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tv   [untitled]    January 24, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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means of delivery, control of airspace to destroy the terrorist threat, including in the belgorod-kharkiv direction. well , valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum of ukraine joined our broadcast. good evening. yes, i congratulate you. is it possible to draw unambiguous conclusions about the reasons for the plane's crash , based on the information that is publicly available on the internet, photos and videos. what can you state as of now? well, so far we can state that the plane fell and crashed, nothing more , was it an anti-aircraft missile into fragments, well , the fragments are too small and the resolution of these pictures is too small to be able to look for any traces of the striking elements of the anti-aircraft missile, but i know that this plane quite an accident, but... in general
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, every tenth of the released planes crashed , that is, it could have been a simple accident, well, not an accident, sorry, a disaster, an accident is when there are no people, well, in general, you see pieces, that is, wreckage, but yeah, it seems that the surface of the plane is slightly battered here, and it is impossible to guess what kind of weapon could have been used to shoot it down, i understand you correctly. no, well, you can guess by the range, so it’s the range of the airist, which was shouted from the russian stands, but it’s possible that there is a long-range complex here, in terms of the range, it can be the s-300, and for example, the bird itself, if we have them there is, maybe also patriot, although there are big doubts that this complex was attracted here, because the area is too quiet. and in
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belgorod it would be possible to do something simpler to shoot, well, the actual place where the plane fell , it is, as i understand it, what is already known as of now, approximately 90 km from the ukrainian border, that is, even the s-300 could have been used, am i right? i understood, looking from which direction, on one side there is 90 km, on the other side a little more than 50 km, well... it was noted that the russian side, the official russian side, allegedly did not say that rockets could have been fired from kharkiv oblast, well then 90 km, but in general it is necessary look at the map, right now in front of me, well, i can open the map to look, but no, not now, uh, yes, that means there, here... the state that gives us if we shot from,
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for example, now it is a little smaller , and if they shot, in general, this city, it is at the most extreme place of the downing, this is the easternmost point of this belgorod region, yes, if they shot from kharkiv region, well, it really could be a distance of about 90 km. here, although in general, if the district, if in the vovchanska district, for example, but here it is 50-90 km, all this, if you take a certain patriot complex, yes, it reaches such a distance, and the c300, well, depending on the height of the plane's flight, if the plane flew over this dangerous zone at a low altitude, then other complexes.
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would not get and in general, the question of beating is such for now, so when there are confirmations, then it will be possible to say something. and what confirmations do you have, well, the russian side is unlikely to send independent aviation experts who will say whether there was a downing or not a downing? let the dependent experts report, let's take a look their results, on their reasoning. ugh. also 10 days before the fall of il-76 over the sea of ​​azov. an a50 plane was shot down , and a number of aviation experts remind us that it was actually built on the basis of the il-76 and in ukraine, it turns out that there is already experience of shooting down such planes, and if i understand you correctly, in principle, if we leave the information about the fact that there could be prisoners of war on board, we do not know for sure now, so this target, this plane could have been, could have been a target of the armed forces of ukraine, a military plane. near ukrainian
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border, all russian military aircraft are now targeted for ukrainian anti-aircraft defense. the only question is which ones we can get and which ones we can't. in this case , there was information from the general staff that the russian il-76s were carrying s300 missiles and other types of missiles that were used to fire at the city of kharkiv and the kharkiv region, so of course such targets had to be hunted down, they had to be destroyed, because you know, this is barbarism and terrorism, shelling a sleepy city without... because these missiles, they are s-300 missiles, they fly unaimed, they are not controlled from a height of 150 m, well, that is, as soon as they descend below 150 m, they are no longer controlled, and therefore the only means, but we already had such
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a tendency, that is, to destroy missiles on launchers , on unfortunately, they are mobile, another way to destroy missiles is on the routes of delivery of these missiles, on the routes of delivery on... logistics, well , maybe the hunt for this type of aircraft is connected with this, so to speak. yes, well, actually, at the very beginning today , the ukrainian media, citing sources , wrote that in the defense forces, anonymous under the circumstances, journalists were told that this plane could probably carry s-300 missiles, and probably that is why it could become a target for the armed forces of ukraine. thank you very much, valery romanenko, aviation expert, leading researcher of the state aviation museum. of ukraine was on radio svoboda, we talked about the downing of the ukrainian, the downing of the russian il-76 plane, which was shot down over the belgorod region today, and i also propose to remind you once again of the position, this is the last official position
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of the main intelligence agency, which at the end day stated that the exchange of prisoners that was planned was supposed to take place today, but it did not take place and... but despite this , the ukrainian side cannot officially confirm whether there were prisoners who could be taken for exchange, whether they were, whether they could, or were they on board this plane that crashed today, that was shot down today. let's listen to the statement of the main intelligence agency again. according to the agreements, the russian side had to ensure the safety of our defenders. at the same time, the ukrainian side was not notified of the necessity. ensuring the safety of the airspace in the area of ​​the city of belgorod in a certain period of time, as was done repeatedly in the past. ukraine was not informed about the number of vehicles, routes and forms of delivery of prisoners. it is known that prisoners are delivered by air,
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rail and road transport. this may indicate deliberate actions by russia aimed at creating a threat to the life and safety of prisoners. well, me too, we already had one. alyona romanyuk fakchekerka, alyona, good, good evening, i wanted, good evening, greetings, i wanted to note at the beginning that the head of the president's office, mykhailo podalyak, said in a comment to reuters today that the ukrainian side, the ukrainian authorities, the political authorities, are not yet ready to comment on this story, and that they need more time to do so. , in order to collect data, and today we also had oleksandr on the air. the head of the center for military and legal research, and he said: alyona, i will share with you that ukraine lost the round of information warfare, and in fact, this is what you also wrote about on social networks today, i i will quote for our audience so that it will be clearer why we called you. while
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all western media give russia's position on the il-76 situation, all representatives of the authorities are silent, and this is a gesture, this is literally a quote. why is this gesture expressed in your language and eh and why did this happen, is there an explanation? in fact, it is very surprising that the ukrainian side was silent for so long, because the statement of the main intelligence agency is quite high-quality and good, only if it came out a few hours earlier, preferably at five o'clock, it would be just perfect, because what is happening is russian russian... information from the russian side, moreover, analysts have already seen that it has signs of artificially disseminated information, that is, there was one wave, the maximum of several million mentions, in particular in telegram and in official russian
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sources, reached its peak at 12 and day, at the same time, information began to spread in the western media, and actually a... any media that adheres to the standards of the profession must give balanced information, that is, there is information from the russian side, there must be a position from the ukrainian side. and this one there were no official statements from the ukrainian side, and that is why russia flooded the western media with its own version of events and began to promote its own agenda. alyona, please tell me if you analyze how quickly, speedily, and in what sequence the information from russian appeared. is it possible to make assumptions that this was the case, this whole story was planned, and the messages were already
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prepared in advance, or should we not make such assumptions, and maybe it is just the russian side in the information field who is on the move? space orientated faster? in my opinion, it was a well-coordinated information campaign, because the information messages were spread very quickly, very coordinated. every 5 minutes there were some new comments from the so-called bloggers there, or propagandists in fact, again there was information from the head of the defense committee kartopalov that there was another plane with 80 prisoners on board, and now allegedly - what exchange negotiations will be suspended, and ukraine should be recognized as a terrorist state there, was immediately. margarita simonyan with the lists of those who were allegedly
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on board the il-76, there were reactions at various levels, it was immediately picked up by the local propaganda scavengers, spreading it as much as possible, that is, the peak of this wave reached 12 days, 12 there before the first, usually , as olena zakharchenko, a media analyst, literally says, we talked with her before the broadcast, and she... she wrote in herself and on facebook that such e-e information campaigns, which are not planned, are characteristically distributed in two or three waves, when some new information appears, and again well, there is one more interesting aspect, it is that usually, ah, they show the victims as much as possible, show everything that happened, those videos that are now distributed by rasha tudai and other propaganda scavengers, these are videos on 10, 12 there are 15 seconds , but there are no signs of victims in these videos,
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victims in particular, and here too there are more questions than answers, but the fact that the disaster happened like this, the fact that il 76 exploded, but informational the campaign around him has all the signs of coordinated activity. you quoted kartopalova, this is the head of the state duma defense committee, and he... spoke today, and by the way, no one in the ukrainian information space has denied or confirmed this, i mean from the representatives of the authorities, he stated that it was supposed to take place exchange 192 for 192, that this alleged first il 76 plane brought in 65 people, and the second brought in the rest, and when the first plane was shot down, the second one turned around and left and flew back, and he threatened that all the exchanges would end there. that is, there was actually no information here either no confirmation or refutation
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from the ukrainian authorities, but what is wrong, what now, what should the ukrainian side do now and how should it make up for this lost lost round of the information war? oh, that 's a good question, i'm not sure i can comment on it, because i'm more into fact-checking right now, but of course i'd like quality communication. and what happened, and there is also a statement from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, so we showed it today, yes, yes, yes, it just came out, in what, what in the western media, from the fact that i i watched, i can’t talk about all the western media, because i haven’t read them, but they indicate that ukraine has started shelling belgrade, but for some reason no one mentions the fact that yesterday in kharkiv was killed as a result of a rocket attack, i don’t know, i don't have an updated one. data, but according to what i read, at least eight people, including an eight-year-old girl, and this is exactly
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what they are not talking about, and here it is very important not to let these accents shift, they say , ukraine is the aggressor, because this is what ukraine is trying to achieve russia, and it is very important to show that a well, actually, the statement of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, and gur's statement, they just need to be spread as much as possible to the western media, like me. and give more contexts, remind again, because russia acted very quickly. thank you, alyona, thank you very much, alyona romaniuk, fakchekarka, we talked about how this whole story was presented. in the information space, not only ukrainian, but also foreign. thank you very much, alyona. you can leave your questions, comments, remarks, wishes in the chat under this broadcast, we continue to monitor the topic of the shooting down of ill-76 and svoboda live will return to the air tomorrow. there are discounts on
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hepargin 10% in psylsnyk, ban and oskad pharmacies. new york of the 19th century is luxury, scandals and intrigues. gilded age from hbo. watch all seasons of the exquisite drama in ukrainian with a subscription. turn on aristocratic on mhogo. there are 10% discounts on laktiale in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big ether, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we're starting. two hours of air time, 2 hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war now we will
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talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets with us and what the world is about. and now, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. please, you have the word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elina chechenii, for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day i will come. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians. and
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even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together... united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. by support of the national assembly of persons with
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disabilities of ukraine enable me ucraine. more than 19,000 ukrainian children were deported to russia, and this is not the final figure, because russia refuses to provide complete lists of children deported from ukraine. in particular, ukrainian boys and girls who, even before the start of the full-scale invasion, were in boarding schools in the temporarily occupied territories were deported to russia. and today we will talk about one of... such difficult stories, this is 15-year-old sashko ivanov, who is now considered missing. boy was in one of the boarding schools in donetsk, and on february 20, 2022, four days before the start of the full-scale invasion, all the inmates of this boarding school were allegedly taken to russia by the occupation authorities. this was told to us by grandmother
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sashka, who is currently in the territory controlled by ukraine and is looking for her grandson. they also took out, well, on february 20 , they took out the boarding school, they just stuck it in and took out a lot of children there, he studied in a boarding school in donetsk, well, i know that summer after summer they were taken to nefpatoria and then back there to rostov and the rostov region and to rostov. svetlana above all, oleksandrivna wants to find her grandson, and if he is really deported to the russian federation, then to return sashka to ukraine and take him under his care. probably sashko is actually in russia, however, this is not accurate information at the moment, which is currently being verified, so i ask absolutely everyone who is currently watching this video, please
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look closely at sashko's face, he looks 14-15 years old, medium build has light pink hair and brown eyes. so, if you know anything about sashka ivanov, don't delay and let us know immediately hotline of the child tracing service for free. of all mobile operators with the number 11630. also, it is possible that this program is seen on the internet in russia, youtube is still working there, so if you know any information about sasha ivanov, you can confirm that he is really in russia, then write to us on the website children's tracing service, or on facebook or instagram of the children's tracing service. and i want to note that any information about the child is important in the search. let's not be indifferent, and let's try to find sasha together with... ivanova. also, i ask each of you to share this video on your social media pages if possible. in
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general, the deportation of children is a component of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if you know about any crime against a child, in particular about abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website . you do it. you can even anonymously. also, i ask you to take just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the child tracing service. here in the section "disappeared "children of ukraine" you can see boys and girls who are currently wanted . look carefully at their faces, and i will be very grateful if you share information about missing children in your facebook or instagram. of course, the more people see announcement about the search for a child . the more chances there will be to find him, and suddenly you personally recognize one of them, immediately call our hotline 11630, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine
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are free. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report any which crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and let us know, and we will launch all possible. criminal punishment mechanisms. stopcrime ua. the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. the white house does not yet have sufficient information. to establish what happened to the il-76 plane that crashed in the belgorod region of russia, and whether there were ukrainian prisoners of war on board? this was stated by the coordinator of strategic communication
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of the us national security council, john kirby. in the state department urged both russia and ukraine to conduct their own respective investigations and establish the facts. commentary by john kirby, following. we have seen reports of this. we are trying to get more information, but it would be unreasonable. to speculate on this topic now, i just don't know which of these reports is true, the ukrainians say one thing, the russians another, and we don't know enough facts to comment on everything. former us president donald trump is one step closer to the republican presidential nomination. the day before, he won the party elections primaries in new hampshire. with 96% of ballots counted, trump has more than 54% of the popular vote, nikki haley more than 43. the former south carolina governor said she will stay in the race and focus on her home state's primary on february 24. however , public opinion polls are not in her favor, and the chances
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that she will be able to compete with trump remain less and less. how did the primaries go and what do they mean for the future of racing? let's talk about it with iryna solomko, who currently works in new hampshire. irina, congratulations, how did the primaries go in your precinct, where were you and what were the features of the count... voters in new hampshire. congratulations. so. in fact, the organization of elections in the united states is still different from the ukrainian one. first of all, the fact that the votes for the polling stations will not be counted manually, as in ukraine, but by a machine. that is, during this day the ballots, she them, she receives them, she scans them, she fixes them, and then already at the end of the day, accordingly, she issues the result, and in principle, it happens quite quickly, so what... for example, the precinct where we worked, it closed at 7 o'clock local time, and literally about 20 minutes, and we already saw how the head of the commission, that is, he
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started it to work. and she began to scan and scan all the results, and in principle, in the end, it turns out to be so long , it is essentially like the protocol of this from this precinct, and it actually shows how many people came to the precinct, it shows the candidates in essence, because as far as the primaries, there were two ballots for democrats and republicans, here all the candidates are registered and against them , accordingly, how many votes these candidates received in the end and... so it was quite fast, the only problem in fact, which delays this process, is when the voters, that is, here in nygamsher, the rules allow to enter their own as if candidates, and these ballots in particular, they take a little more time to process, in principle during the day the members of the commission, they already sorted them, they were in separate folders, yes, but in principle they still had to verify it, understand whose last name is written and count them, but overall it was very
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fast. and probably after two hours of this active work, they already sent the final results, announced them to journalists and observers, respectively, and the work of the station was already completed. julia, that in your precinct , the precinct was worked by nikki haley, and in general, donald trump won the republican nomination in this state. how did republican candidates donald trump and nikki haley react to the results? yes yuri, nicky haley won in our precinct, it was very interesting, because it was just the first first minutes and of course we followed it in such an online mode, what are the results for everyone throughout the state, and it was nicky haley, even in these polls, the first, i don't know, 15-20 minutes, she was in the lead, but then the situation changed and began, after all , more information began to come from the precinct, donald trump began to win, and probably after 50% of the ballots was justified, then this gap is practically...
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has changed, but the candidates themselves and their supporters, they usually count these votes, and accordingly then make a statement during such a watch party night, it is such an election night, so the same thing happened this time, they took place in different cities, that is, there was no, they were concentrated in different cities, these and other party events, but in principle, during their speeches, both candidates, they remained true to themselves, because nikki gelli said that she is not going to... she is still in the race, she will fight, just as donald trump said, very much reacted sharply to nikiliu's results, because there were expectations that this gap would be larger after all. she was giving a speech and i said, "wow, she's giving a speech like she won." she didn't win, she lost. we have been leading in almost all polls for the past three months against
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the jobai scam. this is an atypical victory speech, but let's not let someone claim victory when she actually had a really bad night. i want to congratulate donald trump on his victory today, he deserved it and i want to admit it. they are ahead of the curve they say this campaign is over, it's not. well, i have news for all of them, newser is the first in ukraine, he is not the last in ukraine. this campaign is far from over, with dozens of states remaining. and next, my
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lovely state of south carolina. we hear from nikki haley, she says her campaign is just getting started. but irina, what's next? does nikki haley have a realistic chance of preventing donald trump from becoming the sole republican nominee? yes, yulia, the race continues and the next stage is after all the nevada caucuses, they're going to be on february 8th, but... nikki haley is not going to be there and donald trump basically beat it yesterday in his speech like that and tonight, he said we've already won nevada because she refused to run there , and for her the next big battle is accordingly her home state, south carolina, and there the primaries will be held on february 24th, basically nikki haley is already there, so tonight she plans to have a big one there meeting with voters more.


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