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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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roman, i am trying to talk to you about politics, and you are talking about jurisprudence, and of course you say everything correctly, because this discussion was back in the 21st year, and everyone probably already learned about it in ukraine, and it would be good for everyone to know that in the fourth article of the constitution it is written that in ukraine, there is a single citizenship, full stop, and in theory you can have any conversations about double, triple or any other legislation, but of course it is necessary to make absolutely clear what the fourth means. an article of the constitution, if it says that in ukraine there can only be only one citizenship, that is, a citizen of ukraine can only be a citizen of ukraine, and in all other cases, if he acquires the citizenship of another state, there should be sanctions for this, and by the way, we know that there were such cases in 22-23, when some figures were deprived of ukrainian citizenship precisely on the basis that they acquired the citizenship of other states, then this is one story, and if the constitutional court says that it is possible to somehow
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look at it differently there, it will be another story, but again, you yourself in your question gave an answer to all this legal casuistry , in pre-war times, although theoretically it was possible to appeal to the constitutional court, wait for its conclusion and, on the basis of this conclusion, for example, make changes to the constitution, now it is devoid of any meaning, because according to the laws of military time, we do not have the right to touch the constitution with our hands, it does not matter in what procedure of one, two or three sessions or something. similar, that is, while there is no position of the constitutional court on citizenship, there is nothing to talk about at all, but let's go a little about politics, and the political component , i think, is very obvious to me, of course i could be wrong, but the president should have been given some more or less positive messages, not related to the war, and of course, which would somehow emphasize
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they didn't give an opportunity to unite ukrainians, both in ukraine and ukrainians all over the world, and nothing... better than to return to the discussion about the so-called multiple legislation, but i see in this a significant danger that does not concern legal details. remember when we discussed it in the 21st year, and as it was presented by the president's team, they appealed to the fact that there are many ukrainians in the world, many people of ukrainian origin, who would certainly like to build stronger ties with ukraine, such some towns, cultural, personal. and of course it would be interesting for them to get ukrainian citizenship without losing their main citizenship, and there was a discussion around this. now, strangely enough, the president and his speakers actually repeated this thesis in one way or another, but it seems to me that for everyone it should be obvious that the context is wide, it is completely different. in less than 2 years of the war, we have at least 6 million ukrainian refugees, forced... displaced people outside of ukraine,
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and we all understand very well that the longer the war continues, the higher the risks that people will remain abroad, and what means to stay abroad? of course, legalize your status. it is not possible to be in the status of a temporary shelter there indefinitely, if the family decided to stay there. and from this point of view, here are the statements at the highest level, what kind of people do ukrainians hear abroad, i... they sound very dangerous to me, because in my opinion, on the contrary, they push ukrainians to obtain local documents for permanent residence, to obtain documents for local citizenship, this is one risk, look, this is one risk , and you have seen, perhaps the text of the draft law, we have not yet had the opportunity to familiarize ourselves with the details, but the questions hang directly in the air, for example, even among my acquaintances there are people, ukrainians of origin from canada, the states, who once had this discussion
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heard even before the war, yes, before the invasion, and said: "oh, how cool it would be, i would have a ukrainian passport, i could live there for six months in the states, and for six months in ukraine." and in this case, i even have friends who so-so now work here, live, have families, and so on. as defined in the draft law, if a person has, for example, two or three passports, and he does not stay in ukraine all the time, but he is sometimes in one country, then in another. the one in which he has to pay taxes, secondly, the one in which he has to undergo military service in the event of an announcement martial law, as the law says, the draft law. roman, roman, i am amazed by the fact that you, as a journalist, try to get into the legal details, and you perfectly understand that there are no answers to these questions. moreover, i think that if in the 21st year it was possible to speak quite seriously about a certain number of people of ukrainian origin, to whom you...
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appeal, then in the destroyed ukraine, which is waging war and bleeding, i think , wishing to come to acquire citizenship, to put it mildly, there will be few, at the same time the law itself. the project, which is now on the website of the verkhovna rada and everyone who wants to can read it, in fact, it mostly concerns issues of migration legislation, that is, not so directly legislation on citizenship, but on migration, on the stay of foreigners and stateless persons on the territory of ukraine, the possibility of extending the visas of those who are in ukraine, and of course, a special emphasis is placed on those who fight on the side of ukraine, without being... citizens of ukraine, because there are a lot of procedural questions about how these people can be in ukraine without violating ukrainian rules, and in fact, this is probably is the main focus of the draft law , that is why they are trying to promote it now, but
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you are absolutely right that the issue of citizenship of foreigners is also there, and even if you close your eyes to the uncertainty regarding the fourth article of the constitution, that is the issue of taxes, military service, they ... of course are completely undefined, they create more questions than answers, that is why i insist , in fact, that this should be considered not as a legal act aimed at changing the rules of citizenship, but as a political statement of the president, who tried to do something positive to tell people, mr. andrii, no one canceled the most important art of political pr, it is the second after the forchette, probably the most important, paraphrasing lenin, and actually. i look forward to the discussion in the session hall, at least it will definitely not be difficult. to disappoint andrich, i am sure that in the near future we will not see this discussion there, but okay, then it performed its function on the day of the divorce and that's
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the end of it, at least for now. andriy osachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, is just about this the bill that surprised so many. thank you, but now is the time to talk about... the military results of the day, and this is exactly what the director of the defense express agency riy sgurets will tell us, who probably today tried to separate the real analysis of the fall of the russian il-76 military transport from all that white and brown noise under the guise of russian propaganda, what happened there and what serhii zgorets will tell us about everything else, whom i congratulate, i congratulate you, roman, i congratulate our viewers, today. of course we are we will talk about the downing of the il-76 military transport plane, about the situation on the front line and about new details about the enemy's missile attack on ukraine that happened yesterday. more on that in a moment.
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first of all, i will start with the story about the downing of the russian l76 plane, you can. to say that all these stories are taking on new pages, because today, january 24, at around 10 o'clock in the belgorod region, near the village of yablonovo , an il-76 military transport plane crashed, local telegram channels shared a video showing that this plane flies down, and then explodes on the ground, explodes quite powerfully, as we can see now, and before that, falling from the plane from... they give very large pieces, either debris or parts of the cargo. almost immediately, the ministry of defense of russia recognized the loss of the plane, despite such a common practice, to remain silent and not to comment on such events. moreover, the so-called ministry of defense of russia also quickly announced that
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there were 65 ukrainian prisoners on board the il-76, which they said were being transported to belgorod for exchange. later, the ministry of defense of russia also announced. that it is an anti-aircraft missile complex of the armed forces of ukraine shot down this plane somewhere in the area of ​​the settlement of lypsi, kharkiv region, and then even the enemies published a full list of prisoners who were supposedly on board this plane, but the check showed that at least 17 ukrainian prisoners returned to ukraine during exchanges that took place earlier . and at the same time , no remains of bodies were demonstrated at the place of the plane crash. as for the ukrainian reaction from the ukrainian side, in my opinion, it was too slow, in particular, at first the coordination headquarters of ukraine on the treatment of prisoners of war,
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officially announced that the enemy is actively carrying out special information operations with the aim of destabilizing ukrainian society, and then finally the statement of our general staff appeared. where it is claimed that the armed forces are taking all measures to protect ukraine and ukrainians, and only in the last week the enemy has launched 19 missile...strikes on the kharkiv region, for this, let me remind you, the enemy mainly uses the s-300, s400 air defense systems or ground systems there iskander, and our general staff in this context reported that the intensification of shelling of ukrainian cities was directly correlated with the increase in the number of flights to the belgorod airfield and that a military transport plane was used to transport anti-aircraft and ballistic missiles to the belgorod area. 76, so in order to reduce such a missile threat, the armed forces not only control
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the airspace, but also control the logistics of their support, the use of military transport aircraft, and then there was a concluding sentence that the armed forces will continue to destroy the means delivery, control of the airspace to destroy that terrorist threat, including in the bilgorsk-kharkiv direction, that is, it was actually possible to understand... that the general staff is giving an answer to who shot down this il-76, which was transporting missiles in this interpretation, and that they will continue to destroy russian planes that pose a threat to ukraine. so far, this story looks like this, but i do not rule out that later there will be even more details, because in fact, literally an hour ago, the main intelligence department stated that after today it had exchange of prisoners, which did not take place. and currently we do not have reliable information, says the head of intelligence,
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about who exactly was on board the il-76, and based on this, says the main intelligence department, we may be talking about planned and deliberate actions of the russian federation with the aim of destabilizing the situation in ukraine and the weakening of international support for our state, this is the conclusion of the main intelligence agency, so we will wait for the continuation of this story, further about what... is happening on the front line, where thanks to the courage of our soldiers, first of all, this front line is holding, and first of all we will consider the direction of avdiivka, where today there was a significant number of attacks from different directions, directions, and what is happening right now around avdiivka, we will talk with our guest, and now a people's deputy is joining us of the seventh and eighth convocations, and now the sergeant of the company of shock drones of the 109th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, yehor firsov , yegore, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, and i wish you health, as well as all tv viewers.
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of course, i would like to ask about the situation around avdiivka. i know you will say that you will not add details in view of the official information, but in any case i know that your unit is currently providing support to our soldiers around avdiivka, so what is your competence to say what is going on in... the air and on the ground around avdiyivka, oh, well, let me tell you a few details, well, of course , the situation is difficult and the situation ahead is difficult , first of all, because, for example, the enemy uses a lot of bombs, these are aerial bombs, bombs , fabas, which are here almost every day, they are there, when a few dozen are used, when more than fifty are used. an aerial bomb , it is certainly a horror there, i want to tell you for a military man, because even near when
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this aerial bomb arrives, it is very, very difficult, and if a fighter has received an injury, he seems to be healthy on the outside, let's say so, but to continue combat operations for it is very difficult for him, because a contusion is a contusion, he is sick of vomiting there and so on, so the main part of the fighting takes place on the so-called. our cottages are there comrades from other units pushed the enemy in a good way, recaptured part of the position, but the enemy uses the private sector, and the private sector, as you know, is equipped with cellars, basements and the enemy hides right there, so here i am just from our side fpv drones, that is, we fly into the house where we saw that the enemy is hiding there , we destroy the house, but of course it is very, very difficult to break through the cellar and the basement, so the enemy uses, tries to
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partially use this advantage, well, what, i can say that there is a very high saturation rebom u the enemy, for example, our unit knows how to bypass and deceive him, but this creates certain obstacles in the work of the uav, and the enemy also actively uses night drones, night drones interfere with moving, it used to be possible to move there by car and, well, the most important thing is to not get hit by an anti-tank guided missile there, or if there is mortar shelling, so that you are not hit by shrapnel. and of course, when the enemy uses a night drone in pv, it is of course very, very difficult to hide from him, so you need to equip mobile vehicles, vehicles, means of radio-electronic warfare, this is now one of the priority areas, i am directly looking for
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such means for my unit to provide, well, if it were to protect myself from... precisely the enemy fpv drone. are you talking about reb tools that can be put on the car or some other solution? ah, well, i'm talking about the means of rep, with which the avdiiv direction must be saturated, but specifically the means of rep, which must be installed on mobile objects, cars, minibuses, vehicles, bmps, armored personnel carriers, tanks. and so on, all this it is necessary to arrange such direct means now, which will help extinguish telemetry, telemetry is the control of the enemy drone so that it falls a few hundred meters from you directly, and there is no direct hit on the object that
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the enemy is healing, mr. yehor, here are a few a few days ago, you talked about the fact that the enemy has several... significant advantages in drones, they can fly out to hunt, and without a certain goal, we cannot afford this, and from the enemy side, they also write that the ukrainian side is so much effectively uses drones, that they cannot get close to our positions there, carry out attacks and so on, can we say that we are now at such a stage that we are now trying to compensate for the numerical advantage of the enemy with the skills of the operator. subordinates and you personally, and that is exactly what it is , that is, tactical techniques that implement your quantity for the enemy, for us the quality, because we are carefully preparing for the operation, literally there 5 minutes ago we finished preparing for our next operation, i b he even said that when you see this,
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for example, there is a video of an effective drone hit, conventionally speaking, there is a sansepyok or a tank and so on. this is followed by a huge amount of pre-operational work, let’s say, on the configuration of drones, on the preparation of the necessary elements there, the initiation board, and so on, so that this drone actually flies, flies over the enemy orep and detonates on targets, so this preparation is pre-operational and training, when pilots sit down at simulators, learn, improve their skills, she helps us very, very much, that is, we are in this plan more creatively, deeper than the enemy, but still we would like that in terms of the number of uavs, we should strive for equality, equality in means, but it is not the case that we are saving, some units are there in them there are no drones at all, of course it shouldn’t be, well, it shouldn’t be, everyone should have
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drones in large numbers and what’s more... we can afford them, i talk to dozens of manufacturers, in general, for your understanding, there are already about half a thousand of our manufacturers of ukrainian fpv drones, well , this is quite a lot to ensure themselves with drones, of course, so that, well, the main thing is that the state buys them and already supplies the divisions with such means, mr. yehor, but you mentioned a significant number of manufacturers, but now your division will receive drones as soon as possible according to the old scheme, when volunteers supply these drones , is it finally possible to have a segment of government supplies of drones? our unit, unfortunately, receives drones according to the old system, the scheme, let's say this, from not only volunteers, i would say, it is also large business, and small
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entrepreneurs, and just different people who are there at the time, well, they help to a point, everyone like... well , as they say, the rear helps us here, and almost all 100% of drones are drones, directly, let's say, not state-owned, but on the other hand, there is a certain plus, that is, that, for example, our brothers who are directly in avdiivka , here we are working, i won’t say exactly the direction, but , well, let’s say this, we fly to the avdiivka direction, and there are units that work directly in avdiivka, they finally received thrones from states in a good number. well, it is certainly pleasing, it would be very good if it touched soon all units on the front lines to finally start receiving such drones. panegore, thank you very much for. there are many more questions to include , i hope that you will have more time in the future to explain to our viewers, let me remind you that this was yehor
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firsov, a sergeant of anti-aircraft drones of the 109th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, which currently provides a number of directions, one of which it is avdiivskyi, which is currently the most difficult from the point of view of repelling the enemy's pressure. and then we will talk about our other realities, which are connected. zani with rockets attacks on ukraine, and now we are joined by oleksandr ruvin, he is the director of the kyiv research institute of forensic expertise of the ministry of justice of ukraine. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you. good evening to you too, i am very glad to hear. i would really like to start with the story of the downed russian plane in siml, does this story somehow fall into the area of... competence of your specialists, is it possible to draw some preliminary conclusions about what happened to him, what was on board, or is it too early to say yet , well, first of all, not yet
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no procedural documents of any kind have been received , which relate to the provision of examinations, we think that it is too early to say so, we, like you, have only seen records from online publications and nothing else so far... we are not ready to answer you, but if they are appointed examination, we will certainly take into account our experience, in particular with the il-76s, we will try to do it reasonably, in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation. then i would like to ask you about the analysis of the rocket attack that took place on the 23rd, i know that your experts were on at all places where debris fell, can we make any preliminary conclusions, what was the purpose. enemy attacks, what weapons were primarily used against the capital, is the information correct that there are also remnants of the s-400 missile that
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was fired at the capital? well, we can tell you that yes, our specialists were also everywhere at all the places where weapons were used on january 23, which were in the city of kyiv and in the kyiv region, we can say that... we observed some new and such specific missiles, these are cruise missiles x-101 55, which flew in in the zhytomyr direction, and then changed the direction to kyiv, er, but in addition to this, we already had at er certain locations seized objects, which clearly indicate that in addition , not only cruise missiles were used, but also ... the missiles that fly on a ballistic trajectory are 48 missiles, these are missiles that are used by the enemy in the s-400 complexes, and in theory they should be
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used only for air defense purposes, but they redesigned them and now they are already have this type of damage, it is called land, land, that is they are sent from the ground and hit the ground, uh, we found the corresponding objects, we can definitely identify that they were missiles from the s-400 complex. mr. oleksandr, i cannot but ask about north korean missiles, because there were a number of statements from the american side, from our side, but so far there is no final such document that would record, detail, well , this story, how it ended, are there really already any ... final documents that can be the basis for such a conclusion that there were remnants there and there north korean missiles. well, i would like
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to add to our previous discussion with you, er, the topic that we raised with you, it is precisely the use of 48 missiles from the s-400 complex. i would also like to point out that these are rockets that are not intended for any ox. hitting the target, they cover large areas, and we take into account that once they were used, taking into account that they are not so accurate and they simply cover large areas, then this was calculated just so that you can you can was to cause death. and other material damages directly to ordinary people, who were civilians, who were at that time in the specified houses, as regards...
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the korean missiles, about which we, you just asked us, yes, we are assigned the specified expertise, er, we already have objects that we can say for sure that these are the remains of missiles that were not used by the armed forces of the russian federation until a certain moment, they have the corresponding, er, how to say, signs that are given to us. .. a possibility for sure set to say that these are rockets of kariv production, and yes, we have already started working on this for a while, they just arrived to us, we hope that in the near future we will tell you everything for sure, in particular, but for now we can preliminarily say that this is true, ee south korean ee... missiles that
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were used by us on the territory of ukraine, both in kyiv and in the city of kharkiv. and there is confirmation regarding the place of manufacture of these missiles, why are they asking, because on a number of foreign resources, the wreckage has already been shown there of these missiles with the inscriptions of a certain factory of the manufacturer, which are attributed to north korea, that is, this process goes in parallel and also makes the law. to the bottom of the structure and you are doing , trying to find out the details of all these wreckage, from the very beginning, a decision was made, it got to the relevant scientific research institutions of the armed forces of ukraine, which were studied there, got to us only, well, that's how it is on the wreckage, which reached us, there are signs that directly indicate that
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these are... south korean missiles that were produced at the respective factories that have corresponding markings, and they refer precisely to missiles that were not produced on the territory of the russian federation, so we already have preliminary conclusions, and we can say for sure about this, but right now we are fully investigating the composition of metals, other components there, but you i confirm your words. which were said before, they refer to south korean manufacturers, and i also want to ask you to tell me in more detail about the use and frequency of use of these p-35 missiles, which the enemy used to attack odesa, as i i understand, this was the first example of the use of these, well, such heavy soviet missiles, have
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the fragments already been collected or not? conclusions have been drawn, is it possible, so to speak, to have documents in order to accuse the enemy of terrorist activity, well , we already have enough evidence for terrorist activity, as for p-35 rockets, they were used for the first time directly in the territory ukraine's enemy, so we already have fragments. those parts that were directly collected at the places of her arrivals, we currently we are engaged in conducting examinations , identification, that we have had them for the first time, we have not seen them before, we know that this is an old soviet missile, which not only does not have the ability to hit there accurately, it does not even reach the area there 1.5- 2 km, but a powerful big missile and we currently just...
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want to establish all its signs so that we can prepare the relevant evidence and also send it through the pre- trial investigation bodies to the international criminal court, experts are already here with us also working with international court, we hope, the nearest sometimes we will have the opportunity to officially declare that this is what it is, well, we can already establish that it is so based on the signs that are there. remains of the p-35 missile. mr. oleksandr, thank you very much for your work, for your professional explanations, i would like to remind our viewers that oleksandr ruvin, director of the kyiv research institute of forensic examinations of the ministry of justice of ukraine, was on the air. these were the main results of the day, and more international and economic news later in the broadcast, so stay tuned to esre.


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