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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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which we discussed with our previous guest, this is the downing of the il-76 itself and how russian propagandists tried to cover it in the perspective they needed, and in order not to be verbose, i will simply quote a few headlines from fairly popular publications in the world such as roits and the associated press , well , actually, for example, russia accuses ukraine of killing 65 of its own prisoners of war due to the downing of a plane. only in the last paragraph of the material is added that the ministry of defense. ukraine did not immediately respond to reuters' request for comment. more one reuters story made headlines in russia, it says that ukraine shot down a military plane, two missiles were detected, and so on and so forth. that is, i would like you , as a person competent in this regard, to explain to our viewers why such formulations in the western media are dangerous, especially on such a scale as reuters, which is requoted and reposted by many other western media, and actually creates such a a false picture and idea of ​​what really happened there because... still we
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don't know what really happened there so that except for the russian federation, no one else can put forward a version, since there is no access to this place. but we follow the russian propaganda, i wanted to say with our hands, but with our tongues, that is, the fact that they began to actively convert this matter systematically, that is, we understand that their propaganda is at a high level, but they were clearly preparing for something similar. well, look, let's split your question into two parts, the first is about the headlines, the second is whether or not they were preparing for, uh... regarding the headlines, i can to say that now what you quoted are mostly yesterday's quotes, now the situation is leveling off, now yesterday, closer to the evening, there was a statement from the president, there was a statement from the main intelligence agency, and in principle there were enough statements from ukrainian leaders and we started to change the information field, so from this point of view i think that now the information field will be leveled and today's statement by putin's press secretary siskov, who was asked whether...
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there will be an investigation of this case, whether international experts, he de facto said that there will be no international consortium on e-e research, that is, in principle, this already explains to a large extent that this is an exclusively russian history and that it concerns russian propaganda history, now regarding the second question, have they prepared or not no, from my point of view, it was a classic double-dealing, the first move was... the shooting of people in the bazaar in donetsk three days before il -76 was shot down, well then i will remind you that in the center of donetsk , the russians themselves fired at the bazaar and 25 people, at least died and were wounded. after this lavrov goes to the meeting of radbazaon, where he begins to talk about the fact that the ukrainian bastards are killing civilians in the bazaar and so on and so forth. then two days pass and the story of the il-76 takes place in... in
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principle, in principle, the russians needed it for several reasons. the first reason is really what chumak said in the previous part of your program, it is true, all this is happening on the eve of decisions, possible decisions of the congress and the bundestag on the allocation of funds for ukraine from the congress and the allocation for us taurus long-range missiles from the bundestag, that is, that is all, if not stopped, and i am sure. that will not stop it, but it can definitely postpone the solution of this issue for a while, that is, from this point of view , the russians worked in advance in order to show that the ukrainians cannot do anything at all, they are shooting at their own and so on and so forth, well, not on their own, but the territory of the belgorod region, i'm talking about what they communicate, in principle, we are now talking about what they communicate, not what is in fact, the second point, which is very important, we must understand that... for the russian
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federation, one of the two three most important narratives for 2024, this is not a matter of the month of january and february, for the entire year of 2024, this is its narrative, which boils down to in one phrase: russia wants negotiations, and ukraine does not want negotiations, and actually speaking, here they communicate everything very widely, both for the external audience, for the western audience, for the global south, and for the ukrainian audience, and finally the third reason why. .. they do all this, it is actually an attempt to sway the situation on the territory of ukraine and start spreading the theme that ukrainians kill their own prisoners of war, something must be done about it, fortunately they did not succeed in the third story at all, and so far, in any case, i see that in the ukrainian space their narratives are generally fortunate do not enter these are, strictly speaking, three points that were important to them in this story, and indeed it was completely prepared, i repeat, not even one hodovka, but two. running combination, well, in
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any case, the security service of ukraine is currently investigating the downing of the il-76, yes, this is a comment of the press service of the sbu for mass media, this is how it is conducted. a complex of measures to find out all the circumstances of the plane crash, but vadym denysenko has now touched on an extremely important story, how similar scenarios, not only similar ones, can affect the intra -ukrainian agenda, and if we are talking about our intra-ukrainian agenda, then today to the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi. birthday, yes, well , i suggest watching a small plot now, and after that we will analyze and in... exclusively ukrainian schedules, let's watch together, dear volodymyr volodymyrovych, do not allow even a hint of a military conflict from your side, because russia and ukraine are truly
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brotherly nations, without gas or without you, without you, without light or without you, without you, without water or without you, without you, without... food or without you, without you, cold, hunger, darkness and the truth are not as scary and deadly for us as your friendship and brotherhood. the difference between volodymyr zelenskyi's statements is more than 8 years. now the current president has clearly defined for himself that russia is an enemy and a threat to the entire civilized world. however, even in a month before the full-scale war, the head of state reassured ukrainians that everything was under control and the country was moving according to plan. we will open the zaporozhye bridge, in a year we will build the largest highway in ukraine from uzhhorod to luhansk, as usual we will build roads, bridges, schools, stadiums, wagons, planes, tanks, vaccinate the vast majority of the population, in
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april we will celebrate easter, in may as always, the sun, weekends, barbecue, victory day, then summer, we will take ... exams, enter universities, plan vacations, dig gardens. these words of the president were in vain, because ukrainians spent 2022 in fear and without definite plans. russian rockets were aimed at homes, schools, and bridges. instead of barbecues and vacations, people hid in shelters or sought refuge abroad, and on ukraine's victory day, our soldiers are still fighting at the front. back in... the election campaign and during the inauguration, volodymyr zelenskyi called the end of the war in donbas his main task as president. in 2019, as the country's commander-in-chief, he called on our military to stop fire. in order for our heroes not
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to die again, i am ready for anything. and i'm definitely not afraid to make difficult decisions. i am ready to lose my popularity. ratings, and if necessary, i am ready without hesitation to lose my position so that peace will come. listen to me, i am the president of this country, i am 42 years old, i am not a log, i came to you and told you to put away your weapons. and already after a year of his reign , volodymyr zelenskyi admitted that ending the war was not as easy as it seemed to him, however , he was sure that he would be able to come to an agreement with by putin to make peace, if there is no platform on which it is possible to agree on the end of the war, then you will not end it in any way. i am sure that during my tenure we will end this war. we must tell the truth that we will not
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be able to stop the war without direct negotiations with russia, and today everyone has already admitted it. i want to address the president of the russian federation. after putin signed the documents on the annexation of the occupied ukrainian territories, zelensky said that he was not ready to compromise with the enemy, and that russia could only be defeated with weapons. only the way the strengthening of ukraine and the expulsion of the occupiers from all our territory restores peace. we will go this way. from the moment he assumed the presidency until today, volodymyr zelenskyi has changed his opinion about a quick victory, because running the state is not a marathon of achieved results, but the fate of the entire country and the course of events at the front. at the end of 2023 , during a conference, president zelenskyi
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told the open truth: no one knows when the war will actually end, but it will continue as long as russia remains on ukrainian territory. we have no way out, and this is not our weakness, i believe, but strength, russia has a way out to go home. we only have this house, where do we go, we have nowhere to go, and therefore the question is not how long it will be, the question is how much more is needed. well, thank you colleagues, you have prepared an extremely interesting speech plot, we saw how the rhetoric of our president, who, i would like to remind you, is 46 today, has changed . the fifth year of the presidency is coming to an end, in our studio is vadym denysenko, political expert, author of the book
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how to destroy the russian peace. mr. vadim, given the current volume of calls stands in front of ukraine, in front of the political leadership, in front of volodymyr zelenskyi personally, so we understand that this affects certain planning and our allies, yes, our rhetoric, the current ukrainian one, fits into what is called... the inflated western euro-atlantic narrative: deterring the enemy, consolidating and working out the relevant joint actions. but what do you think, maybe the question is somewhat naive, but here is your version of why putin started the war? well, look, when we talk about full-scale, i do i understand, we will ask, yes, about the 22nd year, you understand, the main reason for the start of the war was the following, from my point of view. his personal point of view, ee putin ee understood
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that he has no place in a bipolar world, the fact is that the key dream of putin in general is to overtake america, always was, is and remains, and he unexpectedly at some point began to understand about the fact that in a world where there are two hegemons, china and the usa, russia will have a limited police function in the post-soviet space, why is it limited, because even in belarus, he says no... a complete satellite of the russian federation, even there he cannot control everything to the end, and when there was, well, a sub-revolution in belarus a few years ago, it was the chinese who did not give putin the opportunity to replace lukashenka. actually, he believed that a quick victorious war would allow him to expand the borders of the russian federation and become the third pole in this bipolar world. actually, he believed that as soon as he captures ukraine, he begins to threaten it. nato countries and actually again will gain complete control over central
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asia, he at this moment becomes the third pole of the world, they sit down at the negotiating table with him, he returns to the big eight, the big eight is created again, and so on and so forth. strictly speaking, the loss, or the fact that nothing can be shown for two years already in the conventional war, distances him from it, which further distances him from this idea of ​​becoming the third pole and... when we try to analyze any logic at all putin's actions, we must understand what this means at the base of everything, this is the cornerstone , in general, his philosophy and understanding of what he should leave for posterity and what should be written about in books, but why not to finland, well, forgive me, of course we don’t wish them war, but that’s where he started he would rebuild all the russian imperial structures, the kingdom of finland, and finland was not yet a member of... the atlantic community or kazakhstan, god forbid, of course, but no, actually ukraine,
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the world was wedged against him in ukraine , no, ukraine is always a phantom pain of russian of the empire, that is, we must understand it here , but plus, he sincerely believed, well, we must also understand, he sincerely believed that in two weeks he would capture practically the whole of ukraine, his puppet government would stand here in kyiv, and then as a card all the regimes in kazakhstan and in ... kyrgyzstan and turkmenistan and so on and so forth will fall on the house, and they will all return to the bosom of the russian empire, then you can already play games with the finns, and with the baltics, and with poland and so on and so on. well, you know, here i am, for example, when i think about why this happened and why there is a full-scale war now? i catch myself thinking that since the beginning of our independence, we have helped russia in one way or another to create the basis for them to think like that, because come on. well, we really did not have an
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adequate state policy that would explain to people that it is not okay when our aviation is cut into scrap metal, strategic planes are sent to russia, we are becoming a nuclear-free state, it's just that now many people raise these questions for themselves and understand that all these events, they were somehow predictable, that is, the fact that... they will come here with their entire arsenal, it was somehow predictable, because they built the basis for this for decades, well , you are absolutely right, we are not opening some kind of america here. that is, of course, it was their idea to fix, probably starting in 1992, because the first military conflict, i repeat, the military conflict between ukraine and russia took place in 1992 during the division of the black sea fleet, namely near odessa, then managed to extinguish this situation and managed to prevent a war, why, because
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at that time russia was extremely weak and at that time she was afraid to enter another country in addition to chechnya, but... the military conflict in us took place in 1992, few people remember it now, then it seemed that in 1995, when the black sea fleet was divided, when kuchma allegedly managed to calm down the situation, but how was the distribution of the fleet, it was in 1978 22, that is, virtually everything, plus, went to russia sevastopol, plus all the hydrographic facilities and so on and so on, so from this point of view everything continued to move around just two things, we must now very clearly when we... now failing very difficult there historical details, why so, as there, if we analyze all the conflicts that were inside ukraine, economic and political, they revolved exclusively around two things, this is a gas pipe, on the one hand, and these questions about gases and so on, and the other - it's the russian language, that's all, there were no other reasons for it conflicts, but within the country, everything revolved
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exclusively around these two things, and when we are now talking there about... the future of ukraine , they are starting to say something there, i tell everyone that the only key story that we now need to agree on is anything, except all another, well, not the only one, but one of the basic things, is that for the next 10 years no politician has the right to talk about the language, but simply here we recorded the situation that exists now, there is a state language and so on, and there are no cracks russian-speaking and so on, because as soon as we we are starting to say that maristovych has now started to talk about it, now he has calmed down a little, but... a month ago he was very active in presenting on it, in principle, it immediately makes quite big waves within society, and we just have to remember in fact, the gas pipe and the russian language are two things that divided society. now we will go for a short break, after which we will return to our studio, continue the conversation with vadym denysenko, on many really interesting topics, so be with espresso, stay a few
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each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with information day of the tv channel in rospol, in our studio vadym denysenko, a political expert with whom we spoke, well, let's move on to the analysis, so to speak, the name of oleksiy aristovych was mentioned above, so to speak, so what happened to him, so a couple of days ago, i talked with people who know oleksii, well , they say that he has some, i don't know, megalomania or some, i don't know... sense of his great historical mission, which was not evaluated in the relevant offices, and he took the whole thing a little, so to speak, emotionally, but why about arestovych
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, in fact, well, arestovych is not just like that, just a political scientist or a blogger, that is, it is part of certain intra-ukrainian scenarios, at the same time, it is part of some external scenarios, that is, well, because different trends are floating around, yes, that is, one or the other, i don't know, the swiss ministers are also starting to talk about negotiations. well, here we are already talking about our internal ukrainian balalaika, here you are, i think, better tell me, well, look, i'm not a psychologist , so i refrain from saying anything about megalomania, although i think that probably, in principle , someone who knows a little about people understands that a person is very narcissistic, this is normal, but eh, well within reasonable limits, but eh, but the problem is not whether a person is in love with himself or not, the question is something else, the question is that... in fact, we must understand that as of now, no matter what, in ukrainian society , among those who are in the territory of ukraine, i emphasize sociology can only talk about this, among those
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who are now in the territory of ukraine, at least 10% are supporters of russian peace and are supporters of the former party of regions or opzzh, no matter what you call them, that is, in principle, this figure is the maximum, this we can consider the figure to be a maximum of 15%. at least it is 7-8, that is, in principle , there is a struggle for the conditional 10% who can enter the parliament, there is a struggle for these 10%, who can go to someone in the presidential campaign, and definitely in local campaigns, when the time comes for the elections, i i'm not saying that tomorrow there will be no elections, but if the elections were tomorrow, then 10% these political, pro-russian political forces can recruit, therefore... therefore, from this point of view , aristovych decided to be the first to play this field publicly, he started , well, in fact, the election campaign, whether
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presidential or parliamentary, it doesn’t matter at all whether he started it well or poorly, it also doesn’t matter, because he actually managed to become the most unpopular politician with the highest anti-rating during this time, that is, if we speak , which earlier tymoshenko and poroshenko shared an anti-rating among themselves. tymoshenko was in the first place, now we can clearly say that aristovych came out ahead and his anti-rating, well, that is, anti-rating - it is the number of people who would never even think of voting for him under any circumstances, that is, this is the part of the people , who at one time , so to speak, stirred the soup that arestovych was pouring in his various vlogs with a spoon, so you know, i will say, and then they were disappointed, well, it was known, he fulfilled his... therapeutic mission and he performed it, he performed it really at that moment, he was in his place, probably, and i think that, anyway, i know a lot of people who were told that i... this is
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also absolutely true, but as of now i will repeat myself, that is, the person started playing in the election campaign, he probably made a false start, but it will have to be seen in the future, and all that he is doing is an attempt to accumulate around him the conditional 10% of the pro-russian electorate. well, the narratives are all strange, so he is is he pretending, is he joking, or is he really thinking, you know what? so to speak, well, in quotes, of course, i can't even pronounce this phrase, well, in aristovych's voice, i'm trying to unite the russian brothers there and so on, peoples, slavs, something there, well, what what a delusional person, who came up with this for him, or does he already see the world that way, well, i thought that he is in many ways his own director, he in many ways invents what he should say, but, apart from everything else, i think , that it is necessary to understand that these narratives... they are so
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or else they can find a response from at least a part of these 10%, so i will repeat once again, these 10% are people who clearly stand on pro-russian positions and conditionally, if viktor fedorovich yanukovych were to come to us tomorrow, god forbid to mention him, i think that a large part of these people could really vote for him, mr. vadim, finally, i would like to ask you what we can expect from russia this year, we know that today you will present a certain study in lviv . would like to ask you more about it, what it is about and what you are for yourself outlined in this study, look, this is a very large study, i ’m unlikely to go into it in two minutes, but in short, if we talk about the economy of the russian federation, the economy they managed to stabilize macro indicators, i repeat macroeconomic indicators, budget indicators, first of all everything, to put it simply, is due to the deterioration of
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the population's life. and the next year, the next year 2024, is the year of deterioration of the population's life in exchange for macroeconomic stability, i.e. there will be devaluation, continued controlled devaluation, these processes will continue and the population will live worse, if we talk about political processes, then without going into any long details, i can clearly say that 2024 is a small year. those black swans for the russian federation, that's actually all that we've seen since the beginning of the year, and they can blend into a ballet somehow, well, valery nightingale and so on, putin in the refrigerator, well, it's nice to hear, well, it's nice to hear, but nightingale actually works exclusively for putin, and if we step aside, then simply for all of us understood, because a lot of people like to talk, but putin is definitely dead, doppelgängers , well, there are doppelgangers, but that does not mean that putin is dead, no, it goes without saying, moreover, i will tell you that our latest sociology has shown
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that , which... well, we do sociology in the russian federation, that 52% of russians believe that putin can and should have doppelgangers, it's just so you understand the attitude to this matter, but if we remember the nightingale, but very concretely, we must understand why he did it, because the main fear the russians' attitude towards putin is the old age of vladimir putin, they are afraid that he is 71 years old, this is the middle age when a russian traditionally dies, they think that if he dies, in principle, what will happen to us next? and at this moment he is actually, well, plus the cancer of conch disease, well, all this nonsense that the same nightingale fed us for a long time, what did nightingale do? the nightingale says, well, he doesn’t say anything blue, he’s dead, he’s being kept in the refrigerator for a long time, why in a long time, why in the refrigerator, at that moment piskov says: "no, it's a lie, everyone starts talking about it, after two days nightingale repeats the same thing again and piskov repeats it again, after that to the russians."
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received a vaccination from putin's death, that is, if something even happens to him tomorrow, the russian will say: yes, you have had enough, how much can be said about the fact that he died, he is already lying in a box, and we do not believe it, therefore, strictly speaking , for which it was done by the russians, it was an antidote for the period, at least the election campaign, really for the entire 24th year about the fact that putin is healthy, handsome, young and old grandfather, well , it’s just a shame to interrupt our conversation with vadym denysenko, so to speak, yes, yes, yes, maybe... these are either news or vadim denysenko, we bet on news, but unfortunately, our editors demand , so that now anna yavamelnik and the collective nariv enter into battle, yes, marko? yes, we give the floor to anya eva melnyk and ask her to tell us exactly what will be about in this issue, because we know that there is already a lot of fresh news, so we give the floor, well, tell us about it. greetings colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will cover the most current events, and this issue will begin.


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