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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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since there is no choice in ukraine, that person did not have a choice, eh, the transformation took place, i would not say that it was from a comedian, because a comedian started his career from a comedian, so from this kvn or, somehow that's what it was called, but when he ran in the elections, he was already such a very successful person as a producer and manager, so it's a little uh... uh, it's a little like that in the world, that's what everyone says, from a comedian to the president, but it's not quite, i would say, yes, but of course, from a person from show business, yes, to big politics, and even to such politics, which there is such a situation as what is happening in ukraine, it is certainly not possible, cannot happen, because of the transformation, i will not say as i said, some people said at the beginning of the war... that this is a new churchill, so
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the war is not yet ended, and this story and this biography is not over yet, and it is all ahead, we will see how it is, what other events are ahead of us, but volodymyr zelenskyy, pay attention, even there in this story of yours, how much the face has changed, every wrinkle, i think a good physiognomist too could... tell a lot about it, of course it is still the same person, but in a new way, in a new capacity somehow, that's what i would say, and of course, a lot of elites and hundreds of thousands for your president, and thank you, mrs. natalya , in this case, well, you know, i once had the opportunity to talk with another ukrainian president after the interview, he told me then, it was viktor yushchenko,
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he said that, well, it is so, this is what the position says , when you learn a lot, you go there as a communist in the form of kravchuk, and then you leave from the position already in the form of a nationalist patriot, eh, is it programmed that way exclusively in the position of the ukrainian president, here you are on the example of zelensky, is it a general principle that works in the world, that a person who opens up a much larger field of information, including secret , she is forced to change, even if she came. with your blocks for this position? no, i am not sure that every person, and please note that the majority of european presidents, at least, they already come from politics, yes, although, in the book, i quoted oleksandr rudnyanskyi, who commented something about zelenskyi, he said then that in europe there is some kind of demand, some kind of need for anti-system presidents, right?
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and look, we also have a very prominent politician in poland now, that is, he appeared now, what kind of business, he actually led the party for the last few years, this is szymon kholovnia, i know that there is still no such thing in ukraine drew attention to this , that is, it is possible that, that, that, that is so, and the change that zelensky went through, yes, that road, that path, of course, it is not a typical path for european country, and the path from show business to the president and the president in the war, but there are no such examples at all, so here you can, you can, you can only talk about the zelensky phenomenon, yes, but at the same time, in this discussion, supporters or critics want to be churchill? to be him or
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to be chamberlain, to try to be churchill, these are parallels, but they are not far-fetched, because this is a unique situation, a unique situation of both ukrainian choice and ukrainian destiny. yes, we have a war, this one is unique in these times in this regard, since the second world war, no one has experienced such a thing, and in this case, when standing parliaments and the most powerful politicians of the world applauded our president, we were always told... , and now the politician today writes about the fact that there is already disappointment, do you notice something like the author of the book, that there is disappointment with president zelenskyi or in the world, this is what the politician writes about today, yes, well, you know, of course i, as the author of that book, i constantly monitor what is happening and in ukraine, and and and the situation
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of volodymyr zelenskyi, he has his critics, he has a number of them all the time. with that criticism, for example, i can agree with part of it, with part of the criticism i don't, it has been going on for quite a long time, i had this impression, i had this impression, maybe three or four months ago, that zelensky is very tired, maybe it's just impressions, yes, but he also has the right, this is a person, we are all people, you know, it is difficult for us to imagine how you work, for example, you are in espresso, so in general. in principle, every ukrainian who is not didn’t leave, didn’t run away from the war, even those who escaped don’t have such a happy situation either, yes, it’s even more difficult to imagine, to imagine, the condition, some, some condition of a person who is in such, such tension as
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the presidency the main such conflict in the european field is 100% of the kind that no one has, so here we agree with you, ms. natalya, thank you. nataliya boryshko zapor for participating in our broadcast, she, including the author of the book about zelenskyi, you can draw your own conclusions, read the book called "i am here, we are here, we are all ukraine". well, in the meantime, it is the 71st day after the full-scale invasion, and in this 10th year of the war, it is probably necessary to look with the eyes of a specialist, so serhii sgorets, the head of the defense express agency at... will probably tell us more about ukrainian high-mars, which correctly arrive at the training grounds according to the russian ones, but maybe more about this story, which reminds of the downing of boeing mh17 once at the beginning of the invasion, now the story of the il-76, i don’t even know if there is more
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military or propaganda here or ipsol serhiy, about what, we will listen further. i congratulate you, roman, let me remind you that in fact it is not 701 days, but... thousands more, because in 10 years of hostilities, we have been fighting with the enemy for much longer, our armed forces, and in our war column we will say really about the situation on the front line , about mobilization, what initiatives can make it really effective, this is in a conversation with our military, if we establish a connection, and about the most important military and political events and trends of this week, this is just the downing of the plane, the dynamics actions on the front line and about the transformation of our defense industry in new conditions. more on that in a moment. first of all, i will start with the law on mobilization. at the end of last year, the cabinet of ministers submitted to the council a draft law, which provided for the strengthening of mobilization measures.
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many shortcomings were found in the government bill. and in the end, the cabinet of ministers withdrew the document from the verkhovna rada and now in... the parliament expects that the new draft law will be more balanced and more focused on the motivational part for those who should be mobilized, a few days ago, or yesterday , certain versions of these revisions, amendments already appeared, then it was said that in fact this draft law is not yet in the parliament in the form that should choose all wishes, and in fact now we are in such a state, expectations, although, as i myself hoped, the bill will be discussed already this week, given the fact that it is extremely relevant and very necessary, if it is written correctly with all the nuances, and this is exactly what we will talk about with our next as a guest, pavlo kishkar joins us, he is
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a major of the armed forces, deputy commander of the art division, a people's deputy of the eighth convocation, mr. pavle, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear you, good health. mr. serhiy, congratulations to ukraine. first of all, i would like to start the conversation with the question, what is the attitude of the front line to the fact that the law on mobilization has begun to wander somewhere in the political labyrinths, whether, because in one way or another it affects, the delay with this law affects the preparation of both reserves and an opportunity, well, to replace those who are already there has been in the line of fire for a long time, more than two years. so what? the front lines are thinking about the situation with this bill, well, it should be adopted as soon as possible, the president’s strange position, he also has a legislative initiative and can come up with a well-prepared bill, but in general
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, no fundamental reform has taken place in the armed forces, and we can say that the acceleration mobilization will increase the quality of the armed forces, well , it hardly proves this. this is to say when, at some meetings in kyiv, guys write to me about what issues are being discussed should have already been resolved, but they are being ground again and again concrete plans and financing for development, for example, the development of weapons and military equipment, as planned for the next three years, do not exist, except for chatter, there is no specific person who would was responsible for this, and this is all a blurring of responsibility, as well as the question of mobilization, in our conviction, deep conviction, mobilization must consist of three parts: mobilization is external, because we see... the suspension of military and technical assistance from the west, we ask for internal
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mobilization, this is what the law itself says, the involvement of 27/60 men in military service, it is proposed to start internal mobilization from the authorities, from the offices of the authorities, from the administrations of the authorities, which for some reason fall into the plans of the untouchables, or, as it were, into the lists of the untouchables. who are not subject to mobilization, but if the authorities said that from today we refuse to accept conscripts for certain positions in the state authorities, local self-government bodies, the armor is removed from all of them, we attract only people who are not subject to mobilization, respectively, women, men, over 60 years old, disabled people, people who have the right not to be called up for this period, in particular , the elderly. we work and start with ourselves, as the government, the military, expect that
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employees of the interior, the ministry of internal affairs, employees of the national bureau of investigation, employees of the state security service, will join our ranks, if they are men, let them stand next to us, we will train them, in three months, prepare them and will fight together with us, it is not so difficult, if, they are more prepared, they already know what weapons are, they know how to use it, and we will work on it with them, we will prepare them to the appropriate qualification level in order to conduct hostilities with the enemy, and to say that the draft law is not wrong, but we did not learn this, we cannot implement the existing legislation, it is not the same as submitting a good and understandable and compromising bill for the entire ukrainian society, but if the authorities started from themselves and mobilized first. its superfluous state administration bodies, and there are enough of them, believe me, i don’t
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know, for some reason the agency with issues of the chornobyl disaster zone, i'm calling it wrong, but at least you understand what we're talking about, and there are actually enough of such bodies, all these people who are in the public service in this area, now we're re-establishing contact. we are talking to pavlo kichker, this is the major of the armed forces, the deputy commander of the ardivision, mr. pavle, we are continuing the inclusion, we have finished , excuse me, yes, the guys are already calling , i am a little, a little late, and we are talking about the fact that this internal mobilization of people is more prepared, people who are ready to show we are ready to perceive our male selves as brothers. the government should start this internal mobilization from within itself, people who would like and
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could support state authorities, local self-government bodies, state enterprises, they are there, simply for certain reasons, either due to health or for other reasons reasons, they cannot be joined by the armed forces, the government, which also took an oath, which also guaranteed that it would fight and fulfill. 17 article of the constitution, let him direct his men to us, we, we will help them, and technical mobilization, sir sergey, this is a separate topic, you and i often talk about it in personal meetings, these meetings are stupid, which are held in the general staff, in the ministry of defense, they do not end in anything, there are no more modern weapons at the front, these processes, as well as reforms in general of the security and defense sector, should be completed the day before yesterday, and... we only talk about them, talk, talk, talk, talk, pay salaries to people
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who talk about it, instead of seeing new models of weapons on the front, if you are not capable of doing this, admit it, go on front, and we will replace you and make high-quality decisions so that you , in turn, have something to fight at the front, and as you know, there are quite a lot of such developments, from saber and tandem, to moving platforms, to robots, to ... systems of unmanned aerial vehicles that are sufficiently developed in ukraine, let's use them, but not with words, but with money, contracts and weapons at the front. and mr. pavle, i would like to ask about your attitude towards private military companies, because i have had several conversations with people who actually are directors, heads of such structures, and believe that the state ignores, does not use, does not understand this potential, although in principle they are ready to occupy a certain, let's say, area in strengthening our defense capability,
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what do you think about this? i support you, more than that, as a person of the state. i say that this is a tool for minimizing state budget expenditures in order to strengthen security and defense, for example, such and such military companies, private ones could provide security, including from the shaheed, with certain systems, according to the account of the business is big enough that it could afford it, why not, moreover, we have removed the social problem and social tension, because some people who cannot continue their military service due to injuries or contusions could actually continue their service for the benefit of the state in these private companies, this will provide the boys with a decent salary and the use of their skills acquired during the war with russia in life for the benefit of these private military companies and big business of ukraine. i think,
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that our statesmen should hear this proposal, because it is really a step. forward and such non-standard steps that must , i say once again, be taken the day before yesterday, er, we are not keeping up with the russians, we need to speed up, appoint specific people to responsible sections, er, work, make decisions, sign contracts, including and allow private military companies. mr. pavle, thank you very much for your clear explanations, for your position, i think that we will continue to discuss with you in the future. possibly probable and promising directions for increasing the effectiveness of our mobilization, i will remind our viewers that it was pavlo kishkar, major of the armed forces, deputy commander of the artillery division. and then mykhailo samus joins us, he is the head of the international analytical organization new geopolitics research network, deputy director of the army research center, conversion and disarmament. mr. mykhailo, i congratulate
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you, i am glad to see and hear you. greetings, mr. serhiy, nice to see you. i would like to walk with you through the more important reference points of this week, and i can't resist to begin with the events related to the downing or downing of a russian plane in the belgorod region, which is surprising, surprising is such an excessively quick reaction of the russians to the downing of this plane, i am surprised by such an offensive information attack that the enemy carries out with the mention of our prisoners who supposedly died, it is such a sore point in the perception of... society and the question arises as to what it was, whether it ended everything, or whether this information propaganda campaign on the part of the russian federation will gain new momentum, how our society should perceive and relate to this event of this complex history? well, right away, i would like to say the following general trend, which
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in principle we talk about from time to time, that as soon as the russians do not succeed at the front, they switch to a hybrid format, or, as they say, a new generation war, which includes other methods of influence on the enemy , including, of course, informational and psychological operations, disinformation, influence on the creation of internal conflicts, let's say, in the object of influence, and this case of zil-76, which is not to the end understood, very, very difficult. the situation around him now, around this incident, in fact, russia very quickly began to work on the algorithm of informational and psychological operation, on the algorithm of hybrid influence, they really worked very quickly, the impression is that a decision was made, a decision was made somewhere above, maybe in administration of the president, there is
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such a person there, serhiy kiriyenko, he likes such things, and the impression was that throughout... including the state duma, the ministry of defense, with the same military leaders, even margarita simanyan, who also included in this this matrix of, let's say, informational and opsological influences, all this was worked out literally in a matter of minutes, i was just following the intelligence of this, purely out of such professional interest, it really was an operation, now regarding the incident itself, is it really the way the russians portray it, the only thing i can say is that the il-76 military transport plane is a perfectly legitimate target for the armed forces of ukraine, especially since it is precisely such planes that deliver the same s-300 missiles to attack kharkiv and other ukrainian bridge, therefore with from this point of view , there are no questions at all whether it was possible to shoot down this plane, whether there are any problems with the fact that if it was ukraine that shot down
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this plane, absolutely no problems. the only question is whether there were actually ukrainian prisoners of war on board this plane, or whether it was a special provocation, the question arises here, why the russians, understanding all the dangers of ukraine's use of anti-war weapons. defenses in a 30-kilometer zone from the front line, they still use aviation, i think the question should be raised that russia should already close its airspace, just as ukraine closed over the european, at least part of russia, because there is actually no safety there for either civil aviation or military aviation, this should be recognized in the international organizations responsible and force russia to close the airspace, because it is... dangerous in principle, already for the use of any aviation, the war is going on, including in russia, this must be understood, so ukraine uses all possible means
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to get russia out of our territory, therefore, this incident should probably lead to international decisions regarding the closure of the airspace for aviation over russia, over the european part, at least. there is one more nuance, in fact, the russian officials there immediately declared that the patriot, nasams aresti complexes were used there, that is, they immediately began to operate there under the names of foreign air defense systems, and literally, it seems that in the week of january 21 there was shelling of the market in donetsk, where the enemies talked about the fact that it was carried out by the armed forces of ukraine, using american guns, caliber 155 mm, and no evidence was given afterwards. there was also the impression that these shellings of the donetsk market and the blowing up of the plane are included in this canvas of russia's actions aimed at pressing on the west
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from the point of view of limiting the supply of aid, because they say that the ukrainians are using them, you see, against peaceful citizens, and sometimes against their own, are these interrelated things and how does the west react to it, can it be considered that this operation actually failed, or still? there are certain nuances with subsidence europeans in the perception of this russian pressure? absolutely true, that is , this trend of hybrid influences is included, and the russians are really trying to put pressure where they think they can really succeed, that is, they have a problem again at the front, this is connected, of course, with foreign aid from our partners, friends, they understand that during the 24th year, if ukraine does not receive foreign military aid, the russians will have a chance to fulfill their tasks, at least this, to preserve the front line they currently have, to prevent
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the breakthrough of ukrainian forces to the south to the crimea , and as much as possible to seize some new territories, and this will all depend in fact on whether they will help us or not, if they will not, then the russians have more chances to approach the period of the change of power, maybe in the united states with better, let's say, positions. and so they really began to use every opportunity to demonstrate that western aid is dangerous, calling it acts of terrorism, calling it the killing of their own citizens and so on, that is, playing emotions, obviously fabricated, obviously specially modeled, but what i would like to note compared to the same 2014 or later years, now of course. the effectiveness of such measures on the part of russia is completely different, that is, it has much less influence on the opinion of western politicians, they do not trust russia
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, they know that russia is constantly lying, that any phrase said by a russian politician is either a simulated fsb provocation, or this is just an outright stupid lie, which is simply fabricated by a specific politician who has invoices there will not be, and that is why in the case of donetsk... it is noticeable that there is no reaction from the west, and now the west is also communicating with the ukrainian authorities, that is, there is a direct closed communication, it is obvious that the exchange is very frank and there are no questions remains, and that is why these russian attempts to somehow provoke a conflict between the west and ukraine, it does not work, it does not go away. i, for example, wonder why they haven't shown the bodies of the dead until now, if they say it was close. the 70th, and if the crew there would be up to 80 people to be found, but in fact, well , it looks very strange that there are no bodies of the dead either in the video
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that was shown, or in the photo, or even more so. now the russians themselves do not show anyone, but they could already show, that is , i think that if the situation were real, as they describe it, then they would simply use the maximum in the un, in the osce, and in any - some platforms with a demonstration of bodies, lists, videos and so on, and now in fact what we saw was the wreckage of the plane, and maybe one body was spotted, but it is possible... the crew member on the il-76 there may be 7-8 crew members, although it was declared that there were only three, as if what was reported in the russian opposition publications, therefore the situation is very, very blurred, i i would say so, and here it is very important, precisely ukrainian communication with the west in order to clearly establish the fact of the facts of the events, because it is obvious that the ukrainian intelligence and the ukrainian air defense forces
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have... actual information, objective information, where this plane is from flew, or he sat down, or he took off, or until now it it is not clear in fact, and so on, other details of this situation, which will still be able to demonstrate the fabrication of the information and psychological operation that the russians are trying to manipulate. there is another dangerous nuance here: in fact, the russians made public the lists of our prisoners who apparently... died on board the plane, we did not see the bodies, and now we have to understand that these lists are actually a threat to those of our people who are currently in russian captivity, and because in fact now they, the russians cannot exchange them, because they already apparently died during the explosion of the plane, does this mean that our diplomacy
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, relying on international support, should ask this question and, well, get a check on where these people are, in order to save the lives of our elected officials? well, it is absolutely true, that is, president zelenskyi already stated yesterday that ukraine demands an international investigation, and this is an absolutely correct approach, but in addition, look, the russians, again, they did not officially publish these lists, especially in these lists ocinters found about 17 ukrainian citizens who have already been exchanged or were on other lists and so on, i.e. the information is very, very murky again, as it was made public by margarita simanyan, i.e. in fact, if something is proven at the international level, the official bodies of the russian federation can say , we don't know what kind of lists these are, it 's simonyan, she's a journalist, we don't answer, and she'll say that some of my sources were thrown at me there, i'm sorry, they
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turned out to be... wrong, that is, in fact, in that- and the paradox of this situation, that there are none the russians did not present any official statements or facts, all of this is just within the limits of traditional classical informational and psychological operations, in which it seems that information is launched, but in fact these are not facts, but some incomprehensible fabricated elements of some kind of mosaic, which, of course, people will not collect, they simply take this information, start spreading it and say: here are the lists, yesterday, by the way , it happened yesterday, that is, people in ukraine began to say: here russia has published the lists, that is, it seems to be a confirmed fact that there there were ukrainian prisoners of war, when you start to explain it to simonyan, the propagandist published some incomprehensible lists, and this does not mean anything in reality, she could have done it absolutely, although
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she took it, printed it herself and... they published it, it does not mean anything, but the influence on the information space is there, and this is, well, of course , any informational and psychological operation, it is, especially in our circumstances, after all , two years of war, people are very, very tense, and therefore all these actions can really affect and on space and on the psyche. mr. mykhailo, very much thank you for these important points, for these explanations for our viewers, and let me remind you that it was mykhailo samus. the head of the english organization new geopolitics research network, these were the main military results of the day, and more news later on our big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. important to...


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