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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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it repeats, after that the russian received a vaccination from the death of putin, that is, if something even happens to him tomorrow, the russian will say: yes, you have had enough, how much can be said about the fact that he died, he is already lying in a box, and we are not involved we believe, that's why it was actually done by the russians, it was an antidote for the period, at least the election campaign, really for the entire 24th year about the fact that putin is healthy, handsome, young and an omnipotent grandfather, well, it 's just a pity talking, interrupting our conversation with vadym denysenko, well, but... yes, yes, yes, well, but here the choice is either news or vadym denysenko, we bet on news, but unfortunately, our editors demand that now anna yevamelnik and the team of journalists join the fight, yes, marta, yes, we give the floor to anna eva melnyk and ask for her own let us know what will be about in this issue, because we know that there is already a lot of fresh news, so we pass the word, well, actually tell, congratulations, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team will tell about the most current events, and this issue will tell.
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well, from the details of yesterday's il-76 aircraft wreckage in the belgorod region, be with us, only five bodies were brought to the belgorod morgue. this corresponds to the number of il-76 crew members - ukrainian intelligence representative andriy yusov told radio liberty. he noted: there were supposed to be several vips from the military and political representation of the aggressor country on the plane, but the fsb ordered them not to board. the security service of ukraine has opened criminal proceedings over the crash of a plane on the territory of russia, the agency's press service reported. the incident is preliminary qualified as a violation of the laws and customs of war. they added that... they are investigating all
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the circumstances of the incident, previously president volodymyr zelenskyi said that ukraine would insist on an international investigation. let me remind you that a russian military transport plane crashed yesterday morning. the muscovites said that there were dozens of ukrainian prisoners of war on board who were being taken for exchange. ukrainian intelligence later confirmed that an exchange was being prepared, but there is no reliable information as to whether ukrainians were on board. fired a grenade launcher at high-rise in the morning, residents of one of the houses in kryvyi roz woke up to an explosion. according to the information of the district police department, an unknown man aimed a handy anti-tank grenade launcher at an apartment of a residential building. several apartments were damaged. some sources write that a woman with a child was in the room at the time. they were not hurt. others report that the child was not at home at the time of the shooting. law enforcement officers are working at the scene. security guards, bomb squads
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and investigative team. more than uah 25 million losses on military uniforms. in kyiv , the director of the company that supplied low-quality uniforms to the armed forces of ukraine was detained. the examination revealed that the received clothes do not meet the technical conditions. during searches with the other party to the contract, the law enforcement officers seized the documents confirming it. legal actions of the intruder , the director of the enterprise was informed of the suspicion, he faces up to 12 years in prison with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for 3 years and confiscation of property. uah 1.5 billion was returned to the state budget of ukraine. they tried to steal funds for the purchase of ammunition from the security service of ukraine. it was reported that it was possible to terminate the unprofitable contract with exporter of ovens. in
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december 2023, the contract was signed by a suspected official of the ministry of defense. he entered into an additional agreement to the state contract with the company posrednyk for the supply of artillery shells at inflated prices. the amount exceeded the cost of another alternative contract concluded by the defense procurement agency by 30%. extreme border crossing. three transcarpathians. were going to swim across the yew in order to reach hungary. the men paid $400 each for the services of the ferryman. they received life jackets, a rubber boat, hermetic bags for personal belongings and instruction, but no one warned about the danger of the burners. at around two o'clock in the morning, 800 m from the state border, the fugitives were detained by the border guard. violators were issued administrative reports. the cases were referred
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to the court, the organizers of the illegal scheme are being established. hard in training, easy in battle, in the north. comprehensive training of military personnel took place. in command the joint forces of the armed forces reported that the infantrymen overcame a psychological obstacle course, carried out the task, despite the smoke to open fire and explosions. in conditions close to hostilities, a demonstration evacuation of the wounded was carried out. artillerymen and mobile fire groups were involved in the training. also, servicemen improved their skills of introducing fire from small arms, and drone operators conducted training. on reconnaissance and practiced in the destruction of targets. i remind you that the espresso tv channel continues to collect funds for the soldiers of the 128th separate mountain-assault division teams on night vision binoculars. our defenders perform combat tasks mainly
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at night, so the device is extremely necessary for them. good vision in the dark not only saves, but also helps destroy the enemy. our goal is uah 170,000. we already have 135 in our account. you can see the details on the screen. investment in the armed forces of ukraine is a contribution to our freedom and independence. a unique building is located right in the center of bila tserkva in the kyiv region. its history dates back to the time of local elders in the 18th century. its name is the winter palace received thanks to the status of the residence of the polish counts of pranicki. it was built entirely of wood and... once belonged to a whole complex of buildings. let's see what secrets the architectural monument hides. majestic columns at the entrance and walls steeped in history. we can only imagine what this elegant building looked like from the inside during the time of the branitskys,
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because since then only a partial layout, ancient stucco cornices and stone cellars, in which the nobles kept wine and food stocks, have been preserved. and around the palace there was a whole... architectural ensemble, which consisted of 10 buildings, which can be seen in the image of the polish artist napoleon horda. ever since the times of the belotsarkiv elders, i.e. since the 1730s, here, strictly speaking, was the administrative center of the belotsarkiv region, which means that all taxes, all money were brought here , various contracts, agreements and so on were concluded here, it was actually kept here in other words, the entire official archive was stored in this ensemble. biloserkivshchyna, once we do not even know for sure, it is so traditionally believed that at the end of the 18th century on the old brick basement was built a new palace, also wooden, in the style of classicism. it was built on the order of
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stanislav vincentii yablovsky, on the foundation of the predecessor of the building of the then mayor. it was she who went to francishik xaveriy branytskyi together with bilotserkivshchyna. the decisive factor is that. that the name of the architect of the new building is still not known for sure , the winter palace is so called because it was at this time that the family of the counts settled here, in the summer they preferred accommodation in alexandria park. it was such a large enough complex, originally in the 18th century it had its defensive structures, there was a palisade, there was a detachment of outdoor cossacks who guarded it, and it already remained here during the time of the bronytskys. so decorative enough such tin around. to our time , only the building of the branytskyi accounting office, the premises where the chief steward of the counts lived in later times, and the palace itself have survived from the entire complex. but the house of the noble assembly, which was located on the left, burned down in the early 2000s. on the site
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of the current dance floor were massive stables and a carriage house. in june 1920 year, when the bolsheviks entered the white church , they... settled directly in this estate, and during the second world war, these walls became a german military hospital, and later a special hospital for german prisoners of war, and only in the 50s, a district committee of the communist party of ukraine. in 1969 , the historic building was given to a music school headed by the outstanding yuriy pavlenko. it is his name that now has an institution. in 2012, when the renovation was taking place. in this room, in the director's office under layers of old wallpaper, putty, oil-based putty old dark blue paint, this amazing fresco was found, our outstanding local historians came, and of course they all said
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that this is exactly the room, and this wall was not there then, exactly this happened... the room was for music lessons with by the children of the branytskyi family, because all the magnates, all the nobles taught their children art, and here we are... we can imagine that the royal palace stood here, where the music teacher used to come, so it is quite symbolic that through the centuries art continues to be taught here, the winter palace is cultural heritage of national importance and is included in the state register of immovable monuments of ukraine. darya ruban, oleksandr kuga, espresso bila tserkva. the new president of the ukrainian football association was headed by ex-coach of the national team andriy shevch. the winner of the golden ball had no competitors, his candidacy was unanimously nominated by all permanent
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members of the association a month before the elections. directly at the congress , 93 delegates from 1994 voted for shevchenko, andriy himself did not vote for himself. before the elections , the newly elected president held several meetings with members of the association in kyiv, lviv and kharkiv, he did not present his team and publicly did not tell the plan of action with which he is running for office. that 's all i have for a moment, i'll see you at 4 p.m. you can always read more about current, important events on our website espresso tv. my colleagues work for you around the clock. also subscribe to our social media channels. be near. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. well, there are a lot of events today and we will get to you in a timely manner
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to inform about all the most important things, and accordingly. studio espresso live, marta olieerny. and antin borkovskiy, we are adding tetiana vysotska, espress correspondent in european institutions, who is currently in strasbourg, as far as we know, to our ether. congratulations and congratulations marta. congratulations, i would like to. immediately ask about the news that has now appeared in the bloomberg publication, that hungary is no longer against the eu military fund for ukraine for 5 billion euros, and in fact, this opens the way to an agreement on the modernization of the mechanism aimed at stable the supply of weapons to kyiv is important news, we would like to ask more about whether we know anything specific about hungary's position and whether we are really expecting good news in this regard. and this is actually about the european peace fund, which hungary has been blocking since almost the middle
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of last year, so in october-november, orbán and his diplomats blocked the allocation of 500 million euros within the framework of this fund, and now there are indeed rumors that hungary may agree to there is a general fund of 5 billion, but it will be clear already next week, when the ambassadors of the states will gather the eu is on par. permanent representatives to the european union, and there we will see whether the ambassador of hungary will support this initiative or oppose it, but these 5 billion euros will not be directly transferred to ukraine, it is money used to compensate european states that provide ukraine has weapons and ammunition from its arsenals, that is, we can say that the european union can soon provide ukraine with weapons for... this is a lot, it is good, we will observe the real reaction of the hungarian
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ambassadors, and then orbán on february 1 at summits of the eu states. tatiana, well, there was a closed meeting in the european parliament, in particular, dedicated to ukraine, right? meps called on the west to increase aid for ukraine. well, accordingly, in your opinion, what issues could be considered at this extremely important meeting, yes. it was a joint meeting of the committee on foreign affairs and the committee on constitutional affairs of the european parliament and considered, in particular, the draft resolution of the friend of ukraine, the lithuanian member of the european parliament andrius kubilius on the relations of the european of the union with russia, political relations between the eu and russia, and this resolution is interesting, these reports, the resolution is interesting in that it considers the question of how the european union should be... relations with russia during the war, after the end of the war, and the draft resolution
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it clearly states that the war can end only in the event of ukraine's victory over russia, and also considers the measures that must be taken already a year after the end of the hostilities, and this resolution precisely states that the european union should strengthen and increase aid to ukraine, ukraine, in particular military aid, because... only in this way will ukraine be able to defeat russia in this war, and i will remind you again that the key event is february 1, 2024, when there is a leader in brussels. will gather for the summit, and precisely during this summit, at the request of chancellor olaf scholz , an inventory of modern plans for assistance to ukraine in the military sphere will take place. each eu state will talk about its plans, opportunities, and it will be decided at this summit how to increase this aid, so once again we are waiting for the first one. tatiana,
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what would you like to ask about the statement of the ukrainian vice... prime minister for european integration, olga stefanyshyn, to the journalists of radio liberty, she informed that ukraine has agreed with the eu on the next steps within the negotiations on its accession, what is currently happening around the topic of a possible of the start of negotiations on the accession of ukraine to the european union, is there anything known , maybe there are updates on this process itself, well, it is actually ongoing. and the screening of ukrainian legislation for its compliance with european legislation begins of the union ukraine actually started this process itself even before the european union gave the go-ahead to the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu. the cabinet of ministers of ukraine has already begun to check how ukrainian legislation corresponds to european legislation, which laws and regulations
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need to be changed, new ones adopted, and so on. that is, this process continues, but we all do. we are waiting for the statement of the european commission, which is planned for somewhere in the middle, end of february, and precisely with this statement , the european commission must state that ukraine has fulfilled all obligations for the start of accession negotiations, we are talking about the law on lobbying, which was just recently voted by our parliament, the verkhovna rada, and this is precisely this formal confirmation by the european commission that ukraine will comply. all commitments and the process of the further process of starting accession negotiations will be given. again , the negotiating framework must be approved, and there are already talks about this at the expert level with the ukrainian government, but the negotiating framework must be approved by the summit
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of the eu leaders, that is, it will also take place in february at the regular meeting. the heads of the state union are still undergoing technical work, let's say so. well, look, i didn't have time to quote bloomberg, who says that hungary no longer has any claims, and at the same time i see fico's statement again that slovakia will support ukraine's allocation of 50 billion in aid and will not cause any obstacles. something happened to orban and fitza. it is very interesting to understand what is happening there now, that they will change so dramatically. their statements, who could influence them like that? most likely on them european money is affected, because the european commission continues behind-the-scenes negotiations with the leaders of both countries to continue to provide them with support from the relevant funds of the european union, and it is about billions of euros that flow into
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the budgets of both countries, and this is why in exchange, in fact, although... not officially, but it is obvious, in exchange for the allocation of 10 billion euros from the european commission to hungary's budget, orbán left the hall after voting for the start of negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu, and the same now, concerning hungary, 20 billion remains frozen, as for slovakia, there are also financial levers, and obviously diplomacy, financed... the european commission is working successfully, but i also want to note that one thing is what orbán says when he speaks somewhere abroad , it's another matter what he says when he speaks in his country, the same fitso, when he came to ukraine and held talks with the prime minister of ukraine, he spoke loyally, he said that
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he was not against help, and support, and military support, and he is for ukraine bought thunderbolts, but it may well be that tomorrow, when he addresses the national assembly in his home state, or when he comes to the blizzard, his rhetoric may change, this is politics, and therefore we must keep our finger on the pulse and follow with every statement, father -in-law, we have no doubt that you keep your finger on the pulse, in particular, it concerns european parliamentarians, yes, and one of the slovak meps, literally there recently , 10 days ago, did something not just scandalous. but just dangerous statements, well, we would like to to ask you how the fate of such narratives is now shaping up, i will remind you that the member of the european parliament is of slovak origin. began to talk about the need to unite with the slavic people and so on and so forth and even began to threaten as if these representatives of the slavic peoples could
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strengthen putin, so i just heard this speech in the european parliament during the debate, and let's say that the reaction of other european deputies from other countries was also very negative, even one of the speakers after this... slovakian deputy, she said: oh, putin's voices have become noticeable in the european parliament, and this is what you and i have already talked about more than once, the elections to the european parliament are approaching and right-wing and pro-putin movements are becoming more active in every state of the european union, they are starting to make harsh statements, they want to collect more and more votes of europeans to form their bad anti-ukrainian coalition... to the european parliament, and that is exactly why the european union, including the deputies the european parliament is told that it is necessary to make as much effort
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as possible to fight the influence of russian disinformation on the european information space, because exactly such statements are inspired, including from moscow. we understand that slovak radicals and hungarian radicals, who are now unfortunately in power, they are supported by moscow and they are... in fact pro-russian and anti-ukrainian, and therefore, of course, this is a problem, this is a danger, but let's hope for the common sense of a simple european, who will not support them during elections by the way, the continuation of this topic about manipulation and these right-wing forces, which are now becoming louder, today jose borel, a high representative of the eu, stated that during the year, the majority of cyber attacks in europe were directed specifically against ukraine and against zelenskyi, who until things... today he celebrates his 40th-46th birthday, well , his birthday is his 46th birthday, and we understand that recently the russians
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have been producing even more fakes and propaganda news about ukraine, and the last one was aimed at yesterday's situation that happened in belgorod region, is there a certain intensification of russian propaganda in europe and if... if we are talking in general, then maybe you also outline for yourself some certain theses that they are trying to promote? absolutely, russia is working, and russia is precisely targeting the elections to the european parliament, because it is in the interests of russia to form a significant pro-russian lobby, which will officially have the status of deputies of the european parliament, the main representative body of the european union. yes, on the connection failed at the most interesting place, so what , let's hope that tetiana vashovska will return to us now, i think that actually, i
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would like to add to this what the high representative of the eu, jose borel, spoke about during the presentation in brussels of the second reports of the european external action service on threats of information manipulation and interference from abroad, i actually want to quote it, we published the second yearbook. a report that sheds light on the nature of existing threats based on an investigation of 750 cases of fimi and analysis of countermeasures, and we can see that the attacks are directed against different people, one of the persons against whom most of the attacks are directed is the president of ukraine, the second is the president of france, emmanuel macron, that is, we understand that emmanuel macron is also a figure who is being tried to discredit in europe . can we return tatyana vysotska to the ether now? we can , oh yes, i'm with you again, technical problems, so russia wants to have its own lobby, its own,
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you could say, faction in the european parliament, and now all its narratives are aimed at making the european voter supported the russian and far-right radical parties, and orban actually begins to preside over the eu from july 1, it is already clear that... no resolutions of the european parliament, no attempts by meps to prevent this will work. orbán will preside over the european council, and we must also somehow be ready for it, somehow prepare for it and somehow counteract this disinformation, including through our information resources, through our politicians. by the way, i want to state that here in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, the delegates are talking about what ukrainian politicians and... ukrainian deputies should be more represented abroad, the fact that some of our deputies are not allowed, for example, to go abroad, on business trips, this is perceived negatively by the region, because
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they understand that every people... who has a "the association that has contacts with foreign politicians, it works for the benefit of ukraine and for the benefit of ukrainian victory, and it talks a lot about it here on the sidelines. thank you, tetyana vysotska, a press correspondent at the european institutions, was in touch with us, now we're going to have literally a few minutes of break and then we're going to be back in our studio, so stay tuned, stay tuned with aspres. there are 10% discounts on lyzak in psylsnyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural ingredients, feminost uuro helps to restore control over urination both during the day and at night. feminonost uro - urination under control. ask at pharmacies. there are discounts on deplya. 20% in pharmacies
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check with the consultant. powerful saw strong - what you need! call! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey in... wait and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. fear of an opponent is something i have felt more than once, and that is normal. recognize the fear, study the opponent, teach your body to defeat it. it's like fighting with veel. if you don't do regular tests because of fear, the ox may go into the breakfast stage. you may
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