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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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and next, my lovely state of south carolina. we hear from nikki haley, she says her campaign is just getting started. but irina, what's next, does nikki haley have a realistic chance of preventing donald trump from becoming the sole candidate from the republican party? yes, yulia, the race continues and the next stage is the caucuses in nevada, they will take place. february 8th, but nikki haley won't be there and donald trump basically beat it yesterday during his speech like that and tonight, he said we've already won nevada because she declined to run there , and her next big fight is her home state, south carolina, by the way, and there's a primary on february 24th, basically, nikki haley is already there, so tonight she's planning to have a big there are more such meetings with voters.
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moreover, her advertising has already started on local tv channels, and according to local experts, she has already invested several million dollars there, and the advertising is quite aggressive in relation to both donald trump and joe biden, that is, one of those one of her things that she uses as a tactic is that after all, these candidates are quite old and they have a way to give to younger candidates, that's why it is of course very important for her to win this state, at the moment, unfortunately, the polls show that it going to be pretty hard to do because... still 53% for trump and 22% for haley, but the only thing that can affect that is still those criminal cases that are brought against trump, but trump supporters say that it will not affect their, how they will vote. i i personally think he's all about it, i agree, the same with biden, hunter biden, he has lawsuits against him, joe biden has lawsuits, there's just one big political process going on right now, if nothing else. it intends
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to divide us as americans. you know, biden, trump, they want to divide us. so i want to say, i don't believe it. i don't think it 's going to stop me, i don't care, and everyone i know doesn't care either. in fact, i haven't met many people for whom it is even a question i just like his politics, i like that he's not like everyone else, and that's it, plain and simple. thank you, irina. in this state, what will happen in nevada, we will tell in the following programs. senators from both parties are working hard to agree on additional funding for ukraine, but border negotiations still remain unresolved. this statement was made today by the leader of the democrats in the senate, chuck schumer, the leader of the republicans.
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mcconnell also spoke in support of the request for additional funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan, arguing that the funding would allow tens of billions of dollars to be invested in america's industrial base. regarding the progress in the negotiations on the american border, on which the approval of aid to ukraine depends, mcconnell said, the senate will soon have the opportunity to restore sovereignty on the southern border. meanwhile , there is progress in the issue of confiscation of frozen russian assets. committee profile. the greeks agreed on a bill that can become a tool in this initiative. we will ask kateryna lisanova, our congress correspondent, more about all the main news on the capitalist hill. hello katya. congratulations, yulia! katya, chuck schumer says that every day the senators are making more progress on the border agreement, what does the approval of additional funding for ukraine actually depend on? when can this realistically happen? if we summarize the latest news, we can say the following: negotiations are ongoing, there is no agreement on the border, and accordingly... there is no aid package
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for ukraine, from which now depends on the agreement on the border, which negotiations are currently underway. if we talk about any news, then we can only talk about the rhetoric of the legislators themselves, regarding these negotiations. as you rightly noted, the leader of the democrats in the senate, chuck schumer, claims that the negotiations are progressing, are taking place persistently and actively, and are getting louder, declaring that aid to ukraine should be approved as soon as possible. in turn, the leader of the republicans in the senate, mitch mcconnell, in... is changing his rhetoric in a certain sense, if before he said that at first it is necessary to agree on the border issue, and then all other issues, then he is already increasingly emphasizing that aid to ukraine is in the direct interests of the united states of america and stated literally today that an agreement on the border and a general aid package in general can be expected in the near future. i suggest listening to today's senators' statement right now. this is a busy and productive week for... believers, they continue
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to work non-stop on unresolved issues, every day we are getting closer to agreements, but unresolved issues remain, one thing is certain. "we will continue the work, i am constantly in contact with my colleagues in the senate, with the leaders of the republicans mcconnell and the white house at every step of this process. the last round of ukrainian aid was allocated on december 27, if we do not act quickly, ukraine will lose, the world will become a much more dangerous place for america. i've never had any doubt why." america supports ukraine in its struggle, it was never about charity, it is not about abstract things principles of international relations, it is about sober and clear american interests. that's what's at the heart of the additional national security funding package, investing
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tens of billions of dollars here at home, and expanding our arsenal with new, advanced technologies that are made in america, by american workers. the senate will very ... soon have a chance to restore our sovereignty on our southern border, invest in our strategic competition with china, and restore our strength in the eyes of allies and adversaries alike. katya, today the senate committee approved the so-called ripo bill, which is called an important step on the way to the confiscation of russian assets. what is the practical significance of this draft law, what is its importance? in general, the text of the document states that it authorizes the biden administration to begin the process of confiscation and transfer. or russian assets in ukraine, but many experts argue that the administration does not actually need such authority, and this bill, if approved by congress, would actually prompt the administration to begin the process of confiscation and transfer of russian assets to ukraine. there is also an important legal aspect of this bill, because many
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experts claim that one of the obstacles to the confiscation of russian assets and their transfer to ukraine is the fact that this is the first such precedent in the history of the world and that there is no road map. there is no plan, but this bill actually has a plan of how to do it right, how to do it right, so it gives a legal plan to start that process. in general the draft law was approved not in the original, not in the original version, which was written earlier. a few amendments were introduced in the senate committee just days before today's hearing, but they are not expected to have much impact. i suggest listening to the authors of the bill right now. i would not focus on the amendment. the amendment is not an essential part of this bill. a really important part of the bill is the seizure of assets. in the united states, anyone can go to court and challenge anything. do they have jurisdiction to do so, whether they will
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succeed in doing so is another question. i am quite satisfied with the end result. this amendment does not destroy the essence of the bill. instead, i'd like to focus on the scope of our work, which is that... never before have states done this on their own, or allowed others to pursue sovereign funds in other countries, because of the importance of this war, the importance of it because of the vile actions that russia is taking, we and our allies are going to take this extraordinary step. the amendment i could to do otherwise will shorten the time of any potential trial. i think it's naive to think that there won't be legal evidence, there will be, but this amendment will allow the administration to address issues early in the process and...move forward with this tool, and it also gives our partners around the world the confidence that , that we have a solid legal basis to move forward, so my amendment speeds up the process. thank you katya, we will definitely follow the progress of this bill. on the contact was our congress correspondent
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kateryna lisynova. the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyy, is proposing to legalize multiple citizenship for the third time and has submitted a corresponding draft law to the verkhovna rada. councils a few years before the great war, ukraine considered the possibility of banning dual citizenship. today, when more than 4 million ukrainians have gone abroad due to a full-scale invasion, dual citizenship may be the key to their return. maria ulyanovska talked with representatives of the diaspora and lawyers and explains why ukraine has dual citizenship and what the new draft law foresees. ukrainian legislation leaves a large gray field for those who want to have several. passports, the official state recognizes a single citizenship, but there is no penalty for having passports from other countries, and ukrainians have taken advantage of this, but since 2014 , this uncertainty also carries many risks. volodymyr zelensky promised to allow ukrainians living abroad
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to have several citizenships during his presidential campaign, and twice submitted bills to the parliament. for the first time, ukrainians from all over the world will feel. themselves not as a diaspora, not just people of ukrainian origin, but ukrainian citizenship, equal ukrainians. the war brought his challenges, and on the day of the unity of ukraine, january 22 , 2024, zelenskyi announced a new bill on multiple citizenship. for everyone who will be able to feel that being in ukraine means being at home, not tourists but citizens of the great, cathedral, united ukraine. the new law should solve current problems, regulate the legal status attract more foreigners who protect ukraine. ethnic ukrainians to rebuild the country, take into account current threats from the aggressor country and avert
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the growing demographic crisis. i would like us people abroad, especially women, children, to hear this, so that when they get a job, etc., and find a new life there, so that they are not in a hurry to renounce the citizenship of our country. this is not the first year that the world congress of ukrainians has advocated the legalization of multiple citizenship in ukraine. i, for example, as a ukrainian, born in canada i can get polish passport today. why? because my father was born in the ukrainian ethnic territory, which today is in poland, but i have the right to obtain polish citizenship through my father, and i cannot obtain it in ukraine. according. diaspora, this step will encourage more ethnic ukrainians to join the reconstruction of the country. we believe
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that this is a wonderful, symbolic step towards the day of unity, and we believe that it will help to join and return ukrainians to ukraine and unite our 65 million the ukrainian nation. ukraine needs brains, ukrainians abroad and hands from abroad. to help as much as possible today, to win and rebuild ukraine. the new draft law recognizes multiple citizenship, but not for everyone. it includes a list of countries whose citizens can acquire ukrainian citizenship in a simplified manner and, in fact , legally have multiple citizenships. these are eu countries and group of seven countries. the initiative simplifies the procedure for obtaining citizenship for foreigners who came to the defense of ukraine, but... the legalization of multiple citizenship will allow to come out of the shadows, if not for millions, then for hundreds
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of thousands of ukrainians who already have several passports. many ukrainians worried that they were getting american citizenship or imagined that they were getting american citizenship, thereby canceling their ukrainian citizenship, but this is not the case, ukrainian citizenship can only be lost by proactive actions. dual citizenship is not only an opportunity to enjoy the best benefits. both countries, and sometimes double responsibility, for example, military or tax. trace always remember, when you enter the territory of america, you are an american citizen, you must use only a us passport. it should be the same when entering ukraine, and then you live in the legal regime of ukraine, as a ukrainian citizen, and you cannot seek protection. protection of the american government in that situation because you are not an alien to your government. among the key
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risks of the legalization of multiple citizenship for the state, the opponents of the initiative name political rights. expression of will is a potential determination of political course countries. therefore, we must be sure that the countries, whose citizens will be able to vote, will always be friendly to ukraine. currently, the simplified list of countries includes hungary and slovakia, whose position on russian aggression is already causing concern. doubts about whether they can be long-term allies of ukraine, but before the initiative will work, the bill on multiple citizenship still needs to be voted by the verkhovna rada. maria ulyanovska, konstantin golubchyk, voice of america. prime ministers of ukraine and slovakia, denys shmehal and robert fice signed a joint statement on strengthening bilateral relations. it happened during the official visit of the slovak prime minister to ukraine, but not to kyiv, but to uzhhorod. already
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after the results of the visit, fitse said that he does not believe that the war in ukraine can be ended by military means, therefore he supports the idea of ​​peace negotiations. earlier, the slovak prime minister expressed his support for the ideas of hungarian leader viktor orban, who opposes further aid to ukraine from the eu. more purpose of the visit and potential alliance between orban and fice. let's talk with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin, who is currently... in touch from london. hello, bohdan. what exactly does this unusual visit of a foreign leader to uzhhorod instead of kyiv mean, and can it indicate the level of relations between the two countries? well, judge for yourself, for many reasons , from many points of view, this visit of the slovak prime minister to ukraine was actually unusual, because even in the worst days during the russian invasion of ukraine over the past two years, in order to emphasize their support to kyiv
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many leaders came, there was the president of the usa. joe biden, french president macron , german chancellor scholz, the prime minister of neighboring poland, donald tusk, who also recently formed a government in a state neighboring ukraine, recently literally arrived, that is, very often in most countries, the leaders of other countries very clearly emphasized that precisely by visiting even being sometimes witnesses of russian missile raids and air defense alarms, they wanted to be in kyiv, they were in places liberated from russian invaders around kyiv, etc., it was, it was not only symbolic, it was also
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educational and also very important, as far as robert fitso, the minister of slovakia is concerned, not only because he could not or did not want to come this time to of kyiv, there is a difference, his slogans about ukraine are also different, different from the majority of allies in the european union and nato. for example, he emphasizes that russia is not an enemy, he notes, of course, that russia attacked ukraine. violated international law, but at the same time he is often in a hurry to emphasize that other states do the same, so judge for yourself, from what he himself said today, returning from uzhgorod to slovakia, about the most important thing in his opinion, regarding his country's relations with ukraine? i repeated to
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prime minister shmegal that i do not believe in any military solution to this conflict. geopolitical interests, that is why i said that my government will support any peace plan, so without hesitation i also supported the peace plan of the president of ukraine zelenskyi, although i am convinced that it is unrealistic, indeed such an unusual statement after a visit to ukraine. bohdane fice expressed support for orban's ideas regarding ukraine in his time. next week is scheduled. the summit at which the fate of multibillion-dollar funding for ukraine will be decided, is there a danger that fice may join orban in opposing funding for ukraine, and has the eu found a way around the blockade? negotiations are ongoing in the european union between countries, between governments and heads of state, to what they
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will lead and how this problem, which could not be solved at the last summit, will be solved. we we will probably see closer to the meeting on february 1 in brussels, or maybe we will even have to wait until this meeting to see what exactly the countries of the european union can do, but the essence of the problem is this: eu countries, eu leaders, say that they want that the aid to ukraine was predictable, long-term and substantial, and proposed a pan-european plan for... approximately 50 billion euros for the period until 2027, because individual countries also help ukraine on a bilateral level, on the contrary, against such an approach, against general collective and financed from the eu budget, the leader of hungary, prime minister orbán, is actually speaking, because he
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says that neither the european union nor brussels should decide the fate. such large sums of money in helping ukraine, he says that he is not against helping ukraine in general, but that should be decided by individual governments, national governments, because it is about money that they ultimately pay to the general treasury of the eu, and here mr. fico, the prime minister of neighboring slovakia, although he is frankly not opposed the plan, but he supports the position of ... mr. orbán, when it comes to supremacy, here it is the national governments, not the collective action of the european union, so we see a certain in ... mr. fico's expressed inclination to many ideas, in particular in fact , even to favoring
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russia and putin in certain issues. we will soon see how it will manifest itself in decisive, decisive times, in relation to specific decisions. this is literally a minute after turkey's decision, the day before, hungary now remains the only one a country that did not ratify sweden's accession to nato. what does this indicate? well, here we are focusing specifically on hungary, slovakia acted in this situation in the same way as most nato countries, which have been for over a year and a half, and the united states, european countries, in fact, all except hungary and turkey have long since ratified sweden's membership, and as well as finland even earlier. more to nato, in hungary, in fact, it was delayed until the last time, they claimed that they had some
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claims against sweden regarding the fact that sweden criticized hungary within the european union, but in budapest they always said that they would do it to turkey, it turned out that mr. orbán could not keep his word. bohdan, thank you. it's extraordinary, it's always nice to talk to you, there's not always enough time, my colleague bohdan tsyupin was on the phone from london, we talked about the most important events for europe today in the context of ukraine. friends, this is how we say goodbye, thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian, see you tomorrow, good luck, take care yourself, pa-pa
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there are 20% discounts on citrik in the psyllium and ochda pharmacies, there are 10% discounts on psyk at the psyllium and ochda pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zimay, we are starting, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war to talk more, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world is living, now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, be please, you have two hours to keep up with the economic news, time for that abita. about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to lina chechenna for
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the information about cultural news, presenters that have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for... intelligent and caring people in the evening at espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. the luxurious life of the ex-deputy chairman of the dnipro district court of kherson. what happened is an exclusively positive moment. there are mass exonerations of evaders in the court in odesa. we actually found that four judges made all these decisions. look, on thursday. on january 25, at 5:45 p.m. , the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we are telling the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. glory
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to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. the fall of il-76 in bielgorod. the russians insist that there were ukrainian prisoners on board. fatal mistake or russian provocation. shmygal agreed with fizo. a meeting of prime ministers in the border town of uzhhorod. slovakia will not block 50 billion euros for ukraine from the eu. it's about uninvited guests. the police are investigating the attack on journalist nikolov's apartment. meanwhile , new facts of corruption are exposed in the ministry of defense. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, general of the security service of ukraine viktor yagun, journalist yury
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nikolov, and a people's deputy. mykola knyazhytskyi. in the second part of our program, which will start in an hour, we will have political experts oleg sahakyan, volodymyr tsibulko and oleksiy koshel. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of a spectacular attack by the armed forces of ukraine on enemy positions. fighters of the 63rd and 63rd separate mechanized brigades worked hard against the occupiers. so four tanks launched a counterattack at once. covered the russian positions near yampelivka in donetsk region with fire. let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please put. in this video, subscribe to our pages on social networks, and also vote in our survey, today we ask you this: do you trust anonymous telegram channels? yes no please vote on youtube or write your opinion on what you think about anonymous telegram channels and do you take into account the information they spread if you watch us on tv please pick up any please phone and vote by
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numbers. if you trust anonymous telegram channels 0800-211381 or 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will pick you up the results of this vote. we have the first guest on the call, this is major general of the security service of ukraine zapasu, deputy head of the sbu in 2014-15. viktor yagun. mr. general, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening! mr. general, today the russian federation is actively torpedoing, informationally torpedoing the downfall of the il-76 plane in belgorod. sources in ukrainian intelligence report that he was transporting missiles for the s-300 anti-aircraft missile complex. the russians are talking about the fact that dozens of ukrainians were apparently on the plane
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prisoners of war who were taken to belgrade. exchange council of the ministry of defense of ukraine confirmed that the exchange of prisoners between russia and ukraine was supposed to take place today, but it is not happening at the moment. a lot of time has passed since the plane crash in belgorod oblast, judging by the way these events are developing and how russia is commenting on all this, trying to shift all the blame for what happened in... the sky of belgorod oblast, and hinting at the fact that we killed their prisoners of war who were flying from russia, is there a technical possibility for to find out whether there were still ukrainian prisoners of war on board this plane or not, at the moment there are no technical possibilities, it is possible only through our available operational sources and through international organizations that would have...
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in particular, the red cross , which.


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