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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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became so critical, it became clear that it is no longer possible to continue in the old way, because you know when blinkin or pritzker looks you in the eyes, or borel says in english: "vladimir, here is tsefak, on some device there, well, you can't continue it in the old regime, and that's why what we're seeing now, from the transparent sector, well, what's transparently happening there in zakopivly, is really disappearing." the margin of corruption is right in front of our eyes, but at the same time we see more and more signals that, well, corruption - corruption is shifting to the sector law enforcement officers, customs officers, tax officials , that is, where bribes are demanded, and there are more and more signals from there, and here it seems to me that lately we have begun to approach the notorious times of yanukovych, well, so far there is such a fine line separating us from that , eh... because during the times of donetsk,
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i remember how they kicked down the doors of some companies, came in and made a demand: 50 + one, one vote of the authorized capital, let's roll out the table and then you will work, but now for now that, well, i still don't see that there companies were directly squeezed, but the pressure from the law enforcement officers, well, it seems to me that it is already quite significant, well, more than it was before the invasion, but returning to corruption... of course, corruption has two sides: the one who takes the order, and the one who receives for placing the order, because it does not happen that the hrynkevich family is put in jail and accused of embezzling 1.5 billion hryvnias, or losses of 1.5 billion hryvnias, and on the other hand, well, that they organized this criminal scheme, which is there somewhere in the ministry of defense there were also...
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builders, builders from lviv began to deal with the provision of the armed forces of ukraine, well, it doesn’t even happen in fairy tales that people come from nowhere, they were immediately given such contracts and they just took it and the guys got up on it, that is can we expect that we will hear the names of all the people who were involved in this, because 1.5 billion is not 1,500 hryvnias and not 1500 hryvnias, 15000 hryvnias and... obviously, when the conditions are not enough money for all during the war, well, just take and withdraw one and a half billion somewhere, well, you just have to be able to do that, and the main thing is, why did the anti-corruption bodies, which or the bodies that were supposed to prejudge these scoundrels, not see all this, well, why didn’t they see, that’s understandable, and what did they see at all from what was happening, i have the impression that somehow journalists in recent years , well, during the investigation, they work a little more efficiently than our law enforcement officers, well...
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in some stories, the law enforcement officers are ahead , but you know, the biggest stories somehow always start with journalistic investigations, and case hrynkevich surprises me the most because he is such , you know frankly open, right here the law enforcement officers show hrinkevich's head, then they immediately report that they are terminating contracts with him, here he is there for the first time in my memory. a representative of the sbi refused a bribe of half a million dollars, i have never heard of a sbi refusing any bribe at all, here they took it and refused it out of character, that's why, let's put it this way, the grynkevichev case falls out very much, because imagine , there are businessmen detained in this case, but, as they say, no official was injured, and this applies to the same bulletproof vests, other possible supplies for
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the ministry of defense, for which i will simply give another example. it is known that the deputy minister of defense shapavalov is currently in a pre-trial detention center, he is also accused of purchasing low-quality bulletproof vests there at the beginning of the invasion, and also at an inflated price, so he is in a pre-trial detention center, but i don't know anything about his case... , to incriminate any charges there at all against the company that supplied something there, you understand, that is, in our case, businessmen are accused, not defense officials, in all other stories that i know that someone from the ministry is blamed for everything, but not the company, and therefore this is some special case, i think that, unfortunately, for me, it is not a symbol of the state's fight against corruption in controlled industries. well
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, instead of fighting corruption, the state is starting to fight journalists, the matter regarding yuriy nikolov and these nefarious attempts to enter your apartment or scare you there. of your relatives, your mother and you, this is one case, the second case is the bigus team, which was followed there for a year and tracked, recorded what, who says, where, where are they, 30 people who go into some country houses , set up video cameras, that is, some such maneuvers that simply do not fit into the head and it is absolutely impossible to understand this, although obviously you can understand why this is happening, the only thing is no.. . what they all hope for, you are watching them, that is , it is basically such a young team in terms of age , age, where, where they have this is what the yanukovych had, yanukovych, it was a gang that
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came and just i printed out companies there, got on streams, they didn't even do that hid, and what you told about the campaign, their next step was when they offered 50 +1 share to pick up, then. they said that if you don't want it, we'll come tomorrow, we'll take everything, but it will cost 10 times cheaper there than it could have been before, and during yanukovych's time, by the way, i didn't receive such threats , well , they didn’t even allow themselves such antics, because that’s what stands out for me is this provocation against me, the runner of ukrainian truth, which is also circulating in telegram channels, i.e.... it was more likely aimed at discrediting us, well, at destroying our reputation, look, i ran into drug addicts, evading the ukrainian truth, and in general , there is some kind of fartsovshchit sitting there, who buys expensive handbags there, that is, it is all something so
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bad, wrong, and fortunately ukrainian society reacted correctly, because it perfectly understands the work we do and that, relatively speaking, if someone there grabbed some... jamb at a corporate party from operators, well, it does not affect journalistic work in any way beagles, the fact that i am now in the rear, and not on the front line, it also gives me the opportunity to work, well, to do what i do and everything and what everyone sees, the fact that in the ukrainian truth , someone has enough salary for to buy some kind of women's handbag, well, that's normal, but what's the matter here, you can buy a tatar one, but you can't, a journalist, well... that's why all this was aimed at discrediting me, and why they chose such a mode, because what i've been saying for a long time has happened: corruption breeds corruption, that's all are used to simmering in their warm mercedes baths, behind which you cannot see real
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life, that they decided that their reality of telegram channels is more reliable than, well, where we live, ordinary people there, well, i am an ordinary person living there. on the outskirts of kyiv in an old residential area, well, an ordinary sleeping bag, it’s not even a new complex there or something, so they thought that this was their fantasy, it could be projected on everyone and it would work, but it turned out that it was not, well, that's why, you know, i heal people with a reduced social status responsibly proved that they also have a slightly not very high iq, that is, that the big problem is in their political-technological profession. that is, they decided that their project would work , but unfortunately, they did not take into account that an attack on journalists in a democratic country, well , this is oppression, yes, it is a shot in both legs in ukraine itself, it is a demonstration for our partners, which unfortunately ,
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some principles of democracy are violated in ukraine, including freedom of speech, which means that then support to ukraine can be stopped, well, if we ourselves, we ourselves are trying to prove that... we are not a very democratic country, so what is there to defend here, and what kind of democracy to defend in ukraine, a slightly better russia, and unfortunately this happened, and it was very predicted , and that's all i 've been saying there for a year since reznikov accused me a year ago of undermining the national defense capability, the publication of these commercial secrets about the eggs of the ministry of defense, and even then it was explained to him that the honorable minister would not... fall for whistleblower of corruption, put pressure on him like that in this way, this is the russian modus operandi, in russia whistleblowers are pressured, killed, put in prison, including for some kind of treason, but not corrupt officials, and if
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you don’t fight corruption in ukraine too , pressurizing a journalist is racist the scenario, and then it was enough to hit everyone, the sbu really didn't touch me at all. treason, the minister of defense then disavowed his statement, said that oops, oops, i didn't mean the journalist, i meant some other people who leaked that contract, that is, and... and there's nothing wrong with that no sense was happening, well, in reality, we didn’t have these publications about the suppression of freedom of speech, a lot of journalists asked me this year about oh, and were there any consequences for you, i honestly said, no, the state behaves very politely and correctly, moreover , even someone was arrested there , well, at least something happened, and the main thing is that we adopted laws, reduced the price of eggs there from 17 to 6 hryvnias, that is, the consequences are good and positive, well, unfortunately, we are there for 7 extra months... that’s it of the minister, who hindered the reforms there, but they managed to do less with that and that, and here
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such a crazy turnaround, well, i only have one version, that just someone out there, as they say, the balls went behind the rollers, they did very badly, without calculating the consequences, and now they are thinking how to crawl back, well, we felt it, frankly speaking from the very beginning of the great war, since three tv channels were simply turned off, they were simply turned off. with t2 and that's it, and we're gone in t2, so we absolutely understand you. thank you yuriy for the conversation, it was yuriy nikolov, journalist, investigator, the person who wrote about these uah 17 eggs, of the ministry of defense, and nikolov wrote about corruption scandals more than once, he is a co-founder of the independent group our money. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us there. please like our video subscribe to our platforms and most importantly
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take part in our vote we are asking you about anonymous telegram channels do you trust anonymous telegram channels yes no 0800 211381 if you call and by phone vote, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the group of inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland, will be in touch with us. mr. mykola, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate you. so, today a nationwide protest of farmers is starting in poland, who demand to protect their business from imports from third countries, in particular from ukraine, and actions with tractors and other vehicles on the roads are planned in more than 150 places throughout the territory. we have the synchronization of several farmers who are going to these protests, let's listen. the standards are dictated
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by the european union, with products that come from ukraine, they are mostly not fulfilled, because of that the cost of manufacturing products in ukraine is much lower, we have to fulfill many more requirements, and we cannot compete that way. unfortunately, we cannot compete, i also understand ukrainian farmers, now there is a war, it is difficult for them, we stand in solidarity with them, but then the european union must to support those farmers who work near the border of ukraine, because it is most difficult for polish and slovak farmers, and we must find some way out. mr. mykola, have you carefully studied all the problems that exist in ukrainian-polish relations, what is happening now? here were transporters, now farmers, how can we
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live with our neighbors in a neighborly way, and not as if we are some kind of enemies? well, let's start with the fact that it is still another protest when our roads were blocked, obviously it was pure hogwash, because the europeans made a corridor of life for us, with which we were able to supply products to various markets, and bring weapons to ourselves , and assemble to our enterprises, and part of this was also blocked, it was initiated by such a ... pro-russian party of the confederation, which supported one of the groups of carriers that worked before on the markets of russia and belarus , i spoke and told a lot about it, and wrote letters, and in poland, met with the top management of poland and did everything to unblock the road, and in principle we managed to do it together with our polish partners, and i think this is very good and very positive, it was one process, although this process is obviously still ongoing, because as the polish themselves say... transporters and farmers - this is temporary, but nevertheless, here are the protests that are taking place now, people have the right
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to protest, they live in their country, and there are many reasons for these protests, one of the reasons is simply, well, first of all, they receive huge subsidies, from the polish state and from the european union, for refusal, unlike ukrainian farmers and entrepreneurs who are profitable, no receiving no subsidies, it is, firstly, secondly, ukrainian imports from ukraine of agricultural goods. it is generally prohibited in poland, that is, when we are talking about other countries of the european union, well, we have to deal with sales and that is absolutely normal, and if these countries need it, obviously there, probably we also compete with polish goods. this is a matter of discussion, it is a matter of negotiations from the ukrainian side with our other partners in the european union, because the poles greatly benefited from the fact that poland became a member of the european union, because they actually received these huge subsidies for our agriculture from the eu, and we can either lose everything or, on the contrary , gain, and it depends on the expertise of our
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government, which will lead the negotiations to protect our ukrainian agricultural producers, among whom are farmers, and there are and large landowners, large latofundists, and the future of our agriculture will depend on how the government conducts these negotiations , and the market is also shrinking naturally due to the decrease in meat consumption, for example, more people are becoming vegans, more agricultural technologies are used, therefore the harvests are much larger, the climate is changing, it is warmer everywhere, and because of that, of course , there are few sales markets, and people are fighting for their sales markets, but in parallel with this... exports from poland to ukraine are increasing, that is, we we bring here fuel, mineral oils, trackless vehicles and many, many things, including agricultural products, should ukraine mirror the behavior of the poles, because we are doing what transporters did, and now, obviously, farmers we are going to lose and we are losing, do we
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have to respond to the poles in some way, well , look, so far we are not... our allies in the negotiations with the european union, we need their experience and skills, that is why we need to negotiate with the polish government, which is now generally well-adjusted to ukraine, although it is a coalition, there are different parties, it must be understood, there is a peasant party, which exactly and deals with this ministry of agriculture and the ministry of defense, for example, that we are interested in having good... relations with poland with these parties, yes, of course, that's why we need to talk to them before we fight, before we block something, but if the protests will be unmotivated, such as the blocking of the roads, which simply posed a threat to our, to our security, these are not just protests inside the country, then obviously we have to act more harshly, so we have to
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look very carefully at what is happening there, lead negotiations, agreeing, where there is a common economic interest. to look for, and there is, and where there is russia's use of a way to block our borders, this must be mercilessly fought against. today, ukrainian prime minister denys shmyhal met with robert fico, prime minister of slovakia, and this meeting took place in uzhhorod. before that, fico talked a lot about ukraine, that he was against ukraine joining nato, because then there would be the third world war, and they said it was impossible to do that. previously, he made many statements on the matter. to supply weapons to ukraine or not supply, that today, during the negotiations with shmyhal, fico said that slovak companies will continue to supply equipment for demining and building defense lines, and the slovak government will not block, most importantly, slovakia will support ukraine's european integration aspirations, will not block
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financing of ukraine from the european union . let's listen to what the prime ministers said after the meeting. an important agreement today slovakia will support the program of strength, which provides for the allocation of 50 billion euros to ukraine from the european union, 38 billion euros calculated for the four-year budgetary support of our state and 8 billion euros are provided for investment purposes for the implementation of relevant projects. we have two difficult neighbors. next to it are hungary and slovakia, in principle, they talk a lot about our european integration, euro-atlantic integration. is this connected, mr. mykola, with the fact that both slovakia and hungary are fighting for subsidies, european subsidies, respectively, if ukraine enters the european market and becomes a member of the european union, it counts on
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more, because ukraine is based on its potential and opportunity. they, it is still a bigger country than hungary and slovakia and they will just start losing, are they just engaged in political speculation now or blackmailing the european union? well, first of all, they still have different approaches, what unites the hungarian and slovak leaders is that they are populist politicians, for whom words are worth very little, and who do everything to make money from everyone , in this case , the european union will make money too, at the same time... did not say anything so bad, on the contrary , yes, he said that they will not give us any of their state weapons, but they will sell them privately with the participation of the state, well, that's how it happened. they all used to sell weapons to us, so it is very important for us that the democratic coalition still won in poland, because if there was such a right-wing government in poland, and we saw this blocking of roads and everything that
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happened, although the polish government even that of the right, which was before the last election in two months, they were also our best allies, it must be said for the sake of justice , but we do not know what would happen next, if trump wins, all these are unpredictable politicians, and russia can of course take advantage of their populism and unpredictability, but... it must be said that with competent work , they can they will not be our ardent supporters, but they can help us. and now we see it in the situation in slovakia, that is, behind the huge number of terrible words, sometimes anti-ukrainian, fizo, in principle, took a normal position, in nothing he did not particularly refuse us, so this is probably a way of dealing with the european union. another important issue this week, and obviously in the coming months... will be the multiple citizenship proposed by volodymyr zelenskyi, on the day of the conclave, he announced that he is submitting a bill to the verkhovna rada of ukraine, although there is one of the bills
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already since 2019, during the 2019 election campaign, zelenskyy spoke about the need for ukrainians living around the world to return to ukraine, if not returned, then they would receive a passport of citizens of ukraine, i know that you have studied this draft law carefully enough and... you can tell our viewers what ukraine and ukrainians living outside ukraine will get as a result and how this project can threaten ukraine, well if, for example, some people will receive citizenship, they will, let's say, use this citizenship in some way that will threaten the national security of ukraine, the same can also happen, well, look, everywhere. that this is a bill to bring back ethnic ukrainians, although the draft law is not about ethnic ukrainians at all, there is a list of countries, these are the countries of the european union, in addition to the united states, canada, switzerland,
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japan, whose citizens can declare that they are citizens of ukraine without adding any other documents and get ukrainian citizenship in an accelerated mode, they may not even pass an exam with knowledge of the language, history or constitution of ukraine. why this is done, it is difficult for me to say. i have seen conspiracy theories that this is being done because the land was forbidden to foreigners to privatize, and then they will give out citizenship to various businessmen and this will open the way to land for them, maybe so, i don’t know what was in the minds of those who prepared this draft law for the president, which directly contradicts the constitution, because the constitution determines what we have there can be a single citizenship, the auto authors of the project say that single does not mean plural, but this term single is used there for many several... in particular, that we have a single legislative body , the verkhovna rada, if we have a single citizenship, a single the legislative body, as it was, means one citizenship, now the authors of the project say that the only thing this means is that it is
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the citizenship of a single ukraine, not lviv or poltava regions, which is already obvious, but in this case we may have multiple the verkhovna rada, we can have three verkhovna rada, three presidents, three cabinets of ministers, why can citizens of croatia get citizenship there, but citizens from... or new zealand or australia can't, it looks strange, especially since in some from these countries a lot of people actually come from ukraine, because of that this is a completely strange draft law for me, which 70% repeats the two that were submitted not only in the 19th and 21st years, which are currently under consideration in the constitutional court, the conclusion of the constitutional there was no court yet, why was there a third one, for me personally it is incomprehensible, maybe in order to make... some nice or beautiful picture on the day of the separation, because the president issued another decree on the special status of the kuban and some other
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regions, where ukrainians live in russia, what of course, he angered our enemies from the country of the aggressor, which is very gratifying, and on the other hand, the residents of beristei oblast in belarus or even kholm oblast in poland say, and the worse we are, we also live on our lands and would like the ukrainian state to take care of us too , because of. these are rather pr steps that , unfortunately, do not solve the problem, because the problem exists, i really believe that for those ukrainians from the diaspora, ukrainians who are on autochthonous ukrainian lands and would like to have citizenship, it is possible to find a way in which well, start to ensure these rights, first just their rights to be in ukraine, to come here freely, pay taxes here, get a job here, and then it is possible through the change of the constitution and obtaining second citizens. but for this the constitution must be changed, without this change it is simply impossible to do it, but there are still people who are deprived of ukrainian citizenship because they had two or three passports, well, for example, it
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was not public. it was announced that kolomoisky lost his ukrainian citizenship, but the court found out that he does not have a ukrainian citizenship, although it was reported in the media, gennady korban cannot enter the territory of ukraine because he was deprived of ukrainian citizenship, can these people regain their citizenship in this situation, because it will just look strange that people who live in the border are ukrainians, they have ukrainian passports, and people who were born here, who according to the constitution can get citizenship here, they are deprived of this citizenship, well, korban is not, because as far as i remember, he had israeli citizenship, and israel to the list of these countries is not included, but only according to some other norm, as a person who was born on the territory of ukraine, for example, kolomoisky according to this law yes, because he said that he has not dual, but triple citizenship, does he also have switzerland there or cyprus, i don't remember, but some country that is on this list, except for
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citizenship. israel, that is why it will be possible for kolomoiskyi to return his citizenship under a simplified procedure, and the fact that there is no rule in this draft law that future citizens of ukraine must know the ukrainian language, and whether it is so, well, it is relevant and fundamentally , now it is like in the baltic countries, because those who do not know the language there, well, there in latvia or in lithuania or in estonia, they continue to have a hard time. just live in that country, there are exams, look at how many of these people are in the countries of the european union, we can give ukrainian citizenship to more people than there are now citizens of ukraine, and they can choose for us such a president or such a verkhovna rada, including from their own composition, that it cannot have anything to do with ukraine at all, and russia can take advantage of it. obviously, if they don't even teach the language and history and the constitution, then it can be anyone and it can be done quickly. this is simply a real threat to national
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security. thank you. mr. mykola, thank you for the conversation, it was mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching us live on these platforms, please like this video to keep it trending youtube and facebook, and subscribe to our pages on these platforms. in addition, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you about whether you trust anonymous telegram channels. yes, no , vote on youtube with the button, or yes or no, write your comment about what you think, there are intermediate results of the survey, here we now see 7% of those who watch the telecast trust the anonymous telegram channel, 93 %, no, we will have the same survey in the second part of the program, which will start literally 15 minutes ahead bbc news broadcast, after... the bbc news broadcast
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, we will have a studio with political experts oleg sahakyan, volodymyr tsibulko and oleksiy koshel. if you now have a break to rest, you can open our site on smartphones or tablets and read the news. we have a beautiful site called espresso tv. the most prompt information about what is happening in ukraine, the world and... chronicle, everything is on our website, we work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the most prompt, everything that is in the state appears on our beautiful website, well , i'm saying goodbye to you, we'll meet in 15 minutes, don't switch, stay on the espresso tv channel, it will be interesting from now on.
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russian plane ill-76 crashed near belgarad. what is known about this plane crash? this is vibinny's broadcast from ukraine. jafer umerov is in the studio. the russian ministry of defense said that there was a person on board the plane. piled ukrainian prisoners of war and accuses ukraine of shelling. ukrainian officials talk about the need for a detailed check, but under what circumstances did the russian military plane crash? so, the russian il-76 plane was delivered to the belgian region. russia accuses the ssu of shooting down the plane in...


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