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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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acquiring strategic defense under the cover of the same engineering and fortification structures. what decision will be made directly regarding avdiivka. i think that the final decision will be made by general tornavskyi and his staff, and he will proceed from purely rational considerations. that is, if we have the resources and opportunities to further defend the city of fortovets avdiivska and our garrison will continue to be there. if not, then accordingly our soldiers will move to other lines and positions within the framework of maneuverable defense. and here we have to understand what is key. the issue that is now timely and extremely relevant is the preservation of the lives and health of our soldiers, because if we lose an army of such kaplags that russian soldiers are trying to form, we will lose ukraine, and therefore maneuverable defense is an absolutely rational use of all our resources for that , in order to destroy the enemies as much as possible and preserve the life and health of our nights as much as possible, i think that this is an absolutely constructive approach. thank you, mr. vladyslav, vladyslav seleznyo, military expert, colonel of the armed forces. forces
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of ukraine, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine from 2014 to 17 years, and we are already adding bohdan tkachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council, to our broadcast. actually , mr. bohdan and i will talk about the consequences of the enemy attacks , which, by the way, were not one-time attacks, but there were several and very powerful attacks, so mr. bohdan, can you hear us or see us, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, i i can hear you, but i can't see you, that's great, mr. bohdan, we would like you to share with us the operational situation, after yesterday's strikes, we know that in kharkiv the russians hit very hard, and that night was also restless again, there were new arrivals , all that can be reported, please, as of today, as of now, then announce it, i can summarize, yes, the bombing of the city of kharkiv was three, three measures such, it was four in the morning, yesterday, then 7:15, the second one, on
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impact and the third already in the evening at 10 p.m., and these were already s-300s, the ones that are now being dismantled on pushkinskyi zavala street. literally here, well , 10 minutes ago, the head of the military administration announced that 10 had died people, residents of kharkiv, one child , including an 8-year-old, about 50 people were injured, ah, he said somewhere, there is information that 30 of them are in hospitals, in different, different, let's say, different departments, different injuries, about the same number received first aid on the spot and did not go to the hospital. now they are not in the hospitals, the situation is very difficult, let's say, our emergency services, doctors, communal services. services work 24 hours a day
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, transferring forces to another shelling in the last hour of the day and from one shelling yes, it is very difficult for volunteers to help, we had such a call on social networks, who can help, volunteer organizations gave this call, they themselves got involved, they involved people for analysis, for help to close the windows of the closing of the vikm. with osb plates, because after all, it is winter, there is frost, and it is necessary to save those apartments that are left without glass, but it is possible to use them there, if you close the perimeter of the house and preserve this heat, the same applies there to water pipes, electricity, well, the work is very a lot, but the moscow invaders did a lot of trouble, very serious, look, fresh information has just arrived from the head. kharkiv military
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administration sinnigubov. rescuers unblocked the bodies of the residents of the house, a 57-year-old man and a 56-year-old woman. as of now , the number of dead has increased to 10 people. mr. bohdan, what is the enemy firing now, is it the s-300 or some other missiles? the last strike was three s-300 missiles from belgorod region. before that , there were various ihcs that were launched. from aviation, what was at 7 in the morning, yesterday, what was at four in the morning, it was also ballistics, there are several different types an attack was carried out, and the last one was the s-300 complexes, three rockets hit the city center, this is a kyiv district, this is pushkinska street, it is very beautiful, and the street is loved by all kharkiv residents, there are historical houses, there are some...
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educational centers, universities, yes , the law academy, there, there is a pharmacology university, other various institutions, banks, and... offices, exhibition centers are there, that's why it's very difficult, now pushkinska is blocked, i tried to get there go there to somehow understand the situation, see, but it can only be reached on foot, it is blocked , there is a lot of work going on there, because the damage is serious, because it did not hit the road, not in some places, but hit the roof of one of the historic buildings of the city, it is a very nice building, it is there... there were financial institutions , i will not list who and what, but this is such a mansion, beautiful, restored, it was there from the territory that was so beautiful, planted nearby, that is, it is very, very painful, but
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what are we going to do, do our own thing, everything we will repair everything, we will rebuild, but we cannot return the normal life of the dead people, i wanted to ask you if we... about the two years of full-scale war and the shelling of the russians, we understand that kharkiv for them is a city that they want to capture, and they talk about it openly, but we understand that if not can capture, then they try to erase the land, and do you know how many buildings there are in the city that have suffered one or another destruction as a result of russian attacks, or can it be counted as half of the entire industrial property of the city? or is it even bigger percentages, that is, if you can roughly estimate, how many buildings and how many objects in the city have suffered in one way or another from russian aggression? well, the information has not been provided to us by the city council for a long time, because, well
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, a little before that, but what happened back in the summer of 23, it seems that the information slipped through , we are talking about several thousand objects, if we take the housing stock of the city, then he put together... in almost 10,000 different types of houses there, a post, and let's say complications or various hits, fires and so on, it was up to 2,000 houses, that is, about a fifth of the city was affected in one way or another, i'm only talking about the houses, i'm not talking about the industrial facilities, the so-called industrial zone, which was regularly shelled, yes. for the big factories that we have here, the malyshev factories, there and others that were constantly, constantly flown by, yes, these are the buildings of the feta factory, the aircraft factory, which was also shelled from the first day of the full-scale aggression, so it is difficult
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to count it now, and even, to be honest, well, i don't know, for statistics, maybe this information has to be, but still the city lives , the infrastructure works, the subway works, transport works, well, heating, water pipes, electricity, all this is there, all this, if there are any hits, and it is restored very quickly, that is, well, there are already communal services the emergency services work simply without keys, and all kharkiv residents are very grateful to them for this, and if we talk about the situation outside the city, if we talk about the region, we know that, for example, now in the kupinsky direction, the russians are very are actively trying to advance in the sanki district. and i would like you to ask if there is any increase in their activities right now in the areas, yes, which are perhaps somewhere adjacent to the front line? yes, of course, if we are talking about the shelter, the long-suffering one, then the pressure
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has increased, in recent weeks, there are assaults there, every day, several storms, and sometimes they even manage to get into the shelter, they are kicked out again, that is, it is heavy... this kind of work, of course, when they can't achieve any, let's say, advantages on the battlefield, then the shelling of populated areas that are there near kupyansk, kupyansk itself of course, every day they are shelled, those settlements of the community that are next to it, there further south, along the oskol river, that's all, of course, all they can shell, as long as they have enough artillery forces there and reactive means, they apply it , in addition... the border area also suffers, this is constant, especially in our country now, this is the city of vovchansk, which is shelled every day, it is located almost on the border, there is literally 1-2 km from the drg, and the drg have now become more active or not , you know, there were attempts to penetrate, but that's it
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our border is now tightly covered, which , well, i have the impression that it is not even a gray zone, it is gradually taking shape... not the front, eh, there is constant shelling there, all these settlements are in the war zone , one way or another they are drawn in, so to say that there is some kind of border, where there... up to this point we are, further they are not, it is more like a front line and it must be recognized already. mr. bohdan, finally, il-76, which fell in the belgorod region, and in general, what news is coming from the belgorod region, right? well we understand that kharkiv residents monitor the mood from the other side of the border. so, let 's share, be kind, the news with belgorod region, well, because the residents of this russian region found out that... war has such a double-edged sword, and you
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know, i managed to monitor the belgorod telegram channels before the broadcast , but that's enough since the summer, i guess, nothing in particular goes there, because they very, let's say, provide information concisely, and there is no, let's say, that you can find out what their mood was there, regarding today's fall plane, then... that is, the main emphasis they make is that at first ukraine said that it shot down, then that it did not shoot down, it fell there by itself, they removed this tape there and repeat in several reports that our prisoners of war were there , and to the extent that this is true, there are no forces there, neither for the ministry of defense of russia, nor for any other power structures, but simply from such throwaways about what was there, that means. it seems self-respecting, three supervisors of some kind and others, these are all
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our ukrainian prisoners of war, but as far as this is possible to believe or not to believe, i don't know, and we will hold on until you are here, the previous previous person told us that we should wait for official statements that there was an exchange, there was not, so that's it for us, for the people of kharkiv from... the plane is here, you know, like a little breath of air, because we understand that for all these shellings, for all these rockets, someone must be responsible in belgorod oblast, we don't care if they will be military objects there or civilian ones , whether there will be some institutions or administrative buildings, and for each table kharkiv should be the answer, that's for sure, i can tell you about that, i talk to people, here we have a little bit of anger here... and immediately the question, they covered belgorod, but they hit belgorod, and there will be an answer for this, because before
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there was no such serious shelling there for about a week in kharkov and people calmed down a little, but after that they hit, you have to respond, you don’t have to wait there until the un gathers there or something else or there is still no need to pay attention to it, it goes war, it is tough, and we have to fight tough answer. thank you, mr. bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council. was in touch with us, now we will go on a short break, after which we will return to the espresso studio, so stay with us. there are 20% discounts on bronkhi pred in the psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uuro helped me. due to the natural ingredients feminost uro helps from. improve control over urination both day and night feminost oro - urination under control. ask
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this week's judicial control with tatyana shustrova in the program. the luxurious life of the ex-deputy chairman of the dnipro district court of kherson. what happened is an exclusively positive moment. there are mass exonerations of evaders in the court in odesa. actually, we are found that specifically four judges made all these decisions. watch on thursday. on january 25 , at 5:45 p.m., the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics, objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. open and unbiased. your conclusions
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greetings, we are now near the 60th highway from warsaw, here polish farmers have already started their protest, there are a lot of people, a lot of agricultural machinery, there are hundreds of machines, hundreds of farmers, first of all, regarding issues that concern ukraine, among their the requirements are to check the situation somehow uncontrolled import of agricultural products from ukraine and from other countries outside the eu. because polish farmers cannot withstand this competition due to the fact that they have a lot of requirements from the european union, and according to them, countries that are outside the european union, that is, farmers, do not comply with these requirements, also polish farmers have questions about innovations and new regulations from
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the european union that increase their costs. these requirements relate to ecology and other things, that is, they want to settle these issues, because the cost price their products continue to grow, further direct speech. the standards are dictated by the european union, with products that come from ukraine, they are mostly not fulfilled, because of that the cost of manufacturing products in ukraine is much lower, we need to fulfill many more requirements, and we can't. the protest will last for two hours all over poland, the farmers promise not to block the roads, but obviously the traffic will be slowed down, because now they are going on the highways and will move several kilometers in one direction, then in the other. colleague, we thank maria chernyakhivska for
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what told about the situation that is currently happening with the farmers' protests in poland, well... we are adding to our team anna daukšević, a lithuanian journalist who is currently working in the european institutions in strasbourg, we welcome you, ms. anna, espresso parents, and congratulations, just to be more precise, i'm in brussels, we'll make a correction, yes, the key story, after all, it's alarming news coming from the baltic countries, so the first story, they reported a bomb on... the bridge between lithuania and the kaliningrad region russian federation. next is lithuania now announced a note of protest to belarus due to the violation of the armed border. border guards who entered the territory of lithuania up to 2.5 meters, even if it is not much, but we see that the rise of a certain, perhaps
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psychological escalation moment begins, but it continues, so i would like to ask you first of all about the feeling of what he can do now russian federation against lithuania, latvia or estonia, if true, we always knew. have known for a long time that russia can come up with something, something was also written about it in an article in the publication pil, and about it our foreign minister reported , i don't know, a couple of months ago, then the president of nato said that there is no need to spread panic, but today our president also said that russia can start aggression against the baltic countries, against nato, absolutely, that's why. .. and tension has been felt in lithuania for a long time, it should be recalled that a couple of years ago, russia, with the help
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of belarus, drove migrants to the border, who tried to storm the border with lithuania, poland, and latvia , so it is a constant dc voltage and constant attempts by russia to do something, i think that this is not the end. exactly, because i think there's a lot of opportunity now for attacks by others, for some cyber attacks, for infrastructure, for anything? yes, yes, anna, we hear you , we see you, yes, you hear, yes, well, because you are missing something, so i think that a lot has been said about it, and... it is necessary to understand and i hope that lithuania , everyone in lithuania is very much already prepared for this. mrs. anna, we will ask you
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to correct the image just now, because you have disappeared somewhere in us, we hear you, but you we do not see, now, if there is such an opportunity, we would be very grateful if we could see and hear you, because it is important. yes, i'll just say that i have a farmer's protest here too. maybe, maybe something, because of this, something is happening, but now you have, i think that seeing me, yes, the protest of farmers, i heard correctly, now you are at the protest of farmers, well, what, share, be kind with this extremely important case, yes, we understand that poland is currently experiencing mass protests by farmers, so please share now in general what is happening at work now.' of the so-called agriculture , so we have, by the way, the process of farmers is also very big in lithuania, it started yesterday, it continues today, and we are there, i am now standing
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near the building of the european parliament, and farmers also came here with a protest, i understand , that these are definitely farmers, because if there were dummy cows and so on, then there is definitely a protest of farmers here, although there are not very many of them here, there are about 50 people, probably and... very calm, so, i don’t know, it’s up to them requirements, because i don't understand french, but i see that it is also happening here, so you have to understand that it is not only in poland, but now all over europe, because recently i was also in germany, i understand, but something very, i understand that ukrainian, ukrainian food does not give peace not only to poles, but also to others. european countries, which for some reason actually decided to cooperate in some way and actually did not, regarding lithuania, this is definitely not connected at all with ukraine, it is
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connected more with the demands on our authorities, so i also do not think that the demand in belgium is also in any way associated with ukraine, because i don't think that much reaches belgium, but i can definitely say that the protest of farmers in lithuania is absolutely. unrelated, it's more of an accusation of our government on specific issues and a demand to facilitate specific work options for farmers, but i think it just inspires, you know, you know, inspire each other to go out on the streets, and that's why it's reflected exactly as a demonic effect , well, ms. anna, well, look, donald trump won the second consecutive primaries, so we understand that donald trump in... wailed, that is, in particular, it is about the weakening of american military aid on the european continent. we understand that the baltic countries, as we started
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our conversation with, are worried. first of all, the possibility of russian aggression in the event, in the event that the united states, so to speak, will reduce its obligations, according to the fifth article of the euro-atlantic charter, well , according to which, perhaps, very specific preparations are now being made for such the so-called scenario b. well, we saw the information that lithuania, for example, is going to purchase or already even made certain payments for leopard-2 tanks and so on and so forth. well, the story is serious, because this, well, trump can take it easy and become president, i will tell you more, i will tell you that not only in the baltic countries there is such concern that donald trump can become president in any office in brussels, a lot is said about it, i was in the european parliament, i
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was in the ukrainian commission yesterday, i was also in the council of europe, and a lot is said about it, because not only our part, let’s say yes, the european union, the entire european union is damaged, because the european union understands that if trump becomes president, the european union, which has always placed more hope on nato, as an alliance and of course on... then now we have to think more about ourselves and there is a lot of talk about it here, there are even initiatives to create such a commission of commissioners that should be responsible for defense, a lot of people say that europe should have its
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own army, even its own ... together joint purchases, own weapons, because it is necessary to understand that the nato alliance, as such, does not have a budget for the purchase of something in the alps, or the preparation, for example, of the border, or something like that, on the other hand, the european union has this budget, has this money from which it is possible to finance, or even joint joint purchases weapons, and in fact, there is a lot of talk about it here now, and our country, our... friends, but certainly not only ours, representatives of other countries also say a lot, because there is an understanding that, uh, if donald trump becomes president, he will do exactly what he said america would watch watch more on china, he will america will look more at the border with mexico, and europe should think about its own security, so you know, this is such a bureaucratic apparatus in europe.
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when there is some kind of trouble and it works very slowly at first, but when it starts to work, it already starts on such a scale, and there are actually such large-scale opinions here now, and also about weapons, about manufactured weapons and for ukraine , we know that the european union promised ukraine a million shells as early as last year, but it didn't work out. ago now a lot is being said about the fact that countries, or even within the eu, should sign terms with arms manufacturers and first, of course, this is to lead to ukraine, and then also think about long-term terms under which we can also purchase european countries these weapons and a little more to feel safe, because of course we don't feel that way.
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thank you, anna daukšević, a lithuanian journalist who works in the european institutions in brussels, was in touch with us, and now we are handing over the floor to anna eva melnyk, who prepared together with the editors of news the latest issue, so we give you the floor, and actually tell us what will be discussed in this issue. greetings , colleagues, thank you for your work, then the news team is working, we will talk about the most relevant events for the moment, and we will start with the situation in the belohorod region, we will talk about... everything is known at the moment, it was supposed to happen today, about it in the comments of radio liberty , said a representative of the main intelligence agency.


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