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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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we asked you about this, do you trust anonymous telegram channels, let's see how our viewers voted on tv, 6% trust, 94%, no, the level of distrust is high enough, and on the youtube channel, the same results, six trust, 94% , no, we are putting an end to our program, ms. tanova, thank you for your attention, i wish you all the best, take care of yourself and your family, goodbye. greetings to all who are from espresso, i am annayavamelnik and news for your attention, shot. grenade launcher
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in a high-rise in a high-rise in the morning residents of one of the buildings in kryvyi rih woke up to an explosion. according to the district police department, an unknown man fired a handy anti-tank grenade launcher into an apartment of a residential building. several apartments were damaged. some sources write that a woman with a child was in the room at the time. they were not hurt. others report that the child was not at home at the time of the shooting. law enforcement officers are working at the scene. accounting technicians and investigative and operational group. four people were injured as a result of an enemy attack on the village rohan in kharkiv oblast. three women and a 17-year-old teenager received minor injuries, the boy with injuries to the head, arms and legs was hospitalized, - said the head of the region oleg sinygubov. the occupiers fired rockets late in the evening, four private residences were completely destroyed, and more than 15 were damaged. there are also vandalized cars.
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the russians carried out one missile attack on the village of rozdolne , chuguyiv district. two warehouses of a civilian enterprise were targeted. according to preliminary data from the regional prosecutor's office, they were hit with s-300 missiles from belgorod region of the russian federation. muscovites also dropped a guided aerial bomb on the village of vilkhuvatka, kupnyan district. farming was damaged. naftogaz ukraine, ukrposhta and ukrtransbezpeka were hacked. interventions some services are not working. specialists are currently solving the problem. one of the data centers of naftogaz ukraine is not working due to a dedos attack. call center and a number of sites. the press service promised to inform additionally about the restoration of servers and failure in it systems, ukrposhta also said. branches can currently only not issue parcels and accept payments other services are promised to be restored later. there were problems in the state as well. service of ukraine for
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transport safety ukrtransbezpeka. it was reported there about a technical failure in the work of the shlyah information system and the official website of ukrtransbezpeka. they promise to restore everything in the near future. 81 cases of russian use of chemical weapons in december 2023 alone . such data were given at a briefing at the military center. it was also then that reprimands were recorded for the first time. it is forbidden to make rgvo grenades containing chloracytophen, a substance with a suffocating effect the geneva protocol. the tested sample was produced in the same 23rd year at a plant that has been operating since the days of the soviet union, and as of today, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, a total of 626 chemical attacks have been recorded. in fact , every month, every month, reports are made with...
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there is information that the russian federation is using chemical weapons, or erettants, or they have already switched to heavier gas in this case, and i repeat, on december 23rd, we record a sharp increase use of means or chemical munitions themselves. i remind you that the espresso tv channel continues to collect funds for the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain assault brigade for night vision binoculars. our defenders perform combat tasks mainly at night, so the device is extremely necessary for them. good vision in the dark not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy. our goal is uah 170,000. we already have 130,000 on the account. you can see the details on the screen. an investment in the armed forces of ukraine is a contribution to our freedom and independence. international drug dealers were exposed on ternopil region. the police destroyed the organization. which produced hard drugs.
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criminals sold goods in different regions of ukraine and european countries. two people from khmelnytskyi started the business. the organizers responded. for the purchase of raw materials, two figures with skills in the chemical industry manufactured drugs, the rest were engaged in logistics and sales, worked without days off, sometimes changing their location so as not to arouse suspicion. an investigation is ongoing, during which all persons involved in the drug gang are being identified. participants of the criminal organizations produced and whipped about 40 kg of finished products, which provided them with a stable. flow in the amount of uah 20 million per month, all members of the criminal organization were detained in accordance with article 208 of the criminal procedure code of ukraine and suspicions were announced. the issue of choosing a preventive measure in the form of detention is being resolved. the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe
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voted by an overwhelming majority in favor of the resolution on the situation of ukrainian children who were illegally taken from ukraine to the territory by the russian invaders russia and belarus. it is about over. 1,900 young ukrainians followed the course of the debate, spresso's european institutions correspondent tetyana vysotska followed. tatyana, i congratulate you, what measures are offered in paris to bring our children home? greetings anna eva, greetings from strasbourg. the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe voted unanimously on the resolution called the situation of ukrainian children. 85 of the 85 present voted. members of the assembly, children should never be used as a means of pressure or as a military trophy, says the resolution, the deputies of the assembly reminded that the illegal transfer or abduction of ukrainian children and their transfer to the territory of the russian federation, belarus,
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the occupied territories of ukraine are war crimes, crimes against humanity, and also constitute the crime of genocide. in this regard, the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe appealed. to all members of the council of europe with a request to adopt relevant resolutions at the level of national parliaments and to recognize russia's crimes of abduction of ukrainian children as a crime of genocide. to the delegates of pere during the first lady of ukraine, olena zelenska, addressed the debate via video link, she called on europe to help ukraine return children and also suggested creating a separate list of kidnapped ukrainian children who have been displaced in russia or belarus. so that all eu member states have it. actually, mrs. zelenska did not just mention such a list, because the text of the resolution contains a call to the committee of ministers of the council of europe to create a list of abducted ukrainian children and bring it to the attention of all member states
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of the council of europe, and a very interesting mechanism is proposed if a russian citizen is involved in the abduction or adoption or illegal establishment of guardianship over a ukrainian. on the territory of russia, belarus or the occupied ukrainian territories, the cross-ethnic border of any of the european states, they must automatically inform the relevant competent ukrainian authorities about it so that ukraine can return this specific child back home to ukraine, this is the mechanism proposed by the council of europe . also, what is important, the council of europe takes care not only issues of ukrainian children abducted by russia, but the resolution drew attention to ukrainian children as well. children who are internally displaced, who are in the territory of ukraine. the corresponding committee on migration, parier, amended the resolution, which was approved by the session, and this amendment specifically states that the situation of internally displaced children in ukraine is also difficult,
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and calls on ukraine to, uh, develop programs from greater support for internally displaced children, and er... in the resolution as well it is said that western countries should increase support in this area as well, since only in 2024 ukraine will need from four to five billion dollars to support internally displaced persons and the communities that host them. and also, what is important, the session of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe appealed to the western countries and the member states of the council of europe on the territory of which ukrainian refugees are staying and asked to continue. their support, as long as they need it, as long as they are in the territory of these states, this is such a powerful, good resolution , i congratulate you on the good news, thank you for your work, thank you for the good news for ukraine, my colleague tetyana vysotska, who monitors the work
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of the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, in detail about the resolution regarding ukrainian children deported by russia. for the eighth time, the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielius lansbergis , has visited kyiv. the head of the mfa plans to meet with his ukrainian colleague dmytro kuleba, secretary of the national security service oleksiy danilov and others. officials. lansbergis will also sign a memorandum regarding construction of shelters in ukrainian schools, financed by the european union. that 's all i have for a moment, the news team follows what is happening in ukraine and the world about the most important things, we will tell you at 15, then meet my colleagues, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi.
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information day of the tv channel in rozpala, thanks to anna eva melnyk, thanks to the news editor for this extremely important issue, but there are really a lot of events today, so we will involve the most competent and informed experts for the proper analysis in the espresso studio live by marta. boliyadnyk and antin borkovskyi, we remind you, our tv viewers, about the fundraiser, an important fundraiser organized by the espressu tv channel together with the charity fund of our colleague iryna koval, and we are currently collecting funds for our defenders from the 141st brigade, who are performing tasks in the orihiv direction of the zaporizhzhia region . infantry and aerial reconnaissance need high-quality equipment to successfully perform combat missions. we plan to buy walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, and a lot of other equipment less important at the front. and your every hryvnia is important, and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, so this time too we ask
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you to support our military, you can now see qr codes, card numbers on the screen, so please join in , make your postal donations, we understand that there are a lot of meetings , but please do not skip our meeting, it is a very important meeting, our goal is one million uah , so please, be active and join in, we are now joining viktor chumak, the chief military prosecutor of ukraine in the 19th on the 20th rochla to ukraine, mr. prosecutor, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, good day to all. well , the plane crash of the ill-76 in the belgorod region of the russian federation, so russia begins to disperse, in the literal sense, not just some propaganda narratives, but a whole information campaign, for which, surprisingly, it was extremely well prepared in advance. in particular, it is about the fact that the first activities of russian propagandists, information warriors have appeared. literally in a matter of minutes, about half an hour, 40 minutes
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after the plane crash, so the investigation, so to speak to say, it will show, the security service of ukraine is now actively studying this process, and in general, the whole vacanali in russia, so what do we have now on the way out of this, so to speak, extraordinarily age-old disaster? well, look, my opinion, this is of course my personal opinion. but i may be an optimist in that regard, first of all, it seems to me that if there really was, as you say, a catastrophe, and our prisoners of war died there, then we would be in the same place, after the same 30 minutes saw a pile of bodies, a pile of bodies that are there, or what there should be, if there should be 65 of them there, and a pile of bodies, a pile of people, fragments of bodies and so on, which are scattered at the site of this disaster. there is no photo with the bodies of people there, no photo that would
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show that there was a large number of people there, there is no confirmation of this, so in my opinion, this is the main factor that shows that what a provocation, that it is really a provocation, even in this time, in this day, they could have brought us there, they would have killed our people, they would have taken them... show and show would, but this is a completely different nature of damage, yes, if you bring people who were killed just like that and put them on the ground, then this is a completely different nature of damage, and it will even be visible from the photo, so no one did it, now you are showing the field, the body, the field of the rest of the plane, but where are the bodies, where are the remains of clothes, where is everything else, to characterize what was there... mr. viktor, well, knowing, so to speak, the approach of the russian performers, on it is a great pity that there is
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a fear that they can organize this matter, well, i don't even want to think who can they arrange there, i'm talking about it , you know, you can organize, you can organize such a staging, but this is a different nature of damage to bodies, it's one thing when bodies are broken, the plane breaks up and falls and people... die as a result of hitting the ground so powerful, but it's another matter when they are basically shot, it's a completely different story, well, i don't want to be so rude. or cynical, but they will take sledgehammers, we understand how they organized the so-called terrorist attack in olenivka, so we remember that there also it was an extremely bloody and terrible story, yes, well, and then they appointed their own experts, no outsiders, they won’t let anyone in there, that’s all, you see, and the situation here is such that, by and large , they don’t let anyone in , the world
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understands absolutely clearly, most likely, that this is another provocation. the russian federation, yes, another provocation, that's all. mr. viktor, what is the purpose of the provocation? this is an undermining with the support of ukraine, this is a desire to make future exchanges absolutely impossible, or it could be several aspects of the goal that the russians are pursuing, and one of the main ones, in my opinion, is that they are now watching us reach certain rear points of their territory. well, it is possible that in this way they want to show our western allies that ukraine cannot be allowed to use some western weapons, for example, and explain it in this way, what are your versions? so you, you voiced what, in principle , their lavrov voiced yesterday, yes, that’s a sad sad horse, here’s what he voiced, he
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he just said right away that this downing took place with... with the use of western missiles and the incident, about which he said that it is necessary to turn to this, to the bundestag, it is necessary to go to the germans, because in principle the ukrainians use these missiles already on the territory and in including on the territory of the russian federation , about which they said for a long time that it was not necessary, well , about the fact that even its western politicians there said that it should not be done, because there were certain restrictions, and they precisely provoked this catastrophe, and that is why. .. it is necessary to turn to, open the eyes, so to speak, to westerners to politicians that weapons cannot be given to ukrainians is one thing, and this is probably one of the main ones, another question is that the situation here is like this, i do not rule out that something was wrong with the exchange, because it was prepared for yesterday , the lists were agreed, and maybe not all the people on those lists were alive,
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or maybe they had the opportunity to exchange them, the russians did not want to and... so this became a reason to stop any exchanges to date, so yes, i don't rule it out either, but the main thing is that you voiced it, and you voiced it yourself and in including what lavrov voiced, moreover, they now want, now want to convene a meeting of the un security council, and you can believe that they will voice the same story that we are talking about here now. mr. prosecutor, look, there are... so to speak, our certain investigative bodies and investigative actions, they should, so to speak, present a comprehensive plan that would be read very correctly in the west. we understand that the matter is extremely delicate, so are the issues of state secrets and military secrets, well, but, speaking about our public alibi, yes, which would be
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documented and would suit , for example, our western allies, because you have extremely... rightly pointed out that the key, one of the key tasks of the enemy is to make it so that it can be shown that they say ukraine uses the same patriots or some other powerful western systems on the territory of the russian federation, so what should we do? look, the matter is different, the matter is, what kind of alibi can we have, when in principle, to date, there is no evidence that there were people there, so... there is no as of today, and i repeat to you again, there is no evidence that there were people there, that's all an alibi, you see, there is no evidence that there were people there, that there were even, i don't know, servicemen of the russian federation or our prisoner of war, there are no mass casualties as a result of the crash of this plane and there is no evidence that there were mass
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casualties, mr. viktor, we understand that, but the western media broadcast it to the whole world and we understand that now they are ... absolutely discrediting our armed forces for what they are they don’t check the information , they don’t clarify it, they refer to the russian media, to russian officials who constantly lie to people’s eyes and actually broadcast it to the whole world now, come on, come on, come on, you too don’t talk about what all western media , no, not all, well, some, not all, absolutely, a lot of western media, which in principle say objective things, that today there is no evidence of such a thing... so let's not be again to speak so generally about all western media, they too it is absolutely normal to check information, including information, but so far there is no such information, it just bubbled up yesterday and the bubble went away, then this bubble subsided, including in the western media, which, after checking this information, did not
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can confirm the presence of our servicemen , our prisoners of war there, let's not pretend that the western media are so bad, no, there is no such thing, so let's be absolutely calm, absolutely calm, we are talking , lubinets said about it today, lubinets turned to voon, ee ... lubin appealed to the international red cross, the international organization of the red cross, moreover, according to all, yes, in principle, according to all the rules of war, those who hold prisoners of war are responsible for security, you can apply for any international investigation, but the russians in this will be refused, and this is the proof of their provocation, that is... an extremely important signal, if we are talking about the broader scenario of the russian federation, mr. viktor, we know that in addition to your official, prosecutorial, so to speak,
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list, there is also your military analytics, which we greatly appreciate, read, the winter-spring scenario of our enemy, yes, when we talk about the availability of relevant resources, yes, they can draw any arrows on any maps, they can show one or another offensive. activity, but the question of the ability to implement, how seriously are they now ready? well, look, i won't say that they are there, well, i won't say that they are not ready and i won't say that they are ready, the question here is how capable we are today to defense, yes, and we probably have a need to transition to strategic defense, it is simply dictated by time and ours... to date, and the situation here is such that while we may indeed soon feel a shortage of ammunition there, we we can, we already feel
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a bit of human hunger there today, although here it is necessary to understand so that people understand that the law on mobilization that should be adopted is not the beginning of mobilization, we have legislation that in principle regulates the mobilization processes today , and they go to these mobilizations processes. the question of how actively they go and how actively that law can change them, because it simply establishes slightly different, different rules for mobilization, and mobilization goes, with people and mobilization goes, but the question of military capabilities, well, for now you see, we were stuck on a question, well, not stuck, but we absolutely understood that it would be solved in the united states, these are just such questions of assistance from the united states. and here it is necessary to compensate with something, compensate no no no there is a lack of ammunition, especially a shortage of ammunition, and it is possible only
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today, and this is how ours do it, in principle, with drones, and these drones, yes, they help , we have a very difficult situation , they are writing about this situation, this is an audiobook, this is a very difficult situation, probably the most hot spot today, this is the most point where the russians will go... the efforts of the russians have been made, because there is already a constant replenishment of their human resources there, and there will be very difficult battles, especially since well, according to the data, there is already a seizure and parts, or let's say, part of the building of the front building there, of the eastern building in avdiivka, thank you, viktor chumak. the military prosecutor of ukraine was in touch with us in 2019-2020, now we will go on a short break, but after it we will return to our studio, because we will have a guest with whom
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we will talk about a lot of important informational reasons and issues, so stay with espresso, we 'll be back in a few minutes. there are discounts on lactial 10% in in pharmacies, a plantain for you... that savings, a person who fell into a coma will learn the news, there is, there is, everyone was lied to by spartak saturday, who will come here now my girlfriend, and her mother, also my girlfriend, grandmother, will be, let’s maybe in let's play something, show our search history in google, the real search history, we are definitely playing, there were some elections, 100% reliability. "i suggest peeing and sleeping , and maybe i'll take a look, wow, in general , yes, yes, yes, supposedly the first sex in two
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a consultant powerful saw strong - what you need! call! there are 15% discounts on optimal at podorozhnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. great return of great lviv. from now on, the largest talk format of ukraine, veliky lviv, will be broadcast in the evening prime time at 21:15. in general, i think we need two things. money and weapons, we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. recently, politicians who would were as brave and determined as possible, the world is becoming less and less. we will not stop at anything if 30% of the deputy corps, as i say on a rotational basis, goes to fight. the most important thing is that every thursday the renewed time is 21:15, the project says
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velikiy lviv. conversations and discussions. search for solutions on the espresso tv channel. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are. well, on the information day of the tv channel in rozpala, vadym denysenko, political expert, author of the book how to destroy the russian peace, and it seems to destroy the political leadership there, no, it is in another book, not by vadym denysenko. glory to ukraine, mr. vadym, congratulations, glad to see you. glory to heroes. come on, let's continue the topic
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we discussed with our previous guest. this is the downing of the il-76 and how russian propagandists tried to cover it in the perspective they needed, and in order not to be verbose, i will simply quote a few headlines from quite popular publications in the world, such as roits and the associated press, well, actually, for example , russia accuses ukraine of murder 65 of their own prisoners of war due to the downing of the plane, only in the last paragraph of the material it was added that the ministry of defense of ukraine did not immediately respond to reuters' request about who. another reuters article came out with the headline russia says that ukraine shot down a military plane, two missiles were detected and so on and so on, that is, i would like you, as a person competent in this regard, to explain to our viewers why such formulations are dangerous in the west media, especially of the magnitude of reuters, which is requoted and reposted by so many others western media, and actually creates such a false picture and idea of ​​what actually happened there, because...


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