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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bahmud. we tell the main thing on weekdays at 9:00 verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on! verdict with serhii rudenko, every
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weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso.
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estoy muy bien
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i welcome you, dear tv viewers, on the air of the tv channel, the program studio zahid. we will analyze the most important events of this week. in particular, it is about the consequences of the davos forum, in particular for ukraine. we will also analyze an extremely dangerous signal from the kremlin, in particular the former president of russia medvedev declared that
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russia will wage war not only against the ukrainian state, but against what is called ukrainianness. matthew bryza and mark fagin talk about it on our broadcast. and now mark feigin, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former member of the state duma, an iconic video blogger, glory to ukraine, mark, congratulations, glory to the heroes, congratulations anton, congratulations to all viewers, well, i would not like to work as a psychoanalyst for medvedev, but he issued extremely harsh, boorish and a dangerous signal, well, the key story here is how seriously we should interpret what medvedev wrote, i don't know if it's from bodun or not , but in any case he... outlined the situation as the preparation of the russian federation for the so-called existential war with ukraine. it is not the first time that he has published something similar and even more deviant. i will remind you that recently, in connection with the visit of the prime minister of great britain, iri shunyk,
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he showed a little unpreparedness for war under certain circumstances, not to mention the shelling of belgorod and the like. so from a personal point of view, it is not quite representative opinion of the russian authorities. chairman of putin's security council, although he is a former member of cologne, but the president of the russian federation, therefore, his words should be taken more seriously: firstly, no one from the kremlin stops him, does not refute his words, he is officially a person, not some there is an average propagandist. therefore, it is possible that medvedev conveys the atmosphere of the mood that prevails in the security council in the kremlin, because he is allowed to make such a presentation. likely. they use it to test, provoke, check possible reactions be on similar statements. yes, they are wildly infernal. but it's interesting for the kremlin, they like to play like that. it's such a fun game. and
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what is valuable and important here, because putin himself two days ago said things no less dekun. he said that fools do not want to negotiate with us. everyone has heard these. quotes that everything would have ended a long time ago, you yourself understand, this is his direct quote: we will not give back any captured territories, we are not even talking about a referendum, but we have captured and will not give it back, and everyone in the west understands this, etc. putin was still speaking about the baltic countries, which are expelling some agents of moscow under threat of national security. he justified this by the fact that the russian-speaking population will be protected in the same way as in ukraine. alluding to the war in the baltic states, i would say that, although not in form, but in content, what putin himself declares differs little in aggressiveness of rhetoric. as for ukraine, first of all, in ukraine they have already waged an aggressive war and
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are killing people. can we expect more from them, for example, the use of nuclear weapons? it's always a story that has a crazy explanation. but who said that the kremlin is irrational in its behavior and cannot allow for itself just such a course of events? therefore, it is worth listening to such words, you need to study them despite the worthless source from which they come, because medvedev's certain sentiments are, after all, transmitted from the kremlin. the existential war for existence is already a question of interpretations, because today, too , the question arose without the use of unconventional measures, precisely about the threat to the existence of ukraine itself. actually this and the kremlin is demanding, so you can't make any promises about negotiations, because the goal of negotiations with moscow is not to consolidate the status quo, compromises, etc., but capitulation, that is, the destruction of ukraine as
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a subject of international law, as a sovereign state, as an independent nation. there should be no illusions here, there should be no naive expectations from this. the question is that moscow is ready to stop at something. no, medvedev said, we will never detach from ukraine, i read it in ukrainian and translated it. this is stated by an official of the country. which is a permanent member security council with the right of veto, the founding country of the un, which actually guarantees, as one of the five states, international security throughout the world, on a planetary scale. this should be perceived as the real position of the kremlin and its residents. well, the key story, like now, how relevant will the so-called collective action be, so we listened to several extremely important speeches, in particular at the davos forum, yes we'. we understand that french president emmanuel macron also gave a signal, in particular, it is about supplying us
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additional rockets, scalp. yes, we understand that they have served their time extremely well. we understand that there is a question about money and about a joint strategy, but the key story is how seriously the west has become involved in what is called the military containment of the kremlin, or is it, so to speak, that we are moving along a certain palliative path, that is, the kremlin is relentless. will increase the production of weapons, if not himself, then he will borrow them from the chinese or korean republics, well, when i say korean, i mean north korea and so further and so on. starting from the autumn, but really from the end of the winter of 2023, the situation began to change, because the american administration began to behave more observantly. she also verbally supports ukraine, but to tell the truth, this delay... allocation of 60 billion for ukraine and disputes between republicans and democrats suggest
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the worst thoughts. in contrast to this, europe , on the contrary, somehow became radicalized. not only macron, but also scholz and some members of the german leadership, despite the decision of the bundestag to retain and not provide taurus missiles ukraine. besides, they generally take a fairly clear position and publicly articulate it. on the other hand , in america, as we can see, there is a strong influence of the presidential election campaign, which is already underway and will end in november 2024 . how it affects the issue of support for ukraine, military aid, the position of western countries, especially washington, as the leader of the western world, has a direct impact. even the biden administration, in contrast to the republicans, behaves much more cautiously. there is information from bloomberg. widow sullivan will convey the position of the white house. need to move into a positional stage, a defensive position
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for ukraine, as we understand it, until november 2024, until it is decided who will be the owner of the oval office for the next four years. this is a strange position for the simple reason that this is exactly what moscow is striving for, to give it a break, to give it the opportunity to accumulate assets, behind this positional defense, change of tactics and strategy. well, ukraine will create defense structures and mine it as necessary to protect the 80% of the territory that remains outside kyiv. but the question is different: how will trump win the election? a rhetorical question. sullivan and the biden administration are offering some sort of contingency plan. what will happen, maybe if trump comes, this is my point of view, maybe
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it is better to saturate ukraine with money and weapons as soon as possible, so that for a while, until trump comes to power after the inauguration in january 2025, at least this year, he can fight normally . yes, with the support of european states, with financing, with the funds that european countries can provide, in particular france, with their scalips and other countries, but funds are needed... there are many questions here, we will hear the answer to many of them when the senate does decide whether it will take up the issue of allocating these unfortunate 60 billion dollars, then we will understand whether the american establishment is ready, as before, during these two years, to support ukraine in its defense of sovereignty in this war with russia, that is the question. well, you very clearly outlined, so to speak, two speeds, at least two or three
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geopolitical speeds. on the one hand, we understand what the kremlin is counting on the american election campaign, we understand that it will be far, far from simple, to put it mildly, that is, scenarios of certain cannibalism are already beginning there. we understand that the kremlin is counting on a series of elections in the countries of the european union, on general fatigue, so we remember the speech of this extremely strange person. the provocateur of the slovak deputy to the european parliament, yes, who started talking about the brothers of the slavs and so on, and so on, to reconcile, here we have certain corresponding scenarios on which... very clearly counts the kremlin, in particular, when it comes to its preparation for various, possibly global, things. the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi recently spoke about global threats. if you try to reduce all this into a single concept, which you see now, for example, medium-term and short-term movements on
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the part of the kremlin and in general, how will we properly build our, i don't know, international communication. first, trump himself adds to the fire by declaring that he would agree with putin, that putin is a normal dude, he evaluates him in terms of business, and this is taking into account the primaries in iowa, where he received 51%, but this is a dangerous signal, that is , he continues, despite the situation, to publicly voice his complementary attitude towards putin. is he not trying to silence this issue, to avoid it during the election campaign? no, he clearly marked it. why is it important, if suddenly he wins the elections, he will say: listen, i did not deceive you, dear voters and partners of the usa. i said during the election campaign about my position that i would agree with putin that we we will agree normally, we will share everything and decide. these are illusions, of course, he is not going to negotiate, he is maximizing
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the result, demanding surrender, we simply do not know what trump will be ready for in case he comes to battle. home and will accordingly change the strategy of the american administration, another question is whether he is able to do this? and as he himself, he himself says, i would agree on this, but on what terms to give 20%, and 80%, you agreed, fine with putin, agreed, offered this plan to ukraine, and 80% remain sovereign, they go to nato, in eu. here i am. there are a lot of illusions, maybe trump thinks he's just spraying, here's your share of the profits, here's mine, he thinks like a developer. he does not cease to be them, even despite the previous first term from 2016 to 2020, in which he was the president of the united states. i always like the criticism of the trumpists, who say: oh,
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poor trump, they don't let him go anywhere, he is persecuted everywhere, and he has not only served his term as president. years, he is going to possess her again, and i do not see that he is already being so kindly pursued, preventing him from participation in the election campaign, at least in the nomination for the candidacy from the republican party. therefore, in this difficult situation, already ukraine and kyiv need to act bolder, try to work with the american establishment, trump's entourage, at least find out finally what strategy you plan to follow? yes, trump has a lot to define. but he will rely on the congressional majority, which for now will be republican in the house of representatives, among others. and what is the us strategy in the event that a change of power occurs? at the very least, it would be desirable to receive guarantees from the republican establishment, even trump's entourage, that fundamentally nothing will change strategically, that ukraine will be supported in the war with
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moscow, this is on the one hand. on the other hand , it is necessary to realistically evaluate the situation, no matter who is the candidate from the republican party. biden's chances for today, i don't know what will change, a lot can change , at the moment they are small, for today we have to get out of this for now, well, we have a year together with the biden administration, and the key story, how to use this right now it's time, yes, in particular it's about resources, and on the other hand, i'd like to be able to feel what the kremlin is capable of now. we understand that the kremlin can threaten, but the question of... the most important thing to get from biden right now is, of course, that we must continue to fight for these 60 billion, try to convince both republicans and democrats that they necessary, must be achieved at the summer nato summit, which will be hosted by washington and biden, the 75-year anniversary summit of nato, so that
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ukraine was invited to join nato. this is the best guarantee of safety and the rest. yes, this is a process, it will not happen in one day, but there will still be a discussion within nato, and maybe it will take another year to make some decisions regarding the admission of ukraine to nato. but this will be compensation for the fact that the democrats may lose power and the situation may change radically. membership in nato and coverage by the collective agreement of the north atlantic alliance is still the same. compensation for all those problems that are already visible, at least until november 2024. this seems to me to be a fundamental key point, if biden does not dare to do so, and this is a historic decision. we realize , a person in his nineties, the chances of staying for another four years are illusory, not zero, but not obvious, maybe something else will change radically,
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and of course, this would be some kind of compensation, creating a certain guarantee that this tool will help ukraine will have to defend itself in the coming months, or even years. mark, and putin, what will putin do in the current situation, what can putin do and what will he do just don't get up. i do not know, due to a lack of resources or certain fears, that it is not just some bashkartostan scenario that can be realized, but what is additional, well, we understand how they react very, very much to something like this, it is not even that putin is hiding in anticipation of the elections, he says that the zsu failed the counteroffensive, the entire initiative is in the hands of the russian troops, this is stated publicly. that is, he does not give up hope that some of the offensive operations will end in success. for example, maryinka, although this is a very specific operation, when it is auschen russian troops entered the destroyed settlement. besides, look, because they tried to advance on avdiivka. more than two
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months, no result. before that , there was a very acute situation with kupyansk. kupyansk is a junction, the road to kharkiv opens. i was in those places, i had the opportunity to see everything directly, i looked down on the oskol river. i was in kupyansk. in the center and in the positions, i have a hard time imagining how much effort and resources need to be spent to take kupyansk, i suspect that it is the same in avdiivka, i have not been there, i really wanted to visit, but i suspect that it is not too easy there either, in the area of ​​​​the coke plant you will put another 1040 people to take it all, a pyrrhic victory, maybe it has a political connotation, he needs until march 17 to to show at least something about their elections. this is not to win the elections, it is clear that there are no elections, he is simply drawn by these 80-85%, and it is important for him to control public opinion,
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that everything is not in vain. look, yes, we fight, we advance slowly, we want something and occupy, but all the sacrifices are not in vain, all the costs are not in vain, we achieve some incredible geopolitical success in the long run, protecting our defense capability and the like. so putin, of course, despite his wait-and-see attitude , is definitely preparing and will start some offensive actions in the east, perhaps in the south, in the south it is more difficult, but in the east it is possible to assume, but from the belarusian direction? no, i think he will survive the pause, but what is the price? if you try to get involved in some hostilities again through belarus , there will be a problem with lukashenka. lukashenko what is he afraid of, he will sneeze at... ukraine and belarus, actually, too, but he is afraid that ukraine will respond. ukraine already has the means to shoot at his residence, kill someone from his entourage, and no one
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will hang around like it was in february 2022 . it is much easier for the ukrainian special services to carry out punitive or subversive actions there. simply kill prominent generals or responsible persons from the belarusian leadership for such a thing. who will allow the next bucha, and the defense line with belarus is very strong, because kyiv is nearby and everything is mined, so it won't be easy, but on kharkiv, sumy or chernihiv, the question is still open here, can russia launch an attack on these border cities from the territory of the russian federation? whether this can be expected is an open question, in my opinion, such an operation is more likely than an invasion from the territory of belarus. because lukashenko himself will deal with this development of events to the last, because he understands that this will not leave him any chances, he no longer has relations with the west, and it is clear what kind of
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relations he has with the kremlin, but with ukraine such an unspoken parity exists, you don't touch us, you don't allow new violence and similar horrors that happened, and we still endure all this. and lukashenka is satisfied with this status quo, and if this... to move the situation, who knows, you won't be able to reach putin, but lukashenka is much easier, that's the point. therefore, i believe that everything will be much more difficult there, even if it happens, lukashenka will not be asked. mark, well, an intimate, delicate question, i would not like to spread conspiracy theories, but oleksiy aristovych and his strange interview, strange conversation with latinina, it's me. i looked and my eyes became much bigger than in latin behind glasses, even she couldn't stand it anymore. oleksiy began to turn such
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things on the fan so that... it just does not fit into the concept in general, but you, as a person who worked with him for more than one hour on the air, yes , i think you read oleksiy himself very well, in general, i would like to ask you , what is happening to him now, in your opinion, i always, when asked questions, answer for the period when he was in my ethers, then there were also some shoals, but this is not what is happening now, for a year and a half you could make claims that... he said something wrong, said something wrong, but still it was in the context of the general position of the public the opinion of ukraine, at least the majority, fluctuates within the limits of what is called the general geopolitical policy of the pro-ukrainian party. in general, yes, you can look at all these ethers, they are there, what happened to them, what happened to him next, i said in august, when many criticized me for stopping doing programs with him, these
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the alarms started already in the summer, they scared and alarmed me a lot, because arestovich declared that he has political ambitions, that he wants to become the president, i do not understand how it is possible to become the president without presidential elections, they would not have been foreseen, what a person relied on, he openly declares it, it is not polichenel's secret. it seems to me that a lot of things were mostly dictated by this, i will criticize the government and thereby earn money. for his election campaign, will have something from it. that's how i saw it, and now this cannot be explained, because the position is strange, then he and putin want to sue europe and the west, then he praises lukashenko as a great patriot of his country, then he is sorry, he says: eh, no, everything was wrong, then i scared you, and now i stop scaring you and return to another previous position. such zigzags are incomprehensible to me. i wouldn't
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do programs with such a person now for any reason. i do not know the circumstances of what is really happening with arostovych, and i am not communicating with him until august 2023. many accuse him of being pro-moscow position, and almost in connection with the kremlin or even the fsb. i don't know that. but i want to say that if you chose such a position, then you should be in ukraine. in kyiv, at least, without saying that it is on the front line. it is necessary to take such a position within ukraine. this is correct. after all, if you pronounce it at home, then trust in you is higher, that is, a person sees that this is how it should be. from abroad, it looks somewhat unconvincing, to put it mildly: if you have such a position, then be polite when you are already applying for the position of president ukraine or ukrainian politics, you have to do it all at home. if you feel a danger to yourself, then this also explains a lot. why did such a change in views occur, because
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the question is not that... the authorities do not like this position, but why were you an adviser to the president before that, from february, when the war had just started? head of the office, as far as i remember, he was an adviser to the head of the office, something like that was written in the certificate on public grounds, he was a part-time employee, you voiced one position, then another position began in 2023, this is something it's scary, and it's strange, you either said something that... that didn't correspond to reality, although he didn't say anything so dubious then, let it be two or three weeks already, but it has already become a weighted assessment, his personal opinion. now he says, zelensky is corrupt and a dictator, and why didn't you say this before? did you see it when you worked in the president's office? why was he silent then? and in your opinion, marko, is it
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psychology or political science? nology, that's what works in it now, well, i understand that this is a question, you know, to your intuition, i think first of all, there is some kind of manipulation here , aristovych does not hide it, he says openly, i do not see a political position here, he has gone through various stages in his biography, it seemed to me that a person has become wiser, he is a little more than 50 years old, a year or two, it should be already to have some consistent position, i am a person who has never changed my position, for which i have been criticized all my life, i ... life was unambiguous and always appreciated it in others. principledness, when a person has the same position, adheres to the same views this does not mean that one cannot criticize and change the attitude towards people. but in the main issues you need to remain who you are. it is impossible, if you are a supporter of liberal ideology, to become a communist. this is nonsense to me. like changing your views depending on your condition, whether you are in power or not.
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why did you go there? i think you were at public events.


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