there, you know, some kind of agent , there, i don't know, it's absolutely abnormal, it seems to me that the government needs to realize that criticism is not a crime, i do n't know, something bad against the government is normal, it is important that it is correct criticism, that it is professional, understandable, but it
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must be heard. we now have a government which categorically does not hear criticism in any direction, whether it refers to anti-democratic tendencies in the parliament, whether it refers to weak institutions in principle, whether it refers to the need to return freedom of speech, and of course businesses, people who created themselves, who all we still have to , we have to finish, sorry, the time of our program has come to an end, iryna geraishchenko, oleksiy kucherenko and yulia klymenko were guests of our program today, friends, during our program we... conducted a survey, you we asked you about this, do you trust anti-corruption bodies, so 6% trust, 94%, no, on youtube we have a ratio of 10% trust, 90% no, this is the verdict program today, it was conducted by serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to see you until the next broadcast, which will be at 20:00, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye!
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greetings, dear tv viewers, there is a blackout in almost the entire territory of ukraine. i am a tenant of anxiety and this is news. we will start this issue with the situation in belohorod region. ministry of defence ukraine investigates the circumstances of the downing of the enemy plane ill-76 in the belgorod region. the public writes about this, referring to sources in the department. in the coordination headquarters for the treatment of prisoners of war , ukrainians are urged to trust only verified information from official sources. this statement was made public after...


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