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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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they are carried out in a completely different number, for one or two escorts, two escorts, for three escorts - 3.6 escorts, for seven escorts - 7.10 escorts, that is, we can already see that this number does not match even with their charter documents , this is the first moment, the second moment, these doubts appeared when a appeared first. shots of the field itself, no bodies of the dead were observed on the field, the remains of the il-76 were scattered at a distance of 5 km, while there was little left of them, this all indicated that more in his own way, that there was not only fuel on board this plane. which detonated
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when this plane fell, and there was some other cargo that could have detonated and destroyed the plane even more and scattered its remains over an even greater radius, and of course the absence of bodies, because we remember very well the photo of the field in which the mh17 fell, which was shot down by the russian zbuk m3, and then with a large number of tails from the boeing itself, and there was a large number of passengers in the photo and video, let’s even take the fall of such a a small plane, a commercial flight , on which, well, a commercial type of plane, on which, a business jet, on which yevgeny prigozhy flew, a small number of people on board, a small plane, but the first photos and videos from this field, they also recorded the bodies of the dead , they were noticeable, there is a big field here. snow
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, on which we cannot see the bodies, well, there is a question, where are they, the point is, well, apart from everything else, information is now appearing, well, it has already been published, that the plane itself, it was going to take off, not to land, that is, if the plane leaves belgorod and does not fly to belgorod, then he cannot take prisoners of war to belgorod for exchange. and they repeatedly talked about the fact that it was very interesting that they emphasized the fact that this particular board, this particular plane constantly took part in a kind of iranian express, that is, it was a military transport plane that flew to iran for kamika shakhead 136 drones and others military cargo, so there are a lot of such moments, but you have to understand that...
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russians, they are in order to maximize and discredit as much as possible and do it the most murderous is ipso, they can do anything, the good ones will do anything, if they don't have enough bodies of the dead for evidence, they can arrange them, that's the problem, and if they don't have enough evidence for that, to confirm their version, they can also do them, and this seems to be the biggest danger in this situation? well, here it must be said that we have an even worse situation than when mh17 fell, which the russians, i recall, shot down, then there were some international journalists there, they could at least to see something, and they saw it, and now we have a territory that, according to the latest reports, has simply been completely closed, they don't even let russian civilian rescuers go there. only the military
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is there and what is happening there is not clear at all, absolutely , that is, anything can be done there, anything can be falsified, well, in the end we will see during the day, will they film something there, will they not, because i can’t see from there yet there are not even any correspondent shoots there, nothing at all yet, so let's see, but here it is interesting to pay attention to a slightly different story, this is the second such strange story in these days, well you... on the morning of january 21st, a bazaar in donetsk was shelled , which they also tried to present as shelling from the side of ukraine , and which in principle, well, it is quite doubtful, from the point of view that it can be a reality, that ukrainian forces were shooting there, because, well, our forces do not confirm at all that they were firing at that moment in that direction and well... in general his
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presentation, i talked about it in another program, it is so very doubtful, but it is clear that there is such a one, you know, there is a whole series of er... well, active propaganda russian companies, which i think are just a little connected with what was said in the review of our analysts, who drew attention to the fact that ukraine now has the ability to reach quite far and hit such, you know, logistical military targets on the territory of russia, and here we can, in principle, even to see the relationship, what is possible... these are all such provocations are aimed at depriving ukraine of these opportunities, or at least, well, tying our hands in some way, can it be so, i 'm not talking about that, but er, it's a simple question, i think, for the russians , and what is it that
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could fly so far and to what extent it is actually a ukrainian product, yes, if we are talking about... and the terrorist attack in donetsk, the russians there immediately began to tell that it was a 155-caliber projectile, a 155-klipt projectile. that is, of the western model, and at the same time the flight trajectories of this projectile were considered, if i am not mistaken, it was it has been proven that this shot was fired from the red guard mines, and this is the occupied territory, and we... today, in general , it makes no sense to do such and such provocations with the aim of discrediting ukraine, because well, any, any means of counter-battery struggle, he records where the shot is fired from and where the half-trajectory of this projectile is directed, we do not live in the middle ages, this is already
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a medieval method of making such provocations, but the russians did them with a purpose, again in order to spread even among western ... media, among western politicians of a pro-russian direction, and here are these narratives that there is no need to provide ukrainians with ammunition, because they fire them at the civilian population of donetsk, the so-called dpr, and regarding the a50 and il-22 , they really scared the russians by shooting down and damaging those planes, and they 're going to try. by all kinds of methods, but to block the transfer to ukraine, respectively , of complexes that could theoretically have been used during these shots, but if we are talking about the destruction of these planes, but when we talk about, for example, what
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happened in st. petersburg, yes, there is an energy terminal there, something hit an aerial object, then this... is not directly a western weapon, they talk about it openly, these are some of the drone projects that are produced in gurmo of ukraine, which are produced by the sbu, and of course they share among themselves the targets that they strike with the help of their own production of products, and it has nothing to do with the event, but... for russians are also important in my opinion the creation of such a creation of such a distorted threat from ukraine allegedly for civilians in the russian federation, and precisely for
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the purpose of discrediting ukraine, i think they will go to great lengths, and therefore i do not rule out even the fact that it may happen on the territory of the russian federation ... some event, some incident with civilians at a civilian object, and they will be blamed for it , ukraine itself will be blamed, because the russians have nothing to counteract, to oppose all long-range weapons , as we can see, they cannot air defense, it is getting weaker and weaker every day, and then i understand that in general. the appearance of such means that express so far, well, it changes somewhat the general picture of hostilities, theoretically it can happen, yes, of course, this is an influence already beyond the boundaries of the near radio judge, the near rear, because st. petersburg, it remained
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a rear city for almost two years , it was a rear city, but now it is no longer a rear, in fact, if drones fly there that can... strike such objects, before that we we remember that moscow ceased to be the rear city, and then it was the pskov region, everyone remembers the airfield. on which, by the way , the il-76 military transport aircraft was destroyed and damaged, and therefore gradually this understanding of the rear zone in russia, well, it loses its significance, because it is this near and middle body zone, they are the most important in matters of logistics, support, and even more so, i would say, management of troops and used. even the effective use of the same tactical aviation, and gradually the entire zone,
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it disappears, well, i can also see that the power has increased, i would say the carrier itself, because it’s one thing that a drone that flew in and, in principle, damaged it, but not badly, and another thing if the power such that, in principle , the damage is really critical and requires a long repair. their elimination, and this is already a completely different reality, judging by everything, this also happened. now we have to go to a commercial break for a few minutes, let 's go, then we'll talk about what's happening on our line front, so wait. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. most relevant. topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on
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the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country must get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, us boring, because there is nothing to argue about, let's invent, help to understand everyday life and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible, a project for those who care and think, political club, every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself, the following shots may shock you. news from the scene live. political analytics objectively
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and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially draw your own conclusions.
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these are the chronicles of the war, we continue the conversation with oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political commentator of the information resistance group, and we are also joined by maksym morozov, a member of the freedom legion, a major of the ministry of internal affairs from near avdiivka. i congratulate you, mr. maxim. glory to ukraine.
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glory to heroes. well, that's why we'll start, in fact, from your front line to inspect. well , it looks like the most active, well , this is actually the sore point - south of avdiyivka, where the russians managed to break through to the tsar's camp. it's such a restaurant over there. or there is a hotel complex, i don’t know how to call it exactly, which was defended there for a long time, well, now it has been captured, certain positions have also been captured nearby, and mr. maksymich, can you describe, in fact, what the threats from this can be, to what extent this is a dangerous action, and how can the situation develop further, that’s how i understand it, it wasn’t the first time they tried to storm there and it wasn’t the first time they even tried to enter there and gain a foothold, well, let’s start with the fact that everything is correct from the end of your dialogue or
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monologue, everything is correct, who is on which broadcasts i am was not. even before this whole, let's say , fractious situation, let's call it that , well, excuse me, because it was i who said that moskal was making attempts to enter the cities, absolutely no one hid this, there is no need to make a fuss about it, there were simply attempts to enter from from the side of the industrial zone, these devge were met by our defense forces, they were destroyed by those who managed to enter, the same attempts of the muscovy were to enter the copstochemical plant, and everyone saw how the muscovy ran there to the... fence or even ran into the factory, well, everyone realized that they were destroyed, now the same, one of the same there was an attempt to enter the streets of the old part of the city of avdiyivka via savska, so i would not make some such , i don’t know, infop out of it in order to tell that everything was lost, there
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were none of the brigade leaders, none of the division leaders, none of fighters with whom i communicate, none of the performers with whom i communicate stated that there is such a critical situation in avdiivka, and it is necessary to urgently, urgently leave, retreat, leave avdiivka, these are all statements of some very middle-aged experts and analysts who are far from avdiivka, as i am from venus, therefore, accordingly, i would not say that this is something so new, and that the enemy does not make an attempt to enter the city, and after this equally not ... distant attempt, he will not repeat all these actions again, the essence in that, the only thing that i will correct you a little bit, tavskaya okhota, is the center, let's say so, of this avdiiv front, because the south is already from the experience and lower to the sands, this is the southern flank, and this is precisely the central to kokssokhim, this is all the center, then it goes north in the direction of berdychi and all the way to dosheretino, because the enemy is not
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stops trying precisely from the north through the railway line, if you zoom in there... that's right, you will see that there is such a triangle, and from this triangle he is trying to threaten the reed itself and the equally expensive logistical route, there is such a fight against this small villages , accordingly, there are also huge attempts there, and they are more dangerous, because all these interventions in the city that moskal made, they are all liquidating, and therefore it cannot be said that now the tsar's will is under... control of the moskals, in i have completely different information it is a little bit different from yours, but i will not voice it yet, but i will clearly say that the royal will is not under the control of the muscovites. another question is that the vorokh use a stone in huge quantities, that is, if that year the avnirk was subjected to huge blows
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by nops, so-called, then the enemy of muscat realized that you cannot scare the defense force of the norsemen, that is, that is really why... weapons, so it is scary, but everyone here got used to them and showed muscovites, let's say, the average smoke and said where we all have them there, accordingly they drew conclusions from this and they began to use cabs very actively, so i would emphasize now not even the shackles of muscovites to enter the audio store, they are there, they will be and they were, that is, there will still be these attempts, but the number of cabs that they were releasing now. around the city, realizing that only by removing him from the face of the earth would they somehow be able to advance the defense force, this is indeed true, that is, in this short period of this 24th year, many more cabs have been released than in the whole of the last 23 years, because is a statistic, and accordingly, if a statistic showed that in the 23rd year, a huge
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number of noves, then this time they changed to a more destructive weapon, this is the kabyl, again, they use the kabyl in order to break the only road, that is, there are purposeful blows on that solid canvas, which leads in order to kill it , to make it impossible, or, let’s say, to hinder it by logistical means, tell me how far these cabs are running, if you look at the map again, it goes, well, let’s say, avdiyivka’s colic, or more there so to the west, that is, somehow describe this. avdiyivka is not as big, you know, as kyiv, or any other regional, regional center, but even for that it is small. a town of a thousand before a full-scale invasion, the enemy is already , well, you have to ask the statistics, because i am afraid to say now in efiv, an inaccurate figure, but about 500 cabs will be dropped in this month,
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that is, you can imagine, it can be up to a dozen cabs, that is, cabs - this is the same air bomb, only it plans, and accordingly it is dropped from the plane and plans, well , as far as i remember, it is more... 25 km away can plan, i.e. after 25 km at the maximum altitude, the plane drops this guided airship and it flies to the airship while planning, the fact that its accuracy is not as high as that of missiles, but the destructive power of these cabs is much higher, why is this done , that houses with four floors and above are completely destroyed, that is, in avniivka there are four-story houses, nine-story houses and... a house, yes, that is, they are all destroyed as possible strongholds of the defense forces, in the same way , these cabs fly into the old part, avdiyvka in
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search of houses where the forces can be of defense, i.e. units there are mortars, where there may be drones, where there may be infantrymen, and accordingly these cabs in such a number are designed to destroy all living things, not only the defense forces, but the entire city, so it cannot be said that... cabs somewhere they fall only around the ninth quarter, the cabs are now evenly, let’s say, divided and fly throughout the entire territory of the city, this is both the old part and the more, let’s say, newer part of it, these are chemists, well, in fact, we even noted in our review , that there are the last literally well a few days ago, it was already a hundred cabs that fell on avdiivka, that is, it is really quite the largest number that i got there... they shared with me, it was 12 cabs in 35 minutes, but you say that now they are very they use cabs a lot, except for cabs
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, which you also note now, the technique of application, on foot, well, that is, how, in what way they are now also trying to use something else, well, again, nothing there, foot attacks have not been canceled, that is, they took there kind of... probably a pause, i called it that, you know the realization of muskalnia that they lost the three-month battle that they started in october, and i even said on some channels, i hold this opinion until now, that muskalnia lost the battle for the october battle of ardiak in the year 23, it does not mean that they don't want a rematch, and that number of cabs shows that they've started this round number two, that is, if they've been beaten badly enough in the first round. some claim losses of 10 to one, this is in manpower, but in equipment, in general, they suffered huge losses there in three months, about 400
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units and by the most modest calculations, so that is to say, they received a very serious knockdown, now they are drawing certain conclusions from this, and that is why they decided to use stents from the ground - this is the city, and that is why they began to use such a huge number of caps, which in... do not destroy, and again these foot attacks are taking place, i am not saying that they are strong assaults there, but there is a sufficient number of infantrymen who are thrown into the curtain, who are eliminated by our mortar calculations, who are eliminated by our drones, our unmanned aerial vehicles and vehicles and so on, again the enemy uses attempts to drive in equipment, the enemy also uses large quantities of his unmanned aerial vehicles. reconnaissance devices that fly like orland or hall, again lancets, that is, they go to such preparatory work for a new battle, and well
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, this battle in fact began again precisely with the use of that huge number of cabs, but other types and types of troops are also used , as to whether there are convicts there, that's how they appeared prisoners in our, in our area, these are the so-called... storm z and storm b, again, the number, i'm afraid to make a mistake in the numbers now, but it is estimated that about 40 thousand reserves gathered for the assault on avdiivka, again , the moscow tank station formed from scratch approached, where new tanks are also seen, and again, this famous battle of bevedli with the t-80 showed that new tanks... with this regiment arrived, moscow and such, they will participate, participation in the storming of ardia, well, but we are again, like all the defense forces are preparing for this, for this, for this storm
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, well... from what you say, this is precisely what follows, that it is possible that there will be some such another larger-scale attempt, such a synchronous assault precisely with the help of equipment, if it was pulled up and they are currently conducting a preliminary shelling with anti-aircraft guns, so the situation is actually such that we have to wait for such an intensified assault in the coming days, well no, i can’t say in the coming days, again the plans are unknown to the muscovites and if their conventional concepts, he says... are known saying, proverb, and so it's really now a huge number of kabs, which will be, when this storm will be, we can't know, but we are preparing, we are preparing bpla operators, we are all defense forces , in principle, acting on everyone on their flank, which is from the southern flank , that the northern , let's say the center, all the defense forces, in my opinion , are set up seriously enough to give the muscovites a break, that is, i
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did not hear or see any panicky mood or panic setting in any of my conversations with various... representatives of various brigades in any brigade, all everyone understands the threats see these cabs, everyone sees this simply crazy activity of their aviation on the skids of these cabs, but no one shows even a word that it is necessary to retreat, again these statements of some experts, they only annoy me and others. defenders of avdiivka regarding the fact that someone, some expert , allows himself to declare that avdiivka should be abandoned, that there is someone, that she has already fulfilled some of her role, something else, these are statements, they only annoy the defense forces and soldiers who are protecting ardivika now, so i would use it like that i would like to take this opportunity to ask such experts to cover their mouths a little, because they will have to answer for these words, well, i hope we don't have such experts on the air, thank you very much maksym
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moroz, how are you with us? joined and told us what was happening, we wish you success in your struggle, and in fact, we hope that everything will turn out in the best way, mr. oleksandr, look, mr. maksym told us now about the increase of these very attacks by kaba, and we know , that, for example, such attacks by kabama in the krynok region succeeded in this way to reduce a little after the plane was shot down there, but how much... uh , well, you know, the theoretical probability that something like that could happen in the avdiivka area, as far as it is theoretically possible to pull something so close to the front , which would allow to achieve the same effect? anything can be, in fact, the point is that to reset the cab, the plane really, it
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is outside the zone. actions, for example, of short-range complexes, beyond the range of manpads, as well as some types of medium radius actions so, the plane must be at an altitude of 15 km, the maximum that can be afforded by front-line bombers, interceptors, fighters, sorry, su-34, and it must also depart from the flight distance of kabu, depending on what block in ipc, what type of modification, and what kind of bomb, fab-250 or fab-500, it can have a flight distance of up to 30 km to 40 km, respectively, because its weight affects the flight range, and exactly what type of ompk is used, but we roughly count it like this, from 30 to 40 km, therefore, one way or another, he will have
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to go to the location for dropping this bomb, although outside the radius of a small and medium level, but within a large radius, well, for example, 100 km, 160 km, ah, this is exactly the functionality of the complexes large radius of action, and in the case of the left-bank kherson oblast , bombs were dropped not over cheplynka to strike the right bank, but also in the krynyk area, much closer, but these planes were destroyed. the tsu-34 is just above the chepelnik, and therefore i do not rule out that something like this can happen in avdiivka district, although, again, it cannot be on a permanent basis. on the other hand , about the increase in the number of strikes with kababs, it should be noted here that the russians...


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