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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EET

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up to 40 km, so one way or another he will have to go to the location to drop this bomb, although outside the radius of a small and medium level, but within a large radius, well, for example, 100 km, 160 km, ah, that's it the functionality of complexes with a large radius of action, and in the case of the left-bank kherson region, they did not drop over the cheplynka. bombs for striking on the right bank , as well as in the krynok area, much closer, but these planes were destroyed, the su 34 was right over its airfield, and therefore i do not rule out that something like this could happen in the avdiyivka area as well, although again, this cannot be on a permanent basis. on the other hand, regarding the increase in the number of strikes carried out by kababs, it should be noted here that the russians...
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have reduced their presence on the left bank, their aviation and the use of kababs to a minimum, almost to zero, i would even say so, but this ammunition, this ammunition, they are redistributing between other groups of troops, between other bridgeheads, and also the impact on avdiyivka is so intense now, it is connected with the fact that they have freed up the resource that they are allocating. including avdiivka, well not only in avdiivka, but in the kupyansk direction as well, as far as i can see, the number has now increased, and it already looks like this, you know, as if at the current moment there is such an element of their tactical actions in general, that is, they are now working as cabals in the area of ​​kupyansk and avdiyivka, they have now increased the number of armored vehicles there, they are starting to storm there again and there and there, and judging by all this, there are such. the two biggest
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directions, where they apply all this and where they are now, judging by everything, preparing for some such bigger actions, well, i think so i don't seem to know how you deal with this idea, no, it's true, because there are correspondingly large areas, there are correspondingly large numbers of buildings that need to be destroyed in order to advance, for example, if we talk about avnica, well, this is the same principle that was in bakhmut, because in bakhmut, the high-rise buildings... played the role of firing positions, and these were the heights that allowed to keep the russian invaders at a distance. when all high-rise buildings were completely destroyed in bakhmut, it was much more difficult managed to keep russian waves, storm waves outside the city and in the city itself. so, they are trying to do the same in avdiyivka, there are not many high-rise buildings, but... they are there, and they play the role of
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heights, they are also trying to completely destroy them, raze them to the ground, and besides everything else, according to kup' yansk, there are fortified ones there, especially near senkivka, against whom they are trying to use cabs in this location, and certainly mainly in kupyansk as well, but do we know where they actually use these planes from, that is, where they come from they all take off, yes, in principle, if we are even talking about, well, the kupinsky direction, it is from the airfields of the belgorod region, if we are talking about the avdiivskyi direction, it can be airfields from the rostov region, also military ones, and by the way, to one of these in 2023, one of some drones flew to the airfields, and then several su-34s were damaged, so in fact all these locations are known, so they sometimes
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relocate them depending on what the combat task is, where they need to take off, but these locations are all known. well, let's hope that somehow these shortcuts are not only known, but also will be achievable in the near future. well, actually, if you were trying to predict the further development of events, what would you pay attention to first of all, and also, by the way , speaking of this, a meeting was held in romstein, just now, and there should still be a meeting in february. what should we pay the most attention to in view of what is currently developing on the battlefield? i think that attention is constantly paid to this, that is, it is the supply of artillery, it is the supply of the necessary quantity ammunition, this is again an air defense issue, a very important issue is not only the amount of ammunition, but also in addition to this, it is the issue of the number of artillery units, the supply of the artillery itself, both barreled and reactive, and
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i hope that, nevertheless, the event is getting closer with each step to the decision to grant permission to ukraine. use western missile weapons on the territory of the russian federation? well, that, that, yeah, that would be a big decision, even with these conversations that we're having right now with regard to planes, cabs and the possibility of russian front-line aircraft operating without the possibility of hitting this aircraft at nearby, in fact, airfields that are not so far from the front line, well, it is very difficult to solve this issue. thank you, oleksandr kovalenko, our time is running out. fallen, i remind you about our collection for the 141st brigade, there are various, various , uh, there are walkie-talkies, batteries, sterling, everything, you see this collection now, so please join, it is very important, this orihiv
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direction, zaporizhzhia, an important direction, vaz each, well, any of your contributions, even a small one, is very important, well, actually further... news on the espresso tv channel, stay with us, we have something to tell you. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. you are a guest every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. when knowledge equals life. to medical
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assistance. mine and explosive safety. tactical camouflage and marksmanship. rules of conduct during shelling. over 35. oblasts of ukraine, the civilian preparedness center, a project of the serhiy prytula charitable foundation, stronger when you are ready for anything, register.
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injured lions, tigers, wolves and many other wild animals, a wild animal rescue center operates in chubynskyi, kyiv region. here the tails are rehabilitated and prepared for a better life, many had to be rescued from the war, among them tigrul, she was brought from kharkiv oblast in the fall of the 22nd, she lived in a private house in a small cage, where her owner abandoned her.
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the animal got to the center exhausted fracture of the knee joint, kidney and joint failure. it was still possible to operate on her, although it was a huge risk. thank god, everything was successful, we were able to remove the pain in this joint, see now, she is running, recently during the next shelling, she hit the grate, got a concussion, in which, of course, all the rehabilitation went back a little, but now the condition, you have seen her improve, i hope we can restore her to a stage where she can live happily. life, and this is the porcupine tosh, all his life he entertained the circus audience, and when he retired , the trainer transferred him to the center, due to the fact that he had to live in a small box, now tosha has a habit of walking in
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circles in the enclosure, when the animal is wild, they have to live in the wild, under normal circumstances, but when they're put in a small cage, they 're in there...well, it's quite a lot of stress for them, they go crazy in there, and so then, unfortunately, that's the behavior when you put them in a big enclosure , they still walk like that. slaughter more one resident of the shelter - venus from poltava region. the owners took her in when she was still small and thought she was a dog. but when the animal grew up, it turned out that venus is a she-wolf and it became very difficult to get along with her. the animal was treated at the center and will soon be on its way. she will soon go to greece, they found good conditions for her, together with another animal, together with another sheep that we saved earlier. the belarusian border, they will go together soon. among all animals
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, swans live in the center, they were saved mainly from weather conditions, some birds injured, others have an infection. recently , six have already been released, another 11 are undergoing treatment. they were found by caring people. rescued mainly by the animal rescue team of kyiv karkh, which rescues people out of ordinary situations. who had died there in the summer, they took them out and beat them. in the wild animal rescue center, animals are not hoarded, they are given help and released into nature or looking for new homes, in the west of ukraine or abroad. the resettlement procedure is complex and long-lasting, at least three months. before the animal must be healthy, because in europe diseases are indicators for euthanasia. we do not transfer to zoos, except... abroad, where there are, we transfer animals , where there are large enclosures, because in principle
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a zoo is a zoological park, yes, take it there in europe, there is an enclosure for a bear, there are two hectares or more, the same for tihrelevo, it is customary to consider a zoo in our country, it is a small enclosure, you can support these wild animals in any way, with donations, food products. building materials, and you can also arrange guardianship, that is, help a specific animal and receive an honorary certificate. currently, the center has 27 residents, in total, during the great war , it was possible to help more than a thousand animals, more than two hundred were placed abroad, in addition , five ambulances work here . if you see an animal in need of rescue, call 303. kateryna galko, andriy verstyuk, tv channel. espresso. congratulations, this is a joint project
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of the tv channel and the atp tv channel. together, beraber in which we talk about the situation in the occupied crimea so far. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i congratulate my co-presenter in this project , ayder muzhdabaev. salam aleikum. alaykum salaam. we will definitely talk. in this program about what is happening in the crimea itself, why half or completely sunken russian, in particular, military vessels are still being found there , what is happening with the observance and non-observance of human rights, why the blackout, what happened with the balaclava thesis, purely potentially, but let's start with the security situation and a very unusual event that happened just these days, and as far as i'm concerned it has already been talked about on all broadcasts, but we will look at it specifically in the context of crimea. the sea of ​​azov and, in general, the south of our country
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, the shooting down of the a50 long-range radar aircraft and the downing of the il-22 command control post. according to some military analysts, this became possible due to the active work of the defense forces of ukraine in the crimea in the first days of january, when the radar systems were affected. the electronic warfare system is generally resolved, sorry, just say it, i hope the occupier will understand, look away our ethers, proryena, was created in the air defense system of the crimea, and of course, this provided a certain ground for the defense forces to carry out a special operation to destroy these important aircraft, at least disable them for a certain time. one of them for sure, i am now happy to welcome you
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to the call, literally in a few moments our esteemed guest will appear, with whom we will talk about the situation of control over the occupied crimea so far, whether in fact this control remains completely in the hands of the russian occupier, ben godges, retired united states army lt. gen. ex... of the united states in europe. mr. ben, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine. thank you. invitation, congratulations. in one of your comments, you very aptly noted that whoever controls crimea can win the war. after the episode with the a50 and il-22 planes, can we say that whoever does not completely control crimea, in fact, cannot
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claim a complete victory in this war. and have we become one step closer? to the de-occupation of the peninsula with, in particular, the destruction of these important flying objects. crimea is indeed the largest part of ukraine that is still under temporary occupation. and all russian logistics, their air and naval forces are really concentrated there, and from there they attack mainland ukraine. in accordance. it is very important for ukraine to return crimea in order to rebuild its economy, and ultimately to cut off crimea, in order to make the access of the russians worse. given what you say, it is now very difficult for the russian air force to carry out airstrikes and attack ukraine from air. ukrainian air
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defense systems are working. we see that the means of radio-electronic warfare also justify themselves. as. if ukraine had long-range systems, they could really hit targets in the territories currently occupied by russia, and then it would have no choice but to withdraw its troops from crimea. ayder, your question is a question, dear mr. general, i want to ask in general, in your professional opinion, what are the minimum military conditions from ours. on the ukrainian side are necessary in order to to start an operation to liberate crimea, first of all to cut off crimea from the rest of the occupied territories, and that, in principle, is the beginning of the operation to liberate the peninsula, what
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is required for this from a military point of view, precisely from a military point of view, is minimal. i think there are three. i think that there are three main conditions: firstly, ukraine needs stability so that russians cannot actually live on the crimean peninsula and the military cannot operate. it is very important, in fact, to continue special operations there in order to detonate activities of the russians, including in donbas. it is very important to cut off crimea so that the russians do not have access to it. secondly, it is very important. to make crimea completely isolated. there are only two ways for us to isolate crimea: we are talking about the destruction of the crimean bridge, including from the side of the mainland. it is very important to do this with the help of air forces, with the help of long-range missiles. then crimea will become isolated, and
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this is very important. thirdly, it is necessary to pass the fortifications and defense structures that were being built. russia, this is necessary in order to to attack the headquarters of the russians, as well as eliminate their artillery, it is necessary to destroy the headquarters, it is necessary to destroy the logistics, it is necessary to destroy the personnel. mr. godges, we understand how politically sacred the crimean peninsula is for putin and for russia, as a concept, as an empire, so to imagine... that they simply flee from there, because it became inconvenient for them in terms of logistics or supplies to be there, we , as until recently the inhabitants of a literally peninsula, we can hardly imagine what to do in a situation where we have a potential partisan war and resistance in crimea opens up, the same
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russian occupiers who can hide in the mountains, in the terrain and in... other, well, let's say, suitable for this opportunities of crimea. yes, the kremlin and president putin, for them crimea is really something sacred, which has great weight and value. they say that this is their historical territory, and they see it as a strategy, actually in keeping crimea. they believe that russia has the right to crimea, they do not care about ukrainian sovereignty, they do not care about... any internationally recognized borders, and of course, this cannot be accepted, the west cannot swallow it, because it is a complete leveling of supreme law and international law. rights accordingly, the russians gradually began to understand that ukraine will gradually win back its crimea. she will not give up. accordingly, there have already been attacks on the crimean
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bridge, there have been specific actions by the general staff of ukraine. of course, there were certain combat missions that were successful and those that were not. the most important goal is the actual isolation of crimea in order not to leave crimea to russia. of course, such a scenario is unacceptable. for the putin regime, this would be such a powerful blow to the kremlin regime, because russians who live far from moscow, who swallow this propaganda fed by the kremlin, for them, the fact that crimea became russian is a huge victory for putin, so he will hold on to this achievement. we know how serious the problem is inside russia, but they don't care, as long as they keep crimea, if crimea is withdrawn, it will inevitably lead to downfalls. all this, which we
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are talking about now, is possible and directly depends on the resolution of the political crisis in the american congress, which is still ongoing, because without the support of the united states, advancing to crimea and generally advancing, well... is unlikely, and the united states, they must give, set an example to other countries, nato and generally to other countries of the world, as a signal that he, they support ukraine, and let's you too, be with us. ah, there were some positive signals yesterday, the day before yesterday, president biden expressed hope that the crisis can be overcome. he said that the majority of congressmen from... support ukraine, but there are nuances, and so on the speaker of the house of representatives said that we discussed some positions there, but
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there is still no final decision, what is your, personally, your forecast, when, in what way, and will this issue be resolved at all with military aid to ukraine, and, accordingly, to israel and taiwan? thank you. thank you, an extremely good question, a very important question, unfortunately, the domestic political situation in the us is disappointing. it is very upsetting that the united states, which should be setting an example for others, has such internal contradictions regarding the provision of aid ukraine, israel. this problem really needs an immediate solution. support from both democrats and republicans was very important. and she is, but unfortunately, this is such political friction, it is also caused by the efforts of trump, who rejects such statements about what he would do if he became president. i really hope that this crisis
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will be resolved in the near future, because it all plays into the hands of the kremlin. we understand the importance of providing such assistance. i also want to say that president biden needs to explain to the people of the united states that it is to our advantage to support ukraine. why is it politically beneficial for us, why is it also beneficial from the point of view of our security, if ukraine wins this war. unfortunately, this message does not get as much publicity from our leader, but it is very important. actually, it is important for us americans to understand why this is so necessary, so you are right, and other countries should look at what we are doing, what we can do. you can see, for example, the same situation in germany, because in german. the leadership does not really want to provide ukraine the taurus system, as well as other countries that could exert themselves in providing weapons to ukraine, so i think that
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pressure should also be put on germany. thank you, mr. ben, one more question, recently in one of the comments you noted that the countries of the west, which have the appropriate potential, could already take steps that would help ukraine, first of all, to save. we already have expensive and scarce missiles to protect our sky, air defense, maybe we could cover part of ukraine with our systems so that it does not suffer from russian missile attacks. i have a clarifying question, which part of ukraine in such a case should and could be covered in order for it not to be a shield. i observe how
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the united states navy operates. in particular, it is about the situation in the red sea. you saw what the prerequisites were and ultimately what the consequences could be. that is, as we explained it. we gave these blows because we understood the increasing dynamics of the situation. that is, we could theoretically and practically strike with missiles, as russia is doing on ukraine, on the ukrainian population, on ukrainian cities. of course, i know there will be those who will... criticize the possibility of such an intervention, they will say, do n't do it, don't wake the beast, it will escalate, of course russia will talk about it, but you know, i think that it would be correct to make such a decision on the part of ukrainian friends, on the part of america, on the part of great britain, in order for them to curtail their efforts to completely cover the skies of nato, as well as the skies and parts of ukraine, because we saw that some of
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the russian... have already entered nato territory, we are talking about poland and romania. yes, there was no intention, there was no intention, they talked about it, but such a reaction is wrong, it only increases our tolerance for what putin is capable of. he sees that we are not acting adequately, he can choose how to act further. of course, there are perfectly reasonable ways to protect the civilian population and avoid escalation. i am sure that all this rests on the shoulders of the political establishment. mr. godges, very much thank you for joining our broadcast. thank you, your opinion is very important in the context of your vision of prospects in crimea, both for the defense forces of ukraine and for the occupiers. i'll just remind you that we had the opportunity to speak now with ben godges, the former
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commander of the force. of the united states in europe, and i think it's time to take a short hiatus from our broadcast, and ayder and i will be back in a few moments. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday... with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. inclusion of profits.
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00.
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we continue the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together, veraber, program in to which we are talking about the temporarily occupied crimea, and now i would like to give the floor to eder muzhdabayev, who will once again remind and actually confirm the thesis that control over the occupied crimea must be returned to... get closer, create conditions for our troops to be able to reach occupied crimea for the time being, and for this they, our troops must be supported, ayder, and thank you, thank you to everyone who watches us, thank you to everyone who helps the armed forces of ukraine, i just want to remind you that no matter what we are here talked, ee or there listened to each other.


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