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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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congratulations, it's news time on espresso, kateryna is working in the studio. belt. ukrainian defenders shot down 11 enemy drones at night. at night , the air forces of the armed forces of ukraine inform in the sky over odesa and mykolaiv regions. in total, the russians launched 14 shaheds. they flew from primorsky akhtarsk and occupied crimea. the rashists also attacked kharkiv oblast with four s-300 anti-aircraft guided missiles. they were released from the belgorod region and the okupo region. daughters
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at least two people were injured as a result of enemy strikes on odesa. one man sent to the city hospital with burns. he is in a moderate condition. the other died during the fall. he was treated on the spot from hospitalization. he refused, the mayor of the city, gennadiy trukhanov, said. the occupiers attacked the city twice with attack drones. there is a hit in industrial facility, damage to residential buildings, as well as civil infrastructure. we see that the ceiling is damaged on two floors, the furniture is damaged, as the builders say, we will find out as much as necessary to repair, how difficult it will be to do, but we see that this, it will not be such, such a cosmetic repair, it will be a capital repair and... we will find out, experts
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will find out how much the load-bearing structures were affected, and we will continue do you in kharkiv, today is a day of mourning for those who died due to rocket attacks - announced the mayor of kharkiv, ihor terekhov. the shelling on january 23 led to one of the largest tragedies in the city in terms of the number of victims, during the entire time of the full-scale war. ten people died, more than 60 were injured. i will note, on on the 700th day of the war, terekhov first proposed renaming the street named after the russian poet alexander pushkin. previously , he admits, he delayed the decision, and now the central street has become one of the epicenters of russian terror. four civilians were injured by enemy shelling in the kharkiv region. the occupiers struck in the evening. in
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the village of rohan, informed the head of the region oleg synygubov. as a result of the attack , a house in the village was completely destroyed, two others caught fire, three women, aged 60, 39 and 26, and a 17-year-old boy were injured. on happiness, everyone's condition is easy. ukraine will insist on an international investigation into the downing of the ill-76 plane in the belgorod region. this was stated by the president. volodymyr zelenskyi. he noted that it is necessary to establish all the facts regarding the plane wreckage. after the event, according to him, a meeting was held with the top military leadership and the sbu. the government was informed about the situation with the plane and the exchange of prisoners. a russian military transport plane crashed yesterday. in muscovy, they said that dozens of ukrainians were allegedly in it prisoners of war who were taken for exchange. in ukrainian intelligence. they later confirmed that
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they were preparing an exchange, however, there is no information as to whether ukrainians were on board. it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners, with the feelings of their relatives and with the emotions of our society. it is necessary to establish all the clear facts as much as possible, given that the plane crash happened on russian territory beyond our control. facts are the key word now. listened to the chief of staff and the general staff for the use of air forces. gur is engaged in finding out fate of all prisoners. a large-scale fire broke out at an oil refinery in the russian city of tuabse, krasnodar territory. before that, there were powerful explosions, as reported by local telegram channels. according to their versions, the cause of the fire could have been an attack by drones, allegedly there were no casualties. however
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, there is currently no official... information about the causes of the explosions and fire. it is located in the semisinky center of the white church, which is located in the kyiv region. a unique building whose history dates back to the times of local elders in the 18th century. its name is the winter palace received thanks to the status of the residence of the polish counts of branicki. few people know that it was built entirely of wood and belonged to a whole complex of buildings. what secrets the architectural monument hides, let's see in the plot. majestic columns at the entrance and walls steeped in history. what exactly did she look like? we can only imagine the elegant building of the middle during the time of the branitskys, because since then only the layout, ancient stucco cornices and stone cellars, in which the nobles kept wine and food stocks, have been partially preserved, and around the palace had a whole architectural ensemble, which
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included 10 buildings, which can be seen in the image of the polish artist napoleon horda. ever since the time of the belotsarkiv elders, that is, since the 1730s, here, strictly speaking, there was a... the administrative center of the belotsarkiv region, which means that all taxes, all money were brought here, various contracts, agreements and so on were concluded here, here was kept, as a matter of fact, in this ensemble was also kept the entire official archive of byeloserkivshchyna, once we don’t even know for sure, it’s so traditional it is believed that at the end of the 18th century , a new palace was built on the old brick basement, also where... wooden in the style of classicism. it was built on the order of stanislav vincentii yablovsky, on the foundation of the predecessor of the building of the then mayor. it was francishik xavery branytskyi who got it together with bilotserkivshchyna. the decisive factor is that
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the name of the architect of the new building is still unknown. the winter palace is so called because it was at this time that the family of the counts settled here. in the summer, they preferred to stay in the park alexandria. it was such a large enough complex, initially in the 18th century it had its own defensive structures, there was a palisade, there was a detachment of outdoor cossacks who guarded it, during the time of the branitskys, there is already enough decorative mud around here. to our time , only the building of the branytskyi accounting office, the premises where the chief steward of the counts lived in later times, and the palace itself have survived from the entire complex. but the house of the noble assembly, which was located on the left, burned down in the early 2000s. in place of the current dance floor there were massive stables and a carriage house. in june 1920, when the bolsheviks entered the white church, they settled directly in this
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estate, and during the second world war, these walls became a german military hospital, and later a special hospital for german prisoners of war. and only in the 50s, the district committee of the communist... party of ukraine. in 1969 , the historic building was given to a music school headed by the outstanding yuriy pavlenko. it is his name that now has an institution. in 2012, when renovation was taking place in this room, in the director's office, under the layering of old wallpaper, putty, oil-like , old, dark blue paint, this is where i found it. an amazing fresco, our outstanding historians and local experts came, and of course everyone said that it was in this very room, and this wall was not there then, this was the room for music lessons with the children of the
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branytskyi family, because all the magnates, all the nobles taught children art , and here we can imagine that here... i am probably a royal, where the music teacher used to come, so quite it is symbolic that through the centuries art continues to be taught here. the winter palace is a cultural heritage of national importance and is included in the state register of immovable monuments of ukraine. daria ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. the espresso tv channel invites you to join our gathering for the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade. our defenders need night vision binoculars, they perform combat tasks mainly at night, so the device is extremely necessary for them, because good vision in the dark not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy. in general our goal is uah 170,000. we already have
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more than 114, hryvnias in our account. you can now see all the necessary details on your screens. donate and remember, the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. for now, this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks, join, like. next, we are waiting for you on the air. my colleagues lesya vakolyuk and andriy saichuk, don't switch. good morning to all who watch the tv channel espresso, let's start ours. today's morning broadcast, our marathon, which has been going on for 701 days, my name is andriy saichuk and we
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will be joined by alisa sysoeva, a journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, today we will start from zaporizhzhia, we will find out how the night passed there, how things are going, mrs. alisa , good morning and how are things in zaporizhzhia, good morning, fortunately in zaporizhia itself he is good, we had a peaceful night, neither explosions nor arrivals were heard, unfortunately, the situation with... zaporizhzhia region is usually more complicated , there is always no the shelling subsides, and they report that indeed, as always, the enemy covers the cities closer to the demarcation line with fire, roaring and walking in the field, and so usually there are always more than 100 shellings per day, the night passed peacefully in the very center of the region. we were also informed that the monitoring groups did not record the departure that night. 300, so let's hope that
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we won't receive any bad news from other territories today, because usually information about victims and victims appears a little later, let's hope that we will do without victims of the zaporizhzhia region, and yes, what other news is there from zaporizhzhia, here we read that there were some stories of anti-corruption, in particular the sbi. informed about the suspicion of the deputy commander of one of the military units, that's what they attributed to themselves additional rewards, in particular half a hryvnia, for example, well, in a word, what is happening in zaporizhzhia in this regard? well, unfortunately, there is no more information than was released by the law enforcement officers, but you know that in recent years zaporizhzhia, unfortunately, has become such an epicenter of corruption scandals, and also... there were such cases where bonuses were issued, it is also known there that
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a suspicion was issued for the fact that there were people who, as if they should go to work for these military units, but they did not go there, but, well, on unfortunately, this situation is typical for zaporizhzhia, we often get involved in all kinds of corruption scandals, so you know, right now you are all watching whether the head of the military administration will change in our country. the first thing that the public always calls for and what it expects from each new head of the military administration - this is, first of all, the fight against corruption, but unfortunately, as recent years show , we have not had any such high-profile revelations or real sentences in zaporizhzhia, and in fact it will already be the third, if there is a change, and the head of the ova, the first also left corruption scandals, that is, not so much with the fight against corruption as with corruption. which accompanied in particular his stay, so at least they blamed him for it, now they are
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also talking about so-and-so, i don’t know, by the way, what is the state of all the investigations surrounding mr. starukh, what is there now, what is the situation, well in relation to mr. starukh himself, in relation to his personal candidacy, there were no such loud rumors, it was more about the entourage, namely, there were suspicions about the intercessor as well, this is a well-known fact. beautiful, who is associated with the embezzlement of the humanitarian woman, who was simply embezzling with wagons, but really , the first thing was expected when starukh was replaced by yury malashko, because they are representatives of law enforcement structures, who will be, who will be real to these events, because in addition to zlatina krasova , the names of many famous people also appeared in this case officials, well, but the time has passed, there are no real sentences, i periodically follow in zaporizhzhia... journalists from zaporizhzhia follow the social networks of zlatina krasova, well, the person
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feels great, lives abroad, wears branded things, and well, this is the case when the war changed a person's life for the better , this is exactly how officials, unfortunately, in ukraine , such cases are not rare, and it is not clear that now mr. malashko, there is no official notification that he is fired, because... determines and fires heads of regional military administrations the president of ukraine during martial law, where did these military administrations come from in the end? these , but people's deputy oleksiy goncharenko, who now heads one of the committees in the european council, conveyed the fact that ivan fedorov, the mayor of melitopol, had apparently already agreed to this position in the cabinet, whether these candidates would discuss it, how much it is all looks likely, just
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like that, the last days this is a top topic for zaporizhzhia, this very discussion, unfortunately, due to the fact that many people do not know exactly... the procedure, how the head of the military administration is changing , even some media have already written that we have a new head, that malashko has been fired, but we all know that a presidential decree is needed, and as far as i remember, according to the law, ivan federov must submit his powers to session of the melitopol city council , because he is currently the head of the melitopol city council, so this topic is very relevant, it does not subside, there are now both supporters and sympathizers of ivan fedorov, as well as his opponents, because at the moment, among all, and city heads, in general, among all the officials of the zaporizhia region, he is currently the most recognizable person, he is a media person, well, in the sense that there are very often his broadcasts and comments on television, and yuriy malashko, he is not such a media person, there were even questions about
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communication by journalists , of course, i would like to, living in a front-line city, and considering. the peculiarities of our regional center are more such close interaction with journalists, but they did not see this from him, but of course we will follow the news and wait for official confirmation, yuri malashko and ivan fedorov have not made any official comments on this matter yet, and by the way, yes, by the way, just about mr. fedorov, he also simply does not comment on it in any way, well, i just i think fedorov was a poser. from the opposition party, he was elected to the city voluga in the 20th year, and i apologize, i didn't hear that connection, i'm just saying that if we talk about ivan fedorov, he seems to have been elected from the opposition party, in fact, well , ivan fedorov, he is actually a representative of
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serhiy's party serhii minko is so famous politicians, they work very hard. in the team, and as for melitopol itself, he is still more associated with this people's deputy, in general, earlier ivan fedorov, he was a deputy of the regional council and from petro poroshenko's bloc. ugh. okay, thanks. ms. aliso, what is happening in the meantime in mr. fedorov's small homeland in melitopol? unfortunately, the situation there has not changed much either, the occupiers are preparing for elections. putin, even there are new appointments, people are being brought in who are supposed to deal with the elections, the pressure on the people is not abating, all of them are now en masse passporting, in principle , unfortunately, the situation there is such that it does not change much, the pressure continues, passporting and putting them en masse on the record, on the military record, precisely the occupiers, of course hoping
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that later they will force these people to fight against ukraine. they also report that due to the deterioration of weather conditions , there is a real communal collapse there, unfortunately, this is also the situation, it has already become stable for the temporarily occupied territories, because in principle the occupation administration does not cope with the challenges in in these cities precisely with the beginning of worsening weather conditions, well, this is connected with the fact that there are no professional people, there are no professional... and this applies to absolutely all spheres, because after all, the majority of our people, she left, many refused to cooperate with the occupiers, and those whom they bring in, well , people do not understand the peculiarities of the territory, and very often these are simply people who do not have any professional skills in the field in which these occupiers and collaborators put them,
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or people in the occupied territories are discussing the fact that the occupiers decided to reduce the financing of those parts of the zaporizhzhia region, and this reduction is explained by the fact that they are raising the level of financial independence of the new regions, that's what it's called, there 's no money, but you're holding on. well, unfortunately, people in the occupied territories, they have to be very careful about what they discuss and where, so it's very, you know, very difficult to even hear the real opinion of what's out there. happens because people are basically afraid to even write messages, even call their relatives, because really russians, the first thing they do it, they make sure that it is not just... true information, so that there are no wrong conversations, you remember that even this was confirmed at the general staff, but about what, what the collaborators did when they,
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for example, i apologize, the fesshniks, when they changed into civilian clothes, stood in queues and listened to who was talking about what, unfortunately, there were cases that very often people were imprisoned just for expressing their opinion, so now, of course, people may not act like that... frank, open opposition, but we understand that our partisans also work there, and yet, despite the fact that you cannot talk about anything there, you cannot express your opinion and even read ukrainian news, still people there are waiting for our the armed forces, even living in such unbearable conditions, and as for the negative news that the collaborators tell them, well, unfortunately, i think that people are already used to it, because... really life under occupation it is unbearable and everyone understands that there will never be invaders value the lives of our people, take care of their comfort. that, ms. alisa, thank you very much for
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the conversation, alisa sesoeva, a journalist, deputy of the zaporizhia district council, was with us, we talked a little about the fact that zaporizhzhia , in principle, had a good night and thank god, here, well, and about the fact that the main intrigue , will ivan fedorov already become the third head of the military administration, the first two failed, friends, we are going for a short break, then we will continue our roll call, we will visit nikopol and kharkiv, where mourning was announced today for those killed during the missile attack of russia on january 23. kratov contains natural components that take good care of your heart. kratl improves blood supply and the functional condition of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate, and increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are
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we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new, two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. ukraine, the world, the front, society, and more feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. war created what. challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends,
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well, dear friends, we return to the ether, continue. our roll call, now let's move to nikopol, which is constantly under fire, a city in the dnipropetrovsk region, dmytro bychkov, the acting chairman of the nikopol district council, contact us, mr. dmytro, we greet you, good morning, how was the night, what is the morning, or was there silence, at least, at least this night? well, unfortunately, the enemy has been terrorizing the city of nikopol and the nikopol district for a year and a half, this... happens almost every day and day and night, yesterday day and night was no exception, yesterday the enemy carried out attacks on the city of nikopol, margantsa and maryivska the rural community, and there is damage to private houses and businesses, the consequences of the night attacks are still being determined, and i think that soon it will be in the news, well, it will be reported in the mass media, so we all understand very well that only an exceptional victory of ukraine with...
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the liberation of the occupied territories, the liberation of the occupied territories, this is the only way to ensure peace and tranquility both in nikopol and in ukraine. mr. dmytro, well, look, we understand that this year will probably pass in some kind of defense anyway, and accordingly for us it is important now to maintain the positions that we have now, well, not to let the enemy into nikopol, relatively speaking, here, and i am sure that it will be possible to do this, but this means that... that, for example, by the end of this year the situation will not change much , then how to plan the life of the city for the coming year? well, we can say that the nikopol residents of our district have already, unfortunately, we can say so, adapted to the existing situation, of course, it is very difficult to talk about it, but the fact is as it is, people, there are
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people, they get used to it. unfortunately, elderly people suffer, and custom, and middle-aged people, and children who are here, of course, in each of these shellings every day, when you go, it comes, it is very difficult, it affects not only psychology, health , it affects the economy, of course there are great difficulties for the nikopol region, but people hold on, people unite, continue to help the armed forces of ukraine, continue to live, plan, there are... small cases, but people open some small and medium-sized businesses , someone closes, someone opens, so life goes on, it is difficult, but it goes on. my god, you talk about starting a business, but i 'm trying to imagine how it is in a city that is constantly under fire, what kind of business it is and how difficult or easy it is to run it in nikopol, how these entrepreneurs try
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to keep this business afloat ... well, people are demanded to start various businesses, for example, a classmate of mine, she went abroad, her small private cafe was bombed, she returned, restored it, returned her family, and she continues to live and dream, to dream that her business will be successful, that's why people, some open a sweets shop, some are engaged in something else, some are planning something, well, this is life, that's why people, in principle... i'll say adapt and different start such businesses and plans, they continue to dream of planning, of course we lack a lot in the nikopol region, i always say that humanitarian, food hygiene support is at a good level, but of course we need more attention related to children, to children for that they somehow compensate for what they are losing today due to the online school, then of course the fact must be recognized that it
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cannot... give the same knowledge and feelings, the same in sports, in culture, so we simply can to say that children's sports schools work, well, they actually don't work, how did you know how children play football in nikopol, it's just a disaster, but they just play indoors, well, they can gather somewhere, somewhere, where is there 4 m by 5 m so that something is there somewhere to move, that is, in fact, we can say that... sports, culture, education, it is partially put on a long pause for children, of course, we need to pay more attention to the fact that these state and local projects and funds pay more, more attention and tried to compensate for the losses that occurred for children, well, okay, if we talk, for example, about the development strategy.


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