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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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or lighting a bonfire on the territory of an industrial enterprise. in the morning , a fire broke out at one of the furniture factories in the region. the fire raged on an area of ​​more than 3,500 m2. despite the fact that at least 60 firefighters with special equipment tried to extinguish it. it turned out to be extremely difficult to do this, since there was a lot of firewood in the workshop. in a few hours, firefighters reported that they had contained the fire. now. the reason, the reason for the ignition is unknown, well, i suspect something, as always, that it is a short circuit in the wiring, well, it’s interesting also the fact that in chelyabinsk region during the past few days, there have been a lot of fires in goods and industrial, industrial and food markets, both in chelyabinsk itself and in the region, why so, no one knows. and finally, a very, very substantive
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conversation with the president. putin continues his election campaign under the slogan " birth more children in russia." and the day before , he met with large families from all over the country. there were many questions for him, many praises, as always, songs and thanks. good grandfather putin listened to everything, reacted and answered everything, and this conversation would have been boring if it had not been enlivened by a great-grandfather reindeer herder and... from the yamal peninsula in the north, he talked about his family, how they live well and in the course of the conversation he said, well, what exactly, let's listen in direct speech. in our country, tuntarviks are born at 4 years old, they say , they start, you will see a portrait of putin, it does not become, this is...
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our putin, this is every tuntar child, your name is known, they talk for a long time , they start talking at the age of four, they say, mom, i have putin’s деньги есть, buy me milk, and my mother says, where can i buy milk, there is no store in tuntra, this is the story in our tuntra. well , the most interesting thing here is that you paid attention to how he says: well, putin has putin's money, everyone is so happy, the baby is also happy, he wants milk, but where to buy milk? putin did not build stores in the tundra to buy him this milk. and it is also interesting that the tundra loves putin very much, even if she took him to her home once. well, that's all i have. today in the world about ukraine section,
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that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our next broadcast, so don't switch. it was the column world about ukraine with yuriy fizar. the big show on espresso continues, we promised you a trip, because in the very center of the white church we are traveling to the kyiv region. a unique building is located, its history dates back to the times of local elders, that is, from the 18th century, the winter palace got its name due to the status of the residence of the polish counts of bernytskyi, few people know that it was built entirely of wood and belonged to such a complete complex of buildings , which is hidden in secret by the architectural monument, we travel and watch the scenes: majestic columns at the entrance and walls permeated with history
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. how exactly this elegant building looked from the inside during the time of the branitskys, we can only imagine, because since then only partially preserved layout, ancient stucco cornices and stone cellars, in which the nobles kept wine and food stocks, and around the palace there was a whole architectural ensemble, which included 10 buildings, which can be seen in the image polish artist napoleon horda. ever since the times of the belotsarkiv elders, that is, since the 1730s, here, strictly speaking... was the administrative center of the belotsarkiv region, which means that all taxes, all money were brought here , various contracts, agreements and so on were concluded here, it was kept here, as a matter of fact, the entire official archive of the white church was stored in this ensemble, at one time we do not even know for sure, it is so traditionally believed that at the end of the 18th century , a new palace was built on the old brick basement. also wooden, in the style of classicism.
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it was erected to the order of stanislav vincentii yablovskyi. on the foundation of the predecessor of the building of the then mayor. it was she who got it. tsishek xaveri branytskyi together with bilotserkivshchyna. the decisive factor is that the name of the architect of the new building is still unknown. the winter palace is so called because it was at this time that the family of the counts settled here. in summer, they preferred accommodation in oleksandria park. it was such a large enough complex. initially, in the 18th century, it had its own defensive structures. was here palisade, there was a detachment of outdoor cossacks who... guarded it, during the time of the branitskys, uh, there is already enough decorative such a dingy around here, to our time, only the building of the accounting office of the branitskys, the premises where in later times, the chief steward of the counts and the palace itself lived, but the house
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of the noble assembly, which was located on the left in the early 2000s, burned down, on the site of the current dance floor there were massive stables and a carriage house in... in june 1920 , when the bolsheviks entered bila churches, they settled directly in this estate, and during the second world war, these walls became a german military hospital, and later a special hospital for german prisoners of war, and only in the 50s, a district committee of the communist party of ukraine. in 1969 , the historic building was given to a music school headed by the outstanding yuriy pavlenko. it's his name. now has an institution, in 2012, when renovations were taking place in this room, in the director’s office, under the layering of old wallpaper, putty, oil such an old dark blue paint, this was found
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an amazing mural, our outstanding local historians came, and of course everyone said that this is the room, and this is... there were no walls then, this very room was for music lessons with the children of the beranytskyi family, because all the magnates, all the nobles taught children art, and here we can imagine that there was probably a grand piano, where the music teacher used to come, so it is quite symbolic that through the centuries art continues to be taught here, the winter palace is a cultural heritage. of national importance and is included in of the state register of immovable monuments of ukraine. darya ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics
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of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. are looking for resonance in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world. will be disgusting. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two
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hours to keep up with economic news and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests. studio events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback , you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for using a telephone survey. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the big broadcast on espresso traveled about the palace in the white church, and talked about money, and about money during the war, and
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oleksandr morschavka will talk about it. he is already with us in the studio. alexander, congratulations. thank you for your words, i greet the audience. will you tell us this secret today, how ukrainian corn paralyzed the whole. poland, you see, roman, for some reason the polish farmers of our grain are afraid, and not only grain, and other agricultural products, why exactly corn and... just became an obstacle to the development of polish agriculture, well, i will tell this together with an expert who will join the release, and you will also find out whether there will be indexation of pensions in ukraine, which prevents it from being done recalculation, about this and not only, all in a moment. i'm oleksandr morshchevka, congratulations, this is a column about money during the war, i'll start with personally. capital, so to speak, the state budget has funds for indexation of pensions, in the event of
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a lack of money, additional funds will be cut social support programs and , so to speak, privileges, the minister of social policy, oksana zholnovich, informed about it, in particular, expenses may be reduced for spa treatment, certain additional payments may also be canceled by court decision, the main reason now, which is called among government officials. the main reason among experts, which may still delay the recalculation of ukrainian pensions, is the delay in funding from international partners, it is their money that goes directly to payments to state employees, however, people are now being assured that everything will be in order first, on march 1 procedure, everything will be according to the state budget , but we will monitor, there will be money, there will be indexation, there will be no money, well, then let the government officials answer again, and these... interesting figure, roman, in particular, i came across that the world bank predicts the growth of the ukrainian economy not only according to the indicators
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of last year, we are still waiting for the final data to announce them, and in 2024 they also see an increase in the gross domestic product, but 18 in 18% of ukrainian businesses were destroyed due to russian aggression, this figure was announced in the world bank, and they say, essentially every fifth entrepreneur suffered losses , and the vast majority... of course, our business was destroyed in the east, but this is a private business, that's what is meant, that's how we are talking about ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses, but with large everything is not so bad , everything is not so bad with big, but we did not have so many big ones, in fact, if we talk about giants, yes, but if we talk about the development of business and export revenues to the state budget, the figure is interesting, because of the black sea the corridor organized by ukraine was exported already... they sent 17 million tons of cargo to more than 30 countries of the world. the lion's share
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is understood to be agricultural products, the seaport administration reported. we are talking about the period from august last year, these results also significantly exceeded the volumes that were achieved during the implementation of the black sea grain initiative, jointly with the un and turkey. at that time, our ships often delayed russian inspections, which really affected the performance of the contract. and on budget receipts and on receipt of our products by customers. well, we talked about the sea route, but about the land is also timely. there was a big protest by farmers in poland. the participants of the action with tractors and other agricultural machinery took to the roads in more than 15 places throughout the territory of poland , demanding that farmers resolve the issue with the import of agricultural products from countries. well, it seemed to me that the visit of the polish prime minister mr. tusk to kyiv was a little bit, well
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, maybe it would put all the dots on the i, but we see this story for a long time, and what is happening and will happen now in the opinion of ukrainians experts we will ask denys marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council. good evening i congratulate you. mr. denis, well, this story is really long in your opinion. and name what losses have already been suffered by ukrainian farmers and what are the forecasts for the future in general? well, if we take the moment of the beginning of the blockade, as first by polish carriers, then by polish farmers, and november, december, the month lost order for all business, which was focused on export, as well as import on the territory of ukraine reaches more than 1.5 billion euros. we understand that the numbers will be added, as the promotions were held tentatively until the middle of january, but this is it. context, i think it is better to discuss the protests of poles, which
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are of an internal nature directly for poland and for the european union as a whole, because if you look at the last demands that were related to the polish government, at the time when the polish farmers came out, mostly they spoke for subventions, for crediting to work, for taxes not to rise, and in principle the same the position was also emphasized by the romanian farmers when they went out, so we see a certain kind of protest us... which today prevails in the european community, because before that we saw the speeches of the german farmers, and the farmers from france made statements, so i actually think that there is a big the process of reforming the agrarian sector. is directly happening in the european union, and we, in addition, as a country that has received certain rules, without duties and without quotas to sell its products, are also becoming hostages of certain of these political debates. sir, we are here with roman the seagull discussed about corn, is such corn painful for ukrainian farmers from our fields, and why, on which types
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of products certain restrictions are going to be introduced, here it is not only poland, we are talking about five countries of the european union. well, actually, if we are talking about which crops, then most likely the usual ones that we had in the previous negotiations, it was about wheat, rapeseed, sunflower, corn, soybeans, but now the technical aspect of additional negotiations between ukraine and precisely poland in in the context of which licenses will be affected for which areas of agriculture and crops, i.e. will it be exclusively these five nominations of crops, or will there possibly be other groups of goods. therefore, let's wait a little, because these technical negotiations should start from day to day, and we will understand poland's position in this matter in more detail. well, here, while preparing for the program, i saw that when poland joined the european union, there were also protests by farmers from france and germany, maybe protests against ukrainian farmers, also a natural process, we we continue integration into the european community, and
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we just need to go through it, work out certain documents, determine certain tariffs, etc. you are definitely right, because no one said that this process would be easy, and it is only a process for us, let's say this, discussions, partial implementations are taking place, but in fact what we hear with you is from words politicians, in particular of the european union, that political accession is possible not earlier than 2030, but by that time we need to understand how we will work in the field of rural economy, because most of the issues are related to european integration. precisely in this aspect , why, because the agricultural sector in the european community is one of the most subsidized, that is , the distribution of 50 percent of the eu budget actually goes to support such farms, if ukraine joins the very powerful sector that we have today in our agricultural economy, this is a very large share of the budget that will be
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redirected to ukraine, of course, this may be objectionable, but in addition to subsidies, we understand that ukraine will apply for certain markets... in which poland has been working for a long time, receiving certain subsidies, receiving certain rights, permits, and it quite actively presents its products in the countries of the eurozone, and ukraine has now , even in this insignificant short time, also been able to partially show itself, and this is evidenced by the data, because, for example, in 2023, under the conditions of ukraine's receipt of about 22 billion dollars in turnover for the export of agricultural products, more than 54%, this is actually the trade that we conducted with. peysk zone. thank you for the clarification. the topic remains open. denys marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council, was in touch. well, according to the data of the world bank, i will add that despite the great war, agriculture still continues to give certain and such positive results. the export potential is growing despite all the strikes, despite the blockade of the sea corridor. well, let's hold on. this was the latest
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information from the world of money. i will say goodbye, but there is a big broadcast going on. more will follow. well, the big espresso ether is going on, we promised you a recap too, triple attack on kharkiv and. there is something to tell you: 10 dead and about 60 wounded, these are the consequences of the latest rocket attacks on kharkiv, the insurgents shelled the city three times in the last day, the city hall estimated that more than 120 apartment buildings were damaged, more than 400 windows were broken, and it is still going on
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clearing the rubble of the five-story building that was hit by a rocket yesterday morning, the occupiers attacked late in the evening. also in the middle of the city, that is, the kyiv district, what is happening there now, see further in our story: mr. vasyl, i was just at home, when a rocket hit the house across the street, the man was not injured, but in this communal apartment , even the interior walls were destroyed by the blast wave. i was watching tv, our ukrainian program, and it went crazy, well, what a memory i had after that, i collapsed, a pillar of smoke, i was lying, the glass was flying, i didn't touch a single glass. this is the most interesting thing in that building across the street was yulia's office, she says that she didn't even want to go here in the morning, because they were afraid that the russians would strike again. there are no windows or ages. there is nothing, no door, nothing, refuge i was right on the territory of the premises, plastered
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only the walls, nothing else, the office, well, it is temporarily not working. yesterday , the occupiers fired 15 rockets at kharkiv. the last wave of shelling was around 10 p.m., two rockets hit a scientific institution in the kyiv district, and one rocket hit kholodnohirskyi. area in the office premises. in total, the invaders destroyed more than 120 apartment buildings in the city during the day. about 20 houses are still without electricity and gas, according to the city hall. for the second day in a row, utility workers and repairmen eliminate the consequences. volunteers hand out hot drinks and food to everyone who wants it, because the people themselves, if they wanted to, could have cooked without electricity or gas. they can't do anything for themselves, coffee, tea, here we have it, here we have delicious porridge, very tasty with meat, yes, we treat everyone who wants it, the demolition of the rubble is still ongoing
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, there are no opinions, you want exactly the same for them, for the espresso tv channel from kharkiv , well, at the end of our part, we are like real gentlemen, we still need to talk about the weather, but before we talk about the weather, gentlemen... even talk about sports, and yevgeny will help us here pastukhov with a digest of sports news. dayana yastremska will play in the semi-finals of the australian open championship. today, in the quarter-final match, the ukrainian tennis player defeated the czech linda noskova. two sets of 6-3-64 were enough for dayani. the match lasted an hour and 20 minutes. yastremska acted aggressively. style in the first game, making 11 winners. after the victory in the quarterfinals , the ukrainian woman left an inscription on the camera: i am proud of our soldiers from ukraine. i came here and
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just focused on playing every match, on improving. i worked on some things that are a bit personal. it was more related to my head and how i feel on the court. i didn't set a goal, you know, to go to the quarterfinals, the fourth round, the semifinals, or anything like that. i was... just trying to enjoy the game here. yastremska is the first ukrainian woman in history to play in the semi-finals of the australian open. this result is also a repetition of ukraine's historical record for all grand slams. previously , only elina svitolina played in matches of this level three times. for a ticket to the yastremsk final argues with the chinese woman qin wenzhen. the game will take place on thursday, january 25. the representative of china knocked out the neutral from the competition in the quarterfinals. russian anna kalinskaya. the confrontation lasted three sets. kalinskaya 7.4 won the first game. in the second set, the score is 3:3. qin wen won three
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games in a row and won the game 6:3. in the final set, which was interrupted by a neutral time-out, jen took a convincing 6-1 victory. the match between yastremska and jen in the semifinals of the tournament in melbourne will be their first face-to-face confrontation. prefab of ukraine in biathlon. began performances at the european championship 2024. today , men's and women's individual races took place. among men, two ukrainians managed to finish in the top 20, namely anton dutchenko and vitaly manzyn. they have the 12th and 16th places , respectively. the norwegian vebyrn soerum became the european champion in the individual race. oleksandra markushyna finished among the first 20 in the women's individual competition. the ukrainian took 18th place. she triumphed. norwegian maren kier kaede. the european championship will continue with sprints in friday, january 26. poltava vorskla has announced its withdrawal from the collective members
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of the football association of the poltava region. the club emphasized that the circumstances taking place in ukrainian football recently contradict european values ​​and provisions of the uefa statute. thank you yevhen, it was sports news, but i need to conclude with some good and optimistic news, it shouldn’t be depressing, so i will start with such pleasant news that came to us from cyprus, because that is where the aggressor country, the russians the occupiers had the largest offshore for russian business, as of today, as reported by the associated press, it is closed... 82% of clients from the russian federation, you see what good news, and i will also tell you that in russia there is such a long term, it is
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probably from pavlik the ice cream is gone, they like to say that honest pioneer thing there, and how does honest husytsky sound, you know how it sounds, it sounds like today’s official statement from these terrorists, they are engaged in piracy in the red sea, which was the reason for the coalition attack on the khossites, it only part of yemen, which they control, from there they conduct shelling, both on saudi arabia, and attack ships, so honest husitsky sounds like this, they officially... declared that from now on the houthis will not sink, capture, russian ships and china in the red sea, here it is the honest houthis, and the houthis in general are quite an interesting option, when the soviet union was already falling apart along all the borders and seams, and when the soviet union was collapsing, it was at that time that i remember how i boasted i am a soviet
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lieutenant colonel, what is he serious about? promotions, well, he is sent as a military instructor to the houthis in yemen, a verbatim quote, and then he even sent some photos where he is in a hot climate, in shorts and already with the epaulettes of a russian colonel, in a word, not a single russian trace can be observed in all those houthi stories , and before the gentlemen talk about the weather, of course, i can't help but tell you about the joy... the news was confirmed by our ministry of culture and information, it's about chernihiv, it's something that always surprised me, because chernihiv has a whole series of very ancient temples, that of the chernihiv principality, which reached far into the midnight, and all these temples of the 9th-10th centuries, that is, these powerful architectural structures were built even at the time when bears were afraid of the gnelushka river moscow enters.
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but somehow it happened and it seemed that for the last 30 years they were actually controlled by such a structure as the uoc-mp, that is, the self-styled ukrainian orthodox church of the moscow order of the lenin patriarchate, but they tried, tried, the commercial court of the chernihiv region finally rejected it yesterday, and today our ministry confirmed the lawsuit, because they really wanted to continue to rule in russian in the trinity monastery. and within the limits of the national architectural and historical reserve of chernihiv , the ancient and very much wanted savior of the transfiguration cathedral continued to sing anathema to ukrainians and alleluia to their generals from moscow. in a word, good news , as you can see, i told you, but now, well, now, as the poet said, where are you cats of my people, where, well, natalka didenko has all these cats, because
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they help her analyze the weather. all western regions are marked in yellow on the map weather, that is, a warning, and now natalya didenko will tell us what awaits us in the next day, synoptic hello to all, dear ukrainians, today we will talk, of course, about the weather that is expected in the next day, in january it gets older. is gradually heading towards its end, we are not against it, but of course we will not be in a hurry and will pay attention to each january day, and for now we will first talk about such a phenomenon as a thaw, and everyone is very happy about thaws at times, because a thaw is an increase in air temperature to 0° and above after a long frosty period or a period
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with prevailing minuses. well, thawing affects the phase of precipitation, for example, wet snow during thawing will turn into rain or freezing rain. thawing is also evidence of a sudden change in the weather, therefore the phenomenon itself has a rather serious effect on the health of people who are weather-dependent, and on the condition of the roads, and on the general situation, and even on injuries, because during the day it is cold, even in the evening -1 , this is such freezing or binding with a thin... layer of puddles, all this can be dangerous, so in addition to the positive effect on mood, when comes warmth after a long frosty period, of course you have to be very careful and pay close attention when the forecast talks about a thaw. we talked about thawing and now we move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. magnetic activity will fluctuate tomorrow, magnetic storms will be observed tomorrow, so who knows.


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