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tv   [untitled]    January 25, 2024 9:00pm-9:20pm EET

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yes 84% ​​- no, i'm putting an end to this, until tomorrow, the crash of the il-76 military transport plane near belgorod, what happened, what versions and who will investigate, we talk about it in today's edition of bbc ukraine, i'm olga polomaryuk. ukraine in passing. statement of the general staff confirmed its involvement in the downing of the plane, but there is no evidence that there were ukrainian military personnel on board, as the kremlin claims. two days after the crash of the il-76 near belgorod in russia, there are still more questions than answers, because there are no international observers, not even more the ukrainian side is not... the place of the plane crash
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is not allowed, what are the versions of the event and what are the reasons? the russian side, as before, insists that the plane was shot down by the armed forces of ukraine and that 65 ukrainian prisoners of war were allegedly on board the ship, who were being taken for exchange. there were nine russian servicemen with them, six crew members and three escorts, totaling 74 people, the kremlin says. not what... was planned for january 24, was confirmed in the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, but at the same time, they emphasized that there is no reliable and comprehensive information about who exactly was on board the plane. the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine briefly admitted their involvement in the destruction of the russian il-76 as a means of delivering missiles for shelling kharkiv. the investigation is conducted by the security service of ukraine, which has opened a case under the article of violation of laws and customs. of the war,
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dmytro lubinets, a non-authorized member of the verkhovna rada on human rights, said that he would appeal to the un and the international committee of the red cross, and at the same time he could not affirmatively say that there were actually prisoners of war on the plane. president volodymyr zelenskyi said in his evening address that ukraine will insist on an international investigation of the incident. it is obvious that the russians are playing with the lives of ukrainian prisoners, with the feelings of their relatives and with our emotions. society, it is necessary to establish all the clear facts as much as possible, given that the plane crash happened on russian territory beyond our control, well , about an international investigation, the kremlin hinted that it is against such an investigation, more precisely, they are interested, and here i will quote in the investigation of the criminal actions of the kyiv regime, end of the quote, so what are the chances of a fair investigation of the disaster, we are talking about it with a military expert.
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by oleksandr kovalenko, columnist of the information resistance group, mr. oleksandr, i welcome you on the air, but do you see signs that an international investigation is possible, or is russia ready to admit independent experts? i am not sure about this, russia is generally trying to abstract itself from international society as much as possible now and international legislation, so if there is a need to conduct conduct of some investigative actions by an international group, then i am more than sure that russia will do everything to prevent this, and therefore it is not necessary to expect any kind of countermeasures to the meeting from russia, it is not necessary from russia, yes, but theoretically, let's imagine international experts are allowed to the crash site, i wonder what the procedure is then, what parts of the plane must be in place to... determine the type
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of missile, the place of launch, if the plane was shot down, almost all the parts that remain, they are physical evidence, and in fact the main one is the fuselage, on which, even according to the video that you and i saw, in open sources, which were demonstrated by the russian side that filmed, on this fuselage were characteristic of... damage from anti-aircraft guided missiles, a large amount of such damage, which is not an element of an internal explosion or a collision with the ground, but due to shrapnel elements, hundreds and even thousands of shrapnel elements that damaged the fuselage, yes alexander,
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we will also talk with you about the disaster itself , stay in touch, please, so for now the question is what happened to the fuselage, yes oleksandr, we will also talk with you about the disaster itself, stay in touch, please, so for now the question is, what happened? well, back to the conversation with the expert , oleksandr, but i wonder what kind of surface-to-air missiles these are, please explain if they really could have shot down the il-76, what is your opinion, of course, these are the types of missiles used by anti-aircraft missile systems, which are located on... armed with both the russian federation and the defense forces of ukraine. interesting it would be necessary to know exactly the type of missile, but it is necessary to conduct a more detailed investigation and then say what type of missile it was, and then say who
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shot it down, because, for example, if it was a missile from the paatriot air defense system, well, for example, there are modifications pak-2, then it is definitely, it was ukraine that shot down. if they were type 5 ab-55 missiles, for example, then they are either zrks-300 or zrks-400, which are in service with the russian occupation forces. yes, but let's consider all the versions, because immediately after the disaster , many assumptions, questions, as if the plane was flying away from the border, and what is possible, it was not a rocket, but something exploded inside, is it possible that there were explosives on board? no, if there had been explosives on board, the nature of the damage would have been completely different, and it is even possible that the plane, it would have disintegrated in the air, and i again, going back to the footage from the video, we see there exactly the holes from the spent anti
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-aircraft missile on the damaged fuselage, so it couldn't be explosives, that 's clear, well, during the last... time there were a lot of cases of shooting down planes, in january a russian reconnaissance plane 50 was shot down, could this be a similar incident, or are you linking them together? it can be, i will say that the a50, that the il-22, which was also damaged, that the il-76 are, first of all, all legitimate targets for destruction. regardless of the exact airspace they are in, the il-76 is , first of all, all legitimate targets for destruction, regardless of the exact airspace they are in contact with.
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and since yesterday, western observers they said that there is very little information about what happened, but it is necessary to take into account the context that takes place during the war, patrick bury, a former nato analyst, told about this on the bbc. it is important to consider context and motives. the context is as follows: on january 15 , the russian a-50 reconnaissance aircraft was actually ambushed by ukrainian air defense and was badly damaged, although the russians were able to land it. there were other similar air ambushes, including the russian court 34, which was shot down. ukrainian air defense forces are trying to intercept russian planes from nenatsk. so it should be taken into account that there are exchanges of prisoners, one took place recently and the ukrainians confirmed that the exchange was planned for this day as well. they also stated that they are looking into the information regarding this potential hijacker. this shows that they do not have instant full information about what
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happened. in this context, if you imagine yourself in the place of russia, and you think that your plane is not in danger, or maybe something is in danger because of ukrainian air ambushes, you would be wrong. it's with the ukrainians and tell them to stay away from this zone, because it's yours the plane is not in danger or maybe something is in danger due to ukrainian air ambushes, you should discuss this with the ukrainians and tell them to stay away from this area, jeez, and we are back on the air tomorrow at 9pm, good luck and take care . tomorrow at 21, good luck and take care. the conditions and, in general, how our state lives in this
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context. and now this information appeared that ukrainians replenished russia's budget by about 5 million dollars by consuming russian content. for these... ukraine about the number of drones they could purchase the occupiers reported to the tv, telegram channel war infographics. relying on... in order to continue attacking ukraine about such a number of drones that the occupiers could have purchased, the tv, telegram channel, war infographics, based on calculations based on these likes and ratings, probably causes even more trouble than what is happening on the battlefield , because we create this platform, we create a good one with this... likes and ratings, probably causes even more trouble than what
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happens on the battlefield, because we we're creating this bridgehead, we're creating a good, ways for us, maybe at the state level, to block it, stop it, generally think about it, because in principle, at first we thought that it would block youtube itself there, that it would be some sanctions that will not send money for... content to those who make it in the russian federation, but we saw that this is not the case. the question of money, you understand, that is, it seems to me that, first of all, we should form an adequate state policy in this matter. and only in ukraine there were ministers who spoke russian for years, and they wanted to speak ukrainian when necessary. further, we have a lot of people who do not even imagine why at one time there were valuyiv
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circulars and ems decree, why and what damage they brought to ukraine, and we should accordingly create conditions for filling with ukrainian-language content, you know, 15 years ago i was in riga, and latvia , as we understand, much ... smaller in terms of people, citizens living, no, than ukraine, but there i saw forbes, which is published in latvian language, when forbes switched to the ukrainian language, well, literally a few years ago, there was such a campaign that these magazines switched, despite the fact that ukrainian has always been the only language in our country, well , with the adoption of the constitution, always was a single state, and i constantly, for example, looking at belarus... we have this example of showing two state languages, what happens when they talk about their
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similarity and everything else, although in fact ukrainian and belarusian are much more similar than russian and belarusian , but if we will not have our internal understanding, then to put a language inspector to every citizen, well, this is a little bit not what we can do at the moment, well, i am more like that. they mainly asked about the content that comes to us from the russian federation. mykola knyazhyts, maybe you can add something from the point of view of legislation, including, you mentioned the ministers who spoke russian, i mentioned the employee of the state security bureau who detained this grenkevych romanage this week, he was worried, and he interrogated him in russian, and this actually, well, people in our social networks were very upset, because people did not understand what was happening, here the criminal is lying there half-naked, the suspect, okay, i accept, yes, we do not pronounce any sentences on anyone,
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he speaks ukrainian, there is someone standing over him who addresses him in russian, and people rightly wrote, but who detained him in general, were they ukrainians or russians, maybe, well, it is obvious that these people first had to be punished, because they are public servants, they are simply breaking the law, and the language obbutsman must declare this and the courts should order and punish these people , you say, in us, you know, for his... the most important thing is to defeat the hypocrisy in ourselves, we understand very well that a lot of people who have become patriots now, even before the full-scale invasion, were creating russian-language culture, and it is good that they have become patriots, it is to be welcomed, but some of them have not become patriots completely, so to speak, if you go to youtube channels, our biggest media channels that receive funds from the budget for the telethon or for other things, so on you will not see the russian language on television, because we have prohibited it by law, but it is present on the internet. they themselves put russian-language series on their youtube channels. if you look at it now, you probably saw that a very
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large number of artists applied to take funds from the state cinema and send them to drones, because they allocated a huge amount of funds. it is not clear how these funds are used, instead of giving them to ukrainian-language really high-quality content on a competitive basis, which in the world would talked about what is happening in us, created content for us to watch, they distribute it to some... private companies that create with these funds do not understand what, that is, there is no state policy here, but if there was a clear state policy, then i assure you that ukrainians would watch much less. everything that is shown in russian there is from other countries, and less of all this would be created, the main thing is to get rid of this hypocrisy for every representative of the government and every responsible citizen and it is always necessary to start with yourself, then this will definitely work, it is obvious that the control bodies should also work, we have a national council of television and radio
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broadcasting, it can easily tell the largest ukrainian television channels not to show russian-language series on the internet, but... the national council for now doesn't say that, but has to do it, so i hope that this publicity and the topic that you brought up will become important, because it is much easier to shout that i am the greatest patriot and continue to live like that, not only until a full-scale invasion, and how in general before the start of the war in the 14th year, but mr. mykola, i wanted to clarify, very often when , when we discuss this topic, russian-speaking viewers come, including to us on youtube, there, it is obviously possible... maybe this pso is written, well, how , well, there is not so much quality ukrainian-language content , there are not so many tv series, that is why we watch russian, we are not able to do it, or we simply do not want to, no, first of all, this is a refusal, because you have no one does not prohibit watching english, polish, and now movies and series with subtitles and netflix, and on many streaming platforms, there are a lot of them, and in
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youtube too, obviously it is true, there is less ukrainian-language content than russian-language content, because there are fewer ukrainians. this is a natural situation, but it does not mean that there is no quality content, because i am absolutely convinced that there is even more quality ukrainian-language content, just as it happens in music, in music it was once said that we have nothing to listen to, look now on spotify, on other platforms, ukrainian, ukrainian music is the leader and it overtakes russian, the same it will happen to cinema as well, we started this process when we created the state cinema in 16th year and started ukrainian film production, but it has stopped, so that it was... it was necessary for the state to support it in different ways, and then with state funds private ones will go, even in the conditions of a war, a full-scale invasion, people will do it, look at what is happening now in ukrainian theaters, we have banned what is happening with bookstores, the war, it would seem that we have lost territories, there is a boom in bookstores, in us every week somewhere a bookstore opens, and publishing houses
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increase sales of ukrainian-language books, try to get tickets to some ukrainian-language performance in lviv or kyiv, it’s... impossible, they are sold out months in advance, the interest is huge, so it’s obvious that russia has always poured in a huge amount of money, and ukrainian the posipaks helped them to create russian-language content for us and for that market of ours, so to speak, as artists, and to promote their content, and they continue to do so, but this content is visual, when we talk about cinema and youtube, if in theaters, in publishing houses, we made a book institute, banned the sale of russian books to russian. we have books, we see what is happening, but with the beginning of the invasion, we stopped producing quality movies, on the contrary, we started producing stupid serials that cannot compete with anyone, only the money is shared among artists who are close to the authorities, that's what we have, what do we have, a question for maradona, sir, mr. andriy, you know, very often, when including, i will
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ask similar questions, but in different contexts, when we raise the topic of the ukrainian language, its importance , its necessity on the territory of our country in our broadcasts, again, let's put it this way, supporters of leaving everything as it was very often make an argument, but at the front, many people are also fighting for ukraine, but they communicate in russian, but i note how we moved from russian content to the importance of the ukrainian language, because it turned out that this is the main identifier of the fact that if it is in ukrainian, then it is definitely our content, and if it is in russian, then it is already here can be question, because it can be different, well, look, i'm about... i'm commenting on the situation from my vantage point, as they say, so this problem with the language that we have now, the sending of the russian language and so on, that's it is the result of the lost, lost struggle of the ukrainian people several generations ago for their state, and this is the work of russian
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special services, russian...


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