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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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request and scheduled a meeting for thursday. experts in the situation with the downfall of the russian ill-76 plane draw parallels with other air disasters in recent years. for example , with the downing of the ukrainian mau plane near tehran in 2020, as well as the crash of the boeing mh-17, which was shot down in the sky over the donetsk region in 2014. although they note that it is difficult to obtain reliable data without access to the crash site. yes, aviation expert anatoly. hrabchynskyi on radio nv reminds that after being shot down by iranian forces flight of the ukrainian company mao near tehran, ukraine still has no understanding of the disaster. therefore, the expert concludes that one should not hope for an investigation by russia. boeing 737 of ukrainian airlines, i remind you, was shot down on january 8, 2020 near tehran. for several days, iranian officials denied this only after statements from other countries, including british, canadian and american intelligence, the iranian president.
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admitted that due to - i quote human error, the missiles that were fired led to the disaster. subsequently, iran withdrew from negotiations with ukraine and conducted the investigation independently. in 2023, the iranian side of the delegation presented the final investigation report, which the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine called a cynical attempt to hide the true reasons for the downing of the plane. recalling the downing of malaysian airlines mh-17 by russian proxies in july 2014, experts point out that ukraine was waiting for justice. years, until last year a court in the netherlands found russian citizens igor girkin serhiy dubinsky and ukrainian citizen leonid kharchenko guilty of the crash of flight mh-17 and finally confirmed that the plane was shot down by a russian buk missile from the non-controlled territory of ukraine. the russian side still continues to claim that it was not involved in the downing of the mh-17 , despite the results of international investigations and the judges' decisions. returning to the circumstances of the fall of il-76 on the eve of the publication of teleg.
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draws attention to the fact that in the case of a plane crash of this scale, the consequences, in particular the bodies or fragments of the bodies of the dead, if there were more than 60 of them on board, could not disappear from the scene. the pictures from the crash site of the mzh-17 showed bodies among the wreckage, and but in the case of il-76, only one photo shows the body of the deceased. telegraph journalists write that russia should publish official photos and videos to confirm its words about the alleged presence of prisoners of war on board the il-76. hinduz mamedov, an expert in national and international criminal law, candidate of legal sciences and deputy prosecutor general of ukraine in 19-21 is already in touch with us, my congratulations, congratulations, well, there is something to talk about, please tell me if you see similarity in history with the downing of a boeing near donetsk, which carried out flights mh17 and the downing of the russian il-76, could there be a similar or the same scenario, what are the versions? they are, first of all, they are not similar, they are.
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although in one case it was a weapon and in another case it was a used weapon and there was a passenger plane, here a military plane, so i would say that the stories are different, but the investigation, it will also be difficult for the ukrainian side, because it is an uncontrolled territory , this plane is located, that is, if we analyze all previous actions on the part of the russian federation in cases for... with plane crashes, how do you think, how do you assume, what path can the russian side take next, if, for example, we believe their official version about the shooting down of the zsuiv prisoners, which, let me remind you, ukraine has not confirmed at the moment, while russia essentially has access to the scene of the incident, it can do whatever will replace her, right? well, of course, she had control over the occupied territory at one time, so she could also do that, so which way will they please, it's... it's very difficult to say,
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honestly, well, there aren't many official ones yet versions, it is clear that currently the expert environment can only assume how and what can happen next, but still president zelenskyi declares the need for an international investigation, what should be the first steps from your point of view of the ukrainian side, who should ukraine call to join the of this investigation, and to what extent is such an international investigation specifically possible in this case? well, i completely agree with... everyone will have their doubts about this, and so he is right to say that he is calling for the international community to address paid attention to this and began its investigation on this issue, it is correct, and here we need to pay attention not only to... that
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it was shot down and there were dead people or there were no dead people, we will learn something about it there, although i understand that the russian side has already said about it, that they were there. allegedly, a ukrainian prisoner of war, but it must be investigated, and here it is important to understand one thing, that it is necessary to pay attention to what conditions they were in, and it was safe to imprison our soldiers and send them along that safe path, and it was necessary to pay attention attention to, first of all... to the safety of these prisoners here in the event that there were prisoners of war there, which the ukrainian side did not officially confirm, but ria news, the state agency, also the russian one, reports that both black boxes of the downed belgorod police station were found region 76, they were allegedly
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informed about this in the emergency services, what i would like to ask you about the ukrainian side, but in fact, as of now, there are not many official versions, and those statements that do exist , you know... around the topic, they are clearly not deny and do not clearly confirm, for example, whether ukraine is involved in the downing of this plane and whether there were such ukrainian military prisoners, everyone says that time is needed to find out everything, whether the silence will not last long, that's how do you think, and how often in such cases, maybe there are similar stories, time is needed in order for at least some preliminary statements to be made official, reacting to what the russian side declares, well, here you need to understand one thing... that in there is a war between russia and ukraine, that is understandable, and at the present time there are dead people, there are also legitimate targets, planes and other military equipment, so if the russian side knows that there were
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prisoners of war there, who are a protected group of people according to international treaties, then it is necessary to insist and talk about it. and show some facts about it, and then, in this case, the ukrainian side should start its investigation, and as the president rightly said, invite an international expert in order for this investigation to be an international investigation, and until now there are no facts in ukrainian parties to start an investigation for the fact that, say, a military plane was shot down. there is no sense here, to be honest, but you , as an expert, how can you assess how thorough or unsubstantiated the evidence provided by the russian side regarding the fact that ukrainian prisoners of war could be on board, well, at the moment , they have no evidence they gave no no officially
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no, and therefore to draw any conclusions, it is frankly wrong, i will still have a question about whether there are chances that russia... can admit to the scene of the event international experts and why it is important to do this, we have already talked, in fact, that is, whether an independent analysis of the situation is possible at all , well, i do not know how they will move on this issue, if they want to know this issue objectively, then they will invite, or they may not invite, that is , it is very difficult to predict, honestly, but are there any special international organizations, or you? it is possible, i do not know, there are certain international protocols that could confirm the stay on board of military prisoners, because the red cross for example, he says that they only find out after the fact about exchanges between the ukrainian and russian sides and participate exclusively in the exchange of bodies, when it comes to living prisoners of war, then they
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do not take part there, well, here we need to pay attention to the manlia convention , which will be able to use this convention and invite. here experts in this field and start an investigation, conduct a study of these black boxes and find out what really happened, that is, if it will be, say, desire of the russian side, then you can objectively investigate this fact, what it can testify to, this is also very important. in fact, an important point, which was not so thoroughly discussed in the expert environment, is that the lists of prisoners who were allegedly on board are published by the unofficial ministry of defense, for example, and the head of the state media , simonyan, why is this happening, what do you think, for , in order to protect official structures from possible
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disinformation in kyiv, or why this is happening, where can they get it from be these surnames? well, it is important to remember that russian propaganda is always in a hurry under any circumstances. uh, they blame ukraine, this is their typical strategy, it was the same with mh-17 and olynivka, so guess what they will do. to come to terms with this fact, it is very difficult to say why it is being talked about, and other things are there, you know, there are some dark people who receive and inform, use any information space for which they have their own ideas, and therefore, it is difficult to say how can an investigation be launched? completion will be a question, if for example, this is the version which no one denied or denied that there were indeed ukrainian prisoners of war on board
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, which the ukrainian side has not yet admitted, and this shooting down was by the ukrainian side. , that this fact was, yes, for example, and the other side should say about it that there really were, let's say, protected... groups, namely, prisoners of war, about then investigations begin and it is necessary to move in this direction and find out how it really is was and did you know parties about what is happening this way, this plane is sent to the exchange, did the general staff know about it, did the intelligence know about it, and why did they not communicate? and why the russian side did not say about this that there will be prisoners of war on this plane and you
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should have done some safe things so that this did not happen, who in this case can be responsible for this and who should punish the guilty, it should be an international court, or are there separate platforms for this? well, maybe it's international criminal court, this is the beginning of an investigation, the russian side can also investigate it, ukraine can also investigate it. side, that is , it is not a question in this. well, it must be said that as of now, from what is officially known, the russian side blames ukraine for the downing, says that there were ukrainian prisoners of war on board, the ukrainian side has not officially confirmed that the downing was actually carried out by ukrainian forces and that that there were prisoners of war on board, they say it will take time to find out all the circumstances, president zelenskyy stated the need for international mediation, in short, i thank you for your analysis and for joining our broadcast. mamedov is an expert in national and international criminal law and a candidate of legal sciences, deputy
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prosecutor general of ukraine in 19-21. in the russian city of tuabse, in the krasnodar territory, drones hit an oil refinery. this is reported by russian telegram channels. so, mezh , citing local residents, writes that around midnight people heard the sounds of a flight drones, as well as several explosions, after which a large-scale fire broke out on the territory of the plant. the fire was extinguished only around 5 in the morning, according to russian state media. officially, they do not write about drone strikes, but i note that at that time the airspace over the city was suspended. the airport located more than 100 km away in the city of sochi also suspended the reception of planes. there, according to russian sources, a hernia plan was introduced. tractor protest. polish farmers held a nationwide strike. thousands of tractors
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across the country, they took to the roads in columns to express their disagreement with the agricultural policy of the european union and the import of grain from ukraine. our correspondent natalka volosatska was amused by the situation, and you can see more details in her article below. we are now 70 km from warsaw, more than a hundred tractors have gathered here. right now they are leaving for... and heading to the nearest city to continue their protest there, they say, they will not block the roads first. a large-scale farmers' strike took place in about two hundred the organizers marked points and places of the tractor protest on the map in order to warn drivers about possible complications in traffic. farmers did not block roads, but traffic jams could not be avoided. not far from warsaw in the city of poltusk, farmers on tractors lined up in the central square. we must
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adhere to the standards dictated by the eu. products coming from ukraine mostly do not meet these standards. because of this, the cost of manufacturing products in ukraine is much lower, in ours it is much higher, because we still have to comply with eu conditions, and therefore we are not competitive. farmers complained. to the low price of polish grain, reduction of fuel surcharges and, in their opinion, unfair competition. we are protesting against ukrainian grain, because in a moment there will be... ukrainian sugar, ukrainian milk. unfortunately, the poles are unable to compete with ukrainian agriculture, with holdings, not with farmers. we are also protesting against the so-called european green course, which dictates that we should not use part of our land for a while. let's imagine that someone has a certain number of employees and suddenly has to fire 10 people. we want the european union
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to stop changing regulations that only make life more difficult for farmers. we want the... to see that the situation is getting worse, ukrainian grain is flooding our market, no one buys it, there is nowhere to take it, this is the biggest problem, we don't mind helping, but we want it to be provided transit. the protest lasted more than two hours, the farmers called it a warning and said that if their demands are not met, there will be more actions more massive i would like to remind you that on january 6, the polish government signed an agreement on understanding with farmers, those unblocking. border, instead received assurances that their three demands would be met. it is about the introduction of additional payments for corn, an increase in the volume of lending to save farms and a refusal to increase the agricultural tax, i.e. maintaining it at the level of last year. on january 19, the european commission approved one billion zlotys in subsidies for
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corn producers, which means that one of the three demands of farmers has already been fulfilled. except fruits and vegetables... at some point, polish farmers may demand a ban on ukrainian raspberries, honey and other products, experts say. and the accusations that polish farmers are suffering losses because of ukrainian grain are called absurd. the price of grain in poland since the beginning of the embargo on ukrainian wheat, which took place in april last year, fell by 25%, that is, the loss in them increased, although there was a blockade of ukrainian grain, growing grain in poland and in... it is unprofitable, it is not now it has become unprofitable, it was already unprofitable for decades, that is, they plant grain , it is subsidized, and they continue to plant it and block it because of this, and because of this they accuse ukraine of being unprofitable, it is worth noting that these specialized publications are polish, they calculate as follows that
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the loss on each hectare of wheat cultivation, specifically... wheat 420 €. from a hectare, the average yield is 4.5 tons, so a loss of €93 is obtained for each ton. the day before, eu trade commissioner valdis dombrovskyi said that the european union will limit ukrainian exports on demand of poland, the financial times wrote about it. according to the brussels innovation , country-specific precautionary measures will be introduced that will allow food from ukraine to be blocked, if it is established. the threat of falling prices in poland and other neighboring countries. greetings, this is news in a minute, here is a quick and brief summary of what is being talked about in the network: the senate committee approved a law that will allow the united states to confiscate russian assets and transfer them to the restoration of ukraine, so writes reuters. if the senate and house of representatives support the bill, and joe biden
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signs it, it will mark the first in the history of washington to confiscate the assets of the country's central bank. with which the us is not at war. artificial intelligence is gaining momentum. microsoft corporation has reached a historical market valuation of -$3. this happened against the background of increased interest in artificial intelligence - writes bloomberg. thus, microsoft became the second after apple to reach this level. such indicators testify to the enthusiasm of investors for artificial intelligence and its profitability. demand for artificial intelligence services and cloud... computing to support it will maintain microsoft's long-term growth trends. the miss japan beauty pageant was won by a ukrainian woman who was born in ternopil, but emigrated to the country of the morning sun at the age of five, the bbc reports. with her victory, karolina sheino caused a public outcry and a discussion about what it means
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to be japanese, because not everyone agrees with this result. others say that this is a politicized decision, and it is unlikely that she would win the competition. a native of russia, but the girl herself believes that she is japanese, as in the language, and in thoughts, and strives to live in a society in which people are not judged by their appearance. that's all for today, look for more news on our social networks, telegram, facebook, instagram and tiktok. it was katya nekrecha with a selection of important, short news that you need to know, and ukrainians have already chosen the participants and judges of the national selection for eurob. 2,024 votes were cast in the action application, more than 300,000 ukrainians cast their votes for the performers, and more than 700,000 for the jury, and these are the winners of the eurovision song contest and are almost permanent. driving selection of andrii danylko and jamal, but for the leader of the band without restrictions serhii tanchenets, this is a debut. singer yuliya sanina, who this year was one of the hosts
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of the competition in liverpool , timur mirushnychenko and stand-up comedian vasyl baydak, became the host of the selection. 10 ukrainian bands and performers are preparing for the selection, chosen based on the results of auditions, and the singer anka with the song pal received the most votes in the poll, but she will automatically enter the final. who will represent ukraine at eurovision? it is known that on february 3, the final will traditionally be live, the jury and the audience will vote, the competition itself will take place in may in the swedish city of malmö. well, in these minutes , the ukrainian singer jamala of crimean tatar origin joins our broadcast. jamal, i salute you. congratulations. we can already say that you are a constant member of the jury of the ukrainian eurovision selection. tell me, please, this year the audience of the action was again chosen by the jury and you are one of those entrusted with this mission. is there do you have a personal favorite, have you already listened to all the performers, and how? evaluate this year's selection participants, but there is actually something to work with, shall we say? well
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, first of all, i would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who voted for me, i really did not plan to be on the jury almost every year, but people choose, and it is very responsible and honorable, and i am happy that there is such a the option to choose... not just the eurovision contestants , but also the jury, it's really, well, i think it's very democratic, modern, i'm excited about it, which specifically concerns the eurovision contestants of national selection 224, it seems to me that it's too early to draw any conclusions, yes, look, we already have songs, someone has video clips, and there are messages, there are stories, this is very cool. yes, this is a very important component, but in my opinion, what i already see from the practice
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of eurovision is that very often, almost always, to be honest, there is an expectation of reality, that is, when a song sounds very cool, mixed, there is some additional processing, yes , that is, the voice increases, there are many... vocals, there is some kind of sound design, that is, everything, everything shakes, everything sounds cool in audio format, and suddenly the scene, when everything is already happening broadcast live, at the eurovision itself or at the selections, uh, then the magic is lost, that is , sometimes it even happens that it is very difficult to listen to the very melody of the song. and this moment is the most important, well, i will speak for myself as a participant of eurovision, a winner and already
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a member of the jury, that is, she was on different sides of this story, and i can say that this is the most important moment live, well, no one can do it at all to predict, if you want stories from me, then i had such that... for example, during the eurovision grand final i got completely wet, well, the in-ear monitors broke, the in-ear monitors on the stage , as you know, when you have the opportunity, but now we often use headphones there, yes , in order to hear ourselves well, to have good sound quality, so on stage, this turned off completely for me system from the very beginning of the song, what was i supposed to sing? to continue, not to show , that is, no one knew about it, or the dress that you prepare there for three months, and only it, and
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only there you already know it, you know every movement in this dress, and suddenly it is lost before the main rehearsal , you too you leave the stage, okay, you have to go out in jeans, go out, but it is important to keep this mood and keep this one, i... but i have a question for you as a member of the jury, please tell me what you are betting more on , on how professional the song is as a whole, the artist is professional, or for example how this song, when it has already been released, is perceived by the international audience that will vote, but now we can take an example there, no know, alyona alyona and jerry hale, a song about mother teresa, where also ambiguous in fact reviews, but look even on the official youtube, there are really millions of views and so on. and the audience abroad also perceives this song, so what should the ukrainian side bet on, let's say so, so that the result is pleasing at the competition itself? that's all, that's all important, fan reaction
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is important, what's important... uh, story behind, yeah, what's behind the song, what's the message, uh, well, again, i 'm saying, the song, the live performance, and that, this skill, charisma, is such a component, because again, the story is important not just for the song on stage at the moment of performance, but also important as a person can live with it at all, because it is a huge amount of work, because there is a lot... before eurovision, after eurovision, a lot of work, i can say that six years have passed since my victory, only now i appreciate all these , you know, the possessions that victory gave me, well, first of all , during the full-scale war, it was the song 1944 44 that opened all the doors for me, it, and
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this... we now have the opportunity to listen to it briefly, very briefly, and then we will discuss, thank you for that, thank you. one and a half minutes, i will ask you to put in for who, about whom and why is it important for the world to hear it? i don't know if it's important for the world to hear it, i wanted ukraine to hear it, because i think this song
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will be more understandable to us right now, because, unfortunately, stories about losses are very a lot, this is my story, about me, my letter that i wrote to my friend, who was like a brother to me, siran kadyrov, who died near bakhmut last year, he has a wonderful, wonderful family, three daughters are left, and this pain , which, you know, from the loss, i wanted to write du... a very light song, very light, like if you wanted to say that you didn't have time, you love him, you, you remember how he joked, you remember how he was loved by the sea, how loved his mountains, so time does not heal , it only dulls the pain, and this is an important message that is really in this song, and this is the lyric of the video, not suddenly, again, it was filmed at home, because it is at home that we open up.
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we write most and it is at home that we write and feel the best, so i would really like people to create videos for this the song my brother, there's tiktok, some kind of rails where they would tell the stories of their losses, parents, sisters, and i would really like to share this, because it's important that we remember, that people know these people, maybe this it's really important, we thank you for doing this... the song can already be listened to and there is such an opportunity for our viewers jamala, a ukrainian singer of crimean tatar origin, about the important moments and european vision of our own life with you. well, we will definitely contact and contact and will contact the ukrainian side, to the ministry of defense, to the general staff, to the ombudsman, and we are also waiting for the representative of the main intelligence directorate andriy yusuv, his comment about the ill-76 aircraft itself, so stay tuned for updates on
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our broadcast. thank you for your attention. greetings, it's news time on espresso, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning , a fire broke out in the kyiv school, according to the capital's emergency services, the fire occurred in an educational institution in the darnytskyi district. it is reported that the fire broke out in one of the classes on the second floor floor, around nine o'clock, rescuers put out the flames, children and school employees.


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